Old Stories

Published on May 24, 2015


Old Stories 3

The College of Saints Michael and George - Part 1

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments, send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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The Diocese founded the College of Saints Michael and George in 1903 to provide theological education for men who wanted to enter the priesthood. Located in a wealthy suburb of Boston, it was more of a finishing school for immature young men. Some entered the priesthood, but most used the time to grow up and have a firmer grip on the demands of life.

By the 1960s, the College's other function was to provide a safe a protected oasis for men with worrisome sexual tastes. While the church was tolerant of these tastes as long as they were hidden, a number of the men who came to the College found hiding these tastes quite difficult. While the Principal of the School and the teachers shared the preference for male sex, they could function without alarming the parents of young boys.

The principal, Father Michael McWilliams was an impressive man. He was firmly opposed to all sexual connections with underage or immature persons. He emphasized healthy connections with willing participants.

Of course, we carefully hid this from public view and comment. We admitted students at age 18 and they entered an almost cloistered environment. The school sat on a large old estate that once accommodated a monastery as well as an impressive mansion. The owner had been a ruthless industrialist he founded the monastery as a way to avoid the torments of hell. The students said a prayer for him every morning at chapel.

All seemed like a conventional monastery. The building was handsome, austere and barebones. There were no luxuries, and the original intent was to house hermits who could spend their entire lives praying for soul of the deceased millionaire. The Bishop accepted the gift of the estate only because the estate was well over 400 acres. It would be valuable someday.

McWilliams was the Bishop's friend and under his leadership, the college made money. There were many wealthy families looking for a place to keep problematic young men. The tuition was high and we were able to help other, less well-off men too. The heating system of the monastery was poor, but McWilliams added a large exercise area as well as high quality bathing and showering facilities. The principal wanted to have nothing to do with the weekly cold bath provided when the building was a monastery. He intended the area to be for exercise, but it served as a student lounge and recreational area, especially during the cold seasons. In Boston, that was nine months of the year.

Brother Max was the director of the recreational facility and a nurse. He was a native of the Bronx; he both looked and sounded like a gangster's hit man. He was almost six feet tall, but looked shorter because of his bulky body and short neck. Most of the students had no desire to exercise, but he scared them and they did what he asked. Eventually they discovered he was a kindly friendly man. They also discovered that he had the sex drive of a bull elephant. He kept this under control and was both gentle and polite.

I am Father Bruce, the Latin and Greek master. I am short, thin and rather delicately built. I have always looked delicate and almost fragile. I am bald, have a mustache and I wear wire-rimmed glasses. Brother Max said I made Barney Fife look like Charles Atlas. Max and I are good friends. We shared a similar approach to life as well as being well equipped sexually. I have the length and Max has the bulk genitally.

Max is physically intimidating; I was born to be intimidated. Those were useful qualities. I tended to attract bullies. I was an easy mark for boys who liked to get their way through school by force. I served as bait to find these men and then Max and I put them through a rigorous retraining program.

Max also took care of the shy and timid men. I did not realize these men needed help. I was shy and timid, but I am also well hung. I tended to attract men who were interested is size. I wear boxers and even wearing black pants, those who were interested realized I was well equipped.

Fr. Michael worried that these shy young men sometimes developed unhealthy obsessions. Some had a tendency to make inappropriate advances when the sexual pressure was too great. Many of these men were obsessed with sin. Michael felt that concern about sin was bad without the balanced provided by love and friendship. All human beings are combinations of good and bad. When you concern yourself only with the bad, it results in gross perversions. Michael felt you need to be aware of a person's bad qualities while encouraging their good qualities.

Brother Max was attentive to our students' needs and concerns. He had a special class for those who had never exercised. He used this class to ease them into a more normal life.

He also showered with them. Many were terrified of nudity, which they saw as being sinful. He was comfortable nude. Several said he was so hairy you could hardly tell he was naked. Of course, hair doesn't grow on a cock so they all had seen it. The shy ones could not avoid the showers if Max there. After a few weeks, they accepted nudity in the showers and their own bodies. I joined in the class periodically. The shy timid ones saw me as one of them.

When I joined them in the showers, they were impressed. Max's cock was bulky, but one could not fully appreciate that unless he was erect. He was hairy and you only saw his uncut member peeking out of his pubic bush. My member does not exactly hang to my knees, but I comes closer than most. Most stared at it briefly; a few turned hard. We made it a point not to notice or comment on that.

One of the student came to Max later and apologized. Max said there was no reason to apologize. "Men are men and sometimes our parts get excited," he said. "It is nothing to worry about. Fr. Bruce has an organ that could be in a museum, doesn't he?" The student looked shocked, and then laughed.

"You noticed?" he asked.

Max laughed. "You don't exactly need a microscope to see it, do you?" he replied. "It is a natural wonder, well worth staring at!" Word of this conversation got back to the students and the atmosphere in the showers became more relaxed. Max had a good sense of timing and he could sense when individuals were ready to move to the next step.

I discussed Greek and Roman culture in my class and that permitted discussion of alternate sexual approaches. I discussed the silly belief that Rome and Greece fell because of homosexuality.

"Taken together Greece and Rome survived for 1000 plus years," I explained. "If homosexuality was cause, God took his time. The great historian Gibbon attributed to fall to Christianity. The western Empire fell a little more than a century after the adoption of Christianity as the official religion. Christian Europe fell into deep barbarity for six hundred years. It was intensely Christian, brutal and lost most semblance to civilized life."

"Was that punishment for past sins?" Timothy asked. He was one of my most timid students.

"There are some who believe that God punishes the innocent descendants of sinners for the transgressions of their ancestors. That has nothing whatsoever with the teachings of Christ," I explained. "What did Christ say? Do unto others as you would have then do unto you. Love your neighbor? Turn the other cheek?"

"That doesn't apply to homosexuals?" Timothy said.

"Perhaps Jesus added some foot notes and exclusions to his main teachings," I suggested. "Maybe the Gospel writers forgot to say that loving your neighbor only applied to some neighbors. Perhaps the Good Samaritan quizzed the unconscious man he saved to make sure he was good enough to save? Did Jesus and the Gospel writers forget to tell us that part?"

Timothy did not reply. He did not know how to reply. Timothy had one close friend, Franklin. He was shy too, but I also had the feeling that he was afraid.

Two months later, we were in the middle of a particularly bad, late fall storm when we lost electricity. We had sent most of the students' home, but some had too far to go and others were too slow leaving the school. There were trees down and flooded roads everywhere. The lack of electricity meant the main building was unheated. The temperature in the main building was dropping toward fifty. The recreational center had its own heating system with a backup generator. The lighting in the shower and locker areas was dim, but the rooms were warm, as were the whirlpool baths.

Normally the showers were typical school type facilities. In the dim lighting, the showers had an almost romantic atmosphere. Max and I were the only faculty members there. Ten of us were in the whirlpool. Even in the dim light, I knew there was activity under the water. The students looked excited and they were trying to hide their secret activities.

Max got out to the water and sat on the edge. His member was well beyond half-staff. He had a beefy beer can type cock. It looks a little like a fireplug. I stood up and joined him sitting on the edge. My cock is impressive soft, but even better at half-staff. I could sense the men relax as they realized it was okay. We all shared common interests.

"Do you mind if I look?" Franklin asked Max.

"Not at all, but you might need to get close in the dim light if you want a good look," Max said.

"How close can I get?" Franklin asked.

"You can't get too close as far as I am concerned," Max replied. Several of the men got out of the water and joined us on the edge of the pool. All were erect. Timothy was next to me.

"We are all men," I said. "We all have similar interests and desires. Sometimes it is good to share."

"Can I touch it?" Timothy asked me in a whisper.

"Only if I can stroke yours," I said. Franklin was still in the water but his face was inches from Max's organ.

"Let me warn you. I have a full load of man seed in my balls. If you get much closer, I might let loose," Max said in a conversational tone. "If any of you men have hair triggers, let me know. I know a way to keep the water pure and free of sticky residue." Several men giggled.

By then, Franklin was an inch from the cock. Max had an oversupply of thick foreskin. The tip of his knob was visible, but the skin surrounded it. Franklin stuck out his tongue and made contact with Max's drooling slit. Max was an intensely masculine man, and I knew from personal experienced that his sex fluids were stimulating for me. The juices seemed to excite Franklin too.

Timothy's hand stoked my cock. That seemed to be the starting gun the men. Seconds later, all of us were sexually engaged. I wondered if they had planned this before. I slipped into the water and licked Timothy's needy cock. I immediately tasted his sex juices. They were rich and plentiful, drooling from his wide slit.

"I'm sorry; it's messy," he whispered.

"Don't worry, that is just a sign you are ready," I said. To emphasize the point, I swallowed his cock head and much of the shaft. Timothy had a long, thin member. I think he ejaculated once, but I was still and let him get control. I then pulled off slowly. I flicked my tongue into his wide slit and tasted something slightly salty. It was sperm.

Max was moaning as Franklin sucked his cock. I glanced over and saw that Franklin was doing it with considerable enthusiasm and skill. I wondered if he had some experience or if he was it was instinctive.

"Can you do that again?" Timothy whispered. "I promise that I won't shoot off in your mouth."

"Just relax and let what will be, be," I said. This time I took his entire cock. He loved it. Max is an enthusiastic and vocal playmate. Everyone knew he loved what Franklin was doing. I assumed all of the students were accustomed to hiding their sexual preferences. Here it was all in the open and that was liberating for them.

Max let others sample his cock and soon had a harem surrounding him. He freely talked about sex and answered the students' questions. It was essentially a sex education class complete with demonstrations. One of them asked about his sexual preferences. Max told them he liked it the ass, but that fucking rocked his boat.

"Would you be willing to fuck one of us?" Thomas Lloyd asked. If we had an athletic program, Thomas would have been a jock.

"My cock is thick and it takes a man who has some experience to take it. I know some men have a drive to pop virgins, but I am not one of them," Max said. "It can hurt and I can hurt a guy. That turns me off and I lose my erection. I like sex to be all pleasure."

"I'm pretty experienced," a student named Cary said.

"How experienced is pretty experienced?" Max asked.

"Well a neighbor did me a few years ago," Cary replied. "Mr. Wilson was rough, but not well endowed. It didn't do much but it didn't hurt either. Wilson gave my name to another man. He was sort of a wimp named Ronnie and he worked at the library."

"Ronnie was a nice guy as it turned out. He was also hung and he took his time," Cary said. "He was bigger and better than Wilson was. I kind of think that I like them big."

As they talked, Timothy lost control and flooded my mouth with is seed. Everyone was focused on Max and Cary so they didn't notice us. I went to the lounge area next to the shower room to cool down. I had spent a long time in the whirlpool. Thomas came over to me after Timothy left.

"I saw you take Timmy's cream. Would you eat mine?" he whispered.

"Would you take mine if I take yours?" I asked.

"I've never done that, but I think I would. You guys really turned me on," Thomas said. I was ready to suck him, when he dropped to his knees and began to suck me. He was a little tentative at first, but he grew more enthusiastic.

He looked up at me. "Damn it's big," he said.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Not at all," was the reply. Tommy was 22 years old, but he looked older due to his brawny body and the thick coat of curly black hair that covered his torso. His father was a truck driver who now owned a big trucking company. He was fifth son, and his mother wanted him to be a priest. His older brothers worked for their father.

He was an average student, but he was exceptionally quiet and shy. We got on a bench and sixty-nined. He loved that. His cock was six inches long, but thick. His knob was huge, and bullet shaped, a classic battering ram. My tool was longer than his, but he managed to deep throat it. I was excited, but I think he was more excited. During a lull in the activity, we talked.

"Do you think you could get your cock in my ass?" he asked.

"Have you ever fucked a man, or been fucked?" I asked.

"No, but I'm pretty sure I'd like it," he replied. He leaned closer to me and whispered, "Do you shoot off when you are in there?"

"If you want it I do," I replied. "I usually ask if I guy wants it. Some men are squeamish."

"I get embarrassed when I shoot off," Tommy said. "It seems too personal. Everyone knows you have lost it."

"We are all men here and we all do it. I think of it as a reward," I explained. "You are telling the man you are with that he excites you. It is a reward for a job well done. We are just men helping each other out." I paused. "Has anyone taken your load?"

Tommy shook his head and then he smiled. "I am pretty sure I would like that a lot!" I returned to my sucking duties and was the first to take his cream. He filled my mouth with his thick ball juice. He ejaculated at least ten or twelve times before he was drained. I sucked the post orgasmic drool.

A little after Tommy shot off I returned to the whirlpool area. I looked around and saw Max on the floor with Cary skewered on his cock. Cary was fully erect and doing a hula dance on Max's tool. Every inch of the cock was in Cary's ass. Four or five men were watching. If you were doing an advertisement for the virtues of man fucking, Max and Cary would have been the poster boys.

Max was a smart and perceptive man, but his cock was smart too. Once it was in an ass, it would discover all there was to know about a man's anal interest. From the look on Max's face, I knew he had struck gold. When Max was sexually involved, he was a bit of a show off. That made him a good sexual teacher and guide. Max had discovered that Cary was an exhibitionist. Cary made sure everyone knew how much he enjoyed it. I noticed that Max bent Cary in ways that exposed his ass hole. He invited several students to get closer to watch hiss cock penetrate Cary's ass.

Max was a natural leader and teacher. He had made a study of sex and sexual techniques. He was a natural man rammer and ass pounder, but he could be gentle and careful too. His overall objective was to shoot off while fully lodged in a man's ass. He knew many ways to get to this objective.

Max was a muscular and strong man. Physically he could take what he wanted. He never did that. He was most excited when a man wanted him. He wanted his playmate to invite him into body. Max was willing to wait for the opportunity.

Max emphasized mutual enjoyment and respect. When a man was ready, he also gave lesson in the techniques of fucking and sucking. Most men discover sex by the trial and error method. For sucking that was mostly making sure you do not use your teeth. Fucking requires more work.

Max felt that anal was often the most intense sex, but it was also complicated and had the potential to be painful. He also had a sense about which men would be the most responsive to anal penetration. He liked to be the first to enter a man and the first to make a deposit.

Max waited a week and a half after he fucked Cary to move on to other men. "It takes a while for some to realize they could be enjoying it as much as Cary," he said. Much to my surprise, he was convinced that Timmy was one of those men. He thought Timmy was desperate to please and wanted to serve.

"I think he is way to straight-laced and timid to take a cock," I said. "Tommy would be a more likely candidate. He is bolder."

"I am positive Tim would love to have Tom's cock giving his prostate a sperm bath, but I suspect he would love a bigger organ," Max said.

"Tom is well equipped," I said. "That should be enough for a maiden voyage."

Max had his own plans. He let it be known that he liked giving a demonstration of the proper way to open a virgin. He did not say he was going to do it. He just said that in the past it had been good for him, the virgin and the observers. He described it as being both educational and fun. Several days later after an exercise class, Tommy came to Max and me as we were talking.

"I have a friend who is interested being fucked, but he's afraid it would hurt," Tommy said.

"It can hurt, but I try to be really careful," Max replied. "I take my time. This may sound odd, but I have done a study to work out the easiest way to open up a tight ass. Is your friend tight?"

"I think so," Tommy replied. "He wants it, but he's really tense."

"I know how to get a man to relax," Max said. "It's good when he has some pals who can encourage him."

"I think that would be embarrassing," Tommy said.

"When I was young, I thought I was the only one who felt these urges," I said. "I was relieved to discover I wasn't alone."

"We are all men and we basically like the same things," Max said. "By the way, I will be here late tonight."

The exercise room closed at 10:00. I thought I would go to bed, but curiosity got the better of me.

Five men came by with Tommy. They included Franklin and Timothy as well as Josh, Tony and Gus. Tony was big boy, overweight and seemed younger than his age, Gus was Tommy's friend, and Josh was one of our most timid students.

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