By kyle stuart

Published on Mar 14, 2003



Part 1. Terry Plans A Seduction

I rolled over and leisurely stretched in a semi-conscious state, with my arms automatically reaching for James; but he was not there in the king-size bed that we had shared for near on 15 years. He had moved on to share another newer bed with his new love, a very beautiful young boy. So I curled myself into the foetal position and comforted myself with the feel of my genitals. My penis was erect and swollen, as one might expectant with a piss hard-on early in the morning. It felt good just to hold it in my fist and give myself a few sensual strokes and play with my rocks hanging loosely in their smooth hairless scrotum.

I had moved out of the waterfront mansion we shared and which he owned on the Gold Coast, and took with me only a few pieces of furniture which I felt would fit into my modest two bedroom unit, along with some nick-knacks I especially cherished for sentimental reasons. James also generously gave me a very substantial lump sum payment "in recognition of my contribution to his welfare", as he put it, and which I accepted, abate reluctantly. We remain friends, and he says he still loves me, but... and there's the rub! He's also head over heals in love with this angelic like boy with corn-flower blue eyes; an Adonis with a halo of sun-kissed golden hair who looked closer to fifteen than his eighteen young years of age.

The unit I now occupy is in a building complex of 10 ground level units, designed for the mature age, which is of course exactly my pidgin hole. I had decided to try and live on the small pension I had been receiving from the Public Service for the past three years, for whom I had devoted nearly twenty-five years of my life in loyal service. I was going to try my hand at becoming a short story writer of romantic fiction, and entered the ranks of the early retired.

I had never bothered to take out any form of life or other insurance. Just lived for the day and never allowed myself to think or plan for the future. I felt secure with James, who is a doctor with his own flourishing practice and a man of means with investments in an assortment of "blue chip" consortiums. Our life together was simply great while it lasted! Overseas holiday travel, open house parties, and luxury cars! I never for a moment thought it might one day all come to an end! What the hell! I enjoyed the high living, but have no regrets having to give it all up. I only really miss the companionship and the great sex we had together!

To keep up my fitness and perhaps meet that someone special, I took up swimming at the local open air aquatic center, and early morning bike rides of about 40 minutes, on my new mountain bike, along specially designed bike trails in and around the inner city of Brisbane.

Although I tried to make my early morning cycling ventures very low key and some may say even discreet, I soon developed a reputation among the residents of being a bit of a health and fitness fanatic. It would appear many would watch my departure and return on my bike just so they could inspect me in my Lycra hugging cycling pants and muscle top.

At first I felt somewhat embarrassed when I realized my well-endowed genitalia made a huge bulge in my skin-tight pants. Then I thought to myself, why not wear the latest gear! As they say... "If you've got it, flaunt it!" Being well endowed in the crotch area shows up really well in cycling pants, and it was not long before I was meeting many early morning walkers from my block of units. However it is one particular morning I wish to relate in more detail.

One of the widows in the complex has a grown up son by the name of Terry, who occasionally came over to stay overnight or even for a weekend to keep her company and take her out shopping in his flashy red RX7 80's model sports coupe. She incidentally had her eye on me for a while, but it did not take her long to realize I was not interested in a relationship, and turned her attention elsewhere.

Well I first met Terry, whose age I would estimate between 20 and 25, at one of the family Bar-B-Q gatherings in our park like grounds. My first impressions were not entirely favourable. He appeared confident which is good, but he was also brash, and I thought just a little too full of himself. He's not very tall, may be about 5' 7", stocky in build, and exceptionally wide shouldered with muscular arms and legs which looked shaved. It was also pretty obvious to me that he worked out with weights. I noticed he had dark bedroom eyes in a face that would be classified handsome, if only he rid himself of the surly twist to his mouth, which I could imagine giving a great blow-job! His luscious full lips looked very inviting and found I was developing a hard-on!

This particular morning he was up early, and called out to me as I was wheeling my bike out from the garage. "Hey Kyle"! he yelled.

"Oh, good morning Terry" I said evenly as I assessed what he was wearing. He was dressed much the same as myself in the latest cycling gear, but I was sure he was sporting an erection in his almost transparent Lycra pants. He was beaming at me with those fleshy lips parted in a suggestive look, as he directed his smoldering eyes at the bulge in my crotch just as I was sizing him up and down.

"Can I come out for a ride with you", he said, "I've just bought myself a bike and stuff" he continued enthusiastically, sweeping his hands down his new gear, and making a little pirouette.

"Wow!" I thought to myself, "this young fellow is asking for trouble dressed like that. He looked more sexually arousing than if he were nude." "Sure", I said aloud, "where's your bike?" and with a whooping holler, he jumped, turned and ran to retrieve it, displaying a very sexy, round and provocative rump.

Unlike my more sedate upright handlebar bike I chose for comfort, Terry returned with a very sporty drop handlebar model with racing tyres. He looked really cute astride the bike peddling almost in slow motion to draw up beside me on the road as we made for the Council bikeway. Once on the `bike way', he took the lead and occasionally turned to make sure I was not lagging behind, and grinned wickedly when he found I was only a mere metre or so behind him.

"You've got great legs for an old man" he quipped with a smirk on his fresh clean shaven face.

"Not so much of the old!" I admonished with a smile.

"Only kidding Kyle," he said, twisting his shoulders around to look at me and releasing his handlebars as he brought his hands to the side of his head and wiggled his fingers.

I sped up then, and reaching out with my left hand, took a swipe at his cheeky round buns as I raced past him.

"Ouch!" he cried out, exaggerating the pain of the smarting smack. Just you wait Kyle, I'll get you back for that with interest" he yelled after me, but I was peddling faster now and approaching a steep decent with a curve in the track which led to a quiet side street.

Usually there was no motor traffic about, but as I neared the bottom, I heard what sounded like a car racing towards my approaching intersection. I braked hard, and the rims of my bike wheels screeched painfully as the bike wobbled, and I felt my left foot strike a dividing safety rail near the intersection to the bike track. The next thing I remember, I was sailing through the air and skidding on the soles of my feet as I dug up the loose grassy verge of the road. With the momentum my knees buckled under me, and I automatically reflexed into a tight curling posture as I made a couple of harmless tumbles.

I was still lying in a crouched position when Terry caught up and hurried over to my motionless body and asked anxiously "Hell Kyle! Are you OK?"

Miraculously, the only bruising I suffered was to my pride! Slowing stretching myself out to check if indeed I was OK, I weakly smiled at him as I confirmed I felt only a little shaken with no broken bones or even a twisted ankle, of which I had experienced many in my past capers. Never the less he still looked very concerned and insisted on my leaning on him with an arm around his shoulder, as he held me tightly around the waist.

I felt like a shameless trollop as I clung on to him and let him practically lift me off my feet. Feeling the delectable sweaty warmth of his body, I played the lame duck as he transported me along and eased me onto a bench in the park on the other side of the street. Almost anyone I should have thought would have realized if I could walk that far, even assisted, there could not be much, if anything seriously wrong with me.

However I was enjoying his attentiveness, not to mention the heat of his body pressing into mine, the smell of his fresh intoxicating sweat, and the feel of his rippling muscles as I clutched onto his biceps and forearm in the make believe of needing his support. Enjoy it while you can I thought to myself, and I even nonchalantly let my right arm drop down to rest on his firm sweaty buttocks. Then not so nonchalantly, I pressed my hand between the crack in his plump ass cheeks and squeezed his hot flesh.

"Ooh, stop it, I love it!" he cried, realizing I was fully recovered and renewing our game.

"Well, how can I resist the temptation", I rejoined, "you provocative little imp!"

He burst out laughing then, with his whole body quivering. "That's what I like about you Kyle".

"What?" I asked innocently.

"How you turn the tables", he paused trying to look into my eyes, "you know you are the one that I, and many others I might add, find most provocative! "Just look at the way you dress, bulging out everywhere, showing off your huge sausage!"

"Never mind my huge sausage, how about your sporting a massive salami for me to notice when you greeted me this morning!" And he grinned at me as I stretched out a hand and squeezed his gorgeous butt teasingly, making him yelp again. I knew from the look on his still smiling face that he loved it, and we wrestled as we collapsed to the ground laughing, and then started tickling each other.

He was so much more fun and exciting to be with than anyone I could have imagined since my life with James. So young, fresh, playful and friendly; oh, and lets not forget ever so sexy. The energy he generated was absorbing. In his company I felt full of vim and vigor with the vitality of life; not to mention sexually aroused!

We lay quietly now side by side on the slightly damp soft green grass and searchingly looked into each other's eyes, inhaling the smell of our sweat oozing bodies. Finally he broke the silence looking very serious.

"You know I'm only after your body!" Then he took me by surprise as he lunged forward wrapping his strong arms around me. Drawing me into a bear hug he pressed his groin into mine so that I could feel his arousal, and then his hot juicy lips were on mine as he delivered a wonderfully soft moist kiss, with his tongue dancing in my welcoming mouth.

"Wow!" was all I could say, as I floated back from the cloud he had taken me.

"Can I fuck you Kyle?"

"I don't know, are you up to it?" I teased.

Without answering, he gathered up my hands in his, and brought them to his lips and kissed my finger tips before slipping them between his moist velvety lips and sucked them into his hot mouth.

"Mm I can eat you alive", he groaned. "I want to taste every inch of you, and fill you with my hot creamy cum".

This boy certainly has a way with words I thought. I then noticed he had a glazed look in his half closed eyes as he pushed me onto my back and spread himself over me, groin to groin, nipple to nipple.

I could see he was getting very serious and we were after all in a public park. Gently rolling with him onto my side I whispered in his ear "Let's go back to my unit". His mood seemed to immediately change, and once again he became light hearted. Grinning now, he almost leapt up, and dragged me up with him to collect our bikes, which we raced home.

We had no sooner got into my unit and locked the door behind us, than we started tearing the sweat soaked clothes off our bodies, which we discarded in a trail to the bathroom. We squeezed into the single shower unit and lovingly soaped each other all over with caressing hands.

I went down on him first, drawing back the ample foreskin on his now very erect and throbbing cock. Soaping his massive appendage and heavy hung scrotum, I thought he was going to cream me with his load the way he shivered and jerked his awesome weapon in my massaging hands. I even poked a couple of soapy fingers up his ass to make sure it was nice and clean for my tongue later. He did exactly the same for me next but also took my cock in his mouth while he massaged my prostate. I had to pull myself free or he would have made me spill my seed deep in his throat in just a few more seconds. I felt so close as my penis started to flex and excreted pre cum copiously, but I was not yet willing to ejaculate, not yet.

Squeaky clean with the fresh smell of mildly perfumed soap and swathe in thick thirsty towels, we dried each other off as we flopped onto my sumptuous bed, which dominated the small bedroom. Fortunately the bedroom had access onto a very private patio and overlooked a neat little garden through a glass sliding door. The adjacent five feet wide and floor to ceiling window provided an open-air feeling, and helped to give the allusion of the room's spaciousness.

"Like a drink?" I asked as I lay on my side propped up on an elbow and stroking his spine and gorgeous twin ass mounds with my free hand, as my face nuzzled his pubic hair.

"Oh, I'd love something exotic", he grinned twisting strands of my thinning hair in his fingers, "so don't dare move away! "You are all the sweet nectar and intoxication I need" he said almost solemnly.

Where did he learn to spout stuff like that I wondered, as I watched him roll over onto his back and smoothly eased myself between his parted legs. I then brought my hand from kneading his buttocks to cupping his silky shaved sack of juicy balls, and lovingly rolled his testicles between my fingers.

"Ooh, ooh", he mewed softly, as I sucked the head of his throbbing cock and played my tongue on the piss hole, before engulfing the full length of his quivering shaft in my hot salivating mouth.

I took him in deeply, over and over again as I ran my hands up his smooth sculptured abbs to encircle his shapely well-defined pectorals and gently tweaked his hardened nipples. He was moaning freely now, and stretched out his legs pointing and curling his toes in ecstasy as he lifted his pelvis in a bucking motion to fuck my face. He was literally wreathing beneath me in a lather of sweat as I felt his explosive discharge of cum shots deep in my throat. I took hold of his jerking cock now in both hands as he continued to spurt his juices.

My mouth was full to overflowing even after swallowing a copious amount of his semen, so I completed his multiple orgasms by stroking him, and let his sperm fly in the air to land where it would over his face and torso. He was still quivering even as I milked him dry. He looked so peaceful as he opened his eyes and stretched out his arms to me with a beatific smile on his face.

"Come here!" he commanded, pulling me down over him to mingle with his globules of cum juice, and sucked on my lips and tongue in a deep passionate kiss.

We lay contented and rested like this for a while enfolded in each other's arms and legs, but it was not long before we felt the arousal of our growing appendages. He wanted to fuck me now, but as I had not yet had a release, he suggested I fuck him first if I wanted to.

"Sure I want to fuck your lovely fat ass" I said provocatively, and gave him a surprise by lifting his legs up to hang over my shoulders, and smacked his plump bottom with relish; smarting both his smooth butt and my bare hand.

"Yeeoouh!" he screeched, but I saw the smile on his face.

"Come let me kiss it better", I said, and easing his heavy legs off my shoulders, I slid down and buried my face in the crack of his ass cheeks and entered his rectum with my tongue. "Does that feel better?

"Mm" came the reply, as I now prepared myself to shaft him. Getting some KY gel I had handy, I quickly applied some to his anus and delivered a preliminary finger fuck which got him moaning and squirming. I now liberally lubricated my pulsating cock and eased in my bulbous knob past his tight sphincter.

"Mm, that feels so good" he groaned bucking towards me.

Taking my cue, I plunged my 9 inches of throbbing meat all the way to the root, and brought a bellow of ecstasy from his gaping mouth. He gave me a fantastic ride as I flexed my tool and shafted him for about ten minutes before exploding my load in a barrage of cum shots deep inside his now very supple and well-lubricated love chute.

We both groaned with the exquisite relief of our passions, as I slowly withdrew my shaft, and collapsed into his open arms completely satiated and heady with euphoria.

It was now Terry's turn to ride, and I squirmed and tightened my ass muscles in anticipation.

Part 2. Terry's Turn To Ride

We lay side by side in a state of ecstasy, savouring the mood, and reliving the joining of our two bodies thrashing in a lustful orgy of ass fucking gratification. I had not plunged my dick into an ass since my break up with James some two months ago, and I really revelled in thrusting my thick pole of throbbing meat into Terry's sweet young fleshy rosebud, buried deep in the crease of his plump butt mounds.

His love canal willingly swallowed up my swollen appendage and brought about in me a sense of joyous union unlike any I had experienced before. It was such an awesome feeling. It was as if my penis was being sucked into a furnace of molten flesh. His display of anal muscle control was by far the most exquisitely satiating experience I had yet encountered, as I slowly inched my way into his pleasure tunnel of lustful gratification and felt my cock grow even harder. They were unbelievably exquisite feeling we shared, with moans and groans of our pleasure filling the air and vibrating around the room.

Oh what a joyous ride he gave me bucking, squirming and groaning so loudly, I was sure the neighbours would hear his cries of ecstasy, as I pounded my cock into his hot moist orifice with lusty exuberance. Even my balls were smarting from the flaying I gave them from slamming against his gorgeous ass cheeks.

It was his turn to drill my butt now, but I felt we aught to cool down for a while, have another shower, something to eat, down a couple of cold beers, watch a video, and then with renewed freshness engage in a marathon long orgy of passion and lust. I was actually quite looking forward to his onslaught on my ass, which like my cock, had not seen any action for near on two months, and was just aching to be ploughed!

After a good long nap and another very sensuous shower together which got us feeling really horny. Together we made an effort to calm down and not rush the pleasure we wanted to share in exploring our bodies. I ordered some Chinese take- away, and opened a chilled bottle of Yellowglen Pinot Noir Chardonnay to serve with the meal. We had decided to dine in the lounge so we could watch a video at the same time. After settling with the delivery lad who could not help ogling the bulge's in both of our towel draped bodies, we discarded the wet towels, and squatted nude on the sofa bed which I covered in fresh towels, and played a video of the "Bel Ami" boys doing what cums naturally!

Terry looked so appealingly sexy, as he sat up close to me, displaying his uncircumcised cock sporting a semi-hard-on. It was draped over one side of his thigh and touching mine, as he ravenously ate his meal and some of my portion too. Growing boy I thought.

I was really surprised when he told me, as we discussed private matters more intimately, that he was 27 years old. "Well I never!" I exclaimed under my breath, for I had reckoned he could easily have passed for 20 with his boyish good looks. Together with his teenage antics and demeanour, he was still just a boy in my eyes, and I was beginning to feel a special paternity towards him.

We had only just cleared away the last of the take away containers with Terry still licking his fingers, when the more engaging elements of the video came into play.

Pictured on my 80-centimetre TV screen flashed four gorgeously handsome young hunks that pare off to start sucking and fucking one another, as the camera caught them in the most amazing angels. There are great close up views as it zooms in between and under their spread open legs; capturing the action of the anus being well and truly plugged by bone hard meaty cocks. Just watching those beautiful well hung boys got our pulses racing with desire, and our swollen cocks throbbed for action of our own as they dripped and squirted pre cum juice.

In no time at all we were following the example of the boys in the video, as we converted the sofa into a double bed and got our hungry mouths around one another's throbbing member's.

"Mm" we gurgled, as we filled our mouth full of each other's hot meat, each trying to out do the other in the satisfaction stakes, as we demonstrate our skills in giving erotic head. At the same time I played with Terry's silky balls as he massages my ass hole with a multiple finger fuck. His cock head had swollen enormously with my loving attention and stretched my mouth so that my jaw ached; however I can't resist his jawbreaker, and even attempted to deep throat his monstrous weapon. My cock may be just a touch longer than his, but his shaft is nearly twice as thick with veins standing out like entrails.

We discharge our loads almost simultaneously as we slurp down the spurting cum juice erupting in multiple spasms, drenching our sweaty torsos in an overflow of creamy sperm from our gaping mouths. Lovingly lapping up and sucking down every pearly drop, so that our torso and face glistened with saliva coated with each other's tongue. There was a look of contentment in our eyes as we gaze dreamily into space wondering what the other may be feeling; could there be more to our attachment building up through frenzied sex that underlines a deeper need for a commitment of endearing love? Perhaps a little too early and a little too soon to tell!

I roll Terry onto his stomach and straddle his waist, lightly resting rump to rump as I begin to massage his broad back and muscular shoulders.

"Ooh... that feels so good" he murmurs, as I ease out the tension of highly-strung muscles knotted along either side of his spinal column, collarbone, and lateral area. It is such a pleasure working on his massive frame. His smooth clear skin is a delight to touch, and the fresh sweat oozing from his pores is all the lubrication I need to glide my hands smoothly, over and over his beautifully toned muscular body.

I spend a good half-hour kneading his flesh and caressing the skin on his back, which seems to have him drifting into a state of euphoric bliss. I half expected to hear him snore, he was so relaxed with scarcely a sign of his breathing. However as soon as I unstraddle myself to pay a visit to the toilet, he immediately stirred and moaned softly. Rolling over and reaching out for me with his hands, one hand blindly latches on to my piss-hard-on organ and tugs it!

"Hey!" I cried out, in a mixture of pain and erotic pleasure; yet easily pulling away as my sweaty cock slipped out of his grasp, and squirts a little pungent moisture on his hand.

"Serves you right!" I call back as I make a dash for the bathroom, and only just make it in time to unload a full minute's stream of gushing hot amber liquid into the toilet bowl.

"Nectar of the Gods!" yelled Terry as he licks my piss off his fingers, and follows me like a shot out of a barrel, as he leaps off the bed. He gave me the shock of my life as he knelt behind me and felt his face burrowing into the crack of my ass cheeks. I was still pissing as I felt his hot tongue on my sphincter and then gradually gain entry into my moist orifice. It was just such an incredible feeling, quite unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. He parted my ass cheeks further with his hands and pressed his soft juicy lips to my anus, licking and stroking my now gaping hole with his tongue, as I pissed on, and on.

My knees felt quite weak as I squeezed and shook my penis of its last few droplets of urine, and then without any warning I found myself in a fireman's lift as Terry carried me back to the bed and gently lay me down to lie on my stomach. He had taken charge and I felt like putty in his hands as he now gave me a massage. However his concentration was only on my ass.

Using KY gel he liberally anointed my ass hole as he played more and more fingers into me. Stretching and massaging the wall of my sphincter and titillating my prostate gland. It was my turn to squirm and moan now as he heightened my senses with exquisite pleasure. I was ready, and literally begging him to impale me with his thick monstrous cock which he allowed me to feel as he smacked my ass cheeks with it, expelling pre cum juice all over my bum.

"Fuck me, fuck me!" I cried, as I stretched out my hands with such a tight grip on the bedclothes around me, the white of my knuckles could be seen through my skin!

He stopped playing with me now as I felt something like the size of a fist press hard against my sphincter and slip into me with a pop!

"Yeow!" I growled, swallowing hard, as I felt tears of exquisite pain and pleasure well up in my eyes.

"There now!" he said, as he slapped my butt repeatedly to release the tension, while continuing to impale me inch by inch with his meaty log. It was incredible the way he so lovingly invaded my whole being with his awesome maleness, literally taking my breath away!

"Oh Terry!" I moaned softly, as his mammoth staff slowly entered me and began shafting my ass to an erotic rhythm that sent shivers deep down to my bowels. In no time at all I got used to his invasive weapon and began to buck my ass to meet his thrust. As the pace increased with the passage now well lubricated, I joyfully accept his deep plunges and rolled my eyes in ecstasy! To heighten his pleasure I even tighten the muscles in my sphincter to grip his cock on the withdrawal strokes. He flexes his powerful tool more often now as I feel his whole body start to quiver, and his hands grab on to my hips as he began to lunge into me more fiercely. I can imagine his back arching as he slammed his groin into my backside, flapping his juicy balls sack against my own as they swung freely like a pendulum.

The pace and length of his thrusting varied, and every now and then he would flex his mighty weapon to let me know who was boss when I tried to set the rhythm. I love the masterly way he rides me with great power and yet so lovingly and gentle. We are in a lather of sweat lost to all space and time as I start to feel a change in his urgency to release his almighty load.

He pulls me up to sit on him, as he changes his position to lying flat on his back. His hips thrust up to meet my ass as I bounce up and down over him. Wow, I feel more in command now, and enjoy setting the pace, which is soon frantic. Our bodies are glistening with sweat and our breathing is laboured. I notice the sweet agony of rapture stamped on Terry's spaced out face as he erupts his torrential load in a contortion of spasms.

First he releases his barrage of short sharp spurts of hot cum deep in my ass, which feels like a gush from an oil well. This then triggers my own money shots, which land like globules of rain all over his chest, face and even his hair. We are still jerking and quivering as I ease myself off his subsiding rod, only to release a flood of milky cum juice from my ass hole which quickly spreads all over our bodies as we embrace each other.

We both want to laugh at the sticky mess we've set our selves in, but instead close our mouths with a deep and passionate kiss, clinging to each other and feeling our hearts beat as one in pure rapture.

There can be no doubt now that we will be spending a lot more time together, and that for me this could be a whole new wonderful beginning in a beautiful and lasting relationship. This handsome and lusty boy is just the tonic I need to make my life more meaningful and at the same time erase any pangs of hurt I may still feel after my separation from James.

It was also good to note from the smile on Terry's face, and the feel of his possessive arms around me, that I would not be far wrong in thinking he has a special fondness and perhaps even a need for me too!

Part 3. Terry Comes Out

The next morning my pulverised anal canal felt raw and sore from the great ass- fucking marathon with Terry. However, I also felt a great void, and in desperate need of his thick, pile drilling meaty rod to be inside me again. To fill me up and make me feel whole once more!

It was still dark outside as I leisurely stretched my nude limbs between the creamy satin sheets on my sumptuous bed, and painfully became aware of the vast emptiness around me. Oh, what wouldn't I give for his warm virile body to be snuggling up to me right now! Terry! Terry! I cry out in mute supplication.

Richard III offered his Kingdom for a horse! I have no kingdom to offer, but I would gladly give my soul if I could have Terry to share my bed with me right now. To have his strong arms around me, to breath in his sexual aroma, taste his soft warm lips, and to feel his hard thrusting manhood deep inside the bowels of my empty being!

Instinctively I curled myself into the foetal position as I cup my aching testicles in one hand and massage the cum slick aroused head of my rigid penis with the other. Oh, that feels so good I comfort myself, as I close my eyes and try to imagine Terry giving me a "head-job". The vision of his smiling face is before me. The cheeky grin displaying a perfect set of gleaming white teeth. Those mischievous eyes screwed up to slits. His awesome sweet lips and hot moist mouth which can blow my mind. How easily he seems to conger up ways to send me into a fever of wanton lust!

"You charming devil!" I whisper to myself as my throbbing cock dribbles pre cum juice copiously onto my hands, which I'm lovingly gliding up and down my now swollen shaft.

Floating in a blissful haze of lustful pleasure, I slowly become aware of the gentle tinkling of my bedside phone, which breaks into my sticky administrations. Somewhat reluctantly I release my "joy stick" and pick up the receiver on the fifth ring. "Hello!" I drawl in a sleepy voice, my vision of Terry's mouth going down on me still intact.

"Hey there Kyle!" comes a stirring voice loud and clear and full of the exuberance of youth. "How's that lovely ass of yours feeling this fine morning?" the cheerful voice continues its assault down the phone line. "Did I tell you that I love you?"

My attention was now fully on the voice which I recognise as Terry's, and a joyous smile spreads over my face as I answer in a brighter tone: " Love my ass!" I admonish as I widen my smile. "My hole is raw and sore after all your pounding!" I continue, trying to sound cross. "But I sure as hell miss feeling your hot salami inside me" I conclude with a chuckle.

"Well I'm here on your door step"; he smiles to himself as he adjusts his grip on the mobile. "I've got a throbbing hard-on, and ready to service my master!" he continues. "Just say the word! I'm yours to command!"

"Well..." I start to respond rather hesitantly, when he breaks in to add, "I stayed over at Mum's last night and thought about you all night long." He pauses for a few seconds and then almost whispers in a lower tone, "can I come in Kyle? Eh, there's something important I want to discuss with you, and I also need to hold you right now."

Well, well, I thought to myself. Could he be wanting and even needing me as much as I want and need him? "Coming!" I boom down the phone, jump off of bed and run naked to the front door.

His smouldering eyes fleetingly flit over my bare torso and swinging appendage growing with the promise and desire of his hot sexy mouth. Searchingly he looks into my welcoming face and without a word sweeps me into his muscular arms. The heat of his bare chest pressing into mine sends me into a wave of euphoric bliss, and in a tangle of limbs we almost float back to my dishevelled bed. His lips are on mine as he holds my head with tenderness and an urgency that displays a great need.

"My, but I love you so Kyle" he breaths in my ear as we break for an instant before he continues to rain kisses on my neck and shoulders. He was near naked himself, having slipped over to visit me in only an old pair of footy shorts which were tented out from sporting an erection. This soiled garment I now ease down to his ankles as I get down on my knees before him, sweeping my hands all over and down his smooth warm flesh to rest on his firm plump buttocks. His mammoth cock presses against my parting lips and is eagerly taken into my hot mouth. Breakfast was never this good!

"Mm," I gurgle, while he sighs and groans in the delight of my erotic administration of his gorgeous manhood.

"Whoa!" he commands, as he extracts his swollen appendage from my hungry mouth, and gently eases me up to my full height with his arms around my shoulders. "Plenty of time for that" he grins broadly, "though my cock is aching for it, there is something on my mind I have to say first", and he hugs me again to his now very hot and sweaty body with his head nestling against mine.

"My dear wonderful Kyle", he breaths softly, so that I have to strain my ears to pick up his words. "How would you feel if we were to be open with our feelings?"

"You mean come out of our closet?" I ask almost painfully.

"Well, yes..." he hesitates not sure how to express his next revelation. "I told Mum last night how I feel about you", he finally blurts out, breaking our embrace so as to look into my eyes for a reaction.

"She already knows I am gay" he goes on to say as I gaze back silently at his expressive face. "It's OK with her Kyle, though she feels it may take a bit of getting used to seeing us as a couple. He looks down at my chest at this point before continuing with his spiel.

"Did you know she kind of fancies you? You can have us both if you like!" He quips with that unusual twist to his mouth I have come to know so well and love.

"Hey now!" I finally break my silence, as I grab him by the shoulders and squeeze his well-developed deltoid muscles. "We'll have none of that talk, even in jest," I said seriously, though my eyes were smiling. "It's you I love, and only you I want!" I finish with a grin on my face, and playfully make a grab for his tight round ass cheeks with my possessive hands.

Our mouths are once again engaged as we cling breathlessly with our groins grinding into each other for a long while, feeling our emotions seep from one to the other and back again. Our thoughts are in tune with our feelings as our hands slowly and gently grope one another with sensually massaging strokes. Over and over we glide our smooth open palms with sensitive probing fingers across our hot naked flesh, as our appendages swell with a painful and lustful arousal that urgently needs relief.

Part 4. Terry Moves In

In unison we collapse onto my rumpled bed and instinctively move into the 69 position, making full use of the King size bed as we stretch ourselves out to repose comfortably with our faces nestling in one another's crotch. Breathing in the heady aroma of fresh sexual sweat, we engulf one another's swollen cock head, knowing the meaty appendage we are about to swallow and bring to a climatic spurt of love juice, is also a part of our whole being. Our love for each other, including respect and understanding, devotion, and faithfulness. Perhaps these are really only my own sentiments, but I am hopeful they will also be Terry's in time, as he grows older and matures.

I feel my staff touch the back of his throat as he expertly takes me in to the root with his face buried in my hairy crotch. I feel I am in heaven as I also take in his thick meaty shaft to the hilt and fondle his heavy balls sack.

We take our time and sensually play with the tools of our love and desire. Trying to be imaginative, we grope and massage our now sweaty flesh. Kneading buttocks gives way to finger penetration of the sensitive anal flesh still soapy-clean from last night's shower. From this we go on to corkscrewing our tongues against the tight opening of muscle and nerve endings that quiver like a flower bud.

Bucking, squirming and shivering in euphoric rapture, we bring each other to a powerful climax of multiple orgasms which leave us completely drained, and in a blissful haze we turn about to press our groin and lips together in a passionate kiss. We lie pressed together with our arms about each other for a long time, and then I gently disengage myself as I note Terry has drifted into a deep sleep.

I feel a growing need for this lusty, passionate and awesomely well hung boy, as my eyes trace over every inch of his muscular body gracefully reclining in slumber. Am I falling in love with him I ask myself, or is what I feel only the lustful pleasure his dynamic body brings me? Sure, our physical and sexual attraction for each other is dramatically powerful, and will obviously continue to play a major part in our budding relationship, but could there not be more fulfilment? Are we not also growing in the understanding of each other's needs beyond sexual relief?

I feel sure we will develop other shared interests, which will be even more binding as time goes bye. I also want to fine tune and introduce new aspects to our lovemaking.

As I contemplate these thoughts propped up on one elbow, I lean over and gaze lovingly at his sleeping form. His face looks so innocently boyish with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. I feel my heart go out to him as a wave of deep, and as yet untapped, emotions course through my body. It is a strange feeling, as I become aware of tears welling up in my eyes, and I feel a tightening in my chest, which makes me gasp for breath. It is much the same way I feel when viewing a movie with a sad ending. Only this time I also feel lightheaded, and tremble slightly, as I make a conscious effort to take a deep breath and embrace myself with my clammy hands.

I feel deliriously happy! "You emotional old sop", I think to myself. This mysterious feeling is short lived however, as it is quickly replaced by my realisation that Terry looks so sexually alluring. My eyes once more move over his beautifully sculptured body and rests on his flaccid penis. Even relaxed, it is still huge by average standards, and my mouth waters to take it deep in my mouth. I become aware of my raging hard-on as my throbbing cock presses into his side leaking pre cum juice copiously.

Eventually my lustful thoughts to take his gorgeous cock in my mouth again over rides my concern for his rest, and I cautiously move my body between his already parted legs. Ever so gently I rest my right cheek on the inner side of his left thigh so that my nose nuzzles his well-hung member. Mm, the scent of him is so eroticly delicious, as I press my lips to his thick long shaft, and flick my tongue along the ridge of his flared cock head.

I'm rewarded with a groan of exquisite pleasure as I watch and feel his penis swell. He stirs slightly, rolling over to his left side, which shoves his aroused cock up against my open mouth, and I hungrily take it in. I just let his growing organ rest in my hot moist mouth and gently fondle his bulging balls sack.

His rapidly hardening penis is now well into my mouth and I feel his hips move as he starts to fuck my face like a piston engine. Oh boy, what a feeling... I'm in heaven! And gurgle my delight as he also grunts, making explicit noises of rapturous pleasure.

I grasp his ass cheeks in my hands as he bucks faster and faster, and suck him hard as I take his cock deep in my throat. He is obviously awake now, and loving the ride as he cries out to me...

"Oh, yes! Yes! Suck me Kyle! Suck me! Suck me! Suck me dry! Aaaaaaahhhhh... Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" He continues to groan, rapidly building up now to a gut-wrenching climax, as he jerks in uncontrollable spasms and erupts his explosive salvoes of cum shots deep in my slobbering mouth.

I swallow quickly, but unable to contain his spurting gush of love juice, as some seeps from my mouth and runs down my chin. He is still jerking in little spasms as I release his awesome tool from my cum slick mouth, and his eyes look deeply into mine as he says in a voice barely above a whisper...

"Wow! That was so incredible Kyle... "So intense!" He seemed breathless, but went on to say, "I've never shivered like that before. "Shit! You're the best man. "Gee I love you!" he almost sobs with a crack in his voice. And he throws his arms around me, and we hug and kiss deeply as though there were no tomorrow. Shrouded in a warm glow of contentment we once again drift into a blissful sleep snuggling together.

We are now well rested as I stir and make a move for the bathroom to unload my full bladder. Terry senses my departure from the bed and grabs my swollen appendage now erect with a piss-hard-on.

"Whoa! Where are you going?

"Not again!" I half whisper to myself, as I feel my bladder ready to discharge a hot spurt of urine.

"Yo ho!" he exclaims, momentarily releasing my cock to have a lick of my pungent discharge on his slim artistic fingers.

"Nectar of the Gods" he cried out aloud, and once again we replayed my rush to the toilet, and his licking out my ass hole. It would seem he thought nothing of getting down on his knees behind me, spreading my ass cheeks apart, and burying his face in my ass crack, as I pissed on and on into the toilet bowl.

I'd barely shaken the last few drops of piss from my still swollen cock, when my knees buckle from under me with the exquisite sensations soaring through my ass hole and my whole being! And once again I am lifted in a fireman's lift, draped over Terry's strong broad shoulders, and carried over to my bed.

He was in complete command again as he gently lay me down on my back, carefully placing a pillow under my rump, then pushed my legs up to hang loosely over his shoulders, and started stroking my opening with his rock hard, cum dripping, salami size appendage. I got a quick flash of his beautiful pink cock head before he braced it against the puckering entrance to my love canal, and then felt him enter me with one smooth lunge.

"Oooooaaaaahhh" escaped my lips, as I moaned in exquisite agony. The fractional pain however is immediately replaced with incredible sensations, as my whole body is awash with pleasure from the gentle rhythm of his thrusting shaft caressing erogenous zones that float me into euphoric bliss.

"Oh Terry, Terry!" I cry out, as I gaze up at his rapturously expressive face with half-closed eyes and an open mouth that begs for his lips to be on mine. My ass is well lubed now with a copious flow of pre-cum juice from his surging cock, and I'm enjoying the deep penetrating thrusts that take him all the way in, and feel the base of his thick meaty root and drawn up heavy balls sack. Smack, smack, smack, thuds his juicy scrotum against my sweaty ass cheeks.

I can see he is enjoying the ride I am giving him from the expression of lust that beams from his sparkling eyes, and the sheen on his luscious lips, which he licks with wonton relish. He is also grunting with pleasure now, as saliva escapes his lips, and I can feel the surge of his pent-up load coursing through his rigid rod as it flexes for the imminent discharge.

An unintelligible explosion of utterances escapes his mouth as he starts to convulse, spurting thick globules of spunk deep in my bowels. I can actually feel his ejaculation raging inside me, which triggers my untouched throbbing cock to jerk off a salvo of money shots that land squarely on my smiling face as I look up at him. Almost ceremoniously he slowly extracts his meaty bone from my pulverised hole and stretches himself over me.

"Here let me have the pleasure of licking your love juice from your gorgeous face," he says quite dramatically, with a wicked smile on his handsome face.

"Wow! That was some hell of a ride!" he whispers hoarsely. He then cleans me up with his hot moist tongue before planting it deep in my mouth, affording me a taste of my own cum juice, and envelops my lips with his in a long sensuous kiss.

"Mm" we gurgle, as we entwine our limbs and roll all over the bed in rapturous bliss! Our bodies ache to be locked together and become as one unit. We are lost to the world when we embrace. Nothing else seemed to matter when we are wrapped in each other's loving arms.

It would seem we just can not get enough of each other. The pleasure we impart to each other is so much more meaningful and beyond my wildest expectations. There can be no doubt in my mind that Terry has captured my heart and moved into my life.

The End

AUTHORS NOTE: This concludes my sequels to "Older Men Appeal". I hope you found my story enjoyable reading. Your positive thoughts and comments are always most welcome. kylestuart@hotmail.com

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