Oliver's Travels

By bjjl

Published on Jun 2, 2009



Oliver Standish was a young deck hand on the HMS. Brighton that sailed from Liverpool 1897 to the Americas. Twelve days out, they were hit by a mysterious storm and the ship was torn apart. Oliver managed to cling to some wreckage and stay afloat until he washed up on an island shore. He managed to crawl up the beach and to the safety of dry land. He awoke the next day to a nightmare he could never have imagined.

His whole body had been lashed to the ground with heavy ropes. He heard voices but they were nothing like he ever heard before. He opened his eyes to find these six men standing on his chest staring down at him. All six of the men were only twelve inches tall. In a higher than normal voice one of the men spoke.

"What are you doing here? Who sent you?"

Oliver tried to move his head but it too was lashed down tightly. He tried his legs and arms but they were immobile as well.

"Nobody sent me," Oliver said. "I was in a shipwreck. I washed ashore here last night I think."

One of the men on Oliver's chest stepped up and stared into his eyes. "I think he's telling the truth. We finally caught one of those giants we heard about."

Oliver twitched his nose. "Yes I guess I am a giant compared to you. Why don't you let me up?"

"You think we are all stupid? You could crush up like bugs."

"I don't want to crush anyone. I just want to get up." By this time, Oliver could feel these small people all over him. There were about two dozen on his chest now.

He felt them walking around on his stomach, his arms, his legs and thighs. One of the men leaned down to him. "How big is your penis?"

Oliver hesitated for a moment, "normal as any other man's"

One of the twelve inch men standing on Oliver's chest opened his pants and pulled out his erect penis. Oliver stared at him then at his little penis which appeared to be about one and a half inches long.

As they spoke, Oliver could feel something taking place down there between his legs. Eight little men were busy cutting the cloth away from his tattered pants.

Oliver spoke up quickly. "Hey! What are you doing down there. Be careful!"

The rest of the men on Olivers chest undressed and were stroking their small erection. "This is something that must be done," one of them said.

"What is that?" Oliver asked. "What must be done?"

"That you drink the juice from out penises. All our captured enemies are forced to do this. Also you are forced to release the juice from your own penis."

Oliver tried to struggle free once again but was unable. Several of the men on his chest were playing with his nipples. They were kicking them with their feet like a ball.

That really didn't bother him until they started pinching them their hands. The front of Oliver's pants had been cut away completely even through the crotch. His flaccid cock now lay out in the open for all the men to see. Oliver could feel about twenty little hands poking and prodding around his genitals.

"Tell them to be careful around there."

One of the little men walked up to Oliver's ear and spoke. "If you don't do what you're told. We'll run your balls through with a sword."

"OK. OK! I'll do what you want. No need to hurt the balls."

The little men stepped up to Oliver's mouth. "Open your mouth and lay your tongue out."

The first two men began stroking their hard little cocks until they ejaculated on the tip of Oliver's tongue. To Oliver it felt like an eye dropper full. Then the rest of the men followed, ejaculating on his tongue also.

Oliver could feel his own penis beginning to swell and it was causing some real excitement among the men that were down by his crotch.

"Look out!" One of them yelled.

Oliver's cock twitched as it was raising and knocked one of the men to the ground. He felt some of the men wrap their arms around the hardening organ. It was almost like a game of bucking horse because another man lost his grip and fell to the ground.

"Let me swallow what I got here right now," Oliver said, pulling his tongue in his mouth.

When he stuck it back out it was completely clean and ready for the next group of little ejaculating men. Oliver's cock was now fully erect, lying stiff against his abdomen. He could feel small hands tugging and pulling the loose skin of his scrotum as his testicles hung down between his legs.

Then he felt some little hands probing up between his ass cheeks and heading straight for his anus. Oliver felt something being inserted in there but he was not sure what it was. He really didn't care as long as it was not painful. Next Oliver began to feel a dozed little hands playing with his hard penis. They were rubbing the swollen glans and pinching the mushroom like corona.

Other busy hands were playing with the frenulum. Suddenly Oliver felt someones arm going into his urethra. He felt like he should protest but he remembered the warning about the sword and his balls. Three or four time he could feel the little men shoving their arms down the slit of his cock. Finally the little hands playing with the gland set off a chain of events.

Oliver's cock snapped upward, he gave out with a groan causing the men on his chest to fall down. One little man had his arm in the hole and was ejected with the first gush of semen. Two others fell off also as the huge cock of Oliver's erupted more and more warm juice. Several of the little men were covered from head to toe with sperm. It shot all the way up onto Oliver's chest. The men were holding on to the hair on Oliver's chest to keep from falling.

"Wow! That was a great one!" One of them shouted.

He was answered by two dozed cheers and a lot of clapping. Then all the men went to work cleaning and gathering up all the sperm that was just discharged. They were filling jar after jar with the milky juice. Suddenly Oliver felt a lot of ropes being wrapped around his penis. The men wrapped the ropes then pulled upward, squeezing out more semen until the got every drop.

"What's going on now?" Oliver asked.

"We're gathering you juice. It will provide nourishment for the tribe. You give us a few more loads like that and we'll be set for all year."

Several of the men laughed. "That's why we fed you on your tongue. To give you nourishment."

"I don't know where you people are from but I need real food for nourishment. Not that few dribbles of juice from your little cocks! If I have to live on that, I'd be dead in a week!" Oliver struggled at his ropes once again. "Look. You let me up so I can get some food and I'll give you all the sperm you want."

The elders of the tribe gathered to ponder their predicament. On one hand the giant would die in a week and they would only have a weeks worth of his juice. Which would eventually run out. Then they would have to go back to sucking juice from each other again. Even worse capture some of their enemies again and extract small amounts of juice from them. There was also the danger of them being killed or captured also as they fought with the other tribes.

On the other hand, the let the giant up and he kills all of them in one swoop. They let the giant up and he leaves because they would be helpless to stop him. The worst case the giant leaves and joins their enemies. This would obviously need a monumental decision but in the meantime they could still gather juice from the giant.

Later that day the men climbed back up on Oliver and went to work on his penis forcing him to ejaculated a few more times. They gathered every drop they could. That included sticking their arms down his penis hole and scraping everything out. This time twenty of the little twelve inch men squirted their semen into Oliver's mouth. He was very thankful for the moisture because he had been without water for almost a day.

That evening Oliver received a visit from five of the little men who climbed up on his chest.

"We have decided to cut the rope and let you go free. We don't want you to die. Please just don't kill us all when we cut the ropes."

Oliver smiled. "I won't kill you. I've kind of taken a liking to you men." The men set about cutting the ropes from his legs, arms and chest. After a few were cut it was enough for Oliver to pull the rest out of the ground and free himself.

Oliver stood up and gave out with a big groan as he stretched his muscles. That was enough to frighten the five little men that had released him and bring the whole rest of the tribe out. Everyone was yelling.

"What did you do? You set him free. He'll kill us all now!" Oliver stomped his foot on the ground. "Quiet! All of you. Nobody is going to kill anybody. Do you understand that?"

The frightened tribe huddled together. Oliver looked down to the five men who freed him. "Tell them. Tell them they are safe. You are all safe. I won't hurt anyone."

Oliver removed what was left of his pants. "Thanks for not leaving me any clothes," he muttered. I've got to go look around this island for some food to eat and some water to drink."

The first thing he saw were coconut trees and he knew his water problem would be over for now. He came across several varieties of tropical fruits he gathered some of them up and brought them back to the cove where the tribe of little men lived. He thought they would know if they were safe or not. Unfortunately, they were of no help because they didn't eat anything from the the island. They survived totally on semen from themselves and others.

Oliver cracked open a few coconuts with some rocks and drank the milk which reminded him of a thin milky sperm. The small men knew how to make fire but they were frightened by the large fire Oliver made. They feared the whole island would be burned down. Oliver speared some fish which he cooked on the fire. It was the best tasting meal he ever ate, in three days that is.

The little men sat around Oliver they now were more comfortable with him since they saw he was not going to kill them all. The leader of the tribe spoke up.

"This would be a great time to conquer our enemies. The giant could just grab them up and throw them in the prison!"

Oliver shook his head as he looked at him. "I'm not going to throw anyone in prison. Why do you want to destroy this other tribe?"

The little men stared at one another for a moment. "We are the Trabic and they are the Brobic. We fight them. We capture them and force the juice from them. They will do the same to us if we are captured. That is how is has been for years."

Oliver leaned back against a large rock. "Well, if this juice is so special, why don't you just join forces and share all the juice both tribes have?"

"That would be fine if the Trabic were the rulers. However, the Brobic want to be the rulers also. And as we all know there can only be one ruler."

Oliver began stroking his cock until it was hard. The little men watched him as if they were in a trance. Suddenly Oliver groaned and released his semen into the empty coconut shell. He handed the coconut shell to the tribe.

"There. I give you this. You can have as much as you want. I can do it again in a few hours. Now, that's much easier than fighting and killing."

Eight of the men took the coconut shell back to the camp to be stored.


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