Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jun 3, 2023


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Ollie's Lost Innocence Chapter 9

It was the morning of the campus queer mixer and Ollie was feeling excited yet apprehensive to be out at the social event with Tyler. Almost every time they'd hung out in public over the last two months Tyler had done something overly possessive, or even aggressive! Ollie felt like they'd made a lot of progress over the last week and was hopeful that they could turn a new page this evening. At any rate, Eddie was coming along with them and Ollie was grateful to have his best friend as a base of support in case anything happened.

As he looked in the mirror, he considered his look for classes. Simple boy clothes--a small red t-shirt with the Bacardi bat splashed across it covered by his well-worn black jean jacket that didn't keep him warm enough, but looked good. He had distressed black jeans on the bottom with a studded belt and black combat boots that added nearly three inches to his height. He had almost decided to forgo makeup, but decided to do a little eye-liner to complete his punk-emo look.

As he walked towards the English department building for his creative writing class, Ollie spotted Antoine sitting at one of the tables outside. They made eye contact for a moment before Antoine looked away, causing Ollie's some distress. His classmate had been avoiding him for the last few weeks and he still felt guilty about what happened when Tyler had hit him after aggressively accusing him of flirting with Ollie.

He approached him, feeling nervous but determined to make amends. "Hey, Antoine," Ollie said softly.

Antoine looked up and gave him a small smile before looking back down at his notebook. "Hey," he replied coolly.

Ollie took a deep breath before continuing. "I just wanted to say again that I'm really sorry about what happened the other week... I-I know we haven't really talked since then... But Tyler really had no right to treat you like that."

Antoine's expression softened slightly as he looked back up at Ollie. "Yeah... It was pretty fucked up," he agreed quietly.

"I know I can't change what happened, but if there's anything I can do to make it better..." Ollie trailed off, hoping that Antoine would give him some kind of opportunity for redemption.

Antoine hesitated for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. "I appreciate the sentiment, but honestly? It's fine. Just a bruised ego." He paused again then added; "But just for the record--I don't think it's healthy for a boyfriend to be assaulting people or trying to control who you talk to."

"Yeah..." Ollie nodded in agreement with Antoine's words. "We've been working on things... Tyler knows how wrong it was and we're trying our best..."

"Well good luck with all of that," Antoine said dryly as he stood up and they both headed inside for class.

They walked silently side-by-side for a long moment through the hall to their class and Ollie couldn't help but still feel guilty. He felt bad for causing him pain and wished there was more he could do to make things right between them. Antoine was so nice and smart, not to mention hot. Ollie found himself admiring his features: the way his light brown skin and dark curly hair contrasted with his striking blue eyes that sparkled whenever he smiled or laughed--though he wasn't doing either right now...

He thought about how he loved Tyler but still wanted to be able to have new friends outside of their relationship. It didn't seem like too much to ask, yet every time he'd tried it seemed like Tyler would push back in some way--despite the progress they'd been making. Sometimes it was like Tyler operated with an on/off switch. Either he was 100% possessive, or he was neglectful. Ollie thought about the week when Tyler had totally ignored him and how awful that had felt only to be pulled back in with intense, mind-warping sex when they finally reunited. Still, Tyler had been better since their conversations after that--and it's not like Ollie didn't enjoy himself with him. He loved him! Or at least he thought he did.

He wondered if Antoine would ever be willing or interested in being friends again. They had made a nice connection before Tyler had interfered, and Ollie didn't exactly have a ton of friends at the moment, let alone straight guys! It really had been so ridiculous the way Tyler had behaved that day. Antoine was straight anyway so it shouldn't be a big deal--even for a jealous boyfriend!

As they entered the classroom and took their seats, Ollie stole a few glances at Antoine throughout class, but didn't get any real feedback in return. They both participated in discussions about anti-heroes, but there was still an awkward tension lingering there. After class ended, Ollie hung back for a moment while packing up his things hoping to talk with Antoine again. As everyone else filtered out of the room he caught Antoine's eye as if to hold him there.

"Hey... can we talk some more?" Ollie asked tentatively.

Antoine hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Sure," he replied softly as he stood up from his seat, moving closer to him.

Ollie could feel himself blushing slightly at their proximity. They were alone now in the classroom. "I-I really didn't mean for things to get so messed up between us," said Oliver sincerely looking into Antonine's eyes hoping that somehow it would make amends. "I miss our conversations."

"It's okay," replied Antoine with a little smile though his expression quickly turned aloof. "But I should have seen this coming."

Ollie looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," Antione said, pausing for a moment. "I guess I just... felt a connection with you, you know? Fuck... I dunno, man," he said looking around uncomfortably; "This is stupid. I shouldn't be saying any of this."

Ollie's face scrunched up at Antoine's words, feeling confused. "Huh? What do you mean?" he asked again.

Antoine looked down for a moment before meeting Ollie's gaze again. "I don't know... It sounds dumb to say," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper now. "I-I've been sort of crushing on you since the first day of class... I've literally never felt like this for another dude before, but... Shit... I'm sorry." His eyes shifted as he tried to avoid Ollie's.

Ollie felt a rush of emotions and confusion as he heard Antoine's confession. He... he WASN'T straight?! Ollie hadn't considered the possibility that Antoine was actually attracted to him; sure he could be a little flirty but that wasn't... or maybe it was... Now Ollie didn't know how to respond. "I... I had no idea, Antoine," he said, feeling kind of    flustered.

Antoine looked at him with a dejected expression in his eyes. "I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear or anything."

Ollie took a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by the situation but also deeply touched by Antoine's honesty and vulnerability. "No, I mean I appreciate you telling me," he said softly. "I don't know what to say, to be honest."

Antoine nodded, looking down again. "It's okay... I-I shouldn't have said anything," he said quietly.

"No, it's okay," Ollie said gently. "I'm just... surprised, I guess. You seem like such a straight stud." Antoine huffed at that. Ollie stopped to consider his next words. "I'm guessing no one else knows that you..." he paused again and whispered; "That you're into guys?"

Antoine shook his head. "No... you're the first person," he replied softly. Ollie's heart ached for Antoine, realizing how difficult it must have been for him to admit such a thing. "You're the first person who knows and the first guy who I..." he didn't finish his thought. "Look, I'm sorry if this is awkward or anything," Antoine said, not looking directly at Ollie. "I don't want to put you in a difficult position. If Tyler knew-"

Ollie cut him off. "Don't worry about Tyler," he said firmly. "This is just between us, and I appreciate you being honest with me and trusting me. I promise I won't expose you or anything."

Antoine looked up at Ollie, relief washing over his face. "Thank you," he said softly.

They stood there in silence for a moment before Ollie spoke again. "I just want you to know... I don't feel any differently about you, Antoine," he said sincerely. "I mean, I'm still with Tyler and everything but... if we can put that aside for a moment, I think it's really brave of you to come out like this."

Antoine looked at him for a long moment. "Thanks," he said again.

Ollie smiled gently before adding; "We can still be friends right?"

Antoine smiled sadly. "Of course." He looked like he had more to say--and Ollie hadn't missed the quick grimace on Antoine's face when he'd mentioned his relationship with Tyler--but he just smiled at him with a calm look on his face.

Ollie smiled back sweetly. "I know I might not be the right person for this, but if you ever want to talk about... your sexuality... I'm here for you."

Antoine smiled at him again, this time more warmly. "Thanks, Olls," he said. "You're an awesome guy, you know. Like really awesome." Ollie blushed slightly as Antoine motioned to leave the classroom. As they headed separate ways down the hallway, he felt grateful for the opportunity to talk it out with Antoine and almost honored that his classmate had opened up to him about something so big. But he felt conflicted inside--Antoine LIKED him?! How was he going to deal with this revelation? He couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that Antoine's confession had stirred in his chest, but at the same time, he felt guilty for feeling that way--he was Tyler's after all! And it would be sooo bad if Tyler ever found out about Antoine's confession--or that Ollie had hidden it from him...

As he walked towards his next class his mind raced. He pulled out his phone and texted Eddie.


"What's up, babe?" Eddie replied almost immediately.

"Sooo this is TOP SECRET. BEST FRIEND EYES ONLY," Ollie prefaced. "Seriously. You cannot talk to ANYONE about this but me."

"Holy fuck. Okay I swear on the Queen's dead corgis. Spill spill SPILLLLL," Eddie was clearly fully engaged now.

Ummm. So. Antoine Jessup just confessed that he has a crush on me," Ollie typed frantically. "I don't know what to do!"

"Oh shit!" Eddie responded with surprise. "That's... unexpected. Even after Tyler took a whack at him?"

"Ugh. Yes! I mean I was trying to repair the connection and he sorta just spit it out. He was clearly super uncomfy with it and it seemed like he regretted it instantly, but like, the cat's out of the bag now! I feel so conflicted," Ollie replied, feeling overwhelmed by his emotions. "I mean, Antoine is really nice..."

"And you're attracted to him too?" Eddie finished for him.

Ollie hesitated. Was he? Antoine was definitely good-looking. Hot, actually. And he did always enjoy talking to him about all kinds of stuff, despite their big differences. "Yeah. Fuck. I think I might be," he typed. "But like, I also kinda just really like him as a friend."

Eddie paused for a moment before responding. "Okay, first things first. Take a deep breath," he typed out. "It's okay to feel confused and conflicted about this. It's okay to be attracted to multiple people. It's natural. It doesn't mean you don't love Tyler or that anything has to change between the two of you."

"I know. And I do love Tyler! But if he ever found out about this..." Ollie replied.

"Look, you don't have to tell him anything," Eddie replied. "It's probably a bad idea anyway given the way he behaves like he's your keeper." Ollie winced as he read those words. He knew Eddie didn't like how Tyler possessed him. "But at the same time, you can't ignore your feelings either," Eddie continued. "You need to figure out what you want and how to deal with these conflicting feelings."

"I don't even know where to start," Ollie admitted. "I'm like the opposite of a guru about relationships."

"Well. Do you think there's any chance that you could have a romantic or sexual relationship with Antoine?" Eddie texted.

Ollie thought about it for a moment before answering with a series of texts; "No. I don't know. No. I'm Tyler's!"

Eddie sighed on the other end of the text conversation. "Bae... I'm not saying that anything has to happen between you and Antoine right now. Or ever. But it's important that you're honest with yourself about how you feel. You need to think about what YOU want. Not what Tyler wants you to want."

Ollie nodded to himself as he read Eddie's words. He knew his roommate was right. "I know. It's just hard," he typed back. "I told Antoine I'd be there to talk it out with him. I'm literally his first gay crush AND the first person he's told that he's queer. Or bi or whatever."

"Christ," Eddie sent. "Boys are so dumb. And I include you in that, luv."

Ollie huffed a little at that. He knew that Eddie was endlessly frustrated with his relationship with Tyler. Despite all the drama around it he did genuinely want Tyler. He craved Tyler. He loved Tyler. But processing Antoine's confession had left him with a nagging feeling--he had only ever been with Tyler and he'd never had a guy confess feelings for him before... not in a normal way at least--Tyler had sorta done so just before he'd stolen his virginity in an alley--but the way Antoine had confessed it was as though it was a precious secret... It made Ollie's heart flutter despite himself.

"I know I know I'm sorry," he texted his roommate. "I don't know what's happened, Eds. It's like, two months ago I was a whole ass virgin. This is all just a lot!"

"I get it, babe," Eddie replied. "And now you're like a horny little minx," he joked. "But sweetie, you're strong enough to figure this out. And I'm here for you no matter what ðŸ'œ"

Ollie felt comforted by Eddie's words and smiled. He knew that he would always have a supportive friend in his roommate, even if he didn't always know how to fix his problems. "Thanks, bae. Ugh I'm a mess. You're the best." he texted.

"I know," Eddie replied playfully. "Both of those things." Ollie smiled again at his phone and slipped it back into his pocket.

As he walked to his next class, Ollie found himself still thinking about Antoine's confession. He really did love Tyler and how much he was enjoying learning well... everything with him, but there was something intriguing about the idea of being with someone who wasn't so possessive and controlling--someone like Antoine who seemed genuinely interested in getting to know him for who he truly was. Ollie shook his head slightly trying to clear these thoughts from mind--he was Tyler's! Tyler had opened up his whole world and made him feel amazing things that he was certain no one else could. He needed to be loyal to him. He needed to focus on getting to class anyway--not on silly fantasies!

Later that evening, Ollie and Eddie were getting ready in their dorm room for the campus queer mixer. Ollie was still feeling conflicted about Antoine's confession earlier but he tried to push those thoughts aside as he put on his outfit for the night--a tight black t-shirt with a red heart print, distressed blue skinny jeans that he thought made his little butt look the best, and the same pair of black combat boots. He decided to stay light with his makeup--a slightly smokey eye, but little else other than concealer--it still made him feel more confident.

"How do I look?" Ollie asked Eddie as he twirled around in front of him.

Eddie smiled at him warmly. "You look great, sweetie," he said fondly. Eddie was forgoing makeup tonight altogether. "Nice work with those eyes, bae."

Ollie grinned, feeling flattered by Eddie's compliment. "Thanks," he said before turning to the mirror again and fussing with the hair hanging into his face.

"So... How are you feeling about tonight?" Eddie asked casually as he pulled on a pair of burgundy chinos over his pink briefs and threw on a flowy t-shirt he'd bought at the musical Six that said "I'm the Queen of the Castle" on the front.

Ollie paused for a moment before answering. "I don't know... I'm excited but also nervous," he replied. "Tyler can be so unpredictable. It's like, so hot when he gets possessive like he does," he blushed; "but I also want a little emotional space sometimes, you know? I just hope that our talks have stuck in his mind and he doesn't do anything too crazy."

Eddie nodded understandingly as he looked in the mirror and teased his untrainable hair. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he said with a small smile. "But don't worry too much about it tonight--just focus on having fun and being yourself. And don't let him fly off the handle."

Ollie smiled back gratefully before turning to put on his accessories--a silver choker necklace and a black leather wrist cuff. He was glad that Eddie wasn't pushing the issue too hard. He didn't have the energy to have the whole conversation again.    "I'll do my best..." he said. He idly wondered if Tyler would take him to an empty room and fuck him again... he shivered at the thought as his cock twitched at the thought. Would that be too "off the handle?" He sure wasn't going to ask Ed.

"Hey," Eddie said. "At least you don't have to worry about Antoine. He wouldn't be caught dead at a gay party," he jabbed playfully as he put some bangles around his wrists.

Ollie chuckled softly, feeling relieved that Antoine wouldn't be there tonight. "Yeah... I guess that's one less thing to worry about," he said with a small smile. His classmate's confession had still been swirling around in his mind all day. It certainly complicated Ollie's plans to stay friends, although he had offered to lend Antoine an ear to talk to...

Eddie gave him a smarmy smile before checking his phone. "Oh shit, we better hurry if we want to make it in time for the drag show," he said excitedly.

"Okay!" Ollie said, pulling on his well-worn denim jacket. "I'm ready. Tyler's meeting us downstairs."

Eddie nodded before throwing on his Canada Goose coat. "Let's go then," he said and they headed out of the dorm room.

As they walked towards the elevator, Ollie felt a nervous excitement building inside him. He just hoped that Tyler would be in a good mood tonight and let him have some space to enjoy himself without getting too possessive or aggressive. It was one of their last opportunities to all go out together before winter break and he wanted it to go well; to end the semester on a high note. Ollie did his best to push his worries aside--he was going to focus on having fun.

As they stepped out of the elevator, Tyler was already waiting for them outside their dorm. Ollie's heart skipped a beat as he saw him--Tyler looked stunning tonight in his tight black jeans and leather jacket with his shaggy hair styled better than usual.

"Hey, lil' Ollie," Tyler said as they exited the door and walked over to him. He leaned in to kiss Ollie on the lips.

Ollie smiled "Hey," he replied softly. "You look really good," he blushed. Tyler smiled and kissed him again, squeezing his butt gently with one hand.

"You too," he said.

Eddie greeted Tyler with a friendly--if slightly awkward--hug before they all headed towards the student union where the party was taking place. Eddie was still wary around Tyler, but they were getting along a little better since Tyler had visited their room the other day. As they walked, Ollie noticed that Tyler seemed more relaxed than usual--he wasn't clinging onto him possessively or trying to dominate every aspect of their conversation like he usually did. Ollie felt relieved by Tyler's more chill attitude. Maybe their talks had actually sunk in a little??

As they entered the student union, Ollie was immediately struck by how crowded and lively it was. The music was echoing in the space as drag queens were setting up to perform in the center of the room. There were booths set up along the walls where different queer organizations and clubs had displays and activities going on. He felt a rush of excitement as he took it all in--he loved being around other queer people who were just letting loose and being themselves. Tyler had draped his arm across Ollie's shoulders protectively while Eddie chatted animatedly.

"This is so much fun!" Eddie exclaimed, taking in the sights and sounds around them. Ollie remembered that this was the first queer party Eddie had made it to this semester because of his late Thursday evening class.

"It's alright," Tyler said casually. Eddie rolled his eyes slightly towards Ollie at Tyler's attitude.

Ollie laughed lightly. "Oh come on, Ty, this is great!" He said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Tyler gave him a half-smile but didn't say anything else.

As they walked deeper into the hall Ollie noticed that Tyler seemed to be getting more possessive as they moved through the crowd--his arm moving down to his waist, gripping him tighter and standing close. It made Ollie feel both aroused and uneasy at once--was having all these other guys around making Tyler feel the need for more control? But to be honest, guys were paying much more attention to Tyler than they were to him. Maybe Tyler was just signaling that he wasn't available?

Eddie suggested they go find a place to watch the drag show that was about to start. They found an empty spot near the stage and squeezed into it with Ollie standing in front of Tyler. As they watched the performers strut their stuff on stage--lip syncing to classic diva hits and showing off some seriously impressive dance moves--Ollie couldn't help feeling giddy with excitement. This is what he loved and he loved how much he and Eddie vibed with the show and the performers. He kept catching Tyler watching him even more than the show itself. It was as if Tyler enjoyed watching him in his element. The thought made him feel warm inside.

After about forty minutes, Tyler ran his hands up Ollie's sides and leaned in close to his ear and whispered seductively; "You look so hot." Ollie blushed, turning to smile back at him appreciatively. It felt good knowing that Tyler was still so focused on him even when there were all these other sexy guys around them. He leaned back against Tyler's chest, feeling his strong arms wrapped securely around his waist. Tyler's warm breath tickled Ollie's neck.

Tyler slipped a hand under Ollie's shirt and touched his body discreetly. "You like this?" he asked softly.

Ollie shivered at the touch and nodded his head slightly. He did like it, but he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this was Tyler being possessive again. "Yeah," Ollie replied softly, gasping as Tyler teased one of his nipples.

Tyler chuckled softly before kissing Ollie's neck gently. "I love how sensitive you are," he murmured.

Ollie whimpered softly, feeling the arousal building up in his gut. But he still had those conflicted thoughts from earlier; he wanted Tyler--desperately--but he also wanted some space to explore his own friendships and feelings without the constant sexualization.

As he watched the drag queens and was teased by Tyler his mind wandered. He felt like he needed to talk to someone about all of this--but who? Eddie was great with emotional support, but he wasn't exactly an expert on relationships. And as much as Ollie loved Tyler, he didn't think that talking things out with him would be very productive either--the senior had never gotten vulnerable with Ollie or opened up about much of anything--and he was afraid of how Tyler would react.

Ollie was pulled out of his thoughts by the feel of a bulge pressing against his ass. He knew that Tyler was turned on by him, but he also didn't want this night to be totally about sex. He tried to push those concerns aside as Tyler's hand slid up and down his stomach beneath his shirt.

"You feel how hard you make me?" Tyler whispered into Ollie's ear again before nibbling gently on it as he ground himself into his behind. Ollie moaned softly at the sensation, feeling himself getting more and more aroused, despite himself. He turned his head slightly to look back at Tyler, their eyes locking for a moment before Ollie leaned up to kiss him passionately on the lips. Tyler's tongue slipped into Ollie's mouth eagerly as they made out, their bodies pressing together tightly. Ollie felt like he was melting into the kiss--feeling Tyler's hard body against his own slight one, tasting him on his lips--it was all so overwhelming and yet so incredibly hot. As they pulled away from each other briefly to catch their breaths, Tyler looked down at Ollie with a small smile.

"You're such an amazing kisser, baby boy," he said softly before kissing him again. Ollie's eyes widened as he noticed a number of people around them were staring; it almost seemed like Tyler was being this brazen on purpose--claiming Ollie publicly. Ollie felt a mix of emotions flood through him as he surrendered to the kiss and made out with Tyler more. He should slow things down, right? This was too much for a public place. But it also felt so right; That everyone should know that he was Tyler's--that there was no one else in the world who could make him feel this way.

Eventually, Eddie interrupted them with a gentle tap on the shoulder. "Um, guys," he said. "Hate to break up this love-fest but the drag show is over and they're turning this space into a dance party soon." Tyler and Ollie broke apart, both of them looking a little dazed as they tried to regain their composure. Eddie rolled his eyes at them both before leading them towards the side of the room where they checked out a few booths and waited for the dance floor to get tidied up and the DJ to set up for the dance party.

As soon as the dance music started pumping, Ollie felt his energy shift--he loved dancing so much! He was free from all thoughts about Tyler's aggression or Antoine's confession; he could just let loose and be himself on the dance floor. He dragged Eddie with him and started to groove. As he started moving his body to the beat, he felt like nothing else in the world mattered--just him and this music that made him feel so alive. Eddie danced beside him with abandon while Tyler stood back watching for a bit with amusement despite Ollie beckoning for him. Finally, after getting extra pouty, Tyler finally joined in too. They danced together for what felt like ages until Ollie started to feel parched and left the dance floor to grab some water at the refreshment tables on the side of the room. Tyler watched as he walked off, but Eddie drew him back in and they kept dancing.

As Ollie made his way over to the refreshment tables, he was suddenly greeted by Max and Troy--the two hot juniors in an open relationship who he'd met back at the first mixer back in October. Max wore black jeans with a plain white t-shirt and a ball cap, while Troy wore blue jeans and a pink and orange tank top. They were both holding cups of punch and grinning at him.

"Hey, Ollie!" Max exclaimed. "Great to see you again!"

Ollie smiled back at them both. "Hey guys," he said shyly.

"So you seem like you've been busy since we last met," Troy said mischievously, nodding his head towards the dance floor where Tyler and Eddie still were.

Ollie blushed, feeling a little exposed and embarrassed that they had seen him making out with Tyler. "Yeah... Things have been happening," he said meekly.

Max and Troy exchanged knowing looks before Max spoke up again. "Tyler Shays... Wow, I dunno if I woulda pegged you for the boy who tamed the beast, but that's damn impressive!"

Ollie felt himself blushing even more deeply at Max's words. "I don't know if I'd say that he's tamed," Ollie replied wryly.

Troy chuckled, taking a sip of his punch. "Oh, we know all about Tyler," he said with a smirk. "He lives in our building!"

Ollie's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, really?" he asked. He'd been over to Tyler's place a bunch of times but never really considered who else from campus might live in the complex.

Max nodded. "Yeah, we've had some... interesting run-ins with him," he said cryptically.

Ollie felt a little uneasy at Max's words. He grabbed a cup of water and took a sip. "O-oh, really?" he asked, looking down at his cup.

Troy nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, he's a bit of an alpha male," he said. "Likes to be in control... but I suppose you already knew that," he smiled kindly and gave Ollie a knowing look, but didn't elaborate.

Ollie felt himself blushing deeply at Troy's words. He wasn't sure how to respond, so he just laughed awkwardly and took another sip of his water. Had they ever hooked up with Tyler?

Max and Troy seemed to notice Ollie's discomfort and exchanged a look before Max spoke up again. "Listen, Ollie," he said seriously. "I don't mean to pry or anything--and you can tell me to fuck off--but are you okay? Are things alright with Tyler?"

Ollie felt a combination of awkwardness and gratitude towards Max and Troy--they barely knew him, but they were still looking out for him. "Um, yeah," he said softly; "I think so. Things are... complicated."

Max and Troy both nodded understandingly. "Well, just know that if you ever need someone to talk to or vent about relationship stuff with, we're here for you," Troy said kindly. "Seriously, text me anytime. I know Tyler Shays better than you realize."

Ollie smiled gratefully at Troy's offer. He had just been thinking about how he needed someone to talk to about all his feelings in this relationship. Someone with more experience than Eddie and less involvement than Tyler. Troy and Max definitely fit both of those criteria. "Thanks," he said softly before taking a deep breath. "I actually do have some things I should talk about... Maybe we could grab coffee or something sometime?"

They both smiled warmly at Ollie. "Of course!" Troy replied. "Happy to talk with you anytime."

Ollie felt a sense of relief wash over him--these two had the potential to be super helpful! Before he could reply, he noticed Eddie appear at his side, grabbing water.

"Hey bae," Eddie said with a smile, sipping from his cup. "It's so packed on that dance floor!" He suddenly noticed the hot couple standing with Ollie and froze for a moment. "Oh, hi! Um, Ollie... introduce me to your friends please!"

Ollie giggled and Max and Troy grinned at Eddie before exchanging glances with each other. They both seemed to be thinking the same thing, but Ollie couldn't quite figure out what that was.

"This is Max and Troy," Ollie introduced them. "I met them here earlier this semester."

"It's great to meet you lads!" Eddie exclaimed, extending his arms to hug the juniors. "I'm Ollie's roommate, Eddie."

Max and Troy both hugged Eddie back, grinning at him. "Nice to meet you too," Max said, his hand lingering on Eddie's back. "Cute accent."

Eddie blushed at the comment as he fully took in the hot guy standing in front of him. Max was about his height but much more built, with beautifully defined muscles on his arms that made Eddie wonder what the rest of his body looked like. Max's curly hair flopped into his forehead in a lazy but styled way and his mischievous smile was infectious.

"Oh thanks," he said smiling. "I moved here in middle school from London."

"Oooh I've always wanted to visit the UK," Troy chimed in. "We have a good friend from London who was here on a study abroad last year." Eddie looked at Troy, taking him in next. He was shorter and slimmer than Max, but still more toned than Eddie. He was fucking gorgeous too--like model good looks--with wavy dirty blonde hair and deep blue bedroom eyes. Fuck, these two were a couple?? They were hot as hell!

"O-oh!" Eddie stammered. "I just missed them then, I guess," he joked before dragging his gaze away from the hot juniors back to Ollie, still blushing. "Oh luv--your man was staring a hole into your back a bit ago when you were talking to these two, but now it seems he's attracted a crowd of his own," he gestured back towards the dance floor.

Ollie's heart thudded as he turned to where he'd left Tyler behind. He hadn't even considered that he might get annoyed seeing him talking to Troy and Max. But when he looked he saw a pair of guys talking to Tyler, standing close and frequently touching his arms and chest as they spoke. Ollie felt a surge of jealousy. Who the fuck were they and why were they all over his boyfr--wait a minute--was this feeling possession? Is this how Tyler felt about him all the time when he saw him with another guy? Ollie took a deep breath and forced the powerful feeling down. He looked back at Eddie who had returned to his conversation with Max and Troy.

"Who are they?" He interrupted, his voice betraying his jealousy. Eddie looked at him and shrugged and Max glanced over towards Tyler.

"Ooh," Max said. "Those are the Rossi twins. You don't know about them yet?" he asked. The Rossi twins. Ollie suddenly realized as he looked at them that they were, in fact, twins. Rossi... he had heard the name before. Well-known gay twins on campus. But he didn't know that much about them. "What's their deal?" he asked, still staring in their direction.

Max shrugged but Troy answered first. "They're sophomores. Both gay. Sexy, obviously. They came in hot last year and slept around a lot--pretty good in bed, to be honest. I THINK they might have had something going on with Tyler at some point, but I don't really know." He paused for a second and glanced at Max. "The big rumor about them lately is that they fool around with each other... but I don't know anything about that or if it's true."

Ollie and Eddie turned to Troy with wide eyes. "Each other?" he asked?

"Like... TWINCEST?" Eddie exclaimed incredulously.

Troy and Max laughed and Ollie looked back over towards Tyler and the twins; he tuned out the conversation as his mind raced. What the fuck did they have to do with Tyler? As Eddie and the boys kept talking, Ollie slowly found himself walking away from them. He needed to go to Tyler. He needed to be by his side again. Needed to be the object of his desire. These twins... They felt like a threat. Ollie hadn't ever felt like this before but he could feel a tug in him that pulled him back towards Tyler.

As he approached, he could see them more clearly. They were both a little taller than him but with a much more toned, muscular build that made him feel self-conscious of his own slight frame. One of them had light brown hair in a Caesar cut while the other had hair that was dyed blonde and styled in a messy yet fashionable look. Both of them had piercing blue eyes that seemed to sparkle as they talked to Tyler. Ollie felt himself tense up--they were both touching Tyler now, their hands on his chest and arms. He didn't like it--he didn't like how comfortable they seemed around Tyler or how familiar they acted with him. When he reached them, he pressed himself into Tyler's side and prompted him to put his arm around his body.

"Hey," he said softly, looking up at Ty.

Tyler looked down at Ollie and smiled, pulling him even closer. "Hey baby," he replied, kissing the top of his head. "I missed you."

The Rossi twins looked at Ollie with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Hey there," one of them said, his hand still resting on Tyler's arm. Ollie felt his stomach twist uncomfortably at the sight. He didn't like how they were touching Tyler--it made him feel possessive in a way he hadn't experienced before.

"Who's your friend?" the other twin asked Tyler, looking at Ollie with interest as he stifled a grimace.

"This is Ollie," Tyler said, his arm still around him. "He's my boyfriend." Ollie blushed. He loved hearing him say that.

The Rossi twins looked at each other and smirked before turning back to Tyler. "Oh yeah?" one of them said teasingly. "We didn't know you were tied down like that." Ollie hated how dismissive they seemed of him.

Tyler chuckled but kept his arm firmly around Ollie's waist as he spoke again. "Yeah, well," he replied with a hint of possessiveness in his voice; "I'm pretty damn lucky to have him."

Ollie felt himself flush at Tyler's words, but he still couldn't shake off the feeling of discomfort from the twins. He leaned up and caught Tyler's lips in a hungry kiss, which Tyler immediately returned. Ollie felt himself melting into it as Tyler's hands roamed over him. As they kissed, Tyler's hand slid down to Ollie's pants. He cupped his ass over his jeans and squeezed lightly, eliciting a surprised squeak from Ollie.

The twins exchanged amused glances. As soon as Tyler pulled away from the kiss, the twin with brown hair spoke up again. "Well," he said with a smirk; "Look at you two!"

Tyler raised an eyebrow at the twin, his hand still resting on Ollie's ass. "Yeah?" he said coolly.

The twins both laughed before the blonde one spoke. "Yeah, you two are cute," he said teasingly and winked at Ollie. "I'm Anthony and this is David. We didn't hear Tyler was dating anyone!"

Ollie felt himself bristle at the twin's words. It was as if they were trying to insinuate that Tyler was still available or that Ollie wasn't good enough for him. "Yeah, well," he said firmly, finally speaking up, his voice surprisingly steady; "He is now."

Tyler smiled at Ollie; he'd never seen the kid get possessive over him like this before. The boy was jealous of the twins--feeling insecure. He felt a sense of satisfaction at Ollie's words. He liked seeing him assert himself like this for him--it made him feel powerful.

Anthony and David glanced at each other, seemingly amused by Ollie's response. "We can see that," Anthony said with a smirk.

Tyler chuckled before leaning down to kiss Ollie again. He knew that the twins were just teasing--there was nothing serious going on between them--but he still enjoyed seeing Ollie get all possessive over him and wanted to show the twink just how much he claimed him right back.

After they broke their kiss Ollie turned back to the twins. "So, what are you guys majoring in?" he asked, trying to change the subject away from him and his relationship with Tyler.

As the twins answered and started chatting about their classes, Tyler ran his hand down Ollie's back and teased the waist of his jeans with his hand. Ollie shivered at Tyler's touch, feeling a mixture of desire and possessiveness. He wanted to show the twins that he was Tyler's--no one else's--and that he belonged to him completely.

As they talked more, Ollie started to relax a bit around the Rossi twins; they were actually pretty funny and easy going once you got past their teasing nature. And as much as Ollie still felt jealous about them touching Tyler earlier, he realized that it was just his own insecurities talking. Before long Tyler's hand sneakily, casually, slipped inside the back of Ollie's pants, into his underwear and allowing him to touch the naked skin of his ass. Ollie gasped at the sudden touch, feeling his body respond immediately to Tyler's bold move. He leaned into him even more as Tyler's hand roamed over his bare skin.

The Rossi twins noticed the shift in Ollie and Tyler's posture but didn't say anything--they were used to seeing couples get intimate at parties like this all the time. Instead, they just continued chatting with them both as if nothing was happening.

"I still can't believe you got nailed down, Tyler!" Anthony remarked, drawing narrowed eyes from Ollie. "This cutie-pie must really be something!"

Before Ollie could respond with a snippy comment, Tyler's fingers started to move more insistently, sliding between his cheeks and petting at his tight little hole, teasing him with light touches. Ollie struggled to keep it together as Tyler kept talking casually with the twins, who either had good poker faces or genuinely couldn't tell that he was playing with his boyfriend's asshole right there in front of them. He tried to focus on their conversation instead of the pleasure he was getting from Tyler's teasing. But it was hard to concentrate when Tyler's fingers were circling his hole, applying more pressure with each pass. Ollie bit down on his bottom lip, trying not to moan out loud as he felt himself getting hard from the stimulation. He refocused long enough to hear David Rossi speak up.

"You know Tyler, we've been kinda disappointed that we haven't heard from you at all this semester. Things haven't been quite the same without you." What. The. Fuck. Ollie thought. These two were openly soliciting Tyler right in front of him! As he's getting his ass played with!

Tyler chuckled, seemingly unfazed. "You know how it is," he said with a smirk. "I'm always keeping busy and this little one has really got me hooked." He wrapped his free arm around Ollie's torso and gave him a little squeeze, his other hand still being naughty under his clothes.

Anthony leaned in a little closer to Tyler. "Maybe we could get together again? We had so much fun last time."

Tyler frowned slightly, his finger paused at teasing Ollie's hole. "Things are different now." Ollie felt a wave of happiness that Tyler wasn't interested in hooking up with the Rossi twins... again? It sorta sounded like they had before.

Anthony seemed to pick up on Tyler's hesitation. "You could always bring this little cutie along," he said seductively. "There are plenty of Rossis to go around." Ollie glared at Anthony, feeling his possessiveness flare up once again. He didn't want to share Tyler with anyone--not even these hot twins.

But Tyler just chuckled and shook his head. "Thanks, but we're good," he said firmly, secretly pressing the tip of his thick finger into Ollie's hole as he did. Ollie gasped at the sudden sensation, feeling his body respond instantly to Tyler's touch. He buried his head into Tyler's chest, trying to hide the blush that had spread across his face. He was grateful for Tyler's rejection of the Rossi twins' advances but he couldn't focus on anything else except for the pleasure running through him.

The twins glanced at each other as they took in Tyler's rejection and Ollie's obvious arousal. They seemed to take Tyler's words in stride and didn't push it further; they continued chatting with Tyler about guys who Ollie didn't know, but he didn't care; Tyler was still gently pumping the tip of his finger in and out of Ollie's little hole and he found himself getting more and more turned on from the teasing. He wanted Ty so badly--the feeling of being possessed was overwhelming but it also made him feel safe in a way he couldn't explain. As he struggled to keep on a neutral face while Tyler talked with the twins, all he could think about was how much he wanted Tyler inside him--filling him up completely with his thick cock.

Eventually, the Rossi twins were called away by a group of guys who wanted to dance with them. They said goodbye to Tyler and Ollie before disappearing into the crowd. As soon as they were gone, Tyler pulled his finger out of Ollie's ass and turned him around so that he was facing him. "My boy was feeling a little jealous, huh?" he teased with a smirk.

Ollie glared up at him but couldn't deny it; he had been jealous when the twins had been touching Tyler earlier. "I didn't like how they were all over you," he admitted, grumbling.

Tyler brushed his thumb across Ollie's cheek gently. "Don't worry about them," he said firmly. "You're mine."

Ollie felt warmth spread through him at Tyler's words--despite his big-brain concerns about Tyler's possessiveness, he liked being Tyler's. "And you're mine," he replied, leaning into Ty again and pressing their lips together in another hungry kiss.

Finally breaking apart again panting heavily from making-out intensely, Tyler whispered hotly against Ollie's ear "Let's go someplace quieter..."

Ollie shivered at Tyler's whispered suggestion, feeling a jolt of excitement shoot through him. He'd wondered if this would happen and despite his reservations earlier in the day, he was all aboard now. "Please," he replied eagerly.

As they started to make their way out of the crowded dance floor, Ollie briefly wondered about Eddie--where was he? Was he okay? "Ty," he called out. "Should we go without telling Eddie?" But Tyler pointed across the room towards where Eddie was chatting and dancing with Max and Troy.

"Those OnlyFans sluts can have him for now," Tyler said flippantly. Ollie's mind swirled for a moment about what Tyler meant by that remark as he followed him out of the main room and into a hallway of conference rooms in the student union building. "It'll be nice and quiet here," Tyler said.

After trying a couple doors they found a conference room that was unlocked and slipped inside quickly before anyone could see them. Once inside, Tyler pulled Ollie into his arms and kissed him deeply; his hands roaming over Ollie's body like wildfire. Ollie moaned against Ty's lips as they tongue-wrestled together hungrily like it didn't matter that this is an academic space on campus or that someone might walk in on them any moment now--they couldn't keep their hands off each other anymore.

Tyler pushed up against Ollie until his back hit the table in the middle of the room. He lifted up one leg so that it hooked around Ty's waist while pulling down Ty's pants roughly enough to free his massive cock which sprang out hard already fully erect and throbbing between them. Ollie immediately leaned forward and took Tyler's cock into his mouth, stretching his lips over that big head. He started to suck and bob his head up and down, using his tongue to tease his man's sensitive shaft. Tyler groaned at the sensation, running his hands through Ollie's hair as he started to pull his head forward, deeper on his cock. The sound of slurping, gagging, and groaning echoed off the walls of the conference room as they lost themselves in their own pleasure. As Ollie continued sucking on Ty's cock with fervor, Tyler gripped both hands on Ollie's head tightly and thrust deeper into his hot little mouth, feeling the boy's tight throat open up for him.

Ollie got even more turned on by Tyler taking control like this--his dominant behavior was such a turn-on for him. He moaned around Ty's cock as he felt it hit against the back of his throat; he slackened his jaw and let Tyler fuck his face in earnest, long strands of drool dripping from his lips as that cock slid in and out of his mouth. Finally unable to hold back any longer from such an intense blowjob, Tyler pulled out suddenly leaving Ollie feeling empty for just a moment before picking him up and placing him onto the table. He quickly yanked off Ollie's pants revealing slim toned legs with pale peachy skin which only made Tyler want more!

"God you look so fucking sexy," said Ty breathlessly, pulling Ollie's shirt over his head and licking over each nipple, causing them to perk up from the attention. Ollie moaned, arching his back as Tyler's tongue flicked over his sensitive nipples. He could feel himself throb between his legs; he was so turned on by everything that had happened tonight--the jealous possessiveness, being fingered in public, and now this.

Tyler moved down Ollie's body, kissing along his stomach until he reached the waistband of Ollie's black briefs. Without hesitation Tyler pulled them off revealing his hard little cock with smooth balls beneath it. "So fucking pretty," breathed Tyler appreciatively at the sight before him. Ollie blushed bright red but also felt prideful from Ty's reaction to seeing him naked like this--he loved feeling desired by this alpha male who seemed to have everything going for him. Tyler didn't waste any time--he dove right in and took Ollie's cock into his mouth just like how Ollie had for his massive dick moments before.

Ollie moaned loudly as Tyler's lips closed around his little cock, sucking and swirling his tongue across the head. He felt like he was on fire with need; every touch of Ty's mouth sent shivers through him. Tyler continued to suck on Ollie's cock, using his tongue to tease and lick every inch of it. He then slid one hand down between Ollie's legs and started to play with his tight little hole again; he rubbed circles over the sensitive area before sliding a finger inside. Ollie gasped at the sudden sensation of being penetrated while still being sucked off. The pleasure was almost too much for him--he could feel himself teetering on the edge of orgasm already.

Tyler pulled off of Ollie's cock with a pop, and then without any warning, he flipped him over onto his stomach. "Mmm," Tyler groaned as he looked down at Ollie's ass; it was truly one of the prettiest little twink asses that he had ever seen. He crouched down and started to eat out that ass, licking and sucking on that pretty boy puss like there was no tomorrow. He used his tongue to tease around the edges before sliding it inside just a little bit. Every time Tyler probed deeper into him made Ollie moan louder, arching back against Ty's face in ecstasy.

Tyler continued to eat him out, enjoying how the boy squirmed and moaned beneath him. He slipped a thumb inside, stretching out that tight ring of muscle as he worked it in and out. "You're mine," Tyler growled possessively against Ollie's skin. "My little slut." Ollie shuddered at the dirty talk; it was such a turn-on for him to hear Ty claim him like this--like he owned every inch of his body and soul. The pleasure from being eaten out mixed with the thrill of submission made his head spin.

"You love how I use you, don't you?" Tyler demanded hotly, sliding his other thumb into Ollies' hole now so that two digits could stretch apart that little pink pucker.

Ollie moaned loudly at the sensation of being stretched open by Tyler's thumbs. "Yes, oh fuck yes," he whimpered, feeling like he was going to explode with pleasure any moment now.

Tyler chuckled darkly at Ollie's response before taking his thumbs out and standing up again. He grabbed onto Ollie's hips tightly and pulled him back towards him so that their bodies were flush against each other--his hard cock pressing into Ollies' ass cheeks as if marking its territory.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard, little twink," Tyler growled in Ollie's ear possessively. He reached down to grab a little bottle of lube from his jeans pocket.

Ollie could barely contain his excitement; he wanted nothing more than to feel Tyler's thick cock inside him, filling him up completely. He moaned in agreement as Ty started to slick up his fingers with the lube. Tyler rubbed some of it onto Ollie's hole, teasing around the edges before slowly pushing three fingers inside. Ollie gasped as his hole was spread as they teased into him.

"How are you still so fucking tight when I fucked you stupid just a few days ago?" Tyler groaned as he added a fourth finger, pumping them in and out of Ollie's ass while still rubbing over his prostate gland.

Ollie moaned loudly at the sensation, feeling like he was going to explode from all the pleasure coursing through his body. "I don't know," he panted out breathlessly. "M-my hole is yours. Please, Ty--just fuck me already."

Tyler chuckled darkly at Ollie's plea before taking his fingers out and quickly slicking up his own cock with lube. He positioned himself behind Ollie and grabbed onto both of his hips tightly. Without any further warning, Tyler plunged into Ollie in one steady motion, filling him up completely with every inch of that thick cock. The thrust made Ollie's head snap back as a loud moan escaped from him--it felt so good to have Tyler inside him again.

Tyler started thrusting into him hard and fast; using all of the strength in those muscular legs to pound away at that tight little boy hole, loving how it surrendered itself fully to his massive dick. Every time their bodies collided together created an echo throughout the conference room--loud smacking sounds mixing with grunts and groans as they lost themselves in their intense pleasure.

"You're mine," Tyler growled possessively between each thrusts while slapping firmly on Ollies' ass cheeks or grabbing onto them harshly enough for red marks forming beneath his hands now.

Ollie could barely form coherent thoughts--the combination of being fucked by Ty like this combined with hearing how much he owned him just drove him wilder than ever before. All he could do was take it, submitting himself entirely to Tyler's will.

"Tell me you're my little slut," Tyler demanded as he continued to pound into Ollie's ass. "Say it."

Ollie moaned loudly, feeling like his whole body was on fire with pleasure. "I'm your little slut," he gasped out between thrusts. "I'm your little sluuut."

"That's right," Tyler growled hotly in response. "You love taking my cock, don't you? You love being owned by me?"

"Yes!" Ollie cried out, feeling like every part of him was going to burst from the intensity of this experience. "I'm yours! All of me. Pleeease. Oh goddd, Ty."

Tyler kept up his pace until they were both panting heavily. He reached around Ollie's hips and started stroking his cock at the same rhythm that he pounded into him--adding even more stimulation that made Ollie squirm more. Suddenly Ty pulled out again but turned Ollie's slender frame over so that they were facing each other. He took in the sight of Tyler's glistening body and the table where their clothes lay scattered all over its surface.

"You're going to ride me now," Tyler said huskily while sitting down onto a chair nearby and grabbing his throbbing cock. Ollie's eyes widened at the command, feeling his heartbeat quicken with excitement. Without any hesitation, he climbed onto Tyler's lap and lowered himself down onto that thick cock--savoring every inch of it as it stretched him open. Tyler groaned loudly at the sensation of Ollie taking control like this; he loved watching him ride him hard and fast while also seeing how much pleasure they both were getting from it. He let out a few dirty words in between moans which only made Ollie hornier than ever before.

"I love your tight little hole so fucking much," Tyler growled hotly as Ollie bounced up and down on his lap. "You're such a good boy for me." Ollie felt pride swell within him at Ty's praise--like everything was right in the world.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss as Ollie continued to ride Tyler's hard cock. They both moaned into each other's mouths, enjoying every moment of this intimacy.

Ollie bounced up and down on Ty's lap, feeling his tight hole stretch around that thick cock with every movement. He couldn't believe how full he felt--how completely impaled he was by Tyler's massive dick.

"Jesus fuck you're so big," Ollie gasped out between kisses. "I can feel you filling me up completely."

Tyler groaned at the sensation of being engulfed by Ollies' tight little ass; it was like nothing else mattered right now except for this intense pleasure they were experiencing together. His hips bucked upwards, meeting each thrust of Ollies' body as they moved together in perfect harmony.

"I'm going to cum inside you," Tyler growled hotly against Ollie's skin before biting down on his neck possessively again, marking him. Ollie moaned loudly at the thought of Tyler cumming inside him. He bounced faster and harder on Ty's lap, wanting to feel every inch of that cock as it released its hot load deep within him. Tyler's grip on Ollie tightened as he felt his orgasm building; he could barely hold back any longer. With one final thrust, he let out a loud groan and came hard inside Ollie's ass--filling him up completely with his hot seed.

Feeling Tyler's release triggered something in Ollie--he couldn't hold back anymore either. With a few more bounces, he cried out and shot his own load all over Tyler's chest--the sensation making him shudder with pleasure. Ollie collapsed onto Tyler in a sweaty heap; panting heavily from their intense orgasmic experience together.

They stayed like that for several minutes before finally pulling apart reluctantly--both feeling satisfied but also craving even more intimacy between them. "That was amazing," Ollie finally said contentedly while snuggling into Ty's arms. "I love you. You're mine."

Tyler chuckled at his phrase being turned around on him. "Ditto, baby boy," he said with a smile playing across his lips as they kissed once more before getting dressed and slipping back out to the party.

Tyler and Ollie walked back into the party, still feeling the heat of their intense sexual encounter in the conference room. Ollie leaned on Tyler for support, his legs still tingling. The party was winding down, with only a couple dozen people left on the dance floor and booths starting to pack up.

"Where's Eddie?" Ollie asked, scanning the room for his roommate.

"I don't see him," Tyler replied, his eyes also scanning the room. "Maybe he left already?"

Just then, Ollie's phone buzzed with a text message. He checked it and frowned.

"Eddie left," he said, showing the message to Tyler. "Heading out. Have funnnnn ðŸ'œ" it read.

Tyler shrugged. "Well, we were sure having plenty of fun a minute ago." He smirked. "I'm sure your boy is having a good time too." Ollie wondered if Eddie had gone back to the dorm or left with someone else, but before he could think too much about it Tyler pulled him close and kissed him deeply, once again drawing eyes from the crowd. Ollie melted into the kiss, feeling safe in Tyler's strong arms. He thought about their night and his complicated feelings, but overall, he thought everything had gone really well in the end. His ass certainly thought so!

With everything shutting down, they soon left the party. Tyler insisted that Ollie spend the night and they headed back to his apartment. Ollie was still buzzing from the intense sex and didn't protest; he'd enjoyed his night with Tyler and didn't want it to end, especially with Eddie nowhere to be found. As they strolled to Tyler's building, Ollie thought about how well everything had gone tonight, all things considered. Tyler had definitely pushed boundaries--fingering him in front of the twins, fucking him in a conference room--but rather than make him uncomfortable, those things had mostly given Ollie a thrill. He also reflected on how he'd felt upon seeing the twins flirt so brazenly with Tyler; the wellspring of jealousy and possessiveness that had bubbled up within him. It had cracked a window into what must be Tyler's everyday psyche and Ollie wondered if he could talk to Tyler about it.

In that same vein of talking, Ollie was glad he had reconnected with Troy and Max. By all outward appearances they were a well-adjusted, fun, and friendly couple in a long-term open-relationship who had offered to talk him through some of his issues and anxieties that he was struggling with. Issues he didn't feel comfortable talking to Tyler about and didn't think Eddie was capable of helping him with. Like Antoine. Antoine. Ollie's mind swirled as he remembered that encounter that happened just that morning. Another thing for him to deal with, which he had no idea how to approach... and that he desperately wanted to keep separate from Tyler.

With his mind racing and his body still tingling, Ollie didn't really process that he and Tyler had walked the distance to his apartment in silence until they were approaching the lobby. Tyler seemed quietly content, but tired. Ollie'd put his left hand in Tyler's jacket pocket as they'd walked and held his hand, enjoying the warmth and the intimacy without making a fuss about it. He looked at Tyler as he held the door for him and smile.

When they walked inside Tyler's unit on the second floor, he collapsed onto the couch with a yawn. "I'm fucking exhausted," he said, stretching out his muscular arms. "Parties like that wear me out."

Ollie thought it was cute that Tyler was actually such an introvert, getting drained by social events. Tyler typically was a more aloof sort of guy, but he had done his fair share of socializing tonight. As he looked over at his sexy boyfriend, lying sleepily on the couch, he found himself still feeling horny despite being stuffed full of Tyler's cum. He couldn't help but notice the bulge in his boyfriend's pants and felt a familiar stirring in his own groin.

"Well, I'm not tired," Ollie said coyly, moving closer to Tyler on the couch with a sexy little walk.

Tyler smirked at him. "I can see that." He reached out and held Ollie's hands as the boy stood over him. "Just so you know, babe, I didn't only want you to come here to fuck around. I wanted to spend more time with you."

Ollie's heart pounded at Tyler's admission. It wasn't the sort of thing the older boy typically said to him and it made him feel warm and fuzzy. Ironically, Tyler's clear allowance for them to NOT fool around made Ollie's arousal surge with want. "I love that so much," he said. "But..." he straddled Tyler's lap and began grinding against him. "What if I WANT to fuck around?" He kissed Tyler's neck and humped his leg slowly. Tyler groaned as he felt Ollie's hard cock rubbing against his thigh. "I love your body so much," Ollie said as he ran his hands under Tyler's shirt feeling every muscle.

Tyler let out a low growl as Ollie's hands roamed over his muscular body. He loved the way Ollie worshiped him, and it always turned him on when he attended to every inch of his skin. He was tired, sure, and he wasn't feeling like totally dominating Ollie again, but he sure as fuck wasn't going to deny him. "Take off my shirt," he commanded, sitting up straighter on the couch.

Ollie eagerly complied, pulling Tyler's shirt off slowly and taking in the sight of his chiseled chest and abs. He leaned forward to kiss each muscle before moving down to lick and suck at Tyler's nipples. He groaned and threw his head back in pleasure as Ollie's talented mouth worked its magic. He loved the way the boy was so meticulous in pleasing him, taking his time to explore every inch of his body. "Fuck, you're amazing, baby boy" Tyler moaned, grabbing onto Ollie's hair and pulling him closer.

Ollie grinned up at him. "You're the hottest man in the world," he said adoringly before moving down to kiss along Tyler's abs and then lower until he reached the bulge in his pants. He could feel how hard Tyler was beneath the fabric, and it made him even more eager to please him. He unbuttoned Tyler's jeans slowly, teasingly dragging out his seduction as long as possible. When he finally pulled them off completely, revealing Tyler's massive cock straining against tight boxers underneath, Ollie couldn't help but shiver with excitement.

"I fucking love this dick," he whispered reverently, rubbing the bulge over the boxers before pulling them down just enough for that thick rod to pop out covered with precum and having a distinct smell of muskiness mixed with lube and sweat. "Do you know how much this dick has ruined me, Ty?" He asked, stroking the huge cock in front of his face. "Do you know how often I just sit and think about it?"

Tyler groaned and smiled down at Ollie, feeling a sense of pride and ownership over the boy. He knew he had completely taken over Ollie's mind and body, and he loved it. "I know exactly how much this dick has ruined you," he said with a smirk. "But I think we both know that you love it." Tyler reached down and slipped his fingers in Ollie's mouth, who eagerly sucked on his fingers, swirling his tongue around them before letting out a satisfied moan. He loved the taste of Tyler's skin and the way he felt in his mouth.

"You're right," Ollie said sexily, after releasing Tyler's fingers with a pop. "I do love it." He sensually kissed the head of Tyler's weeping cock, letting his lips slurp up beads of precum. "Before you I didn't know anything about how good my body could feel," he said before rubbing his lips along the shaft while holding onto it with one hand. "And now I'm addicted to you."

Tyler moaned with pleasure as Ollie continued to worship his cock slowly and sensually--still not sucking it. He loved the way he was talking; so confident and in control of their sexual power dynamic, while still being submissive at the same time. Normally Tyler was the one who called all the shots, but tonight it felt different. It almost felt like they were equal partners in this.

"You know I'm addicted to you too, baby boy," Tyler said, running his hands through Ollie's hair. "Ever since I first tasted that sweet little pussy in the alley..." He trailed off, realizing that that night might not be the best thing to remind Ollie of right now.

But Ollie didn't seem to mind; in fact, he seemed even more turned on by the mention of their first encounter. He looked up at Tyler with a wicked grin before wrapping his lips around the head of his cock and taking him deep into his mouth. Tyler let out a low growl as Ollie started to suck him off, feeling himself getting closer with each passing moment. The way Ollie's tongue swirled around his shaft was sending shivers down his spine, and he knew that it wouldn't be long until he came.

"Fuck," Tyler moaned as Ollie continued to work him over with enthusiasm and skill. "You're gonna make me cum."

Ollie pulled back slightly, looking up at Tyler through tear-filled, hooded eyes. "Not yet, Ty."

Tyler groaned in frustration as Ollie pulled away from him. He was so close to cumming. "Oh baby boy, you're going to kill me," Tyler whined, his voice thick with desire.

Ollie grinned up at him before moving down to suck on his balls. He gently took one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before doing the same with the other. Tyler let out a low moan as Ollie worked him over expertly; he loved how skilled and attentive Ollie had become. After several minutes of this slow teasing, Ollie moved back up towards Tyler's throbbing cock. But instead of taking it back into his mouth right away, he started rubbing his face against it slowly while maintaining eye contact with Tyler.

Tyler's eyes widened in surprise as Ollie continued to tease him, rubbing his face against his cock but not taking it into his mouth. This boy looked amazing with his big shaft pressed against the length of his face. Tyler had never experienced anything quite like this before--he never tended to give guys a chance to tease him like this--but he found himself getting even more turned on by the way that Ollie was controlling the situation.

"Please," Tyler begged, desperate for release. "I need you, baby boy."

Ollie grinned wickedly at him before finally taking Tyler's cock back into his mouth. But instead of going straight for deep throat action, he started teasing the head with quick flicks of his tongue while stroking the shaft with one hand. The sensation was almost too much for Tyler to bear; he could feel himself getting closer and closer to coming again. But just when he thought that Ollie would let him come, Ollie pulled away once more.

"Not yettt," Ollie said coyly, looking up at Tyler with intense eyes. "I want you on the edge, daddy."

Tyler groaned in frustration but couldn't help feeling amazed by how skilled and confident Ollie had become in their sexual relationship. He knew that he could easily take control back and cum whenever he wanted, but the way that Ollie was edging him made it even more intense. Tyler was loving the way that Ollie had taken charge while still being submissive at the same time.

As Ollie continued to tease Tyler's cock, he rubbed his own hard member against Tyler's leg. He was beyond turned on by this whole experience and couldn't wait to feel Tyler inside of him again. But first, he wanted to tease him some more. "You want me to keep going?" Ollie asked seductively, looking up at Tyler through long lashes.

Tyler nodded eagerly, his eyes locked onto Ollie as the boy took his cock back into his mouth once more. This time Ollie deepthroated him slowly and with purpose; taking it all in until he felt it hit the back of his throat before pulling away and repeating over and over again. Just as Tyler felt himself about to go over the edge, Ollie pulled away from him once more.

"FUCK!" Tyler groaned in frustration. "No. Don't stop, baby."

Ollie chuckled wickedly before standing up and stripping off his clothes. Tyler drank in his slim, pale body and the rock hard cock twitching between his legs. He climbed up onto Tyler's lap and straddled him. He leaned down to kiss his boyfriend deeply.

"I want you inside me again," Ollie whispered against his lips. His small cock pressed into Tyler's monster, leaking all over the shaft.

Tyler moaned and grabbed onto Ollie's hips, pulling him even closer. "God, you're so fucking hot," he said as he kissed Ollie back. He loved how the boy was taking charge. It wasn't something that he'd expected to like, but he was finding it a refreshing change from the way things usually went.

Ollie broke the kiss and looked deeply into Tyler's eyes. "Don't just fuck me, Ty," he said softly. "Make love to me."

Tyler was taken aback by Ollie's words but felt a sudden surge of tenderness towards him. He had never been the greatest with romantic sentiments, but something about the way that Ollie was looking at him--something about the last few weeks--made him feel like he wanted more than just to conquer this kid again and again... he'd already done that. Usually he got bored with it--but this. This was keeping him more interested than he'd ever been with one guy.

He pulled Ollie close and kissed him again, this time with a tenderness that surprised even himself. "I will," he whispered against Ollie's lips. "I promise."

As Ollie positioned himself doggy-style on the arm of the couch, Tyler couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. The sight of his boyfriend's pretty pale ass and still-puffy hole was almost too much for him to handle. He leaned in close, running his hands over Ollie's smooth skin as he took a long lick up the crack of his ass, savoring the taste and smell. He loved how responsive Ollie was to his touch; every time he touched him or licked at him, he could feel how much it turned him on. Tyler continued eating out Ollie slowly and sensually, taking care not to rush things. He wanted this moment between them--this intimate act--to last forever. As he licked at Ollie's hole with increasing pressure while rubbing circles around it with one hand; driving small gasps from deep within the boy's chest that echoed against the living room like ghosts caught in motionless purgatory.

Ollie writhed on the couch. It felt so good having Tyler eat out his ass like this. He pushed back onto Tyler's face eagerly trying to get more tongue inside before pulling away slightly teasingly making sure they both understood who was really in charge tonight: Him.

"Please Ty," begged softly "I need you inside me now." Tyler grinned at Ollie's begging, loving the way he was taking charge and calling the shots. He got up to grab a bottle of lube and slicked up his fingers before slowly sliding one inside Ollie's tight hole. Ollie moaned as Tyler began to finger him, feeling himself getting even more turned on by the intimate act. He pushed back against Tyler's hand, eager for him to go deeper.

"More," he pleaded softly. "I need...more."

Tyler complied with his request, adding another finger into the mix and stretching Ollie out carefully but quickly--getting ready for something much bigger than just two fingers. It wasn't long until Ollie was practically writhing with pleasure beneath him; every touch sending jolts of electricity through his body that made it hard to think straight. It felt like all he could do was focus on the sensation of Tyler's thick cock filling him up again.

"Please Ty," he begged once more "Take me now!"

Without hesitation, Tyler pulled away from fingering that slick boy pussy and positioned himself behind Ollie who had planted both palms flat onto the couch cushion in front of them--it gave a tiny whimper as an invitation: "Do it."

Tyler gently pressed forward into that tight pucker until finally sinking balls deep inside--he let out a low groan as that familiar heat enveloped him. "Oh god," he said, looking down at where their conjoined bodies met. "You feel so fucking amazing."

Ollie let out a moan as he felt Tyler's cock fill him up, the stretch almost overwhelming his senses. The feeling of his massive cock filling him again so soon after the rough fuck at the student union was intense, but he welcomed it eagerly. He loved the way that Tyler filled him--loved how big and strong he was--and it made him feel incredibly submissive. Tyler started to slowly pump in and out of Ollie. Their bodies moved together in a slow and steady rhythm. His powerful thrusts filled him up with every stroke. It was different from their usual rough sex; this time it felt like they were truly making love. Ollie moaned softly as he pushed back against Tyler's hips with each thrust, feeling completely lost in the pleasure of their connection. He reached down to rub at his own cock, loving the way that Tyler was taking care of him while still being dominant.

Tyler leaned forward over Ollie's back, kissing along his shoulder blades and neck as he continued to thrust slowly but deeply into him. He knew that neither of them would be able to last long at this pace--especially not after all the teasing earlier--but for now he wanted nothing more than just to feel close to Ollie like this. It only made him want to push himself further--to make this moment last forever if possible. He had never felt this way about another person, ever. He knew he was in love with Ollie, in his own way, and that this connection they had went beyond just sex. He wanted to take care of him, protect him from harm and be the one to make all his fantasies come true.

As they both approached climax, Tyler pulled out suddenly before flipping Ollie onto his back on the couch. He was going to finish this on his terms. He positioned himself and lifted up Ollie's legs, plunging deep inside him again; starting off gently until picking up speed. Ollie moaned, loving how Tyler was taking control back. But this time felt different; there was a certain level of trust between them that made everything feel safer and more exciting at the same time.

"Ohhhh god," Ollie cried out in ecstasy, furiously stroking himself. "You're going so deep! Please don't stop!"

Tyler grunted in response as he began pounding into Ollie harder and faster--each thrust sliding over his prostate and lighting up his nervous system over and over again with such rapidity that he started to lose himself. Ollie's body shook with pleasure as Tyler fucked him relentlessly. He could feel the tension building inside of him, his whole being consumed by the overwhelming sensations that were washing over him. As their bodies moved together, it was like they were both lost in another world--a place where nothing else mattered except for this moment between them. Finally, Ollie reached his climax; his entire body tensing up before he came hard all over himself. The sight of Ollie's orgasm was enough to push Tyler over the edge too--he let out a loud groan as he came deep inside of Ollie once more.

Ollie moaned loudly as he felt Tyler's seed fill him up for the second time that night, a feeling of warmth and satisfaction spreading through his body. As Tyler collapsed onto the couch beside him, Ollie felt his heart pounding in his chest. Tyler rolled over and pulled Ollie close to him, wrapping an arm around him tightly.

"You're so amazing," he whispered into Ollie's ear. "I'm lucky to have you."

Ollie smiled contentedly at those words; it was exactly what he needed to hear from Tyler--some reassurance that their connection wasn't just about sex but also something deeper and more meaningful. "I'm lucky to have you too," he whispered back, snuggling in closer to Tyler's warm body.

They lay there in silence for a while, both basking in the afterglow of their intense sexual encounter. Ollie felt like everything was falling into place; gone were all of his worries from earlier in the day--for now at least--and Ollie felt content with this man who had taken over his life.

Eventually, Tyler got up to clean himself up before returning with a damp cloth to wash Ollie's body gently. It was such a tender gesture that made Ollie feel loved and cared for. Tyler pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's late," he said sleepily. "We should get some rest."

Ollie nodded in agreement and gasped as Tyler scooped him up and carried him to the bedroom. He placed him gently on the bed and crawled in after him. Ollie couldn't resist reaching over to kiss Tyler softly on the lips one more time before settling down.

"Goodnight, Ty" whispered Ollie as he snuggled closer to Tyler's warm body.

"Goodnight, lil' Ollie," replied Tyler wrapping his arm around his waist holding tightly as they fell asleep intertwined with each other--two souls connected by love and lust alike.

Next: Chapter 10

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