Olly Helps Liam

By Chunky Chains

Published on Jul 14, 2015


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

Olly Murs stepped out onto the patio in Harry Styles's back garden, wearing just his Calvin Klein trunks. Although he'd taken a few minutes in the bathroom to try to clean out some of the cum from his backside, a small stain was still starting to form on the underwear as yet more of the multiple loads he'd taken dripped out.

He lit up a cigarette, and then sat down on one of the chairs to enjoy a quiet moment away from the party still going on inside. Most of the bottoms were having a rest, while Zayn was still on his back on the sofa. At the point Olly had wandered off, Max was finally getting to have another go at being a top and was ploughing Zayn for all his worth.

Olly took a deep draw on his cigarette, and then relaxed his head back on the chair and gazed up at the moon. It was a warm evening, and on the patio he was sheltered from the breeze that was blowing the higher leaves on the trees around. He wasn't sure what time it was, but it was still dark so he knew the party would be going on for a while yet.

"Hey" said a voice from the doorway.

Olly turned his head and looked over to see Harry Judd stepping outside, wearing a pair of tight Y-fronts and a tank top, and clothing a bottle of beer.

"Hey you" he replied. "Taking a break too?"

"Yeah" said Harry, stopping to light up a cigarette too. "It's a bit of a Zayn-fest in there."

"Always happens" said Olly, smiling.

Harry sat down on one of the other chairs and put his legs up on a table. He took a swig of beer, and then a draw from his cigarette.

"So" he said, "what was with Niall and Liam?"

"Yeah, that was a bit unexpected" replied Olly. "Well, sort of anyway."

"Yeah?" asked Harry.

"I dunno" said Olly, blowing out smoke. "I think there was always something there, but Nialler never, you know, did anything about it."

"Well he picked a hell of a time to do it" said Harry. "Not exactly Paris by moonlight."

"Haha" laughed Olly. "No. But hey, I reckon it finally got to him."

"How bad was it for Liam?" asked Harry.

Olly paused, staring up at the moon as he took a puff on his cigarette.

"I dunno. Worse than I reckon he's letting on. You've seen what they're like."

"What they `were' like" said Harry. "Not going to be how it was any more."

"No, I guess not" said Olly. "Styles is going to be fucking Tommy round the clock now."

"Good" said Harry, quietly.

Olly turned to look at him. "Not a fan either?" he asked.

Harry shook his head slowly, and took a puff on his cigarette. He sat back and looked out into the garden. Olly tried to work out what his friend's face was saying, but decided just to wait and see if there was going to be any more.

"He got rough with me once" Harry eventually said. "Really rough."

"Go on" said Olly, sitting up.

Harry sat quietly for a bit longer, before taking a final draw on his cigarette and stubbing it out on the armrest of the chair.

"He came over one night. About 3 months ago. Drunk. I shouldn't have let him in, but I thought I better so I could get him a cab or something."

"And..." said Olly.

"He just...he caught me off guard in the kitchen. Had my arm bent behind me, forcing me over. Then he just took what he wanted. No lube. Nothing. Hurt like hell. And then he just pushed me onto the floor and left."

Even just by the dim light of the moon, Olly could see Harry had tears forming in his eyes. He got up from his chair and went over to his friend, standing behind him and resting his arms on Harry's shoulders. He leant forward and kissed the top of Harry's head.

"I wish you'd told me" he said. "I never would have asked Liam to get you in on this tonight if I'd known."

"It's OK" Harry whispered. "When Liam called me and told me he had asked you for help I wanted to do my bit too."

Olly wrapped his arms around Harry's chest and kissed his neck. Harry leaned his head over against his friend's, enjoying the tenderness that he so rarely got from any of the guys. Olly eventually pulled up a bit, again just resting his hands on Harry's shoulders.

"You're a good man Judd" he said, "don't ever forget that."

"Thanks mate" Harry replied.

They remained quiet for a bit longer, listening to the leaves blowing in the breeze. Harry finished off his bottle of beer, and then plonked it down on the patio tiles.

"Whaddya say we get back in there?" he said to Olly.

"Sure thing" he replied.

Harry stood up, and Olly put his arm around his shoulder. They turned and walked back into the house. When they reached the living room, they could see that Sam Callahan was now having a go on Zayn, but pretty much everyone else seemed to be sitting down. The only other action in the room was over on the other sofa, where Louis was unenthusiastically bouncing up and down on Austin Drage's cock.

Olly and Harry looked at this briefly, and then Olly pulled away from Harry and walked over. He stepped behind Louis, bent his knees slightly, and without any warning jammed his cock into Louis's arse in one hard shove.

"Aaaaahhhh" screamed Louis.

Olly grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, before leaning forward so his mouth was by Louis's ear.

"If you ever hurt any of my friends again" he whispered, "I'm going to fucking kill you."

He released Louis's hair and angrily shoved his head forward, before pulling his cock out of Tomlinson's abused hole and standing back up again. As he turned, he saw Harry Judd staring at him. Olly nodded at him, and Harry eventually nodded back.

Most of the rest of the guys had seen what Olly had done, and were now looking between him and Harry trying to work out what was going on.

"Gentlemen" Olly announced. "Tonight you have a new mission. Louis here is, it seems, a cock-loving whore, and as one myself I can tell you that he needs to be given what he wants. So, get your dicks in gear, because no-one is leaving here until they have cum up his slutty little arse."

There was a brief moment of silence, and then they all started cheering. Over the din, no-one heard the whimpers coming from Louis as he realised what lay in store for him.

Once Austin had climaxed inside Louis, a whole succession of men started to take their turns in any position they fancied. On occasion Tomlinson tried to resist, but somehow he always caught Olly's glare from some other part of the room and just found the fight go out of him. He was beaten, and he knew it.

Olly's little speech had energised the room again, and as the tops waited their turn to do their duty on Louis they got warmed up on the other bottoms. Harry Judd resumed his night by taking a spit-roasting from Duncan and Simon. Olly bent himself over the dining table and was seen to by Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones and Harry Styles. Aston finally got his cock up Austin's rear end, before they flipped back and forth for a while enjoying their new-found versatility. Max settled into a long fuck of his old bandmate Tom Parker, while Lee took a pounding from James Jordan. Pasha and Robin were back with Zayn, switching places at his arse while the boy carried on chain-smoking, a huge pile of ash and butts now building up in the tray on his chest. Scott Bruton got on his knees and started to suck off Antony, whilst Marvin had Sam Callahan pressed up against the wall on his tip-toes as he stretched the boy open with the biggest cock he'd taken yet.

Meanwhile, in the utility room Dougie was just finishing up a long and sensual rim job on his boyfriend Matt, who was lying on his back on one of the surfaces. Dougie had got him ready with one, then two and finally three fingers, and when they were removed he felt empty and desperate for something more. Sensing this, Dougie stood up between his partner's legs and gently pressed his cock at Matt's twitching hole.

"Ready?" he whispered.

"Yeah" breathed Matt, who lifted his legs on to Dougie's shoulders.

Dougie pushed a little, and slowly slipped inside. He took his time, stopping whenever he felt Matt tense up, but eventually he was buried inside his lover. With his pubes pressed up against Matt's buttocks, he stayed there without moving for a few minutes to allow him to get used to being so full, until a gentle push back against him from his boyfriend told Dougie that it was time to get things underway. He slowly started to pull out and then push in again, eliciting a whimper from Matt. As he increased the pace, the whimpers turned to groans, before Matt really started to get into it.

"Oh yeah. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck me." Matt was feeling things he never expected as Dougie moved inside him, rubbing his prostate and filling him up completely.

Dougie kept up a good rhythm for a while, never taking his eyes off Matt's face as he enjoyed watching the man he now knew he loved experience the awesomeness of a fucking for the first time.

"Oh fuck. Oh god. Don't stop. Don't stop" moaned Matt.

"I won't" said Dougie. "I promise."

With that, he leaned over and kissed Matt, still thrusting inside of him.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I know" replied Matt, putting his tattooed arms around Dougie. "Now fuck me loverboy" he groaned.

And fuck him Dougie did. On his back. On his front. On his side. Up against the boiler. Doggy-style on the floor. By the time he finally grabbed hold of Matt's hips and erupted inside him, Dougie was pouring with sweat from the exertion. With his final spurt he collapsed onto Matt's back, but they were both so slick that he slid off onto his back on the floor. Matt in turn collapsed onto his front, lying next to Dougie. They were both panting like they'd run a marathon, but eventually Matt put his arm over Dougie's chest and pulled himself forward a bit to rest his head on his boyfriend's outstretched arm.

"Jesus" he said.

"I know" replied Dougie.

With that, they both fell asleep, so tired from their epic fucking that even the noise from the other room couldn't disturb them. Indeed, it wasn't until the sun had climbed high enough in the sky the next morning to finally get above the trees outside and burst through the window onto their sleeping bodies that the pair of them finally stirred, but in the rest of the house there was still a lot more to happen before then...



Next: Chapter 7

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