Olympia Studio

Published on Jan 21, 2021


Olympia Studio 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

"How Much is Too Much?" was a good title for a production. It promised much, but it promised nothing specific. That was useful given the actors available to the Olympia Studio. Our actors were not always articulate. We valued men who could stay erect and ejaculate on cue. In a pinch, we could work with men who were mostly erect and eventually shoot off.

I accidentally discovered a solution for this problem. We had filmed orgasms during the rehearsals. If an actor couldn't shoot off, we could substitute someone else's orgasm. A number of our actors shot off in recreational episodes. Bobby, our camera man, had a nose for imminent orgasms.

Dunstan has an unruly mind that was always planning and scheming. He had produced short scene with a Black man and a White man. It had been shocking, and Dunstan thought it was too much for the audience. Two weeks later it had triple the sales of any other short he had made.

The star of the short was a Black man, Grover Washington. He was over six feet tall, muscular, and hung. He was from the South but had been in New York for three years. He was an affable, pleasant man who had almost no education as was typical of Southerners. Olympia Studios had paid him $60.00 for the short, and that seemed like a fortune to him.

I think he was a smart man. He told me that hung Black guys were exciting to some white men and he knew he was well hung by Black standards. His cock scared men, but it also attracted them. "I'm not a scary guy, and I take my time. My cock feels better in your ass than it looks," he explained. "For some guys it's everything they dreamed about. Some guys think getting screwed by a Black guy is as bad as it could be. If they can take it, it's as good as it can be.

Dunstan also hired a Mexican man, Juan Duarte. He went by the name of Aztec Juan. I guessed he was a mixture of Spanish and Indian. He looked Indian, but had a muscular, hairy body that was Spanish or perhaps Italian. Aztec Juan introduced Dunstan to Wong Manchu, a Chinese wrestler. They had been on the novelty wrestling circuit and were getting older. Fucking was easier on the joints than wrestling. There was no way for him to rise in the wrestling circuit since Chinese men were always the bad guys.

I was with Bobby and the three of the in the early morning on a Saturday. They had seen me in some of our productions and we decided to have a little audition. I think they knew I was one of the financial backers of the Studio. I suspected Bobby had told them that I was a bit more dependable and stable than Dunstan. I also guessed that Bobby told then I was more versatile sexually than Dunstan. I could admire a variety of their skills.

I wasn't sure if I was that open minded. In the back of my mind, I think I felt a cock was a cock and that they all worked the same way. I had an English background with a touch of Scottish. Our other men had similar backgrounds, but Toby was Irish. That would have shocked my father. Rocky was Italian and Rollo was Polish. I had noticed the length and diameter of their cocks. Their cock juices tasted the same except for beer in a few cases. Sperm could be creamy or runny but tasted the same except a few guys had sweeter man seed.

For a moment I shocked myself. Before I owned the Olympia Studios, my experiences were with one or two men every year or so. Now I was comparing the size and taste of the genitals of several men. Had I become dissolute? I briefly worried, then I shocked myself a second time. If I was dissolute, I was happily dissolute. My concerns vanished as quickly as they had occurred to me. After all, we were all adult men who had control over our destinies. I didn't force anyone to join in. We were all both happy and satisfied.

The men had heard about Rollo's judgment that my ass was a home away from home. Most of them had fucked men who weren't entirely comfortable being fucked. Grover said some men were like fucking a log. Sometimes he felt like a Woodpecker entering solid wood. The word was that my ass was welcoming and open, but not too open. It was tight enough to please. I was an active partner.

Grover was an impressive man in the shorts. He was more impressive in person, nude and erect. He knew he was big and strong, and he had no need to prove that to anyone. He told me that he loved to fuck, but it was over too fast. I told him to take his time.

He nudged his cock head into me, and then toyed with my sphincter for a while. It was big, but I relaxed as I got used to it. He then pushed hard, and his cock vanished into my hole.

"Damn! He opened up for me," he exclaimed. "It is warm and tight. I now know what a fucking home away from home feels like!" After five or six minutes he pulled out. He said he wanted to shoot in me later. Aztec Juan wanted me to sit on his cock, facing away from him. This was a new position for me and was good. Wong mentioned that after I took Grover, there was room for a second cock in my ass.

Much to my surprise Wong was right. He pushed his tool into me stretching my ass. It was good for me. As Aztec and Wong rubbed their well lubricated cocks together, I suspected they loved it. Bobby was filming it and he was happy too. Aztec shot off first and his twitching cock set Wong off. When the pulled out of me, Bobby was able to capture the mixture of Indian and Chinese sperm drooling from my ass.

Grover re-entered me as the drooling stopped. We then had an intense five minutes of fucking until Grover shot off. Bobby captured his sperm dripping from my hole. Bobby then fed my mouth with his load. I had never taken his cock before and his rich and thick sperm was exciting. Bobby was a scrawny tall man, and I wasn't expected his ball seed to be so tasty.

The shoot was over and was a complete success. Unexpectedly, Bobby, Grover, Aztec, and Wong returned to my cock and round Robin sucked it until I shot off. They shared my seed. They were perfect gentlemen, who were anything but gentlemen outside the Studio walls.

Dunstan was providing a storage place for a swimming pool that was part of a dance number. He thought we would have a nautical theme with a group of sailors sailing around the world. We dressed Toby as a Spaniard, Grover as an African, Aztec as an American Indian, Wong as an Emperor and Rollo as a Maharaja, etc.

I was the captain of the ship wearing an impressive beard. We went to Spain and encountered a randy Flamenco Dancer. We then went to the Congo Free State where a Belgian overseer was beating a Zulu child. Grover came to the rescue there. I knew there were no Zulus in The Congo Free State. I also knew that no one in our American audience knew that. We then went to India, and then China, and ended up in Mexico and Aztec Juan.

The plot was stunningly thin, but the sex was impressive. Bobby could do broad over all images and then impressive close-up views. Grover had a friend, Bud, who was thirty but was almost a dwarf. Bud played a Pygmy who had the sex drive of a platoon of soldiers who had been on maneuvers for a month and had pent up urges. He had a great time.

I sacrificed my anal virginity to please the Indian Maharaja. Later, I introduced a Chinese Emperor to oral sex. Dunstan complained that I seemed to lose my virginity with remarkably little drama. I pointed out that the camera was on my ass, not my face and assholes weren't good about expressing emotion. Wong and Bobby both told me I was wrong about that. They both thought my ass smiled. That caused considerable merriment among the actors.

"How Much is Too Much?" was a success. Dunstan and I both realized that too much success would be bad for us. It was best for us if no one in the general public knew we existed. Our success was based on attracting a specialized audience. We wanted men who were full time members of the fraternity, not men with a casual interest who dabbled in man sex.

Ed was involved with the upper tiers of government and society. He told us he had a friend who had seen and loved our productions and wanted to be in one. It would need to be entirely secret and anonymous. His friend was well known, happily married and successful. He had urges that were problematic.

Of course, Dunstan and I knew all about problematic urges. I regarded sex as an exciting and pleasurable activity for men of similar interests. It was similar for men and women who marry for love, affection and to form a family. For some men sex is a way to dominate and control. Women are to be used and abused. Affection and enjoyment are not valued.

While many regard sex between men as a perversion, I regard sex between any two people without affection or enjoyment is the perversion. I think perversion is in the mind, not in the genitals.

Ed was a good friend and Dunstan said we would meet him. He came to visit me with Ed one night. I knew who he was immediately, but he was using the name Tommy. We talked. He had seen me with Toby. He thought we were an attractive couple. From the way he said it I knew that Toby was his true interest.

Tommy said he had dabbled in man sex, but when he saw one of our productions. He knew there was much to learn. He wanted more. He also told us more about himself. He had marred twice. His first wife died in childbirth, and while he was deeply in love with his second wife, she was delicate, and he was a bull in a china shop. He was afraid he might hurt her. The now had three children but the doctors said more children might be dangerous.

He looked us in the eye and said, "I have a feeling you aren't delicate!"

We laughed. "I'm not delicate, but I am accommodating. What are your interests?" I asked.

"Tommy. My friend is the sole of discretion and a straight arrow. You've seen him in the productions. You can trust him," Ed said.

"I would like to be with someone who isn't a delicate flower. I am not a rough or crude man, but I would like to let loose," Tommy said. "There are some things I have never tried."

We talked a little. Tommy had received blow jobs, but never blown a man. He had never fucked and never tasted a man's sperm. "Is it more intense when you do that?" he asked. "I have no idea. I have no idea if I should try these things one by one, or jump into the pond and see what happens?"

Toby came in the room pushing a cart with coffee and pastries. Tommy obviously admired Toby. Toby was always interested in any opportunity for sex. Tommy was the sort of man he liked. Toby winked at me as he left.

"Tommy, would you believe there is a deep pool nearby?" I asked. He looked puzzled.

"Toby and I have a recreational area for interested men in my bedroom. Ed has been there, and it is enjoyable," I said. "You said you are inexperienced. I am afraid that if you were to join us there, you would no longer be inexperienced." "Would Toby be there?" I said yes. Tommy smiled. I rang the bell for Toby and all of us went to my bedroom. You never know how people will react meeting someone new. That is even more difficult when you are meeting them for sex. It was no problem for Tommy. He was ready and perhaps over ready. Toby had been in my bedroom anticipating the future event. He was naked and that was more than enough to excite Tommy. He was naked a minute later. Toby went to Tommy, said hello, and fondled Tommy's cock.

Ed and I were only a little behind them.

"I like it all," Toby told Tommy.

"I've not done much, but I suspect I will like it all too," Tommy replied. The room was dimly illuminated so I could not see Tommy's cock well, but Toby seemed happy. A little later we were on my bed linked cock to mouth. I thought Tommy would only focus on Toby, but he discovered pleasure and taste of Ed and my cocks. He also found that all of us were vastly superior cock suckers than anyone he played with before.

During a break to let everyone catch their breath, I took a seat on Tommy's tool. That was a total success. Tommy cock made up in diameter what it lacked in length. It was what Dunstan referred to as a prostate pleaser.

A little later Tommy fucked me doggie style. He left his asshole open to view and Toby poked into Tommy's hole. Toby said the hole looked needy. Toby's cock was thin and long, so Tommy took it easily. I was sucking Ed who shot off and withdrew from the action for a while.

I had renovated my bath to include a small shower-steam room. It was designed so I could lie down in it, that meant it was big enough for four men sitting. It was brightly illuminated. I had discovered that some men were sexual athletes in a dark room but could do nothing in a bright room. They were shy in the light. That was a major problem for our actors. A trip to my shower exposed any problems of that nature.

Tommy had no problem. He had a muscular boxer's physique. His thick genitals looked right. Toby fucked me and very obviously shot off in me. when he pulled out, Tommy entered me, pounded frantically, and shot off. he clearly didn't mind having Toby and Ed watching him shoot off.

It was getting late, and Ed and Tommy had to leave. I told Tommy to come back anytime, but the next time he would have to suck Toby and me and like it. He told me he didn't think that would be a problem.

The next day at 8:00 in the evening Tommy was at my door. I asked him in.

"I'm so embarrassed. When I left last night, I thought I would be back in week or too. My wife and the children went to go to see her mother in Philadelphia and the house was empty. An hour later I had an urge to see you again. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't impose on you," he said.

"To be quite frank, if you are here for polite conversation, it is an imposition," I said. "If you are here for sex, you are more than welcome."

Tommy looked at me oddly. "I guess I'm here for sex," he admitted.

"I have a confession to make to you. I've never said no to sex," I said. "Toby is here of course and as is a friend of ours, Rollo. You will like him."

We went to the back of the house. Toby and Rollo were playing cards in what had been the servants hall when there were servants. Rollo was a muscular, beefy brick mason. Tommy like what he saw.

"Toby and I had a good time with Tommy last night. We shared common interests," I said to Rollo. He was wondering if we all might like to have some fun."

"I'm always ready for some fun with you and your mates," Rollo said.

As we walked upstairs, Rollo and Tommy talked.

"I'm a bit shy," Tommy said.

"I used to be shy, but I found some things that were so much fun, I forgot to be shy," Rollo said. "There were a lot of things that I thought only I liked to do. Guys are Guys and some of them like the same sort of stuff. It's strange, we all have what they call our privates. If every guy has privates are they really private? It can be a lot for fun when you share your man parts and forget the private part."

"Have you been in any of the Olympic Studios productions?" Tommy asked.

"I sure have. That where I found guys who like the same stuff," Rollo said. "I learned a lot of new stuff too."

"Did some of it hurt?" Tommy asked.

"Some things took some getting used to, but when I got into the swing of things, they were great," Rollo explained. "I'm a big boy and some guys think I'm too big."

A little later, we were in my bedroom and Rollo asked if he could shower. "I just came from work," he explained. Of course, I said yes. Tommy joined him. A few minutes later Toby and I entered the shower. By then Tommy and Rollo had used their time getting acquainted.

"I was with our host the first time when I took his fucking horse cock," Rollo was saying. "I thought I would feel like a was a mare taking the cock of the prize-winning stallion at the county fair. His cock hit a place I didn't know existed."

"You liked it? Did it hurt?" Tommy asked.

"Well, it was a challenge, but when he finally shot off, it was as if he awarded me a blue ribbon," Rollo said. "I shot off hands free as he squirted. I had never had that happen before. I had a pal watching. He took my load. he liked man seed and told me it was best fresh from the cock. He said hands free was the best because none of the seed was bruised."

"You friend must be very open minded?" Tommy said with a smile.

"I sure as hell am!" Toby said. "You may have guessed we are intimate. We've all traded sperm in our mouths and asses. I was thinking you might be interest in joining our little group?"

"I would like to, but it's a big step for me. I'm uneasy," Tommy said.

"It like teaching a baby how to walk. You take on step at a time," Toby replied.

Next: Chapter 4

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