Olympic Champ

By Cameron Nelson

Published on Jun 5, 2001


A Disclaimer: If you don't appreciate homoerotic love stories, or if

you're under 18 years old, please leave this site now and do not read

this story. Enough said!


By Cameron Nelson


Part 10

Day 6: Mid-Morning

Miami International Airport

My flight is getting ready to board - and I'm totally and completely depressed! It's been three days since I've seen Donny or spoken to him, and I miss him so bad. I've barely slept in that time. I can't believe he left so abruptly and without saying good-bye or anything. Shit! What did I do? Did I scare him off with my attentions? I thought he loved what we did together. I thought I was so caring - because he was so loving and so incredibly desirable and so, so beautiful. Didn't he like what we did together? Was our lovemaking too intense? I'm at a loss; I just don't know. Did he feel inadequate? Was I inadequate?

All these questions - plus hundreds more - were zipping around as I waited for my row number to be called. I saw some of the Paralympic athletes at the terminal and looked for Donny. I recognized one of them - he was in the same race as Donny was. I introduced myself and asked him if he knew or had seen Donny. His name was Joseph and he said he'd heard that there were some family troubles and that Donny had left quickly flying off to Texas. Family trouble? I thought Donny was split from his family. What kind of family troubles?

My flight to Philadelphia was delayed - of course. We sat on the runway approaches for over an hour waiting for clearance. I dozed fitfully - thinking all the time about Donny and our aborted "romance" - very short but very intense.

Even after I returned to school I was in a real shitty mood until I was able to submerge myself in the studies again. My friends spoke about their "buddies" and even showed me a few Polaroids they'd taken. Some of the guys in the pictures were quite cute including a beautiful blonde paraplegic. I asked for details about making love with a para and Gary let me know everything. It seemed incredibly hot - I never knew a guy with a spinal injury could have sex, but according to Gary this particular guy can, although it took some doing. However, nothing could make me forget my Donny - and that marvelous last night...and the riotous next morning we had together.

Part 11

Day 2: Very Early in the Morning

The Bedroom

Donny was begging me to plow his ass - and I was weakening. I had only fucked a man one time before and I knew that I loved getting my ass filled by a willing stud's major piece of meat. But Donny said he couldn't function again tonight (his one ball kept him barely active, he said) and wanted to feel my schlong invading his body.

"To tell the truth, Cammy, I haven't...well, I haven't fucked anyone since...since they chopped me. And I always was a top. Now whenever I meet someone...and they're willin' to take me to bed...well, they always want to fuck me, thinkin' that they'll have their way with me and brag later that they fucked a legless and ball less wonder. I know that's not what you're thinkin'; I know that sweetheart. I know you're different. But I need...well, I need t' know...Shit! I'm havin' such difficulty sayin' what I want t' say." He took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. He reached over and began to rub my face and then my chest...gently caressing me and making me hot. "I really like you, Cammy, and I'd really like you to make love...to make love t' me. I need it and I need you."

He became a little sullen and spoke in a low voice; he avoided looking directly at me. "When they cut me up I thought my life was over, Cammy. Really! I'm not overly dramatizing this. No legs, no balls...a shadow of what I used t' be and a wisp of what I wanted t' be. A half man...not even. I can't tell you the number of times I thought of killing myself and the bizarre and torturous methods I devised for doin' myself in. Some were really quite fantastic, almost like Rube Goldberg thingamabobs. Incredibly fuckin' twisted.

"Finally, I figured `What the fuck! I can kill myself anytime. Let's see what life's like without legs or balls. Let's experiment with something new - or without something old.' So I decided to live. I moved back with my folk - they were livin' in the Atlanta area. They set things up pretty good for me and I started back in school, this time really tryin' to learn. And doin' the sports I was able t' do, like wheelchair basketball and wheelchair racin'." He had brightened somewhat during this narrative but suddenly his face turned dark again. "But...but sex...well that was an entirely different matter." He pulled away from me and laid back, his forearm over his eyes.

I moved over to him, kissed him and slowly stroked his wonderful chest. I leaned in again and kissed him hard. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, telling me in effect that he truly appreciated me and my behavior toward him and how comfortable I made him feel and how totally accepting I was. He said that he'd never experienced such acceptance from anyone - even when he had both legs and both balls.

This made me all hot again. Yes, my cock was straining for quite a while now and I'd been leaking all over the place. But when he said this I got even hotter - like I'm being enveloped by a cloud of love from Donny.

"I've honestly never met anyone quite like you before, Cammy. You are so cute, so willing, so accepting, so...well, I don't know. Just everything about you is so great."

I blushed. "Before you said you wanted me to...you know, ou wanted me to...to make...um...love to you, Donny. Do you still want that?"

"More than ever, Cammy. I want you...no, I need you...to fuck me...fuck me real good. I want to feel a man inside me who really wants to make love to me and not just to fuck the legless jock...the big fuckin' stupid jock with no balls." He smiled at me and ran his hand over my cheek again. His voice became softer and much more seductive. "Yes, Cammy. I want you to really, really make love to me. I am completely yours. I trust you."

"You're not stupid, Donny. Far from it."

We kissed again and I wiped some tears from Donny's cheek. I ran my tongue from his mouth, down his neck and over his cute and not very prominent Adam's apple to the hollow at the base of his neck. He was so delicious and I was so totally captivated by him. I'd do anything that he asked of me - absolutely anything!

"You know, Cammy, I used to fuck anything that moved. I mean men, women...anything! Pretty, ugly, deformed...you name it I fucked it. I was at my sexual peak and nothing could stop me - not the appearance of the person I was humping, not threat of some sexually transmitted disease or even the specter of the Big A. I mean I'd fuck anyone! I once fucked a eunuch...before I became one. I even fucked a nullified man. You know, a guy with no cock or balls. I did transsexuals, old people. The only people I didn't fuck were kids - never did kids. I suppose that even in my over stimulated, out of control mind that was just too fuckin' sick."

"I also gotta tell you that I've had all kinds of tests, `cause of the sports and all, and I have no sexually transmitted diseases and I'm not HIV positive."

Donny leaned back and seemed to be relaxing some. His breathing was steady and slow and he put his arms out wide on the pillows. He lazily closed his eyes as I continued to work down his body. Actually, it wasn't work at all but extreme pleasure for me. I loved anything and everything about him. Sometimes he'd talk too much and it didn't make that much sense, but I let him do it because I think he was nervous about being with someone who really liked him and really wanted to be with him. Whatever it was, I put up with it because I so wanted to be with him so much and to love him...and to have him love me in return.

I wanted this session to last. In fact, I never wanted it to end. So I approached Donny slowly and tenderly and very lovingly. He was on his back with his arms out and his leg stumps spread a bit wide. His cock was completely soft and hanging down with the head resting on the sheet. It was such a beautiful cock, so wonderfully shaped, so long and so smooth with not a single imperfection to be seen. I couldn't see any scars where his cock had been stitched after his accident. All I wanted to do was cry because there were no balls behind it. It was just hanging there - alone.

I moved up and kissed Donny and gradually moved my lips and mouth down over his chin, his throat (especially that hollow at the base of his throat) and shoulder blades until I reached his nipples. I decided to treat Donny a little more roughly that I previously had because since he'd already had an orgasm I figured it would be much more difficult to arouse him. I bit those nipples and I could hear Donny gasp as I moved one hand down to his crotch and began stroking his cock. While continuing to maul his tits I moved my hand behind his still limp cock and play with the little fringe of skin that was all that remained of his ball bag. He seemed to really love this action and I continued to stroke, squeeze and pinch it lightly. I noticed that his cock responded by getting a little harder and I was thrilled that I could get this reaction from him.

I moved my body down to get better access to his crotch. I saw that his cock was still mostly soft. God, how I wished I could get that wonderful monster awake again! I put my face down and licked at that beautiful, fat cock. Nothing! I buried my nose in his lovely, soft pubic thatch. Then I slowly drag my tongue over the whole length of the cock ending with the head in my mouth. Again nothing. I sucked on the head and dived my tongue into the slit, then worked the tongue around and around the ridge. Still nothing. He was breathing just a little bit harder than when I was mauling his tits but I just adored the feel of his big, incredibly soft cock in my mouth.

I gently lifted his cock out of the way and let is rest on one of his amputated thigh. I went for the remains of the ball bag. Donny seemed to know what I was gonna be doing and he started getting really excited. He wiggled his ass and moved his arms and head but his dick didn't seem to be getting any harder or doing anything - it was still rather limp, resting on his thigh.

I moved so that I could get my tongue and mouth on the fringe of skin denoting where his scrotum had once been attached to his body. I loved this part of him. I cannot believe how totally turned on I was by playing with Donny's mutilated body parts. I mean I was so completely obsessed by his magnificent, powerful leg stumps and also by this - his absent ball bag and the fringe of skin and the scar showing where it once was attached to his body. I'd never felt this way before.

I knew I was leaking one hell of a lot of pre-cum because I could feel my cock dragging through all kinds of wet stuff on the sheet. But I didn't care - as long as I getting to my Donny and satisfying him. He'd said he wanted me to fuck him and that's just what I had in mind. I was going to put my moderate size dong in Donny's heavily muscled ass. And I was going to give him an A number one humping.

I licked the underside of his cock and then worked my way down his V. I slowly began to mouth and tongue this magic, slight piece of scrotal flesh and Donny went absolutely apeshit on me! He was beating his fists on the bed, throwing his head from side to side and making all kinds of wonderful loud noises. I hoped we weren't keeping the other guys awake by our lovemaking. Anyway, after working my mouth and lips and tongue all over that small piece of dangling flesh, I began to bite on it lightly. This really drove him totally crazy. He started breathing and moaning in a totally unusual way and I thought he was having a seizure of some kind. So, I picked my head up and asked him if everything was all right and he just pushed my head down to his crotch again.

While I was still working on that area (going almost down to his ass hole), he slowly raised up his stumps and began rubbing then against the side of my head and my ears. I was feeling just incredible. He was doing this slowly and I totally loved what was happening. It showed me of Donny's acceptance of my efforts. The action also gave me access to his hot ass hole and I was thrilled. Donny spreads his stumps even wider as I began to dive for his hole and then he pulled them back towards his chest. He also shoved a pillow under his lower back to raise himself up. His opening was now completely revealed to me and it got me extremely hot!

There was not a single hair at all in his butt crack or anal opening. Did he himself shave here? Did he have someone do it for him? God! Would I love to be the one to do it for him! Whatever the case, I loved how this area looked and felt. Oh so smooth and inviting!

As I began licking the area, Donny was giving me words of encouragement. He knew I was normally a bottom and so I might be a little hesitant at acting like a top and servicing him; also a little stupid and inexperienced. He was right, of course; I was downright scared because Donny was such a stud and I was such a weakling of a twink. Still am.

"I feel you're a little hesitant, Cammy. Why? Don't you wanna do it?"

"I wanna do it so bad, Donny, I can't even begin to tell you. But I...I...I've never been with such a...such a stud before who's asked me to f-f-fuck him. It's a little daunting, you know."

"Come here, Cam, and let me tell you something." He rolled onto his side and indicated for me to crawl up beside him. I did, and he gently but firmly grasped me and held me to his body. "Cam, I wouldn't have asked you if I thought you couldn't do it or..." he looked at me intently and then kissed me passionately "...if I didn't want it as much as you do." He kissed me again; I was almost too stunned to return his passionate advances, but the feel of his tongue delicately caressing my mouth made me hotter than a blast furnace.

I smiled shyly at him. He smiled back and I melted once again in the face of his wonderful personality and his overwhelming beauty. He was trying to build up my courage and it was definitely working. He caressed my head and face and neck and I was feeling just great. Donny was a real expert in seducing someone and getting them to do what it was he wanted done.

I went into the bathroom and came back with a jar of Vaseline - I knew I'd need it, not because I was that big but I figured that Donny was that tight. I set the jar on the night table. Donny held his arms open for me. His stumps were spread wide and his bag less equipment just hung there. That beautiful big cock was flaccid as opposed to mine that was standing straight out and begging for immediate attention.

I crawled into his arms like a child looking for affection and notice. Donny held me tight and it was a little painful with my cock pressing into his body. But I loved the love he heaped on me. It was totally reassuring. He petted my body and I loved every second of his attention. He began kissing me all over my face, planting little kisses everywhere. It was so erotic, so utterly consoling, so wonderful. Then we kissed passionately, our tongues battling for supremacy.

We were quiet again, with Donny holding me, my head on his fabulous chest. I moved my head slightly to gain access to one of his nipples and slowly, and intermittently, I began to lick it, lovingly playing my tongue over the erect nub and then circling it over and over and over again. Donny was getting excited but he was still holding me tightly. His stumps were beginning to kick slightly and he was, in addition, opening and closing them in a rhythmic pattern. He was getting me terribly hot all over again. I adored the feel of those muscular thighs hitting and touching my body.

We kissed again and he began to lovingly stroke my body. I thrilled at his strong yet gentle touch. He rubbed my face, kissed and licked my ears; this tickled slightly, but sent shivers through my body.

"Let me get you hot, Cammy," he whispered in my ear between kisses. "Let me get you so hot that you forget everything except putting that wonderful cock of yours into my steaming, throbbing, waiting hole."

What he was doing to my body was incredible! He licked down my neck, while sucking on it and biting the pulse points so lightly. He moved his tongue over my shoulders and down each biceps. Now, my biceps are not at all muscular - as I've said before, I'm quite the twink type. My muscles are rounded and have rather soft lines; they are not hard and cut. Donny's muscles were very hard and really cut - he was an incredible hunk - the body that I loved so much in a man and still do. Of course, his being an amputee also added greatly to my desire and lust.

Donny positioned me on my back and crawled onto my body. I thought I would not be able to bear his entire weight but it was fine. Donny gave me a long, passionate kiss while continuing to stroke my skin. I threw my arms open wide. Donny slowly moved down my bod kissing and licking everywhere. I could feel his large, but flaccid cock, trailing over my crotch and over my very erect and now heavily leaking cock. I could feel the wetness as it rubbed over Donny's luscious body.

"Very hot, aren't you Cammy love?"

"Yeah!" is all I can say. Actually, I didn't say it but panted it.

"Well, lets see if I can get you even hotter. Ready?"

I sort of grunted my agreement. I knew Donny understood. I also knew that I wanted everything he had to offer me - and I needed to show him that I loved what he did to me and for me. I needed to show him that I wanted him, and accepted him and had to have him.

Donny was kissing my chest and working around my nipples. The feel of his rough tongue playing with my very sensitive tits was driving me crazy. He even nipped at them lightly and then squeezed them hard between his lips; this was just fucking awesome. I squirmed so much I was afraid that I'd toss Donny right off of me and I wanted so much to feel his weight - to feel that awesome body pressing me down - pinning me to the bed and completely immobilizing me.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.

"Don't worry, Cammy babe. I'm not goin' anywhere."

But still I held him tightly and pressed him relentlessly - my body into his. I let my hands roam.and caress.and play over the great muscles of his back...and his shoulders...and his sides. God! The feeling...the goddamned overwhelming feeling...of this magnificent man...of having this magnificent specimen...of the ultimate in manhood in bed with me...and loving me.and accepting me.... It was all just too much...too much for me to believe.

As Donny continued to slide down my body, I could feel various parts of him against me. It was so thrilling - so unbelievably thrilling! His mouth continued to suck ever inch of my skin - armpits, nipples, pecs, biceps - you name it, he sucked and soothed and pampered it. I just loved how much attention he paid to my armpits and the areas around them. He wet them down thoroughly and sucked on them while gently pulling the hairs with his teeth. Nobody had ever paid this kind of attention to my body before I met Donny and the thrill and excitement of having someone who desired my body was totally awesome.

He slowly and meticulously worked his way down to my crotch. All the while, I could feel his still flaccid cock being dragged over my body parts, and his leg stumps continued to rub me. I'm sure he purposely kept those highly erotic stumps moving rhythmically so as to maximize my arousal. It was totally and incredibly stimulating.

By the time his face and mouth reached my crotch, I was absolutely rock hard, hot as hell and leaking abundant amounts of pre-cum. I felt my whole dick was coated with the stuff. It was heavenly - and among the greatest feelings of my life. Donny knew just how to turn me on like nobody else.

His palpitating leg stumps were soothingly caressing my lower legs. He slowly began to tongue my cock and balls. He looked up and smiled at me while still maintaining the head of my cock in his mouth. "Ya wanna fuck me, Cammystud?"

"God, Donny. Do I ever!"

"Good man. Ole Donny's ass needs a real good hard fuckin'!"

He slowly licked my cock shaft from the base to the slit nipping me gently with his teeth as he made his progress. I was quivering in anticipation and rubbed my hands on his cheeks and neck and anywhere else I could reach on this beautiful man. He would occasionally look up to me and give me one his hundred-megawatt smiles and I would go into meltdown mode still another time. God! What a stud! How did I get so lucky to have found such a gorgeous hunk - and he was making love to me - me, me Cam, the nerd - Cam the wuss - Cam the perpetual loser in love - Cam the twinkie. And he wanted me to fuck his incredibly cute and muscular ass now. This really can't be happening. Can it?

"Cammy, I think it's time for you t' take over. Okay?"

"Yeah," I panted out. "if you want me to."

"I most certainly want you to. I wanna feel that big thumpin' cock of yours slidin' right up int' my chute and havin' ya pump out a good, healthy size, Cammy load right int' my hot, waitin' bowels!"

"Christ Donny. You get me so fuckin' hot just telling me what I'm gonna do! You're incredible and totally fuckin' awesome!"

He rolled off of me and then scooted back up the bed using those powerful arms. I delighted in watching his muscles working and took particular pleasure in looking at how his stumps flapped and wiggled as he moved. I found all of Donny's body movements to be highly erotic and totally absorbing. Everything about him was a complete and total turn on. Donny was a living, breathing aphrodisiac.

When our faces were opposite I leaned over to kiss him very hard. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me to his body while I had my hands on his face, caressing his slightly prickly beard. The kiss was long and quite passionate and when we separated Donny gave me a huge smile and licked his lips appreciatively. He moved onto his back and spread his arms wide. I again had the complete view of his incredible body. As my eyes scanned down to his crotch, I noticed that his gorgeous cock, this magnificent, incredibly sexy appendage, was slightly harder than it had been before but was still quite flaccid. But it was still so incredibly gorgeous.

I knew I had to touch it again, so I reached out and gently began to stroke it.

"It won't get any harder, Cammy."

"I understand, sweetie. I just have to touch it. It's so incredibly beautiful...and inviting...and just beckons my probing fingers."

"Well, if you want to probe, there's certainly something to probe all you want...and I'd love you to take full advantage of it - and me."

He reached over and took the Vaseline and retrieved a condom. Then he moved the pillow under the small of his back and settled in comfortably. His lower body was now raised slightly and it got me hotter than ever. The view would live in my dreams forever.

He spread his stumps wide and I could see every detail of the bottom of his body. The muscular, scarred stumps, Donny's large, thick, beautiful but flaccid cock and no ball bag. Also his anus. Donny pulled his ass cheeks wide and I was able to clearly see the opening - the opening into Donny's beautiful body - and I certainly thought it was beckoning to me - inviting me to enter.

"There it is Cammystud. And here I am in all my glory!" He gave me a gorgeous smile. "Do with me anything you want. I'm totally yours - totally and completely."

I moved up to kiss him once again. I loved the feel of his lips on mine. We frenched deeply and passionately - there was definitely something special between us - something profound, something all consuming, something I desired entirely. I was being accepted by this exceptional man and I could not possibly be happier. Donny was giving himself to me - totally and completely - and I was totally and completely ready to accept.

I rubbed my lips over his thick neck and I began a slow traversal of his luscious and waiting body. From his neck, I made my way to his gorgeous and fully erect nipples, which I proceed to absolutely maul. The feeling of them in my mouth and on my lips and between my teeth made me sizzling and I could feel myself leaking lots of pre-cum onto Donny's body and also onto the bed. This bed was going to be one absolute mess by the time we were finished tonight.

I made a beeline for Donny's pits, and the wonderful taste and feel of them. All the sweating we'd done tonight had paid off - Donny's armpits tasted fabulous! There was that manly musk and slightly sour taste from sweat combining into a aromatic and intoxicating mixture. He was still sweating profusely and I love the wetness. I lifted my head momentarily and gave Donny a great big smile.

He smiled back. His eyes were almost closed and I'm surprised he saw me. "Like it, Cammy?"

"Love it, Donny. You're such an incredible stud!"

"Was, Cammy. I was an incredible stud!"

"No! You still are, my super stud, my great, gorgeous hunk!" I kissed his chest and then licked the area I had just serviced. I smiled again at him and said in a very low, hoarse whisper, "You still are in every way possible. You still are."

He rubbed my hair in response and we gazed into each other's eyes. And we kissed again. Donny threw his arms around me and squeezed my tightly. I was so consumed by his attentions and his reactions to my loving consideration of his glorious body. I would happily die right now because I could not imagine myself with anyone more beautiful, anyone more caring, anyone more willing, than my incredible Donny.

We gazed into each other's eyes as Donny slowly rubbed my hair. And we kissed again. Donny's eyes were moist and so were mine. He threw his arms around me and squeezed my tightly. I was so consumed by his reactions to my loving attention to his glorious body.

I lowered my head and softly rested it on his chest. Donny soothingly stroked my hair, then my and cheek and neck. He was so gentle and so caring. I lifted my head and kissed him again, softly and soothingly on the lips. During the kiss, I began playing with his nipples again, then sneaked my hand into his luxurious arm pits. I could feel his breathing beginning to speed up and so was mine. He moved slightly and began rubbing his leg stumps against my body and it was so incredibly hot that I had to visualize certain "turn offs" to keep myself under control.

I moved one hand down to Donny's crotch and began fingering his cock and the skin where his balls had been. I could feel his cock getting slightly harder and that gave me a big thrill. I slowly moved still lower and began feeling up around his ass hole; I could sense Donny beginning to get even harder when I did this. So I continued diddling around his hole and he was getting hotter and hotter.

"This's great, Cammy!" he panted. "Just...just great. Nobody's ever done this t' me before. I can't believe how great it is." He seemed to be crying a little bit. "Nobody's ever taken the time t' do it. It's usually just a real quick in and out - a real fast fuck and a faster goodbye."

I just smiled a rueful smile at his fantastic response to my attentions to his hole and his whole sublime body. It was feeling so incredibly great to me too. And for the first time I fully realized - and truly believed - that I would soon be fucking this great stud's fantastic ass. He handed me the Vaseline.

"Slick `er up, my friend. Do ya best! I can't wait."

Donny placed both hands on his leg stumps pulling them back and exposing his absolutely award winning ass. I know I was dopily staring at his phenomenally muscled ass mounds - they were each a work of high art. Those muscles looked so tight I was barely able to see his hole and worried haw I going to get in. I also gawked at his wonderfully beautiful dick hanging limply down over his non-existent scrotum; it covered part of his ass hole. But I knew he was giving me his ass and I knew that I was going to take what was rightfully mine.

I began to lick his ass mounds - smooth, hairless and oh so soft to the touch of my tongue. I move up each leg stump and began mauling them with my hands and my mouth - I would lick and suck on one while my hands roughly played with the other. I loved the feel of his hairless stumps and particularly the roughened feel of the scars at the ends. I also started biting on them. I knew it must have been hurting him `cause I was biting rather hard. But he seemed to love it - loved everything I was doing.

As I got closer to his ass hole, I saw that Donny's cock was becoming a little bit more engorged - but just ever so slightly. I took it into my hand to move it aside. As I placed his gorgeous dong on his abdomen, I could feel every beat of his heart through it. I kissed the beautiful head very gently and ran the back of my hand over the limp length. I looked up at Donny's face and he had this big grin; he seemed to be liking everything I was doing for him.

I licked underneath his dick, over the little remaining skin of his removed bag. The skin there had an unusual taste - slightly bitter, but it was soft and I played roughly with the rather large scar there. Donny seemed to love my attention because he started moaning my name rather loudly and placed both those sexy stumps on either side of my head and began wiggling them. The feel of that skin on my ears was so incredibly terrific.

I suddenly began feeling that my dick was getting incredibly hard and that it was being over stimulated. I just knew that I was going to come again and tried desperately to control what was happening to me, but it was all to no avail. I knew I reached the point where nothing would stop it from happening. I began to shout Donny's name along with a string of obscenities and suddenly shot my load.

I was really pissed! SHIT! I hadn't even gotten my cock anywhere near Donny's ass hole and I fuckin' shot off. FUCK! All over his ass cheeks and onto the bed. What a fucking mess! When I opened my eyes, Donny was smiling and I was getting angrier by the second.

"What are you fuckin' smiling about?"

Donny laughed and this got me even more pissed. "I'm laughin' `cause you find me so sexy that you shot without even touchin' yourself. Shit! I think that's great! Nobody's done that for me since the docs sliced and diced me all up."

I had to smile back at him. "Thanks," I said in a rather muffled voice. "I do find you so incredibly sexy. Sorry I couldn't hold back."

"Nothing to apologize about, Cammy. I know you find me hot and I perfectly love it." He opened his arms and I slid up his body while he enfolded me in those mighty, strong arms. "You're the only person who does," he said very softly. He cradled me and kissed my face and shoulders and I loved the feel of his warm, soft lips on me. He also began to rub me with his twin stumps and that started getting me hotter than hell all over again.

To Be Concluded in the Very Next Part (I promise!)

Next: Chapter 5

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