On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jul 9, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened.

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On the Move West

Chapter 10

The next two days went without incident and were very nerve racking waiting for the circuit court judge to arrive. The judge just happened to be the same one who sat on the bench during the first trial of men who had killed Betty's husband. He was very surprised to discover that Jerry/Gerald was the ring leader.

Gerald told Sheriff Lytle there were two more men who were about a hundred miles from the fort and they were the last of his gang. Sheriff Lytle sent a telegraph to the sheriff in the area and had the men arrested and to be held until he could come and get them or send some one.

Sheriff Lytle deputized Peter, Joshua, Paul, Dave and me. He sent us to bring the men back to stand trial. The judge postponed the trial until our return. Gerald was upset and wanted the trial now. However, he was in no position do anything about the judge's decision.

The deputies left early the next day. They were going to meet the sheriff with the two prisoners at a predetermined place that was about ½ way between. Thus the travel time would be cut in half. The distance over and back could be covered in two days with a lot of hard riding.

The two prisoners were put on horses facing backward and handcuffed with their hand behind their back. Their legs were shackled underneath the horses' bellies. Not the most comfortable way to ride a horse but we were taking no chance. There was no way they could escape. Two men took turns leading the prisoners' horses. The other three rode behind them with shotguns pointed at them the whole distance.

When we rode through the gates of the fort, we were met by a crowd of people, including Margaret, Jacob and Lisa. It was sure a good feeling to be home and with no problems. We started directly to the sheriff's office. He came out welcomed us. We proceeded to take the prisoners off the horses and put them in cells. Court would be held the first thing in the morning.

We were standing around talking and Joshua said, "Dave, I think someone got lucky last night! Would you just look at the big grin on their faces. I bet Jim won't get any tonight. He is walking sorta funny. A saddle has a way of pounding the privates and the rear end. It will be at least two days before he gets lucky again."

"I bet I know someone else who will sleep by himself. Joshua, you rode as far as we did. I bet you are swollen more than we are!" "Wrong! Indian know how ride. No get sore! Good all night and then some," laughed Joshua. "White man bounce around a lot and sit close saddle horn.

"Dave, I think you had better work on his English. I didn't understand a thing he said!'

"Jacob, what are they talking about?" asked Lisa.

"I have no idea!" replied Jacob laughing with a big belly roar.

"I think you had better change the subject and talk about the weather. Better yet, I think you should continue. I want to hear how you will explain everything to this girl," said Margaret. By now the whole group was laughing so hard that tears formed in their eyes. Joshua and Jim were blushing and looking at the ground.

The trial began at 9:00 am. Everyone in the whole neighborhood came for the trial. The courtroom(the saloon) was filled to capacity. Dave, Joshua and I were all called as witnesses. After giving our testimony, the jury went in deliberation. This was an open and shut case since Jerry/Gerald had pleaded guilty. All three men were found guilty and sentenced to be hung at first light the following day.

"I would like to see Dave, Joshua and Jim in my office," said Sheriff Lytle.

"I want to thank the three of you for helping remove 3 very bad criminals from society. I think everyone will be able to sleep better at night now. The whole terrorizing gang has been put out of circulation. After doing a lot of checking, I discovered that every member has a $500.00 price on their head dead or alive. I am going to give all the money to Jim and he is to distribute it. It will be up to him as to who gets what!" said the sheriff. "Here is your reward money and again Thanks-a-lot! You are free to leave now. I think Joshua and Dave just got lucky. Look a new wagon train is arriving. It looks like the two of you won't have to travel alone, now. "

"Let's go over to the Hungry Man and get a cup of coffee and maybe a hot roll."

"Sounds good to me. I think I'll have a little more than a roll. I was too nervous to eat any breakfast. Joshua didn't either," said Dave.

"I didn't eat anything either. I think I will join you and get some food inside my empty spot."

While we were waiting for our meal to be served, I said, "How are we going to divide up the money? Should we include all those who suffered and those who helped?"

"Actually, I think we should just split it 3 ways. Everyone has already received a very nice farm with good land. I think Dave could use the money to start over. I know that he is completely broke. I will use my share to buy medical supplies to be used on the reservation. Jim, you can use your share however, you want," said Joshua.

"I will use some of my money, to open a school on the reservation and a blacksmith shop. If there is already one there, then I'll donate money to buy books and anything else that is needed. That is if Joshua will let me live with him," Dave added.

"I like all of you ideas. I think I will use mine to buy medical supplies also. This is a good plan. I didn't like the idea of just splitting the money three ways. I think everyone will benefit in the long run. Here comes our food."

We had just finished eating our meal, When Don Long came running into the café. "Jim, you'll have to come quickly. My son was thrown from his horse and is unconscious. I think he might have some broke bones."

"Don, go on ahead. We will be right behind you. When you get there put cold compresses on his head. Don't put any liquids in his mouth, unless he is completely conscious. Then only small sips! Better yet, wait until we get there. Peter, do you want to come with me and be my assistant?"

"I'll go but I don't know how much help I will be. I know nothing about medicine."

"I'll tell you and train you. Before you know it, you'll be taking my place and I'll stay home and let you do all the work! Just kidding." Don was gone and riding very fast. Peter and I ran to the livery stable and got out horses. We had to go past our house, and I stopped and got my medicine bag. I made a decision, that I would always carry it with me and I would always have a buggy with extra clothes and supplies in it at all times. We got lucky today for our house was on the way to the Longs.

"Benny was just coming around when we arrive. I gave him a good examination. He had a small concussion and a big cut on his head. It would take several stitches. His left arm was broken. All in all, it could have been a lot worse.

"Benny, I was am going to set your arm while you were still have asleep. However, that was not possible because you woke up too soon. This is going to hurt like crazy. I have a piece of rolled leather for you to bite on. This will protect your tongue so you won't bite it off. Your dad will hold you shoulders down and I will have Peter hold your feet. Scream all you want into the rolled leather. Go ahead and cry all you want! Are you ready?"

"No, I am scared!"

"I am not going to tell you not to be scared. I'll just be scared with you, We will just let Peter scream for you. Deal?"


"Let's do it then!"

"Peter, I don't hear you screaming. Do I need to break your arm so you will scream?" Peter let go with a very loud, blood, curding scream. Mrs. Long did not know what was going on and came running.

Peter explained what had happened.

Mrs. Long said, "I feel faint. You scarred the life out of me. I'll just sit here and watch.."

"Sorry about scaring you. Benny couldn't scream with that big old thing in his mouth, So my job was to scream for him. I think I put a little to much into it." Benny was shaking his head no".

Soon Doctor Jim had the arm set and in a cast. "Hey, Benny, Good job! I am finished with your arm. You didn't even scream once." "I didn't even have to. Peter did enough screaming for me. Every time, he screamed my arm felt better. He didn't scream one time and I peed my pants."

"Not a problem. I forgot to tell Peter that was also part of his job. When we get you all patched up, he will just have to clean you up. In fact, Peter, why don't you fill a tub with water and start it heating. We won't need you now. When I start sewing Benny up I will put some medicine on his wounds and he won't feel a thing. Benny, are you ready to move on or do want to take a little breather and relax a little."

"Are you sure it won't hurt."

"Positive, you will feel a little pressure but no pain."

"The let's do it!"

Soon I had all the stitches in and it was time to clean Benny. Mrs. Long went to get clean clothes for him. I showed Peter how to make a chair our of our arms for a four-handed carry so we could transport Benny to the kitchen and clean him up.

"Benny, are you okay with Peter and I giving you a bath or would you rather that your mom bathed you?"

"I want you to. I am to big for Mom to bath me. I usually do it by myself."

"Good! I want to look you over completely and make sure that we haven't overlooked anything. I don't want you getting the cast wet. You will have to have your dad help you get in and out of the tub until that arm heals."

"Don, We are going to put him back into bed. I would like to have him stay there for at least two days. I will stay with him tonight and make sure he doesn't have any problems."

"Doctor, Donna and I can take turns sitting with him. Just tell us what to look for and what to do."

"If you want to that would be great. I'll go over everything with you. The main thing is keep him completely quite. Benny, did you hear me. If you don't, I will come back and break your other arm. Just kidding!"

"I think Peter and I will leave now and we'll be back first thing in the morning."

When Peter and I arrived home, Dave and Joshua were in the house waiting for us. We told of our adventures. "I am sure this is one of many things that are waiting to happen. So Peter, you can become my assistant or stay here and keep the home fire burning."

"We'll see. I lean toward going with you. I am not very keen on entertaining myself. We can cross those bridges when we come to them."

"I felt the same way. I started going with Jim and I became his assistant. He was very careful to explain every little thing and teach me. Look at me now, I am a certified medical doctor and I love it."

"Look what it got me. I lost you but not to worry. I found a very good replacement. Peter is one of the best. I mean in everything including in the bed." Peter just turned beet red but was grinning from ear to ear.

"Dave and I are not just friends anymore. You were right he is hung and knows how to use his tool. He is good in bed! Now that we have bared our souls at least we know that we are leaving each other in good hands. This little discussion may be embarrassing but now I think I can go without a lot of regrets and wondering what if. I am starting to find an inner-peace within me."

"Joshua, just remember that I will always love you. However, I have room in my heart to love another. We will forever be friends. Peter, not to worry. I am falling in love with you and rest easy, you are now my number one man. What Joshua and I had will never be again."

"Dave, what he just said goes for me, also. I love you man and you only. There will be no others. I am completely committed to you." said Joshua giving his man a great big hug and a kiss.

"Joshua, I never thought that I would ever love again. You came along and now I am happier than I have ever been." said Dave with tears in his eyes.

"Jim, you are my first love and all I can say is WOW!" said Peter.

Joshua and Dave joined a wagon train headed west and would go through the Fort Hall area. The next morning at the break of day, Joshua and Dave left to start their life together in a new land. A total new beginning for the two of them. Parting was a lot easier for all of us. Joshua and Dave were leaving dear, dear friends behind, knowing that they would met again in the future.

I was really glad to see that Joshua was walking on top of the world and no regrets about losing his lover. With such a positive attitude there would be no stopping him now.TBCjoecollins7420@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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