On the Move West

By Joe Collins

Published on Jun 19, 2013


If this story is prohibited in your area, you are underage or gay sex offends you, then please leave! If you are looking for hard core sex, you won't find it here. However, there is some sex and reference to sex. The story plot and characters are fictional and any resemblance is just coincidental. Please feel free to email me and be sure to include the title in the subject line, otherwise it will not be opened.


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On the Move West

Chapter 5

When the group reached Betty's place, they said their goodbyes, hitched their teams and headed for their own farms. This would be the first night in their new homes. Excitement was running high.

"Jim, I no place to go. I live with you, no?" asked Joshua.

"I thought you lived with your people. Why don't you go back there?"

"Five year since I live on Indian land. I no go back. My father white man. He bought my mother for 3 horses and a blanket. We live other side Indian Land. My dad hunt and fish. Never plant crop. We move spot to spot. Never same place long." Joshua said with a look of hurt in his eyes.

"I have a feeling that you are not telling me everything. I need to know the whole story. So go on with it."

"Okay. Not much tell. Dad shot by bad man one day. Was killed. I young. Mom went back to live with her people. Married Indian man. She had my brother, Adam. Her husband no like me. I never taught Indian ways. I no accepted by Indian. I always by myself. I not accepted by white man either. When 20, I left. Move to mountains. I make crude Shelter, hunt food."

"You're well liked by the whites and apparently by the Indians . How did that all come about?"

"I go mission. Met Father Matthew. He good man. Taught me English. He get me jobs. I go all over working. I do good job. People like me. I go to Indian village with Father Matthew. Indian start treating me better. Even ask me come home. I go one time. Live with mother. Her husband no like me.

" Joshua, I like you very much. I would like to train you to help me . If I am going to be the doctor in this community, I will need an assistant,"

"Be happy be assistant. Medicine man very powerful in Indian village. You very powerful white man. You help me speak better English. No? I want learn read."

"You can live with me and we can work together and start a new life for both of us. Yes, I will teach you how to read and write. New worlds will open for you."

"One thing I tell you. You not want me live with you maybe," said Joshua with his head held low.

"Joshua, you are my friend and partner now. There is nothing you can tell me that will make me kick you out. We will solve all our problems, together. Your problems are my problems. I have developed sincere feeling toward you. So what did you want to tell me?"

"Indian say I two spirited. I like man, not woman."

"You have to be kidding. That is the reason, I never married. In my world, I had to be very careful and keep this secret to myself. If I told anyone, I would have been kicked out of the community maybe even killed. We must never tell anyone."

"I good with secret. You no mad."

"I am not but just the opposite. Come here and I'll show how I feel," I said holding out my arms. I took him in my arms and gave him a big kiss on his lips. He was surprised at first and held back a little. Soon he returned my kiss.

"We must never show our affection in public. We will each have our own bedroom in case some one comes to visit. When we are here by ourselves then we can share one bed.. Are you sure this is what you want. If you want out, now is the time to do it. Once we start, there can be no turning back.

"Yes, I sure. I love only one man, Chief . My mother's husband hurt me one time all night. I threatened tell everyone or kill him if he do again. He believe me. Never do again."

"He made me wear woman clothes. I live teepee in woods. I know what he do. He tell every one that I act like woman any man who want me. If I refuse I tortured and killed, First day one man come. He bring warm animal fat with him. He come in teepee take off my dress.. I know he want. While him take off clothes, I use animal fat. I kneel all fours. He behind me ride like dog. No hurt me. He gentle. I like. I please him. He use one more time. He give me hunting knife , Leave."

"I hang white rabbit skin on pole outside if visitor inside. No one come in if skin out. I look for visitor. They bring food, and gift. I keep animal fat in teepee. Never know when I need. I good. Make men happy. They return again and again."

"Women hate me. Children mean, throw rocks, hit me with stick. Mothers tell them to. I no tell anyone. Would do no good."

"Chief come teepee. He bring horse. Chief big man. I not know if I take him. I greased up. Used extra grease. He hurt not bad. I get use to him. Him good. Say I was best. Better than his woman. She no like him. He too big. He spend night with me. He use me all night. Toward morning we sleep. Chief tell me I belong him, No other men come. I not mind. I like Chief. He good man." "Chief come every night. Some days he come. I glad see him . He like me on back. He play with me. Kiss me. I like. Chief bring white man who come to see him. He leave man with me. Go. I knew what chief want. I let white man have me. White man always want me suck. I do. I like. They use me like dog. Never like chief . Chief never let me suck him."

"After two years, chief fall from horse, hit head on rock and die. I very sorry. My man gone. Next day visitor come. He first man to come at beginning. Many visitors day and night. No get sleep. Become very sore. I miss Chief. Leave village."

I friend white man, Indian both. I go back and forth between them. They call me `peace maker' I help Father Matthew. He never touch me. He real peace maker. I know what both sides do. Father Matthew help. We stop trouble . I help you and people with you." "Yes, and we all appreciate your helping very much. When you were telling your story, I notice that you did not mention any women. Have you ever been with a woman or has it always been men?"

"Yes, I have one woman. Man say he Italian. Very dark skin black curly hair. If hair straight look Indian. He no children. Married long time. He and I go `fishing'. Not get fishing done. Went swimming . No wear clothes. Him very good. After he finish. We talk. He say try have baby with wife no do. Wife and him talk decided ask me make baby. I finally agree. After two weeks, wife have baby inside her. Everyone happy. He give me two cows. I take to village give old women. They no go hungry that winter."

" Woman have two babies. Look like each other. They look like man. They ask name baby after me. I say yes and ask if they call the other, Adam, after my brother. I agree. I happy. They no ask again help. I visit them often. After 3 years, they decide go into sunset to big waters and live. I sorry see them go. Happy for them. They give me 6 cows. I give village. Old people very happy."

"I have 3 more women different reason. I told women not good, work saloon."

"I am glad that you told me all of this. If we are going to live together, I want to be your only man. I will be like chief and say you belong to me. If need be, we can make love day and night. Whatever it takes to keep you satisfied and happy. I have looked forward to taking you to bed every since the first day we meet. You are one good looking man. I like the way you fill out your pants."

"I want only one man. Pants big in front. We need to go bed now. Do you have any animal fat."

"I saved bacon drippings from this morning. I will heat a little. I will get something that is better than animal fat. It is called Vaseline. I am sure that you will like it better and it is not as smelly."


Next: Chapter 6

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