By Hunter Macleod

Published on Jan 29, 2006



When I was assigned the position of Dr. Young's lab assistant, I wasn't exactly thrilled. Dr. Young was renowned for her stubborn attitude and disregard for company safety protocol. The CEO politely suggested that I should report immediately to him if I saw or knew of any institutional or legal infractions while I was in her employ. I wouldn't say I was a spy, exactly, just that I was chosen because they felt they could trust me to be upright and lawful. So, begrudgingly, I took the position.

I entered Dr. Young's lab the next morning to find it cluttered with equipment. I could hear Young herself rummaging around somewhere though I could not see her right away. "Dr. Young?" I called out. The rummaging sound ceased momentarily and the good doctor stood up and turned to face me. I was taken aback for a second when I saw her. I had heard of her, everyone had -- the woman was notorious, but I had never actually seen her before.

She was about 5' 8" with raven black hair that was halfheartedly tied back in a messy ponytail. She was wearing square, black-rimmed glasses that gave that schoolgirl or secretary look, her eyes were bright green and glittering through the lenses. Her figure, as far as I could tell from seeing her with her lab coat on, was slim and shapely, though a little skinnier than I would consider perfect. Her skin was fair and smooth, her face supple and youthful with full lips and defined cheekbones. She couldn't have been older than twenty-five.

I recovered from my surprise as quickly as possible and regained my composure. I introduced myself as her new lab assistant and told her my name. She seems rather curiously happy to meet me, but I attributed that to her eccentricity. She informed me that she wanted to get me to work right away, which I had no problem with at all. Her research, as far as I had been told, had something to do with recording and monitoring brainwaves. A sort of mind recording device that could also act as a mechanical form of telepathy, as she explained it.

I set about logging and organizing her research papers at first, which was arduous considering the state of her lab. Halfway through the day she had lunch brought down, which I started munching on as I continued my tedious work. I can't recall when I noticed it, but at some point after that I realized I was asleep. Once I noticed this I started coming back to consciousness again, though it was incredibly slow.

PART II: Complications

When I was finally fully awake I realized that I had no idea where I was at all. I was on a bed in room I had never seen before. I was tucked securely under the covers and all the lights in the room were off, only the faint glow of a street light outside illuminated the room. In the dim light I could make out a desk, a chair, piles of laundry and clothes, a dresser and a door that was closed. The smell of the room seemed to indicate that a woman lived in it, there were traces of feminine deodorant and such in the air. Needless to say, I was a little confused. I slowly sat up and leaned up against the head of the bed.

A comma of my hair fell down over my eyes and tickled my chin, I brushed it back quickly. Tickled my chin? My hair was only long enough to reach just past my eyes, how did my hair get long enough to reach my chin, I couldn't have been out that long? I scooted further up on the bed, knocking some book off of a nightstand as I did so. The books fell to the ground with a sizable clatter. Afterwards I heard someone moving in the next room, evidently attracted by the noise.

The door of the room opened and a dark figure stepped inside. He was silhouetted against the doorframe and I couldn't see who he was. "Awake, are you?" He said, "Good." His voice sounded familiar somehow. Before I could speak he continued, "First I should tell you that everything worked perfectly, and there is no need to worry about anything, everything will be back to normal very soon." I had no idea what he was talking about. "I'm sorry that I had to resort to these measures, but the company would not pay any attention to me and refused my appreciated for a permit for a live test of my work. I hope you will forgive me for my illegal action in taking advantage of you. I am going to turn on the lights now, try not to be too shocked by what you see."

With this he switched on the lights. I was shocked. Standing in front of me was myself, my own face was looking at me, and my own body was in the doorway. To help clarify, my doppelganger handed me a small mirror. I took his queue and looked at my reflection. In the glass I saw the image of Dr. Young'' face staring back at me with a shocked look in its eyes. Suddenly it all made sense -- recording, transmitting and receiving brain waves, and Young need to test in on someone, she was willing to do it herself but needed a second person to fully complete the experiment. So she sent for a new lab assistant, me, and tested it on her.

After a started to calm down a bit, Dr. Young proceeded to explain things more elaborately. With her new technologies, she had managed to make and test a sort of two-way radio transmitter that could transfer thoughts. However, in order to test its capability to record and store and entire mind, she needed a human subject apart from herself. If she downloaded her own mind into the computer then there would be nobody there to put it back into her body again afterwards -- that's where I came in. She drugged me at lunch and then went ahead and plugged me into her machine. Her computer, however, did not have the capacity to contain the sum of an entire human mind, so she needed somewhere else to store it. The only device she had capable of storing so much information at once was her own brain.

So she hooked herself up at the same time. Transferring my mind into her brain while she put her mind into mine, she proved her machined power. The clincher was, as she explained, that the brain could only take so much. Once the procedure was over she could simply transfer our minds back again, our brains needed time to heal first. Once our brains had recovered it was simply a matter of doing the procedure again and everything would be back to normal. "How long will that take?" I asked, disconcertingly hearing the pitch and resonance of Dr. Young's voice come out of my lips.

"I can't be too sure," She said, "with the lab rats it took a week or two, with humans... I can monitor the progress at the lab, but it will defiantly take a week at the very least. "So I'm stuck in your body for a week at the very least?" I asked in her voice. "Yes," she answered in mind, and as you can guess, there may be some problems about that." "No shit." Was my only response.

"So first thing's first," She said, "Do you have a wife or girlfriend living with you who will notice that you aren't home yet?" "No, I don't have any serious relationships at the moment," I answered, "Do you?" "No," she replied, "my husband and I got divorced last year." "Good," I said, " then we don't have to worry about maintaining a social life."

"There is another kink," She added, "I figured that we should try and attract as little attention as possible. So that brings up the question of where we are going to live during our little body vacation. I see three options; You stay with me here or at your place so that we can continue working and such, but the drawback at that is that the company might find out and think that we are lovers, which they would frown upon. We stay in our respective apartments and try to find a way of explaining why a strange person seems to be living in our houses instead of up -- which might bring attention to the situation. Or we can stay in each other apartments and play at being each other as far as the landlord is concerned. What do you think"

Tough choice. My first instinct was to go back to my place and stay there, things were weird enough without having to live somewhere else. But she was right, if anyone saw me I would have to make some excuse about why there was a woman in my apartment instead of me. And one of us was going to have to go to my apartment to get some clothes, since Young was not in my body and needed men's stuff. This made me realize that was going to need to wear women's clothes for while, which didn't please me. The more I thought about it, the more subtle choices there were.

"Ok," finally said, " You are going to need to go to my apartment to get clothes for work tomorrow no mater what, so do you want to do that tonight, or in the morning?" She thought a moment. "Well it's still fairly early," she decided, "so I might as well do it tonight." That left me with the option of going with her and sleeping there, or letting her go alone and I stay by myself in her apartment. "I had better go with you, you won't know your way around on your own." I decided.

I was about to get out of her bed when I noticed that I wasn't wearing many clothes. "You undressed me?" I asked accusingly. "Technically I undressed myself besides, I could put you into bed with all those clothes on." I glared a bit. "Well I guess I have to wear your clothes for now." I admitted as I removed the covers. I stood up somewhat shakily, trying to get used to the center of balance in this new body. I discovered that I was wearing a pair of conservative black panties and a matching bra. I rummaged around the room for some clothes as she went to gather all of my things.

I managed to find a pair of jeans and a plain tank top and slipped them on. They fit so differently than my what I was used to. Then I laced up a pair of plain tennis shoes and grabbed a leather coat from the closet. I didn't feel too ridiculous in this outfit, as it was not really that feminine. I was just happy that Young was thin and didn't have huge breasts for me to deal with. Young entered the room again with my keys and wallet.

"You can't wear that to work tomorrow." She informed me. "Here let me pack my usual work clothes for you." She started throwing clothes into a small suitcase that was in the cupboard while I waited.

Half an hour later we were inside my apartment without incident. I got the couch ready for her to sleep on for the night then went into my room to get some of my usual lounging clothes. As quickly as possible I stripped off all of the feminine attire and got into my sweatpants and an undershirt. On the way out of the room I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I could not help but notice that the image of Young's body in my sleepwear was rather sexy.

I walked back into the other room and threw a similar pair of pants at Young who was sitting on the couch. "If you don't mind," I said, "I need some time alone to think about all this, and decide just how angry I am at you for using me as a guinea pig. The only reason I don't despise you now is because I'm in too much shock." Young defended herself- "It was for a good cause, think of how much easier the legal system could be if we could download the truth from someone to ascertain their guilt. No more brutal interrogations or lawyers letting criminals go free." I scoffed slightly. "Yes, yes, humanitarian and all that. What about when the government gets they're hands on it and uses it to put their spies into the bodies of someone's trusted friend? Anyway, we can talk about this tomorrow, goodnight."

And with that I locked myself in my room. I spent the whole night awake, staring into space and thinking things over. She had a point, this was for a good cause and nothing had gone wrong. Morally it was certainly irksome, but all in all, the whole ordeal had a certain fun element. We were going to have to pretend to be each other whenever we were around other people. I couldn't help it; I found the idea kinda amusing. If it all worked out the who knows, I could be fun pretending to be someone else for a while.

PART III: Adjustment

When it came time to get ready for work I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I locked myself inside and stripped off my clothes. As I turned to get into the shower I saw something I wasn't entirely ready for -- my full, nude reflection in the bathroom mirror. I paused to admire the body I was now inside. There was no doubt about it, Dr. Young was attractive. The dark hair and bright eyes, the whole bookworm look that contrasted how lithe her body was. If she was a little better nourished she would be gorgeous.

Partly out of curiosity, partly out of spite, I turned to the mirror and smiled at it as I started to run my hands over my body. I felt my soft hands caress the smooth curves of my form as I watched my reflection do the same. I cupped the pert breasts and teased the tight nipple that crowned them. I felt an electric tingle run thought my body as I did so, I felt something stir inside of me. I knew what it was -- I was getting turned of my teasing myself in front of the mirror.

Then my eyes drifted down my reflection to that which laid between my legs. I looked at the slid that was down there where I usually had a penis. I slowly reached down towards it. The hair around it was a little unkempt but not too thick. I brushed it aside and took a closer look. It was an impressive organ, clean and moist. I ran a finger up the slit of it, ending by brushing the clit. I gasped as a jolt of pleasure surged up through my body. It was fantastic and exciting. I placed a finger at the entrance to this moist opening and pushed foreword gently. I felt the flesh give way as my finger disappeared inside of me. I gasped again as I felt penetration for the first time. My finger was now fully inside of my pussy and moving it around felt great.

With my other hand I started rubbing the clit again, causing me to feel the most intense pleasure I could have imagined. I never though playing with yourself could feel this good. Women defiantly had the plus side of masturbation. Amidst the pleasures a thought managed to occur. I grabbed my razor from the shower and the shaving cream next to it. I then set about very carefully trimming the excess pubic hair off my body with some nail scissors. After that I slathered the cream on my genitals and meticulously shaved off the hair around my vagina. I left a small patch above the area as not to go too far, but now the entire slit was exposed.

I then continued my self-ministrations. As I fingered myself I felt something build up inside me. I guessed it was my impeding orgasm. It built and built until I could feel it pressing through every cell in my body. I started to whimper in a very female way as it neared its climax. I think I shouted out when it finally hit me, and I was glad the water was still running and covering up the noise. I bucked my hips into my fingers and wildly thrashed about. It felt like hours before it finally faded into a dull throb of pleasure and I could bring myself to stop.

I was breathing hard and my cheeks were flushed. I looked at my steam-clouded reflection in the mirror and saw a very wanton girl staring back at me with that glow about her. It was great. And what better revenge on Young than to take advantage of her body as she did mine. I planned, at that moment, to get myself off every single day I was in her body. It was way more intense than masturbation could ever be as a guy, and for a moment I wondered if sex itself felt better too. I quickly tried to wipe that thought from my head, the possibility of sleeping with a man, even as a woman was out of the question. But then another idea occurred -- what if it wasn't a man, what about another woman. I hopped into the shower with thought of lesbians dancing though my head.

When I was finally done in the bathroom (It had taken some time to wrangle my long hair) I realized that it was getting late and Young wasn't even awake yet. I rapped a towel around my waist and ran into the living room. I kicked the sleeping form on the couch. "Hey, get up." I demanded. Young rolled over groggily and sat up, throwing off the covers. Some time during the night she had removed my sweats and was now totally naked. I made a mock-appalled noise. "Get some bloody clothes on, we have to go." She chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "When you are a woman you usually wrap a towel around your chest, not just your waist." I realized she was right, I was totally topless in front of her. I didn't really care, since it was her body anyway, but her instincts must have kicked in because she realized she was naked she tried to cover herself up with the blankets.

I left to go into the next room and get dressed. I threw some of my clothes out to her before shutting the door. The last thing I saw before the door shut was my old body, in the nude, reaching for the clothes. For a second I started to feel as I did when I was playing with myself in the bathroom. My old body was arousing me! Did she feel the same way when she say her old body topless? There must be some basic chemical reaction still going on in our newly engendered bodies that disregarded the brain entirely. Still, I was sure I could control a few hormones.

I left the room feeling ridiculous in a red skirt, dress shoes and a purple blouse. Halfway to the car I realized that I had forgotten to put on a bra. I shrugged it off, I didn't want to wear one of those things anyway, and my lab coat was going to cover everything. "Remember," Young said. "We have to call each other by the proper names while we are at work." I nodded. "Sure... wait, what is you first name?" She realized that we had never exchanged anything but an informal greeting. "Nancy, yours?" "Jack." We walked to the car, me trying to get used to the exposed feeling of not wearing any pants and feeling the wind go up and down my skirt not to mention the distracting jiggle of my new breasts every time I took a step.

Work was slow and dull. Since we had basically proved her experiments success, but couldn't tell anyone till we were back to normal, we just sat around shuffling papers all day. Near the end of the day a woman I had never seen before popped in, looked at me and said, "oh, Nance, you still want me to give you a ride home and pick you up tomorrow morning?" Not knowing what to do I replied, "Sure, why not." The girl smiled and left. I turned to Nancy. "Who was that?" I asked. "That was Rebecca, she live in the same building as me, we're fairly causal fiends. I forgot she was going to pick me up, shit. If YOU aren't home tomorrow it will look bad." I sighed. "So what your saying is I have to sleep at your place tonight."

The rest of the day was spent being briefed on how to answer any question that Rebecca might ask me on the way home. Nance told me not to worry about the morning since she was not a morning person and Becca (as she was to be called) would not expect much chatter. I was informed of as many personal secrets of Nance's life as Becca was aware of to the point I felt I could handle whatever she might say on the quick ride to the apartment.

PART IV: Becca and I Becca picked me up right on time and took me to her car. During the ride I looked her over. She was a little shorter than I was in Nancy's body, with brown hair and hazel eyes. She was more curvaceous that Nance, with larger breasts and darker skin. Her lips were bee-sting and alluring, and her face held a combination of innocence, youth and sultry passion.

On the ten-minute drive `home' she stuck to small talk that I could BS my way trough without arousing attention. AS we were walking into the building she suddenly threw something at me I was not expecting. "I'm taking you home, alone, to an empty apartment again, Nance. I hate to see you so lonely all the time, ever since Frank and you split. I wish you would take up my offer and let me keep you company some nights." I almost tripped. "But," She continued, "I know you don't go for that sorta thing so I won't push it."

It was too good to pass up. "You know, Becca, I have been thinking about that offer a lot lately." I said, trying to seem shy. "Yeah?" was her response. I continued, "Well, to be honest, I am getting tired of being so alone all the time and, well, I can't know I don't like something if I've never tried it..." I trailed off. "Nance," Becca said, getting excited, "Are you asking me to spend the night with you?" I blushed intentionally. "Well if you don't mind." I said quietly. "Don't mind? I've been waiting ages for you to say that!" She hugged me enthusiastically. "Don't worry I'll make you happy, I promise."

Once we were inside my apartment she wasted no time. I honestly believe that she had been waiting for a chance with Nancy for ages, and thanks to me she got her chance. She hugged me again, pressing herself into me. She leaned up and kissed me softy, gently. Her lips were arm and wet and hungry as they locked on to mine. Her hands wrapped slowly around me, encircling my waist and pulling me towards her. I melted into her body as I returned her attentions, holding her tight and running my hands through her hair.

I felt weightless in her arms as we, entangled as we were, made our way to the cluttered bedroom. We fell on to the bed together. She began to kiss my neck and shoulder, driving me wild. I could feel heat and moisture building up between my legs. She started to unbutton my shirt and soon it was laying open across my chest. My breasts heaved up and down; exposed completely since I forgot to wear that bra. My nipples were hard both from excitement and the cool air. My lover kissed her way slowly down my chest until she reached them, letting them slide into her mouth. She sucked and teased them, making me squirm underneath her.

I smiled and ran my hand over her hair and neck as she did her utmost to bring me pleasure through my tits. The wetness between my legs felt unbearable now, and I could not wait for her to get to the next stage of the game. As she fondled and nibbled my tits she removed her own shirt, leaving her in a black satin bra. She pulled herself away from my chest and started to unbutton her pants. I sat up and gave her a hand; unzipping the fly and helping her tug them off. She squirmed out of them and threw them away. God she was a sight, kneeling in front of me in her underwear.

She then reproaching me, slinking towards my body. She gave my breasts another quick once over, then stared nibbling her way downwards. I was itching with anticipation as he reached the hem of my skirt. She pulled the waistband down a bit to bite and the flesh just above the line of my panties, teasing me unbearably. Her hands slid effortlessly up my skirt and pushed it towards my waist. She hiked the garment up to my belly button, exposing my panty-covered crotch to her. She teased around the seamed of my panties a moment, then tugged them smoothly off.

She giggled ever so slightly. "I wouldn't have thought you'd have pruned yourself so nicely, Nance." She commented in regards to my trimmed and shaved nether regions. "I t was sort of a whim this morning." I said breathlessly. She smiled into my eyes as she lowered her face to my loins. When her tongue touched my clit I thought I would yelp, but instead managed to keep my reaction down to a light whimper. It was fiery and explosive, she massaged my clitoris with her mouth and tongue, lapping up my abundant juices. I held tightly to the back of her head as she pleasured me. I whimpered and sighed and bucked my hips into her face.

It was one of the most divine things I had ever felt, so engrossing and soft. I felt the pleasure roll over my whole body, stimulating every cell of my being. I started to feel that energy building sensation that I made my acquaintance with that morning, only this time it was more intense. My orgasm boiled up from within me and I felt my body go rigid as it erupted. I moaned out and thrashed around on the bed. She kept eating me out mercilessly until I couldn't take it any more. I pulled her head away from my pussy and looked into her playful eyes.

I wasted no time. I crawled over to her and kissed her passionately, tasting myself on her lips. I pulled the cups of her bra down to expose her tits, though I left the bra clasped around her. I did everything I could to pleasure her breasts and she sighed and prompted me on. I couldn't stand limiting myself to this, however. I moved my hand downward to push her panties aside and placed my fingers on her most sensitive area. I started fingering her adamantly. She whimpered as I did so, making me want her even more than before.

Unable to wait, I dove down to her crotch and moved her satin underthings out of my way. I buried myself in her pussy, tonguing her clit and licking at her fluids. She started to hump into my face slightly as I went down on her. So I could tell she was nearing her own climax. When she came she clutched my head so hard I think she scratched my scalp. This only made me try even harder to pleasure her, which drove her into frenzy. She writhed around and moaned as I made her cum for what seemed like hours.

Eventually she did what I had done and pulled me off, moving down to kiss me madly. When she had got her breath back she managed to say, "Now, don't you feel better when you're with me?" I smiled back at her and replied, "Well you've made a pretty good start..."

The next day at work I tried to keep a straight face around Nancy as we went on with our strategic time wasting. I almost slipped up at one point when she asked, "So what did you get up to in my place last night, you didn't go prying into my things, did you?" I remembered how Becca and I had 69'd for hours and finally fell asleep in a sweaty embrace, totally spent. "No," I responded, "I spent most of the time in bed. And what did you do in my place?" "Oh, I just showered and watched some TV."

Becca drove me home again, and the two of us were laughing and joking the whole way. When we arrived she said, "I can't spend the night with you tonight, I have some friends coming over. You're welcome to come up to my place and hang out with us though." I decided it would be fun and we started climbing the stairs to Becca's apartment. Once there we flopped down on the couch with a bottle of wine to wait for her friends. We cuddled together as we waited, snuggling into each other.

When her guests arrived they all made themselves' at home and Becca decided to open another bottle of wine. There were two of them, Kate and Samantha. Kate was a tall, thin, dark-haired woman with a lascivious sense of humor, and Sam was a redheaded, freckled, cute little thing that seemed a little shy sometimes. I swallowed glass after glass of wine, feeling my senses reel with it. Soon the topics of conversation turned suggestive and everyone seemed to be getting friendlier.

Next thing I knew, Becca was fondling me in front of them, and they were doing the same to each other. Becca began intimating and explaining how I had finally decided to experiment with the pleasures of their way of life, and how successful I was at it. I was asked how I was enjoying bisexuality so far, and I told them I was getting into it nicely. Kate made some comment on how lucky Becca was to get her hands on a girl like me, how envious she was. I was already suitably tipsy from the wine and I think I said something along the lines of, "Maybe Becca's not the only one who I mind getting their hands on me."

You can well imagine how the conversation progressed from that point on. Suggestions flew all over the place. It was probably within minutes that I had Kate's head up my skirt, lapping at my pussy while Becca moved herself into position in front of me, pulling off her pants. I proceeded to eat Becca out as she knelt in front of me while Kate went crazy on my pussy. Sam made herself busy by disrobing Kate and doing her part to pleasure her as well.

Over the course of that one long night we rolled around in countless different positions. I think I had a turn with each of the girls at least twice. I came over and over again under the talents of these three lesbians and newfound lovers who seemed to take no greater pleasure than making me feel fantastic. When we all finally gave it up we were exhausted and soaking in sweat, and I had lost count of how many orgasms had occurred. The girls reassured me that I made a fine lesbian and they would love to get together again whenever I said the word. I told them that probably wouldn't be too long.

The next morning I awoke in Becca's bed, lying next to her. The other two had left early, leaving Becca and I to get ready for work. We had a playful little shower together with much wandering of hands before heading down to her car to get on our way. I wondered hoe disappointed Becca would be when everything was set right and she found that her new lover did not wish the intimate company of women any more. I felt sorry for her then, knowing that by getting so close to her I was going to hurt her when I got my own body back. But at the same time I delighted in how awkward it would be for Nace when she got her life back.

Again I had to try and keep a straight face al day working next to the good Dr. Young. Becca had previously informed me that she could not take me home since she was working late, and was not going to pick me up in the morning because she was taking the day off. I told her that was all right and that I would call her in a few days. This meant that I got to choose where I was to sleep that night again. Tempting though it was to go back to Nancy's place and try and spend more time with her friends, I felt it was necessary to spend more time with Dr. Young paying attention to more serious topics.

PART V: Self-awareness

So that night Nancy and I drove back to my apartment to get some real work done. We brought with us all of the research regarding her invention and set about planning further developments in its production. When we arrived at the apartment I got myself comfortable again, as did she, and we sat down on the living room couch to go over the data we had brought. According to the scans we had done our brain tissue was healing fairly quickly and at a steady pace. Nace estimated that if the healing process continued a this speed than we should have no problem performing a repeat transfer in another four or five days, just in time for the weekend.

As we went over this I poured myself a drink and got one for her as well. We spent and hour or so going over everything and discussing future uses for her machine before we decided to give it a rest for the night. Young decided that she needed a shower and headed off to the bathroom. She closed the door and I heard the water start up. I sat on the couch for a moment, thinking things over. Then I decided to get myself a second drink from the kitchen. As I got up and made my way to the liquor supply, I happened to glance at the bathroom door.

I remarked that the door was slightly ajar, which was not of any real interest, except that from where I was standing I could see through the crack and got a clear view of the bathroom mirror, which faced the shower. What urge possessed me I don't know, but I leaned in closer and realized that I could see Nancy's figure through the clear plastic shower curtain in the reflection of the mirror. Not only that, but it seemed to me that she was paying particular attention to the washing of one particular part of her loaned body.

There was no doubt about it; Nance was jacking off in my body while she was in the shower. I smiled to myself. So, I wasn't the only one taking my temporary body on a joy ride. This amused me at first, but then I noticed something -- it was started to do more than amuse me. I started to get turned on. I was comfortable enough getting turned on by my lesbian activities with Becca, but I felt odd getting so horny watching my old body stroke itself in the shower.

Yet I did not pull away from the door. In fact, I leaned against the adjacent wall and kept watching. I started to feel fidgety and giddy as I watched. I could not help it, I started to run my hands over my body as I witnessed this scene. I put a hand up my shirt and started massaging my tits while my other hand started to drift downwards. Soon I was rubbing myself through inside my sweats and biting my lip to try and keep silent. I felt more and more aroused as a watched Young get herself off in the shower.

I felt an orgasm begin to emerge from within me. Just as I was getting near the end I saw Nance reach her climax in the shower. I saw the faint spurt of semen as she finished her self-attentions. Then, as she proceeded to actually wash herself off, I brought about my own orgasm as well, gnawing on my lip to try and stifle my sighs of pleasure as I came. When I finally had my fill I composed myself and tried to get into a casual position before Nance reemerged from the bathroom.

That Night was a restless one. I spent the whole time thinking about the ramifications of what I was feeling and doing in this situation, and how I was going to cope with them. There was no doubt about it; I had all the desires of a sexually active woman in this body, including a base attraction to the woman who was now in my male body. I began to wonder if maybe it wasn't a better idea to stay alone (or with Becca) in Nancy's apartment until this whole thing was over.

The next day went as usual until about halfway through the day. At that point Dr. Young (which meant me in this case) was called up to the supervisor's office. Nervous and confused I trudged up to said office and told the secretary I was expected. I was bidden to enter and sat down in front of my boss's desk. Part of me was terrified, for if the company decided to kill Young's project it would prove very difficult for us to fix what had been done...

Twenty minutes later I rushed back to lab to tell Nancy what had happened. When I arrived she looked as nervous as I had in regards to what our boss had to say. The news I was bringing, as it turned out, was in fact quite the opposite of what we had feared. I told Nancy that the government had taken an interest in our project, they were interested in its interrogative capabilities and had decided to help speed along the project's development. We now had three times more money being supplied to our research as well as a buyer for the product when it was complete!

Not only were we relieved but also thrilled that things were going so well for our work together. We decided that as soon as we got off work a celebration was in order. It seemed best to go to my old place since if we went to her cluttered apartment Becca might come by or something. So as soon as the day ended we drove off to get a decent diner.

We were relaxed and in good spirits as we ate our meal, talking about how, as soon as things were back to normal, it would be easy to get the machine ready for it's final testing. It would only be a few weeks before we could have the entire project totally complete and ready to go. For once, things were progressing as good as possible -- the only thing left was to wait for us to be ready to get back in our real bodies.

PART VI: Incident

We arrived back at my place and I retrieved a bottle of champagne that I had put away and opened it up. We practically guzzled the stuff as we laughed and joked about this and that. It wasn't long before I was fairly drunk, due to my now smaller body weight, and Nancy was feeling the effects as well. I changed back into my usual men's casual wear to lounge around in, whereas Nancy stayed fully dressed. While I was reclining on the couch I accidentally leaned on the remote control for the VCR, the tape in the machine started to play as a result. Though the image that popped up on the screen was familiar to me, I was nonetheless surprised to see what it was.

There on the TV screen was playing one of my old porn tapes that I had laying around the apartment, but that was certainly not the last thing that I had put in the machine. "So," I giggled, "That's what you've been doing with your time here -- watching porn and getting yourself off." She tried to deny it at first, saying that I must have left that tape in there. I knew I hadn't and told him so. "C'mon," I said, "I already know what you get up to in the shower, why bother lying." I hadn't meant to say that, it just slipped out. "Ah!" Nancy said, "Watching me in the shower were you?" I think I blushed. "Not intentionally," I retorted, "You didn't close the door properly." Nancy looked at me with disbelief.

She reached for the remote to shut off the smut when I stopped her. "Hang on," I demanded, "Maybe I want to watch that." I took control of the remote and let the porn keep playing, enjoying how awkward it made her feel. I could see the bulge growing in her pants that signals the awakening of the prominent organ she was concealing there, my old organ. Her hands were getting tense and fidgety; I knew what signals his body was giving her -- what it was telling her to do with her hands.

I giggled as she started to get that conflicted look on his face that accompanies suppressed arousal. "I don't know what you're getting all exited about, Nancy. After all, you used to have equipment like that yourself." I gestured to my chest, which was only concealed by my men's beater shirt. I groped myself a little bit, making sure he noticed. "And in my opinion these rival anything on that tape, don't you think?" I knew I was tormenting her now, and it amused me. I knew how uncomfortable a raging erection could be inside a pair of pants.

Her fingers were unable to keep from paying with her belt buckle. Nancy must have been drowning in all the hormones that were firing in her body. "You know you can change into something a little less constrictive, I know how uncomfortable you must be right now." Nance couldn't even find the power of speech. I got off the couch, making sure to walk as close to her as possible, in order to retrieve some comfy pants for her. When I got back I found that she could not resist and was rubbing himself through her trousers. I tossed them to her and sat back down on the other side of the couch, facing her.

She was still rubbing gently when I took this seat. "You're a horny one aren't you, I can see that it is driving you crazy, trying not to jack off. You might as well go ahead, it's nothing I haven't seen before." Nance thought for a moment, then relented and gave into testosterone. She unbuckled and unbuttoned her pants and unzipped the fly. Her member pretty much popped out on it's own once that was accomplished. Again, she was hesitant at first, but then she wrapped his fist around her organ and started pumping. She was being rough and desperate, and as the previous owner of that equipment I felt I had to protest.

"Hey, hey," I cut in, "Not so rough with that thing, you're not trying to break it." Nancy looked at me and said her first coherent sentence in a while, "How then, I haven't had the practice you have." I scooted over, telling Nancy that I would show her how it's done. I wrapped my fingers around her dick. I didn't fully realize what I was doing, the fact that I was touching a man's organ didn't really occur to me. Maybe it was the fact that it was my own body, or the fact that I had accepted the fact that I was a woman for the time being (thanks largely to Becca), or it could have been both of those things combined with how tipsy I was - but the whole thing didn't seem unnatural at all.

I started jacking Nancy off slowly, showing and explaining how to handle a cock. Then I started jerking faster and faster, forgetting that it was supposed to be a tutorial. The tip of the member began to glisten with precum, and Nance was sighing and reclining on the couch now. I leaned foreword and stuck out my tongue, licking the head and removing the fluid. It was one of those actions you do when your drunk without realizing what it really is, an instinctive sensually that emerges with alcohol. I then opened my mouth and allowed the head into it.

I started to allow more and more of the length into my mouth, feeling the flesh slide over my lips and tongue. It seemed so much bigger now that I was handling it in a more petit body, so much heavier. I felt my nose brush Nancy's pubic hair when I reached my limit. I then started to bob my head up and down, giving Nance a proper blow-job while I used my hand to stimulate everything that wasn't in my mouth. She started to caress my head and run her fingers through my long hair. I increased the intensity of my ministrations on her.

With all that was going on it wasn't not before Nancy's breaths turned to gasps and she was desperately clutching my head in her hands. He started to buck and thrust into my face as she pulled my head into his lap. Then I felt it, and eruption of hot cum exploded into my mouth, almost stifling me. I tried to swallow, and I think I did manage to get some down, but most of it leaked out of my mouth and ran down my face and chin, splattering on my cleavage and sticking to my hair.

It came, spurt after spurt, until Nancy was finally empty. Then she collapsed back on the couch and exhaled deeply. I let her organ slurp out of my mouth as I withdrew from her crotch. I swallowed what was left in on my tongue and licked my lips, but I felt the goo all over my cheeks and chest, I was glazed with it. "That was incredible." Nancy managed to mutter. It was only then that I realized what I had just done. Implications rushed through my mind, though with all the alcohol in me none of them seemed that important. I basically left Nancy on the couch at that point, and went into my own room alone.

I locked myself in and went towards the mirror, looking at my shocked, cum-stained reflection. I removed my shirt and started wiping the jizz from me, frantically. I think I went to bed shortly after.

PART VII: Developments

The morning was supremely awkward. I woke up first, as before and get myself cleaned and dressed before waking Nancy. There was a lot of silence between us until we were both sitting in the car. Then Nance spoke up; "I suppose one of us needs to bring it up." She said, and I knew exactly what she was talking about. "Last night..." She began to continue. I interjected. "Last night I...I didn't really realize what I was doing until it was too late. I just..." My voice trailed off. "I suppose I could use the same excuse," Nance said, "but my real point is, well, it felt...right. Not to mention it felt fantastic." I was expecting more restraint from her, but here she was basically complimenting me on my blow-job.

There was a beat of silence.

"I didn't want to say anything but for a while now, while I've been in your body, I've been wondering what it would feel like to make love as a man, to make love to a woman." I looked over at her and asked, "Are you coming on to me?" She looked back. "Well it was you doing the coming on last night, and you didn't exactly object." I think I blushed in my embarrassment. "I mean, we are still a man and a woman, so it wouldn't be any different than us sleeping together before the transfer, except that it would have the advantage of giving us an opportunity to try it from a new perspective. Would you have sleep with me if we were in our own bodies?"

I had to admit that I found her very attractive before I became her. During this conversation I started to feel the now familiar sensation of female arousal as we drove. I told her that it was not out of the question, but I'd have to think about it. She said that we had all day at work to think so there was no rush. I sat silently for a while, pondering the situation. All things considered she was right, for the time being I was woman and she was a man, it was nothing out of the ordinary. And it was my body I'd be with, not some other man. And I certainly didn't have any problems with the pleasure that Becca had given this temporary body of mine.

All day I thought the proposition over, and all day it became more and more appealing. It was what my body wanted, what it told me I wanted. Devious thought floated though my head whether I wanted them to or not. Becca came by to offer her services, but I told her I had plans that night, but I would love to do something in a day or two. She said that was fine.

As Nancy and I were leaving work I stood close to her and said softy. "That proposition you made earlier, I think I might be game for it, as long as I could set the pace. She rapidly agreed. I sheepishly asked if she, if I, was taking any pregnancy precautions. Apparently I was. I was nervous as hell the way back to my old apartment. I smiled at Nancy when we made eye contact, neither of us knowing what to say. We arrived at home and made our way to the apartment. Once there I had one small drink to calm me slightly, as did Nance.

Not knowing how to begin, Nance approached me. She took me into her arms and pulled me close to her. Her head descended towards me, our lips meeting. It was very different, kissing someone so much taller than I was. It made me feel small and delicate, which I suppose I was. Our tongues mingled as my pulse raced in my veins. My breaths turned to desperate panting as our passion increased. I held her back tightly as her hand came up to caress my left breast firmly. I let my hands drift down to hold her muscular ass, feeling its shape.

I took her hand and let her to the bedroom, smiling brightly. Once in the bedroom we continued our embrace. Then she began unbuttoning my blouse. Once the shirt was open she reached up to fondle me once more. I still hadn't gotten around to wearing bras so my breasts were exposed though the open top. She groped my tits and toyed with my nipples, making em what her more and more. I was beginning to feel very grad I had taken her up on her offer. While she was doing this I also unfastened her dress shirt and pulled it off of her, leaving her standing topless before me. Our exposed flesh pressed together as we made out.

I then reached down and unbuckled her pants. I dropped to my knees in front of her and tugged the trousers right off, getting her to step out of them. This left me eye level with the straining erection that was held inside of her boxers. There was a spot of moisture on the fabric covering the head of the organ. I reached up and ran my hands gently over the bulge. She ran her hands over my hair. I kissed the member through the material teasingly, coyly. Then I slowly peeled off the last remaining garment and disposed of them, her penis popping out at my face.

I opened my mouth and slid as much of its length into my face as I could, then I withdrew, equally slowly, and smiled up at her. I pushed her back down onto the bed so that she was reclining on the headboard. I then started to slowly and expertly administer my oral actions on her. She sighed and whimpered slightly, caressing my head and shoulders. This went on for a while. I started to finger myself through my damp panties. I peeled them off as I went down on her, throwing them away. I then proceeded to more adamantly finger myself.

I then withdrew from her cock and reached up to grab her head gently. I guided her face to my crotch as I hiked up my skirt to my waist. She was eager to comply and started to eat me out in the same spirit as I had to her. She was just as good as Becca and it felt divine.

I squirmed and reveled in the pleasure as she worked on me. I wanted her cock back though, and I swiveled around, reaching for it. We moved into a 69 position with her on top of me. I went back to sucking her dick as she buried herself in my pussy. We must have stayed like this for quite some time. I was lost in the abandon of ecstasy as we went at it, and this was just the beginning.

I started to feel a pleasantly large orgasm build up inside me. I bucked my hips into her face as she increased her intensity. Soon I was cumming hard and gripping on to her for dear life, moaning into her cock. I kept cumming and cumming for what seemed like ages and then, just as I was winding down, I felt her body go rigid. Her hands clawed at my ass and her rod throbbed in my mouth. She shot spurt after spurt of cum into my face. I tried again to swallow it, but I hadn't had enough practice with that and I didn't do a very good job. The goo leaked from my lips and ran down my neck and chin, but I kept bobbing my head up and down, refusing to let the organ go while she humped into my mouth.

When she finally finished I let the tool slip out of my mouth as she rolled over and off of me. I wiped the jizz from my face, euphorically this time -- eager to experience more. After wiping it off I was left with a hand covered in goo, which I cleaned off on her discarded boxers. I then slinked over to Nance and cleaned off her cock with my mouth and tongue. She tried to complement me on my performance but I interrupted her, telling her to save her words for when we were finished, because we hadn't even started yet.

I kissed and nibbled her chest and neck, teasing her entire body. I removed my open blouse and skirt and lay naked next to her. I stated to play with myself as I teased and nibbled Nance's body. When I noticed a flicker of life run though her groin again I tuned my attentions back to that. I started sucking it again, felling it grow a little firmer. I kept on sucking it until, after a few more moments, it was raging and hard again. This must have been about fifteen or twenty minutes from when we both came.

When it was fully prepared I stopped my oral actions and sat up, straddling her knees. I grew a little nervous again, for now I was about to do something entirely foreign to me. Nancy sensed my hesitated and looked up at me with desperate eyes. I moved up so that her cock was pressed against the folds of my pussy. I started rubbing the length of it over my wet clit, which tormented her greatly. I was almost dripping with anticipation as I progressed further. I raised my body up and placed the head of her dick at the entrance to my body. I hesitated a moment. She thrust slightly upwards, causing the very head of her penis to pop inside me. I gasped slightly at this initial penetration.

Then, slowly, I let my weight down onto her. I felt inch after inch slide effortlessly into my tight pussy. I couldn't believe how wonderfully intense the sensation was. Son our hips were together and she was entirely buried inside my sex. Nancy looked relieved and thrilled at the same time, I probably had a look somewhere between wonder and shock on my face. I began to raise my body up again, feeling the cock slide out of me. When just the head was left inside I paused, realizing how empty I felt now. I then lowered myself back down, feeling the fullness return. I started to ride her, slowly at first, but gaining more intensity as we went on.

I felt a thin layer of sweat coat my body as we made love. My breaths were deep and heated. Every fiber of my body was alive and tingling as our bodies merged. I started cumming again, this time more feverishly. I moaned loudly and folded myself into her, our lips joining. I shook and trembled, spasming with the pleasure that shot throughout my body. I bit at her neck and clawed at her sides. My mind reeled with the most intense experience of my life. It exploded into a fantastic climax, the likes of which I never could have imagined. And when if finally started to die down I felt so drunk on my body's chemicals I couldn't think.

Nance rolled me over so that she was on top, dominating me. I felt so small and controlled as she made passionate and sensual love to me. Before I knew it, I was cumming again, washed over by another equally fearsome orgasm. I clutched at her back as she drove into me, out bodies rubbing against each other's. I heard her breath grow short and strained. Choked whimpered escaped her lips as she became more delirious. I knew what was about to happen.

The hot sperm filled my insides as she came inside of me. I felt it ooze and pump into my body. At the last spurt of cum she gasped and inhaled as she collapsed on top of me. I gently stroked her back and neck as she tried to regain her breath. We both agreed it was one of the most incredible things we've ever done. We kissed again, lovingly.

When we had regained our strength we got off the bed and went to the shower. We played around under the hot water, our hands wandering. Unfortunately Nancy was too exhausted for another go just yet, but there would be time for that later. I washed her seed from my pussy as we rolled around in the shower, feeling it drip out of me as I stood.

After the shower we dried off and got into bed. She snuggled up behind me, and I felt her limp cock press into my ass as we lay under the light covers. Her hands wrapped around me as we drifted off to sleep, two lovers entwined in post coital bliss. I slept soundly that night, and since we both had the day off work tomorrow I did not wake until mid afternoon.

When I did awake I found Nancy still asleep beside me. Wiping the sleep from my eyes I started grinning lasciviously to myself. The memories of last night, as well as all my adventures over the last five days came back to me, and they gave me plenty of ideas of what to do with the rest of my time in the body of Nancy Young. I gently eased over to Nancy's sleeping body and slid under the covers. I easily located her semi-hard member and started to get to work on it. I stroked it gently a few times, careful not to wake her up yet. Then I slid the tip of the organ into my mouth.

I soon had the entire shaft steady sliding in and out of my sucking lips. I increased my intensity, feeling her begin to drift out of sleep. Her hands came own to cradle and grip the back of my head as I did my best to please her. I could tell she was more or less fully awake now, so I went as wind as I could, trying to make her cum. My efforts were successful. She moaned and shot her seed into my mouth. This time I managed to swallow pretty much all of it, with the exception of a tiny drop that started making it's way down my lips and onto my chin.

When she was finished I with drew my lips from her cock and reemerged from under the covers. "That was amazing, thank you." She said to me. "Then get to work thanking me." I said in my best seductive voice as I lay back on the bed.

She ate me out for a while, making me come more than once. Then, as I was getting up to head to the shower, I realized she was hard again, and eager to perform. I was standing by the dresser at this time, and she didn't bother dragging me back to the bed. She pushed my up against the dresser, facing away from her, facing our own reflections in the mirror. I bent over and braced myself with both hands as she came up behind me and started rubbing her cock at the entrance to my pussy.

She slid effortlessly up inside me, causing me to bite my lip with the pleasure. I whimpered and moaned as she made love to me from behind like that, filling me with her cock. I toyed with my clit and tits while she did so, feeling yet another orgasm build up inside my lithe little body. This time the sex was a little harder and rougher, not as universally fulfilling as our lovemaking last night, but equally erotic. She started to loose her head, pounding into me fiercely as I moaned and screamed to myself.

I started fingering my clit hard as her fucking reached its most forceful point. I came violently, shaking the dresser and screaming wildly. I bucked into her thrust and writhed and clawed as the explosion washed over me. She suddenly spun me around to face her just as my orgasm was subsiding. I was low basically sitting on the dresser, her cock still in me. She put one of my legs up over her shoulder and started to fuck me just as hard as before. I grabbed her ass and pulled it into my in time with her strokes leaving claw marks on her ass cheeks from how hard I was clutching them.

Another powerful explosion of ecstasy hit me as I felt her drive deep into my being. She tensed up, shooting her cum into my cunt without slowing down for one second. I felt the heat of it inside me, felt it fill me even more. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs as we both peaked at the same time. I kissed and nibbled her nipples as we slowed and down and started to come down from our incredible high.

And hour later we were snuggled up on the couch together. "I suppose I should tell you something. " I started to say, suddenly feeling guilt come over me. "I slept with Becca, umm...more than once." A mixture of expressions came over Nancy's face. There was some shock, a little anger and, thanks to her now male form, some growing interest. I explained the whole situation between her friend, and me - how it happened and when. Eventually the anger and shock went completely away, much to my pleasure, and she was looking like any other horny guy who finds out his girlfriend has lesbian tendencies. She even admitted that Becca's propositions had given her a stir of arousal whenever they were put forth, she just never had the courage to follow those urges.

"You know," Nancy started, " When I was married one of Becca's suggestion to try and get me to experiment was her idea to join Frank and me in the bedroom. I never told him this `cuz I knew he would try and pressure me into it. I bet she wouldn't object to joining in on our little games." It was not surprising that she brought that suggestion up, I hadn't really thought of it myself, but now the idea began to have some interest for me. Becca and Nancy at once, and when I got my old body back I might be able to relive the experience from a male point of view too. Under the circumstances, there seemed no drawback.

We set about planning the attempted seduction of the sensual Becca. It would have been to foreword and awkward to just call her or drop by. Thusly we decided we would have to wait another day until we were at work with her again. This left us the rest of the day as well as the morrow on our own. I snuggled up closer to her and held her tightly. A threesome with Becca, huh? It was quite a thought. When it came time to get my rightful body back there wouldn't really be anything that I hadn't experienced from the point of view of a woman. Or was there. I focused on my thoughts of Becca and Nancy doing their utmost to pleasure me. I started to feel myself getting turned on again, and I had no problems in finding someone to gratify me.

We essentially spent the remainder of the weekend shagging. We had our way with each other all over the apartment. One of the most memorable times was when Nancy pushed me face-first into the bathroom wall while we were in the shower together and passionately made love to me from behind while we stood under the hot water, my boobs and cheek pressed up against the tiles. It was wonderful, that sensation of being dominated and worshiped, knowing that my presence drove her wild.

On our last evening together I was reclining on the couch while Nancy went down on me with her usual perfection. I was groping my own chest and moaning softly. "Oh, god," I said breathlessly, "I never thought I could be so comfortable being a woman, I never thought I could feel like a woman. I don't want to miss out on anything, I want to experience everything women do before I get back in my own body." Nancy looked up at me and spoke softy. "I'll do the best I can to help you with that." She said.

The night ended with my screaming orgasm while Nancy was deftly taking me form behind, doggy-style. She made every position feel so perfect and intimate, and I never wanted it to end...

When we arrived at work the next day we ran the neural scan again to see how our gray matter was healing. The scan verified that our brains were healing nicely, another day or two and we could return to our normal bodies. Even if we could have swapped back immediately I don't think either of us wanted to, not with the plans we had made.

We had our plan all worked out. I would let Becca drive me `home' again, I would explain the proposition to her, and Nancy would show up in my car about half-an hour later. Even if she didn't go for it then we would have the night together in that cluttered apartment of hers. I was getting pretty damn exited just thinking about the whole thing, and I couldn't wait to see what Becca's response would be.

Becca showed up right on time and we made our way to her car for the trip home. I told how I didn't want her to feel jealous or rejected, but I had started seeing a guy who I was getting really serious with. Much to my pleasure she was happy for me. She said she knew she wouldn't be able to hog me all the time, and she had never really expected me to turn completely to her side.

We arrived at the building and started walking up the stairs. I asked her if she wanted to come in, she agreed, naturally. Once we were inside she moved in and kissed me tenderly on the lips. She asked me if she thought my new man would mind sharing me once in a while with her. I told her that was exactly what we had in mind, but not as she was suggesting. I made the proposition to her, asking her if she wanted to join us in a threesome.

She thought for a moment, then smiled, saying that she would do anything to please me. I told her I was lucky to have a friend/lover like her. I told her who the guy was, `my' new lab assistant, who was on his way over. "Do you think he would mind if we started without him?" She asked playfully. "I'm positive he wouldn't mind at all." I answered.

When Nancy walked into the apartment she found me with my skirt hiked up to my waist, my fingers working on my clit while I was going down on Becca who was naked apart from her stockings and shoes. I beckoned her to join us, and she was only too eager to jump in. I tore myself away from Becca and the two of us made our way over to Nance. We quickly helped him out of her clothes and within seconds she was completely naked and already standing at attention.

I dropped to my knees as Becca locked lips with Nance. I started stroking and sucking her cock as she made out with Becca. When she was fully hard and glistening with saliva I called Becca down to share it with me. She slid down to her knees with me and we started to put together a joint effort to go down on Nance. I removed the rest of my clothes while we did this. When this grew old we moved onto the bed. I pushed Becca down on her back and climbed onto her face, which prompted her to start eating me out. I told Nance that I wanted her to fuck me while Becca tongued my clit. Nance got into position behind me and slid her cock into my soaking wet orifice. I felt her filling me as Becca used her expert skills to manipulate me sex with her mouth.

It was the most incredible sensation I had ever felt. I was wild with pleasure; I thrashed around, begging them not to stop. My orgasm came quickly and violently, with me screaming and clawing at the sheets. When it finally subsided I felt more satisfied than I had ever felt before. That feeling didn't last though, and within seconds I wanted more. I needed a second to catch my breath as it were, so I told Becca to let Nance fuck her while I recuperated.

I got so hot watching them; watching Nance climb on top of Becca and slide her cock effortlessly into her. They held each other close and tightly, writhing together in ecstasy. I started fingering myself as I watched, running through all the things that I wanted to do with these two. When I couldn't stand it anymore I joined in the game again. Becca moved so that she was on top, riding Nance. I climbed over Nance's face and she took her turn going down on me.

Becca and I fondled and kissed each other as we both used Nance for our pleasure, Becca riding her dick and me riding her mouth. Becca became more wonton and desperate, she moaned out that she was near cumming. I told her she needed to try cumming the way I just did and we repositioned again. I ate her out as Nance took her from behind, just like they had done to me. It was not long at all before she was screaming and thrashing about on top of me.

Her orgasm exploded all over my face and I felt Nancy thrusting in and out of her pussy. She would later agree with me that it was one of the best climaxes of her life. Round one ended with Becca and I 69'ing with each other while Nancy alternated between the two of us. First she fucked me, then let Becca suck her off, then moved around to fuck Becca, and then slid into my mouth to let me to my best with her rod. She told us she couldn't hold off much more, so Becca and I turned our attentions entirely towards her.

We shared her cock between our mouths, jacking her off as we did so. It was only a minute or so before she exploded. Becca got the first spurt, then quickly traded off to me for the second. We switched back and forth like this as Nancy kept spaying her stuff everywhere. Us two girls were covered in her goo by the time she was finally done jizzing.

We then softly began to kiss each other as Nancy reclined, as satisfied as a man could possibly be...

Since Becca and I needed no real rests, the fun never really stopped, us girls would pleasure each other until Nancy was ready to join in again and we would keep going at it. I can't even remember falling asleep, though we must have had some sleep before the morning came and we had to go to work.

The next day at work was definitely the best I had had, Becca came down on her lunch break and Nance bent her over a table to shag her while u lifted my skirts so she could eat me out. Nance came inside Becca and I saw the cum oozing out of her as they both came, triggering my own orgasm.

At the end of the day we did another scan and found that there were no more causes for delay in swapping us back to normal. I have to admit, we were both a little reluctant to return to our old lives, though the thought of reliving our experiences back in our own bodies was a consolation.

By the time Becca came down to ask what we were doing after work we were both back to normal, not that she noticed any difference. We told her she should come over to my place this time, and the whole thing started all over again.

Becca, Nancy and I became very close, and were constantly sharing ourselves with each other. Eventually I confided in Becca about the transfer machine, and everything that had happened regarding it. She said she finally understood how Nancy had `came around' and such so easily. Then she started getting really exited. "Do you think I can use the machine to try being a man?" She asked feverishly.

Nancy never even suspected when Becca and I swapped for two weeks. Becca got to plow Nancy as a man, both with and without me, and I got to try Becca's wild, lesbian lifestyle. I had had ten different girls in that fortnight as Becca. One night was spend with me tied up while four girls, some with strap-ons, had they're way with me. Afterwards, or course, we pulled a `surprise' scenario on Nancy and told her who was who, it was all good fun.

Thus was the beginning of my new and exiting life. We didn't switch around that often, since we didn't want to risk the possible brain damage, but we had allot of fun regardless...

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