On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Dec 21, 2017


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental.

All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

This story takes place in an English high school. The two main boys involved in the story are in Year 10 (14 year olds turning 15) and Year 11 (15 year olds turning 16).

On the Stage - Chapter one

"Oh god yes!" I exclaimed as I bounced up and down. "That's it!"

This was exactly what I had been needing.

-- Earlier that day --

When I awoke that morning, I didn't have the first clue that today was going to be the day that changed my life. My name is Patrick although I'm sure my friends, if I had any, would refer to me as Pat or Paddy. I'm a 14-year-old boy from a small village on the outskirts of the city of Leeds in the United Kingdom but I haven't lived here all of my life. I grew up in Ireland and had lived there until 3 months ago. The move hadn't been my idea but it had been welcome. My parents died in a car accident when I was 10 and, given that I had no other living family, I was taken into care.

The care system had been difficult. No-one was interested in adopting a boy of my age; everyone just wanted babies and toddlers. As a result, I was passed from care home to care home, short term foster parent to short term foster parent. I didn't live with the same people, or even in the same city, for any longer than 5 or 6 months. I'd tried to be the perfect kid, to behave and do well at all of the different schools they sent me to, but it didn't matter what I did; no-one wanted to adopt me.

That's why this move to Leeds had been so welcome. Finally, there was a family that wanted to adopt me and make me their son. The news came in June - just after my 14th birthday - and within the week, I was on a plane heading over to meet my new family.

That first month wasn't easy. Dave and Susan (my adoptive parents) had been hoping to adopt for quite some time after not being able to have their own children. It was clear that they had had some issues around this and they were a little more reserved than they should have been. To be truthful, I was no better. After 4 years in the care system, I'd become quite independent and was definitely someone who liked my own space and company - making friends and learning to rely on others had been ridiculously hard when you were moved every 5 or 6 months.

They had tried. When I arrived, they took me out shopping to buy all new things for my new bedroom. They kitted me out with all the clothes I could need and even bought me a new laptop. I appreciated all of that but, for a guy used to carrying around everything he owned in one little bag, it was quite overwhelming. I just found myself saying thank you all the time and feeling so utterly... useless. These guys wanted to provide for me but, in doing so, I felt terrible about the fact I was causing them this trouble and that... well that just made me feel worse about myself as a person.

I withdrew. I shouldn't have but I didn't know what else to do. Rather than be the happy, outgoing and bubbly kid that Dave and Susan deserved, I turned into a recluse. I spent hours in my room just reading books to escape my reality. For that first whole month, I didn't even touch the new laptop. Any other kid would have been on it immediately but, every time I looked at it, I just felt waves of guilt.

Things did get better in the second month, my new parents recognised that I just needed time to come around to it all. They didn't push or probe. Instead, they carefully created opportunities for us to spend more time together. These were nothing major - we didn't suddenly go on a family holiday to Disneyland - but they were enough to start us on the right track.

Here we are now, at the end of the third month, just as I'm about to start a new school. We are getting on well now but I still call them Dave and Susan; dad and mum just don't feel quite right yet. They've accepted that I'm more of a shy and quiet boy but I'm trying to do more new things and push myself a little bit more to give them the son they deserve.

So that brings me to today. I was terrified about starting my new school. There were over 2000 people at the school with ages ranging from 11 all the way to 18. I was going to be in Year 10 which meant that I was going to be starting my GCSEs - important qualifications in England. I was already concerned about struggling with the work. Although I'd tried to keep up while in Ireland, the fact that I was moved so regularly meant that I never really got to grips with a school and teachers never got to know me well enough to put the right things in place to help me. I knew I was going to be behind, which was a real shame because, before my parents' death, I had been quite the high achiever. Friends also worried me. This was going to be my school for at least the next 2 years, possible the next 4. That meant I needed to put down some roots and actually make some friends. The problem was, it had been so long since I'd tried to, I didn't know if I could anymore.

Despite the high levels of anxiety, I pulled myself out of bed and dragged my skinny self over to the shower. I'd been skinny for a few years now, not malnourished but definitely not the toned look I wish I had. I was also small for my age. The average height of a 14-year-old boy in England is near enough 5ft5 but I had only just passed 5ft. When you add to that my ginger hair and freckled face, I doubted that there would be a shortage of things for bullies to pick on.

Normally in the shower, I'd let my fantasies run wild and take the time to play with my cock. It had grown over the summer and was now in at just reaching 5 inches - a size I felt was perfectly respectable for a 14-year-old. I'd also just started properly cumming. I mean, it was still quite watery and it didn't really have any taste (yes, I had tasted my own cum - get over it!) but it was there all the same. Today though, I just couldn't. I quickly washed, making sure that I would look clean and smell fresh (no-one wants the smelly kid label, especially not on your first day).

My new uniform was nice: the traditional black trousers and shoes with grey socks; a white shirt which had to be a clean white (they were very clear about that in the handbook) and a black blazer with the school's logo over the front left pocket and on the top of the right arm. The only other item was a tie. Now the colour of the tie changed depending on the year in which you joined the school and were used to show how you progressed upwards. The school had wanted me to start with a bright blue one, the colour for first years, but Dave and Susan had fought them on it and insisted that I be allowed to wear the same colour as the rest of Year 10: a brilliant leaf green. Looking in the mirror, I was glad that they had. The colour matched my eyes and really brought them out.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, Susan was on me. She was definitely the more affectionate of the two of them and, at first, I'd found this quite suffocating. Now though, her hugs and gentle kisses reassured me and, as much as I protested, they were exactly what I needed this morning. She was clearly enjoying this moment: sending her boy off to school for the first time. The happy tears and the hundred pictures she took were proof of that. Dave was more stoic in nature but you could tell he felt happy too. To be truthful with you, I was pleased for them. They had both taken the 3 months since my arrival as parental leave from work and I was keen for them to get back to doing what they loved. Susan was a lecturer in biology who worked at the local university and Dave was a chef for a beautiful little Italian place in the city centre. Hearing them talk, they both clearly loved their jobs and, whilst they hadn't begrudged taking time off to help me settle in, it was clear that they wanted to get back to them. It was pretty important for me too; I'd have to have my own key for the house and be trusted to be here on my own which would give me back that little bit of independence that I still craved. I'd also be getting the train to school to help with this. Dave had wanted to take me but I insisted that I had to get used to going like any other student. After some tears, some laughter and a hearty breakfast, I left my home and set off for the station.

It didn't take long to get there - it was only a few streets away from my house - and I found myself waiting on the platform. Other kids dressed in the same uniform were arriving, including some wearing the same green tie as me showing that they would be in my year. I tried to keep my head down but I couldn't help but notice a few of the boys; they definitely grew them fit and sexy around here. One lad had floppy hair, a very light blond in colour, that brushed across his face and highlighted his eyes, another had incredibly styled dark hair which looked like it couldn't ever look imperfect. But the best... god the best... was a truly beautiful boy with a mess of dirty blond hair on top of his head. He was wearing a red tie, indicating that he was in the year above me, and was joking around with his mates. That's when I saw it: his smile. He had the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. It wasn't confined to just his mouth. No, when this boy smiled, his entire face changed; little dimples appeared in his cheeks and his eyes sparkled as if they contained tiny diamonds in the depths of blue found there. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help but stare at him.

The train pulled in and we all piled on. For a split second, I'm sure that I saw the boy make eye contact with me but, before I could react, he disappeared into one of the carriages. The ride itself was dull; it only took around 10 minutes and I spent the majority of it looking out of the window at the fields and forests flying by. The walk from the station to the school was relatively short and I didn't spot the boy with the beautiful smile again. As I'd been told to do, I reported to the reception when I arrived and was escorted to my first classroom.

I was early. Of course I was. While the rest of the 2000 kids at this school were outside chatting and catching up with each other, I was sat in the classroom waiting for the rest of the class to join me. Sure, the teacher was there as well - a lovely lady by the name of Mrs. Scott who was to be my form tutor - but beyond the simple pleasantries we really didn't have anything to talk about. When the bell rung, the corridors willed with noise and teenagers started to filter into the room. There was one particular boy who caught my eye; his arse looked so delicious as he bent over to put his bag into his locker on the right wall. I couldn't help it; I had to stare. But my thoughts were soon interrupted.

"Nah, I know it looks nice but it just isn't worth it." A voice to my left broke me out of my daze. As I turned, I saw a young lady taking the seat next to mine. She was stunning with pale white skin offset by the raven hair that framed her face.

"Sorry... what?" I asked.

"The boy," she replied, "It's a very nice arse, I'll give you that, but the guy it belongs to is an arse as well."

I turned bright red, ashamed at being caught staring at boys on my very first day. I tried to stammer out a response but she interrupted me.

"Oh stop worrying," she said, "If you think you're the only boy in this school to like a bit of cock then you've another thing coming. I'm Ellen by the way."

I just stared at her dumbfounded. It certainly hadn't been my intention to come out on the first day of school and to the first person I had met. I hadn't even told Dave and Susan yet.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Jesus, are you daft or something? I just said my name's Ellen. This is the part where you tell me yours."

Suddenly finding my voice, I spoke: "Sorry, I'm... Patrick. I'm new here."

"Thanks for that, the accent and the fact I've never seen you before in my life didn't give that away."

I laughed and, for the first time that morning, started to relax. Ellen and I chatted throughout form. Before long, the conversation was flowing comfortably and I quickly realised that this beauty was, in fact, a lovely girl - sarcastic as hell but lovely all the same. She asked an awful lot of questions and really didn't have the healthy respect for boundaries that polite and civilised people have and so, by the time we were leaving form, I'd already told her about being adopted.

As we walked through the corridors, heading for our first class, a number of people greeted Ellen and she stopped to introduce me to a few of them. I thanked her for that, telling her that I wasn't particularly good at meeting new people.

"Well, if that's something you're worried about then you should try that," she said, whilst gesturing over towards the wall, "I'll be doing it so you can always come along to the auditions with me."

On the wall was a poster advertising the school's new production of "Jesus Christ, Superstar" that they were going to be holding auditions for. Apparently, musical theatre was a big thing in this school.

"Oh god yes!" I exclaimed as I bounced up and down. "That's it!"

This was exactly what I had been needing. Being part of something like this would help me make friends but it would also make Dave and Susan feel better about me joining a new school. And what's better is that this was right up my street. I may not be academically bright anymore, I might not be able to make friends easily and I might be the worst at letting my guards down towards my new adoptive family but there was one thing I was definitely good at. That's right, Patrick McGrath can sing.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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