On the Stage

By Matty N

Published on Feb 20, 2018


Hi guys,

This is only my second time writing anything for someone else to read so I'd really like to hear any feedback that you have. You can email me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. Apologies for any errors.

This story will be more romantic in nature and focus on a developing relationship between two teenagers. There will eventually be sex but you will have to wait for it. If you are looking for something more sexual, try my other story or my tumblr: www.niftymatty.tumblr.com

Whilst some of the writing is based on my own experience growing up, parts of it are entirely imagined and anything with any similarity to events in your own lives is coincidental. All copyrights are mine. If you aren't of legal age then it's your decision to continue reading and take the consequences.

------------------- Previously:

In our last chapter, Patrick had his audition for the school projection. It was a confusing day with the various boys: Harry behaved very strangely on the train in the morning; Patrick spent a decent amount of time staring at the unknown boy as he waited for his audition and, in the afternoon, he invited Finn around to his house after school.

------------------- On the Stage - Chapter Seven

After our Computing lesson finished, Finn said he needed to go and get his things from his locker and would meet me at the gates to the school. I already had all of my stuff as I was going to try and rush for the first train home so I just headed straight down to the gates and waited against the railings. Outwoodly, I'm sure I looked calm but, internally, I was freaking out. I'd just realised that I did actually have a crush on Finn (thank you Ellen for putting that in my head!) and I'd invited him to my house where we would be alone! Plus, this was the first friend that I'd had round to my house.

I'm not going to lie to you: there was a small part of me that actually wanted to just leave and go for that train. I know that it would have caused a massive issue the next day but, honestly, that part of me just thought that it would be worth it. Then, I remembered how sad he had looked today when he came into Computing and I just couldn't do it to him. The image of him coming to the gates and finding me missing was too much and I just needed to push myself through this.

Finn was walking over and I tried to quieten my mind and plaster a smile on my face but I wasn't fooling anyone.

"What's up?" he said as he reached me.

Shit. Well I can't tell him that I'm worried because I fancy him and am unsure about being alone with him.

"I..." my gosh Patrick think of something! "I..." at this point, just say anything - anything at all! "I'm fine, I just... I've not had anyone back to Dave and Susan's house yet."

He looked confused for a second. "My house, I mean," I corrected myself. It is slightly odd that, when panicked, I immediately went back to refering to the house as Dave and Susan's instead of my own though and I think that's something that I need to think about later.

"Oh ok. I can go home if you want," he said, his smile disappearing as he spoke.

"No!" I said, a little too keenly, "It'll be fine! They won't mind or anything. I'm just being silly."

He furrowed his brow for a moment and then laughed and said: "Come on then, let's go."

By the time we got to the train station, the first train was just about to leave and we had to run in order to just make it on. The coach was packed and there was barely standing room let alone any seats for us. Finn and I had to stand really close together and there was definitely more physical contact than I think either of us intended. Don't misunderstand me; I'm not complaining about feeling a warm, toned body pressed against me but it really wasn't helping with the ridiculously high degree of nerves that I was already feeling.

The train jolted on the tracks and, being the clumsy boy that I am, I lost my balance. Unfortunately, the only thing I had to steady myself on was Finn himself. My hand flew out and ended up on his stomach. Oh wow, even through his uniform, I could still feel his body underneath. I left my hand there too long; my fingers enjoying their unexpected contact with Finn's abs.

"Hey, you ok?" Finn asked me.

"Yeah I'm alright, sorry." I pulled my hand away, a little too quickly and nearly ended up hitting the stranger stood next to me, "Just lost my balance."

He smiled down at me, "No problem. You can lean on me anytime."

I blushed and, with my pale Irish skin, it always shines brightly on my face when I'm embarassed. I don't know if Finn noticed but he didn't say much else.

Looking down the train, I could see Harry at the other end of the carriage with a couple of his friends. He spotted me and I could tell that he said something to his friends. Then, he started heading up and squeezing passed the various different people stood clogging up the passageway down the middle of the carriage. His face was lit up with a huge smile and he looked good; his uniform fit him well and I could see how he had such good luck with the various girls around school. Suddenly, he stopped, the smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something but thought better of it because he remained silent. Turning around, he began to move back down the carriage. Clearly, he had been coming to speak to me so why did he move away? I was almost tempted to call out after him but I thought that might Finn as being quite odd so I held my tongue and made a note to talk to him about it tomorrow if I saw him on the train.

The train pulled in to my station and, as soon as the doors opened, the students flooded out. Luckily, Finn and I were at the front of the wave given that we had been some of the last people on the train. This meant that we were able to rush out and away from the station before we got caught up; at times, it can be quite painful just to get off the train with all of the older lads barging past, particularly when you're on the shorter side like me.

I started getting more and more nervous as we approached my house. I don't know why I felt like this and I really needed to get a handle on myself before Finn noticed that there was something wrong with me. Opening the door, I invited Finn inside.

"Wow, nice house mate," he said as he stepped inside.

"Thanks," I replied. I'm not sure why that made me feel a little bit better; it's not like the house was mine. I hadn't bought it or chosen the design. That was all Dave and Susan but it did make me feel a little more secure when he complimented what they had done with it and I needed to take every win I could when it came to my confidence at the moment.

As we walked past the hallway cupboard, I took off my school shoes and put them away in the cupboard. Finn did likewise, sliding off his black shoes and putting them neatly away. I don't know why but I found this really cute - that he would be polite and mimic what I was doing as good manners was just really sweet to me. I took him into the kitchen and asked him if he wanted anything. To be honest, I was just trying to delay going up into my bedroom as much as possible.

"Yeah, could I have a drink please Paddy?"

A drink, right, I could do that: "We've got water, Pepsi, cordial juice, fresh juice..."

He interrupted: "Some fresh juice would be nice, if that's ok?"

"Sure. Do you want orange, apple, pineapple..." I was beginning to fluster.

"Patrick," he said in a soft voice, "Calm down. Some orange juice would be lovely."

Oh gosh, I was so embarrassed. Here I was, with the first friend I'd brought back, and I was just making a fool of myself over what to serve him to drink. I think he could tell because he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't need to worry mate. I know you felt funny about bringing a friend home but I'm glad that you did. I can go at anytime if it's stressing you out though."

I sighed and smiled up at him. He's such a lovely boy. I'd known that just based on how he had been in Computing class but to see him like that outside of school was really lovely.

After getting him his juice, we headed upstairs to my room - I couldn't put it off any longer. His eyes were scanning around as soon as we entered. I guess I should have expected that; he doesn't know much about me afterall and he was probably just trying to find out whatever he could about me. I was glad that I didn't have anything suspect out and had hidden my little cumrag far under the bed so he wasn't just going to see that laying on the floor. That would have been an absolute disaster!

He was just stood there. The longer it went on, the more awkward I was beginning to feel. What was wrong? Did he want to leave? Had he seen something that worried him?

"Erm..." he began, "Can I... can I sit down?"

Oh crap! Patrick, what are you thinking?! Of course, you should have told him to take a seat!

"Sure," I said, kicking myself, "Make yourself at home,"

He moved over to the bed and sat down on the edge. I did the same and then the awkward feeling returned; neither of us were talking and I honestly didn't know what to do.

"So, are you getting changed before we have a look at this laptop?"

"Erm... yeah... ok," I said.

Ok, I was going to have to be really careful here. I had to get changed, given that he had suggested it, but I really didn't want to change in front of him. That being said, if I left the room to go and change in the bathroom or something then it would look really strange and definitely send the message to Finn that I felt uncomfortable changing with him around. That definitely wasn't the message that I wanted to send.

The decision was made: I'd have to change in the room but I made sure to move over to where my waredrobe was while I did it. That way, I was out of his natural line of sight so, unless he was going to turn around specifically to look at me, he shouldn't see me in any state of undress. I picked out a nice pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt with a collar on. It was quite dressy just to wear hanging around the house but I wanted Finn to get a good impression of me and he had only seen me in a school uniform up until then.

Turning away from the beautiful boy sitting on my bed, I unbuttoned my shirt as quickly as possible and slipped it over my head. I have no idea whether he was looking at me or not and, to be honest, I didn't want to know: would I be disappointed if he wasn't? Would I feel more exposed if he was? This boy was confusing me completely and I don't think I'd had a clear thought since realising that I fancied him. I remained turned away from him as I dropped my trousers and changed into the jeans. If he was looking at me then at least I'd worn a good pair of underwear! They were my blue and white patterned ones which were my favourite pair because the did hug my little twink bum quite nicely.

I spun around and there was movement on the bed; I don't know if he had just been moving around or whether he had been looking but I wasn't about to ask him. Moving over to the cupboard, I pulled out the laptop and joined him on the bed. Given my complete lack of knowledge of all things technical, I handed the device straight over to Finn as if it was a bomb. Finn touched the power button and everything sprang to life.

"Oh wow," he said, "You haven't even turned his on have you?"

I blushed and laughed a little, "No. I've just been too scared of breaking it; it cost Dave and Susan loads and I just don't want their money to be wasted. I've cost them enough already."

His face dropped and a frown appeared across his forehead: "You don't really think that, do you?"

I was caught completely off-guard by his question and had to think for a moment before I replied: "I... yeah, I guess I do."

"Aww Patrick. They are lucky to have you so you shouldn't feel bad about being adopted by them."

"I know that in my head," I said, "But, at the same time, I can't help feeling like that. It might change, I hope it does, but I think I'm stuck with that at the moment."

I think this was the most honest I'd been with someone else, and with myself, about this whole adoption thing for quite a while and I did end up becoming upset. I tried not to but it all just felt a little bit too much and I started to cry; not sobbing or anything but just a few tears leaking out of my eyes.

Finn was lovely, he didn't say anything but he immediately stood up and headed over to the box of tissues on my desk. He brought one back and I reached my hand out to take it from him but he didn't give it to me. Instead, he leaned forward and used the tissue himself to wipe the tears from my cheeks. As he moved his hand away, I realised that our faces were extremely close together. My eyes darted between his and his were doing to the same. I was frozen still but, luckily, he wasn't and he started to lean in. As he did, he tilted his head and I saw him close his eyes. Our lips were now mere millimetres apart.

"Patrick!" a loud and echoing call came from downstairs - Susan was home.

Thank you for reading the seventh chapter of this new series. I hope you liked it. Please send any feedback, comments or ideas to me at niftymatty@hotmail.com. If you are so inclined, please visit my tumblr: www.niftymatty.tumblr.com

Next: Chapter 8

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