On The Therapist's Couch

By Jak Ladd

Published on Jan 27, 2022



On The Therapist's Couch by Jakladd aka Bobbi Jayne

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On The Therapist's Couch If you sit on a therapist's couch, it's evident something is bothering you, even if you are not sure what it is. Sometimes you do know what it is and you need help straightening things out in your mind. Actually, the therapist is simply a facilitator letting you speak and say things that you might find uncomfortable telling people you know. And as you speak, you hear yourself and things can become clearer in your own mind, hopefully leading to some resolution within yourself. I went to see Daniel and the first session was rather flat, clinical and antiseptic so I was not sure I really wanted to go back. Regardless of these sentiments, I trudged back in for a second session and opened up to him what was going on in my life, in my head. Daniel's office was nicely appointed as I sat on a big, expensive dark brown leather couch. There was a matching leather armchair to the right with a fine burled wood end table in between on which a nice lamp sat. On the walls were actually paintings, not cheap cheesy wall pictures seen in most professional and medical offices. Daniel was sitting in a smaller, different style chair, a chair similar to one from the end of a dining room set, with greenish leather on the carved wooden arms, fastened with old style iron grommets.

"Does your wife know you have these thoughts?" Daniel asked when I told him of my desire to have sex with other men.

"No, she has no idea," of which I was fairly certain that she did not know.

"How often do you masturbate?" Daniel asked.

"Quite often," I replied. Why does he want to know this, I thought, somewhat embarrassed telling someone about my masturbation habits.

"Daily?" he asked. "More than once a day?"

"All of the above," I sheepishly replied, not looking at him.

"Do you consider your masturbation habits obsessive, compulsive or excessive?" he asked.

"Everyone has their own 'normal'," I replied.

"Does the pornography you view revolve around gay porn?" he asked, not asking IF I viewed pornography, but WAS the pornography I viewed, GAY porn.

"Yes," was my curt answer. It was beginning to make me feel uncomfortable discussing this with him. It was uncomfortable because masturbation behind the back of your wife is such a hidden, private endeavor.

"When was the last time you had sex with another man?" Daniel inquired, not asking IF I had ever had sex with another many but WHEN on the assumption that I had, rather than giving me the benefit of doubt. Now my comfort level was bordering on freaking out.

"I'm not ready to tell you that," was my reply, wanting to move on.

"OK. Did you enjoy having sex with another man?" he asked.

"Daniel, I'm not comfortable answering that right now."

"Understood. Did you feel guilt or shame seeing your wife after having sex with another man?" he asked, again insinuating that I had been having gay sex with men outside of my marriage to Katie. Isn't a therapist supposed to ask questions that are not leading to assumptions of my guilt? I felt like I was on the witness stand at a trial.

"Katie has no idea what I've done. She thinks the world of me," not answering his question about if I felt guilt around Katie, but yet admitting to some degree what he was assuming by saying "she has no idea what I've done."

"How old were you when you first had a physical sexual encounter with another person?" Daniel asked. I simply and quietly flashed him the number using my fingers on my hands.

"I see. Quite young. Was this other person a female or a male?"

"Another boy," I replied.

"Older or younger than you?"

"He was older, lived the next block over," I admitted. The demons of my past were rearing their scary heads. That's why I was here in the therapist's office, right?

"Was it mutual masturbation or more?" Daniel asked.

"He was very assertive towards me. Almost a bully. He let me look at his Playboy and Penthouse magazines. Then he was abusive. He told me to suck his cock. I was scared. He told me he would tell everyone I was a queer if I didn't. At the same time, I was very hard looking at all the naked women in the magazines," remembering all this and telling it to Daniel was making me hard.

"How many times did you have sexual encounters with this boy?"

"This went on for almost two years. He'd tell me to come over when no one was home at his place. Sometimes it would be months between episodes, other times it would be more than once in a week. If it was a long time between episodes, I would get hard just walking over to his house, knowing what we were going to be doing with each other. It was scary yet very exciting. We'd always look at the girlie magazines and masturbate. When he brought out a new magazine I'd not seen before, it was very, very exciting."

"Would you both ejaculate? Did he ever ejaculate in your mouth?" Daniel asked. These questions were making me squirm yet also making me hard.

"At first, even though he made me suck his cock from the very first time, we'd jack off to ejaculation all over ourselves. It was about the third time together he held my head over his cock and he ejaculated in my mouth. He told me I really was a queer for allowing me to take his semen in my mouth. I gagged on it and spit it out. Then he touched my penis and masturbated me over him, cumming on him, almost like a reward. This was in the summer so we had a lot of free time. I'm thinking that summer we got together at least a dozen times. While it was me doing all the sucking, he'd have us take our clothes off and be naked with each other.

I liked being naked with him. We were so hard seeing each other naked and touching each other's cocks."

"One day early on in our encounters he pulled out a bra and panties and told me to be a good girl and put these on. He told me good girls swallow when he came in my mouth. It got to the point that it was a given that every time he made me suck his cock he would ejaculate in my mouth. Putting on panties and a bra was intoxicating being naked there touching his cock, sucking his cock. It got to the point I looked forward to wearing the bra and panties while sucking his cock. It got to the point where I looked forward to sucking his cock and would swallow his semen without being forced to or being told to anymore. I'm not sure where he got the bra and panties, he was an only child and I don't think they were his mother's. Sometimes he would put lipstick on me, he said I was pretty." As I told Daniel all this, I was hard as stone, I wanted to 'whip it out' and jack off in front of him.

"When did things stop with this other boy?" Daniel asked, shifting in his chair. I could not be sure but I was fairly certain he had an erection after hearing all this from me.

"He moved away," was all I said.

"How did it make you feel when he moved away? Did you feel sad that these encounters ended?"

"I'm not sure exactly what I felt. It was a naughty little secret that I carried with me, so while there was a void with the physical sexual encounters ending, there might have been a little relief that I could move on. When you are young, I don't think you dwell on this type of secret," my own cock was still hard telling him all this.

"What about with girls? How was your interaction with girls?," Daniel went on.

"I loved girls. They were all so pretty and it made me feel crazy being around them. I knew what a pretty girl looked like from the Playboy magazines, even though I had never seen one naked in the flesh. I was clueless on how to get a girl, most girls ignored me. I was very skinny and teased by both boys and girls that I was too pretty to be a boy. All the prettiest girls ignored me; they all went for the assertive types."

"The assertive types like the boy who made you suck his cock?"

"Yes, like Johnny," I spoke the name of my sexual tormentor. "Girls loved the macho asshole types. I did not know how to act around girls, I had no idea what I should be doing. Luckily, I had a group of friends and I could blend in with them and some girls started being nice to me."

"When did you first have sexual intercourse with a girl? How long after Johnny moved away?"

"There was this girl, " I told Daniel. "She had a boyfriend but he was always a jerk to her. I was always nice to her and we started dating.

Her old boyfriend said something to me about it, but did not make a scene over it. Eventually I had sex with this girl. It was awkward but it felt great. I loved her naked body and her beautiful breasts. It was well over two years after Johnny moved away. Everything I did with him I tried to bury in my mind. Before Johnny moved away he gave the oldest of his girlie magazines. I masturbated a lot before I dated that girl."

And with that, our session that day ended. Katie was nice to me when I got home, I had not told her I why I was seeing a therapist. Her family was big into therapy so it was simply something people did to "keep their lives on track". Uncharacteristically, we had sex that night in bed, she actually initiated it. Of late, I would not often push for sex as she was rarely in the mood anymore. Of course, when we did have sex all I thought about was gay sex. Touching Katie's body and beautiful little titties was wonderful, her sweet little pussy tasted divine but when my penis was inside her, only by thinking about gay sex could I stay hard.

Only with me imagining having a myriad of homosexual acts with other men could I ejaculate inside her. Some of these homosexual thoughts were fantasies, others were me remembering gay sex that I had with other men.

The therapy session the next week started off slow, I found it hard to open up, but eventually I did. Daniel had asked about Katie, how long I had been married and about my mother and father while growing up in the first session. This next session he went straight to the point.

"Would you like to tell me the history of your sexual encounters with other males after Johnny?" he asked.

Wow, being honest with him, it was going to take a while. I told him how I had sex with other guys ever since I was eighteen. I loved girls, that I never really felt or identified as gay but if I did not have a girlfriend I would masturbate a lot. In between girlfriends I would always find guys to have sex with. It was easy back then with the gay chat lines to find a guy, even if I had to drive way across town. Later on, I lived with a straight roommate and he had stacks and stacks of Playboy and other magazines piled in his room and spilling out of his closet. It was never spoken, but it was never a problem for me to borrow and take a bunch of my favorite ones, the ones which I knew from the cover of a particular issue, which particular magazine had the girls who really turned me on the most.

There was a lot of masturbation going on with both me and my roommate though we never, ever masturbated in each other's presence. I'd masturbate a lot being single. In some of the Penthouse magazines there were letters from readers about sexual exploits, occasionally there would be a letter about guy on guy sex. Those letters would turn me on the most and I learned by the magazine cover, which ones had the guy on guy sex letters, they were always my favorite to read and masturbate to.

Sometimes my roommate would spend the night at his girlfriend's place and I'd bring a guy over or I'd go out and hook up with a guy. In the years before I met Katie, I told Daniel that there were dozens upon dozens of encounters that I had with other guys.

During this period, I told Daniel that I went out and bought panties and lingerie for myself to wear when I would hook up with another guy, it just felt natural to do this. I remember buying panties at a lingerie shop telling the female clerk the panties "were for my girlfriend", to which I'm sure she wasn't believing. I'd buy lingerie sets at big department stores. One hook up I remember vividly was when I wore a complete bustier, pantie and stocking set under my guy cloths and hooking up with a guy at his apartment. After sneaking into his place while his brother was asleep we had a hungry gay encounter with me in that wonderful lingerie. Being in panties and lingerie with another guy always gave me a special sense of femininity and heightened my pangs of feeling and acting gay.

Even after moving in with Katie while we were engaged, I would hook up with guys wearing lingerie. After we were married, I went quite a few years with no gay sex and sex with Katie was actually fairly often and exciting. Then it seemed I would masturbate more often, whenever I could, even though I had a pretty, petite, lovely wife. I told Daniel about how my crossdressing blossomed when Katie would spend occasional weekends with her folks in another part of the state when I had to stay back and work. Needless to say, I told him, when dressed in high heels, a dress, wig and makeup, sex with other men was becoming more common place.

"This is an observation," Daniel said. "With all these many encounters with other men, they seem to be all different men. Were there no steady relationships with the same man?"

"Not really," I offered. "There was another married guy I saw two or three times, but it was just clinical sex, no emotion or relationship.

Almost like my solo masturbation but with another guy. I think it's called a 'jerk off buddy." I was waiting for Daniel to say the cliched therapist statement "very interesting", but he didn't. He then made another comment.

"Your numerous same sex connections with other males appears to almost be like an extension of your compulsive masturbation." Daniel observed.

"Whether it's solo masturbation or anonymous gay hookups, it seems one is interchangeable with the other but it doesn't matter which is which."

"Perhaps," I replied meekly.

"I'm going to ask a few more questions, then that is probably it for our time this week," Danial went on. "First, describe what goes on in your mind when you masturbate."

"Well," I started. "I have this incredible naughty arousal thinking about being gay. The thought of being naked with another guy, the thought of sucking cock, the thought of kissing him, the visual images of cock, the sight of semen, guys kissing, images of guys sucking cock or guys getting fucked really turn me on and make me very hard when I masturbate. Smooth naked twinks with no body hair and shaved genitals is my favorite porn to watch when I masturbate. I often think about past sexual encounters I have had with other men while I'm masturbating."

"Images of women don't excite you anymore?" he asked.

"Oh no. Naked women really do excite me. They always have. Beautiful chicks with long hair and perfect little breasts are so hot. Bikinis, string bikinis, panties, lingerie, bras, women in dresses, girls topless in jeans, sexy scantily clad women, uber sexy classy women really turn me on. I don't know why but seeing all of this with sexy women and in their sexy clothing makes me feel every bit as gay as men do," I was getting hard just relating this.

"You talk about kissing men, yet you have not indicated any romantic involvement with other men, only sexual activity. Tell me about this," Daniel inquired.

"Kissing another man has always made me as worked up and horny as any other thing I have done with a man. It's a horny obsessive passionate urge that when I kiss a man, it heightens my sense of naughty homosexuality. Like you are not supposed to kiss another man yet it feels so good, so right, so wonderfully exciting," my erection ached hard in my pants as I said all this.

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like having a romantic relationship with another man," Daniel went on.

"It's one on my biggest fantasies," I admitted. "You have no idea how big."

"Oh really?" Daniel remarked, acting very surprised.

"I had an encounter with a guy that was hotter than all the rest. I still am kicking myself for not getting his number.'

"That is quite a bit of information. We'll have to pick this up next week," Daniel commented.

With that I adjusted my quite noticeable stiff erection in my pants with Daniel surely seeing it and I went home. I masturbated that night at home after Katie went to bed. Unlike the week before, this evening she was a bit disinterested in my state of mind. Well actually, no, she just had no idea what was going on in my mind, all the turmoil I felt telling Daniel about my quite expansive sexual double life. When I feel out of sorts or something bothers me, I tend to masturbate excessively, more excessive than my usual excessive masturbation. In the morning after Katie went to work, I called into work taking the morning off. I took a hot bath and shaved my legs and under arms. I dug out my 'drag bag' from hiding and put on high heels, silky pink panties and a silver spaghetti strap cocktail dress. With a long brunette wig and lipstick, I felt sexy, hot, horny.

If it would have been a weekend night with Katie at her folks like she does once or twice times a month I would have gone to a gay bar where I'd get hit on for sure. But it was a weekday morning and I had to settle for jacking off to gay porn on the laptop. Between that morning and my next session with Daniel I masturbated at least once a day, most days more. Even with a pleasant sex romp with Katie on Saturday morning (where my homosexual thoughts were over the top horny and Katie remarked "how very frisky" I was after fucking the daylights out of her), I masturbated Saturday night after she went to bed and again Sunday morning while she was at the gym. Yeah, going to therapy was really rocking my boat as I confronted all my demons and misdeeds in Daniels's office.

"Let's see where we left off last time," Daniel said as we began the next forty-five-minute session. "You talked about kissing another man and have fantasies of a romantic relationship with another man. You told me about a man that you wish was more than a one time encounter," Wow, he had a great memory of exactly where we left off, or took good notes or was fascinated with the closet homosexual spilling the beans in his office.

"Before we get started on that, you told me what went on in your mind when you masturbated, I also meant to ask you what your feelings were when you had sex in the flesh with another man."

"It's exciting having sex with another man. Being naked with a guy, seeing and touching his hard cock, kissing him makes me go crazy. The obsessive horny sensation of sucking cock is a feeling I can't get enough of. I love the taste of cock, the scent of cock, the feeling of sucking a guy's cock. I love the naughty nastiness of being that guy who sucks another guy's cock. It's obsessive sucking another guy's cock, having my face in another guy's genitals, licking his balls, licking his cock, sucking his cock, pleasuring him like a girl is supposed to do. Kissing another guy makes me feel just as gay as sucking his cock. Some guys don't like to kiss, and only like to play with each other's cocks. I've learned to be more selective," I told him, again with quite an erection in my pants while telling him this.

"Selective?" Daniel asked.

"I've found that the more feminine I am with a guy the more likely he will be passionate with me and return my affectionate femininity as we kiss. Many married men would never think of having sex with another man but sex with a crossdresser excites them no end. For a married man having a femme crossdressing male suck their cock, it is very exciting, especially if their wives have lost interest in sex."

"That's something I wanted to ask, is about your crossdressing during homosexual encounters. What does it make you feel like?"

"It feels natural, wonderful. The sensation is beyond compare. I'm not sure how to express this so it makes sense, but to act and feel faggy and femme with another guy is something that drives our closet sexuality.

Crossdressers who have sex with other males, we embrace being called a faggot or a sissy. We love acting out our gay femininity to masculine males, we love being sought after for sex, to be desired for sex," I told him this using 'we' as me being part of the community of sissy cross dressers.

"How do you balance your closet feminine homosexuality while acting straight to your wife and the rest of the world?" Daniel asked. "As much as I thought I knew about sexuality, I must say I'm fascinated."

"Being a closet sissy faggot means you open a door and step into a fantasy sex world that no one close to you knows about. You then play act out your deepest darkest most forbidden taboo homosexual longings.

You can be swishy, limp wristed and faggy and femme, the type of behavior that is derided and made fun of by straight folks. When it's over you step out of that secret world and close the door behind you, acting as is nothing out of the ordinary has transpired." I was pleased to give Daniel such an accurate assessment.

"Excuse me for so many questions, but really talking with you about all this is more in depth and complex than I could ever imagine, for a married man, especially." Daniel said with an inquisitive look on his face.

"I'm all yours, s-thir," I said with a fake animated gay lisp as I playfully gave a limp wrist and looked over at him with a glowing smile.

"What about anal sex? That is something we have not touched on. I'm assuming with you being femme you are mainly a bottom?" Daniel was happy to demonstrate some degree of LGBTQ knowledge. "is that something you have engaged in? It is not something that has been brought up."

"We can talk about that. It's something that I don't have a lot of experience with and may have shied away from because of sexual hygiene and safety, especially being married and not wanting to bring anything home with me. There were a few very wonderful times that I really enjoyed being on the receiving end of intercourse. Actually a few years before I met Katie, I snuck that guy into my room while my straight roommate was asleep. We hit it off right away. Lots of passionate, hungry kissing. Once we were naked together our bodies melted into each other as we kissed and pulled on each other's cocks. We licked and sucked each other's cocks, for some reason it was just one of the best gay hookups I had ever had."

"In quiet determination I went down on the guy as he was sprawled across my bed. With his cock in my mouth I lovingly sucked him off till he ejaculated in my mouth. I sucked down every drop of semen from his cock, then bathed his cock and balls with my mouth and tongue. When I returned to his arms we kissed and nuzzled lovingly in the darkness for the longest time, it was fantastic gay sex, we really hit it off. It was over an hour later of rolling around, kissing, being intimate and loving and playing with each other's cocks and he was hard again and I had yet to come. I told him I wanted him to fuck me and I slipped a condom over his cock and climbed on top of him. His cock slid right in and we fucked till we both came. There was no lingerie or women's clothing involved but I felt so very feminine."

"As he was dressing and getting ready to leave I had some lingerie catalogs laying on the floor, I told him I wanted to be like that for him. When we parted I'm not sure why I did not get his phone number, we both had such a wonderful time. I'm still kicking myself for not getting his number. I ran into him at a restaurant a few months later and we both knew who the other one was, we saw the acknowledgement in our eyes.

I was with someone, as was he, so we could not talk or reconnect. I know we would have dated if I had only gotten his number."

"Those times really heightened my sense of femininity and tie into a lot of my gay wife fantasies," I let slip a bit about what was really going on in my psyche. "I should let you read some of my stories. Then you will really have an insight of how my evil mind really thinks."

"Stories?" Daniel asked with a perplexed look on his face.

"I write porn stories to help me express my sexuality and deal with my homosexual feelings. It gives me an outlet where I might otherwise go crazy, especially trying to deal with and balance living in the closet.

I'll send you the links to my stories. You can read up on me if they are not offensive to you. They might give you a much clearer picture of my twisted psyche." If I sent him the stories, it would be doubtful that he might actually read them.

"Tell me what they are about. Is there a common theme to them?" Daniel pressed.

"The story titles should give you a clue about my fantasy world. I told you I longed for an intimate relationship with a man though I had never really been in one or had a boyfriend. One is called "The Homosexual Sissy Wife" another is "Looking For A Husband". Right there, it should raise some flags. The stories are very gay, very indulgent and a lot of explicit gay pornographic sex. Even stories that don't have such obvious titles have the thread of being a boy wife to a man run through them." Telling him this I could tell his mind was racing to keep up with all this new information.

"Not to change the subject, but another thing I meant to ask was what about transgender thoughts? Do you feel like a woman? Do you identify as trans?" Daniel was having a hard time keeping up with all I had revealed.

"Not at all," I replied. "I know I'm male and have no desire to live truly as a woman despite my love of being feminine and my gay wife or boy wife fantasies. I love the faggy and femme aspect, it's exciting to be that type of homosexual, knowing you are the feminine one, the bottom as you mentioned. Many twinks are feminine bottom faggots with no lingerie or makeup. A boy wife is understood to be the feminine partner in a gay relationship taking the feminine submissive role who receives sex, who takes cock rather than gives it. For me being a boy wife is a wonderful ideal of being desired for sex, being desired for acting femme to accept a man's masculine intentions towards you where you receive sex rather than initiate sex. My gay wife, boy wife fantasies are interchangeable and being feminine in clothing and mannerism are simply an aspect of my faggy homosexual desires."

"So, you'd rather have the role of a wife than a husband?" he asked.

"Pretty much, yes. Twisted, I know. In my straight marriage I do maintain a traditional male husband's role. If I had a steady relationship with a man, I would assume the role as the feminine partner. I love the thought of being desired by a man as feminine for sexual purposes," was my honest response.

"Your wife has no idea? Do you think that these desires to play the feminine role to another man are affecting your marriage?" Daniel was still trying to wrap his head around the enormous complexity of my sexuality and how my hiding it from my wife was impacting the marriage.

"I'm pretty sure she does not. Katie and I have had lengthy talks while doing the dishes together about gay people and homosexuality. She's very open and understanding about gay people and even transvestites. Eddie Izzad is one of her favorite comedians and she thinks his transvestism is cute, amusing, okay. People who have sex changes is something she does not understand, or how a male would have surgery to become a woman. I subtly tried to explain that many trans women enjoy having a penis rather than surgery. A chastity device over the penis is common for TS women.

Homosexual men have an insatiable desire for sex even if one is a very feminine partner or a TS partner. I tried telling Katie this in a manner that she would not suspect my own homosexual desires and experiences. I don't think she suspects anything. I could be wrong but it seems that for women in a marriage, sex loses its luster as the years go on. Sex becomes more of a necessary chore to mollify her husband's sexual needs, even if her desire for sex has waned."

"Do you view yourself as gay? And if you do, have you thought about coming out?" Daniel asked pointedly.

"That's kind of why I'm here, trying to sort things out, don't you think?" I responded throwing the obvious back at him with out being too rude.

With that the session for the week ended. When Daniel asked if I viewed myself as gay and if I thought about coming out, it unsettled me quite a bit. That was much of the reason I went to see him in the first place, to reconcile my sexuality being married to Katie yet so obsessed with crossdressing and gay sex. I did forward on the links to the stories I had written to Daniel, knowing it was unlikely that he'd read them. Katie went up to her folks for the weekend but I did nothing more than masturbate while she was gone as I was in a state of flux seeing a therapist and my mood told me to keep things simple.

The next session I was rather subdued, rather blah, unsure of myself and my situation. Daniel was an above average guy, taller and bigger than me, he may have been an athlete in college. He always dressed "business casual" in a crisp white or light blue Oxford shirt with no tie.

Sometimes he wore a beige polo shirt and usually wore khaki pants and loafers, sometimes without socks. His brown hair was cut fairly short and he wore clear framed glasses. This next session he wore a very deep lavender Oxford shirt, which seemed like it was new or a gift.

"Nice shirt," I commented as we began our session.

"Thank you, maybe too loud for my style. I can roll with it today. A gift from the wife, so I have to wear it at least once right?" he said, confirming my impression. "I thought you might like it. Anyway, how was your week," he asked as we began.

"It was pretty uneventful," I told him. "The week before than this past week I was a lot hornier and masturbated a lot more than last week."

"Why do you think that was?" Daniel asked.

"Not sure," I replied. "Sometimes my horniness and excitement level comes in waves," which was true, just a blah week.

"Well I read some of your stories," Daniel told me, much to my surprise.

"Well written and very erotic. And yes you were right, they do give me a very clear snapshot of your sexual psyche."

"Hopefully they did not make you masturbate behind your wife's back, like I do to gay erotica," I joked with him. He gave me a shocked look.

"That is a rude, very inappropriate statement, Bobby. I will pretend that you did not say that. We can get started." Daniel said, seeming put off. Wow, I must have hit a nerve and then was rather ashamed of myself for saying what I did.

"Today I think rather than me leading with questions, I will leave it up to you to talk about whatever is on your mind," Daniel said with obvious agitation and displeasure in his voice, apparently an effect from my comment. It was much more than simple clinical aloofness.

Again I was very embarrassed about what I had said and wanted to crawl into a hole. There were quite a few minutes of silence as my social faux pas killed my usually exuberant mood talking about my sexuality and waves of shame washed over me. Shame about my rude flippant comment to him, shame about my closet homosexuality, shame about hiding everything from Katie, being a faggy femme gay crossdresser behind her back while she stood up for me and was nearly always kind and supportive to me. When I came into this day's session I was not as upbeat as I usually was, but now rather than speak, tears welled up in my eyes. I tried to fight back my tears, but my sobbing burst out as I ashamedly broke down in front of Daniel.

The weight of a lifetime of acting out my sexuality from the closet, living a lie, came crashing down on me. Up until this point I was strangely proud of the in-depth gay erotica I had written about my boy wife fantasies and tales of homosexual longings. I was perhaps a little smug that I maintained a dual life as a closet homosexual with such undiscovered ease. Now I was crushed, I felt like a fraud, a fake, a sneaky behind her back sleaze ball more interested in getting my rocks off than being a good person, a good husband. Daniel sat there in concerned silence. I could not help my continued sobbing, I'm sure as a therapist he'd seen this with clients many times. I felt lightheaded and disoriented like the world was spinning. I felt like I did once as a child when I ran into a fence riding my bike where it nearly knocked me out and my world was spinning as I was crying and my older brother was trying to bring me back to consciousness.

Finally, the sobbing subsided, but I still hurt inside and the ache in my psyche pulsated. I did not really know where I was or who I was. I guess the best way to describe it was an emotional car crash; the doors were ripped off and I went into the dashboard, making it out alive but in physical and emotional shock from the impact.

"I can't go on anymore, today," I bleated out, embarrassed about saying this in a sobbing weak voice, embarrassed I had melted down like this in front of him.

"We can stop and continue this next week," Daniel asked. "I won't charge you for today."

"That would be best," I said, as Daniel handed me some Kleenex. Through the sniffles and dripping snot, my bleary red eyes not looking him in the eyes, I sheepishly left.

When I got home, luckily Katie was not there yet. I was a zombie and everything felt unreal and strange. When Katie got home she knew something was wrong and was kind and sweet but knew to keep her distance. We had Chinese food delivered and had a quiet night. I actually slept soundly but was still somewhat of a zombie till the weekend. My chronic masturbation ceased and I tried to maintain at work, though some people asked if I was okay. I emailed Daniel and told him I was ending therapy.

It took me over two weeks before I was really myself again. Katie was kind and loving and did not pry about what was bothering me. I did not press her to have sex which I'm sure she thought was strange as I usually "tried to get lucky" at least once a week if not more up until that point.

She was nice and initiated sex on the weekends and with me pretty much stopping masturbation behind her back, our love making was wonderful and intense. Still, though I tried to fight it, during sex with Katie my fantasy thoughts about gay sex were as powerful as ever. For me to be able to climax inside her, it was only by thinking about kissing men, sucking cock or being some man's boyfriend or wife. Some of my most powerful climaxes inside Katie were of me fantasizing about being in chastity being sexualized by another man. This made me wonder why thoughts of being in chastity turned me on so much, was it a subconscious desire to dampen the flame of my homosexual desires and punish me for them? Thoughts of homosexual scenes during sex with Katie always made sex wonderful and was the only way I could achieve climax.

The fact that my chronic masturbation ended and I was not actively seeking a clandestine homosexual encounter told me that my time in therapy must have helped. My meltdown in Daniels office must have been a catharsis, so in some ways I felt like I righted the ship. When Katie went to visit her folks, I went with her one weekend and was mostly good when she was away other times. Mostly good meant no crossdressing and no sex with other men, though old habits die hard and I had some very intense jack off sessions to gay porn wearing panties, though I felt guilty afterwards and tried to put it out of my mind.

Life with Katie had settled back into a good routine and it seemed I had mostly vanquished my demons of excessive masturbation and anonymous gay sex. Rarely did I do any cross dressing and while I had been masturbating now and then in a pair of panties, it was a fraction of what I was doing before. In a stroke of fate I met a guy at the coffee shop I frequented and he slowly and kindly was hitting on me. I was flattered and felt like a teenage girl from the attention. This unexpected gay prospect threw me for a loop and I fought it for the longest time. In my back and forth in emails with Rick I let on about my past sexual flings while I cross-dressed. Though I loved the attention from him and the prospect of hooking up, being married with things going fairly well, it was crushing me with guilt. I wanted him so bad and told him "if only" and to understand my situation.

Rick was not pushy and said he understood and was recently divorced. He told me to take my time, if things were right to move forward, I would know when that was. His kind, sly patience must have done the trick.

One weekend with Katie out of town I gave in and went over to Rick's place for drinks. We talked for an hour or so on his couch when I gave in and leaned into him for a kiss. Our passions exploded, so kissing him brought everything I had been fighting to the surface, but it was too late to stop. I had worn panties and stockings under my clothes so when Rick took me to bed I was right back to where I always loved to be - femme and faggy with a man. Through our conversations and emails he knew of my feminine homosexual leaning. This was unlike my previous anonymous gay hook ups in that after talking and communicating with him for months we knew each other. It was a fabulous sexual encounter; kissing, nuzzling, groping and fondling of cocks, frotting cocks together.

Admittedly Rick's mouth on my penis felt divine in our homosexual sixty-nine. Another man's mouth on your penis and balls is so unlike that of a woman's; a man's mouth is tingly horny passion where with most women it is merely tepid wetness. Katie would rarely put it in her mouth barely holding it inside for very long and certainly never really sucking or gasp sucking me off. I whispered lovingly in Rick's ear to make love to me and as he penetrated me with my legs spread my own cock was throbbing.

Of all the gay encounters I ever had, getting fucked by Rick was one of the best experiences. His ejaculation inside me and my own ejaculation as I masturbated furiously with him fucking were two remarkable climaxes.

My hookup with Rick broke new ground in that I had never slept with another man the entire night, always just anonymous "wham bam thank you man" hookups. In the morning Rick made love to me again in our new found sexual union. He was kind and sweet to me as we relished the incredible sensation of our gay relationship; it felt so natural and right despite that I was married. Our homosexual affair was ongoing for several months now with me actually having a boyfriend for the first time in my life, even though we'd only get together once a week, if that.

With an ongoing relationship with Rick I was back beyond the place I was when I broke therapy off with Daniel. My guilt and shame of having a gay affair behind Katie's back was no less troubling though it did not seem to affect me in the ways in did before. I was calmer and rationalized living in two worlds, still not knowing really what I should be doing about it or where it would lead or would it blow up in my face with an emotional meltdown like that last session with Daniel. During this time the dynamic of my relationship with Katie and the nature of our sexual interaction was changing. Katie's closest friend for college had recently moved back to the area with her husband. And no, it's not what you are thinking, no, it was not us four being 'swinging' couples, not even close. And no, Katie did not have a lesbian affair with her friend Leslie.

Katie hung out with Leslie as a close friend but we rarely socialized together as two couples. Leslie's influence was that of a very close friend with very strong opinions of most everything in the world, including sex and marriage. Her take was that the longer you are married the more you need to "step outside the box" in the bedroom with your husband to keep him happy and keep the marriage lively. Her opinion was if you keep hubby happy in the bedroom, he'll more likely be a better husband in all parts of marriage. She was a much more a "new age" thinker than Katie's still rather conservative mindset. Katie thought the world of Leslie, it was as tight of a girlfriend bond as there ever was. Eventually Katie bought into Leslie's suggestion of asking me what would be more exciting to do in bed and for me to pick out a sex toy that might spice things up.

This whole new bent in our relationship very much took me by surprise. I seemed to masturbate more lately and now was getting top shelf gay sex on the side. I did not push for sex with Katie like I did earlier in our marriage. I'm sure in 'girlfriend talks' Katie relayed to Leslie my interest in marital sex was rather flat. Honestly it shocked and scared me that this was happening as I had been floating along with the status quo of masturbation, gay sex with Rick and occasional sex with Katie.

Naturally, after Katie sparked this new interest in sex, I bought her more lingerie (like she needed any more with all I had bought her through the years, much of which I was often wore myself behind her back in years past). It was a different type of guilt I felt now; guilt that I did not deserve this special attention she was plying me with while I was masturbating and having clandestine gay sex. Knowing it was in the best interest of our marriage and would certainly be an exciting augmentation to my seemingly insatiable libido, I played along.

Deep down, I wanted Katie to peg me with a strap-on or at least a dildo but was afraid it would reveal the true nature of my homosexual desires.

Deep down, I wanted her to put me in panties and lingerie and play with me, but knew that would not be the best idea for now. What I did bring into the bedroom was a stiff, graduated anal bead string. Small, hard clear pink silicone beads at the end getting bigger up the string. That day in bed, Katie was amused poking the lubed anal toy up my butt and how it sent me off in a spastic world of desire, pre cum gushing out the tip of my penis as she probed the toy in me and played with my penis. If she would have gone on much longer I would have ejaculated a geyser of semen all over myself. Sensing this, she climbed on top of me as my stiffness filled her still tight pussy. Katie rode me like a cowgirl but with all the prior stimulation I did not last long and came wildly up into her.

Katie's own arousal and agitation was unsatisfied as she continued to grind her pussy onto my spent penis as I reached up and played with her lovely little titties.

Wanting to repay her for her kindness, I pulled her up onto my face as she then ground her cum laden pussy onto my eager mouth and tongue. I'm not sure it registered with her that I was licking my own cum out of her pussy, surely it was, as I can't ever remember her in a more agitated state grinding her pussy into my face. The taste of her pussy was divine, even more so as I lapped the tanginess of my own semen, it made the eagerness of licking her sweetness so lovingly erotic. Finally she stiffened and moaned in shuddering climax, the likes of a climax I would be hard pressed to recall her ever cumming so hard and heated. As she climbed off and snuggled next to me, we reveled in the amazement of the event with her purring and being lovey dovey. We dozed off in our loving daze for a short while in unhurried post coital bliss with no urgency to do anything else but enjoy the moment. Unlike most sex romps with Katie in the past few years where it was 'fuck, cum, then hurry out of bed' to mundane activities, we stayed snuggled in our rekindled intimate connection. She was lovely in her nakedness with the light pink string bikini panties she had been wearing lying next to me on the bed.

The taste and scent of her pussy on my lips and face with the remembrance of how hot it was licking my cum from her pussy stirred my ever active libido. I lifted the panties in my hand, admiring them. I then began fondling her lovely naked breasts with the soft silky light pink panties, stirring a renewed arousal in both of us. We kissed madly like we had not done in years as I continued to caress her sweet little titties with the panties. In a fit of desire I rose up over Katie and pressed my penis into her breasts and the panties draped over them, titty fucking my lovely wife through the panties.

What I really wanted to do was put the panties on and then titty fuck her soft sweet little titties. Choosing not to, I did the next best thing that would not necessarily give away my true kinky desires. I hooked my erect penis through one of the openings of the panties. The panties hung from my cock as they draped over her titiies. As she reached up to rub the panties into my cock, we marveled at the sight and the sensation it was producing. Katie rubbing her panties into my penis was generating untold pleasure and delight. Having her panties on my penis with her participating rather than me masturbating with her panties behind her back was rather new to me. The incredible ache and hardness only increased as I pressed my pantie adorned penis back onto her lovely breasts, I humped madly fearing I might be losing my mind in stimulation.

The thought of cumming all over her breasts and then licking it off was certainly part of my ever aroused imagination.

Katie did not seem to mind my erotic tittie humping, as the scent of her pussy still on my face urged me to fall toward her pussy for another taste. I madly licked at her femininity from above as she resumed rubbing my penis with her panties, amused at what a sexual stir rubbing her panties on my penis had caused in me. Licking at her pussy while she rubbed my erect penis with her panties? OMG, my arousal was blasting off into sub orbital flight. Laying back I pulled her over me, licking hungrily at her sex as she was then on top of me in a sixty-nine. While I could not fault her for not obscenely sucking my cock like a man would do, she did take me in her mouth and licked at my balls tickling them with a sweet feminine wetness. Actually taking on the role of a husband, I pulled up and around and mounted my wife, my hands on her soft titties before kissing her hungrily, I was possessed with lust and desire. She clutched at me with her finger nails digging into my flesh as I humped madly into her.

After many horny long minutes of thrusting into Katie I spied the anal bead string laying on the bed and was beyond any level of false embarrassed modesty. I handed her the anal toy and pulled her hand towards my butt giving Katie a pretty good indication of what I wanted her to do. I slowed down to allow her to fidget the anal beads up my tender, still greased hole. Once the stiff toy started poking and tickling my anus, my eager fucking of my skinny little wife continued.

The helter skelter of the anal beads poking up my butt coupled with eroticism of how much I truly loved fucking my pretty wife, I bucked and humped into Katie with the ever present fantasies of gay sex in my mind.

With a loud moaning "uhhhhhnnnnn", I "cummed" powerfully into my wife as she urged me on poking the naughty toy up her hubby's butt.

As we collapsed into each other, the renewal of our sexual bond left us both quite sated. It had been many years since we had sex twice in one day let alone twice in little over an hour. We had fucked three times on the last day of our honeymoon, but that was years ago. A change came over our relationship as this reconnecting in the sack led to a warmer and loving, attentive, more joyful pleasant air in our lives. I'm sure Katie reported back to Leslie the results of the bedroom fireworks and the change in our relationship. Leslie seemed friendly and pleased that her intent-ing had worked its magic, with a sly smirk when I saw her the first time after Katie and I began fucking again like teenagers. My masturbation habits dropped off the radar for the most part as I did not want to diminish my libido with Katie in bed by wasting my arousal jacking off behind her back. I put Rick on hold, to his dismay but not his surprise, thinking he lost interest and found another boyfriend who was more available.

With all this positive change I was still somewhat troubled inside, afraid that some unknown spark would destroy the equilibrium that had settled into my life. Did my lifelong bouts of compulsive masturbation and closet homosexuality cause the of lack of flame in our sex life or did the lack of flame in our sex life pour gasoline onto the fire of my chronic masturbation and compulsive gay sex? Even though I could easily act like a flaming faggot in bed with another man, was I bisexual rather than gay because of my love for Katie? Was all of this because I was molested as a boy, made to suck cock in a bra and panties, masturbating and looking at girlie magazines? Was I simply a selfish creep that was ruled by my penis rather than my brain? Was it true that if you ever sucked cock and enjoyed it that it would stay with you all your life and the desire to suck cock would never leave you? It has been said cross dressing and homosexuality are closely related, was that true with me?

With all this still rumbling around in my head I decided to go back in therapy to clear my mind. It was a little over a year when I contacted Daniel about resuming therapy. Nothing was urgent was bothering me but I felt something was unresolved inside. He was surprised and happy to hear from me as this first session back was a bit awkward with the usual "how ya doing, how have you been" talk. A year is a long time and people can easily change in that time, I know I must have. Daniel seemed changed as well. His hair was still short, he still wore the same glasses and was still handsome with the same casual, professional appearance. Something had changed, though it took a little while to register.

Rather than a white or light blue Oxford shirt, he was wearing a deep pink hued Oxford shirt. It was a man's shirt, looked expensive and had his initials, DKJ, embroidered in black on the pocket. I wondered if he wore it because he knew I was coming in. He had worn the bright lavender shirt the day I melted down at the last session. His sleeves were rolled up to the middle of his forearm and he had small silver bracelets on both wrists with a matching silver chain necklace on. When I was seeing him before, he never wore any jewelry, only a simple gold wedding band.

Today, there was no wedding band. In some ways today felt like a role reversal; he seemed nervous and fidgety while I was calm and at ease.

Once the talking started it was apparent why he seemed nervous.

"I want to apologize for snapping at you our last session," Daniel told me.

"It was I that made a rude comment about you and your wife," I replied.

"Then you put me in my place, as you should have and it made the charade of my double life come crashing down on me. Isn't a good meltdown one of the benefits of therapy, to lay bare your emotions, so you can connect with what bothers you and move on?"

"You are being too kind," Daniel said. "After you left in tears that last session, it bothered me, but not for the reasons you might think.

When you ended the therapy sessions, I was crushed. I wanted to contact you and apologize, but that would have been inappropriate. Again it was not what you might think. I have clients breakdown and stop therapy, that is part of this profession. With you it was different. There are some underlying reasons why it affected me so strongly. I want to explain. Let's not consider this a session. I won't bill you. Let's consider this just a talk among friends. I have no more appointments the remainder of the day. I might be doing more talking than you. I might be pouring out to you as you have done with me."

"O.....kay....?," I answered not expecting this or knowing where this might lead.

"I have a lot to say, so bear with me," Daniel said, sitting back, in the posture of a client not of a therapist. He fidgeted with a pencil as he spoke. "Dealing with patients with relationship issues, with sexual issues, with self destructive behavior is my specialty in this profession. Therapists are human as well and these same areas that I treat can also affect us. When you first came in it took a while to get to know you and I thought I was observing a classic case of childhood molestation, based on what you told me about your experience with the boy who molested you. Incidents like that can affect a person the entirety of their life and that may be the case with you."

"From what I know in my own research, and I am not a therapist, I feel what I did with Johnny influenced my cross dressing as well as my closeted homosexual behavior. By engaging at that age in clandestine homosexual acts with the additional element of women's lingerie, it may be fairly easy to pinpoint the cause of the behavior I did in adult life.

Ridding myself of my demons and moving on in a positive manner is why I came to see you. Sorry to interrupt, go on," I said, pleased to demonstrate my grasp of my situation, yet still baffled by Daniel's apparent role reversal in our conversation.

"You are correct," he went on. "Bear with me. I have several confessions to make in our interaction with each other. In this profession there are a few cardinal sins. One is covered by the client/therapist agreement that we both signed that protects us with the explicit stipulation that therapist and client do not engage in any intimate or sexual activity with each other. That is the big one, a therapist can lose everything - loss of license, lawsuits, loss of revenue. That's why we are not in session today, not because I want engage in intimate activity with you, I just want to talk to you person to person. The second cardinal sin is becoming emotionally attached to a client. Of that I am more than guilty. I fought it. I knew it was building. Hearing your episodes, the nature of your sexuality, the way you described your feelings when you engaged in anonymous one time sexual encounters and how you wished for a steady, intimate homosexual relationship with someone, that touched me.

I felt that for you, not that I wanted to be your steady homosexual lover, but that I felt it for you that you so deserved a steady gay lover, rather than grasping with so many anonymous hook ups."

"Are YOU gay?" I asked trying not to be rude or defensive that he was so sensitive about my gay longings.

"I am not. That does not mean my feelings and sexuality are not conflicted as well. It might take me a while to explain everything to you." Daniel went on.

"Again, not to interrupt, but I have a confession that relates to what you just said. We have not spoken in over a year. In that time I had a gay romance, a steady boyfriend for the first time in my life. It's over now, I think," I couldn't exactly tell what look he had on his face as I told him this.

"I am pleased for you, wherever it leads," he said after I told him about Rick. Daniel went on. "I am emotionally attached to you, not necessarily because I am attracted to you, and I am, but because many of your experiences I share from the other perspective. I was sexually involved with a boy who was in lingerie. I was 25 and he was 18. I did not molest him, nor was I the aggressor. He was my roommate's little brother and we all knew each other quite well. We teased him about being girly. He was visiting and he crawled into bed with me one morning after his brother went at work. Kenny, my roommates brother was wearing panties and a camisole and also wearing lipstick and makeup. You are the first person I ever told this to. This experience has been with me for many years. I don't consider myself gay or even bisexual but I do admit I very much enjoyed this homosexual affair with this boy. It was not a one time romp in bed."

"Our liaison stretched over the span of about seven years. I was even dating my wife Candice during the last two years I was involved with Kenny. Everything you love about being feminine to another male, faggy, as you call it, that was Kenny. He was a mincing, femme show off who loved being girly and gay for me. When we were in bed togeter, he said he knew why all the girls were after me. Like you, he was in the closet through all of this. In the convoluted world of sexuality, closet homosexual affairs are the most intriguing, the most magnetic, the strongest pull in the psyche of sexuality. I know this because I studied them in school, what little they really had studies on, and I experienced these affairs in the flesh. You must know this very well. Kenny experienced with me what you wanted but never had, a steady relationship with another male to act out his feminine homosexuality. All guys masturbate, some more than others, I rarely did during this time as I had Kenny to service me and it felt great. I was getting lucky all the time with him, but I could tell no one. So with girls, I was not so pushy with sex and they threw themselves at me, Candice certainly did."

I was in some ways very surprised about Daniel's revelation, on another level I had always felt Daniel was very in tune with what I was telling him in therapy. There was a bit of awkward silence as we looked at each other. With Daniel revealing he knew what it was like to have sex with a feminine homosexual, that really complicated things. As a therapist he would no longer be an impartial, unbiased, neutral observer, he would see things from my side of the fence. With my much better relationship and improved sex life with Katie, I did not feel the urgency to masturbate or seek gay sex. I felt better about myself by being loyal and true to Katie, rather than if I strayed too far with too much masturbation or thoughts of seeking gay sex. I did not want my erratic wayward past to influence the much better today I had with Katie or to ruin all the tomorrows. In rummaging through all this in my mind, I knew this would more than likely be the last time I would come to Daniel for a session.

Off hand, I made a comment based on how things struck my today.

"Did you wear that shirt because of me?" I asked.

"Yes." Daniel replied sheepishly.

"The lavender shirt on the day I melted down, also?"

"Guilty," he whispered.

"You don't have your wedding ring on. Is that something you want to talk about?" I asked, now feeling very much like I was the therapist.

"We're separated. Have been since shortly after the last time you were in here. We've been seeing each other much more lately and we are getting back together," Daniel told me with a bit of bright sadness in his eyes.

"You said earlier there were several confessions you had for me. The other confession? Is that something you are able to tell me?" Again, I was the therapist asking Daniel to spill the beans.

I did not feel smug about this role reversal, but I did feel a sense of buoyancy that in my mind that I would not need therapy with Daniel anymore. I felt that I had put my life back on a positive track on my own, with having not been to therapy for over a year. Perhaps a big assist should go to Leslie for her influence on Katie and my relationship, with me knowing how razor thin it was, the things that brought about positive change. Something like being kinder and more in tune with each other's sexual needs and emotional togetherness, based simply on improved bedroom activities, was something I knew could go south in a hurry with one misstep or one innocent misunderstanding. At least I felt no fear or negativity that I could maintain this equilibrium with Katie.

"Telling you this will be very hard, but I want to get it off my chest.

I'm so glad you're here, I honestly thought I'd never see you again and would have to live with my guilt," Daniel was fidgeting with the pencil again as he spoke. "This goes back to the stories you wrote. Perhaps you should never have sent them and perhaps I should never have read them, but I did. I told you about my relationship with Kenny. He was the only guy I ever had a same sex relationship with. When you told me about your life and sexual experiences I was more than fascinated, I was enthralled at a remarkable similar connection we shared from both sides of the equation. Honestly, some of the people that come in here tell me stupid boring stuff - "my wife doesn't love me any more so I bought a new truck" or "my dad ignored me so I slept around a lot", occasionally I will get sex or gambling addicts in here. What I told you about my affair with Kenny, it made everything you told me about your life sound like the sweetest wine hearing you tell these things. I perked up and loved every word I heard from you about your life. I don't think you noticed, I did my best to hide my fascination."

"Now, getting back to the stories you wrote, I must have read nearly every one of them you had posted on that site, some of them two or three times. Your grasp at erotic detail is beyond compare. How could I read these stories and not get aroused? I was so hard it hurt. I'd stay up late after Candice went to bed and yes I did masturbate to the stories.

Many times. I'm not generally a masturbator and my sex life with Candice was decent up to that point. But your stories hooked me. In the six days from when I started reading the stories and when you came back that last day, I had masturbated to them easily over a dozen times."

"When you made the the comment about me masturbating to them behind my wife's back, you called my bluff without even knowing it. Maybe you did know the stories would make me masturbate to them, you have to know they are lovely erotica and reading gay porn is not on my reading list. At least it wasn't till I started reading your stories. When you made that comment about me masturbating to your gay stories behind Candice's back, it freaked me out, I snapped at you and responded the way I did. Then when you fell apart, I was mortified. I admired you, was in awe of your honesty about you sexuality and yes I suppose I had more than just professional feelings towards you. I had no intention of a physical or emotional relationship with you, you know we can't because of the waiver we signed, but I did have a crush on you."

"When you left in tears and then ended therapy, I felt horrible. I had never been so emotionally distraught in my life. I'm not like that, I'm even keeled, boring some would say about me, emotionless. I had been having marital issues with Candice before you started therapy with me, then it spiraled out of control. She nagged at me. I snapped at her.

Then in the bedroom, disaster. I couldn't get hard for her. Never had I ever issues with that, never. So I can't get hard for Candice and yet my boners ache hard reading your stories? I was a wreck. As our marriage floundered I went to a few gay bars, not to hook up with guys but in the vain hopes that I might run into you as you said you went to gay bars upon occasion when Katie was at her folks. It was stupid for me to do that, I was grasping at straws."

"Why didn't you text or call or email?" I asked.

"It's not appropriate for a therapist to contact a client over personal feelings. What if your wife would have seen them? I wanted to...," Daniel seemed nervous as his voice trailed off. "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" Daniel then asked. "I know this is strange today with me telling you all this."

"Go ahead," I said, though I was at that point looking forward to my exit from his office.

"Did you ever have any erotic fantasies towards me in the sessions we had before?" Daniel asked. "Improper of me to ask, and you don't have to answer, but you have such a vivid erotic imagination."

"Well, I suppose," I told him.

I supposed I could humor him, though the luster of my coming in that day had long since faded and I questioned why I even had come. I was ready to move on with my life. It amused me that he thought I had "such a vivid erotic imagination." He had no idea. As I masturbate, my mind is like a series of porn video clips scrolling scatter shot at high speed, then often settling on a specific scene that I zero in on as I bring my mind and cock in unison to climax. For the longest time the idea of being a femme boi or gay femme wife to a boyfriend or husband as they fucked me, often took me over the edge as I furiously masturbated to that thought, while gay and sex images scrolled by on my laptop or phone.

I thought for a minute, as yes, I had sexual fantasies involving Daniel when I talked with him about my sex life. Talking with him about my homosexual activities, naturally I was curious in my mind what it would be like having sex with him, after all he was a handsome, intelligent guy. More than once I wondered what he would look like naked and about his cock, was it nice? I decided to play with him a little bit based on one of the kinky thoughts I did have involving him. My kink about seeing fem boys in chastity is one that I have been known to masturbate to over and over. Daniel had crossed my mind a several times when I masturbated to chastity fantasies pulsating through my penis and my mind. So no, but actually yes, I had masturbated thinking about sucking his cock.

"Did you ever stumble upon any mention of male chastity devices while reading my stories?" I asked, not really sure how much or how many of stories he had actually read, despite what he had told me.

"Oh. Gawd. Yes," Daniel emphatically let out. "The part in "The Seduction Exposure" where you fantasize about being Ronnie's boyfriend in chastity and you fantasize about him fucking you in chastity or he shows off your caged penis to his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend."

Impressive, I thought. He really did read the stories and even readily recalled a scene and the character's name.

"I also loved where your boyfriend's ex-wife Claudia unlocked your penis and masturbated you while he was at work in "Looking for a Husband." Daniel was no longer pensive and sullen as he told me this, his eyes were bright and lively. "Please tell me any fantasies you may have had about involving me."

The nature of our conversation had turned from tones of apology and regret to something more in my wheelhouse, sex. Guess I could have a little fun before I took off.

"Well, let's see Daniel. I can call you Daniel, right? I can't imagine calling you Dan or Danny."

"I love it when you call me Daniel."

Wow, he said he wasn't, but he sure seems gay to me. Gayer than I ever come off in public. As much of a flaming homosexual as I could be mincing around in panties in the closet for another man, and I really did not have very good "Gaydar" in the real world, but Daniel smacked of gayness to me at this moment. Not that I should tell him, but he has always struck me as rather gay. Right now, being honest with myself, I would say that subconsciously I had been very attracted to Daniel, though I suppressed it by the fact he was my therapist. I was seeing him to help me with homosexual conflict within myself, not hook up with another guy. No matter, I would be out of his office in a matter of minutes and move on with my life. Where was I? Oh yeah, chastity. I will confess, when he said "I love it when you call me Daniel" that it flustered me a little bit.

"Okay," I continued. "Early on when you asked me about masturbation and inferred I was a chronic, compulsive masturbator, I had a fantasy that I came in here one day and you told me you were going to help cure me of this, but I had to accept the treatment you were going to prescribe. On your desk there was a box. You opened it and pulled out a bright pink male chastity cage. We both knew what it was as you told me "let's go ahead and put it on". I was freaking out because what was I supposed to tell Katie why the thing was over my penis and you said I would have to admit to her that I was a compulsive masturbator and bring her in here so we could all discuss it together."

"I guess it's okay to tell you this, now that I won't be returning for any more therapy sessions, that I came in here a number of times wearing panties and stockings under my male clothes. Or the many times while I talked to you about my sex life that I wanted to open up my pants show you my penis in my panties and masturbate in front of you. I came close to bringing a knapsack with me one day, excusing myself in the restroom and coming back out for you to see me dressed sexy in drag."

"Anyway, like any fantasy, the same fantasy can have variations every time they cross your mind. The fantasy I just told you about, in it you told me to masturbate one last time in front of you so we could fit the chastity device over my hard dick. You clinically observed me masturbate as I loved exposing myself to you while I furiously masturbated for you in my pink panties. After I ejaculated, you wiped me up with a towel and clinically affixed the pink device over my spent penis, remarking how lovely it was that I had shaved my balls and pubic area, perfect for the new pink cock cage."

"I sat on this couch trying to register the sensation I was feeling from the post ejaculation penis glow, coupled with the stiff plastic device over my genitals. You were standing next to me by this couch, your crotch at my face level. It was apparent that you had a substantial erection as I reached up and began to rub it through your pants. Opening your pants I freed it from your underwear, pulling on it, making it as hard as it possibly could be. Mashing my face into it, I began obediently sniffing, kissing and licking your penis as you told me "good boy". Your hands were on my shoulder steadying yourself as I sunk my mouth over your throbbing cock. I grabbed your legs from behind as I feasted on your cock, sucking you off in loving adoration. "Masturbators make the best cock suckers" you told me "they suck even better when their naughty penises are locked away." So yes, I did have sex fantasies involving you," I told Daniel who was listening in rapt, wide eye attention. My penis ached hard telling him all this, it must be certain his was as well.

"The other variation of this fantasy of you locking my penis in chastity was a little more tender," I told Daniel. "You told me to remove all my clothes and you admired me as I lay naked on this couch, my stiff penis tenting in my pink panties. You knelt next to me by the couch and rubbed your hand over my pantie clad penis, softly telling me "this will be the best thing for you, we both know that. Katie will be pleased also, I am sure". Then you brought your lips to mine, kissing me softly, then running your hand across my face tenderly smiling at me sweetly as you continued caressing my penis through my pink panties."

"You pulled my panties down and kissed my penis softly, then slipped it in your mouth. Lovingly you sucked my penis and bathed it and my balls with your tongue, tickling my shaved balls with warm sweet wetness.

Returning your face to mine, we kissed tenderly, slowly, softly in starts and stops and you tongued my ear then whispering "you are being such a good boy about this" as your hand continued to fondle and jack on my tingling, tacky, wet stiff penis. Finally, as I began to shake, shiver and shudder, you brought your mouth back to my penis catching my ejaculation before it spilled, making me buck squirting my semen up into your warm wet mouth. The sensation of your mouth returning to my tingling penis as my ejaculation released into your mouth, made it one of those naughty climaxes where a person feels guilty about it, not sure why they deserved such pleasurable feeling."

"You then returned your mouth to mine depositing to it the semen I had ejaculated into yours. We kissed more hungrily as I swallowed my own cum and your hand continued to fondle my tingly, spent penis. We then lovingly put my penis in the secure stiff pink chastity device, admiring together this new horizon of my sexuality. Then, as is often the case with the repeated playing of a particular fantasy during the mad dash of impending orgasm, the smaller variations to the main fantasy were as numerous as stars in the sky."

"In this tender chastity fantasy, sometimes you were naked and I was sucking your cock before I ejaculated, before the chastity cage was fitted;.... other times you were not naked till after my orgasm and chastity cage fitting as you the climbed over my face as I licked your cock and balls as you pressed it into my face;..... with other times after my ejaculation and fitting of the pink cage you were naked on the couch as I sucked you off in my own naughty nakedness; .....or we'd both be naked, holding hands, standing, looking out the windows of this office with you occasionally flipping and fondling the pretty pink cage over my penis, you admiring the result of caging my penis. I between our hungry homosexual kisses with me then kneeling sucking you off, with you were amused that people outside had no idea what was going on in here inside by the window with your chastity caged client sucking your cock; .........other times still we were both naked and kissing with the cage fitted after you made me cum so wonderfully and you penetrated me with your cock, fucking me as your own reward of pleasuring me, me who would no longer be masturbating himself behind Katie's back, but now servicing your cock as I had learned to do so well in my closet homosexuality."

"Needless to say," I told Daniel, who like me, I sure had a raging erection as I related all this to him, "needless to say, in the twisted world of my sexual imagination, I've had quite a number of mind-blowing ejaculations masturbating over this chastity fantasy." My bad for going into such detail, as the sexual tension in the air was quite apparent, and our erections because of this, quite stiff.

"Tell me about your boyfriend, I'd love to hear about him," Daniel then asked.

"I really should be going." I replied. "Thank you for everything."

"Tell me a little, please. I won't keep you any longer," Daniel asked.

Whew, I was pretty steamed up telling him about my chastity fantasy, up so perhaps telling Daniel about me and Rick might diffuse the arousal I created. So, in this atmosphere of sexual tension, I had no business is creating, I began to talk about Rick. I told Daniel how Rich innocently befriended me in the coffee shop I'd go to several days a week and work on my laptop, never an inkling he was hitting on me. One day he told me he was divorced and asked me about my wife. When I talked about Katie, and Rick said that I must be a "dream boat" in bed, I started picking up on the 'gaydar' he sent my way. A straight guy would have been offended and told Rick to bug off. With me and my history of gay encounters, I was flattered and slowing started warming up to Rick. Despite how well things were stable with Katie, I finally gave in as we began our homosexual affair.

"You said that it was over. What happen?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing really happened, specifically, other than Katie and I were really doing well and it was not the right thing to do to keep seeing him." I told Daniel. "Just as well, I was turning into a little slut."

"Would love to hear about it." Daniel asked.

"Really, I should be going." I replied. "I owe you a lot for helping me."

"Please. Please tell me a little. You know I'm happy for you that you met him." Daniel pleaded.

"Oh....not so sure I should.....," I stammered.

"You know I love hearing from you about your life," Daniel happily encouraged me.

"Let's see. The last time together was, well it was..... was, a little over the top," I went on. "I'd always teased Rick about taking me all dolled up to a gay bar, but we never did. Mainly when Katie went up to her folks once or twice a month, I'd just go over to Rick's and we'd fool around. This one night he was feeling frisky so he convinced me we should go to the "Iron Horse" downtown. I didn't really have much in my drag bag that I usually brought over to his place. Most of the time I'd just be in a little lingerie when we'd fool around. I did have some stockings and a sleazy short black dress, my high heel sandals plus a bunch of various panties, lingerie, tops, stockings, wigs and makeup that I like being faggy in for him. He convinced me it would be fun, that no one would know me and no one would care, it was a gay bay after all."

"The bar was kinda seedy in a seedy part of town, but we were having fun and a few cocktails. We sat at the end of a booth, I actually sat on his lap and we were a hit being there. A lot of guys came by and flirted with me in my dress, heels, page boy brunette wig and slutty makeup. Rick was rather amused and did not mind when guys took me up to dance, the place was packed and noisy. The guys on the dance floor were very "touchy feely", feeling me up through my dress front and back, lifting my dress to see me in my pink panties and playing with my penis through them. It was so wild and I was having ball being so gay. Once back on "Richie's" lap, I loved calling Rick 'Richie', he was all smiles with my arms around his neck nuzzling his face, kissing and tonguing his ear.

What goes on in gay bars does not happen straight bars. If a guy pulls out his cock and another guy starts sucking it, nobody cares, nobody would say anything. Happens all the time, check any gay porn video sites, hundreds of clips of it. So two guys in leather caps, bare chests with leather harnesses came up to me and 'Richie' and told him he had a cute 'girlfriend' and pulled out their cocks. With all the drinks, noise, fun we were having, it was rather erotic for me to take a cock in either hand."

"These guys were the stereotypical 'leather gay' muscle macho studs, but they were fun also. Pulling on two nice hard cocks was pretty obscene, especially when they pulled me off 'Richie' and told me to suck their cocks. Kneeling there on the filthy floor in front of them I took turns sucking on their big nasty smelly cocks as a crowd around was cheering me on. Guys were yelling "you go girl" or "look at the faggot go" among other cheering and obscenities being hurled at me as I sucked and gagged on these guys cocks. It was getting to be too much for me, just physical nature of being on the floor and on my knees when I got back up on 'Richie's' lap and pulled my dress back exposing my pantie clad penis.

'Richie' kissed me and was playing with my cock while these two guys were finishing themselves off over my cock, cumming over my cock and panties, on my arms and dress them pulling me back to suck them clean.

It was way over the top obscene and nasty, and while it was a unique if not debased experience, it was a little much for me. Richie knew and we drove back to his place with me playing with his cock and leaning over to suck on it on the way home. We couldn't get in bed soon enough for him to fuck me."

"So that was it," I told Daniel. "We had a pretty good thing going, but things were changing for the better between me and Katie, and I knew it was not right to keep seeing him. Katie's friend Leslie was a big influence on Katie and things were just going too good for me to continue with "Richie".

"Well, I should be taking off," I said, after my recounting perhaps one of the most debased episodes of my closet homosexuality, from a "career" of episodes that stretched back all the years of my adult life and before.

We both stood as I got ready to leave. There was a great deal of unspoken awkwardness; awkwardness from what Daniel had poured out to me about his episode with Kenny and how he felt about me; awkwardness with us knowing this was the last time we'd likely ever see each again; awkwardness about what truly precipitated the ending of this relationship from me melting down after he snapped at me from my inappropriate comment; awkwardness from me telling Daniel such a vivid picture of my incredibly obscene fantasy involving him and the chastity device as well as telling him about me and Rick in the gay bar fling. Telling those things was perhaps not in our best interest from the inadvertent arousal and erections that they caused. We looked at each with strange uncertainty hovering about us. Inside I was upbeat and proud knowing I'd crossed one finish line and could see clear blue skies ahead with me and Katie, leaving the demons of my past behind, securely locked in their cages.

"This is goodbye," Daniel said, with an implied melancholy as he reached for my hand to shake it, knowing as well, this was truly goodbye.

Paths cross in life, sometimes they join together, sometimes they split apart after crossing. With the all the chaos inside me that brought me in here to see Daniel in the first place, I felt I was leaving with a sense of resolve. When one goes into therapy, there is no magic wand that after a certain number of sessions or a set period of time that goes "poof, you're healed". I felt I had done the things that would improve my life on my own free will, no one had prodded or badgered me to change.

In my heart and in my head, I knew what was right and wrong, especially when it comes to the right and wrong things for me to maintain a healthy, happy marriage to Katie. She was a doll. She had noble character that I lacked. I could have used the fact I was molested as a boy to rationalize the extreme behaviors of my sexuality, but I did not. As Daniel looked me in the eyes with his clear blue eyes shaking my hand in goodbye, I could not fault him for snapping at me that day any more than I could fault myself for breaking down in his office. I could not fault Daniel any more than I could fault myself as his mouth forced upon my mouth as I responded eagerly kissing him in return, our bodies pressed together in a thud against the back of the door, rather than me exiting the door.

Perhaps it was inevitable, perhaps it was destined to be, perhaps all the peaks and valleys in the intimacy of a person revealing himself to another person brought this about, or perhaps it was just the innate flaw in the deficiency of my character. Whatever the reason, as Daniel's hungry homosexual kiss pressed upon me, masculine mouth upon masculine mouth, hot impatient breath on my neck and ear, our heated embrace was frantic, passionate, bordering on obsessive. I was beyond thinking about what we were doing with each other or what this would do to the upbeat, strong mindset, so proud of myself 'me' for being so good. I was beyond thinking about what this would do to the "back on track", positive 'me' I had been in my mind mere minutes before.

All I could do was react to my animal sexuality as I impatiently opened Daniel's pants as he unbuttoned off his stylish rich pink shirt. Once I had his khaki pants open, I fell to my knees and yanked down his underwear with his cock in my hands. In the fantasy I told Daniel about doing nearly the same thing, this was the real deal, not my vivid imagination. His cock was greater than anything my imagination could have dreamed up; it was a beautiful big cut cock with a nice helmet head sticking out of a forest of dark pubic hair. Yes, he must have been an athlete his cock was so stiff and virile. Looking up at Daniel wistfully I held it in my hands jacking on the hard tacky beast. Poor Candice, I have his cock now, I can make it hard as steel, he wants me to pleasure him if she won't or can't or is playing mind games.

Pressing my face into the pungent muskiness of his cock, I licked and sniffed and kissed it in awe. Once I plunged my mouth over it and started sucking his cock, moans of pleasure and "oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd" escaped Daniel's lips. Gagging my mouth over his cock, in and out, my own cock ached hard at the taste of his. A moment before, it was a diplomatic, platonic "goodbye". Now it was an unplanned union of the flesh, two males unable to suppress their homosexual attraction to each other in breathless enrapture. I rose up off his cock as Daniel forced his mouth back on mine, forcing me against the door again with another thud. To his hungry ravenous kissing me, I obsessively returned his passion with my own restless gay hunger. We were agitated and horny as we forced ourselves onto each other, Daniel's hard cock sticking obscenely out his pants as he groped for my penis through my pants. In our state of unbridled sexual hunger towards one another, we caught our breath when a lapse in our embrace allowed us to fathom our situation.

The hardness of our cocks was the result of unscripted stimulation of today's conversations and the intimate knowledge of each other's closet sexuality from our sessions. I was the first to speak:

"I'm going to grab something for me to wear for you," I whispered softly in a more than slightly feminine voice. "It's out in my car, I'll be right back."

I flew out the door to my car and opened the trunk grabbing the 'drag bag' I had in there since my last time with Rick. I'd been meaning to do something with it, throw it away, put it in storage, donate it to a thrift store, I didn't know. It was one of those things where in the back of your mind you know it's there and know you should do something about it but it slips from active thought. A quick tap on the door Daniel let me back in and giving him a sweet sexy kiss, I told him "give me a sec" as I went into the small restroom just inside the office entryway. Inside my 'drag bag' it was an unkept jumble of panties, various articles of lingerie, a pair of high heeled sandals, the brunette pageboy wig and black dress from my last fling with Rick. The black dress still had blotches of crusted semen from that night at the gay bar.

I wanted to be quick so I snagged a pair of dark stockings, the high heels, the wig, a pair of panties, a tube of lipstick and a top I had always meant to wear for Rick, but never did. This top was straight out of a skanky online lingerie shop, a black long sleeve fishnet/fence net collarless pull over that showed skin beneath as my hard nipples poked through the holes of the netting. The panties were pink side tie string bikini panties with black trim ties with white polka dots and a rusche-ed pink bottom hugging the cheeks of my skinny cute ass, an equally skanky piece of lingerie. In my haste I pulled on the stockings, now with runs through them, placed the wig on my head and applied a quick layer of red lipstick. One last piece of bling was a pink leather dog collar with silver hearts on, just like the sub males wear in CFNM videos. It was one of my favorite pieces of gay apparel.

In the high heels I strolled out to meet my adoring new lover. A dog can't change the color of its spots, nor could I, with the prospect of a big juicy bone. Like a stocking clad hussy in a cheap 1960's detectives sex story paperback having an affair with a man at rundown hotel, Daniel looked me over as I sashayed out. I sidled up next to him as he took me in his arms. "Wow" he gasped as he then forced his mouth on mine, tasting my lipstick. "Just WOW!" he repeated as his hands wandered over my cute pantie clad tushie. He was out of his loafers but still had his unbuttoned pink shirt and pants on. I purred in his ear as I seductively peeled his shirt off his shoulders much as a "Bond" girl would. Daniel toyed with my pointy hard nipples through the netting of my sexy top as I playfully unfastened his pants, dropping them as he stepped naked out of the pile on the floor. Simultaneously he reached for my pantie clad penis as I pulled along the length of his hard, tacky manhood. Kissing resumed as the sensation holding onto each other's erections made for a steamy moment of building arousal.

Daniel's groping my ass as we broke the kiss was loosening the strings of the pink panties with the black and white trim, especially with my very erect penis poking out the front. As was my playful, femme nature I stepped back and with a emphatic yank on both ties of the string bikini, I said "Boop" as the panties dropped to the floor. In my shameless love of faggily exposing myself to a gay lover, I stood there bottomless in high heeled sandals, stockings and my stretchy fishnet top my erect penis wagging as I shimmered a sexy pirouette for Daniel. Falling into his arms backwards, soon his hot breath was in my ear as he grabbed a handful of ass in either hand. Standing behind me naked then fondling my stiff penis nuzzling my neck, tonguing my ears, his hard cock now pressed against the crack of my tender ass cheeks. Looking out the blinds at the world, we were enjoying our own hidden homosexual world.

"I never dared dream this, Bobby, never. I was strong like you were with Katie. Then I read your stories. Then I couldn't help myself. Oh fuck, I can't help myself," Daniel bit my ear and pulled on my cock as he said this.

I couldn't help myself either. Whatever mystic fate willed this; I didn't care. This was the "me" that had always been inside me as I embraced it from the closet, and fought in the light of day in the straight world. Maybe that was the part that made it so exciting - if you are out and gay, it's no big deal, you're gay and most people could care less. If you are a flaming closet fairy, you fight with yourself over right and wrong, should I or shouldn't I, you don't want anyone to know, like your wife, brother, sister, mom, dad, friends, coworkers. So when you do get to be the queer you adore being with someone who accepts it, knows it, wants to give you a hard cock, then it is the most exciting thing you've ever done.

Here in my nakedness with Daniel it was many times over the most exciting thing I had ever experienced in my homosexuality, mainly because I did not know it would be happening, it was not supposed to happen, there was no forethought and usual sneaky sleazy planning, and most of all, it being so wrong that it was happening with my therapist with whom none of this is supposed to happen, especially as I was so sure I had 'straightened' myself out over this. Straight? Pffffftt. In other words, I was going to enjoy being the closet homosexual I had otherwise fought and felt guilty about all my life.

There is something about being bottomless in heels and hose that is so naughty, vulnerable and erotic being desired by another man. With Daniel behind me, still nuzzling my neck, ears and side of my face, pulling on my penis as his uber hard penis pressed against my ass cheeks, I felt more than a little desired. We turned facing each other for more obsessive homosexual kissing, hard cock tacky dripping with pre cum on hard cock, tacky, dripping with pre cum cock. When the exasperation of our kissing finally broke, I dropped to my knees mashing my face into Daniel's hard, big, virile, athletic cock, licking his balls, licking his cock. I'd never seen such beautiful hard cock, Candice should be ashamed, though knowing that made me smile inside as Daniel's manhood filled my mouth. Cocksucker. Sucking cock. Cocksucker, it is a term tossed around in locker rooms, bars and ball fields. If you are on your knees pleasuring another man, that word has meaning. Denial and shame had no place for me now as Daniel's earthy, fleshy cock pulsated in and out of my mouth, the musky, masculine scent of his balls and body permeating my homosexual act.

In a fit of lust, Daniel pulled me off his cock, kissed me madly, then led me to the big leather couch, sitting me down. It was his turn to kneel as he spread my legs and forced his mouth on my penis, causing ripples of nasty pleasure. He pulled my heeled feet up onto the cushions, legs still spread wide, kissed and nuzzled along my stocking encased inner thighs, tingling and tickling my thighs with his raspy face. When his face returned licking my balls it jolted me digging my heels into the leather, lifting up my genitals when his firm, warm wet tongue slipped into the tender tightness of my bung hole, causing a sensation few men had ever done to me, none as sweet as what Daniel was now doing. With my legs spread obscenely apart, I was squirming and writhing as Daniel's tongue and lips continued the sweet wet ravishment of my boy pussy. He seemed insatiable as his mouth licked eagerly at my hole then my balls and penis, then back licking forcefully up tender butt hole.

We both wanted the same thing as he finally rose up, pressed himself onto me and resumed his hungry kissing of his somewhat illicit fem boy lover.

His manly hard cock chafed along my penis as we kissed and he whispered a string of loving words in warm breaths in my ear: "you're so hot" "I've wanted you long before I read your stories" "you make me harder than I've ever been"; I was as flattered as I was hard. Reaching between my legs I placed the head of his cock at my damp opening, Daniel thrust slowly against my hole but I knew we'd need lubrication. I whispered in choppy hoarse breathes "grab my bag from the bathroom". He returned with it as I fumbled through a side pocket inside for a tube of lubricant. By that time, I had laid prone along the couch with my legs spread obscenely open, my high heels digging into the leather of the couch. In a moment of reckoning Daniel began poking his penis, his wonderfully hard penis, up into my butt. Gasping as I bit my lip from the initial insertion, Daniel began thrusting in measured pokes to get his cock up into me. With my arms around his neck pulling his face to mine, kissing him, thanking him, urging him on.

"You asked me if I was gay. I'm so gay. I'm gay. I'm so gay for you. I can't help it if I am. You make me feel gayer than I've ever felt. I love being your fem fag boy," telling Daniel a string of true statements as he continued to fuck me.

"I can't believe this is happening," Daniel gasped in my ear between kissing and thrusting into me. "You turn me on more than Candice ever has, harder than she ever made me."

"Fuck me. Get me pregnant. I'll be your wife. You're the best I've ever had," I said encouraging him with statements of truths.

As we fucked on the couch, writhing in our homosexuality, kissing, nuzzling faces in passion, Daniel's cock was putting thrusts as deep into me as far as my boy cunny could take it. I bucked my stocking clad legs, high heels digging into the leather, as Daniel's throbbing wood continued its magic up my love tunnel. I was beyond rational thinking, or any thinking really, just the sensation of cock up in me, getting humped, man on femme boy. Grunting and moaning as our lovemaking squeaked over the leather building up to climax. In a fit of passion, Daniel said something that seemed to take him over the edge:

"I'm so madly in love with you, Bobbi," he whispered throatily as I withstood his cock humping its powerful final jabs into me.

In the moments that followed, we absorbed the enormity of our lovemaking.

It had no basis of reason or propriety, it happened due to the live wires of our individual homosexual circuits fusing after unplanned contact. Daniel's semen dribbled its sticky dampness out of me onto the nice leather of the couch as his erection slowly subsided with us still in and embrace of copulation. When his slippery member slid out we rolled into each other's arms facing one another, nuzzling with soft adoring kisses. I had yet to ejaculate when Daniel's hand caressed upon my erection and my sense of arousal met his playful fondling:

"That was sweet, Bobbi, you've made a wreck of me," Daniel admitted. In silly questioning he asked "do we need to lock this naughty thing up?

Look at all the trouble it got us in." His big paw played with my rigid penis.

My own playful sense of my erotic mind led me to say things of appropriate fantasy, verbalizing things that might go through my mind while I was masturbated. Now I was being masturbated by my homosexual lover of whom I was no stranger to fantasizing about. I had even told him of it earlier when he coaxed it out of me, back when I still hung on in my mind the charade that I was straight. Now, I needed no coaxing to speak the erotic thoughts that ruled the vast expanses of homosexual fantasy in my mind.

"I want you to show me off at a cocktail party as your wife. I don't even need a dress or heels, just slacks and flats and a sweater, no wig, just a little lip gloss and eye shadow. Everyone will know you are the husband and I am the boy wife," I could not help saying things like this, his hand stroking my penis was making me talk crazy.

"Oh. Fuck, Yes.," was Daniel's emphatic reply to my 'way out there' comment as he nuzzled my ear and kissed my neck, his masculine hand stroking my penis and fondling my balls.

"You know you'll have to lock up my hard little clitty or I'll always want this," I said as I climbed out of his arms, up the couch and pressed my hard penis into his face.

Grabbing my butt cheeks, Daniel lavished my penis and balls with adoring wetness, licking and sucking, before I slid back into his arms and his jacking me off continued. His own erotic sense of what I wanted to hear came out as he said:

"You want me to lock up your cute little penis and show it off to the girls in the back room of the cocktail party, don't you Bobbi?"

"Yes, show me off. I want you to show me off to my old girlfriend, Deb.

She was drunk one night at a bar and she called me a pussy. Said she'd find me a boyfriend. She was so hot, but she hardly ever let screw her.

Let's show her I'm gay, that makes me horny to think that she'd find out," I went on. Deb was not the only girlfriend that made comments questioning my sexuality. Katie never did, at least to my face.

"Candice says 'quit acting so gay' to me when she's upset with me. You'd love that, wouldn't you, having her see me with you. Holding hands and kissing me in front of my wife," Daniel said this guessing correctly it was a big 'faggot trigger' for me.

"Please, yes.," was all that escaped my lips as I was humping my penis up into his hand.

After the overload of unplanned sexual play and my natural inclination to act out in a femme, faggy manner it is surprising I had yet to ejaculate, but I was getting close. The therapist was masturbating his client.

"Cum for me, Bobbi. I want to see you cum, sweetie. I can't believe how much you've made me want you. We are both gay. We are. Let's not fight it any longer. We're both gay. I could only get hard with Candice last week thinking about you. Now that I've had you it's better than it has ever been with anyone. You're so hot. Cum for me, sweetie," Daniel admitted as he nuzzled his tongue affectionately in my ear, urging me on.

My heavy breathing and spastic twitching in my hips signaled ejaculation.

My semen splattered out over my belly and Daniel's hand. My eyes rolled back into my head as the buildup to this ejaculation was dramatic and the actual orgasm was a fantastic release from today's stimulating tête-à-tête, a culmination of the revelations we made to each other about our true sexuality and our suppressed sexual desires. It took a little while to climb back to reality in the glow of post ejaculation bliss. My bottom was sticky with semen on the fine leather of the couch. Daniel's continued nuzzling the side of my face showed that his climax had not dampened his affection for me. He licked a little of my semen from his fingers and dipped them in the scattered semen puddles on my belly, lifting them to my lips to taste. Even spent, Daniel's cock was half hard and impressive, I loved seeing it and touching it. Personality wise Daniel was not truly "Alpha" in nature, but physically in body build and especially his cock was oh so dreamy for a bottom boi like me.

The enormity of our actions began to creep up on me as we disengaged from the couch, got dressed, said our tender loving goodbyes, coupled with more passionate, unbridled homosexual kisses. Driving home to Katie, I knew I was fucked, back to square one, no, back to not even close to square one. I had no idea what I was going to do. Actually, I was worse off than before I started therapy with Daniel. This time as I drove home there was no melting down though there were twinges and waves of guilt and shame, but also there was a degree of futile acceptance. This I knew from the last thing Daniel said before we parted: "Candice is out of town next week, I'd like to see you again." When I replied "I'd love to," we both knew.

-------- Author contact if you like/dislike the story: jakladd@hotmail.com

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