Once in a Lifetime Love

By Stephanie M

Published on Jan 3, 2002


Title: A Once In A Lifetime Love 4/? Author Stephanie M Disclaimer: See part 1 Pairing: Lance/AJ Status: WIP

Part 4

Diane Bass walked out of the airport, ignoring the waiting press. As she walked she cursed her husband angry over his behaviour. She couldn't believe he was being so cruel and heartless to her and to Lance.

"New York General." Diane said as she got into the cab, hoping that she would be strong enough to get her sons through this.

Ten minutes later the car arrived at the hospital, looking out she wasn't surprised to find the entrance besieged by reporters. As she walked inside, she made a mental note to call Johnny and ask him to remove the press. It could upset her sons and she wouldn't allow that, nothing would hurt either of them while she was alive.

"I'm Diane Bass, I believe my son and his significant other are here." She said coolly to the nurse as she stopped outside their room.

"Can I see some identification?" The nurse asked, regarding her suspiciously, there had been too many hoaxes already.

Diane quickly took out her driving license and showed it angry at the hold up but also pleased to see that there was clearly security to protect the two men. She had been afraid that something might happen while they were in the hospital unguarded.

"You can go in. Mr McLean is awake at the moment. My name is Dylan Jones; I'm the nurse responsible for their care. Doctor Smith is going to be here in about two hours. We'll let you stay as long as you don't upset either of them." Dylan said positive the woman wouldn't upset his patients.

Diane Bass nodded and walked inside, sighing when she saw that AJ was out of bed and sitting next to Lance. Looking at AJ she could see a patch of red had formed on the white hospital gown. Pressing the call button she walked over to AJ.

"Alex, can you just get back on your bed for a minute or two. It looks like you might've opened some stitches." Diane Bass said calmly as she helped AJ to lie down on his bed.

"What's wrong?" Dylan said as he walked in, seeing the blood on the gown, he quickly opened it to find the bandages were completely soaked in blood.

"Erm...oops?" AJ said at the glare both Dylan and Diane gave him.

At that moment, Lance woke up and immediately looked over at AJ. Seeing the blood soaked bandages he tried to move only to find his mother stopping him from getting out of bed.

"Don't even think about moving James." Diane Bass said sternly, bending down she whispered, "That will only upset Alex more and you don't want that, do you?"

Lance quickly lay back on the bed, watching the nurse uncover his husband's bandages. He couldn't stop the gasp as he saw the large line of stitches on AJ's stomach.

As he left to get some bandages Dylan said, "It's not as bad as it looks. Just your body's way of telling you not to move around. I heard you where strolling around the hospital yesterday. I'll redress the wound, but this time you have to stay in bed,"

"Alex, this is all my fault," Lance said as he took in his husband's grimace of pain.

"No, it's not. It's my fault for moving around too early," AJ said quickly, not wanting Lance to start on one of his guilt trips.

"Hush, both of you. No one's to blame," Diane said firmly causing the pair to quiet down immediately.

Dylan returned and quickly dressed the wounds, grinning at the matching contrite expressions on the men's faces. Obviously Mrs Bass had been at them; it was amazing how men could look a little child when their mother told them off.

"Now don't get out of bed and everything will be okay. You have to give your body a chance to heal." Dylan admonished before leaving the room with a grin.

Lance said in a rush, "What are we going to do about the concert?"

"James, I've got something to tell you." Diane said sharing a look with AJ.

"When you were in the accident your memory got a little mixed up. You're not in the Backstreet Boys with me, you're in a group called Nsync." AJ said quickly, worried at Lance's sudden silence.

"Oh, will my memories come back?" Lance asked confused, were all his other memories right?

"We don't know. That's the only thing your memory is mixed up on. I mean you can still remember me, Stacy and AJ, right?" Diane said looking at Lance for confirmation.

"Yeah, but that's not important as long as I've got you and Alex." Lance said with a grin. ******* "Don't even think about it, J." JC hissed as he looked at his best friend.

"I don't know what you mean." Justin replied quickly feigning innocence.

"Just get over your little crush on Lance. He's married to AJ and he's happy. Don't try to interfere." JC said, not believing Justin. He knew his friend too well.

"That's only because AJ's been lying to him. As soon as Lance sees what AJ's really like, he will realise that he's supposed to be with me." Justin said confidently.

JC snarled, "Get real, he's in love with AJ. You try to break them up and I'll stop you."

"What's wrong?" Chris asked as he walked into corridor and saw the pair whispering intently.

JC replied quickly, "Nothing, he's just being an idiot."

"We should take Lance some clothes and things." Chris said as he walked towards Lance's hotel room, taking a key out of his pocket.

The three grinned, as they looked at Lance's room, tidy as always. The young bass singer seemed to be a compulsive neat freak, something they had always teased him about.

Chris walked straight over to the drawers and started placing clothes in a bag. He the walked straight over to the wardrobe and started folding clothes neatly, knowing Lance would freak if they were untidy.

"What you got there?" JC asked as he looked at the frozen Justin.

"There was a fake back in Lance's briefcase...this was in there." Justin said as he took out a leather bound book and a large brown envelope.

He opened the book, and groaned as pictures and letter fell out. Picking them up he looked closer, and could see they were love letters. From AJ to Lance and went back three years. Just how long had they been dating?

"It says here that they got married last year and that in the case of an emergency the other must be contacted immediately. There are four phone numbers and three addresses for each of them. " JC said as he read the documents.

"Looks like there's a lot we don't know about Lance. What's that book?" Chris said as he looked over at Justin.

"It's Lance's journal, it's full of photos and stuff. Think we should take it for him?" Justin said, maybe he could get rid of the photos and love letters on the way.

"Yeah." JC said taking the book from Justin's hands.

JC didn't trust his friend not to "accidentally" lose anything that mentioned AJ. It was just like Justin but it would upset Lance and he would allow that to happen. Lance's memory might be screwed up but he could apparently remember AJ just fine. ******* Kevin sighed as he looked over at Joey; he'd had a good time the night before. They had stayed up all night just talking and confiding in each other. He was pleased to discovered that he had been right about Joey-he was a great guy.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked as heard Kevin sigh.

Kevin swallowed audibly, "Just thinking. I know this isn't the right time but where do you think we're going?"

"I don't know about you but I think we could have something good together. Why don't we just date a little at first?" Joey said with a smile.

"That sounds great." Kevin leaned in and gently kissed Joey.

The kiss quickly turned passionate and started to get out of control. His tongue explored every inch of Joey's mouth, taking, owning and possessing.

"Excuse me guys." Brian said with a smirk as Kevin looked up and glared at him.

"Chill, Cuz. I just thought you might want to know that we're going to the hospital in ten." Brian said with a small laugh.

"Okay, we'll be ready. Nsync meeting us to go?" Kevin replied ignoring Brian's smirk.

"Yeah, apparently they've found a journal of Lance's they think will help him remember." Brian said as he left, closing the door behind him.

"Nick, you ready?" Brian asked as he banged on Nick's door, hearing only breathless groans.

"We'll be out in five." Howie answered, making Nick groan in protest from the sudden loss of suction.

"Okay, we're meeting Nsync in ten and then going the hospital. Just hurry up whatever you're doing in there." Brian replied, looked like he had the great joy of waking up all the gay couples today. ******* "Hey Lance. How you doing today?" Chris asked as they walked into the hospital room.

"Not to be rude but who are you?" Lance said looking at the hyper man in confusion.

"He's in Nsync with you, his name is Chris." AJ said quietly noticing the looks everyone else was giving him.

"Oh yeah, them." Lance said dismissively, not noticing the worried looks in the eyes of the rest of Nsync.

"We found this in your room." JC said handing the journal over to Lance.

Lance immediately glared at them, he knew that he had hidden the book. They could only find it if they were rooting through his things. He started checking the contents, relieved to see that everything appeared to be there.

"How are you two?" Howie said with a grin as he walked in, immediately noticing the tension in the room.

"We're good D. Although, Mr Stubborn over there caused his wounds to bleed." Lance said with a grin.

"You know you're worse than Kevin." AJ said playfully rolling his eyes.

"Where's Kaos? Let me guess you passed a video game on the way and he got hooked." Lance said with a laugh.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Nick protested, thinking to himself that he kind of liked Lance like this.

"Yeah right (!) I remember you getting hooked when we where at your house. You didn't stop playing for four hours." AJ interjected with a laugh.

"Is Kev still in bed with that Joey guy?" Lance asked as Brian walked in.

"Nah, they're downstairs. They mentioned something about balloons." Brian replied, noticing that Nsync looked like they where feeling left out.

"What are you two called?" Lance said, turning to look at the JC and Justin who were looking at Lance in shock.

"I'm Justin but you always call me Curly or J." Justin said angry at the camaraderie between Backstreet and Lance.

"I'm Josh but you call me Jayce." JC said with a grin.

"How did you get up this early, Nick? Let me guess Howie woke you up." Lance grinned impishly.

"Excuse me, can everyone apart from Mrs Bass leave?" Dr Smith said as she walked into the room. ******* "Feel like telling us something?" Justin hissed at Nick, it was obvious from the way Nick had acted that he had spent time with Lance before.

Nick snarled, "Okay, so I knew about them, but it wasn't my place to tell."

"Calm down, love." Howie said lowly as he put one hand on Nick's shoulder.

"You knew, as well?" Chris asked looking at Howie with betrayal in his eyes.

"Yeah, we double date sometimes. Look, they asked us to keep it a secret." Howie said reasonably.

"Stop fighting! Our friends are in there injured and you're acting like spoilt brats!" Kevin said angrily, he didn't even have to raise his voice.

"I'm sorry but this has been a little trying." Howie said quickly, not wanting to get on Kevin's bad side. He grinned when he noticed the way Joey was hovering at Kevin's side. It looked like Lance was right about them!

Next: Chapter 4

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