One Chance

By moc.loa@9rvulwdahS

Published on Aug 12, 1999


Constructive criticism is always welcome. For those of you who don't know what that means just don't bother. Send comments to

This story is entirely fictional. . In no way am I implying that any of the Backstreet Boys really are gay.

*note- the * * is where Kevin is thinking, the :: :: is his conscience.

One Chance by Shadowlover

**** Ch.3 ****

Kevin slowly started to regain conscienceness. All he could feel was warmth. He sensed that it was dark, but he didn't care about any of that. He was wrapped around a warm, cuddly object. He wasn't sure of what it was, but it didn't matter to him. What did matter, was that he was comfortable and had gotten the best sleep of his life.

I can't remember being more relaxed. I'm going to have to do this again sometime.

Suddenly Kevin felt his cuddly object move.

What the fuck?

Kevin jerked himself into full conscienceness. He had his arms wrapped around something, and that something was wrapped around him. He soon realized that the "something" was A.J. Sometime while they slept, A.J. had turned on his side and curled up around Kevin.

Oh God, A.J. Your problem...I wonder what happened. What made you act that way, A.J.? Why does it feel so right to have you in my arms? And why am I being so protective recently, always jumping to the rescue?

::You know why.:: a part of him said.

No, I don't. I really don't understand, he argued back.

::Yes, you do. You've been hiding it from yourself. Burying it deep down inside.::

I really don't get it. Since you think you know so much, why don't you enlighten me as to what it could be.

::You love him,:: it told him simply.

Ha, that's ridiculous. Me? Love A.J.? No way. I mean, come on, he's a guy.

::Yes, you do love him. Love knows no bounds. You should know that. It doesn't care about shape, form, or color. It only cares that there's potential. When there's potential, love shows up.::

Oh, I get what you mean now. A love between friends. My bad. In that case, of course I love A.J.

::No, not a love between friends, you stubborn goat. A love between lovers. Two people destined to be together. Only separated for a short time when one bodily leaves the earth. A love that you can't escape from. Shesh, why are you making this so hard on us. Can't you just accept the facts and get on with it? You're driving me nuts! I've been itching to say something for a while, but every time I've tried, you've pushed me away.::

No, no, I don't love A.J. like that. Now just shut up. And yet, as Kevin looked at the peacefully sleeping A.J., he knew in his heart that he did anyway. He was only lying to himself once again. He didn't want to admit it because he knew it would only bring pain. A.J. would never love him like that.

Kevin broke out of his trance when he felt A.J. squirm against him.

"Hmm? Kevin?" A.J. asked.

"Hey, A.J. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by a train."

Kevin chuckled. "Well, are you ready to explain what happened to you?"

A.J. buried his face in his pillow in horror and just shook his head.

"Come on, A.J. At least explain what happened last night."

"Ok, Kevin, I'll try. But I'm not making any promises."

"That's all I'm asking for."

"Ok. But, um, Kev? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, A.J."

"Why did you stay here with me?" Kevin turned beet red. "And why do you still have your arms around me?"

If it's possible Kevin turned even more red and let A.J. go. "Oh, um, sorry about that. I stayed because I thought you needed me. I mean I thought that you needed somebody. And besides I didn't want you to be alone. Can't have you doing anything stupid now can we?"

A.J. grinned and shook his head. "No, I guess not. Ok, well, you remember that girl I left with last night?"

Kevin angered slightly at this and said, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, we went back to her place. We know...fooling around. And she was really getting into it. Man, I mean I had her moaning and groaning, and I hadn't even started yet. Well, I got her totally undressed, and I still had my boxers on. I started to go down on her, and, man, I lost it."

"Lost what?" Kevin asked. A.J. mumbled something. "A.J." Kevin said warningly, "I can't understand you if you mumble."

"I said I lost my hard-on."

Kevin jumped up out of bed. "You mean this is what this was about?" Kevin shouted angrily. "You lost your fucking hard-on? Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? Well, do you? I thought something was seriously wrong."

"No, Kev, I had no idea. Do you really care for me that much?"

"A.J." Kevin sighed. "You know I love you. A-As a brother I mean."

Good save Kevin thought to himself.

A.J. got up from the bed and walked over to Kevin. "Well, Kevin, that might be how you feel but it's not how I feel." Kevin got a look of hurt on his face, and was about to interrupt him, but A.J. put a hand up to silence him. "Please, let me finish. I finally realized something when I was with that girl. Something I didn't want to admit to. Last night I lost my hard-on, not because it's something that happens to guys every once and a while, but because the person beneath me wasn't you.

"All those girls I've fucked were just a shield. I didn't want anybody to realize that I love you. That's why I was so upset last night. I finally admitted to myself that I love you. I've known it all along. I was also crying because I know that you could never love me back. But last night when you were rocking me in your arms, I could almost feel your love for me. I know, of course, that you mean in a brotherly way. And when I woke up in your arms it...well, it was like my dreams come true.

"I honestly had no intentions of wrapping myself around you when we were sleeping. It honestly felt so right to me. Well, now that I've spilled my guts out to you, please don't hate me."

"A.J. I could never hate you. A.J....A.J., I-"

Just then there was a knock on the door. Kevin grumbled to himself, and went to see who it was. It was Nick.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you, but a meeting's been called in my room, now."

"Oh ok, thanks Nick," Kevin said.

Kevin was walking out the door when A.J. grabbed Kevin's arm. He waited for Nick to walk back into his room and said, "Kevin, do me a favor and tell the guys that I was so wasted last night that I don't remember anything. That I was in a drunken stupor or something."

"Yeah sure, A.J." Kevin said, still shocked from A.J.'s confession, walked in a trance-like state out the door. A.J. followed close behind, shutting the door after them.

One Chance by Shadowlover

**** Ch.4 ****

The meeting was pretty boring. They talked about the usual stuff: changes to songs, appearances, the next concert. It wrapped up pretty quickly. Soon they began discussing what they wanted to do that night. A.J. and Nick decided that they wanted to go shopping in the mall. Howie, Brian and Kevin opted to stay at the hotel. Howie needed to call his family; Brian wanted to catch up on his sleep and maybe watch a movie; Kevin needed to think.

As they all stood up to go their respective ways, A.J. spoke up. "Um...wait a minute, guys. Sit down, I have something I need to tell you. Kevin already knows what I am going to say."

The rest of the group looked at Kevin in confusion. Kevin just looked up at A.J. in shock. When A.J. saw the expression on Kevin's face, he just smiled.

"What I am going to tell you will no doubt be a major shock to all of you. I have no idea as to how you react, but I hope it's positive. Nick you might change your mind about going with me tonight after I tell you this. I've known something about myself for a long time. But I've been hiding it from myself...and you."

"Where is this going, A.J.?" Brian asked.

A.J. looked at Brian, shrugged and said, "I'm gay."

Brian's jaw fell and the room went silent. No one spoke, and no one moved. A.J. put his hand up to his forehead as if to shade his eyes and peered around the room.

"I know you're out there. I can hear you breathing," he joked.

"Um...A.J.?" Nick asked.

"Yes, Nick?"

"What about all those girls you've been with?"

"Yeah. You have got to be the biggest booty hound I've ever seen," Brian added.

A.J. sighed. "They were just a cover up. I never really liked it, but I figured if I did it enough I would eventually."

Brian thought for a moment chewing on his nails. Eventually, he said, "Well, it's cool with me. You're still my bro."

"Really?" A.J. asked.

Brian nodded.

"Hey, man, it's ok with me, too. I mean, come on, who am I to judge?" Nick said.

A.J. looked at Howie and said, "So, what's your verdict, Howie?"

"I'm actually going to go with the kid on this one. I mean it's not like it's contagious or anything."

Nick looked offended and was about to say something when Brian started violently shaking and bent over slightly.

"Brian? Brian, what's wrong?" A.J. asked.

Brian moaned. "Oh, no...not me...can't be happening."

Brian stopped shaking and looked up with a frightening gleam in his eyes.

"I'm one of them now. I'm gay."

Nick started to violently shake and bent over.

"Oh, God," Howie muttered.

Nick looked up and said, "I caught it. I'm gay, too."

Nick and Brian looked at each other and simultaneously screamed, "Hold me!" They ran to each other and embraced in a hug.

A.J. picked up a pillow and swatted them with it. They broke apart laughing.

"I'm not really gay, you know," Nick told Brian.

Brian looked at him and said, "That's ok. You're really not my type."

"Why you little..."

Nick tackled Brian to the floor. But Brian was stronger and quickly got the upper hand. Brian pinned Nick's hands above his head with one of his and used his other hand to tickle Nick's sides. Nick started laughing and thrashing around.

"Ok you two. Break it up," Kevin said.

Brian stopped tickling Nick and leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Actually, I'm not small at all."

Brian got up off Nick and walked out the door saying, "i'm going to bed."

Nick sat up and looked at A.J. "Well, shall we get going?"

"You mean you still want to go?"

"Of course I do. As long as you don't hit on me or anything."

A.J. took a few steps closer to Nick. "Actually, I've always thought you had the prettiest eyes," A.J. said seductively.

Nick's eyes got wide, and he started to back up.

"Nick, chill. I'm was just kidding."

Nick breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, after seeing enough gay ‘acts' to last me a lifetime, i'm going," Howie said.

"I'm coming, too," Kevin said.

Howie and Kevin walked out the door.

"Well, shall we?" asked Nick holding his arm out to A.J.

A.J. looked at him for a moment. Then, he smiled and linked his arm through Nick's. "Yes, I think we shall."

They were headed out the door when the phone rang.

"Dang, let me get that," Nick said.

"Hello?" Nick said picking up the phone.

"Yes, Mr Carter? This is the receptionist. There is a package here for Mr. McLean, but he is not answering his phone. Do you know what we should do?"

"Actually, he and I are headed down there now. So just give it to him then."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Carter."

Nick hung up the phone. "You've got a package waiting for you downstairs."

"Oh ok."

They walked out of Nick's room and got on the elevator. The ride down didn't take long, and soon the doors were opening to the lobby. A.J. walked over to the receptionist's desk.

"I understand there is a package here for me?" he asked.

"Yes, Mr. McLean. Here you go," she said handing him a small package wrapped in brown paper.

He took it over to where Nick was waiting and sat down. He tore the paper off and opened the box. Inside the box was a jewelry box.

"Oh I know what this is," A.J. said excitedly.

"What?" Nick asked.

"It's a ring my mom had made for me." He took the ring out of the box. It was a silver band with his initials on it.

"Cool. Let me see."

"I'll bet you it's the wrong size though. She always knows what I like, but she can never remember my size."

"Well, let's find out." Nick gave A.J. back the ring. A.J. tried slipping it on his fingers. The only on it fit was his thumb.

A.J. grinned and said, "See, told you."

Nick just shook his head and stood up. "Come on, let's go shopping."

A.J. stood up, and they walked out the door.

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