One Man's Paradise

By moc.loa@namhagag

Published on Apr 2, 2006



Simon Rienholt's mother died when he was twelve. He never knew his father. He spent his teenage years with a foster family - they treated him well but there was little love. They saw his inclusion in their family as a social good, raising the boy until he could fend for himself, rather than an addition of a son.

Simon would have been a jock, but with the tragedy of his life he withdrew from everyone and everything. Good looking, but uninterested in women and suspecting he was gay - he withdrew further and began putting on weight. All he did was sit in his room isolated from the world. He became hooked on computers. It became an obsession - an escape from every day life.

As a nineteen he developed the software to develop web sites and suddenly found those in the know approaching with money and offers to form a company. At 21 he was head of a listed web site software development company. It was all going too fast for the young man who resented the pressure and the fact his joy in computers had become a job that he had to force himself to endure. When an offer of 40 million US came for his products - he grabbed it.

He was 22, a virgin and a millionaire - it was 1998. Now he had nothing but time on his hands. He bought a magnificent house overlooking the ocean. A pool, a sauna, a tennis court and a spa made his lifestyle opulent - but his love life was non-existent. He installed a full gym and went to work on his body. Investing in real estate his fortune doubled as his body became lean and muscled. The few relationships he'd had were disasters. The guys involved were after his money not his love - and then he met Neil. A man with a secret. Neil longed to be a sub and by chance he allowed Simon to explore his own dominant side. And he did. It was a whole new world and one he finally loved - and he quickly began to build his own paradise.

Stuart Haughton was English. He'd dropped out of school to be a footballer and his goodlooks put him in the class of Beckam. He was going all the way to the top. At seventeen a ruptured Anterior cruciate in his knee stopped his dream. An operation and a year of rehabilitation left him behind his peers - he was no longer courted or considered a prospect for a professional career. Without a highschool diploma and with no future he worked in dead end name tag jobs. From a poor family his future looked bleak. Stuart knew he was gay and had begun to explore his fantasies on line as an escape from a life he hated. That's when he answered a profile online that would change his life.

'Boi wanted. Must be fit, young and looking for 24/7 ownership for initial one year contract. Will provide flights for successful applicant - lifestyle to be expected, strict but opulent. Picture required.'

Stuart sent a picture. The reply was short and sweet.

'Picture adequate. Application inadequate. Details and expectations missing.'

Stuart felt hesitant. This could be a killer. It could be the biggest mistake he'd ever make. But he couldn't resist responding. Then he waited. And waited. Finally a response came.

'Flight booked with Qantas in Stuart Haughton's name. 12 month Visa to be picked up from Australian Embassy. Flight departs 10pm Heathrow, 22nd March. Check in 90 minutes prior to flight. Arrive 89 minutes before departure and airline has instructions to cancel flight. No excuses.'

Now it was up to Stuart. He relaxed slightly on knowing he would be heading to Australia. Had it been the Middle East or another country he knew less of, he may have dismissed the idea without any more thought. Even so, he considered backing out. But he knew he was a sub and he really wanted to try life as a serving sub. and to do it in Australia would be a dream come true!

He nervously approached the international check in - economy. He showed his I.D. and noticed the sudden reaction from the girl at the desk. "One moment please, Sir." The girl called another attendant to her side and showed him the screen. The man immediately came around the counter and took Stuart's bags. "This way please sir." Stuart thought he'd been set up. This was some terrible practical joke and he was about to be humiliated - his inner fantasies to be made public. Why had gone through with the crazy idea?

He walked nervously behind the man who walked towards business class, and on to first. 'We'll get you checked in straight away and then you can wait for the flight in the first class lounge.' Stuart was dumbfounded. Could this be really happening - flying first class to the other side of the world?

When Staurt arrived at the lounge he accepted the unfamiliar service and attention awkwardly. He was enjoying the life of the 'haves' for the very first time. He was handed a letter, and told he'd be called when his flight was ready to board.

Stuart sat and opened the letter.

'Welcome Boi Stuart. You will arrive in Sydney in less than 24 hours. You will be met by a driver who will be holding your name on a card. Do not speak to him. Enjoy your flight.'

The flight was perfect. He ate five star standard meals and watched movies and drank enough to pass out and sleep for almost eight hours. The plane refueled in Bangkok and then on to Sydney where the same amazing treatment continued. Stuart loved every minute of it.

At the airport he came from the departure gate and saw a stunning young man holding a sign with his name on it. He did as instructed and didn't speak. The driver knew him by sight and began walking without even a glance of acknowledgment. They drove in a new series 7 BMW into the suburbs of Sydney before the perfect blue ocean and cliff top houses came into view. The driver made a phonecall but didn't speak a word. Five minutes later large gates opened automatically and the car entered a long drive into a secluded mansion that had a view to die for and privacy by nature provided by cliffs that dropped to the sea below.

The driver took the bags and entered the house. Stuart followed. Every moment since he'd left England had been building to this moment. The house was open planned and huge. He was led down a corridor into a large lounge with floor to ceiling windows that looked onto the sea.

Stuart entered to find Simon sitting on a large white leather lounge. Standing to either side of him were boys dressed in tight shorts, speedos or board shorts with singlets or T's that showed off their bodies.. Two on each side of the couch. Each perfect but different. Some had black hair, some blonde or brown. Their bodies were muscled and lean and their heights and races varied. They stood with their hands to their sides and each of them looked at Stuart.

"Strip," Simon said.

Stuart slowly began to undress. He noticed the driver left the room. Stuart was left to undress. Each item of clothing he took off he folded, giving himself a little more time to get used to the idea of stripping in front of so many staring eyes. He placed each item of clothing on the ground until he stood naked. His hands instinctively covered his dick.

"Don't cover yourself in front of me."

Stuarts hands moved tentatively to his side and he stood - erect and on display. He didn't know where to look. The driver returned to the room, now dressed in shorts and a singlet like all the others. His body was as perfect as the rest. Stuart was thankful he'd been on the verge of becoming a professional athlete. His body didn't look out of place.

"Do not speak - at all. Nod if you understand." Stuart nodded at Simon who sat calmly on the couch, fully clothed, looking over the new addition to his family. Simon spoke slowly and clearly.

"You are now one of six boys. I own you for a year. If you disobey me you will be punished. If you want to leave - for any reason - I have the means to cancel your visa. You will be on a plane home within an hour. Do you understand?"

Stuart nodded.

"I am going to explain how I run my home. Boi David, give Boi Stuart a necklace." One of the slaves came forward and went behind Stuart. Boi David was six feet and blonde. Well tanned and not a hair out of place. He attached the necklace around Stuart's neck.

"You'll notice all my boys have the same necklace. You can look at it now." Stuart did. "It is a square metal cube with the number 6 on it. That is you Boi Stuart. I may call you boi 6 or Boi Staurt. If I call you by your name it means I want you specifically, if I call you by your number it means whatever is to be done or needed is for the boi at that level in my slave hierarchy. Do you understand?" Stuart nodded. "Good. Being a lower number is better. You will have more opportunities and experiences the higher up the hierarchy you are. You will also notice each of my boys have beads on their necklaces. These look like a typical necklace beads worn by surfers - but they have a special purpose in this house. The more beads on a necklace - the more pleasure you will enjoy. I can give you beads if I choose and I can also take them away if I'm displeased with you.

"Now show us what you are offering us. Jerk off and catch your cum in your hand."

Stuart's eyes opened wide. He was ready for new experiences, but hadn't mentally prepared for a display like this and certainly not so quickly or in front of his new master and five clothed strangers.

"You just earned 6 strokes with a cane for hesitating."

Stuart quickly brought a hand to his cock and went to work on his dick, working it up and down. He was uncut and used his foreskin to roll back and forward over his impressive 7+ inches.

He began to break his stance and his legs spread slightly, bowing at the knees as they became tense and then released. His pleasure was building and obvious. "Don't close your eyes or look away. You can only look directly into someone's eyes in this room." Stuart was dying from humiliation and embarrassment. His breath was getting shorter. He hadn't come for over a day and a half and his breath was now raged. He'd hold it for long periods as he strained and released to try and reach orgasm. His hips begin bucking uncontrollably and he began to grunt in a higher pitch than his voice - from the back of his throat the whimpers escaped into the room. All the time he was staring into the eyes of those in the room and they were all staring back. He was getting close and they all knew it. Finally he jerked and spasmed - giving away his most intimate moment as a public display to six men he didn't know and had never spoken a word to. Then he shot and missed his hand entirely as a strong squirt of cum shot out and hit the polished wood floor in front of him. The second third and fourth shots he managed to catch in the cupped palm of his hand. A pool formed as he milked the last drops from his sensitive dick. Stuart regained his breath.

"Now with your tongue, lap it up." Stuart's humiliation continued. He looked at Simon. "That's twelve strokes." Stuart began to lap at his hand with his tongue. It took him many laps as he'd built up a huge load with all the anticipation of what he was heading to. With his hand clean his let his hands go back to his side. "And the floor," Stuart said. This time Stuart was quick as he dropped to his knees and licked the line of cum that had shot from his cock. When he finished he stood and waited. "Good Boi. Are your bags locked." "Yes," Stuart said. "Your ass is going to be saw. We're up to eighteen now strokes now. Didn't I tell you to only nod? You are number 6 so you don't speak, ever. That is part of the price you pay for being my low boi."

Stuart looked worried - he loved being in a new country and he couldn't deny he was incredibly turned on by this situation, but not being allowed to talk? This wasn't what he wanted. "Now," Simon began again. "Are your bags locked?" Stuart nodded. "Unlock them." Stuart retrieved a key from the pocket of his folded pants and unlocked each of the locks on his bags. "Boi 5 - take the keys and the bags to my room." Simon addressed Stuart again. "I'll inspect your things and decide what you can have. Everything in your life is now at my discretion. You won't need clothes for this first week, you have your uniform on. We all want to get a good look at what our new Boi has to offer. There will be a folder in your room with all these rules in it - study it and learn the rules of the house. You've done well so far, but any infringement of my rules and you'll be punished."

Boi 5, the same boy who served as Stuart's driver, took the bags and Stuart's clothes and left the room.

Now we have your initiation. It will begin the moment Boi 5 gets back. My boys are each given a number in the hierarchy. As you've seen, until you arrived, Boi 5 was our low boi - he spends most of his time doing menial tasks and he never speaks. He hasn't earned the right. But now you are below him. So from now on you will be silent and used for all the worst jobs around this house. You will have very little time for leisure, which will be a shame, because as you can, there's a lot of leisure to be had around here.

But, your initiation will determine if you stay as boi 6 - or if you can hold a place higher up the order. Starting with boi 5 you will get to challenge to win his place from him. You will both be naked and oiled. You will then wrestle. The winner is the first to bury his cock up the others ass and hold it there for ten seconds. When that happens the loser will mount this wonderful coffee table - which you'll shortly see converts into a padded knee high horse. The loser will not struggle or move, while the winner will put on a condom and fuck until they cum. If you, Boi Stuart should happen to win out over Boi 5, you will only fuck until you are close. Then you will stop. If I feel you were close enough to cumming I will allow you to stop and you then will take Boi 5's necklace - including all the beads he has earned. You will then challenge Boi 4 and so on. It's never happened before - but who knows - you could end up as my number one boi.

You have just cum and are jetlagged and all my boys work out every day. So that would be quite a feat, but good luck."

Boi 5 returned to the room. He immediately began to strip. He knew the drill without needing to be told. The other boys gathered around and spread out a thick large foam rubber matting. Then they sprayed both boys with oil and spread that oil over every inch of the two boys bodies. Inside and out they were slick and shinning.

Stuart's head was spinning - his life had changed so fast he couldn't keep up with it.

"Begin," Simon said. Boi 5 launched himself at Stuart. It would be a fight to the finish.

To be continued..

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