Online Master

By kbar boy

Published on Jul 13, 2023


This story, and all characters are fictional. If it isn't legal to read this kind of story where you live then please exit now. Make sure that in real life you have safe sex.

Last time:

Oh shit - I thought. What had he done now? I opened my profile, which had previously been very discrete, only containing my username and age. And now...

A pic - face pic of me - the one I had taken. Name: Dave. Location: Leeds. Hobbies: Being submissive. Latest news: In ownership.

Oh god - the stakes had been raised.

The next day, I decided to log on to chat and see if my master was around. As I opened up my account, a rather puzzling message was waiting for me.

...enjoyed chatting - very interesting finding out all about your sub side - I never knew you were so kinky - talk again soon...

It was from 'Richard1978' - someone I chatted to occasionally. But I hadn't chatted to him online in weeks - what the hell was this message all about? Just as I was puzzling over this, a message appeared on screen. It was my master.

...dave - good to see you online - I hope you liked the way I changed your profile. It's far more informative now don't you think?... ...yes sir - although I would prefer not to have my face displayed online... ...are you ashamed of serving me? You always seem so happy to serve. Your face being in your profile is just something you will have to cope with if you want to chat online while I am your master... ...yes sir I understand... the way Dave - I have been logged in under your username, and have been chatting to some people off your friends list. I didn't think you'd mind...

Bloody hell - that explained the mystery message from Richard. I suddenly realised that my master could tell anybody anything - and they would think it was me speaking. On top of which he knew my phone number and where I worked, as well as having some seriously hot photos of me. I was beginning to get out of my depth here. boy - are you ready for your next training session... ...yes sir - I need you to train me further - push me harder...

Why did I say these things. It was like I didn't have control over my own mind when I was talking to this guy. Or maybe it was just that I knew he was going to make me feel really horny.

...good Dave - do you have your digital camera ready... ...yes sir - I have it here... ...and your mobile?... ...yes... ...and your boyfriend Tom - is he out?... ...yes sir - for the whole evening... ...get naked then...

I removed my yellow t-shirt and faded blue jeans, and took off the tight blue sports briefs that I was wearing. My cock sprang out - hard, keen and ready for action - like an over-excited dog that has just been offered a walk. I was feeling really horny and looking forward to this.

...right Dave. This time is different to before. I want you to document each thing that I ask you to do with a photograph. This will prove your obedience to me. There can be no cheating - no wimping out. You will do each thing I ask. When I say 'photo', you will take a photo, then you will upload it direct to your computer and send it to me through chat. Do you understand this?... ...yes sir - I understand...

Immediately, my phone rang, and I felt a thrill of excitement pass through my body and shiver down my spine. 'Number withheld'. I answered the phone and put it into remote mode.

'Hello sir' 'Good evening Dave. I hope you are sitting there naked' 'Yes sir' 'OK - let's check the system is working - I want a photo that includes your cock, balls and stomach' 'Yes sir'

I took the camera, held it away from me and pointed it back towards my crotch. My cock was pointing up reaching towards my belly button the foreskin covering the head, my hairy balls hanging below. I uploaded the photo and sent it to my master.

'Good boy - already hard I see. Tell me how it makes you feel serving me' 'I love to serve you sir. I like to have my control removed - to have someone else making decisions for me. It makes me excited and worried at the same time, and that is a very horny combination sir' 'Good. You have a nice cock Dave. Roll back the foreskin for me and take another photo' 'Yes sir'

I rolled back the foreskin and exposed my pink shiny glans. I took a good close up for my master, so he could clearly see the centimeter long slit beginning to ooze pre-cum, and the purple raised markings round the rim of my head.

'Very nice. It's just a shame your cock and balls are so hairy. I think it's about time we dealt with that. Get a razor' 'But sir - what will my boyfriend see when he sees my shaved cock?' 'Dave - the 'b' word is banned. No BUTs anymore. You will be punished for this' 'How sir?' 'Stop with all these fucking questions Dave You seem to be forgetting I have a lot of control over you. I know your phone number, your name, where you work, have full access to your chat account. Get a fucking razor and shave your balls clean. Tell Tom anything - tell him you did it for him - I don't care. Shave your balls now. If I do not receive a photo within 5 minutes, you will not be hearing from me again' 'Yes sir - I'm really sorry sir'

I got a bowl of warm water, soaped up my balls, and held the skin of the saggy sack as tight as possible. Then carefully but speedily, I ran the blade over them, removing every last stray hair. Eventually my balls were smooth and hairless. It made them seem slightly bigger when they were not hiding under a layer of dark fuzz. I took a photo of my soft hairy cock lying across my smooth hairless balls..

'Good boy. Can we continue without you getting too scared?' 'Yes sir' 'Now shave the shaft of your cock completely - photo'

Whilst shaving my balls, my cock had softened - retreating into its foreskin. Now I worked it up so it was good and hard. I figured that a rigid shaft would be much easier to shave. I worked the shaving gel into my shaft, lathering it up. It felt really good. Just had to make sure my cock didn't pulsate too much, otherwise I might cut it. I shaved the shaft clean of all the hairs and took a photo for my master.

'Good boy Dave. Now for the bit that will really make you look different. Shave the whole area around your cock. You may only leave the treasure trail running down from your belly button, all the way to the base of your cock. Otherwise everything must go. I want your crotch completely smooth. Photo'

I lathered up, and worked the razor round as my master had instructed. I couldn't believe how much hair came off - obviously I had a very hairy crotch. Not any more. My cock seemed to rear up so much more now the mass of hair had gone. I could clearly see right down to the base of my cock - the way it jutted out of my body - the way it was hard and twitching. I worked my cock a couple of times in my hand (even though I knew I probably shouldn't) and then took a photo for my master.

'Very nice Dave - how does it make you feel having a shaved cock - have you ever done it before?' 'No sir - it is my first time shaved. It makes me more aware of my cock somehow, and makes me feel much younger. I also feel very vulnerable. I'm sure my boyfriend will laugh at me' 'I hope so Dave. Now get a thick black marker pen'

I went and found one. I also got some lube, as I guessed from what had happened before that my master was going to ask me to insert it in my ass, and I wanted to make my life as easy as possible.

'I have a marker pen sir' 'Good - now I want you to write my name down the shaft of your cock. So you know exactly who owns you. Photo'

Shit - I couldn't complain again, but what if Tom saw this? He would kill me. Still he was out for the whole evening and would get in drunk. He'd probably go straight to sleep and never know - I could sleep in my boxers for a night or two.

I wrote in big black capitals, MATT, down the shaft of my cock. It was clearly visible, especially given that my cock was shaved - it was like a huge advert for my master - taken out on my own body. I took a photo and sent it.

'Very good Dave - you seem to be learning to follow orders. Now write my initials, MT, on the head of your cock - one letter on either side of the piss slit. Make the letters as big as possible. Photo'

I did as he asked. It looked obscene - my masters name and initials waving around in front of me - sticking out hard and huge from my freshly shaved crotch.

'Nice Dave - you are really beginning to look like my slave now. I like your photos - they are excellent quality and I am getting a nice collection.

You should know that your master is very pleased' 'Thank you sir - I am very glad - I only exist to make you happy'

Did I really say that? Here I was, an independent successful man, saying I only existed to serve somebody else. And it felt great to say it.

'I am glad to hear it Dave. It is now time for you to suffer for me. I want you to collect clothes pegs - go and get however many you have' 'Yes sir'

I went and hunted them out of the cupboard under the stairs. Then I returned to the camera and computer.

'I'm back sir - I have collected the clothes pegs' 'How many have you got Dave?' 'About 25 sir' 'And that is all?' 'Yes sir - we only have a short washing line' 'It should be plenty. I want you to clip every single peg to your genitals.

You can decide where and how - but every one must be attached. Photo'

I looked down at my freshly shaved cock and balls. Twenty five pegs is a large number. I started on the rigid shaft - the word MATT emblazoned up it. I clipped 10 pegs around the shaft, explaining to my master carefully what I was doing. They squeezed in on my cock, causing it to throb and pulsate - the head of my cock was engorged - purple and exposed - the initials MT staring back at me, getting bigger and smaller as my cock throbbed - I couldn't face clipping the head My whole shaft was covered from top to bottom in pegs and was just about staying hard. Then I started on my balls with the rest of the pegs. I clipped the skin of my sack all around the edges - trying to avoid getting my sensitive balls caught between the teeth of the pegs. Soon a rim of pegs was surrounding my shaven crotch, the weight beginning to drag my balls downwards. My whole cock and balls gradually disappearing behind wooden pegs. Eventually I clipped the last one in place - my balls and cock were beginning to feel really tender, and I quickly took a photo and sent it off.

'Good boy - it looks fantastic from this end - how do your cock and balls feel Dave?' 'Sensitive sir - and under pressure' 'Drop down and give me 25 press ups boy'

I immediately dropped to the floor and started press-ups - not even questioning the order. My arms working hard. Each time I went down, I felt the pegs push against the floor, each time I lifted up they lifted off. When I had finished I got up.

'25 press ups complete sir' 'Good boy - blood beginning to circulate I guess. You can remove the pegs now' 'Thank you sir' 'But Dave - as you remove them you cannot unclip them You must simply pull them off - using the force of your pulling to remove them from your skin. Do you understand boy. Each one you pull off, I want you to count - nice, loud and clear.' 'Yes sir'

I got hold of one of the pegs attached to my sensitive ball sack and pulled.

There was a flash of red behind my eyes

'Owwwwwch, one sir' 'That is the way - now nice and quickly pull the pegs from your balls - then remove those from your shaft. When you have finished want a photo'

The pain was intense, as the blood rushed back in behind where the pegs had been clipped, and with my sack getting tugged and pulled and stretched in different directions, in my attempts to get the pegs off.

'Ten sir, eleven sir'

My cock had gone soft now - dangling down between my legs, stretched downwards by the weight of the pegs, which were gripping in tightly on it. I hadn't bargained on this level of pain.

'Please master - it hurts' 'Just get on with it Dave - soonest done fastest mended' 'Yes sir - twelve sir - owwwwwww'

Tears were beginning to roll down my face. My balls were red and stretched - my whole crotch looked tender. Freshly shaved and now brutalised. Eventually I started on the pegs clipped round my shaft. They were truly the worst. Removing them felt like I was almost pulling my cock off each time. I was wailing, and howling by the end. Begging my master

'Twenty five sir'

I sobbed gently.

'Well done Dave - don't forget the photo'

I took a photo. My shaven cock and balls were bright red. My cock was soft - trying to escape from all the pain. MATT was still clearly visible on it as it rested on my balls. The foreskin had slid over to conceal the initials printed on the head.

'Thank you Dave - the photo shows me that you have completed your orders correctly. Well done. I have nearly finished with you for today. Just one more thing. I want you to get your cock hard. Lie on your back - legs pointing towards a wall. Lift your legs up against the wall. Then wank your cock. Your cock should be positioned directly above your face. You will work your cock until you cum in your face and then you will take a photo of your face covered in your own cum'

I was broken and would not argue.

'Yes sir'

I did as he demanded. Lifting my legs - my cock pointing down towards me. I gently worked my cock - trying to nurture it back to full size. It soon responded and I could soon see the initials MT pointing straight towards me - a reminder of the way in which I was being controlled by this guy.

'Come on Dave - you've been so good today. Stroke that fucking cock and shoot your cum all over your face - I want to see a pic of you drowning in your own cum'

That image did it for me. The idea of my master, sitting by his computer in London. This guy I had never even seen looking at pics of me - degraded and humiliated. My hand slid over my leaking cock. Pre-cum was already running down toward my face, and I reached out my tongue to lap it up. Tasting the sweet sticky fluid - rolling it round in my mouth as I stroked.

And then my cock started to twitch in my hand. I stroked faster - the whole length of the shaft - my hand running over all four letters of my masters name.

And then I came.

Cum shot over my face. I shot once, twice, three, four, five, six times - my cock would not stop cumming. I was moaning and yelling

'Fuck yes, fuck yes - thank you sir, thank you sir'.

Cum shot everywhere. Onto my lips and nose. Over my cheeks and forehead. Running down my neck and up into my hair. I took a photo as requested, and sent it to my master.

'Thank you Dave. I will leave you for now. Do not enter your chat account again until tomorrow.' 'Yes sir, thank you sir'

I decided I would wait till the next day until trying to get the name and initials off my cock. I went to bed, and collapsed asleep and barely stirred when my drunk boyfriend got back from the pub.

When I did log into my account the next day - I found a message waiting for me - from my master.

...well done Dave. I think you are finally beginning to learn how to surrender control. You shall be rewarded - watch out for a present arriving at your workplace soon. When it arrives, you must not open it until you receive permission. And Dave - one more thing - I updated your profile - hope you like it...

I quickly clicked on the link to my profile

A pic - my cock - hard and throbbing Name: Dave. Location: Leeds. Hobbies: Being submissive. Latest news: In ownership and ready to move up a gear.

Move up a gear - oh god - I was only just getting to grips with what was going on here - how much further would I actually allow my master to push me?

END - This story is part of a series and was written by kbarboy If you want to give the author any feedback, ideas, suggestions, or orders(!) please contact him via

Next: Chapter 7

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