Only Man for Me

By moc.oohay@srednuas_ineehs

Published on May 15, 1999


The Only Man For Me By: Alex Saunders

Warning: This story contains sexual content involving male/male relationships. If it offends you, tough, turn it off and don't come here, if it is illegal for you to read this due to specific laws, then please leave also until you are of age. This story is not intended to have any truth, so please don't take it that way. This story does not have any relevance to the sexual preferences to the characters involved, though I'm sure some of you wish it were so.

This is my revision of my first story, so please e-mail me at if you have any comments, questions or suggestions. I'd really like to hear some opinions on it. There will be another story that coincides with this one from Leonardo DiCaprio's point of view, so watch for it. :)

Chapter 1

Have you ever had a bad day to top all bad days? That's what today has been like for me. We're talking everything that could make a bad day all rolled into one here. Let me see, I woke up two hours late because my alarm clock had failed to go off, my car refused to start and I had to hail a cabby who obviously had gotten his license from a Cracker Jack box (the picture didn't even look like him,) then I get bitched out at work, and of course to top it all off my boyfriend John dumped me for a chick.

The last thing he said to me was, "Bryan, I'm so sorry. But I no longer love you, maybe I never did. She treats me... I can't describe it. I want to be friends. Kay? Look, you were fun." Fun..., Fun ?!?!?!? I wanted to scream at him for hurting me this way. But I didn't. I couldn't, for no matter how much pain I was in, he was still the man I loved. John. The only man for me.

I managed to wait until I got back to my apartment to cry. The second the door closed I started bawling like a six year old girl who's skinned her knee. I couldn't take it any more! Why? I wanted to scream. Why, why, why?!?!?! After the tears had stopped and the pain set in, I decided the only thing for me to do was to go through my traditional break-up rehabilitation. Junk-food, movie, and more tears.

I looked through my movie collection to find one that seemed to fit the bill, and found my copy of Titanic that was still wrapped. I'd gotten it for Christmas from one of my friends, and hadn't found the time to watch it yet. I'd heard it was good. 'Why not?,' I thought to myself. It's not like I had anything better to watch. Besides, Leo was the man of my dreams, and he looked super hot on the cover.

After a quick trip to the store for the junk-food, I was finally ready. I set the stuff I'd bought on my coffee table, and went about unwrapping the movie. 'Here goes.' I think as I stick Tape 1 into the player and press play.

Whoa. Talk about a deep movie. I'm crying now, but it has nothing to do with John, for some reason it seems like it doesn't really matter now. I think the scene where Leo dies is what broke me. I mean, think of the pain that had to have been there in real life. Of all the passengers that were on the Titanic that night, something like this had to have happened, at least a little bit. Whoa. I am really exhausted right now. Definitely bed time I think as I look at my watch and realize it's only 9:00 p.m. I go into my bedroom, strip down to my boxers and flop onto my bed. Within seconds I'm fast asleep.

His eyes sparkled mischievously as he came towards me. He took my head in his hands, and brushed his lips across mine ever so gently, and my head started reeling from pleasure. It was all I could do to wrap my arms around him and hold on for dear life. Our hands began to roam all over each other's bodies. When his hand came to rest on the bulge of my jeans, I moaned in sheer excitement. How could anything feel this wonderful? I managed to think through my haze. He was driving me crazy quickly. I tried to return the favor, but he just smiled and shook his head. He began to kiss slowly down my half naked body, pausing to suck on both of my nipples until I was writhing and moaning at his touch. His mouth nibbled, and licked, and sucked, and licked down my body so slowly I thought for sure that I'd died and gone to heaven. His mouth was now at the waist of my jeans. He quickly unbuttoned them, and pushed them, along with my boxers, to the floor. He seemed to gaze in awe for a moment, then he mumbled something.

"What?" I asked, not having heard him clearly.

"It's so big!," he repeated after clearing his throat.

I nearly exploded when I looked down and saw his blonde head hovering over my raging hard-on. "Oh, Leo," I moaned.

"riiiiinnnnnggggg," he said.

Ring? The phone! I grumbled as I reached over to pick it up. Just as it was getting good too, I think as I quickly adjust.

"Yeah?" I answered gruffly.

"Hey Skeet, What's up? You sleepin' man, or what?" It was Todd. One of those people who always seemed to call at the most inappropriate moments, that you couldn't stay mad at for long.

I tried not to think about the uncomfortable feeling that was growing in my loins. "Uh, Yeah, man. What's up?"

"Listen man, there is a ragin' party up at Gregg's, and I was thinking maybe you'd wanna' go."

The pain was still there and came roaring to the surface as I replied, "Look man, John dumped me."

"Ah dude, so sorry. I hear Leo may make a cameo tonight." Todd was one of the few straight men who knew and accepted my sexuality, as well as my crush on Leo.

Hmmm, it's not like I run into him everyday, I think. Our circles didn't run into each other too often. There was only one problem though, he was probably straight.

"Hey man, Skeet dude, you still there?" Todd's voice brought me back to reality.

"Yeah Todd, still here. Just driftin'."

"So you gonna' go with me, man, or what?"

What the Hell, I thought. "Sure Todd, pick you up in 5 Ok?"

"See you in 5 man. You better be there."

"Will do. See you."

We hung up, and I rushed around to find something cooler for the party, and for meeting Leo. In under 2 minutes I was ready. After a quick hair check, I turned off the lights, checked for my keys, (they were there,) and shot out the door.

Chapter 2

As Todd had promised, the party was slammin'. After a quick check around the room, I realized there was no sign that Leo was there. I got kind of depressed about it, so I headed to the bar to see if I could grab a brew.

"What'll you have, Skeet?"

"Corona and lime."

He made it, then handed it to me, winking as he did so. "Looks like Mr. Popularity has finally decided to grace us lowly peasants with his presence," said the bar man.

"What?" I asked, kind of out of it still.

"Leonardo DiCaprio. Look, he's over by the door."

Oh my God, was all I could think. He was even better looking in person. His hair fell around his face, slightly mussed like he'd been running his hands in it. He was wearing blue-jeans and one of those Hawaiian shirts that he popularized in Romeo and Juliet. My God was he gorgeous! His eyes twinkled in the light, and he seemed to look straight at me, and smiled that mischievous smile of his, making my mouth dry up. He leaned over to some guy that he obviously knew, and said something to him. His friend got this really surprised look on his face, and he too looked at me. He had to have said something back, because Leo's friend was soon walking towards me. Out of nervousness, I ran my right hand through my already tangled hair, and smiled at Leo. He didn't see it, or if he did he didn't show it. As his friend got closer, my palms began to sweat big time. Maybe Leo was too shy to talk to me himself, and had asked his friend to do it for him. As his friend closed the distance, I noticed Leo chatting up some girl, and his friend veered to my right to talk to the bar man. Damn it! I thought. He's straight. Leo apparently just wanted a drink, 'cause a second later his friend was heading back to him with a Corona and lime. (I wonder if this is just a coincidence, or maybe he was curious about how it would taste.)

The party was beginning to wear when Todd came up to me. By that time I'd finished my third Corona and lime, and was starting on my fourth.

"Hi Skeet!"

His endless excitement seemed to irk me then. I just wanted to be left alone! Why couldn't he see that? "Hi, Todd."

"I know someone who really wants to meet you. Says you were incredible in Scream."

"Not now, Todd."

"Oh trust me," he said. "It'll be worth your while. You may even like this person. I think they're pretty cool. In fact, I went to school with them for a while." He grabbed my arm, and started to drag me in the direction of whoever it was he wanted me to meet.

"You're not making any sense here man." But I allowed myself to be dragged along anyway. What else did I have to do at the moment?

He took me into another room, and there was only one person in it. He stood in the center with his back to me, yet I knew who he was. The man of my dreams since I'd first seen him on Growing Pains. It was Leonardo DiCaprio.

Chapter 3

"Leo, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine," said Todd. "This is..."

"Skeet Ulrich. Nice to meet you, Skeet." Leo cut him off.

I could only stare for a moment, before I actually began to think and breathe again. "Uh, hello, Mr. DiCaprio."

"Call me, Leo. After all, you are older than me.

"Well it's just, that... Never mind. Ok, Leo." I kind of stumbled over my words, but he just smiled at my nervousness.

Todd quietly slipped out so Leo and I could talk in private. "I, uh, I gotta' tell you, Leo, that you're an incredible actor. I mean, I... Uh, never mind." I kind of let the silence come between us, after all what could I say to this guy that wouldn't make me sound like an idiot? "Uh, how did you meet Todd?"

"I went to school with him for awhile. He was one of the few guys who didn't call me, "Leonardo Retardo."

"Oh, really. Was that in LA?"

"Uh, yeah." We talked for hours about nothing, and everything. He was a really cool, down to earth kind of guy. It was weird, you know? I mean, after all his success as an actor recently, he was still like one of the guys. This boy did not have his nose on Mount. Everest or anything. He asked about my name, saying that it was kind of unusual. I told him that I'd gotten it from little league, it was short for mosquito, and that my real name was Bryan Ray Ulrich. He thought it was kind of cool. He told me about the agent he'd had that had wanted him to change his name to Leonard Williams because Leonardo DiCaprio was just too weird and the public wouldn't like it. Boy was that guy wrong. Anywho, after what seemed like only a few minutes, I looked at my watch and realized that it was going on four o'clock in the morning. I really had to go! I had work in the morning.

"It's already Four!" I exclaimed. "I gotta' go home."

"It is?" He looked at his watch too. "Whoa. I gotta go, new movie to shoot."

"I gotta run too. Work and all." I kind of shuffled around nervously.

"Well, Skeet, it was really cool to meet you." He said as he offered his hand to me.

"Same goes, man." I took his hand, and shook it firmly.

"Catch you later." He said and left.

I looked down in my hand then. 'That little devil,' I thought. Just like in that scene in Titanic, he'd left a note in my hand.

Just then, Todd walked back into the room. "What's that?"

"Uh, nothing, man," I said as I pocketed the note. "How come you didn't tell me you knew him?"

"You're the whole reason he was here." He said, and smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"You've wanted him for as long as I've known you. Here's your chance. Be happy, Lover boy."

"Thanks, Todd." I was overcome with emotion yet again, and tears began to trickle down my face. "You're awesome." I hugged him.

Todd was noticeably uncomfortable. He smiled weakly, and said, "Go home Tiger. Score one for the Gipper. Or something to that effect."

"Need a ride?"

"No, Jerry's takin' me. Catch you later, dude."

"Later, man." I said as I headed out the door into the night.

Chapter 4

The first thing I did once I walked in the door, was turn on the light and pull the little slip of paper out of my pocket. I breathed in deeply, as a feeling almost like fear and anticipation hit me.

Dear Skeet, it said.

I had a great time tonight. I'd like to see you again. My number's 555-9181, call me. Leo

Not to sound like a kid, or anything, but there was so much that I wanted to read into that little note. So much that may have been there, or maybe it wasn't. I didn't care at that point. I had met Leo, and now I had his number. I was in Heaven, and nothing was going to bring me down, not even myself.

________________________________________________________________________ To be continued. That is if I get responses. :) I need some input here, people. Later, Alex. Watch for Leo's side of the tale.

Next: Chapter 2

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