
Published on Oct 9, 1997



My pen name is Jennifer Adams. I have one book published by Reluctant Press. I'm not sure I understand the format, but I'm going to try submitting Oops! You may archive it or post it to a.s.s. I only ask that you leave the copyright information in tact.

Thank You, Jenny

This story is copyrighted to Jennifer Adams, June 1997. You may download, re-post, or archive this story as long as it remains complete including this copyright info. This is not a work for hire and may not be charged for in whole or in part under possibility of legal action.

This story may contain adult situations and is not intended to be read by persons under 18, nor does it contain persons under 18 engaging in sexual acts.

Jennifer Adams


By Jennifer Adams

The lake was calm and quiet. The silence was broken only by the sounds a lone fisherman retrieving his gear from the trunk of his car and lugging it to the shoreline. There was no beach here. The wooded land simply ended in water. This lake was for fishermen, not for swimmers or run of the mill boaters. It was a wilderness lake that didn't offer much for the general public.

Ed loved to fish but never really caught much. His theory was simple. If he had a boat he could get into more productive spots. The ones that were impossible to get to from shore. He theorized that with a boat he could be a world class fisherman.

Ed's other pass time was crossdressing. He loved to feel such feminine finery as silk, satin and lace on he neatly shaved body. That didn't happen often, though. For even though his wife not only approved but also enjoyed his crossdressing, it was always such a pain to get dressed. His heavy body hair proved to be a challenge. He never really had the time to shave it every time he showered and after it grew out it took a long time to shave again. He often wondered what it would be like to be a real woman. Not just playing dress up, but an honest to goodness woman. He wouldn't have to take all the time to dress femmy if he were a real woman. No heavy hair to shave, no deep voice to hide, no whiskers that he never seemed to be able to get with his razor. He wouldn't have to fake breasts of cleavage. The list went on and on.

He set his equipment down and began to rig his first pole as the sun rose high enough to light his world. He chose a deep running lure and tied it on his line. He cast it out and jigged it as he reeled it in.

On his third cast it snagged. " Damn! Looks like I'm going to lose another one. I lose more money this way!" He said under his breath as began to work it gently. He tugged and reeled and jigged his pole this way and that.

Finally, he managed to get it to shore without breaking the line. He pulled it out of the water, and tangled in his line was a bottle. It was made of green glass and had wicker wrapped around the base. Well, what was left of wicker. Being in the water had taken it's toll on it.

He untangled it and looked at it. It was corked and as he peered into the glass he could see nothing. Although it appeared to be full, he could make out no liquid. So, he uncorked the bottle.

Suddenly, a dark green mist jetted from the mouth of the bottle. Terrified, he dropped the bottle and turned to run, thinking that it might be poison gas. As he turned he tripped over his forgotten pole and fell to the ground. He didn't even bother trying to get up he just scooted backwards on his rear.

He watched as the mist seemed to coagulate and take shape. It continued to stream from the bottle as a human form began to take shape. Ed could make out a man's torso and arms and a head although they still looked transparent.

After several minutes a the image solidified into the upper half of a man. The lower half was still mist from waist to bottle. It stretched and jerked upwards and the misty tail came out of the bottle with a suctioned pop. The mist tail quickly formed legs and the figure became complete in the form of a man. Then he looked at Ed and boomed in a loud voice.


It took Ed a couple moments to get over his initial shock. Then he said in a hushed voice. " First could you tone it down please? You'll scare the fish, if you haven't already."

The man clapped his hands lightly and everything stopped. No birds chirping, wind blowing, or leaves rustling. Then he said in a normal voice.

" Now we won't bother anything I removed us from that time. I'm sorry if I startled you, but I'm so excited to be free of that bottle."

" Was that a wish?"

" No a courtesy." The man said.

" So? How did you get stuck in there, anyway?" Ed asked.

" I came from a time when everyone used magic. Well, not everyone but most did. I was courting a great wizard's daughter and I attempted to deflower her. With her consent! Anyway, the wizard caught us and even though his daughter admitted giving her consent, He punished me be imprisoning me in that bottle until someone let me out. Then he used his magic to hide the bottle so his daughter couldn't find it and let me out."

" That sounds terrible."

" It wasn't so bad really. I could use my magic to do anything, but get out of there. I used it to pretend to deflower the wizards daughter anyway." The man snickered.

" I hate to seem selfish, but about what you said about three wishes?" Ed said softly.

" Anything you want. Well, I don't kill or I won't raise the dead. Or... As long as it's with in reason I can grant it for you."

" You won't steal stuff to grant my wishes will you? I mean I've heard genie stories where the person wishing got more trouble than they bargained for because the genie used magic to take things belonging to others."

" First, I'm not a genie. Second, that's why I say within reason. What I do is not really magic. The best way do describe it, is to say that I shift matter. Meaning that I need to use something to make something."

" Oh." Said Ed.

" So? What can I do for you?"

" Well..." Ed said as he tried to think. " First I'd like a boat."

" Consider it done." The man said. Then he pointed to a fallen tree and it floated and he directed it over the water. Then he said. " Think of the boat you would like. Picture it in your mind. I will view your thought and create the boat you want."

Ed did as the man said. Then he opened his eyes the see the log being reshaped into the shell of a boat and then it got bigger until it became a fifteen foot bass boat With a 35 hp Mercury motor and two pedestal seats. Then he saw another log being lifted and moved to the place behind his car. It dropped to the ground and began to turn into a trailer for the boat. The man said. " See I think of everything."

Ed stared in wonder at his new boat. Suddenly, He felt himself being lifted off the ground and he and the man floated to where the boat was and settled down on the deck.

Ed looked down at the boat and said. " Wow! This is really great." Actually that would have been enough for Ed, he wasn't a selfish man. The man did say three wishes, though.

Ed looked at the man and said. " How long do I have to make my other wishes?"

" Well, I do have things I would like to do and I really don't want to be tied down here for any length of time."

" Okay then, I will try to think of them quickly." Ed said trying to think of what to ask for next.

" Don't be too hasty. I must be unmoving on the three wish rule. If you make a mistake you can only correct it with another wish and as soon as I grant your last wish I'm out of here. I am in kind of a hurry, but I can wait long enough for you to think your wishes through."

Ed thought some more and realized that he had the chance to try being a real woman. He tried to think the whole thing out and how to would it correctly, but he was too excited at the prospect of being a woman. He said. " I wish I were a real woman. I would like to see what it would be like to be one."

" No problem." The man said. " Just picture what you'd like to look like in your mind and I will rearrange your body to match it. Anything you'd like to be wearing when I'm finished? I'll have to alter your clothes to fit anyway."

" Something that would look right for being on a boat." Ed said in anticipation.

" Okay, consider it done," and almost as an after thought he said. " Miss."

Ed pictured a young woman, a girl really. About eighteen years old by the look of her. She had a very petite build with breasts on the large size for her frame. He thought of the measurements he would like her to have. 5'2" tall, 100lbs., 34C-26-34, (he took the measurements from his wife's teenage years), Light brown hair and brown eyes, large dark nipples that protruded from the breast, a cute face with petite features, and tiny hands and fingers.

He concentrated on the picture until he started feeling his body shifting. He looked down and saw that he was getting smaller. Everything around him was growing by a foot. He ended up shorter than his wife's 5'5" height. Then his clothes began to change with the rest of his body. His pants and shirt disappeared and his white cotton briefs shrank, the waist band crept closer to his crotch while the bulge in them shrank as well. The double folded fly seemed to melt together.

While his briefs and groin was changing, so was his cotton undershirt and chest. His shirt shrank upwards toward his chest as the sleeves shrank to the shoulders. He could make out his darkening aureoles enlarging through the white cotton. They got puffy and the nipples suddenly poked into the material. While he watched the front of the shirt pushed forward as he felt weight on his chest. What was left of his undershirt continued to shrink.

He looked back down to his crotch. The bulge from his genitals was gone and the briefs clung to what was left there. He noticed that he still had a bulge there from his genitals, only it was a lot smaller. He knew that what was now visible was his venus mound. The briefs were still shrinking and turning bright pink. When it stopped he could feel a strap between his expanded ass checks and saw only a very small triangle of bright pink spandex material attached to strings of the same material and color that went up over his enlarged hips and he could feel it attached to another string that went between his ass cheeks. It was a thong bikini.

By this time his undershirt had finished changing as well. It too was made mostly of strings and only had enough material to cover his huge nipples, which poked out and stretched what little material there was, to the limit.

Ed looked at the minuscule garments that now adorned his female body. He was flabbergasted at the beauty of his new body and by the skimpiness of her outfit. He looked at the man, who was obviously enjoying his new look and said. " You put my in a string bikini?" and marveled at soft sweet feminine sound of his voice.

" Why not? You said something that looked good on a boat and now you have the body for it, Ed... er... miss. You haven't chosen a new name."

" Well, I guess you're right. I do look hot, don't I?" The man nodded. Ed continued. " Do you think I should pick a name? I don't plan to stay this way long."

" Yes, you probably should. If you try to interact with anyone like that,you'll need a more feminine name than Ed."

" I guess you're right again. How about Stacie."

" Stacie it is." Suddenly his tackle box raised up off the shore and floated to the boat and settled on a near by seat. Ed watched as he became Stacie and the box opened and his fishing license turned into a driver's license with "her" picture and the name Stacie instead of Edward and Stacie's dimensions took the place of Ed's. Then the tackle box turned into a purse and the new license slid inside. She picked up the purse and looked through it.

It contained make-up and a brush, a feminine wallet with her ID and some other cards. She opened her checkbook and looked at her checks. They only had one name on them instead of two and they showed Stacie as having a different address. She said. " What about my wife?"

" Women don't have wives they become wives, as will you if you stay that way long enough. Regina is fine and happily married to your brother Ed."

" My brother? Will she know that I'm really Ed?" Stacie said.

" Not unless you wish her to."

" No that's fine I guess. It's only for a little while." She said looking down at herself.

The man pointed in front of her and a seat grew and became a mirror. She admired her reflection. She couldn't believe her good fortune to become not only a woman, but a real babe. She turned this way and that. She looked at her ass and her boobs. she looked at the smooth pink triangle at the center of her hips. She stuck her hand inside and felt her new sex. ' This is incredible.' She thought. As suddenly as it appeared the mirror disappeared.

She looked at the man and said. " You know the only thing I wished was that Regina could see me now and knew that this was really me." Just as it left her mouth she realized what she'd said.

" NO!! WAIT!" She shrieked, but it was too late. Standing beside her on the boat in place of the man was none other than Regina. The wind was blowing and the birds were chirping and the leaves were rustling. She looked around and saw about a dozen guys with poles scattered across the shore, staring at her body. Suddenly, she felt completely naked.


" Ed? I mean Stacie? What have you done to yourself?" Asked a somewhat confused Regina...

      • (c) Copyright 1997: J Adams jadams@cannet.com

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