Open Wounds

By Alec Tyler

Published on Jul 28, 2011


This story is a work of fiction. This story contains will at some point contain sexual contact between two underage males, if this material is illegal to read then please hit the back button now. Everything in this story is made up, the names and people are created by the author: Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, now that is out of the way please feel free to email me.

**** I know I made a horrible mistake It's unforgivable You'll never forget it, will you? Oh no. Believe in me and know my faults Am I so unforgivable? Please forgive me, will you? **** Chapter Three - Regrets

Standing there in the doorway was intimidating, he was already second guessing the lies and they hadn't even left his mouth yet. The painful expression on Jake's face hurt more than the black eye that Sam was now sprouting. Sam's eyes were locked onto Jake's, so he failed to see his mother turn around but the gasp sure did make him turn and look.

"Are you mentally incapable of thinking?" She screeched

"Mom ..." Sam started

"Don't you dare 'Mom' me Sam, he could have hurt you worse than he did." she continued.

Rebecca walked over to the counter and poured herself another drink, something she rarely ever did. Sam took the opportunity to interrupt.

"But I didn't do anything!" He said.

His mother turned sharply in his direction and gave him a look that could kill.

"Don't you dare lie to me mister." Rebecca said sternly

It took everything Sam had but he did manage to look his mother in her eyes and did something he would always regret, he lied.

"Whatever guys don't believe me but just so you know, I broke a picture frame in the hall, I had to buy a whole new frame. I didn't do it on purpose Mom, it was an accident. In the store some guy saw the picture and let's just says he didn't approve of the picture so he slugged me a good one, ok?" Sam said

His insides were just twisting around and felt like they were on fire. He took a deep breath and continued.

"Thanks mom, thanks for believing in your son"

He hated playing the guilt game, he knew that it'd eventually come out but he'd agreed to himself that he'd deal with the consequences then. He didn't give either of them time to say anything, he turned and walked away, looking ever the part of an insulted man.

No one decided to follow him, the kitchen was filled with an awkward silence. Rebecca walked back to her seat and slumped down and took a swig of her wine. Her eyes finally drifted over to look at Jake. He was still standing there, she could see the side of his face and could see tears silently rolling down his face.

"I'm so even think.....he still cared..." Jake finally got out.

Jake felt arms rap around him from behind, a warm embrace, something he hadn't felt in a while. It actually made the tears worse, turning into uncontrollable sobs.

"Hun, you're not stupid. He does still care, I can see it in his eyes. He's just made a mistake and doesn't know how to fix it. He put the cart before the horse. I'm not saying that you should give him another shot, only you can decide that but maybe some time to let things settle would be best for the both of you." She told him.

"I hurts" He mumbled out.

"I know Hun, but give it time. Now go and take a hot shower and I'll bring you some soup for supper." Rebecca ordered him.

He got up and walked away without saying a word. Jake was hoping that Rebecca was right. He walked to his room and grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and a t-shirt then made his way over to the bathroom across the hall. He made sure the water was warm enough before he jumped into the shower.

Jake just stood under the spray, letting the thousand needles of warm water pelt him. Finally he turned around and grabbed the shampoo and lathered up his hair. He rinsed it off and did the same for the conditioner. After finishing up, making sure everything was clean, he sat on the floor of the shower. He drew his knees up to his chest and just sat and listened to the sound of the water. The sound made all the worries disappear for a moment. It was just him alone, no thoughts, no feelings just him.

Jake wished he could stay there forever but he knew he had to face his problems, there was no running. He slowly got up and he shut off the water. He opened the curtain and grabbed a towel to dry off. Once dry he put on some clean boxer briefs and a t-shirt and made his way back to his room. The feeling of exhaustion was strong now, it had been a long day and tomorrow would probably prove just as hard.

Rebecca was waiting like she promised with a bowl of delicious soup but he had no appetite to eat it but knew she wouldn't leave till she seen a few bites go down.

Jake picked up the spoon and dipped it in the soup and ate a bite, hoping that would suffice but she gave no move to the door, and instead she walked over and sat on the bed. She watched till the bowl was dry, then got up and grabbed the bowl from him. Rebecca leaned in and kissed him on his forehead.

"Get some rest Hun, you need it." she said.

She walked away with the bowl, Jake just sat there. He finally stood up and walked over and shut the light out and then pulled back the covers on his bed and slid in, pulling the sheet up past his shoulders. He was out when his head hit the pillow.

Today was not going the way it was supposed to for Sam, first he slept through his alarm clock, then had to wait for the bathroom, which just frustrated him more and then he ended up accidently locking his keys in his car so he had to walk the few blocks to school. Overall it was one of those mornings he wished he had stayed in bed.

He arrived late to school, earning a lunch time detention. Sam tried to calm down and relax but it wasn't working. He'd give anything to redo the day, hell redo the whole month. He had screwed up so much in the last month he wished he could take it all back.

His first period class, which was math, was almost over when he finally made it to class. All the eyes of his classmates were on him including Jake's. Sam and Jake shared all of their classes besides third period when Jake had a spare. Their eyes met, Sam seen something in Jake's eyes but wasn't sure exactly what he saw. He took his seat in the back of the class and started to copy down the assignment he missed and the homework that was assigned for that night.

Just as he finished copying everything the bell went to signal the end of the period. Sam packed everything back up and made for the door like the rest of the class. He was in his own little world as he walked down the packed hall to his next period.

His world shattered when he bumped into someone in the hall, sending them both down to the ground. Sam scrambled to gather his stuff before it was lost in the sea of fellow classmates. He stole a quick look over at his victim and saw him do the scramble too.

Sam stood and offered a hand up to the guy he accidently knocked over. The guy accepted the hand.

"Sorry" They both said at the same time, both believing it was their fault for the accident.

They shared a laugh as they dusted themselves off, the crowd of kids was thinning out.

"I think you have one of my books there" the guy stated.

"Sam, my name is Sam and sorry you're right I do, I was just trying to grab everything before it was kicked down the hall." Sam answered

Sam handed over the book to him and was ready to continue back on his way to class when he felt a hand on his shoulder stop him. He turned back and it was the guy that he knocked over.

"My name is Alexei." he said before running off in the other direction just as the bell rang signalling the beginning of the next period. "Shit" Sam cussed as he made a mad dash for his class. It really wasn't his day. He opened the classroom door and all eyes were on him.

"Thank you Mr. Turner, for gracing us with your presence, please take a seat." Mr. Foster said.

"Now as I was saying before we were interrupted by Mr. Turner, today we are going to be discussing the impact that Genghis Khan had on his time."

They spent the whole period reading and discussing the life Genghis led and how he became the person that was depicted in their history books. Before Sam knew it, the class was over.

He packed up his books and made his way towards the door. Before Sam could escape he was stopped by Mr. Foster.

"Mr. Turner, Please arrive on time next time please." he told Sam.

"Yes Sir" was all Sam got out before dashing out of the room before Mr. Foster could say anything else. He already had a detention already at lunch he didn't need another one for tomorrow.

He arrived at the detention room, signed in with the teacher on duty then took a seat in the middle of the room. He pulled out the homework he had received that morning and started on it. Sam finished the last history question just as the bell went off, signalling the end of lunch break.

His day was half over but a lot could still happen. Sam hoped that the second half would be less stressful than the morning had been, he couldn't take much more.

Sam made his way towards the gym for his third period class. It was a fitness class and today was their weight room day. The idea of spending the whole time, mindlessly lifting weights and running on the elliptical seemed quite nice. Sam got changed quickly into his workout clothes, being careful of his bandage, then walked over to the gym so that attendance could be taken and that he could warm up before hitting the weights.

He was one of first who made it to the gym. Sam said hello to the few he knew as he moved into the room, he was just about to get a start on his stretches when his eyes fell on someone he didn't recognize. Sam started to check him out, hoping no one would catch him. The new guy was gorgeous, even a moron could tell. He stopped before someone caught him, he wasn't out to the school and he didn't want to be. That was a nightmare he didn't want to experience.

The teacher, Mr. Sinclair finally arrived. He was the coach for senior boy's football. Quite a few looked to Mr. Sinclair as a role model. No one wanted to be on the bad side of him. Not that he was mean but he didn't tolerant anything bad.

"Good Afternoon class" Mr. Sinclair called out in his booming voice.

"Good Afternoon Sir!" the class greeted back, as they gathered around him. Mr. Sinclair quickly took attendance and when he finished he introduced the new guy as Zachary Holden.

Everyone knew the routine by now and soon got underway warming up and slowly making their way to the weight room. Sam was in the middle of his leg stretches when he was hit from behind. Luckily he only stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance.

"Fag" someone coughed behind him.

Sam spun around and came face to face with the new guy, Zachary.

"Got a problem fag? That's what you are, just another disgusting fag. Or would you prefer Samantha?" Zachary tainted.

"Don't call me that" Sam said through his teeth.

"Or what fag? You gonna cry? Or maybe call your boyfriend to come beat me up, don't make me laugh. You won't do anything because you don't want everyone to know your dirty little secret." Zachary said wickedly.

"I'm no fag" Sam told him

"Really? So that wasn't you checking me out earlier then was it. You thought you got away with it but you didn't but nice try. I felt your eyes raping my body you disgusting faggot." Zachary said.

Sam looked around the room and everyone was gone, he was kinda relieved no one was around to hear their conversation but he was kinda scared to be left alone with Zach.

Sam couldn't believe he had been caught red handed, there was no way to lie his way out. He was so pissed with himself, he wouldn't even be in the mess if he had just more careful.

"What do you want?" Sam asked, scared of the answer he'd receive.

Jake's morning had sailed right by, he had felt better when he woke up that morning, Rebecca had been right, and it was what he needed. I just hoped she was right about time fixing things. It was nearing the end of the day and he'd only seen Sam once and that was during the last break. Sam hadn't noticed him, Sam had been too busy talking to the hot guy from Math class in the hall rather quietly.

A stab of jealousy filled Jake, but followed with a slam of sadness. Sam wasn't his anymore. They were of two people again, their worlds disconnected from one another.

Jake hurried faster to his next and luckily his last class of the day so he didn't have to see more of that scene. He had his head down and was not paying attention to his surrounding until he ran straight into something hard and fell to the floor.

Jake shook his head and gathered his bearings. He heard a groan and looked over at the sound. He had ran into another student. The other guy's books were scattered on the floor. Jake got up and started to help the guy gather them up.

"Sorry dude, I wasn't looking where I was going." Sam apologized as he handed the guy his books.

The guy let out a cute laugh.

"It's okay, I'm starting to think it's partially my fault, this is the second time today it's happened. My name is Alexei." he said as he stuck out his hand

"Jacob, but my friends call me Jake" he said as he shook Alexei's hand.

"Only if you promise not to run me over again" Alexei teased.

Jake and Alexei shared a laugh, Jake could see Alexei becoming a real good friend, something he needed at the moment. He did have Mark but he had a girlfriend and had been spending a lot of time with her.

"I'll try, I bet you made the other guy promise too." Jake joked.

"I didn't get time, just before I could ask the b..." Alexei tried saying but was cut off with the sound of the bell, announcing that once again he was late.

"Sorry I gotta run, but we should hang out sometime, you know so I can make up for running you over." Jake stated over his shoulder as he slowly started to walk away, towards his class.

Alexei gave him an affirmative and then scurried off in the direction of his class. Jake was glad that he ran into Alexei, even if he was late to class, it was worth making a new friend.

Jake apologized to Mr. Gray for being late and took his seat. Mr. Gray taught English. Jake opened his bag and took the necessary books out and opened his paperback book and began reading. Mr. Gray gave them twenty minutes to read at the beginning of each class. It gave him time to collect the homework and prepare to discuss the chapter they all were supposed to be on so that everyone understood what was happening so far.

Jake found the book interesting, it was called "1984" by George Orwell. With its double speak and big brother looking over everyone's shoulder, it kept you hooked till the end.

Before Jake knew it, they had taken up chapter 5 and last night's homework and were just sitting still waiting for the mere seconds to pass to end the period.

It seemed to drag on, the clock refusing to give up the mere seconds so that they could go home. Finally after what felt like eternity the final bell of the day sounded and everyone raced away like rats in a maze.

Jake hurried to his locker hoping to escape as soon as he got everything he needed. He packed up what homework he had, shut his locker and started walking down the hallway towards the doors that lead to freedom.

"Jake...Jake!...JAKE!" someone yelled behind him, trying to get his attention, finally achieving.

Finally Jake clued into who was calling his name, it was his friend Mark. Why it took a few moments for it to click only proved how long the day truly had been.

"Hey Mark, haven't seen you all day, how was your day?" Jacob asked.

"No time bud, we gotta move" Mark said with a rush.

Jake was left puzzled and his only choice was to follow Mark and maybe get some answers. He hurried after Mark, hoping that it was nothing bad.

They hurried outside to the field to the left of the school where the football team normally played. There was a decent group of kids surrounding what looked like two kids fighting.

The one Jake recognized from his math class and the hall earlier, Zachary Holden, recently moved to the area from somewhere in Alberta. Zachary for a new student already had a reputation as a bully. He thought he was better than everyone else and believed it was his job to pick on the people he deemed below him.

The guy that Zachary was trying to fight was Sam. It was like Sam was cornered, stuck between Zachary and the crowd and neither looked ready to give.

Mark and Jake tried their best to push through the crowd towards Sam. The closer they got to the fight, they could see that Sam had been hit in his black eye again and had received a busted lip.

Zachary alternated from throwing punches at Sam to throwing homophobic taunts. Zachary was trying to provoke Sam into attacking him. Sam seemed to be doing pretty good except for the lip and the eye, he was holding his ground and not giving into the taunts.

The crowd was making it harder and harder for the two of them to make it to Sam and help him. But Jake wasn't going to give up. He started to shove those that refused to allow him past, he ignored the cursing.

Finally after what felt like forever Jake made it through the crowd. He rushed over to Sam. Jake stood between Sam and Zachary. He looked Sam over, trying to see if he was hurt anywhere else.

"Awe your boyfriend's here, how cute" Zachary taunted.

Jake couldn't find any more injuries, just the lip and the eye. Jake was trying to ignore Zachary, hoping he'd get the hint and leave. Jake was really angry and was trying his best to control it. They weren't together but Jake still cared about Sam and hated seeing him hurt.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught Zachary coming towards him with his fist ready to swing. Jake spun around just in time to dodge the punch and land one himself, low and hard right into Zachary's stomach followed by a swift knee to the stomach which sent him to the ground. Zachary tried to get back up but Jake kicked him in the side, sending him back face first into the dirt with a moan.

"Stay down or I'll put you back down" Jake ordered.

Jake was furious, when he saw the punch coming toward him he gave into his anger and swung back. It was a side of Jake that Sam had never seen before and didn't want to again.

Zachary tried to crawl away from Jake's feet but Jake planted his foot squarely on Zachary's back.

"Now Zachary, mess with my friends again you better have an army to protect you because bruised ribs will be the least of your worries, understand?" Jake asked

"Fuck you and your fag boyfri-" Zachary began but was silenced when his face met the dirt again.

Jake counted to five before releasing the pressure on Zachary's back, allowing Zachary to pick up his head again.

"Are we clear yet?" Jake asked.

Zachary mumbled something but Jake wanted him to say it louder so that people around them could hear it.

"I said yes I understand" Zachary replied angrily.

"Good" Jake said, taking his foot off Zachary's back.

Zachary scurried away from Jake's feet and stood up and looked over at them.

"I won't forget this, just remember you can't protect him all the time." Zachary stated, fully intending to get his revenge.

"I hope you don't forget the beating you received today, as for protecting the same applies to you, no one can protect you from me forever there'll be a time and place. I don't care if I have to wait, I will make sure you pay." Jake replied.

Zachary slipped away through the crowd without a reply. Jake felt a hand on his shoulder and he spun around posed to attack if he had to but it was only Mark.

The crowd quickly dispersed, the show was over and there was nothing left to see. Jake turned to Sam and slowly raised his hand up to inspect Sam's eye, he touched it softly but Sam winced with pain. It was in bad shape.

"Are you ok? Jake asked, concern was written all over his face. "I think you should get the eye looked at, it's better bad Sammy"

"Yeah, I'll live." Sam replied

Without another word he turned and started walking toward home like nothing had interrupted him to begin with. Jake was taken by surprise, he made a hasty good bye to Mark then hurried after Sam.

Things weren't okay and ignoring them only made them worse, he'd help Sam the best he could but was it going to be enough, Jake didn't know.


It's been a while since chapter two, life happens and Im sorry it's been a while. Thanks to Ed for showing concern, I told you I'd finish it just wasn't sure when :P and thanks to Darcy, Jordan and Derek for being there :)

Next: Chapter 4

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