Open Your Eyes

By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 1, 2000


Open Your Eyes Chapter Two

Disclaimer: I don't know/own/have anything to do with *NSYNC. If you don't like homosexual relationships, what are you doing in Nifty anyway? Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Note: This is from Lance's point of view, so it will be in first person. I'm not really Lance, so if I get something about him totally wrong, you can tell me, but, uh, I do have a literary license, you know! =P

"Aw, Justin, it wasn't *that* bad." I couldn't agree more, Joey. I think he totally over reacted. The baby. "Shut-up, Joey. Next time *I* get to pick the movie!" And he whines, too. I don't know why he and JC are so close. Okay, maybe I'm just letting my jealousy get to me. Justin and I are friends, too. It's not his fault that JC and I aren't as close as JC and him are. That's just the way things worked out, I guess. Oh great, now JC's defending him. But I guess that's what best friends are for. Not that I would know. "Leave Justin alone. And of course you can pick the next movie." Don't look at him like that! Why does Justin have to get that dopey grin plastered across his face? I swear, sometimes he looks more lovesick then I do! It'd never happen, though. They're both totally straight. "Thanks, Josh. You're the best." "I know." And there they go getting all cuddly again! I hate watching as Justin gets to rest his head on JC's shoulder. They're so physically affectionate, it drives me crazy! If Justin only knew what I'd give to be able to spend *one day* being that close to JC... "So, who's up for clubbing? Scoop, you're in, right?" Ah, Joey. I think he's the closest thing to a best friend I've got. We may not have many deep, serious conversations, but we do spend a lot of time together. He's really cool. I'm lucky to have him around. "Sure, I'm in. JC? Guys? What about you all?" Was I obvious or what? Why would I have specifically asked JC? Argh, why is Justin looking at me like that? He doesn't know, does he? "I'm not sure yet. Just, what do you feel like doing?" Why did he ask Justin? *Sigh* I hate that they're best friends. I wish that was me that he was asking. "Whatever you want to do. I'm open to suggestion tonight." "Then why don't you come with us to the club? I think it's be good for you two to get out of your hotel room." Ah, Joey. I love this guy! It really is a shame that I fell for JC instead of him. Joey's so much more in tune with my feelings. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go, too, so it'd be nice to have all five of us out together. It's been a while, you know?" And Chris jumps in as well. There's no way JC can refuse now. Hmm... I wonder if he would if Justin said he didn't feel like going. I bet he would. Why do I think like this? It's not helping my mood! "Yeah, I guess Just and I are in. That okay, Curly?" "Sure. I want to change shirts, but then I'm ready." "I think I'm going as I am." I can't help but laugh. Joey smiles, so I know he's not offended. Joey's like that, though, so I didn't expect him to react in any other way. He really is a great guy. "I want to change out of my sweats, I'll be right back." And there goes Chris. Why is Joey following him? "Where are you going, Joe?" "I need my wallet," he explains. Good reason! I'm already dressed nicely, so I don't think I'm going to leave. Besides, there's the possibility that JC will be getting undressed, an event I don't want to miss! Damn, I'm such a pervert! Yet another reason why I can never tell him how I feel. Opportunities like this would disappear! "Josh, can I borrow that burgundy shirt you have. You know, the one with the collar?" "Of course, it's in the closet. Would you mind if I wore your baby blue sweater. You know, the one that's really loosely knit and kind of see-through?" Fat chance, JC. Justin never lets anyone wear his baby blue stuff. You should know that by now! Some best friend! You know, that really shouldn't make me as happy as it does. "Sure, I think it'd look better on you then it does on me. You've got a better body." WHAT?! Wait, did Justin just let JC borrow a baby blue shirt? AND he said it'd look better on him? AND he said JC has a good body? What the hell?! "Thanks, Just, but you know that's not true. Look at these abs!" Justin, put the damned shirt on! JC get your hands off him! Maybe I shouldn't have stayed. This is getting too painful. "Oh, you're just saying that `cause you don't want me to `accidentally' spill something on your nice shirt." What are you doing, Justin? Get your hands away from his shirt! Oh my God, he just took off JC's shirt. Whoa! Breath, Lance! Breath! You've seen him with his shirt off before! "See, you're just as toned as I am! You've got softer skin, too." GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!!! I can't believe they're so casual when they touch each other! Justin was practically caressing JC's chest, and JC didn't even bat an eye. Do they even know I'm here? Ah, a knock at the door. Joey and Chris, my saviors. I don't think I could take much more of this. I can't stand to watch Justin putting his hands all over my boy! Ha! Yeah right! JC'll never be my boy. I can always dream, though. Well, time to hit a couple clubs! Maybe it'll take my mind off of JC for a little. Is it me, or have Justin and JC been at that table all night? I swear, the entire time we've been here, those two have been sitting alone at that table, talking and drinking. I wish I could join them, but I wasn't even invited; none of us were. Once we arrived, the said they were going to go sit down and then they just left me, Joey, and Chris to do as we pleased. I danced for a bit, but got tired. When I came back, I saw them sitting in a corner, having a grand old time together. I wish there were at least three chairs at their table, so I could sit with them for a little while, see what they're talking about. Ugh. It makes me sick, watching them. Justin has everything that I want. I would be completely, well almost completely, content if my relationship with JC was the same as his is. They're so touchy-feely that I find myself being much more jealous of Justin then of any of JC's girlfriends. He never sees them, anyway. He just brings them to award shows, like the trophies they are. At least Chris is serious about his girlfriend! And Justin... well, the only girl I see him with is Britney, and they're just friends. He's very touchy about that; he made it clear that they're not dating, and expects us to leave it at that. For the most part we do. Management, however, is another story. I kind of feel for the guy, being forced to pretend to like someone that he doesn't. Hey, that's almost my life! Maybe Justin and I have more in common then hair color. Then again, maybe Justin *is* a threat. I mean, look at them! They share drinks like it's nothing, JC keeps touching Justin's hand, and I don't think they've broken eye-contact in the entire time I've been watching! Not that I blame Justin for wanting to stare into JC's beautiful eyes, but still! That's what I want for me, not for him. I can't take anymore of this! If I keep watching them, I'm going to go insane. That or I'm going to get really depressed. Even more so then I already am, thanks to my forcing myself to monitor them. Sometimes I can be really stupid. Hey, here comes Joey. Maybe he can take my mind off of my problems. It's smarter then getting drunk, which, right now, sounds like a *really* good idea. "Hey, Scoop! You're missing out! Why don't you come out to the dance floor? The men are hot, and the women are damn sexy. Plus, I'm gonna be out there!" Ah, Joey. The one person whom I'm sure would accept me. After all, he's openly bisexual. You know what, it can't hurt. Maybe I'll be able to have a little fun. Anything is better then sitting alone. "Sure, let's go." There's that smile I love to see. Joey just brightens the room with it. I'm glad I have him in my life. He's the kind of guy whose optimism is contagious. I think I'm going to let myself absorb some of it, and go out and have fun. But with Joey around, do I really have a choice? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So? What do you think? Drop me a line and tell me, I'd appreciate it! -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 3

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