Operation College Quarterback

By Phoenix Mountaineer

Published on Apr 17, 2005


Operation: College Quarterback

By Phoenix

The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this, please leave now. The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved to the author. Please do not copy or distribute without the author's permission.

NOTE: This is the final chapter of my "Operation: College Quarterback" series. I want to thank all of the readers who emailed me with comments, criticism, and praise. At first, I was not sure how far I was going take this, but your encouragement caused the story to "explode" into a much larger and fulfilling project than I had imagined! Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the conclusion to my first series. As always, comments are greatly appreciated. Send them to shotgun047@yahoo.com.

Chapter Eight (Final) - Full Disclosure:

Part I - - -

The scent of male sex hung thick in the cold air in a dark corner of the small parking lot behind a dorm hall on Campden College campus. Increasingly loud grunts and groans - some of pleasure and some of pain - broke the silence of the otherwise quiet Tuesday evening, unable to keep secret the brutal jock lust that was about to explode under the night sky. If the streetlight above were working properly, it would have revealed a stunning scene in the parked vehicle below.

Dylan's eyes squinted as inch after inch of thick, football jock cock forced its way inside his tight chute. His hands squeezed the bulging biceps and pecs of the muscular stud between his trembling legs, hoping the sharp pain he felt would turn to pleasure quickly. As soon as the throbbing intruder was completely inside him, Dylan opened his mouth to moan, but his moan was suddenly stifled by another hot football player cock, which immediately drove itself down Dylan's throat to the hilt. Dylan opened his eyes and lifted his head slightly to see Steve's contorted face just as he began to thrust his hips into Dylan - hard and fast. Dylan then looked up to see J.T. sneering down at him, as he straddled Dylan's face and began to fuck his throat as if he had no gag reflex. Though Dylan had once dreamed of how hot it would be to service Steve and J.T. - the big, beefy center and the lean, sinewy kicker - in that moment, he felt so incredibly dirty and cheap.

Dylan was lying in the back of Steve's SUV, his legs hanging out of the open rear door and over Steve's shoulders as Steve fucked his ass with abandon. Inside the vehicle, J.T. was kneeling over him - sliding his big cock into Dylan's mouth, as his hands grasped the hanging door handles for support. Dylan struggled not to choke on the 8 inches of thick jock meat as it was so uncaringly shoved down his throat. Dylan hated that those studs turned him on - knowing that he was nothing more to them than a quick way to get off. Nevertheless, Dylan had finally learned that he was foolish to expect anything more from guys like Steve and J.T. - guys like Jason.

Dylan had forced himself to accept his true identity - a weak, submissive slut - meant only to be used by drunk, horny college guys when frigid co-eds failed to put out enough - just like Jason had been using him for the past three months. Dylan's fantasies of Jason returning his love for him were just that - fantasies. That night Dylan learned that he could never be with Jason in any real way - certainly not the way he had been so desperately hoping for. Dylan realized that Jason was just a confused straight boy, temporarily blinded by his insatiable libido, and that he would ultimately end up with some beautiful girl - like the ones he had been fucking all of that time. Nothing Dylan could do would ever change that fact, so he decided that he had better just accept it and move on. As that bitter truth finally revealed itself, a single tear trickled from Dylan's right eye down his cheek.


A cold, early December breeze whipped through the trees as Dylan walked to his car late Monday evening. He shivered slightly as his skin rippled with goose pimples, but the wintry weather wasn't to blame. Being with his superjock Jason, Dylan was the happiest he had ever been. Jason was his dream guy in every way. Aside from taking him to the heights of unimaginable sexual pleasure, Jason had opened his eyes to true love. Dylan felt so amazingly connected to Jason, as if the barriers between them were finally being lifted. Dylan decided that at their next meet, he would confess his love to Jason. He would tell him everything he had been thinking and feeling for so long - and that he wanted to be with him in every way. Dylan was terrified at the thought of revealing his true feelings, but he knew in his heart that Jason felt the same way - he just had to, after all that they have shared. Dylan realized that to return his love would involve a significant sacrifice on Jason's part; still, Dylan believed that if Jason felt the same way about him, then surely he could make it happen.

The sudden snap of cold weather should have served as a cosmic warning to Dylan that his world was about to be shattered. If he and Jason only knew that their worst-case scenario was at hand: discovery. Completely unaware, they had been caught in the Clarksdale High football locker room last Friday night by Jason's roommate Steve, who had watched in horror as their lusts manifested themselves on the floor of the coach's office. Like a virus, the damaging information had quickly spread: Steve had wasted no time in relating everything he had seen - the whole disgusting display - to J.T., in graphic detail. He recounted to a stunned J.T. how he had watched Jason, their quarterback and best friend, get his dick sucked by some little fag - how Jason had licked the fag's hole before fucking him right up the ass. Steve and J.T. just couldn't believe that a man's man like Jason would do something like that.

Strangely, as Dylan would later learn, Steve and J.T. decided not to confront Jason about his secret. Instead, they vowed that they would act as if nothing happened - perhaps motivated by an odd blend of fear and respect. They told themselves that there was no way their leader could be a fag - not a hard-core jock like Jason. They decided that Jason must just be using the "little cocksucker" to get a nut. After all, they thought, the girls around campus were not always eager to spread their legs, even for Jason, and a guy like Jason can only go around with blue balls for so long. Steve and J.T. convinced themselves that Dylan was the freak - not Jason. To them, a satisfying lie was far better than the awful truth. They began to focus all of their anger, confusion, and frustration with the shocking revelation on the perceived enemy - the cocksucking fag. They resolved to do whatever they could to get the fag out of Jason's life before he ruined it.

Totally oblivious to the fact that Jason's two best friends were plotting against him, Dylan continued about his business that Monday evening in blissful ignorance, eagerly anticipating his next meet with Jason. As he approached his car, he stared at the coded message he had retrieved from the secret book in the library. Using the code key Jason had given him after their meet last Saturday night - "phoenix" - Dylan deciphered the message:

"Tuesday night. Ten pm. Jason's dorm room."

Dylan had memorized Steve's work schedule at the local bar when he met with Anna last Friday, and it had showed that he was working until 2.00am that Tuesday. With the room to themselves for the night, Dylan thought that he would have plenty of time to finally tell Jason how he felt - and hopefully gain the reciprocation of the love he felt so deeply. Moreover, being in Jason's bed with him was so intimate and made Dylan feel even closer to him. Dylan's mind was still reeling from the hot, passionate sex he had shared with Jason in his dorm room last Saturday evening - despite the shocking and unexpected way it had ended.

Unlocking his car and slipping behind the wheel, Dylan shuttered as he remembered how their secret had nearly been exposed that night. Having distracted Anna last Friday, Dylan had altered the schedule so that Steve was working that Saturday night. On Saturday evening, Dylan had waited in his car in dark silence until about 9.00pm, until he finally saw Steve exit the dorm hall and drive off to work - presumably after getting an angry call from Anna wondering where he was. Taking much pride in the success of his plan, Dylan had carefully slipped into the dorm hall and up the stairs to Jason's room. Seeing Jason in his practice pants in the locker room after the high school game on Friday had only piqued Dylan's curiosity. Dylan had begged to see his quarterback in full, Campden College game uniform up close, having never been able to get a good look from the stadium seats during the games. When Dylan quietly slipped into Jason's dorm room that night, he was thrilled to see that his request had been granted.

Unable to take in the entire amazing vision all at once, Dylan had started at the bottom, with Jason's black cleats and high white socks, which encased his massive calves. The socks had been streaked with grass and dirt stains - evidence of the rough game he had played earlier that day. Dylan's eyes had then slowly traveled up Jason's defined legs as they disappeared into silvery, stretchy game pants, tightly laced, which contained knee, thigh and hip pads. The pants, too, bore the colorful scars of battle, and tucked into the waistband was an equally-soiled white hand towel - much like the one that Jason had used to clean up the massive load he shot in his BMW that very first night with Dylan three months ago. A bright blue game jersey bearing a white number "9" hung loosely over his giant shoulder pads, and greedily hid Jason's muscled trunk from view. Desperate for a glimpse of his bare skin, Dylan's eyes had quickly found the round, bulging mounds of his biceps, as they protruded from the sleeves of the jersey. Out from Jason's elbows grew thick, meaty forearms, which narrowed to those strong, talented hands - one of which held a football and the other his helmet.

As Dylan had looked up to gaze at the perfect, chiseled features of the stud's beautiful face, his breath had been stolen by that wonderful combination of strength and compassion - an honest reflection of the true man within. Once he had finally locked eyes with his super jock, Dylan's cock had already begun stretching and expanding in vain, trapped in the thin fabric of his tight briefs. His mouth agape, Dylan had practically stumbled has he attempted to move closer to the god that stood before him.

As Dylan pulled his car out of the parking lot of the library, he sat back in his seat and sighed as he allowed the events of last Saturday's meeting with Jason to replay in his mind, with crystal clarity:

"So, what do ya think? Game on?" Jason said, flashing his sexy billion-dollar smile and tossing his helmet aside so he could strike a pose, pretending to toss a pass.

Dylan fought the urge to gasp audibly at the incredible sight before him. Whatever Jason was throwing, Dylan caught effortlessly. As he headed to the end zone to claim his victory, Dylan's cock grew to its full 7 inches, his cockhead managing to slip through the top of the waistband of his tight briefs to ooze a steady stream of precum into his nylon track pants.

"God, Jason - you're fucking unbelievable, man! Do you even know how sexy and hot you look right now?" Dylan responded breathlessly, as his hands found Jason's strong arms and took the football from him.

"Yeah, well, I think you promised you'd have something for me to see, too - right?" Jason said, studying Dylan's body up and down.

Dylan quickly took off his jacket and threw it aside, then pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his track pants. He was wearing a pair of tight white cotton bikini briefs that clung to his waist as if they had been painted on. His cockhead, dripping with boy juice, poked through the top of the waistband and reached for his navel. Jason smiled and motioned for Dylan to turn around, which he happily did, proudly displaying his round, perfect bubble butt. The tight, muscled globes refused to be confined by the thin briefs and strained against the leg openings at the bottom. An inch or so of his crack peeked from the top, seeming to call out to the jock god to conquer it.

Before Dylan could turn back around, Jason had thrown off his heavy shoulder pads and jersey, exposing his huge, rock-hard pecs and grooved abs. Seconds later, Jason's strong, warm arms were around him - his muscular chest against his back - and he felt Jason's hardening basket through the slick pants, pressing into his butt. Dylan grabbed Jason's legs and flexed his cheeks, teasing Jason's cock into a throbbing frenzy and causing Jason to bite and kiss Dylan's neck. Dylan then spun around and kissed Jason passionately, grabbing his firm butt through his pants and pulling him close as Jason's hands explored his shoulders and back.

Jason kicked off his cleats one by one, as his hands found their way to Dylan's hot ass. When Dylan's wet cock slid across Jason's nylon-encased crotch, he felt jolts of electricity as their hardening shafts connected with each other like lightening rods. Jason's hands urged Dylan on as he knelt down and began frantically unlacing Jason's pants, anxious to unleash the growing monster inside. Seconds later, Dylan was sliding the stretchy material down Jason's legs and pulling off his socks, eventually leaving him standing in only a jockstrap - the pouch wet from the drooling member trapped within.

"You look a little tense - why don't we loosen you up a bit?" Dylan said slyly, as he reached down and grabbed a bottle of baby oil from his jacket, not taking his eyes off of Jason's hot body for a second.

"Yeah, man - that would be awesome! I'm so sore from the game today," Jason responded, swinging and flexing his arms, before grabbing a towel and tossing it on the floor.

Without hesitation, Dylan grabbed Jason's left hand and pulled him down to his knees, then pushed him onto the towel on his stomach. Dylan then poured copious amounts of baby oil into his hands and began rubbing it into the taut muscles of Jason's shoulders.

"Yeah, Dylan! Oh, yeah - that feels so good, dude! Ummm!!" Jason moaned, crossing his arms under his chin.

Dylan began firmly and deeply massaging every muscle in Jason's back and shoulders - carefully studying each muscle group as he covered it with oil. He then moved down to Jason's powerful legs and thighs and worked them over until they glistened. Finally, Dylan's hands were drawn to the quarterback's tight muscle butt - crisscrossed by the thin bands of the jockstrap. Dylan squeezed and kneaded the smooth, hard globes, which began to shine with oil, as his thumbs gently traced through the crack. Jason moaned softly and arched his back, thrusting his ass into the air slightly. Dylan then brushed his right thumb against Jason's clenched pucker - hoping Jason would remember how much he had enjoyed Dylan's unexpected explorations of that sacred ground last night in the locker room shower. When Dylan slipped his thick thumb past his sphincter, Jason cried out and his body jerked - apparently still reluctant to take that type of invasion so easily.

Jason rolled over onto his back, and Dylan drizzled baby oil onto his defined pecs and abs, then rubbed it all in - digging his fingers into the hot, silky flesh as Jason moaned his encouragement. As Dylan's hands began massaging Jason's thick biceps, he watched lustfully as Jason's throbbing tool finally broke free of its constraints, piercing through the top of the jockstrap waist band and bubbling precum. Jason's crystal blue eyes stared up at Dylan - pleading with him to work on that last, aching muscle, which needed it much more than the rest. Dylan leaned down and hungrily attacked the bulbous cockhead, sucking up every drop of Jason's sweet essence. Jason cried out in ecstasy as Dylan deep-throated him, then ripped the cum-stained jockstrap down Jason's hips and off of his legs.

"Oh, God yeah, baby!! Suck my cock, Dylan! Awww, yeah that's so hot!! Take it all, man!! Uhhh!!" Jason moaned, arching his hips off of the floor.

Jason reached up and grabbed Dylan's waist, spun him around and spread his legs, planting his bubble butt right on his chest, so that they were in a "69" position. Jason's strong hands, urged on by his lust, easily tore the thin briefs from Dylan's ass in one swift motion. Dylan moaned and held tightly to Jason's cock, sucking furiously and squeezing his thighs, knowing what was coming next. Jason's calloused hands parted the fleshy globes of Dylan's butt, just before he hungrily attacked his quivering pucker, driving his tongue deep into Dylan's chute.

Dylan moaned loudly but continued to suck and jack Jason's throbbing 9-incher, bucking his ass back against Jason as he ravaged his tight hole with his tongue. Needing to catch his breath, Dylan pulled Jason's cock from his mouth and began stroking the glistening shaft with his right hand as he sucked and chewed on Jason's nutsack. As Dylan's tongue began exploring further underneath the meaty balls, Jason spread his legs slightly, and Dylan knew what Jason was silently asking for. Dylan grabbed the underside of Jason's muscular thighs as his hot tongue quickly found Jason's tight pucker, circled it a few times, then forced its way deep inside. Soon, each boy was bucking his ass back against the strong tongue assaulting it, moaning and gasping as they chewed on each other's holes. Their throbbing cocks seemed to fit perfectly into the groove of the other's flexing, slick chest, which soon sent a river of precum and oil dripping out onto the towel beneath them.

The pleasure was so intense that neither was able to stop, and within minutes Jason and Dylan each felt themselves slide over the edge at the same time. As searing orgasms shot through their loins, their loud screams were mercifully stifled in the fleshy mounds of their muscle boy butts. Their holes clamped down on the each other's tongues as volleys of hot jock jizz erupted from their pulsing cocks - their hot loads colliding and mixing together on their sweaty abs and chests as they held each other tightly...

"Oh, God - that was so hot!" Dylan whispered to himself, still rolling down the suburban streets to his home, as he squirmed and twisted in his seat.

Possessed by the memories of that night, Dylan's throbbing cock begged to be freed from his jeans as he fought to pay attention to the road. Dylan sighed as he remembered how "halftime" that Saturday night had seemed to last only minutes, and before he knew it, Jason had put him back in the game. Dylan unzipped his pants in order to give his cock a little breathing room as he began to play the video of the second half in his head:

"Why don't we move to the bed? I think we've done enough damage to the floor," Jason whispered, as he wiped at the droplets of cum and oil that had failed to be contained by the towel.

"Sure - it's probably better for my back, too - right?" Dylan said sheepishly, as Jason dropped the towel and put his hands around Dylan's waist.

Jason's luscious lips immediately found Dylan's, as he guided him over to his bed and sat him down on the edge. Jason then knelt down and pulled Dylan's legs up and apart, exposing his pink pucker - still wet from his tongue lashing. Dylan lay back on the bed and put his feet on Jason's shoulders, closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip. A true quarterback, Jason called the next play by gently working two fingers into Dylan's slick, tight hole, readying it for the winning pass he was about to throw. Dylan grabbed at the sheets and arched his back, biting down on his fist to muffle his moans, as he felt Jason's thick fingers sliding deeper into his chute.

"Oh, God yeah, Jason!! Oh, fuck!! I can't wait to have you inside me again!! Yeah!! Uhhhhhhh!!" Dylan moaned, writhing on the bed and grasping for Jason's tool, as if to hasten its entry into his aching hole.

"Yeah, baby - you know I gotta have this tight little ass. Damn! I can't wait to get up in there - so fucking hot!" Jason whispered, as he his grabbed Dylan's nipples with his left hand, pinching and twisting them gently.

Dylan's swollen cock curved high into the air, bouncing about and dripping precum - just inches from Jason's face. Suddenly, Dylan felt a warm wetness envelope his mushroom head. He opened his eyes and was floored to see Jason's full lips around him - Jason actually had Dylan's dick in his mouth! Dylan gasped in disbelief and ecstasy as Jason cautiously and gently sucked Dylan's cockhead for a few seconds. He then attempted to swallow some of the 7-inch shaft, but was only able to get in just about half of the length before his gag reflex kicked in. Having been rocketed to excruciating heaven, Dylan had no criticisms of the novice's performance. Dylan knew that it was the first time Jason had ever sucked another guy's cock, and he could not have been happier that his cock was the test subject.

"Oh my God, Jason! Oh my God!! Uhhh!! Aw, yeah - that's it!! It feels so good!! Uhhhh!!" Dylan moaned, putting his left hand on the back of Jason's head, as if praising a student who was excelling in a brand new area of study.

Dylan felt Jason's tongue massage the underside of his cockhead - just the way he had done for Jason so many times before - and soon he began sucking faster and more firmly, his fingers still twisting inside Dylan's hole. After a few minutes, Dylan felt himself getting close to the edge, and he grabbed Jason's hair and pulled him off - sparing Jason the cum blast that would soon spew forth uncontrollably if he were to continue.

"Oh, God - Jason!! You gotta stop, babe!! You had me so fucking close!! God, your mouth is so hot!!" Dylan hissed, staring into Jason's eyes and thanking him for giving him such a pleasing gift.

"Damn, dude - I can't believe you can take my cock down your throat like you do! I almost choked on the little bit of yours that I took! I ... I can't believe I did that," Jason whispered strangely as he pulled his fingers from Dylan's hole, leading Dylan to decide that it was best to change gears quickly before Jason pondered too much on what just happened.

"Jason - I want your cock inside me so bad!! Please fuck me, man!! God, give it to me - please!!" Dylan pleaded, grabbing Jason's arm and arching his back.

Jason snapped out of his trance and Dylan saw the fire return to his eyes. He stood up and moved Dylan's body so that it was lengthwise on the bed. Jason then crawled into the bed and slipped between Dylan's legs, grabbing the headboard with his left hand and placing his slick cockhead at Dylan's contracting pucker with his right. Jason then looked down at Dylan, his eyes asking the question to which he already knew the answer: there was no way Dylan would be able to handle Jason's fucking him without screaming. Thinking for a second, Jason reached down on the floor and grabbed his jockstrap, then reluctantly offered it to Dylan with an apologetic smile. Not minding the solution one bit, Dylan quickly grabbed it from his hand and stuffed the wet pouch in his mouth, savoring the taste of Jason's sweet muskiness. Dylan then nodded that he was ready, arched his back, and surrendered his ass to the alpha male between his legs.

Jason leaned forward and slipped his cockhead past Dylan's tight sphincter, causing Dylan to moan and bite down on the fabric of the jockstrap. Dylan squeezed the globes of Jason's tight, hairless butt as he felt the quarterback's shaft sink into his chute - inch by thick, throbbing inch. Dylan reveled in the look of pleasure on Jason's face as his ass clamped down around his massiveness. As soon as he felt Jason's big balls pressing against him, Dylan locked his legs around Jason's and held on tightly. Jason then began fucking Dylan with long, deep strokes - slamming his cock all the way inside and holding it there for a few seconds, making it pulse and throb, then pulling back slowly and slamming it back in again. Dylan bucked his hips up to meet Jason's thrusts, and dug his fingers into Jason's muscle butt as it flexed.

"Yeah, Dylan - your ass feels so damn hot!! Oh, yeah!! Uhh, uhhh!! Is this what you wanted? Uhhhh!! You want it harder, babe - you want me to pound you - huh?" Jason moaned, his left arm supporting his weight on the bed and his right hand cupping Dylan's butt cheek as he began thrusting faster.

"Aww, yeah Jason - oh, God, it's so good!! Uhh, uhhh!! Oh, fuck yeah - pound me as hard as you want, babe!! Give it to me - fuck me harder!! Oh, God!! Uhhhh, uhhh, uhhhhh!!!" Dylan hissed through clenched teeth, as he bit down on Jason's jockstrap and clawed at Jason's sweaty butt and back.

The bed began to creak as Jason picked up the pace and pounded Dylan's ass harder and faster. Soon, the bed frame was smacking into the wall as Jason's loins smacked against Dylan's ass. Jason brought Dylan to the edge several times, but each time slowed his thrusts and pulled him back as soon as Dylan felt his balls begin to churn. Jason seemed to sense exactly when Dylan was close to climaxing - an intimate knowledge that Dylan was sure had to come from something deeper than animal lust. Jason managed to keep Dylan in that orgasmic limbo for nearly 30 minutes, until finally Dylan saw an unrestrained fire explode in Jason's eyes - telling him that Jason was ready for them to cum. Jason began driving his jock dick into Dylan harder - increasing the pace instead of backing down - as the sweat from his flexing pecs and arms dripped onto Dylan's skin. Dylan arched his back and squeezed Jason's butt as hard as his could - hoping it wouldn't leave a bruise.

"Oh, God - Jason!! Uhh, Uhh, Uhhhh!! I'm gonna cum, baby!! Oh, God - I'm gonna cum!! Arrgghhhhh!!" Dylan screamed into the jockstrap, as he began to feel those familiar sparks deep in his loins - detonating like firecrackers.

Seconds later, the two muscle boys' bodies were tearing at the sheets beneath them as they both reach screaming orgasms - intensified tenfold having been restrained for so long. Dylan's cock erupted and sent several glorious sprays of white cream splashing between their convulsing chests, as his spasming chute milked Jason's jock cock for its hot load.

"Aw, yeah Dylan!! Uhh! Uhh! Uhhh!! Fuck, I'm cumming baby!! Oh, God!! Yeaahhh!!" Jason roared through his gritting teeth, before burying his face in Dylan's shoulder and thrusting his shooting cock inside him as deep as he could, filling him with seemingly endless torrential blasts of his muscle boy cum ...

A blaring car horn suddenly shattered the exciting vision that had been replaying in Dylan's head so clearly. He looked up to see that the traffic light in front of him had turned green, so he hit the gas. He really should not be driving under the influence - of Jason, that is. Dylan chuckled to himself as he turned the corner onto his street and then into the driveway of his home. He got out of his car and strode up to the back door, practically beaming, and quite unprepared for the welcome he was about to receive inside.

"Dylan - we need to have a little talk, young man," his mother said, wearing a stern look as she stood beside the kitchen table with her arms crossed.

"You want to tell us why you've been lying to us about this supposed girlfriend of yours - Sydney Vartan?" his father asked, putting down his newspaper and standing up from the table.

Dylan panicked. He had created "Sydney" as a way to explain his frequent meets with Jason - and to further dissuade any fears that his parents might have harbored over his sexuality. He had never banked on his parents giving his imaginary friend more than a passing thought. Looking back now, he realized that she had been his alibi on numerous occasions - perhaps too many.

"What are you talking about? I haven't been lying about her!" Dylan responded, dropping his bookbag as his mind raced, trying to stay one step ahead of his parents' interrogation.

"Dylan, I called the school to get Sydney's phone number. I wanted to invite her to the church banquet next Sunday night. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you. You had been spending so much time with her that your father and I were anxious to meet her. Naturally, I was shocked to learn that Clarksdale High had no record of a 'Sydney Vartan' ever attending," Dylan's mother said.

"Well, she doesn't go to Clarksdale anymore - she had to transfer because, um ..." Dylan started to respond, before his father interrupted him.

"Dylan - God damn it! Don't you stand there and lie to your mother and me like that! What the hell's the matter with you?" his father shouted back, slamming his fist onto the kitchen table.

"Dylan, I called all the schools in the area - I even checked the phone book. There is no such person in this area. All those times you said you were with her, son, you were lying to us? You've never lied to us. Why? Where did you go - who were you with?" his mother demanded, her voice shaking.

Caught in his lie and completely unprepared for this interrogation, Dylan could not respond. He stared at the ground and shook his head, thinking that if he just concentrated hard enough, he could make the problem disappear. He at least took comfort in the fact that his brother was not at home that night: David surely would have been just another mind working against him - dissecting the false world Dylan had created.

"You have nothing to say to us? No explanation for your behavior?" his father asked, but Dylan didn't even look up.

"Well, then, if that's your attitude, I think you ought to go on up to your room. Until you tell us what's going on, you are not to leave this house except to go to school - straight to and straight from - no exceptions," his mother said.

"Mom - come on!! Look, nothing's going on - I swear!! Just let me work a few things out, okay? I promise, I'll explain everything to you soon!!" Dylan pleaded.

"You heard your mother! Until you tell us what the hell's been going on with you, you're grounded indefinitely. Understand?!" Dylan's father said.

"Yes, sir," Dylan responded, picking up his bookbag and heading upstairs to his room.

As Dylan trudged up the stairs, he began to feel the weight of his world crushing him - making it difficult to breath. Dylan cursed himself for being so careless. He suddenly realized that if he was grounded, he would not be able to get out of the house for his meet with Jason the next night. He was trapped.

Dylan slung his bag down in his room near his desk. He decided to take a warm shower to try to relax and think about his next move. As he pulled off his clothes, his thoughts drifted back to Jason and the wonderful night they had shared last Saturday. He clung tightly to that memory, remembering how Jason had been so loving and intimate with him - and how he had later saved him, when their meet took an unexpected and potentially dangerous turn.

Dylan stepped into the shower and began soaping up his aching muscles. As he tried to work the tension from his body, Dylan recalled lying in Jason's bed that Saturday night after their intense fuck, still basking in the warmth of Jason's masculine essence as it surged deep inside him. Jason had just gotten up to take a shower in the communal shower down the hall, leaving Dylan alone in the room. Dylan remembered getting up to check his cell phone when he had heard a deep voice echo down the hall:

"Slater! What up, man? You here?" the voice shouted.

Dylan instantly recognized Steve's voice. He must have gotten off work hours before his shift had been scheduled to end. Dylan quickly grabbed his clothes from off the floor and dashed into Jason's closet, pulling the door closed. Dylan watched through the cracks in the wooden slats of the closet as Steve burst through the door to the room and flipped on the lights. Steve was wearing a pair of jeans, sneakers, a blue t-shirt, a black track jacket, and an upturned visor. Dylan's heart was pounding in his chest as he sat stark naked in the closet, struggling not to make a sound. After fumbling around the room for a bit, Steve kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt and hat, and dropped his jeans. As Steve stood under the bright overhead lights, in just a pair of plaid boxers, Dylan's eyes wandered over the smooth, pale muscles of the beefy jock's body. Asshole or not, Dylan had to admit that Steve was hot. Dylan noticed a fairly large bulge moving in the boxer fabric between Steve's legs as he turned and walked over to his desk. Dylan looked over at Jason's bed and realized he had left his own track jacket on the floor next to it. He prayed that Steve would not notice the foreign clothing.

Fear gripping his heart, Dylan watched breathlessly as Steve rustled through his desk drawers, and he wondered how he was going to get out of that room alive. Minutes later, Steve pulled a magazine out from one of his desk drawers. When Dylan glanced the front cover and saw a pair of oversized tits and a mane of long, blonde hair, he realized it was a porno mag. Still not quite grasping what was happening, Dylan watched Steve sit down in his desk chair and absent-mindedly thumb through the magazine as he scratched his nutsack. Dylan then watched wide-eyed as Steve slowly rubbed and pulled at his hardening cock through his boxers, the muscles in his big chest and bicep flexing. He then slipped the waistband under his balls, causing his swollen tool to bob in the air as it stretched and lengthened. Dylan realized that Steve was going for a quick wank before bed, less than 15 feet away from him.

Dylan could not turn away as the precum began to drizzle down the shaft of the football jock's member, which soon reached a fully-erect 7 1/2 inches. Suddenly, Steve grabbed his cock at the base with his right hand and began roughly stroking it, as his left hand massaged his billowy pecs, pinching the nipples. Transfixed by the sight of that big boy pleasuring himself, Dylan's own cock began to grow. Dylan did not think of himself as a voyeur, but it seemed that he was somehow constantly winding up in that position. Dylan remembered how last semester - completely by accident - he had spotted J.T. through the window of his dorm room, fucking a sorority chick senseless. Dylan had wondered what it must be like to be fucked like that - by a hot college stud like J.T. - as he jerked himself in the bushes outside the window that evening. Dylan couldn't believe that he had now seen both of Jason's best buds naked and hard.

As Dylan watched Steve gripping his jock meat, well on his way to busting a nut, Dylan began rubbing his own hard shaft. After a few seconds, Dylan snapped back to reality and stopped himself. He didn't need to jerk off while spying on Steve - or J.T. for that matter - fantasizing about what could be. He had Jason to fulfill all of his desires - sexual and emotional. Still, Dylan decided that there was nothing wrong with just watching him - it wasn't as if he was cheating on Jason.

A few, short minutes later, Steve began bucking his hips up out of the desk chair, biting his lower lip and breathing heavily. Suddenly, Steve's body lurched upward, and he stifled a deep grunt, as his cock exploded in several blasts of cum. The first shot fired in a thick white ribbon over his shoulder and onto his desk, with the next five shooting all over his chest - one shot even splashing across his lips. Dylan watched intently to see if Steve would lick those cum-covered lips; he was shocked - and turned on - when Steve did just that.

After his breathing returned to normal, Steve grabbed a box of tissues from his desk and attempted to clean up his mess. His chest still looking a bit sticky, Steve pulled up his boxers and grabbed a pair of gym shorts from the floor beside his desk and put them on. He then sat down at his desk and began clicking away at his computer - apparently checking his email. At that moment, the dorm room door burst open and in walked Jason - wet from his shower and a towel wrapped around his waist. Dylan saw the terror and anxiety in Jason's eyes, finding that Steve had come home early.

"What's up, man? What are you doing back so soon?" Jason said, looking around the dorm room nervously.

"Oh, we were kinda slow, so Anna let me take off. What have you been up to, man? You been fucking a chick?" Steve asked, gesturing to Jason's destroyed bed.

"Oh, uh, yeah, dude. She just took off. You know me, man - it ain't a Saturday without a little piece of ass," Jason said, walking over to his desk and grabbing a pair of boxers that were slung over the chair.

As Jason dropped his towel and slipped on his boxers, Dylan saw Jason glance over and spot the track jacket by his bed. Dylan hoped that Jason would realize that he was still in the room - in the only place to hide. Waiting until Steve had turned away, Jason discreetly kicked the jacket under the bed. With Steve still looking away, Jason turned his head to the closet and mouthed the words "Be cool - I'll handle it," then placed his finger to his lips. Dylan breathed a silent sigh of relief, having faith that his hero would soon rescue him.

"Hey, man, I'm gonna borrow one of your dress shirts. All mine are dirty and I don't have anything to wear to that lunch with the dean tomorrow," Steve said, standing up suddenly and walking toward Jason's closet.

Dylan's pulse began racing again as Steve quickly approached the door in front of him. Dylan braced himself and closed his eyes as Steve's hand grabbed the door knob.

"No fucking way, man!" Jason shouted, as he stepped over and grabbed Steve's arm - pulling him away from the closet.

"Come on, dude!! What's the deal? I got nothing to wear!" Steve said, as he stepped away from the door.

"You're not borrowing a fucking thing of mine until you give me back my favorite hat, Steve! You've had it for a week, ya fucker!" Jason said sternly.

"It's down in the SUV, dude - chill! I'll give it to ya tomorrow," Steve responded, turning back to the closet.

"Or, how about you fucking go get it now? Man, you got no fucking respect for other people's shit, dude! Jeez!" Jason said, pulling him back once more.

"Alright, man - fuck! Let me throw on some clothes and I'll go get it. Damn, you'd think getting a little snatch tonight woulda lightened ya up a little bit! Why do ya gotta be a dick?!!" Steve said, walking back to his desk and grabbing his jacket.

"Man, just shut the fuck up and go get my hat! Don't be a puss!" Jason said, standing in front of his closet with his arms crossed, vigilantly guarding his secret treasure.

Steve flicked Jason off before jerking open the dorm room door and slipping out. As soon as Steve had gone, Jason opened his closet and extracted a shivering but very relieved Dylan. Jason pulled Dylan up and hugged him tightly, immediately warming him up.

"That was too fucking close, dude! Man, I thought Steve was gonna bust us!" Jason said, releasing Dylan then helping him to get his clothes on.

"Yeah - let's not do that one over - I almost wet myself," Dylan responded, realizing the irony of his statement after he said it.

"Okay - you better take off before shithead gets back. The next code key is 'phoenix' - go it?" Jason said, leaning over and kissing Dylan quickly...

"Dylan! No television for you tonight, son! Go on to bed and we'll talk about this in the morning! We are not done yet, young man!" Dylan's mother yelled to him from another room, as he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off.

With a sigh, Dylan walked across the hall to his room, then went to his bureau, pulled out a pair of boxers, and slipped them on. Dylan kept telling himself that Jason would make everything better. He felt so safe when Jason was with him - as if no one could harm him. Dylan decided that it didn't matter what his parents thought, and the anxiety he was feeling from their confrontation of him earlier began to fade. He would just find a way to sneak out of the house Tuesday night, just as he had several times before. There was no way he was going to miss his meet with Jason - especially since it was going to be the meet at which Dylan would finally share his true feelings with Jason - his unconditional love for him.

Dylan flipped on his stereo and turned the volume down - hoping his parents would not object to that one small luxury. He turned off the lights and climbed into his bed, as Sheryl Crow's "I Shall Believe" trickled softly through the room. He hugged the duvet around him tightly and stared at his ceiling. He had to believe that everything would work itself out. He had to believe that he would find his way to Jason.

Back on Campden campus, J.T. and Steve were in J.T.'s dorm room, flipping through pages of the Clarksdale High yearbook from last year. Determined to find out more about Jason's secret fag boy, Steve had gone to the high school's library and lifted a copy. They thought that, given where Steve had caught them, Dylan must be a player on the high school football team. Not finding him in the sports section, Steve turned to look through the individual class pages. When he reached the 11th grade class, Steve paused and pointed to a photograph near the top of the page: "Dylan Andrews." **

Part II - - -

On Tuesday morning, Dylan awoke as the events of the night before swept through his brain. Though he was still plagued by fear and doubt - his parents so close to discovering his secret - he focused his energy on making it through that day, and on figuring out a way to meet Jason that night, as scheduled. Dylan showered and dressed for school, then tore out of his house without breakfast. He decided that, for the time being, silence was his best defense where his parents were concerned. As he jogged down the driveway to his car, his mother stuck her head out of the back door and reminded him that he was to come directly home after school - no detours. Dylan rolled his eyes, knowing that nothing would stop him from completing his mission later that night.

At school, Dylan mindlessly passed from one class to the next - unable to concentrate on anything but formulating a plan for getting out of the house that night after his parents went to bed. He struggled against the nagging self-doubt of his ability to make everything come together. Dylan felt that all of the issues in his life were being forced to a crisis - that his world was crumbling around him, and that he was powerless to stop it. Everything seemed to depend on his seeing Jason that night. Dylan believed that once he confessed his true feelings to Jason, and opened himself up completely, Jason would somehow save him from everything that was wrong in his life. It was as if being with Jason would be his salvation. It was perhaps a blessing that Dylan was ignorant to the fact that his enemies continued to plot against him, because the added pressure might have caused him to crack completely.

Across town around noon that day, Steve stood at the counter of the bar where he worked, talking with Anna. Steve was still baffled as to how he had been scheduled to work last Saturday, and he wondered if Dylan somehow had anything to do with it. He asked Anna if a kid named "Dylan Andrews" had been to the bar, but she told him that she didn't recognize the name. Steve then produced the page he had torn from the yearbook and showed it to Anna. She immediately identified the young man near the top of the page as "Kyle Baxter." After Anna filled Steve in on what had happened with "Kyle" last Friday, he asked to see the master work schedule. Steve stared at the clipboard closely and saw that something had been erased and rewritten. His brow furrowed as he told Anna that he would not be able to work later that night - that he had something very important to take care of.

Meanwhile, back on Campden College campus, J.T. ran into Jason on his way to a class. He asked Jason to hang out with him later that night after practice, suggesting that they make a stop at Steve's bar and throw back some drinks while he worked. Jason declined, saying that he had to spend most of the night at the library, researching and writing a paper that was due for his Lit class the next day. Suspicious of Jason's flimsy excuse, J.T. called a chick he had recently fucked who happened to be in that same Lit class with Jason. The girl informed J.T. that their next paper wasn't due until the end of the term - several weeks away. Knowing that Jason would have no other reason to lie to him, J.T. figured that he must be meeting his little cocksucker - Dylan.

Later that afternoon, the forces of evil converged in J.T.'s dorm room shortly before football practice. Steve and J.T. compared notes and reasoned that Jason must be meeting Dylan that night in his dorm room, and they decided to arrange a little "stakeout" and wait for Dylan - to confront the perceived threat to their friend's future. Keeping their conspiracy well-guarded, J.T. and Steve continued to act normally in front of Jason all through their afternoon practice and during dinner together in the campus cafeteria. After dinner, Jason and Steve walked back to their dorm room, and J.T. pretended to do the same. Back in their room, Steve got ready for "work," then headed out at 8.00pm, leaving Jason alone in the dorm room.

Steve exited the dorm hall and jogged over to his SUV, which was parked in the lot in front. J.T. was waiting for him inside, and the two drove around to the back of the building - parking between a large trash bin and the wall. The area was quite dark, as the streetlight above was burned out. From their vantage point, they had a clear view of all cars that drove into the lot. Thanks to a friend of J.T.'s who happened to be a cop, they knew to be on the lookout for a blue Honda Civic - registered to Dylan Andrews. The two conspirators then proceeded to down two six packs of beer as they lay in wait for their target - getting drunker as 10.00pm approached.

At Dylan's home across town, Dylan waited anxiously for his parents to turn in for bed. Finally, at a quarter before 10.00pm, Dylan heard their bedroom door click shut. He continued to wait for several more minutes, until their bedroom lights flicked off - understanding that it would make him late for the meet, but needing to be sure he could slip out undetected. Dylan went "old school" on the mission equipment that time: he simply placed a few extra pillows under the covers in his bed and hoped that his parents wouldn't look too closely if they got up to check on him during the night.

Quickly and quietly, Dylan slipped down the stairs and out the backdoor. He had taken to parking his car on the street, where a row of tall bushes partially blocked it from view from his house. He had hoped that this practice would result in his parents' being less aware of the car's presence (or absence, in that case). Dylan put the car in neutral and let it glide down the street for several yards before finally turning the ignition key and speeding off into the night.

At nearly 10.15pm, Dylan pulled into the parking lot of Jason's dorm, not realizing that his enemies - now quite intoxicated - had been expecting him or that they had quickly identified his car as he entered. Dylan parked in the lot behind the dorm, but the darkness prevented him from noticing the vehicle in the back corner by the trash bin. Dylan got out of his car and started walking towards the entrance of the hall, but jumped when he saw Steve and J.T. suddenly appear from the darkness. The two jocks, both wearing jeans and black nylon track jackets, staggered toward him, looking really blitzed.

"Damn it!" Dylan mumbled under his breath, as he quickly turned back to his car.

Dylan was sure that the bar schedule showed that Steve was working Tuesday night. Dylan figured that he must have demanded to get off at the last minute - probably still pissed that he had to work last Saturday. Dylan wondered if he could somehow get a message to Jason to "abort" the mission. As he fumbled with his keys in front of his car, Dylan felt confident that the two dumb jocks would not recognize him from the beach, but he avoided looking in their direction anyway. Dylan could not have known that he had already been made.

"Hey - Dylan! Dylan Andrews! What's up, stud?" J.T. shouted out, in a mocking tone, as he and Steve moved toward him.

Dylan froze. How in the world did J.T. know Dylan's name? What was going on? Dylan's thoughts flew threw his head as he tried to assess the situation. He decided that "plausible deniability" was probably his best option, followed by a hasty exit.

"Sorry, man - ya got the wrong guy," Dylan responded in a deep voice, opening his car door as the two jocks approached and stepped up on either side of him.

"No, I think we've definitely got the right pretty boy, here," Steve said, pulling out the torn picture and holding it up to Dylan's face.

"Uh .. sorry, I don't think I know you guys. Yeah ,,, um ... I ... uh ... I gotta take off, so ... see ya," Dylan said nervously, as he tried to get into his car.

"Yeah, but we definitely know who you are, stud. Yeah, we know all about you," J.T. said smugly, grabbing Dylan's arm and slamming the car door shut.

"You hang out with our boy Jason. Well - I guess more to the point - you're his little cocksucker, aren't you fag boy?" J.T. asked snottily, turning Dylan to face him.

Dylan was in complete shock, paralyzed with terror. He struggled to process what J.T. was saying - what he was suggesting. Was it some kind of trick - or did they really know his secret? Dylan's world seemed to be unraveling even further - the fabric of his identity ripping beyond repair. His hero - his savior - was nowhere in sight.

"Seriously, guys - I really don't .. uh .. I really don't know what you're talking about. Just be cool, and I'll get out of your way ..." Dylan responded, pulling away from J.T. and backing up, only to feel Steve's thick hands grab the back of both of his arms.

"Don't fucking deny it, you little pussy boy! I saw ya - I saw you and Jason in that high school football coach's office last Friday night. Yeah, you're his little fucking cocksucker, alright - sick little fuck!" Steve whispered in Dylan's ear nastily, as Dylan's knees started to tremble.

"Yeah, and that's not all - you were also down at the beach over Fall Break while we were there. You were that little fuck sitting on the bench on the boardwalk that we talked to. I bet you were stalking Jason, weren't ya? Just itching to get your pussy boy mouth on his jock again, huh, ya little faggot??!" J.T. hissed, standing directly in front of Dylan and fingering his cheek.

That hated word pierced through Dylan's brain - shocking him into the bitter realization: they not only knew who he was - but what he was. Dylan's cover was blown and he was completely exposed - defenseless. He became that scared little kid again - the identity he despised. He wondered how - if - he was going get out of that situation alive. Dylan was already half an hour late for his meet with Jason. He hoped that Jason would come looking for him. He prayed that somehow Jason would be able to save him from the disaster that was unfolding.

"You know, Jason's our best bud, and we're not gonna let some little queer fuck up his life. I don't know why the fuck he'd let a little fag suck him off, but I guess when you can't get enough pussy, you just have to make some," Steve said, as his hands started to massage Dylan's arms.

Dylan felt the situation begin to take a serious turn. He saw the drunken lust in the two dumb jocks' eyes: they apparently hadn't been getting any "pussy" lately, either. Dylan was so confused that he didn't know what to think; he only knew that things were deteriorating rapidly, and the immediate future didn't look good for him.

"So, little fag - you like sucking cock, huh? If Jason thinks you're so fucking great - worth fucking up his whole life here - maybe we ought to see what you can do, huh? Jason shares his little sorority sluts with us - I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing his little pussy boy slut with us, too! And I bet a little fag like you would just love it, wouldn't ya!?" J.T. hissed, grabbing the back of Dylan's head, as if to pull it down to his crotch.

"No - I don't do that, man! I'm not a fucking slut, dude! I don't know what you think, man, but Jason and I ... uh ...it's just different. Please, guys, just fucking leave me alone, okay? I swear I won't say anything to anyone!" Dylan pleaded, breaking free from Steve's grip - wondering if he could outrun them if he took off right then and there.

"What - you think you and Jason have something special? You think he's your fucking gay-ass boyfriend or something? Get this straight, ya little fag - you're nothing but a cocksucker - a little slut that real men use when they need to get off! You think Jason doesn't have a hundred other little cocksuckers just like you? You're nothing but a cheap whore to him!" J.T. screeched angrily as he lunged at Dylan and grabbed his arm again.

"Yeah, ya little queer - Jason's not a fag like you. He can get any woman he wants and usually does. I haven't gotten any fucking sleep this semester, 'cause he's always got some bitch screaming out his name on the bottom bunk. Hell, just last night I walked in on him pounding my boss from the bar - Anna, that little slut! You remember her, don't ya? You know, when you fucking changed my work schedule for last Saturday, ya little shit?" Steve said, grabbing Dylan's shoulders.

The words plunged into Dylan's chest like a knife. Jason slept with Anna?? How could he do that?? Dylan had assumed that he was the only one that Jason had been with in the past month. Dylan felt such a strong connection with Jason that he couldn't think of being with anyone else. It killed him to think that he was just one of many for Jason.

"Yeah, he was wearing that old skank's pussy out, and it sounded like he was loving every second of it. He didn't need his little fag slut then, did he?" Steve said, as J.T. moved closer and rubbed his thumb across Dylan's lips.

The pain Dylan felt upon hearing this news only increased as he realized that everything Steve and J.T. were saying was right. Jason didn't love him - he was just using him to get off. Sure, Jason had fucked Dylan, and even kissed him, but it was obviously all tied up with his getting his rocks off. Jason had never once expressed any real feelings for Dylan - they had only been projections on Dylan's part. Dylan's head had become so clouded by the spell his jock god had cast over him that he had refused to see the simple, harsh truth: Jason could never love him.

Dylan's mind went numb as J.T. grabbed the back of his head. Steve and J.T. then began to guide Dylan over to their SUV, backed against the wall in darkness. The two jocks were still stumbling drunk, with little fight in them, and Dylan knew that he wouldn't have had any problem getting away from them. Despite this, Dylan suddenly lost the urge to resist them, and instead went willingly - J.T. and Steve didn't have to drag him. Two of his jerk-off fantasies were demanding that he suck them off - and Dylan couldn't come up with a reason not to. Having given up on true love, Dylan allowed himself to surrender to lust - to become what J.T. and Steve told him he was. The three guys were soon swallowed by the shadows - which would safely hide the manifestations of their drunken desires.

Steve staggered over and leaned against the brick wall facing the back of his SUV, unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them down slightly. As Dylan watched, still in a trance, Steve pulled out his rapidly-growing cock and tucked the waistband of his boxers under his balls. He then began to stroke and pull at his jock meat, the same way he had done last Saturday night as Dylan had watched secretly from the closet. Soon, his dick swelled to its full thick 7 1/2 inches, arching out from Steve's body, glistening with precum, and begging to be sucked dry.

"Alright, fag boy - why don't you work on my cock the way I saw you work over Jason's? Come on - take my cock down your throat, cocksucker!" Steve said, as J.T.'s hands pushed down on Dylan's shoulders, guiding him to his knees.

Dylan nervously placed his hands on Steve's legs as he knelt before that foreign god, and took the head of his dripping cock in his mouth. It felt - and tasted - so different to Dylan. Steve's precum was a little bitter - certainly not as sweet as Jason's. Dylan grabbed the football jock's cock at the base and flicked the underside of the head with his tongue, massaging out a few more drops of the sticky fluid. Steve moaned and took off his jacket, revealing a tight white t-shirt that stretched to contain his huge, beefy chest, then pulled his jeans further down his bulging thighs.

"Oh, yeah, that's it, pussy boy! Now take my whole cock down your throat like you do with Jason's big dick. Come on, dude - I saw you do it! You know you want it, cocksucker!" Steve ordered, placing his right hand on Dylan's head.

Dylan snapped into action and turned up the heat. Those two jocks may have been the aggressors that evening, but Dylan's incredible talent put him in control. Dylan deep- throated the entire length of Steve's 7 1/2 inch tool in one swift motion, burying his nose in the curly blonde pubes and inhaling the musky scent of a different college football jock. Steve moaned and gasped loudly, and his surprised tone told Dylan that it was likely the first time someone had swallowed his entire cock.

"Damn, dude! Fuck!! I thought you were joking when you said this fucker could deep- throat a cock!! Shit!! I've never even seen a girl do that before!!" J.T. hissed, rubbing his cock through his jeans as he watched Dylan work.

"Oh, God, man!! Uhhh!! Jesus Christ, this is one good little cocksucker!! No wonder Jason let him take care of his cock!! Aww, yeah, man!! Uhhh!!" Steve moaned, leaning back against the wall for support and massaging the back of Dylan's head.

Dylan continued to let Steve's cock slide all the way down his throat and back out again, as he reached around and felt Steve's big, bodybuilder butt flexing - the same butt that he had admired for so long. The skin felt smooth and almost completely hairless - though it wasn't quite as tight as Jason's. The taste of the strange jock cock down his throat was beginning to turn Dylan on, and his cock started to awaken in his boxers. He grabbed Steve's cock at the base with his right hand and began jacking it roughly while sucking half the length furiously, still squeezing one globe of Steve's ass with his left.

"Fuck, dude! I think I'm gonna have to get a little of this fag boy's mouth myself! Get over here, cocksucker!" J.T. hissed, as he stepped over to the wall beside Steve and took off his own jacket to reveal a light blue polo shirt with the collar flipped up.

J.T. unzipped his jeans and pulled out his own thick, uncut cock, with which Dylan was already familiar - at least from a distance. As just recently with Steve, Dylan had seen the star kicker in sexual action before. Dylan remembered back to a night last semester, when he had happened to pass by J.T.'s dorm room when the shades on the window were wide open. He recalled how he had stood just outside the window, gazing on in lust, as J.T. fucked a random sorority chick silly - tearing into her ass relentlessly with his big, uncut dick. Dylan had never seen an uncut cock before - let alone ever tasted one - and had wondered what it would be like. It seemed that Dylan was about to find out.

Steve reluctantly allowed Dylan to remove his throbbing cock from his mouth, and Dylan moved over to J.T. to examine his alien cock up close. J.T. jerked his jeans and briefs down to his knees, and began playing with his growing member - which appeared to be headless. J.T. pulled at the foreskin, and Dylan could see the bulbous head sliding underneath as the shaft grew longer and thicker.

"Okay pussy boy - why don't you suck on this dick like you were doing for Steve. Lick under the foreskin for me, fag - I bet you just love uncut ones, don't ya?!" J.T. whispered, grabbing the back of Dylan's neck and pulling him closer.

Dylan grabbed the base of J.T.'s shaft and, reluctantly, flicked his tongue under the foreskin, which was beginning to tighten around the growing mushroom head that it encased. Soon, the slit inside began to ooze precum in a steady stream, and Dylan was introduced to yet another jock's bitter brew. Dylan sucked and licked the foreskin- covered head while stroking the shaft, causing J.T.'s tool to get longer and thicker, and soon the bulbous head popped out from its confines to give J.T. an impressive 8 inches of jock meat. Dylan reached behind J.T. and felt his tight, round little butt as it flexed - such a contrast to Steve's big boy ass. Dylan squeezed J.T.'s cheeks hard and opened his mouth, leaning forward and taking the college boy's entire 8 inch fuck-pole down his throat until his chin was pressing against the hairy nutsack hanging below.

"Aww, yeah! Jesus fucking Christ, dude!! Uhhh!! I can't believe you're doing that, ya little cocksucker!! Such a fucking slut!! But it feels really fucking good, so you better not stop, pussy boy!" J.T. gasped, throwing his fists back against the wall and bucking his hips forward.

After deep-throating J.T. several more times, Dylan began working his cock over with the same skill that he had shown Steve's dick - jacking and sucking furiously - and J.T.'s loud moans and grunts were clear evidence that Dylan was hitting the mark. Not wanting to neglect Steve, Dylan reached over with his other hand and began jacking Steve's cock, which was still slick with saliva. Dylan quickly brought both jocks close to the edge, then slowed the pace and pulled them back - taking pride in the fact that he could at least exert dominance over them in one respect. Dylan's sexual torture seemed to push Steve's libido even further into overdrive, and Steve reached down and massaged Dylan's lower back, his hand eventually finding Dylan's perfect, round ass.

"Fuck, this pussy boy's got one nice little ass! It must be really fucking tight, too, to make Jason to want to stick his cock up there! Hell, if it was good enough for Slater, maybe I ought to try it out! I haven't had a tight hole in so long," Steve slurred, the alcohol and lust obviously clouding his mind, as his fingers slipped under Dylan's jeans and boxers.

Dylan's pucker quivered at the thought of having a cock other than Jason's invade it - a thought that was both scary and intriguing. Dylan knew he had to find a way to move on from Jason - to erase his memory - and maybe getting fucked by another college football jock would be a start, especially one he had lusted after in the past. When Steve's middle finger slid between his smooth, fleshy globes, Dylan flexed them tightly, inviting Steve to give in to his need to fuck a tight hole.

"Oh, fuck, yeah - I'm gonna have to fuck his little ass, J.T.! Hell, Jason did it, and Jason's not a fucking queer. So what's the big deal?" Steve said, pulling his cock away from Dylan's hand.

"Whatever, man - as long as the little fag can still suck my cock! Let's spread him out in the back of the SUV. You can stand up and fuck him on the edge, and I'll fuck his face inside. Bet you'll just love that, won't ya, pussy boy?" J.T. hissed, as he jerked his cock from Dylan's mouth and pulled him to his feet.

J.T. kicked off his jeans and briefs, then stepped over and opened the back hatch of the SUV, reaching inside and pushing down the seats to give them an ample playing field. He then pulled off his polo shirt and climbed inside to wait for his cocksucker. At the same time, Steve pulled off Dylan's jacket and shirt, and Dylan dropped his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers, which had a huge wet spot in front. Dylan's body trembled as he realized what was about to happen, but his throbbing cock and burning lust helped to suppress the fear. He pulled down his boxers, freeing his now fully-erect dick, leaving him completely exposed before the jocks he was servicing.

Steve kicked off his own jeans and boxers, then lifted Dylan up onto the edge of the SUV. Steve then peeled off his shirt to display his huge, inflated pecs, as his hard cock bounced in front of him. J.T. pulled Dylan back and kneeled over him, straddling his face and dangling his heavy nutsack a few inches above. Steve lifted Dylan's legs onto his shoulders, and Dylan shuddered as Steve's strong hands slid down his thighs and parted his cheeks, exposing the tender rosebud.

"Yeah, I'm gonna pound this little hole, pussy boy - you ready for it?" Steve hissed, grabbing his shaft at the base and rubbing his mushroom head across Dylan's pink pucker.

"Wait - do you have any lube? Lotion?? Anything?? I can't take your cock raw, man - please don't!! Please!!" Dylan pleaded, knowing that Steve had no intention of being gentle with him.

"I'm sure as hell not gonna lick your ass like Jason did, but I guess I can loosen you up a bit," Steve said, before licking his forefinger, then roughly shoving it into Dylan's hole.

"Ahhhh!! God - easy, man! Please - uhhh!!" Dylan hissed, grabbing onto Steve's biceps tightly.

Steve worked a second finger inside the tight chute, and Dylan buried his face in J.T.'s thigh to muffle his screams. After less than a minute, Steve removed his fingers and placed his cockhead at Dylan's tight sphincter - which bravely protested the intrusion. Still reluctant to submit - on an emotional level, not just a physical one - Dylan clenched his hole for a few more seconds before the big mushroom head finally had its way and broke through. Dylan closed his eyes and cried out through gritted teeth, clawing at Steve's arms and pecs as the hard shaft sank into him inch by inch. When Steve was all the way inside him, Dylan opened his mouth to moan. Before the sound could slip past his lips, J.T. took his 8-incher and roughly slid it into Dylan's mouth and down his throat. Feeling no need to wait until Dylan had gotten used to him, Steve grabbed Dylan's hips and took his ass like an animal, pounding his barely-greased hole without a thought for anything but himself.

"God damn it!! Uhhh!! This fucker's got the tightest little ass!! Shit!! Oh, yeah, uhhh!!" Steve grunted, as his loins slapped against Dylan's ass loudly with each thrust.

As the pain slowly subsided, Dylan began to focus on the foreign cock that was driving into him. It was a different feeling - an empty feeling. Even when Jason pounded him at his hardest, Dylan still felt a tenderness that didn't make him feel like he was just a sexual punching bag. There was no tenderness in the way Steve fucked him. Dylan closed his eyes again and tried to picture Jason, but quickly stopped himself. He had to remember that it was over with Jason, and that he should just enjoy being fucked by another football player fantasy of his. As Dylan ordered the memory out of his brain, a tear escaped from his eyelid and trickled down his cheek.

Dylan's left hand squeezed J.T.'s thigh as he continued to shove his 8-inch tool down his throat. Dylan's right hand continued to explore the mounds of Steve's heaving chest, as he began slamming into Dylan faster and harder, causing the SUV to rock. J.T. pulled out his cock and dangled his balls over Dylan's mouth, which he eagerly sucked, one by one, chewing on the hairy sack. Dylan was surprised that J.T. didn't protest when his tongue slipped under the sac and edged its way to J.T.'s jock pucker. Dylan grabbed J.T.'s cock with his left hand and stroked it slowly, as he forced his tongue up the tightly- clenched hole - which caused J.T. to scream in ecstasy, begging Dylan to keep going. Dylan worked J.T. into a frenzy by alternating between deep-throating his entire rod and then tonguing his balls and asshole.

Dylan's own swollen cock was now oozing a flow of precum as the two straight boys punished him at both ends. Lust began to fill Dylan's veins as he realized he was living a fantasy that he had abandoned while he was consumed with Jason: he had not one, but two hot college boy dicks inside him - two muscular bodies pressed against his own - two sets of balls ready to blast him with multiple sprays of jock jizz. After several minutes of being pummeled hard by Steve, all while servicing J.T.'s ass and 8-incher, Dylan could no longer hold back and felt himself rocketing to climax.

"Uhhhh!! Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!! I'm gonna cum!!" Dylan moaned, as he continued to lick J.T.'s hole.

"Faggot, you better not get any of your spunk on me, or I will beat your ass!!" J.T. gasped, as he shoved his cock down Dylan's throat again.

Just before it exploded, Dylan grabbed his throbbing cock and aimed it to the side, coating one of the back windows with his creamy boy jizz. At the same time, his ass tightened up and spasmed around Steve's cock.

"Oh, fuck yeah!! Damn, this little fag's ass is clamping down on my meat!! It's so fucking tight!! Uhhh!! I woulda thought that Jason would have worn him out by now with his big dick. This boy's ass is tighter than any bitch I've ever fucked!! Uhh, uhhh, uhhhh!!" Steve moaned and grunted, not slowing his pace for a second.

"Oh, yeah? Damn, I guess I'm gonna have to get a little bit of it then - shit!! Let's switch up, man! Make him suck you off while I tag his ass!!" J.T. said, pulling his cock from Dylan's mouth.

J.T. climbed out of the SUV and pulled Dylan with him, who was shivering from the cold and the force of his climax. Steve then climbed into the SUV and sat down with his legs spread. J.T. pushed Dylan into the SUV on his stomach, with his legs hanging off the edge, his face at Steve's crotch.

"Suck me off, cocksucker - drain these nuts, ya little pussy!" Steve ordered, as Dylan grabbed his muscular thighs, took his cock into his mouth, and began sucking.

J.T. grabbed Dylan's ass, slapped it roughly, and spread his cheeks, exposing his quivering, punished hole to the cold night air once again. He rubbed his fingers around the hole and then leaned in and spat on it. Dylan's body shook as he remembered how mercilessly J.T. had taken his sorority conquest last semester. Dylan knew that he was likely in for an even rougher ride.

"Yeah, fag boy! I'm gonna ream your little ass!! I bet you're gonna love it, aren't you faggot? You're gonna love it when I stick my 8-inches up your butt, huh??" J.T. hissed into Dylan's ear, sliding his shaft between the globes of Dylan's butt.

J.T. grabbed his shaft and placed his cockhead at Dylan's hole, rubbing it up and down firmly. Dylan moaned, his mouth full of Steve's 7 1/2 inches, and arched his back. J.T. then smacked his tool against Dylan's ass, splattering precum all over the soft skin of his cheeks, which rippled with goosebumps.

"Alright, pussy boy - beg me to stick this big cock up your butt!! You know you want it!! Come on, beg me to fuck that hole, ya little faggot!! Beg for it, damn it!!" J.T. shouted, slapping Dylan's ass several times and smacking his shaft against his pucker.

"Oh, yeah, J.T.!! I want your cock, man!! Give it all to me, dude!! Oh, God, I want it so bad!! Please fuck me!! Please!!" Dylan moaned nervously, as he licked Steve's balls and thrust his ass back against J.T.'s tool.

"Yeah, that's right ya little fag - I'm gonna tear that little ass up! And you're gonna love it, aren't ya - ya sick little fuck!!" J.T. shouted, grabbing Dylan's hip firmly with his left hand.

At that moment, J.T. leaned forward and roughly rammed the entire length of his uncut cock into Dylan's unprepared ass in one quick motion. Dylan jerked his head up and screamed, burying his face into Steve's big, beefy chest.

"Owww!! Uhhhh!! Oh, God!! Noo!! Uhhh!!" Dylan gasped, biting into Steve's pecs and trying to pull away from J.T.

Unfazed by Dylan's protests, J.T. began ravaging Dylan's butt - pounding much harder and faster than Steve had. Dylan soon began to hear the familiar loud popping sound as J.T.'s loins collided with his fleshy globes over and over again.

"Oh, fuck, yeah - this fucker's ass is hella tight!! Damn!! I haven't had anything like this since I busted that freshman's cherry last year! Uhh, uhhhh!! But she wouldn't let me pound her hard like this, that little bitch!! Hell yeah!! Uhh, uhh, uhh!! Tell me you like my big cock up your butt, faggot! Say it - tell me you like it! Beg me to fuck you harder, ya little slut! Say it, damn it!" J.T. shouted, smacking Dylan's ass repeatedly, making it red.

Dylan hated being made to submit to J.T. this way - begging for his cock. Still, Dylan had to admit that part of him liked the way J.T. was talking to him - it made it easier for him to assume his role as a jock slut. The pain Dylan had been feeling was slowly fading, and he began to enjoy the rough, beastly fuck that the lean, muscled stud was throwing him.

"Uhh, oww, uhh! Yeah!! Uhhh!! I love your hard cock inside me, J.T.! It's so good!! Uhhh!!! Fuck me harder!! Please fuck me harder!! Uhh, uhhh, uhhh!!!" Dylan moaned into Steve's chest, having no choice but to submit to J.T.'s relentless assault on his ass.

"Get back to work on my cock, pussy boy!!" Steve ordered, grabbing Dylan's head and forcing it down on his tool.

Dylan's body succumbed to lust, reveling in the way he was servicing both jocks at the same time - being told that he was better than the co-eds they usually fuck. Falling into his new identity as the little fag slut, Dylan worked them both over like a pro, giving Steve's cock the full treatment and grinding his ass back to meet J.T.'s relentless thrusts. Although Dylan was excited sexually by the football jocks' fucking his face and butt so mercilessly, he couldn't help but notice that there wasn't the faintest glimmer of love in the eyes of either J.T. or Steve - just beast-like, almost hateful lust. J.T. and Steve cared nothing about Dylan - they were thinking of nothing but their own pleasure. Dylan wondered if that was as good as it would get, as he flicked his tongue under Steve's heavy nutsack, edging closer to Steve's hole. As soon as his tongue slipped inside the virgin pucker, he felt Steve begin to slip over the edge.

"Oh, fuck!! That's so fucking good!! Uhhh!! This little cocksucker's gonna make me blow!! Open up, pussy boy, I'm gonna shoot in your mouth!! Uhhhh!!" Steve moaned, as he grabbed Dylan's head and shoved his cock down his throat.

Attempting the only kind of retaliation he could, Dylan quickly slipped his right hand under Steve's nuts and shoved a finger in his wet hole. Steve's whole body jumped, and he screamed just as he exploded in several shots of thick jock spunk, which Dylan quickly swallowed. Dylan clung to his cock and butt as Steve bounced up and down in the SUV as the force of his orgasm shot through his body. Dylan almost choked on the bitterness of his man funk, wondering why it wasn't as sweet as Jason's.

After Dylan had sucked out the last drop, Steve jerked his cock out of Dylan's mouth and leaned back in the SUV, trying to catch his breath. With his cock still inside him, J.T. pulled Dylan out of the SUV slightly and continued his rough assault on Dylan's tender ass. He grabbed onto Dylan's shoulders and pulled him up, pounding even harder than he had before, practically lifting Dylan off the ground with each powerful thrust. Dylan reached back with one hand and grabbed J.T.'s tight little butt as it flexed, pulling him closer.

"Uhh, uhh, uhh!! Yeah! Uhh!! Yeah, take my cock, faggot!! That's it - take my big cock!! Such a tight little ass, pussy boy!! Tearing it up, boy!! Uhh!! Uhh!! Uhhh!!" J.T. shouted through clenched teeth, as sweat began to drip from his chest onto Dylan's back.

Listening to J.T. taunt him that way while he assaulted his ass with his 8-inch uncut tool - as degrading as it was - was beginning to send Dylan over the edge. It was by far the roughest fuck Dylan had ever received. As J.T.'s sweat began to trickle down Dylan's back, he felt his balls beginning to tighten. Just then, J.T. suddenly ripped his cock from Dylan's hole with one hand and grabbed Dylan's head with the other, roughly turning it to face him.

"Got something for ya, faggot!! Uhh! Uhh!! Oh, yeah! Take this, ya sick fuck!! Oh, yeah! Uhhhh!!!" J.T. shouted as his cock suddenly jerked and exploded all over Dylan's face in 7 strong shots of white hot jock cum - the substantial load coating his forehead, cheeks and lips, and spilling down onto his chest.

That final humiliation caused Dylan to retreat from his climax. The lust evaporated around him and he began to see the situation for what it was - a horrible mistake. He got up and pulled himself together quickly, fearing that the drunken jocks would soon be coming to the same realization, which would undoubtedly lead to painful consequences for him. Dylan grabbed his jeans and slipped them on, using his t-shirt to wipe J.T.'s musky load from his face, as the two muscle boys started to come out of their post-orgasmic haze.

"Hey faggot!! If you breathe a word of this to anyone, we will hunt you down and rip you a new asshole!! You got that, queer?!! You stay the fuck away from us and from Jason or - I swear to Christ - we will end you!!" J.T. shouted, as Dylan raced toward his car.

Dylan shot out of the parking lot at a high speed, his thoughts a blur as he tried to analyze all that had just happened. He struggled to sort out his emotions and questioned his feelings, which had, admittedly, been tainted by lust. He had just serviced two of the hottest jocks at Campden College at the same time, so he thought he should be ecstatic - having fulfilled an incredible fantasy. Still, if the sex with the jocks had been so hot, Dylan wondered why he felt so empty inside. Was it their roughness - the way they treated him? Dylan knew that despite their initial aggression toward him, the guys hadn't forced him to do anything. Dylan wanted to suck the guys off - he wanted them to fuck him - hard and rough. If that were true, he wondered why he felt so incredibly violated - wounded not physically, but emotionally. He realized it was because the jocks cared nothing for him. To them, he was just an object - a thing that could get them off. The experience was missing the love he felt when he was with Jason - the compassion he saw in Jason's eyes. But, if Jason's love was all in Dylan's head to begin with, then his experience with Steve and J.T. wasn't really missing anything. Love was the fantasy all along, and being a jock slut was the best he could hope for.

At nearly 1.00am, Dylan pulled up to his house and parked his car, then trudged up to the backdoor, mentally and emotionally defeated, his world obliterated. He was on such a low that he was barely surprised when he found his parents waiting for him in the kitchen - he just assumed it was the natural progression of his downward spiral. Having been stripped of all defenses, with no energy to continue his charade any longer, he confessed to his parents that he was gay, and that he had been meeting other guys all of those times he said he had been with "Sydney."

Dylan's parents said nothing at all to him in response; they just stared at him in shock, then quietly left the room - but the disappointment in their eyes told Dylan all he needed to know. It hurt more than all of the torment he had faced up to that moment combined. If even his own family was appalled and disgusted by his true identity, he really was alone. Dylan dragged himself upstairs and crawled into bed, burying his face in his pillow as the tears began to sting his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he cried - not even after the locker room scandal in 10th grade - but that night he lost all control and sobbed for hours until he finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Dylan struggled with the painful reality that had been so mercilessly forced upon him. His sense of self had been destroyed - his dreams of realizing true love completely shattered. Surrounded by darkness - so completely alone - Dylan began to feel the cold temptation to end his suffering altogether. Many in his place would have just given up; many would have accepted defeat and succumbed to the darkness, but Dylan was far more resilient than most. He resisted that temptation - having faith that he would somehow rise from the ashes of his devastation and reconstruct his shattered identity. He searched within himself for the strength to move on - without Jason. The first step in his rehabilitation was to bury the ghosts of his past: Jason would have to be erased from his life.

As the days passed by, Dylan avoided Jason at all costs. He went to the library on Campden's campus only when absolutely necessary for his school work and only at times when he knew Jason would be at football practice. Even though he knew it was a hindrance to his healing, Dylan tortured himself by checking their secret book in the library each day he went, finding a new coded message each time. He deciphered the messages using the last key word Jason had given him, "phoenix," but left each one in the book and didn't meet him. Dylan couldn't bear to face him - both because he was crushed that Jason had just been using him, and because he was ashamed of what he had done with J.T. and Steve. As hot as the sex was, Dylan just couldn't be with Jason in that way anymore - it would just be a painful reminder of all that he had lost. The last message Dylan decoded was Jason's mobile number and the words "Please call me." Dylan struggled with himself, but ultimately left the message in the book, deciding never to check the book again.

In mid-December, a day before winter break, Dylan was working at the library around 4.00pm - knowing that Jason was at practice during that time. He was trying to complete the research on a term paper for his English class that was due the next week. Intently focused on his work, he didn't notice Jason walk in until he was standing in front of him - right at the same library table where Dylan first saw him earlier that semester. He must have skipped football practice that afternoon. Jason was wearing a pair of khakis and a tight, light blue sweater that played off of his eyes beautifully. Dylan had been forcing himself to hate Jason - to demonize him - which was difficult enough while he was avoiding him. Seeing Jason at the moment, Dylan knew that could never really hate him.

"Dylan! What is going on with you, man? Where have you been? Why didn't you call me? Didn't you get my message?" Jason asked sternly.

Dylan was stunned that Jason was being so bold - approaching him in public like that - causing a scene. Dylan thought he must be really desperate to risk being overheard. Dylan struggled not to lose himself in Jason's big blue eyes, and tried to keep his true feelings safely hidden.

"Oh, sorry. I've just been busy - you know," Dylan responded coldly.

"Busy?! What the fuck? Dylan, come here - we need to talk," Jason said, grabbing a shocked Dylan by the arm and pulling him to his feet.

Having no other choice, Dylan allowed Jason to drag him to the back staircase and up to the 4th floor. Jason then took him to the restroom near the back wall where their operation had begun three months ago.

"Alright, Dylan - what the fuck is going on? It's been, like, two weeks, man! I've left a bunch of messages and you never showed up for a single meet! I left a message to call me and you didn't! Are you avoiding me? What the hell is wrong?" Jason asked, in a strong but pleading tone.

"Look, dude, I've just been busy - that's all. I can't be at your beck and call all the time. Why don't you just get one of your other sluts to take care of you?" Dylan responded, repressing the tears he could feel welling up inside him.

"What?!?! What the hell are you talking about? Other sluts?!?!" Jason asked, grabbing Dylan's arm.

"Come on, Jason - I'm not stupid. I know you've got hundreds of chicks - and probably a few guys - all lined up to spread their legs for you whenever you want it. To be honest, I'm not really interested in being part of the line-up anymore. Why don't you just call Anna - she seems like a girl who knows how to take care of things," Dylan said, smirking and rolling his eyes as he pulled away from Jason.

"Dylan, man ... God, you know it's not like that!" Jason responded, putting his hand on Dylan's shoulder.

"Oh, so you haven't been fucking chicks while we were fucking?" Dylan shot back, pulling away from Jason again.

"Okay, Dylan ... alright ... yeah, I guess I have been screwing a lot of girls since we've been getting together, but that's the thing - it was like I was looking for something ... I don't know what ... but I couldn't find it. When I hooked up with those chicks ... I ... it's weird ... I can't get off with them anymore - I just can't cum. I've had to fake it, dude - how fucked up is that?? I always have to be sure they don't see the condom after. I slept with Anna because ... I don't know ... I thought I just needed someone more experienced - someone older. But that didn't work either - I fucked her for hours and couldn't get off. I just ... hey, wait a minute - how the hell did you know about her?" Jason asked curiously, staring into Dylan's eyes, which had begun to glass over.

"Steve and J.T. told me," Dylan responded, blinking back the tears and staring at the floor.

"WHAT?!?!? You mean you talked to them??! What???" Jason asked in an exasperated voice, putting his hands on Dylan's shoulders.

"Oh God, Jason, they know about us - they know! I'm so sorry," Dylan sighed, turning away and grabbing the counter of the sink.

Dylan completely lost all composure. He began sobbing and apologizing to Jason - telling him that there was nothing he could do to stop them. Dylan told Jason how Steve and J.T. - both totally smashed - had confronted him that Tuesday night two weeks ago in the parking lot behind his dorm hall. Dylan recounted how Steve told him that he had seen them in the high school football locker room after the game the Friday before - that they knew he was Jason's cocksucker. Dylan then, reluctantly and shamefully, related how they had demanded that he suck them both off - how they had fucked him in the back of Steve's SUV. Still sobbing, Dylan told Jason he was sorry for ruining his life and that he would stay as far away from him as he could.

Jason put his arms around Dylan and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. Jason then kissed Dylan's forehead, and tried to wipe the tears from his face with his thumbs.

"Dylan, man, you have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should be apologizing to you! God damn them - those fuckers!! I can't believe my fucking "friends" did this to you!! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Jason asked compassionately, stroking Dylan's cheek.

"No - I'm fine. At first I thought they were gonna kick my ass, but they were just drunk and horny. And as for the sex, they didn't rape me or anything. I, uh ... I wanted it to happen ... because ... I don't know, Jason. I was just so hurt ... because ... oh, Jason, I'm in love with you. I've wanted to tell you that for so long, I just didn't know how, and I didn't know if you felt the same way. I was convinced that we had this connection - this bond - and it was just torturing me inside wondering if what we had was more than just sex. I had planned to talk to you that Tuesday night, but then the whole mess happened with Steve and J.T. They told me you were just using me, and that I was kidding myself if I thought you felt anything else for me, and it just killed me to hear that. I guess I thought that I could never have anything more ... be anything other than someone's whore," Dylan sobbed, burying his head in Jason's chest.

"Dylan, God ... man ... I ... jeez, I was never using you, man! Don't think that - please don't think that. I mean, it was weird at first ... you know. I was so confused. I still am confused. But when I'm with you ... it's just different - something I haven't felt before. And I'm scared ... you know ... I just don't know what to make of everything right now. I was so caught up in my life on campus, being on the football team, hanging with the guys and all that shit. I didn't want to screw that up - I was so fucking paranoid. But now ... I don't know ... I just don't care about any of that anymore. Dylan ... I ..." Jason whispered, struggling for the words.

Dylan lifted his tear-streaked face from Jason's chest and looked deeply into his incredible eyes. Dylan could tell that Jason was trying to say something, but the words seemed locked away inside him.

"Dylan - I have to go take care of something. Please don't take off yet - just stay here in the library. I'll be back soon. Will you do that for me? Please?" Jason begged, stroking Dylan's cheek.

"Ok - I'll be here. But my parents are all over me about getting home early because ... well ... it's a long story. I'll stay as long as I can," Dylan responded.

"Cool - I'll be back soon, Dylan. I promise," Jason said as he squeezed Dylan's shoulder, then turned towards the restroom door.

After Jason left, Dylan spent a few more minutes in the restroom cleaning himself up a bit before he returned to his work. He was so emotionally raw that he didn't know what to feel or what to think - or if any of what had just happened was real. Jason had been so amazingly great about the whole horrible disaster - not at all the reaction Dylan was expecting. Dylan honestly expected Jason to run away once he had confessed that he was in love with him, but he didn't even flinch - as if it wasn't news to him. It felt so good to be in Jason's arms again - to be comforted by his warmth - but Dylan still harbored reservations. He didn't know if he was projecting or whether Jason was really reaching out to him. He couldn't bear to be hurt again by misinterpreting Jason's intentions.

Dylan waited in the library, with tortured anxiety, until 9.00pm, with still no sign of Jason. Because it was the last day of final exams, the library was closing early, so Dylan had to leave. Dylan walked out to his car, thinking once more that he had expected too much from his jock god. As he opened his car door, Jason suddenly pulled up beside him in his BMW - right where they had their first encounter months ago.

"Dylan - thank God you're still here! Come on, get in," Jason shouted through the open window.

Dylan excitedly rushed around to the passenger side of Jason car, opened the door, and slipped into the seat.

"Jesus Christ, Jason! What the hell happened?" Dylan asked, pointing to the small scrape on the side of his beautiful face.

Jason began to relay the details of the past few hours, as Dylan listened with mouth agape. After leaving Dylan in the library restroom, Jason had immediately tracked down Steve and J.T. and confronted them head on about the threats they made to Dylan - the horrible things they had done to him. He had ordered them to stay away from Dylan or suffer the consequences. Steve and J.T. had felt irrationally threatened by Jason's knowledge of their indiscretions in the parking lot, and things quickly turned physical. They foolishly lashed out at Jason, who wasted no time in asserting his dominance. The alpha male had easily overpowered both of them: he broke J.T.'s wrist and gave Steve a black eye and a busted lip, managing to escape with just that small scratch on his face. Jason then told Dylan that he had made the decision to quit the football team - not just because of his fight with the guys, but because it was just not what he wanted anymore. He no longer wanted to live that identity.

"Jason, God - this is all my fault. You would have never had to deal with this shit if it weren't for me. You would still be on the team, you'd still be friends with the guys ... Fuck! I'm so sorry .. I..." Dylan said, before Jason interrupted him.

"Will you shut up with the apologies and listen to me, please? Dylan, you need to understand, this has all been for the best. I can see now that I was never really happy living that life anyway. Because I'm an athlete - the fucking "star quarterback," or whatever - everyone has always expected me to be some God-damned golden boy - the perfect jock who follows all the rules and projects the image of what a real man is supposed to be, but that's just not who I am. For so long, I thought I had to live up to this ideal - this identity of a straight, man's man - that I was afraid to be anything else; but that's all a bunch of shit. I'm so tired of codes and secrecy and having to pretend I'm something I'm not, all the while hiding who I really am. I'm not afraid anymore, Dylan. Look, this was the message I was going to put in our book today," Jason said, pulling out a folded slip of paper and handing it to Dylan.

Dylan unfolded the paper and studied the series of letters written on it:


"What's the code key?" Dylan asked, confused by the sequence, which wasn't like the messages Jason had used before.

"Just reverse the letters," Jason instructed, watching Dylan's eyes scan the letters backwards.


Dylan's heart leapt and his face beamed with the biggest smile of his life. Was Dylan reading the message correctly? Did Jason really mean that? Dylan looked over at Jason, who was also smiling, and he watched a tear trickle from each of his crystal blue eyes. Jason grabbed Dylan's hand and held it tightly.

"I shouldn't have to use a fucking code to say that to you, but that's what I've been fighting with all this time. I've never met anyone like you, Dylan. I never thought I could connect with someone on such a deep level. I know things were weird with us at first - I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, man. I guess it was just a defense mechanism, because I was afraid to let myself care. I just didn't understand the feelings I was having when I was with you, so I tried to ignore them at first - I told myself it was just sex. But what I feel for you is so much more than just sex, Dylan. I've felt that way for a while now - ever since we spent the two nights together at the beach. The whole time I was with Kelly, this hot girl who would have easily given it up to me, all I could think about was being with you. That scared me so much, because the world teaches us that it's wrong to be gay - that it's the worst thing you can be - and I didn't think I could handle being that. But now I realize what's really important: I want to be with you, Dylan. I love you. Screw the world and what everybody else thinks. I'll do anything to be with you, Dylan. Can you ever forgive me?" Jason asked, squeezing Dylan's hand as a few more tears slipped from his eyes.

Tears sprang from Dylan's eyes as Jason shared his true self with him. Dylan knew then that he should have trusted his instincts - he should have had faith in the bond between them. The connection he felt to Jason - that precious intimacy - was real all along. It wasn't just a misguided fantasy. The love he had for his jock god was mutual, and Dylan's soul rejoiced at the blissful realization.

"Jason, oh my God, man. You know I love you. I have always loved you. When I first saw you in the library at the beginning of the semester, I thought you were the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. Then, being with you and seeing inside you - seeing the kind of guy you are - I realized that you are the most beautiful person I have ever known. Of course I forgive you. You're everything I want - I'll do anything for you, Jason," Dylan sobbed, as he put his hand on Jason's strong shoulder.

Jason stroked the side of Dylan's cheek, wiping away the tears. Jason then leaned over and brought his full lips to Dylan's, kissing him deeply and passionately. Jason's hands explored Dylan's upper body with tenderness as their tongues connected, sending currents of electricity through their veins. The barriers that separated them had been lifted, and their mutual love filled the car with a brilliant radiance. The sexual energy surging between the two boys transcended pure lust, and blossomed into the sublime ecstasy that can only be reached through a unique and powerful communion of souls. Jason and Dylan each felt their manhood pulse and swell at the same time - urging them to consummate their newfound bond.

"God, Dylan - you don't know how much I've wanted to be with you again. Steve is up in the dorm room packing his stuff - he's moving to another dorm tomorrow. But I can't wait that long, man. I want you right now, Dylan - right here. Can we?" Jason pleaded, his hand massaging Dylan's stiff package through his jeans.

"Oh, God yeah, Jason. I love you so much. I don't even care if we get caught! I need to be with you right now," Dylan moaned, as his hands roamed under Jason's shirt, caressing his warm, taut skin and longing to feel it against his own.

Jason and Dylan quickly pulled off their clothes, and in seconds their naked bodies were exposed beneath the dim streetlight above. They kissed passionately as the windows of the car soon clouded over - the fire between them growing stronger. Their cocks throbbed between their warm bodies and soon began leaking streams of nut nectar, which drizzled across their legs as they moved against each other. Dylan leaned down and took Jason's thickness into his mouth, sucking gently and savoring the sweet male essence on his tongue. At the same time, Jason leaned over and managed to find Dylan's quivering pucker with his warm tongue as he kneaded the firm, round globes of his cheeks with his hands. Both boys relished in the intense, indescribable pleasure they brought each other as they shared their most intimate regions. Dylan took Jason's entire 9 inches down his throat effortlessly as Jason hungrily explored Dylan's tight chute with his tongue - preparing each other for the ultimate union that would soon follow.

Moments later, Jason pulled Dylan up and kissed him deeply, as he reached down and pulled the handle beside him to recline his seat. Without breaking the kiss, Dylan slid his leg across Jason and straddled his narrow waist, holding onto his biceps tightly. Jason's massive tool slipped up along Dylan's crack, brushing against the clenched sphincter and smearing it with ample precum.

"I want you so bad, Dylan. God, I want you," Jason moaned, massaging the muscled cheeks of Dylan's hot bubble butt and thrusting his hips upward.

"I want you, too, Jason. Make love to me," Dylan moaned, flexing the globes of his ass as Jason's cock slid between them.

Dylan arched his ass and helped Jason's cockhead find its way to Dylan's quivering pucker. With Jason's hand on his cheek, staring deeply into his eyes, Dylan saw in Jason the love that was absent from Steve and J.T.'s. Jason mouthed the three words Dylan longed to hear for months, just before he thrust upward slowly but forcefully, causing the head of his tool to pierce Dylan's rosebud and slide inside. As Jason began to fill him up, inch by inch, Dylan felt no pain - only burning pleasure. Dylan slipped his arms under Jason's shoulders and held on tightly, soon feeling Jason's full massiveness completely inside him. Dylan recalled that wonderful night three months ago - in that very same place - when he first pleasured his perfect jock idol. His dream of Jason returning that intense pleasure had finally come true.

Jason brought his lips to Dylan's as he slowly slid his cock all the way out then all the way back in, with loving, gentle thrusts. Dylan locked his legs around Jason's thighs and met each thrust in beautiful rhythm. The passion between them ignited, as their perspiration blended together on their hot bodies. Their tongues explored each others' mouths deeply, causing their body heat to intensify - their muscles practically steaming. It was without a doubt the best sex that either one of them had ever had up to that point.

Jason and Dylan made love that way, slowly and deeply, for over 30 minutes, trying to make the moment last as long as possible - their lips never once breaking the seal of their sweet kiss. Finally, the experience overwhelmed them both and they began to spin past that blissful point of no return. Just as Dylan began to feel his balls churning and boiling over, Jason's body tensed up, and his thick cock expanded deep inside Dylan's chute. Jason pulled his lips from Dylan's and stared into his eyes, as a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his cheek.

"Oh, Dylan! I'm gonna cum, baby! I'm gonna cum! Uhh, uhh, uhhh!" Jason moaned, as he gasped for air, his hands firmly cupping Dylan's ass as he continued to thrust his hot cock inside.

"Oh, God, Jason!! I'm gonna cum, too!! Oh, God, I'm cumming!! Uhh! Uhhh! Oh, Jason!!!" Dylan moaned, as he squeezed the muscles in Jason's shoulders tightly.

Jason and Dylan stared into each other's eyes and watched the flames explode as powerful orgasms surged through their sweaty, undulating bodies - their faces contorted in the sweet agony of desire. Grating against Jason's abs, Dylan's cock suddenly spewed forth a torrent of hot boy juice between their heaving chests. At the same instant, Jason's own massiveness throbbed and pulsed deep inside Dylan's spasming chute - erupting in shot after shot of searing hot cum, washing Dylan in warmth to the very core.

As Jason slowly began to catch his breath, he smiled and reached up to stroke the side of Dylan's head as it lay buried in his heaving chest. He then brought his lips to Dylan's and the two shared a sweet, salty kiss. Still joined as one, Jason broke the kiss and looked into Dylan's eyes and smiled.

"Dylan - I love you," Jason whispered, as his eyes began to well up.

Dylan's personal mission was finally complete. Jason was his hero in every way, and Dylan now knew in his heart that, in the same way, he was Jason's. Finding each other, and taking that long journey to know each other, had also enabled each boy to find himself. Once they peeled away their false aliases and embraced their true selves, they were finally able to realize ultimate happiness. All of the hardships Dylan had faced to get to where he was at that moment suddenly made sense. Truth had involved seeking identity - surpassing numerous obstacles that threatened his enlightenment, even numbing doubt. Dylan was once told that truth takes time; now that it had been revealed to him, he felt it was well worth the wait.

"Jason - I love you, too," Dylan whispered softly to his jock god, his ultimate fantasy, his true love.

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