Operation Queer Bait

By Dae Cha

Published on Mar 6, 2001


Apparently I had passed my first test with flying colors. Jake called me on Monday while I was working and told me, among other things, that the pictures and recording had provided all the evidence necessary to convince the guy there was no need to fight the disciplinary action. He was on his way back to the States to be processed out. I didn't ask for more information and Jake didn't volunteer any. I suppose I should have felt good about what I did, but I was numbed by the realization that a life had been changed forever by what I had helped them do. On the other hand, I remembered the pictures. Everytime I felt depressed, or questioned what I had done, I just remembered the pictures and it was all put in perspective for me again.

But what Jake had really wanted to talk to me about was the mention of two sailors who the Air Force guy knew. And Ishikawa beach. He had clearance to run another operation', as he called it, and he wanted me to be available for it. The guy I had helped him and Sgt Anderson finger' had given up a little more information on them, enough for Jake to ID them from among the hundred or so sailors stationed at Torii.

From his network of informers, he had determined that they did indeed visit the Ishikawa Beach Hotel, a Japanese style hotel that was a popular place for GI s to take bar girls to for weekend `longtime'. These two were coy, they went there only during the week, when they had 72 hours off, and they only went when the fleet was out, assuring an almost empty place. And by going in the middle to end of our 2 week pay period reduced the odds of someone else being there even more. Yes, they sounded like they knew how to cover their tracks.

Jake and I met Tuesday night at a bar in Kadena Circle where he outlined as much of the plan as he wanted me to know. In truth, it was most of the plan. It had to be since I was the centerpiece of his strategy to catch these two.

"Here are pictures of them" he said, sliding two official ID photos across the table. We sat drinking beer and Jake continued. "You know em?"

"No..can't say I do. I've seen the tall one around the barracks, I think he's on the floor above me." He was tall, at least 6 feet, with a full head of blonde hair. He was thin, again with the features of someone who didn't know hard work. His face was, well if not handsome, at least attractive. I wondered just how `experienced' he was. The other was shorter, with black hair cut short, and stocky. He looked like he could have been a football player. Not your average, to me at least, looking homo. I had a lot to learn.

"Well, they've got rooms, two of them, reserved at the IB Hotel beginning Thursday morning. They've got a mid Wednesday night, so my guess is that they'll be up there as soon after 0700 as possible. I've got two rooms reserved, right beside each other. I've only got equipment for one room, so you'll have to get them to your room somehow.

"A cooler of beer might help" I suggested.

"Sure. Now your story is that you've just got your transfer to admin and you don't report til Monday. Admin works Monday to Friday and they don't start a new guy in the middle of the week. We'll get you up there Wednesday night so we can get the camera and audio equipment set up and checked out. Then you've go Thursday and Friday to ....to, well to make things happen."

"Jake, I ... I mean...the zoomie was simple. But...I mean, I've never picked up anyone. I mean, I'm not experienced. At that. I just don't know" I really did have serious doubts about this. I wasn't sure of myself and my ability to attract these two. I just didn't know.

"Look, you'll be fine. These guys will probably hit on you, so you've got nothing to worry about. You'll be fine. Besides.....you've got no fucking choice now, do you?" That was true. No matter what I thought, or how worried I was, I had no choice. And Jake was going to run this operation no matter what.

"How will I get the time off?" I asked, stupidly. It was a stupid question because the ONI pulled all the strings around here.

"I'll take care of that. The right people will be told that you're going to be helping us for a while and to keep it secret. Don't worry, we've got the pull."

So it was to be. On Wednesday I knocked off at my usual 1630 and told the Admin chief that I was supposed to be off til Monday. He acknowledged that without any comment, so I came to know that the ONI did have the pull as Jake had said. I would learn, later, that they had more pull than anyone suspected.

On Jake's instructions I took a cab to the Ishikawa Beach Hotel. I checked in and made an immediate visit to the bar, where I sat drinking til well past midnight. I only noticed one couple in the bar, an obvious officer, Marine I would suspect from the high and tight haircut, and his Okinawan bar girl date. Other than the three of us the place was empty.

I resisted the drunken urge to jerk off, knowing Jake was on the other side of the paper thin wall between our rooms. Luckily for me I was drunk enough to pass out.

Thursday morning began with a knock at my door. It was Jake who wanted to make sure I was up in time for what would be a full day. I knew I had my work cut out for me. I was still unsure if I would be able to pull this off, but after last night's drinking, I was in the mood to try.

I was out on the beach by 0800. It was going to be another hot day, and the warm sun on my body brought me alive. After a dip in the ocean, I spread out on one of the many beach lounges and settled into trying to read a magazine. There was no one else on the beach. In fact, I think there was only one couple in the place besides me.

By 0930 I caught sight of two guys coming from the hotel, beach towels in hand as they took up position at the opposite end of the row from me. From a distance I recognized them as the two in the pictures Jake had shown me. Well, time to go to work.

I made my way past them, trying not to look, and entered the beach toilet on the right side of the hotel. I waited inside for a few minutes before giving up and going back to my lounger. I walked behind them this time, and thought I caught the tall one stealing a glance at me. Settling back, I watched them out of the corner of my eye as I pretended to ingross myself in the magazine. Nothing much happened for another hour as the three of us were the only ones on the beach. Another fruitless visit to the toilets, but I did notice them watching me as I strode back and forth in front of them.

`Are they ever going to make a move?' I thought to myself as I started thru the magazine for the fourth time.

By noon I was ready to admit defeat. One more trip to the toilet and I was going back to my room in the hopes another opportunity would develop. I was at the end of ideas. Japanese toilets are so unlike American ones. First, the are unisex. If that's not unnerving enough, there's also no partitions. No urinals. Just ` porcelain slit trenches' as we called them, porcelain around a slot in the floor. Peeing in them wasn't a problem - for guys - but trying to do a number two required the balance of a gymnist. Fortunately I was attempting to pee when he walked in and took a spot two down from me to do the same thing.

Now, as I said before, I had absolutely no experience `picking up' guys. All my action along those lines had been while I was drunk and I'm sure the passes I made were quite comical. Now I was faced with the challenge of actually making a sexual advance to someone.

I figured the first thing to do was acknowledge his presence, which I did with a sideways glance. It was the taller of the two, the blonde. He was standing over the toilet, dick in hand, and he shocked me by returning my stare. While I hadn't done this before, thankfully the rest came a bit easier as my starring telegraphed my intentions. He moved his hand slowly down the length of his penis and I got a better view of what appeared to be about 6 semi hard inches. Well, no doubt what he was here for. As my eyes zeroed in on his hand and cock, he continued to stroke it slowly, almost seductively. Oh well, Jake had said these guys would probably make a pass at me and I guessed this was just what he was doing. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself moving toward him my eyes still locked on his manhood. He continued to stroke himself until I got right beside him. He moved his hand away now, exposing the entire cock to me and, instinctively, I moved my left hand to him and wrapped my fingers around the circumference of it. He shuttered as I began to lightly stroke the length of it.

As inexperienced as I was, I knew the next logical thing to do as I bent at the waist and brought my open mouth down on the head, swirling my tongue around it as I sucked it in.

"Ummmmmmmmm" he murmured as a bobbed up and down on the end of his cock, taking a little more each time until I had him halfway inside. At this angle I knew I couldn't deepthroat it, so I sank to my knees on the cold concrete floor as he turned to give me access.

"No..not here. Too dangerous" he said as he pulled out of my mouth with a plop. "Come on outside...." and with that he pulled up his trunks and made for the door. Quickly pulling my trunks up I followed him outside onto the beach as he continued back to his lounger.

"Here" he continued, pulling a lounger up beside his "join us." I took the lounger to left, his friend being on his right.

"Thanks" I replied and flopped down on it.

"That was some bold move you made" he said.

"Well, you looked like you would be receptive. And then...well, nature just took it's course."

"I'll say." He introduced himself as Larry and his friend as Bobby. Then he whispered something to Bobby and they both smiled at me in a knowing way.

"You look familiar. Where are you stationed." When I told him both he and Bobby recalled seeing me around the barracks, and I faked having seen them too. We chatted for a while, catching up on shifts and my move to admin and things like that before he got to the meat of the matter.

"Where did you learn to give head like that?"

"Oh..you know, around. I mean, high school and here some."


"Yeah, but not so much here. I mean I can't seem to find the right....you know, guy."

"Yeah" he replied "it's hard to find the right crowd for that here. You have to watch your back, you know?"

"No" I lied "I don't know what you mean. I mean, I know you have to watch out, but what...I mean..." I stammered in apparent confusion. I was playing the part now and it seemed to be working.

"Well, let me put it this way" he said in a low tone, looking around to make sure no one heard "this island's not a very queer friendly place if you know what I mean." I knew exactly what he meant.

"Uh..yeah" I said "I think I know what you mean."

"Uh..look, how bout we go to my room for some..ah...lunch" he said with a wry smile.

"OK" I replied "or we could go to mine, I have some beer."

"Ah, well, maybe later. Let's go to mine now." And with that he and Bobby were both up. I rose and followed them to Larry's room one the second floor of the building. His room was on the extreme right hand end, some five or six rooms down from mine. Jake was right, there was no way to film anything unless I could get them in my room. I would have to work on that, but for now I was looking forward to this, wherever we did it. The slight taste I had of Larry's penis had set my imagination to work, and I was hard at the thought of doing it again.

Larry's room was the same as mine, a single tatami mat on a raised platform.

The floor was bare wood and the room was sparsely furnished, something I would later come to realize as typical Japanese.

Lunch turned out to be penis, as Larry had me resume the blowjob I had started in the toilet. He stood as I knelt in front of him and took his rock hard member in my mouth. Bobby was slipping out of his bathing suit as I pulled Larry's down to his ankles. While he raised his feet and kicked them free, I felt Bobby pulling mine down. I was too focused on the penis in my mouth to think about anything else, and in that instant I forgot all about Jake and the cameras waiting for us in the room next to mine.

I simply went on autopilot, swept away in the sheer passion of sucking cock.

It would be like everytime before, I literally blacked out with excitement, my mind intent on nothing else but the pleasure I was receiving from the pleasure I gave.

Bobby watched as I bobbed up and down on Larry's rigid cock, taking him deep in my throat before drawing back and holding just the head between my lips. My right hand was massaging his ballsac now, and I brought my left up to steady the shaft as I withdrew to the edge again. Larry's cock glistened with my saliva as my mouth strained to produce all the lubricant it could.

As I opened my eyes to take in the beauty of Larry's pubic hair I caught sight of Bobby's face coming closer, his tongue outstretched until it lapped at the base of Larry's cock.

I moved away and let him take the cockhead into his mouth, dipping down to lick the balls that hung below.

I took first one, and then the other in my mouth as we worked in unison to pleasure Larry. Turning slightly, I ran my tongue along the underneath side of the sack towards Larrys ass. He shuttered with delight as our two tongues worked him over.

Sucking cock came so natural to me that I couldn't think of anything I wanted more. As Bobby's mouth moved off, I took the wet, hard cock in my mouth again. The wamth of Bobby's mouth made me catch my breath as he took my penis inside, his tongue working magic on the sensitive skin beneath the head. We were working in harmony now, the three of us locked in a passionate dance of depraved lust.

Larry was pulling away now, moving down to lie on the floor. He pulled me down to him and my mouth found his in a hot wet kiss. I had never kissed a boy before, nor had I taken a boys tongue in my mouth, and the rush of it all enveloped me as Bobby continued to deep throat my cock in his moist mouth.

Larry was pushing my head lower now, guiding me to his hard, hot pole which I took all the way down as he repositioned himself to put his head at Bobby's crotch. And in one fluid movement we were in a hot three way, Larry's cock in my mouth, mine in Bobby's and Bobby's cock buried in Larry. We lay in what had to be the most natural of all positions for cocksuckers, a daisy chain, slurping and sucking each other and moaning in pleasure. I was sure that there was nothing to compare with this in the whole wide world.

Larry spread his legs wide and I took the hint to lavish my oral attention, once again, on his ballsac. It was harder, firmer now as the jism filled it out. I ran my tongue down it and into the area between his ballsac and his ass hole, taking in the powerful manly aroma of it. Dipping further, my outstretched tongue played across the warm browness of the lips of his hole. It was puckered tight, but my tongue wet it with every lap until I felt it gap slightly, yielding to the insistent pressure until just the tip of my tongue made it a fraction of an inch inside. He smelled heavenly. True man smell as my taste buds came alive to the slightly acrid taste of man hole. For the first time in my life I was going to suck ass, and my lips formed an `O' over his ass lips as my tongue sank deeper inside the browness that was Larry's essence. He squirmed as my tongue continued to probe the ever loosening pucker. It seemed so natural for me to be doing this, and any thoughts I had about it being disgusted were forgotten at that very moment, never to be brought up again. It was just another step in my education, just another experience I would come to remember as the first time. Another cherrie popped, as it were.

The action heated up now as we strained to relieve ourselves of the pent up passion and lust that had been repressed since, gee for me it was a week, I didn't know how long for Larry and Bobby. We were all three back sucking cock, and sucking hard as we worked on each other. I could feel Bobby's mouth suctioning like vacumn cleaner now as he hollowed out his cheeks. We were all making sucking and slurping sounds as we worked.

I was first, as the tightness in my ball sac gave way to the slight numbness along my shaft which signalled all loss of control. The creamy white liquid that had formed in my balls was cursing along my penis in no time, not to be held back by anything as it jetted out the tip and into Bobby's waiting mouth. He was good. He gobbled my hot load down without missing a beat or a drop as I filled his mouth again and again. I had never shot so much, but then again I had never had someone suck my cock while I sucked someone elses. It seemed to be day of firsts for me.

As I continued to shoot my load in Bobby's mouth, Larry began shooting in mine, flooding my mouth and tongue with the strong, hot, white liquid. It felt wonderful as it spurted from his cock, across my tongue, and splashed against the back of my throat. I trapped it there, letting it flood my mouth before swallowing it and taking more. Larry shot and shot and shot, I didn't think he would ever stop. I could smell the strong aroma of his jism even as I was swallowing it, and that smell drove me to deep throat him, letting the final spurts of his orgasm shot directly down my throat. I held his cock head there and used my throat muscles to gently massage and drain him of all his load.

I don't know when Bobby shot in Larry's mouth, but from his moaning it must have been soon after Larry gave me his jism.

We lay in that position, mouth to cock, to mouth, to cock, for what seemed like eternity, gently sucking each other's cocks. Not to arouse but to relax. I think Bobby and Larry and I had the same thoughts in our mind then, I just didn't want to take my mouth off Larry's cock. It felt so natural to have it there.

"Wow" Larry finally said as he let Bobby's penis drop from his mouth "that was something, huh?"

"No shit" Bobby replied.

"Yeah" I sighed, and hugged Larry's legs to my face.

"Whew. I've got to get some Z's" Bobby said.

"Yeah, me too. We've just come off a mid you know"

"Oh, well I'm going back to my room and shower. Why don't you guys stop by, I've got a cooler of Orion on ice."

"Great" Larry said "why don't we party in your room tonight?"

"Great" I exclaimed as my mind went back to Jake, waiting in the other room. I'm sure he was going to be mad as hell.

But to tell the truth - I didn't care. Jake would get what he wanted. Later tonight we would put on a show for his camera that he would never forget.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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