Osaka Gang

By bjjl

Published on Jan 4, 2023


Osaka Gangs (Thanks to my friend Suko for your Yaoi Manga)

At any given time there are approximately thirty to forty gangs in and around the Osaka region. Many are youth gangs that operate in smaller regions and on the outskirts of Osaka itself. This story is is about a powerful gang called "The Hara"

This gang is controlled by two senior Yakuza members, Tanaka and Hisao. Tanaka had two sons, Isamu, who now was sixteen and Daiki who was fourteen

Isamu received a lot of privileges from others because of his father and who he was. Most of the boys wanted to be around him because of the status it gave them. Isamu was not a poor student he was quite intelligent and didn't have much difficulty with the studies. However, as he grew older he became more arrogant and dominant like his father. It was nothing new for Isamu to watch as his father and the other members of the gang persuaded people to see things their way.

Isamu and Daiki could remember at a young age watching their father have men stripped and raped as a form of humiliation and disgrace. They saw them stripped, tied to poles, hung upside down, whipped and sexually abused into submission. Isamu was beginning to feel that power as he grew older. His brother Daiki was still a bit young but eager to follow in his big brothers footsteps.

Things were great at the private school for Isamu until a new teacher arrived, Mr. Nakamura. He was a distinguished middle aged man with fifteen years of teaching experience. He dressed very neatly his appearance, perfect cut hair clean shaved except for a perfect trimmed mustache. He was hired as vice principal of the private school and would be teaching math and history to the students.

Isamu was impressed and infatuated with this handsome older teacher in fact he found him very attractive. Sometimes in class Isamu would find himself fantasizing about Mr. Nakamura. Isamu would be naked in the shower with Nakamura. He would fondle Mr. Nakamura's genitals, feeling up and down the crack of his ass and making him hard. Then Isamu would make him kneel and force him to suck his hard cock.

"ISAMU!" His day dream was shattered by the loud voice.

Mr. Nakamura was staring down at him. "Am I boring you? I can always send you to detention!"

Isamu regained his composure, sat up straight and folded his hands. Mr. Nakamura continued with his lesson but soon noticed Isamu talking to a friend of his. Hr quickly went to his desk, wrote out a detention pass and handed it to Isamu.

"Here! Take this to detention and stay there for your next two classes. You will have to study hard to make up the time you lost in class!"

Isamu sat silently in detention staring at his history book. His mind was not on his book but rather on Mr. Nakamura. In this fantasy he had Mr. Nakamura tied over a desk. His naked ass shaking and squirming as Isamu whipped him over and over. This time the bell snapped him back to reality.

The next day in class, Mr. Nakamura made Isamu stand up in front of the whole class and read the lesson out loud. Mr. Nakamura would correct him each and every time he made a mistake.

"That is wrong, Isamu!" He would snap. "The correct date was 1564. You see students what happens when you don't study."

He would do this each time, embarrassing Isamu in front of his friends.

That day on his way home he began to contemplate his revenge. It was the same as if Nakamura had came out and slapped him across the face in front of his friends. When he got home he had a talk with his father, Tanaka.

"There is this new teacher, Mr. Nakamura. He has it in for me! Because I am too popular and influential with the other students. So now he has to shame me in front of my friends. He makes me out to be stupid so the others won't follow me. I fear he'll fail me in my studies next."

His story was very convincing because Tanaka took immediate action. He called several of his gang members for a meeting.

"This Friday after school you pick him up. Take him to the fishery warehouse. Teach him a lesson in manners. Don't break anything! Don't hurt his face! Just punch him around like a bag and make him hurt. I'll come down later with Isamu."

Friday evening came and the thugs were waiting for Mr. Nakamura by where his car was parked. A quick jab of a gun to his ribs convinced Nakamura to go along quietly. They tied his arms behind his back, gagged his mouth and blindfolded him. They drove him to the factory just like Tanaka had ordered. Once inside the four men went to work on their intimidation skills. Several quick jabs to the gut and several more to the ribs put Nakamura down on the floor.

They yanked him back to his feet, generously punching him several more times and one low blow for good luck. Nakamura doubled over on the floor trying to yell through the gag but only his whimpers could be heard. The four men made quick work of his fine suit of clothes, stripping him clean. One of the men kicked him in the ass propelling him forward into a table. They yanked him back to his feet then held him by the arms as one of the men administered several more gut punches.

At last they stretched his arms above his head, tying them to a rope overhead. His feet were tied to a metal ring in the concrete floor. The four men sat down at the table and waited for Tanaka. He arrived about ten minutes later with Isamu following close behind. One of the men removed the blindfold from Nakamura eyes. For the first time he had a look at his captors. He was especially shocked to see Isamu standing there.

"Is this you teacher?"

Isamu nodded his head yes. Isamu was pleased at the sight he saw, Nakamura hanging there naked and defenseless, his muscular body stretched to the limit. His eyes lit up when they saw the semi-hard cock of Nakamura was thick and circumsized. Also the large sac hanging down with two large balls.

Tanaka circled the naked Nakamura. "When you insult my son you also insult me! That is a bad thing to insult me!" Tanaka gave him a sharp punch to the gut. "It is easy to make you vanish. I can do that anytime I want."

One of the men handed Tanaka a braided leather riding crop. "My son tells me to give you another chance." The riding crop snapped loudly across the chest of Nakamura.

Only a muffled cry was heard through the ball gag. Another snap from the crop, this time across the abdomen and another muffled cry. He stepped behind Nakamura, then whacked the crop seven times hard across his bare ass. "This is only a small sample of what we can do." He whacked Nakamura five more times across the ass. By now Nakamura's ass was on fire and tears formed in his eyes.

Now it appeared that the painful whipping Nakamura just received had a profound effect on his genitals. Isamu pointed out the fact that Mr. Nakamura's cock was completely erect. Tanaka laughed. "That's common. I've seen it many times when punishing men. Sometimes when you whip them or rape them. It will make their cock hard."

He motioned to Isamu. "Go ahead. Ejaculate him. Before he goes soft."

Isamu took Nakamura's hard cock in his hand and started stroking. This was something he use to day dream about in class. He wondered what it would be like to masturbate Nakamura. Now he had the chance and he was enjoying it. He looked up at Nakamura, smiling as he saw the embarrassment in his face. With his other hand he grabbed Nakamura's balls and gave them a firm yank.

Suddenly Nakamura closed his eyes, his body began to shake just as the semen in his cock began to come out. Isamu was not about to stop, he yanked even harder on the spitting cock. He didn't stop until he milked every drop from Nakamura.

Tanaka smiled at him. "Just remember what can happen to you."

He ordered his men to take Nakamura back to where his car was and dump him off.

Isamu arrived early at school Monday morning to find Mr. Nakamura seated behind his desk correcting papers. "Did you think about your adventure Friday night?"

Nakamura never made eye contact instead he just nodded yes.

"I'm glad to hear that. We'll see how much you learned." He tossed Mr. Nakamura an envelope and walked out of the class.

Nakamura slowly opened it and read the contents. (Go sit in your car at lunch and wait for me there)

Nakamura realized he had no choice but to comply with the order so when the lunch bell rang he went outside and got into his car. A few minutes later Isamu swung open the door and jumped inside.

"Lets go!" Isamu ordered.

Nakamura stared at him. "To where?"

"Doesn't matter. Just drive!" Nakamura started the car and they drove down the road.

"You might want to go somewhere private."


Isamu unfastened his pants and slid them down to his ankles. "Because you're gonna park the car. Then suck my cock!"

Nakamura turned off the road, taking a dirt road up into the woods.

"This is good enough!" Isamu said. He leaned back in the seat and held up his teenage cock. "Get on it!"

Reluctantly, Nakamura bent over and took Isamu's hard cock into his mouth.

It was a long trip for such a short event. Isamu ejaculated almost immediately in Nakamura's mouth.

Isamu rolled his head back and groaned. "I was so fucking hot waiting for this moment."

"We need to get back to school." Nakamura said, starting the car.

They got back on the highway and sped off toward the school. Isamu already put his pants back on and casually reached over and grabbed Nakamura's crotch. To which his response was quickly closing his legs.

"You keep your legs open! I'll smack you right in the balls!"

Nakamura slowly opened his legs allowing Isamu access to his crotch.

"I feel a big bulge in there. Sucking my cock made you a little hard, huh?"

Nakamura did not reply he just kept his eyes on the road.

"What did you think the other night when I masturbated you?" Isamu tightened his grip on Nakamura's crotch.

"Its not something I care to talk about," he replied.

Isamu laughed. "Yeah, you fucking liked it! You were moaning and groaning and your cock was just pumping away!"

Nakamura shot back. "That was a normal reaction to ejaculation!"

"Good!" Isamu shot right back "I think we're gonna have a lot of it!"

They pulled into the parking lot, Isamu jumped out slamming the door and disappearing into the crowd of students returning to class. That afternoon Isamu gave Nakamura another note. (You will give me a ride home after school)

When the bell rang, Mr. Nakamura pointed to Isamu. "I want to see you at my desk."

Isamu strolled arrogantly up to the desk. "Yes."

"I can't give you a ride home. I haver to stay and finish these papers."

Isamu smiled. "That's fine. I'll come back after school and wait for you."

Before Mr. Nakamura could reply, Isamu quickly darted out of the room.

Isamu made contact with his friend Suko and told him to tell his father he would be at school late but Mr. Nakamura would bring home.

The school was quiet now and only a few lights were left on, giving the halls that supernatural feeling. Isamu slipped into the classroom and found Mr. Nakamura behind his desk drenched in papers.

"Have a seat. I'll awhile."

Isamu took the seat right in front. "You know what I was thinking about all day?"

Nakamura shook his head. "No."

He smiled, "I was thinking about feeling your cock and balls."

"I really don't have time for anything like that right now. I have a lot of work to do."

Isamu walked over to the desk and brushed a full stack of papers onto the floor.

"Perhaps you forgot who my father is already? And what he can do?"

The painful image flashed through Nakamura's mind while he stared at the young Isamu.

"Stand up!" Isamu ordered. Nakamura put his hands on the desk and slowly raised up from his chair. Isamu reached over and unfastened his belt. Nakamura started resist.

"Keep your hand on the desk!" Isamu ordered. Then unzipped Nakamura's pants and let them fall down around his ankles. Then he slid his fingers in the elastic of his underwear and yanked them down.

Nakamura was very nervous. "If someone comes in here, I'll be fired and you'll be suspended."

"Yes I know. Isn't that exciting?"

"Please, Isamu! Let's do this somewhere else."

Isamu had both Nakamura's testicles in his hand. "Tell me how you love to have me feel your cock."

He tightened his grip!

Nakamura quickly responded. "I love to have you feel my cock!"

Isamu slapped him on the ass. "Spread your legs!"

Isamu slid his finger down the crack of Nakamura's ass and stopped at his tight pucker. Suddenly, Isamu thrust his finger up Nakamura's ass. Nakamura yelped and jumped forward. Isamu laughed, slipping his second finger past the tight hole.

"Tell me how much you love to have me fuck your ass!"

This time Nakamura hesitated until he felt another thrust in his ass. "I love to have you fuck my ass."

"That's good," Isamu yanked his fingers out. "Bend over the desk!"

"Please, Isamu! Don't do this here! PLEASE!"

Without warning, Nakamura felt the hard teenage cock of Isamu slide quickly into his bowels. The classroom was filled with only the sounds of Isamu's thighs hammering against Nakamura's ass. It did not take long, Isamu pumped his seed into Nakamura's burning ass.

"Sit down! Hurry the fuck up! Get your work done so I can go home."

"Let me get my clothes back on."

Isamu kicked the chair behind his legs. "Your ass can stay naked in that chair until you're done. Now sit!"

Isamu could see Nakamura's erection standing up between his legs.

"Ass fucking makes your cock hard?"

"Its a natural reaction. Stimulation to the prostate will cause that."

Nakamura was surprised by the size of Isamu's house when he let him off. On the drive home, Nakamura pondered his own destiny. He was a sexual play thing for Isamu, his teenage student. If he refused Isamu anything, Tanaka's gang would kill him. If he went to the Principal of the school, he could never convince them Isamu was the villain. Especially with the influence Isamu's father had. As he looked at all his options he saw no way out, except to maybe run as far away as he could.


Next: Chapter 2

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