Out of Control Series

By george Robinson

Published on Jan 7, 2023


This story is a bizarre story, a story of pure fiction. all names and places are the invention of the author's mind. It is a story of how the love, safety and happiness of their only son is paramount and how the sefishness of one spoilt boy brought humiliation on his parents prepared and forced to suffer to ensure his happiness.

The story contains sexual content, so if it is illegal to read such material then please stop here and move on.

Nifty is a free service and relies on donations to continue to publish the vast array of stories for your pleasure Please send a donation and do your bit to preserve this service...Thank You Out Of Control ch1 David Childs was a 15 year old boy who lived with his doting parents, Mary and John. David was a sad solitary lad. At school, he had no friends, no one to hang out with. He knew the other lads at school did other things and had sleepovers at each others house but he was never included. He would walk through the park and stop to watch his peers playing football or tag or some other game. He was envious of the joy and laughter that these lads were experiencing. He longed to be part of this wonderful teenage lifestyle. Mary and John felt for him and encouraged him to seek friends. They bought him anything he wanted. He had xboxes,playstations, in fact he had every new gadget that had come out. He wasn't spoilt, he was ruined. He only had to say to his parents "I want this" and they were off to the mall to buy it. On the odd occasion when his parents couldn't afford it said no he would threaten to run away and never return . At this point, Mary and John would admit defeat and buy or do whatever it was that started the episode. David knew he would always win in the end. He knew how to push all of his rents buttons and just for the sheer hell of it, he pushed them to the edge. " what times my fucking tea mum " he'd say to his mother, knowing that if she complained he would start to pack his bags again. It was easier to just ignore the swearing. Apart from playing on his games machines and mastubating, being disrespectful to his parents was his only other pleasure. He wasn't shy in front of them either. He often came down from his room naked, sometimes sporting a boner, just to get a snack or a coke from the fridge. This caused Mary a fair bit of embarrassment and his dad had spoken to him once about being naked in front of his mum but was abruptly put down with an assault of expletives terminating with " now fuck off and stop trying to give me a hard time"." Sorry son ...I didn't mean to upset you" grovelled his dad. "I've fucking told you to fuck off" screamed David. His dad would always walk away. He was a weak man a coward in every way. He was a thin,puny looking man and his build matched his level of courage. He simply couldn't handle confrontation. He'd rather give a grovelling apology than stand his ground, even if he knew he was right. There was a rumour that some years ago he tried to argue a point with a guy at his place of work and ended up being made to suck the guy's cock. He was not the sort of man that his son looked up too. One morning, while waiting to go into school, a gang of lads approached David. He suddenly felt extremely vulnerable and a little scared. The lad at the front of the group spoke " your name Dave" "well David but Dave is fine..why do you ask" said a very nervous. David. " Well first of all let me introduce myself and my mates.. I'm Luke and this is Tommy,Richie,Lance,Col, Frankie, Sol Dom and Eric....We are known in school and the community as the demilo gang and we get a lot of respect wherever we go...if you get my drift. We have noticed that you never seem to be friends with anyone, never talk to anyone....are you gay...just wondering why,,,do you think you're too good to speak to ordinary people, are you shy...What's the story" " none of those" replied David. The truth is " and first and foremost I like both men and women...suppose I'm bio....I would love to have a friend that I could talk to, someone to invite over for a sleepover or play ball in the park with or just hang out with...I can't tell you why I am alone because I don't know...I'm game for anything..I'm not shy or standoffish" " you sound fucking desperate...how would like to join this gang" exclaimed Luke " oh fuck would I" said David in a very upbeat voice. " but why would a bunch of jocks want me in their gang" replied David. " stop asking so many fucking questions... You need to be initiated to see if you've got the guts to be in our gang" said Luke " No problem....what do you want me to do" replied David. " Strip naked right now" exclaimed Luke " what ...here in the school yard" said a very nervous David. " Yes here...you have to the count of 10 to get fucking naked...if you fail to do it you can stay a loner...you will have failed the first part of the initiation" stated Luke " By the time the count had reached 7 David was standing in front of the lads stark naked. " Right "said Luke. " you will be in the alley next to the old dance hall at 7 tonight where you will finish your initiation...is that clear" " yeah sure" said a very excited David as he got dressed. David ran home after school with joy permanently engraved on his face. He couldn't believe that he was to belong to a gang, and the demilo gang at that and to have friends. He had pinched himself several times to make sure he wasn't dreaming the best dream ever. He rushed into his house, bouncing here and there, jumping in the air until his mum managed to settle him just long enough to learn of her son's new friendship and her joy was obvious. David punched the air and high fived space.until he finally settled down to a more sedate stance. He when upstairs stripped his school clothes off and stood under the cascading waters of the shower. As always, he placed his fist round his not so average eight inch cock and jerked it with and enthusiasm not often seen in David. He allowed his cum to shoot up the tiled wall then fingered the goo into his mouth. After eating his tea his told his mum that he was going out to meet his friends and not to worry. Mary simply kissed him on the brow and said " be safe and have fun " David hurried to the rendezvous as instructed. He'd been standing by the old dance hall for over ten minutes and was starting to think that he had been made the butt of a joke. His doubts were quickly erased when the gang appeared at the entrance to the alley. "Hi there " was David's first utterance. " Davey my man...so you decided to come and take the next part of your initiation into the gang" was Luke's reply. " yeah... already..you just say what to do and I'll do it....I'm really looking forward to being a member" " right " said Luke. " get fucking naked...you're going to suck our cocks and swallow or wear our spunk......still want to be a member" chortled Luke. " yeah let's get started...who's first" said David with a refreshing enthusiasm in his voice. Nothing was going to ruin this marvelous day, nothing was going to stop him having the friendship of not one but nine of his peers. Whatever it took, that was David's bottom line. David assumed the kneeling position, and started to suck his first cock. He had had a quick look at all nine boys standing with their cocks jutting out of their pants and there wasn't one of them under 7 inches. He spent quite a while on his knees gorging on cock after cock. He was clearly enjoying the experience, his cock standing to attention. After he had sucked the last one , he got to his feet and standing in front of these lads covered in spunk from head to cock said with a cheerful grin " There ...that;s that...have I passed...can I be in your gang" " one last test" said Luke " tomorrow night we will come to your house for a steak dinner, all the trimmings...it's up to you to persuade your mum to cook it." " no fucking problem...I'll just tell the bitch.....she does anything I tell her....and my dad...well he's just a fucking whimp" bragged David. Luke looked at David with devious eyes and with devious thoughts surging through his brain. " So your mum does what you tell her...anything" " well up to now she has, she's afraid I'll run away...she couldn't take that" replied David. " Your mum good looking then ..is she" said Luke. " What would happen if I felt her tits or better still, her arse...what would your dad say..... what would she do" My dad would do nothing. He'd be to scared to say anything and mum wouldn't want to upset you in case you kicked me out of the gang and I did run away...what are you planning Luke.." Luke spoke " oh just a few thoughts jingling around inside my head, but you need to emphasize to your rents, the fact that if any of us get upset you are out of the gang.and it will be their fault if you run away..do you understand David " " I'll make it crystal fucking clear what will happen if I am kicked out of the gang" replied David. David headed home to speak to this parents. As he entered the lounge , Mary and John were watching tv. David walked straight over to the set and switched it off. " David" said his mother " we were watching th....." David interrupted her words " oh for fuck sake....I need to talk to you....My friends are coming here tomorrow night for a steak dinner...it's all part of a ritual for me to become one of them. If either of you spoilt this for me I'll take off and you will never see me again...What ever they want they fucking get...ok dad!!!!!!! ok mum!!!!" " Yes of course son" said his dad in the most subservient voice that David had ever heard. " they are not...I repeat...they are not to be upset in any way...OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 2: Out of Control 2

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