
Published on Sep 16, 2014



Sebastian had gone down the dirt path carefully. It was steep and stones were everywhere. He had to stop and kick off his sandals to get rid of them. His head still hurt from the night before. A hotel towel, the half empty bottle of ouzo in his bag, the feta pies and pita bread he had only half eaten was all he brought with him.

"The best beach for you..." he was advised by the older Greek man behind the counter. His parents still slept having gotten drunk the night before.

He was embarrassed at first watching them laugh, scream and dance like kids. But everyone there was doing the same thing. Even he consumed the ouzo given him. "Here you need to be like Greek" it was the same older man who had checked them in.

The hotel was like those he'd seen in the movies. Not the usual plush carpets and ornate lobby but a plain, clean and simple bunch of rooms stacked in odd places together. It was painted white, so bright that even at night it shown.

Their room was actually more like a house. Sebastian had his own room with a balcony overlooking the ocean. His parents' room was on the far side of the common space, a room with couches, small kitchen and another balcony.

"You said you wanted to have your own space" His Dad said. "Just enjoy yourself, go out and explore, learn about the people here and you'll learn more about yourself" The man advised. His Dad was proud of his Greek heritage but he was of mixed blood, like Sebastian.

So the rough exterior, hairy backs and other stereotypical aspects of Greeks weren't evidenced in their family.

"We're taking off...enjoy yourself" His parents yelled from the living room. Sebastian was indeed alone, in his own space. Standing on the balcony he spied the people on the sandy and stony beaches far below the hill on which their hotel was perched.

To his surprise and delight, he saw naked people everywhere. Men, women and children were sunning, swimming, playing and their bodies red or brown. He was easily aroused and the sights erected him immediately.

There was nobody there, nobody watching, nobody caring. He peeled his shirt off and let his shorts dropped grabbing himself to masturbate in the outdoors, under the Greek sun and on his own private balcony, his own space.

It didn't take long unfortunately to let his body twitch, tighten, convulse and release its manufactured sperm. It took longer to recover requiring Sebastian to support himself on the balcony wall.

He stayed naked after that, letting the cool air and bright sun play with him.

"We're back" His parents interrupted his nap under the sun.

"Big party tonight" His Dad was there. Sebastian didn't know if he should pull his discarded shorts over his sun hardened penis or roll over. "Glad to see you're enjoying yourself already" His Dad laughed and left him alone.

Originally Sebastian sat beside his parents. They were ok parents he thought. He had the usual complaints most of his friends had about allowances, restrictions and overbearing times.

He had reluctantly played little league baseball coached by his own Dad which made the pressure harder and each mistake he made embarrassing. But as time proceeded, Sebastian found putting on the form fitting baseball uniform helped him hide his sexuality.

Nobody picked on the school's team members, except for other team members of course. The Football team called the Baseball team members fags except when the drama or band members were around of course.

Sebastian knew he was gay almost as soon as his body emitted its first stream of cum. Each self-stimulating and satisfying session was based on the images of boys at school, on TV and internet images that his mind harbored.

He knew, he read, he sighed. He was different. His parents didn't know but their advice about his schoolwork, sports abilities and other things helped him realize he was what he was and to make the best of it.

Someday, Sebastian knew he wanted to tell them everything. With college ahead of him and this surprise trip to Greece after his graduation, there were other matters he needed to concentrate on first.

To his surprise his Dad passed the bottle of clear alcohol to him and held up his glad for a toast. Sebastian saw the look on his mother's face but poured the stuff called ouzo into a glass and returned his dad's toast.

"You're a man now kiddo" His Dad yelled above the music and crowd noise. It burned as Sebastian's esophagus and stomach experienced the effects immediately.

He drank more and more as did everyone there. Even his mother seemed to give up her usual watchful, worried expression as the local food and drink turned everyone into Greeks that night.

Then the party got wilder. Tourists and locals were eating, drinking, throwing plates, dancing and Sebastian wandered around the perimeter of the crowd.

"You like this?" the voice was an accent. The one who spoke was a young man older then Sebastian and didn't look as drunk as he felt.

"It's ok, they seem to be having fun" Sebastian said. His eyes were absorbing the shirtless boy, his shorts were kind of white with the lights illuminating the fact he wore nothing underneath.

"You like to have fun?" the smile was friendly.

"Oh yea, but they're uh you know parents and older and stuff" Sebastian felt the hand on the small of his back.

"We dance" the man said

Before Sebastian could refuse or disappear the boy began to move like the Americans he left back home. He responded and thanks to the ouzo he didn't care if any of the adults saw the two boys dancing together.

As if knowing his thoughts, the young man leaned forward and spoke into his ear so close Sebastian felt the moist lips. "It's ok in Greece men dance together".

Sebastian felt the boy move so close his tented shorts touched the boy's body. He wanted to reach down to see if the Greek boy was aroused too.

"Gotta go" Sebastian ran, knowing he needed to lose the alcohol inside him. When he returned the shirtless boy was gone.

Recovering from the night before, Sebastian looked into his parent's room and finding them asleep, grabbed a towel.

"So a boy like you, don't' go to tourist beach, go to Ganymede" the man at the counter said showing a small map.

Sebastian soaked in the sights of the silent streets and buildings. Perhaps everyone was recovering as his parents were, he thought.

The walk down the hill was slow but the air and sun invigorated him. The Pita bread he was given at one of the stores on the way tasted better than any bread he had eaten.

Moving between a church and buildings that surrounded a fountain, Sebastian found the statue that the man had told him about.

The figure was white like the bright buildings around them. It was of a naked young man, not unlike himself. The pose was simple as if the boy had stood casually for hours while some sculpture worshipped him with eyes while immortalizing him with a chisel.

"Hey stop" a man, looking like a tourist wearing socks and sandals came close. "Let me take a picture of you two" Sebastian looked around.

"You and the statue, can you remove your shirt too?" The man was already aiming his camera.

Sebastian laughed and peeled his shirt off imitating the pose of the centuries old boy who had posed for the statue.

"You could be twins" the man said "Wish you could take off your shorts too" the man laughed.

Sebastian shrugged and unbuttoned his shorts letting them fall.

The man stared in disbelief but then aimed his camera again. He seemed surprised and nervous looking around.

"Uh thanks, want me to send a copy to you? Or perhaps I can bring it to where you're staying" he asked.

Sebastian saw the man smiling and staring at his nudity. "Uh you gotta send it to me, I'm staying with my parents" he replied as he pulled his shorts up his bare legs ignoring the man's obvious disappointment but pleased someone liked him.

Older men, younger men, Sebastian didn't care much as long as they liked him. It aroused him all the time when a smile, a wink or a flirtatious comment was made. The day he was on an elevator flashed across his brain. The doors had opened, people got out, and a couple of men were standing there.

"You coming or what?" One said to the other "Wait a minute I just want to stare at this sexy boy" the other one said. Sebastian heard a laugh behind him. He felt his face blush and his adolescent penis became a very hard erection almost immediately.

The man saw it and winked. "Thank you kid" he said and laughed. The doors closed and Sebastian stood there grateful nobody else could see what was happening under the shopping bag he quickly covered his jeans with.

Sebastian clutched his open shorts over his growing cock as he told the photographing man his email address. "Sorry don't know what got into me, must be the ouzo I had last night" Blushing from his impulsive act, Sebastian quickly continued his journey.

"Well thank you, have a good uh ... "the man's voice trailed off as Sebastian moved toward the secluded beach.

By the time he arrived, Sebastian was laughing at himself wondering what the man would do with the photo. Would he post it on Facebook or Twitter? Would anyone recognize his naked body standing beside the statue of Ganymede? Would they like it as much as the fellow tourist did? He laughed at himself knowing that he liked standing there naked in front of the man.

The beach was empty. The white sand moved under the small tidal waves gently welcoming his bare feet. Sebastian once again removed his shorts tossing them toward the towel he had left on the beach. His naked body felt the welcoming sun, surrounding his body like nature's blanket.

Sebastian looked above him at the cliffs. He would see white building far up the hill and wondered if anyone was watching through binoculars as he had done. Would they see a long white skinned naked boy on the beach?

The water was cool to his already reddened skin. His backbone shivered. He swam looking underwater for coral, fish or whatever was lucky enough to live there carefree off this Greek island.

"Hey punk you queers or what?" The high school bully was a typical jock. Sebastian, not a slight built stereotypical nelly still got picked on. Still he wasn't a jock, despite his swinging a wooden bat for the school team in the spring. The others at his locker were from drama club friends that performed with him in the famous school winter play event.

He ignored the guy's words and the laughter of those around him. Sebastian knew it would happen; Chuck hadn't changed even after the class party.

Alcohol, graduation emotions and the overall party found the two upstairs in the men's room while the party below raged. "Want some smoke?" Chuck asked.

Sebastian surprised the jock and notorious bully had even spoken to him, but he nodded and followed.The pot contributed to the alcohol the two had already consumed affecting their past memories and judgments to follow.

"So is everybody in the drama club gay?" The jock asked.

"Some" Sebastian said

"Like your ball playing" The jock said then laughed.

Sebastian replied "Thanks" and then laughed too not realizing if his reaction was the same as Chucks.

"Don't tell anyone, but I've had sex with that guy, you know the one who was in the winter play with you"

"Martin?" Sebastian guessed right.

"He's ok guy. Nobody knew about uh me but he did somehow. How do you guys know that stuff?"

"We're just psychic" Sebastian chocked and laughed.

"Fuck, I think I am too" Chuck said "uh sorry for all the crap I dished out to you guys"

Sebastian had never experienced the bully's remarks but he shrugged anyway "I understand"

The cock was thick. Sebastian forgot how it became visible let alone in his mouth. And he was just as surprised when Chuck proclaimed "my turn" and sucked his penis.

"Guess the booze and weed" Chuck said explaining why his cock and Sebastian's cock didn't finish.

"But it felt nice" Sebastian said. They kissed like old friends and lovers. Aroused, he wanted to try again but Chuck was pulling his jeans closed.

"We better go back. Hey I'm around all summer before I leave what about you?"

And with only two weeks left of classes, Chuck behaved like nothing happened...strutting the halls playing big man or bully on campus. Sebastian just ignored his comments muttering "or what" after he

Sebastian laughed as he lay on the beach thinking of that night and Chuck. He was the target of every horny girl in school, none knowing he was hiding a secret which surfaced with Martin and him.

He stroked his boner thinking of the night and let his body release streams of satisfaction he hadn't been able to do that night.

"Better go wash off" The voice said. Sebastian looked up at the browned skinned boy standing above him. He was smiling.

"Uh yea, sorry, didn't know anyone was here" Sebastian started to get up.

"We race no?" the boy said. Sebastian realized the boy was as naked as he was. But there was no tan line and based on the accent, they guy was apparently a local.

They ran towards the water and once immersed and in Sebastian's case rinsed off, they began to bob about, swim under the surface and eventually wrestled like old friends.

They laughed, splashed, tossed and reveled in the feeling of their bodies becoming one with nature.

"Miknos" the boy held out his hand as their dripping bodies left the water. His brown body was slim, ripped in places, and his patch of pubic hair seemed cut in a small triangle pointing to the flaccid penis that dangled as he moved. He seemed like the classic Greek boy images Sebastian had seen on the internet.

"So congratulations son" His Dad hugged his gown draped body just as other parents were doing on the school lawn. His mother stood proudly using her phone camera to record the occasion.

"We have a surprise for you" His Dad added. Like most his age, Sebastian hoped a new car was awaiting him in their home driveway. He wouldn't even care if his mother had made a huge ribbon for it.

"You're going to Greece" His mother interrupted with the announcement.

"Greece?" Sebastian was indeed surprised. He had studied Greek history and mythology during school years. Originally he explored it for school work, but the statues, the stories of homosexuality, the mythology of male lovers, turned his task into an obsessive hobby.

"Yes Greece. Four weeks. You can go to all the places you've talked about" His dad added. "We've got a great hotel on one of the islands and then your mother and I thought we'd go to Athens"

Sebastian thought for a moment he'd be going to Greece alone to worship the gods and demi gods of Mount Olympus. But he realized he was going with his parents. What 18 year old wants to explore the world, life and themselves with their parents?

But the trip wasn't that bad and his Dad said he was on his own after all.

"Sebastian, weren't you at the visitors party last night?"

"No I work. My friend there was" he pointed.

Sebastian's eyes saw the boy he had danced with the night before. He stood by the towel, shirtless and removing his baggy blue and white striped pants, making him as naked as the two of them.

He waved as Sebastian and Miknos got closer.

"My friend, the dancer, Stefanik" he pointed to his chest.

"Sebastian" they shook hands. His body was more fit then Miknos. Shoulders were broader, his skin browner and his stomach displayed the usually hidden muscles commonly called a six pack back home.

His penis, like Miknos was uncircumcised and swung low as he moved forward. Stefanik shook his hand and put his other hand on Sebastian's bare chest as part of the greeting. It was warm, warmer than the sun had been on his skin.

The Greek boy moved as close as they had been the night before. He felt Stefanik move his hips letting his glands rub against his. It was as if they were dancing the night before, his cock responding to the feeling of flesh this time.

"You too red" Stefanik said and fumbled in a bag "we fix you"

The two Greek boys began to lather Sebastian's body with some kind of gel or lotion. Sebastian couldn't help his erection responding to their attention, the cooling gel and their fingers that spared no areas including his butthole.

"God guys sorry" he said but it was Miknos to ignore his words as the goo was spread on his testicles and erection.

"Nice" Stefanik said. "Relax Sebastian" his hands rubbed the shoulders tensed from Mikonos' stroking "We have fun"

The pressure didn't last, perhaps helped by the goo Sebastian opened and absorbed Stefanik's cock inside him, stretching, exploring and sliding.

The sun was just above the edge of the water as Miknos hand was replaced by his own butthole.

"A Greek sandwich" Sebastian thought and laughed out loud.

His new lovers responded with their own expression of laughter and the three kept finding new ways to explore each other.

The water actually felt warm when the three sought its liquid blanket. In the light reflected by the moon, their bodies floated, dove, surfaced touched and wrestled. Their hands clutched and their lips met.

Sebastian reluctantly began to find his clothes but Stefanik's hands and mouth stopped him while Mikanos massages his back, buttocks and thighs.

Their youthful sperm filled bodies weren't finished with him. He was entered again and swallowed. Sebastians' hands explored them and his own body. It wasn't urgent sex this time, but slow, indulging and easy flowing orgasm.

The seagulls squawking awoke Sebastian as he lay between the two naked boys. Discarded clothing, scraps of pita bread and the empty bottle of ouzo surrounded him.

Ignoring the seagulls intent on cleaning the area, Sebastian ran towards the water which would wake him further hide his body's need to urinate and welcome him back to reality.

"Hey" the voice made him turn about to see the small boat coming close. Stefanik's bare torso was sent and eventually Miknos too was revealed.

"You come"

"So where have you been?" His dad asked. Sebastian heard the voice and slowly began to awaken. His Dad leaned against the doorway, his hairy chest displaying some sort of necklace Seb had never seen before.

"I uh just went swimming, met some friends, we went to another island and uh" Sebastian didn't know what to say.

He wanted to yell that he had spent an entire day naked with his two friends on some small rocky island, drinking and fucking like ancient Greeks probably did.

"Yes I see" the man was smiling "We were worried but I see you're in great hands" he turned and left "We're going to breakfast, wake up your friends and come with us. Oh and by the way, your mother and I decided we're staying here a few more days. But if you want to go on to Athens by yourself, that's ok"

Sebastian, further awake now realized that Stefanik and Miknos were there. Their naked bodies lay on either side of him. His father had seen them that way. Sebastian's own naked and newly sun tinted body was also in full view.

"Maybe your friends will go with you" His Dad smiled and left the room. Sebastian didn't have to tell his father anything. It was obvious now and the man didn't react at all.

"What's matter" Stefanik's arm stretched across him and slide down to his morning erection. "We'll find you" he called out to his father just as Stefanik's mouth touched his cock.

He jumped kicking the empty ouzo bottle that lay at their feet.

The alarm clock radio blasted as it had every morning for years. But this morning was different. The used Volkswagen that was waiting for him when they returned from Greece was already packed.

Sebastian had packed it the night before. The ride would take a day or two. There was one stop he would make on the way to the California University that Sebastian would call home for the next four years.

Chuck seemed thrilled he called and they made plans to meet during his drive.

His mother was already crying downstairs. He could hear his father comforting her. Nothing would be the same Sebastian knew. Nothing was the same after graduation, especially after his trip to Greece.

He pulled on the white shorts and the Greek shirt Stefanik had given him. He already wore the beaded necklace Mikano has put on him, Sebastian hadn't taken it off since kissing him goodbye at the airport.

The sandals surrounded his tanned feet. In the bag he carried were the sandwiches his mother had made, a thermos of soup and a bottle of ouzo he took for him and Chuck to share.

The breakfast was interrupted with hugs, kissed, parental promises asked for and given. The car awaited him. Sebastian took the momentous walk to the car and away from his childhood. He stopped to respond to his phone's signaled tweet.

The text said "Dear Ganymede, I promised" and Sebastian touched the attachment. The photo was the statue of Ganymede and standing beside it was Sebastian's naked body imitating the pose.

"I'm Ganymede?" Sebastian said to himself and laughed. "Maybe I am".

He stepped on the gas to begin whatever lay ahead.

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