Owned by a Little Dick

By David Gaingridge

Published on Oct 30, 2015


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction. It contains sexual acts between males. There are scenes of humiliation, some of them graphic. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. You have been warned. This story is the property of the author under copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent. Do not read this if you're a minor or are offended by gay situations.

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----- Characters: - Jake "Jakey" Wilson Ð former bully - Mike "Mikey" Dickinson Ð former bully - Dan Ð former gym coach who let the bullies torment Richard - Ryan Ð bartender who Richard meets back in his home town

"I had a great time tonight," Ryan smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. His tongue found its way into my mouth and sent a shiver down to my ass. I kissed him back with the same passion he was giving me right now.

"Y'know, it doesn't have to end," I smiled as I nodded to a hotel down the street. We went outside of hellville since the city was a lot friendlier to gay couples. The hotel looked beautiful from the outside and probably had a good price tag attached to itÉnot that I looked at that sort of thing anymore.

"I'm right behind you," Ryan smiled as he kissed me again and we walked off towards the hotel.

We got the president's suite and then continued making out all the way through the lobby, in the elevator, and then finally to the room. God this man was hot! I wanted to lick every part of his body. Especially certain parts I hadn't seen yet.

As hot as Ryan was dressed in his v-neck shirt and fitted blazer and pants from what I had seen (and felt!) earlier he had muscles galore just waiting to be released underneath his clothes.

Between the hot makeout session we were having I was able to open the door to our room but not before I got a handful of his package.

"It's all yours, babe," he said with a grin.

Just as I was about to take off Ryan's shirt I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I ignored it and pulled his short over his head revealing his defined muscles that longed to be kissed. Before I had time to think he did the same to me also revealing my beefy muscles that longed to be worshiped.

Again I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I ignored it and pulled Ryan back in for some more kisses Ñ this time feeling up his firm pecs with my bare hands. They felt so big and so firm I just wanted to suck on them all night.

I finally couldn't take it anymore. I lowered myself to his chest and began licking and gently biting his nipples. First his left one and then his right. By the way he was moaning and groaning I could tell he definitely liked it.

"Oh, babe, there's no milk in there but if you go lower I've got plenty stored up," he groaned.

Just as I was about to dig into my treat I felt my phone go off a third time. This time it wasn't just a text message it was someone calling me. Because I was standing against Ryan he felt my phone vibrate and raised his eyebrow.

"I've got better things to do," I said as I kissed him again not bothering to look at the phone.

I grabbed his pants and undid them and pushed them to the floor. I quickly glanced down and saw that Ryan was dressed in black boxer briefs. Mmm he looked so sexy I just wanted this night to never end.

Ryan grabbed onto my pants and started undoing them. Just as he got the zipper down my phone vibrated again. He looked at me and slid the phone out of my pocket.

"The faster you take care of this the faster we can have some fun," he smirked. Ryan did have a point. It would only take a few seconds. "Besides while you're doing that I can give you a massage." With that he shucked my pants to the floor.

Ryan led me to the bed and made me sit on the edge. He jumped up behind me and started massaging my back and neck. He blew some air on me which made me shiver. God, I love a man that knows what he's doing. He thrust his hard, clad-covered dick against my back in the hopes of hurrying me.

I looked at my phone and saw I had messages from all the same guy: Jakey. 2 texts, a phone call, and a voicemailÉwhat could be so important?!

I opened the texts first: "Need to talk ASAP" and the next one "Richard pls answer! Something's going on!"

"Who's Jakey?" Ryan asked. I immediately took a deep breath. I didn't want to out Jakey or his situation to Ryan. Even though he had fucked me over in high school I still knew there was a line and I didn't want to cross it. I knew what it felt like to be on the other side and it sucked. What I did to Jakey I did in our own time with no one else around. I also didn't want to screw up the potential I had with Ryan.

"He's a guy I went to high school with." When Ryan didn't say anything I looked back at him and said, "but you're the only guy in my present." He leaned down and kissed me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and devoured him.

In the heat of the moment I guess I had accidentally dialled my voicemail. I could hear someone speaking very quietly so I tried ending the call. I didn't want to break the kiss so I didn't look down. Instead of ending the call I accidentally hit the loudspeaker key which allowed both of us to hear Jakey's message: "Hey Richard. IÉuhÉsomething's going on. I can't stop thinking about what's happened. Y'know. Last couple of days. Tonight I was with this girl and I couldn't get hard. That never happened before! I didn't even want to eat her out I wanted her to eat me out. IÉjustÉwhat's going on! Call me ASAP!" Jakey hung up in fluster.

Ryan broke the kiss and looked at me, "so I'm the only guy in the present?"

"You don't understand. Jakey isn't like that. He's just aÉaÉfuckboy."

"Save it I'm not really interested."

I could feel Ryan slipping away from me. And I needed to think fast.

"Look. I can explain all of this. But you can't repeat anything you see or hear."

"I don't knowÉ"

And then I pulled out the big card: "I'll let you fuck me." Then I grinned mischievously. I hadn't bottomed in a while, but Ryan was different.

"Ok, deal." He said with a wink.


"So you couldn't get it up last night, eh Jakey?" I grinned at the boy in front of me and took hold of his dick. Jakey was spreadeagled on his bed completely naked. I had told him I needed to examine him in case something had went wrong when in reality boys shouldn't be clothed around their masters.

Jakey moaned at my fingers touching his soft dick. Immediately his dick began to lengthen in my fingers. He's such a submissive bottom, I thought to myself.

"Hmm, I don't know, Jakey. You're getting hard now."

"Oh fuck. Yeah, but when we were making out last night she grabbed my dick and like I went soft."

"Maybe she grabbed you too hard. Was it like this?" I immediately squeezed Ryan's dick and watched as it became a dark shade of red. Jakey groaned in frustration at the touch. I released my tight grip and noticed a drop of pre-cum form at the piss slit. Jakey just loves being used and abused, I mused.

"Oh fuck. No not that hard."

"And you said you didn't even want to eat her out?"

"Yeah! Never happened. I wanted her to lick my pussÉhole." Nice slip of the tongue, Jakey.

"There are guys who like getting their holes played with." I said as I ran my finger down Jakey's balls and down to his hole. I circled around it with my finger and felt Jakey shudder. I noticed that Jakey's cock was jerking in anticipation of being fingered.

I pulled my finger away and Jakey groaned in frustration. Another smile spread across my face.

"You know when you called me last night I was in the middle of getting my rocks off." I said folding my arms in front of me. "You were so concerned about getting yourself," I said taking his balls in my hand "that you didn't think about anyone else. You were always like that. You were always so stuck up," I spat at him. And that's when I noticed it a very small smile on his face. A look of pleasure that I knew he was trying to contain. Jakey was definitely enjoying this and he knew it.

With his big balls in my hand I began pulling and squeezing to show him he needed to think about others and not just himself. I took my other hand and smacked his balls with quite a forceful blow. I pulled my hand back and smacked his balls a second time. This time Jakey let out a low groan. And that was when I noticed that his cock was leaking a steady flow of pre-cum now. Jakey was one of those submissive guys that loves to be beaten and gets off on that.

"Jakey, I think I can solve your problem. Come to my hotel in the city later tonight, got it?"

"What're you gonna do?"

"I can't ruin the surprise. But you'll wanna get it on with this girl." I said releasing his balls and gathering my things. "Be there at 6."

I was about to leave when Jakey called out, "I'm still tied up!"

"That's your problem," I said without looking back. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and set the rest of my plan in motion.


At 6:01pm Jakey walked through the front doors of the hotel. I knew Jakey would've been late and that he craved to be punished for it. Well he would certainly be punished later. I just needed to up my ante since he clearly loved being punished all the time.

Jakey was actually dressed pretty nice I'd give him that. He was wearing a striped shirt and dark jeans that still showed off his muscley body with his hair slightly brushed giving it a certain effortless look. He could still turn heads ten years later and make any guy or girl cream their pants just by looking at them.

When Jakey came over I immediately grabbed his hand and enveloped it in mine. He began pulling it back and then I told him there was no one here he knew. "You better behave or else," I spat. Almost immediately the lump in his pants grew and pushed against the zipper of his jeans. I smirked a little at that.

With Jakey's hand comfortably in mine I lead him to the elevator and waited for it. I could tell he was nervous in anticipation so I gently massaged his throbbing member through the fabric. There weren't too many people in the lobby anyways so I wasn't worried about getting caught.

The elevator finally opened and we got on and I hit the correct floor. After that I went back to massaging Jakey's massive dick. I could feel the fabric starting to get a little wet with his pre-cum. Good, Jakey's excited I thought to myself. This is gonna be a good night.

We got off at the correct floor and I practically ran to the room I was so excited. Everything was all set. Jakey was hard. The room was set up the way I wanted before Jakey got here. And the guest of honour was certainly ready for a big dick up her cooch. Or rather any dick up there.

I told Jakey to go in first since this was his night. He turned the handle and pushed open the door then walked inside. Immediately he noticed a woman's black dress on the floor then a pearl necklace further up and then a watch. It was like little bread crumbs leading Jakey to his prize.

Jakey noticed the items stopped at the foot of the king bed. He looked around but didn't see a girl and I told her she was in the bathroom doing some last minute touch ups.

"Get naked," I told him. He immediately complied and started shucking his shirt, shoes, pants, and socks. There was definitely a wet spot on the front of his boxers which he took off as soon as he'd finish stripping off the other clothes. His hard dick slapped his firm stomach as he did that and left a trail of pre-cum with it. "Get on the bed," I ordered him. I told him to lie spread-eagled again then handcuffed his hands to the bed posts. Finally, I blindfolded him and told him the girl was into some kinky shit. His dick immediately throbbed at that.

I went over to the bathroom and knocked twice giving the girl my signal. The door opened and out stepped Mikey or rather `Michelle' (we had discussed this earlier to keep her identity private). She was dressed in a matching tight black bra and pantie set with a garter belt. Her hard clit was really stretching the fabric of the underwear. She also had on red lipstick that complimented the black fabric. I also told her to have a blindfold on because I told her the guy wanted his identity kept secret.

I lead her over to where Jakey was on the bed and guided her on top of him. I could see that Jakey's dick and Michelle's clit were so close to touching. I wondered if maybe they'd ever fooled around in high school.

And finally in the next second their two throbbing organs met and they pulsed against the contact. Immediately they began making out and pumping their meaty monsters against one another.

I know I've said it before, but there really is nothing so satisfying as seeing your former bullies in a situation like this. Like, here one phoned and told me he couldn't get hard because he's now a bottom bitch and the other bully is in sexy lingerie and lipstick. And they're making out! And they're rock hard!

Before I knew it I could see Jakey start to tense up from his impending orgasm and I ordered the pair to stop. Both immediately groaned and I wondered if they recognized the other's voice. Next, I told them to get into a 69 position and told them they both liked getting their pussies eaten. I helped Michelle get into position and told her to slide her panties away from her smooth pussy. I had Jakey open his legs even more and shift his ass up so Michelle could have easier access.

Both dove into each other's holes as if it were their last meals on earth. And judging by their enthusiasm if they died tomorrow they'd be very happy. They slurped and ate each other's snatches and moaned so loud I thought for sure they'd recognize each other.

Even though Jakey practically had his whole face in Michelle's pussy I grabbed his head and forced him in more. I wanted him to remember eating out his best friend and having that taste in his mouth forever. After this night there was no going back to the way things were before. And I wanted that same fate to happen to these two people like they did to me.

I stepped away from the pair and turned towards the closet. Ryan emerged from the closet and looked starstruck as he'd seen the whole thing. I could tell that he definitely believed me that there was nothing else going on and that he was really enjoying the show judging from his hard crotch.

We hurriedly stripped off our clothes and I kissed him. As much as I wanted to continue with him I wanted to take care of these former assholes still rimming each other.

I broke the kiss and turned towards my boys. "Alright, that's enough. Your holes are good and ready now. Time to fuck." Ryan walked over and placed Michelle at the side of the bed so that he could easily fuck her from her from behind. I got up on the bed and got between Jakey's legs and pulled them apart. "Sorry, Michelle, your guy is just as much a bottom bitch as you." Jakey turned about five shades of red and I could see his muscles tense up. But at the same time I saw his dick jump when I said that.

Ryan and I both looked at each other and nodded at the same time. With that we pushed in our hard cocks into the inviting holes. Even though I hated Jakey I loved his silky hole. He knew how to take a dick and focus on the guy giving it to him.

I looked over at the other pair and saw that Michelle was in heaven with her clit now mostly out of her panties and leaking copious amount of pre-cum. I figured she wouldn't last too long. I looked behind to Ryan and saw a look of pleasure wash over his face.

Slowly, Ryan and I began a gentle fucking of our two fuck toys. The two bottoms began moaning and groaning on every thrust in and out. But still neither made any recognition that they knew who the other person was.

I looked down at Jakey and saw that his stomach was coated with pre-cum and his dick was throbbing to the beat of his heart. I adjusted my thrust and targeted Jakey's prostate a bit more. I heard Michelle let out a low moan and knew that Ryan had done the same to her. I watched as her clit pulsed near her bellybutton. I could tell she was enjoying this as much as Jakey was.

"Oh fuck," Jakey moaned at his impending orgasm. And with that I motioned to Ryan to set the final steps of the plan in motion. He pushed Michelle onto the bed and began really giving her a pounding. Michelle was just an inch away from Jakey so I grabbed his head and pushed it to her and they began making out with the same enthusiasm as before. I grabbed onto Jakey's thighs and gave him a pounding he'd remember as well. He was really working my cock with his ass muscles and I knew I wouldn't last that long. With the look on Ryan's face I knew from last night that he wouldn't last long either.

And just as soon as Jakey and Michelle were about to cum I leaned forward and ripped their blindfolds off. The last thing either of them saw before they came was their best friend get power-fucked from a real man.

End of part 5. Stay tuned for part 6. Comments are always welcome: davidgaingridge@gmail.com

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