Owning the Ra

By moc.liamg@28busknik

Published on May 22, 2023


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This is a gay, authoritarian story based in college.

This story is overwhelmingly fiction, but some aspects are based on the submissive's life. In general, the story is a fantasy it wishes had happened. The submissive did serve as an RA pre-social media, etc., but is moving this story up to current time to take advantage of technology, etc. Please send me feedback about my story at kinksub82@gmail.com.

"Was this a special occasion?" the server asks.

"Just our first real date as boyfriends," Xavier says.

The server walks away and I say, "Boyfriends?"

"Hope you're okay with that Paul."

"I am more than okay with that Xavier!!" Although not much for PDA, I lean over the table and make out with Xavier. The server returns to have Xavier sign the credit card receipt, stammers, and tries to hide the obvious bulge in his pants.

Xavier and I exchange smiling glaces. Xavier signs the receipt, looks at the server, and says, "Any chance you've got time for a break?"

"Meet me out back in five," the server replied.

End of chapter 11...

Chapter 12

Over the next three months my life continues to slowly shift. Serving as a faggot to real men becomes more and more of who I am. Nothing gets in the way of school or my RA position, but everything starts to blend more and more. I might be in the library studying and get ordered to do something for Master and Sir or be contacted by an Alpha and get used in a bathroom. My relationship with Xavier grows stronger especially in the Sir/fag dynamic. Xavier, Chris, and Nick end up meeting and threesomes become a somewhat regular occurrence. After one threesome Xavier offers me his collar and I proudly and enthusiastically accept with Master Chris and Sir Nick watching. Of course my tiny nub remains locked in chastity. Once per week Xavier supervises my unlock period so that I can clean and shave before being immediately relocked. No one, myself included, has stroked my nub since the night Master and Sir initially locked me. The only thing that's changed is that my already tiny nub shrank enough to get put in a Baby Cobra cage, which I easily paid for with all my Only Fans profits.

My Only Fans has exploded in popularity, probably because I am constantly uploading new content. Master Chris and Sir Nick actually agreed with Sir Xavier's idea to have me film custom content, which has resulted in even more income and tips for all of us. Lastly, in addition to improved skills at deep throating, bottoming, serving as a urinal, and many other kinks, the daily workouts and nutrition have really paid off. I've lost 20 lbs. and gained a bunch of muscle as well as stamina. Sir Xavier has taken full control over this area of my service and really pushed me harder and harder. Since I don't have a twink body frame, Sir Xavier has decided that I should become a himbo muscle faggot and has developed a training and nutrition program to alter my physique over time.

As we get to the end of the fall semester my service as a faggot gets put on pause. For most of finals week Master Chris, Sir Nick, and Sir Xaiver use me very little and require very little of me. I serve a few Alphas who need to blow off steam before a final, but it's a surprisingly easy week. On the night before we have to leave for winter break, Master Chris puts a message into the group chat that now includes Him, Sir Nick, Sir Xavier, and me.

"Hey faggot, it's our last night on campus for the semester and we are going out with a bang. You will meet Sir Xavier outside the hall at 6 p.m. Pack all your required gear and make sure you are cleaned out."

"Yes Master," I respond, not knowing what to expect.

Throughout the day I try to message Xavier to get an idea of what was going to happen, but he never responded to my message. In addition to packing to go home for break, I prep my gear and make sure to give myself plenty of time to appropriately prep for an active evening of fucking. Just before 6 p.m. I head outside to wait for Sir Xavier.

As Sir Xavier approaches, I kneel on the ground. "Hello Sir," I say.

"Hello faggot. I hope you're ready for quite the night," Sir Xavier responds. "Now open your mouth."

Sir Xavier puts a gag in mouth, blindfolds me, and attaches a leash to my chain collar. We walk a distance and then Sir Xavier says,

"Okay faggot you can leave on your shoes but remove all of you clothes right now."

I hesitate a second, but realize complaining will do me no good and not just because I'm gagged, "Yes Sir," I respond. Sir Xavier goes into my bag and puts all of my gear on me.

"Good job, boy. Now get in the back seat of the car," Sir Xavier orders.

After I get in the backseat, Sir Xavier places my hands behind my back and handcuffs me. He then adds cuffs to my ankles and puts noise canceling headphones on my ears. I feel the door close and then realize that someone is sitting next to me in the backseat. Since I can't talk I begin to ponder who it might be, but really end up getting nowhere. I feel the car start to move and we drive for an unknown period of time. Eventually the car stops and I feel the engine turn off. The door is opened and I am pulled out of the car. The leash is reattached to my collar and I am led some distance and forced to kneel. The floor feels hard against my knees and I begin to freak out a bit because I still can't see or hear anything and I'm naked in an unknown location.

It feels like forever, but I can't be sure, when my headphones are removed and I can hear again.

"Faggots you are both of you are in a safe space so don't freak out," Master Chris says.

"We are going to remove your blindfolds and gags. Speaking will be severely punished so I'd stay quiet," Sir Nick says.

As the blindfold and gag are removed I can finally look around to see where I am. I am kneeling on a concrete floor and looking around it feels like I am in some sort of dungeon. I see a wide variety of gear hanging from the walls and many things around the room. I recognize the St. Andrew's Cross, fuck benches, slings, and also see spots to restrain someone to the walls as well as several cages. I'm so caught up in the room that I didn't even think about the fact that I wasn't alone in the backseat of the car or in the room. I turn to my left and meet the gaze of someone I know, but would never have expected to see. I begin to open my mouth to speak, but remember Sir Nick's warning.

"Surprised by what you see, faggot?" Sir Xavier asks.

I shake my head up and down vigorously.

"You can speak when asked a question, faggot," Master Chris interjects.

"Sorry Master. Yes Sir I am surprised," I state.

Next to me, kneeling naked on the floor, locked in chastity and wearing the same gear as me is Sir Xavier's roommate Jack.

As I stare at Jack with my mouth open, Sir Xavier says, "At some point you'll hear the full story fag, but in a few short months Jack has gone from fucking fag pussy like yours to having a fag pussy. One day I caught him wearing one of my chastity cages, fucking his pussy with a dildo, and smelling my piss and cum stained underwear. The chastity cage hasn't come off since then and fag jack here has probably taken more cock in his pussy than you and in less time. Isn't that right fag jack?"

"Yes Sir Xavier," Jack responds.

Master Chris then jumps in, "So faggot you've probably realized you're in a dungeon space we rented for the night. You and this other fag are going to get a lot of use tonight, more than ever before. Turns out that you and Jack share some fantasies about being used in a dungeon and being turned into cumdumps for groups of men. You also want to be a group urinal, and while Jack doesn't really share that interest, he's definitely going to take piss tonight. Obviously three Doms and two fags does not make a group so we've invited lots of friends and posted this on a bunch of kink sites. The group doesn't start for some time because we have some business to take care of first."

"That's right faggot. Changes are coming," Sir Nick says.

Master Chris begins, "So faggot I've decided I don't want to live in the dorm anymore so I've rented an apartment off campus and actually move in before going home for break. While I love having you in the next room all the time, I want to be able to party and do what I want whenever I want. Once I told Nick about my plan he decided to move out with me. When we decided we were leaving we started talking with Xavier about some changes."

"Yea faggot, Xavier has really been controlling you more and more and really pushing you to be the true faggot you are. It's exactly what we wanted when this all started, so we're happy that we've been able to start you on that journey and even happier with what you've become," adds Sir Nick.

Sir Xavier chimes in, "At the same time I began training fag jack here and loaning him to Chris and Nick. He's been earning quite a bit from his Only Fans and even more from uploading videos to PornHub. The three of us were able to really talk with fag jack about his interests and desires and realized that fag jack matches more of what Chris and Nick are looking for in a faggot plus you and I have become more connected."

"So fag jack, tell fag paul what has already happened," orders Master Chris.

"Yes Master," fag jack says, turning to me. "Hi fag paul, so it guesses that like you it was hiding its true self. It knows it talked a big game when it fucked you that one time, but the reason it had a three day load was because it was serving a Dom online and He was controlling it. It has known for years that it wanted to submit and seeing you with Sir Xavier really unlocked that for it. It took being caught by Sir Xavier for it to really embrace it, but when he caught it that night and Sir Xavier took its pussy it knew it was over."

"What happened today, faggot?" asks Master Chris.

"It signed a contract with Master Chris and Master Nick to be their full-time, live-in slave," answered fag jack.

"That's right, slave," said Sir Nick. "So slave jack will remain in school, but it is also moving into the house that Chris and I are renting. Outside of going to school it will become our house slave and pay for as much of our expenses as it can via income from Only Fans and other videos that it sells. We will also whore the slave out for additional income. Slave has signed a contract, very different from the one you signed, to show it agrees to all of this and much, much more."

"Slave jack was given a lot of time and opportunity to think about the contract. We were able to connect it with other slaves to understand their experience and he fully embraced his new place and willingly signed the contract. After tonight we will actually never use its name again. It has been registered as a slave and has a slave registration number. Maybe Xavier will show the contract to you sometime," Master Chris says.

Sir Xavier jumps in again, "So fag you are probably wondering what this means for you. Since Chris and Nick are moving out of your suite and slave jack is also moving out we have a lot of spaces in rooms and we don't want just anyone moving in. Also since they now own a slave, it would be too much to own a slave and a fag."

"Based on a clause in the contract you signed with us, we have transferred your ownership to Xavier. Tomorrow he will present you with a new contract to sign as he would like to add and amend the contract we had with you. There is no threat to you in signing that contract. If you look at it and don't want to sign there will be no consequences. None of your videos will be released and we will not tell anyone about how we came to own you," says Sir Nick.

"One thing that will happen either way is that Xavier will be moving into our room in the suite. We have also paid a fee so that he has the room to himself for the spring semester. Depending on your decision with the contract that fee will be paid by either you and slave jack or just slave jack," adds Master Chris. "You probably have questions, but do you understand so far faggot?"

"Yes Master," I respond.

"Good. From now on you will call me `Sir' just like Nick and any other Alpha you have served. Same with Xavier at least until you decide on the contract," Sir Chris states.

"Yes Sir," I respond.

"Okay fag and slave, our guests will be arriving soon. Crawl over there and kneel until we get you. Do not speak. We three need to get ready," Sir Xavier says.

Slave jack and I crawl over to the area that Sir Xavier ordered and He follows behind us with blindfolds and headphones. After we are in position Sir Xavier puts the blindfolds and headphones on us and we wait. Suddenly the headphones turn on and I hear Sir Chris.

"Slave and faggot, only the two of you, Nick, and Xavier can hear me right now. You are going to be used and abused in any number of ways tonight. A large group of men are already here and more will come. Of course some subs are also here, but you two will be the main focus. Everything is being recorded so that we can post and sell the videos like everything else. We will be monitoring everything going on tonight to ensure your safety and we have security available in case things get out of hand. Your job is to submit and lose those barriers to be your truest selves."

The headphones are then removed and Sir Nick says, "Close your eyes faggot." He removes my blindfold and then puts a hood over my head. When the hood is in place I open my eyes and realize that I can see out but I am anonymous behind the hood. I look over at and see that slave jack is not wearing a hood. We are led in completely opposite directions and I actually don't see slave jack until the end of the night.

I crawl behind Sir Nick, and even though I can see, I have no idea how many guys are in the room with us. Sir Nick leads me to the St. Andrew's Cross. Before they restrain me, Sir Chris pulls out a sharpie and writes things on my chest, near my nub, on my back, and on my ass. He clips the sharpie to my collar and then he and Sir Nick put cuffs on my wrists and ankles and restrain me so that my back is facing out. Sir Chris sees me shaking and says,

"Remember you've fantasized about this faggot. You want this and on top of that you have three people making sure nothing stupid will happen. Now open your mouth."

"Thank you Sir," I say, leaving my mouth open to accept a ball gag.

Although I can hear things, like slave jack crying out, I cannot see anything since I am facing away from the majority of the space. I'm caught off-guard when the paddle hits my ass, which causes me to cry out behind the gag.

"That's right faggot," an unknown voice says, "We are going to make that ass red."

Some unknown number of men spend time using all kinds of things to flog, spank, and whip my ass, back, and legs.

"Hey guys let's take the faggot to the fuck bench I need to nut before I go," somone says.

Hands appear out of nowhere and my hands and legs are removed from the cross. The leash is reattached and I'm led towards one of the fuck benches. As I am crawling a guy says, "Hang on. Let's make a pit stop."

I'm quickly led to a tile area and I know what's about to happen.

"Oh fuck yea. Guys do you see his locked nub straining? We've got a urinal on our hands. Let's take that gag out so you can serve your true purpose, urinal," a guy says.

The gag is removed and I say, "Thank you Sir."

"Open up faggot," somone orders.

I open my mouth and it's quickly filled with the head of cock and an instant stream of piss. Suddenly multiple streams of piss are hitting me from all directions. I feel my locked nub is going to explode out of the cage. It's the fantasy I've always dreamt of and it's coming true. As soon as the first guy pulls out of my mouth a new cock and stream of piss replaces it. At least a half dozen men use my mouth as a urinal and countless more have soaked me in piss. Some grabs my leash and I'm lead the rest of the way to the fuck bench.

"I need in that pussy right now," says one guy.

"Hold the fuck on, dude," I recognize that as Sir Chris's voice, "The faggot needs to be usable for hours and then some, so you can be the first to seed that pussy but you're not about to dry fuck him. Use that lube and get him ready man."

"Thank you Sir Chris," I think in my head, but don't verbalize.

As lube and fingers start to probe my hole some says, "Open your mouth faggot. You don't need lube there."

This starts what feels like an endless barrage of cock in my mouth and pussy. When one pulls out the next one slides right in. Cum is running out of my mouth and ass like dueling waterfalls. On top of that men continue to use my mouth and body as a urinal

Suddenly I hear Sir Xavier, "Okay guys, this Dom has paid extra to use the faggot for a bit. Doesn't mean you won't be able to be involved but he's taking the lead."

"Take him off the fuck bench and walk him over there," the Dom says.

I'm led to a different part of the room and told to stand.

"Ok faggot, you're mine for the next hour! Based on the tally marks all over you your mouth and pussy have been well used. I look forward to adding to your load count in a bit, but want to use you in other ways. You will call me Sir Malcolm, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir Malcolm," I reply.

"Good job faggot. Now it's time to work those nipples and balls a bit," Sir Malcolm says.

Sir Malcolm attaches my wrist cuffs above my head and puts a spreader bar between my feet, leaving me completely vulnerable. For almost an hour he terrorizes my nipples and balls. Claps, clips, and small weights are put on my nipples. He flicks and pulls them merciously before removing them and squeezing my inflamed nipples. At the same time he paddles my balls making me count the strikes and thank him each time. After we reach 50 strikes he begins attaching weights to my balls pulling them down hard.

Throughout the hour I can feel other men caressing my body and playing with my nipples and balls. At some point Sir Malcolm sets a five minute timer and allows other men free play on my body. Men piss and cum on me as well as flog and whip me, all while weights are hanging from my nipples and balls.

"You've down well faggot. Better than any faggot I've used. I'm definitely going to have to talk to your owner about using you again in the future," Sir Malcolm says.

"Thank you, Sir Malcolm," I reply.

"Now before I leave it's time to fill that pussy up. I'm going to release your legs and help you down. You're going to feel stiff since your arms have been over your head for so long. When I lower you to the ground you will immediately get that pussy in the air so that I can fill you up. Understand faggot?"

"Yes Sir Malcolm."

Sir Malcolm very gently helps me down. Even though I can see out of the mask I never got a good look at him and his cock was always inside a jock, so when he pushes in balls deep in one motion I scream out. "HOLY SHIT SIR MALCOLM!! FUCK THAT'S HUGE."

"That's fucking right faggot. I've been watching and you've mostly taken average white men all night. It was time for you to get seeded by a proper Black Alpha. Isn't that right?"

"Yes Sir Malcolm. Your Black Alpha cock feels so fucking good."

"Of course it does faggot." As he continues to pound me, Sir Malcolm asks, "Has your tiny clit cum yet tonight faggot?"

"No Sir it hasn't, but you have me so close right now Sir!" I respond.

"I knew that you were a faggot for Black Alpha cock. Let's get you over the edge."

"Oh my god Sir Malcolm. Fuck me hard right there Sir. I'm going to cum Sir. OH. MY GOD. I. AM CUMMING!!!!" I shoot all over the floor and feel my pussy tighten around Sir Malcolm's huge cock.

"Fuck yea faggot. I'm seeding that pussy with Alpha cum!" Sir Malcolm yells.

The waterfall out of my ass returns from Sir Malcolm's massive load.

"Hey white faggot. Yea you. Don't look around. We both know you haven't fucked tonight and that tiny clit can't get hard unless something is in your ass. My Alpha cum is not to be wasted. Get over here and lick this fag's pussy and then clean my cock."

I suddenly feel a tongue on my ass licking Sir Malcolm's cum. "Faggot clean up that cum you shot on the ground while this other faggot cleans my cock.

"Yes Sir Malcolm," I respond.

Sir Malcolm grabs the faggot who licked his cum out of my pussy and they walk off. I'm taken back to the urinal area to drink more from the tap then I'm led back to the St. Andrew's cross for more nipple and ball torture as well as flogging. As much as I am having fun, my energy is running low. Some guys notice that I'm having trouble standing and take me off the cross.

"You're not done yet faggot," one guy says. This time I'm led to a sling and I get fucked at both ends for a long time. Eventually the onslaught ends, but I'm still hooked to the bench.

"How are you doing, faggot," Sir Xavier asks suddenly.

"I feel exhausted, Sir," I respond.

"Well you took 31 loads in your ass and almost double in your mouth plus everything else, so I can understand why you'd be exhausted. You did well faggot," Sir Xavier says. "Performed much better than slave jack. He received a lot of punishment."

"Thank you Sir," I answer.

"Don't thank me yet faggot. You're not done. We rented this place out until tomorrow, so you're in for more."

"Yes Sir," I say a bit sad.

::SLAP:: Sir Xavier smacks my face.

"You will show gratitude faggot!! I was going to go easy on you, but you clearly don't deserve that," Sir Xavier says. "Now crawl and do not speak."

I crawl to an area of the dungeon that wasn't visible before this.

"I was going to put you in the cell here and let you sleep on that mattress. Wouldn't have been great, but better than what's coming."

In front of me I see a dog crate and I think I know what I am about to endure but I am very wrong.

"Get on your back faggot," Sir Xavier orders. He pulls out a thick diaper and puts it on me. He replaces my see-through hood with a black out hood. "Crawl into the cage and lay on your back again."

Once I am in the cage, Sir Xavier hooks my legs and wrists to the cage so that I can't move. Sir Xavier puts the headphones back on me and I cry out.

"Please no Sir," I say.

Sir Xavier slaps me again, "What the fuck is wrong with you faggot?? You've never behaved like this before. I don't give a fuck if you are tired. We are going to get your head right before tomorrow. Given that you can't control yourself you're getting the gag as well. Now open your mouth!"

I open my mouth to receive the gag. The headphones are put over my ears and the cage door is closed. Once again I lose track of time. I am totally uncomfortable, but I'm so tired that I start to fall asleep. Just as that happens, the headphones turn on and start replaying the same message over and over.

"You are a locked faggot. Your purpose is to serve real men. You never need to stroke again. Your pleasure comes from serving real men."

That message plays on repeat for what feels like eternity and then suddenly stops. At that point I feel like I fall asleep briefly. This time I get woken up by a new repeating message.

"Black Alphas are superior. You must serve Black cock. You crave Black cock in your holes."

Over and over this message repeats, but again it stops and I sleep. For a third time the headphones wake me this time with a mix of both messages.

"Black Alphas are superior. Your purpose is to serve Black Alphas. You are a locked faggot."

After this message ends I am able to get some uninterrupted sleep though I don't have any idea for how long. The next thing I feel are the headphones being pulled off and my arms and legs being unhooked.

"Crawl out faggot," Sir Xavier orders. "You are permitted to stand for a minute to stretch."

"Thank you Sir," I mumble behind the gag.

After a couple minutes I am ordered back to my knees. "Did faggot soak his diaper overnight?"

"Yes Sir," I mumble. I can feel the sag and I know that after drinking so much piss and having some cum in my ass there's a ton in that diaper.

"Excellent! slave jack will appreciate it! I am going to remove the hood and ball gag fag. Don't you dare say a word."

Sir Xavier removes the gag and then the hood. At that point I realize slave jack is next to me. Sir Xavier removes the diaper and I watch as he straps it on slave jacks head and slave jack is led away by Sir Nick.

"Open your mouth faggot," Sir Xavier orders.

The ball gag is replaced with a urinal gag. Sir Xavier is first to give me his morning piss followed by Sir Chris and then Sir Nick. Sir Xavier then connects the leash and leads me to a shower area and orders me to wash my body and clean out my pussy. Once that's done I am given some brief time to eat, drink water, and rest. The food is bland and I can tell it's intended to keep my pussy ready for use.

I see Sir Xavier walking towards me and I immediately kneel.

"Good job faggot. Maybe the overnight punishment and training corrected your behavior last night."

"Yes Sir," I respond.

"Well that was a taste of what might happen if you accept the new contract faggot. In the meantime, that is not all the punishment that needs to happen for your ungrateful attitude last night."

Sir Xavier attaches the leash to my collar and I crawl through the room. First, a butt plug is shoved in my pussy. Then I am fully strapped to a table.

"Since this will be your first time with this fag I am not going to put you in a sleepsack, but that will definitely happen in the future," Sir Xavier tells me.

"Yes Sir," I respond not knowing what is coming. I get blindfolded and gagged before I feel Sir Xavier unlocking my cage. Of course, my tiny nub gets hard and Sir Xavier ignores it. I feel something being placed on my nub, but I have no idea what it is. Then Sir Xavier puts clamps on my nipples.

"Ready faggot?"

"Yes Sir," I respond.

"I doubt it," Sir Xavier says with a laugh. All of the sudden the table begins to move and I turn so that I am hanging from the table. The straps keep me in place but it's a strange sensation. The plug in my ass begins to vibrate and then I hear another noise and start to feel something on my nub.

"Faggot as long as I own you no hand will touch stroke your nub. Edging will happen via a vibrator unless another Dom wants to pay extra for that tiny thing. BUT! That doesn't mean I won't find ways to terrorize that worthless, tiny nub. So today you are going to get your first milking faggot. This machine will sense your orgamsm even if there's nothing left to come out of that tiny nub. The machine will notify me when you're done, so I hope you enjoy."

With that Sir Xavier puts the noise canceling headphones on me. This time I hear the messages from last night over and over during the whole time I'm milked. I thought the flogging, spanking, and CBT were painful, but nothing compares to the milker continuing to stimulate you after you orgasm. After my second orgasm I begin to beg through the gag for it to stop but it doesn't. In fact, rather than stopping, a mask is added to my head and I have to intermittently inhale poppers. I orgasm two more times and weights are added to my nipples. When my sixth orgasm produces no actual cum the machine stops and all of the gear is slowly removed. When the table is turned right side up the headphones are also removed.

Sir Xavier rubs my body, cleans my nub with a wipe, and then puts the cage back on. "You did well faggot. Do you understand why you needed to be punished?"

"Yes I do Sir. I am sorry for being so ungrateful last night."

"That's good faggot. You did do well last night, which is why I was surprised by how you responded. But I have to say I do enjoy punishing you. You're so obedient it rarely happens, so when it does you're going to be in for it. Not crawl over to the fuck bench it's time for me to get some pleasure."

"Yes Sir." I crawl to the fuck bench and Sir Xavier straps me in.

"I've been edging the whole time you were being milked faggot so I hope you're ready for me to use you hard and fast and then seed your pussy."

"Whatever will bring you pleasure Sir," I respond.

With that Sir Xavier shoves his Black snake in balls deep causing me to scream out. "That's it faggot! No one can hear you anyway."

Sir Xavier pounds me balls deep, hard, and fast like he said. It's not a long fuck, but I feel like my insides will be bruised. I feel him seed my pussy deep, but there is so much cum that it overflows my hole like a waterfall when he pulls out.

Sir Xavier grabs a pretty large plug and shoves it in me. "We need to keep you lubed up faggot. Sir Malcolm was so impressed with you that he rented you and the dungeon out for the whole day. He's going to do a bunch of filming and you'll get 50% of all profits."

Sir Xavier unhooks me from the fuck bench and makes me crawl to a different part of the dungeon. My arms are hooked above my head, a spreader bar is placed between my feet, and a blindfold, gag, and the noise canceling headphones are added. I feel myself being pulled just off the ground. Just before I start hearing the Black Alpha message I hear Sir Xavier's voice.

"This is how Sir Malcolm wanted you faggot. I don't know when he will arrive, but you will still be monitored for safety while he uses you. By the time he's done it will be just about time to head home, so serve well."

"Yes Sir," I say through the gag.

The Black Alpha message starts and I honestly feel like I fall into a trance. I don't even know how long it's been until I'm jolted back to reality by a flogger violently hitting my back and ass.

"Time to serve faggot!" Sir Malcolm says.

End of Chapter 12...

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