Pajama Man

By JC Smith

Published on Jan 23, 2012



Although not necessary I would recommend reading Motel Cum Dump before reading this installment. I write about real events, not fantasies. Also, when I write about my sex life I am usually doing something else, or as they like to say at work, I'm 'multi-tasking.' Outside of getting my hole pounded I'm about as normal as you get. For example I'm writing this now while watching Baltimore and New England in the AFC Conference Championship game. I know a lot of my gay friends don't like Football, but I sure as fuck do. Football is fun to watch. Heck, if you like hot guy it's fun just to watch for that reason alone. For example: Raw Lewis who plays for the Ravens for example. 6'1", 250 lbs, 35 years old... the dude is fucking hot and his attitude and masculinity is over the top. I have to admit I've wondered what it would be like to have someone like him tear up my hole... damn, I'm getting hard thinking about it.

But I digress... back to the dumpy Days Inn motel in Fort Lauderdale where I was slutting out my hole for a few days before taking off on a cruise.

I had already been dicked down right out of the gate by an aggressive Latino top and it had me hungry for more. As I sat down in a chair at the desk and got online again I did notice something that was fairly unusual for me. My hole was sore. I can take a rough fuck just as good as the next guy but I am only human and there are times when your hole can take a beating and your head can override the pain, but also be damaged enough where after the fuck you start to slowly realize that maybe you pushed it a little to far.

So I got up and went to the bathroom and rolled some toilette paper in my hand and dabbed at my hole. Thankfully there was no blood but my ass lips were definitely sore, in particular the area of my hole that faces the tailbone. I remembered how the Latino fucker had fucked me backwards and I imagine when he was doing that my hole was stretched just enough at that weird angle he had damaged and bruised my hole. Just rubbing my finger over that one spot I could feel how sore it was. It wasn't terribly sore, but this was just my finger rubbing it. I wondered what it would be like when there was another cock up there, and then another one after that, and then another...

I had been in this situation before and surprisingly you can have someone who can literally wreck your your hole enough where you just can't fuck anymore, at least for a day or two as your hole heals. I have to admit I was a little concerned because here it was the first night of three and the very first guy out of the gate had been rough enough where he did a little damage to my hole. If I had been home it wouldn't have been an issue, but I wasn't about to stop fucking and go sit by the pool for the next three days. No fucking way.

So I grabbed some lotion out of my bag and rubbed some in my hole. It stung a little bit but only where I think the guy had made a little tear in my hole, but the sting went away in a couple of seconds and soon my hole started to feel a little better as the moisturizer absorbed into the skin.

Back to the chair and back to the computer. I had been offline for about an hour and when I logged in as expected there were quite a few messages from guys in my various in boxes. Most sites have a way of showing a guy's status the inbox if they are still online. Some guys had shot me a note and had already signed off so I ignored those so I could go immediately to those guys who were hopefully still online. There were a few guys who I had been chatting with before the Latino guy showed up, and I shot off messages to them telling them I had just been fucked and if they wanted to play. Experience had taught me that there were plenty of guys who loved to fuck a guy who had already been loaded up. But there are also guys who want to be the first, or who just don't want to fuck a guy after they had been fucked. Fucking around with guys after you've already been fucked comes with the territory and in most cases I just like to be upfront it. The real pig fuckers out there will cut to the chase pretty quick once you have pointed out that you are cum filled and looking for more.

When I'm traveling I usually amend my profiles to indicate what hotel I am staying at and that I'm, "giving up my hole now." If the site allows it I'll even put the hotel name in the profile heading so it's the first thing guys see. I've found that it cuts down on some of the unnecessary chit chat so that if there are guys who want to fuck they already know where I'm at and if they aren't close normally they won't hit me up.

On the hook up sites I changed the profile to, "Muscular Bottom looking4now - Days Inn Ft. Lauderdale" and then in the profile description I gave the address since there are a couple of Days Inns in Ft. Lauderdale

As I'm checking my mail and reading the various messages of, "Hey man what's up", "So what you get into?", "How long you in town for?", etc., I came across that rare response, a request for something that cum whores like myself love to read that causes me to immediately clicked on his profile to read more about him. His message had simply said, "What room?"

That's it, "What room?" And here is where the men separate themselves from the boys. I understand that most guy don't trust what they read online, especially when it comes to profiles. As I said I hate it myself when guys fuck up their profiles by posting dumb ass photos that aren't close to who they really are. And I wouldn't expect anyone else to take my word for it as they review my profiles as well. These guys don't know me and as far as they know my pics could be fake and I could be full of shit. I am quite real as advertised but I can certainly understand why some guys want to go a little slow at first, ask a few more questions, and just get more comfortable with me before deciding if they want to connect. It's all good.

However when you have someone who reads your profile, and in this case it's my profile advertising that I was taking 'all loads' then if they truly want to fuck they need only one piece of information - my room number. Most guys just don't do that, although I wish they would. I don't put my hotel number in my profile because I have had some bad experiences in the past which maybe one day I'll write about, but other than that if a guy wants to connect it's the only missing link he needs in order to make the connection and getting up my hole.

The reason I don't put my room number in the profile when I'm whoring out my hole is that I want at least a cursory chance to review their profile first. It may sound hypocritical but there are some profiles where after reading I'll think, "No, thank you." I have standards, not many as I am a fucking whore..., but I do have some and there are some guys where I know it just won't work out. Probably the largest group of guys who I steer clear from are guys who claim to be a top, but all their pictures are of their ass... their ass bent over the bed, their ass with their hands pulling their cheeks apart, their ass spread eagle on the bed, and in some cases their ass with a cock buried in it. Yet they are, "Top Only" Yeah...right.

I clicked on the guy's profile who had cut to the chase and simply wanted my room number. Black guy (nice), average build, large cock, top, 40-something, etc. He didn't have any pictures. That worked for me. I shot him my room number.

I continued to chat with several other guys on several sites, a few of which were slowly but surely getting close to making the commitment that they wanted to come over. It sounds easy but chatting with a bunch of guys at the same time takes a little organization. You don't want any of them to know you are chatting it up with 7-8 other guys at the same time and if you don't get back to them in a timely fashion when they ask a question then you stand a good chance of losing them as they think you are blowing them off. Some guys though, the pros, know exactly what you are doing and I've even had some ask, "How many guys you chatting with?" It's funny, and in most cases they get how the name is played. It comes with the territory I guess.

I also got the chance to chat with the guy I had chatted with earlier who wanted to be my 'last' fuck of the evening. He was a guy who described himself as having a huge cock and his thing was he wanted a used hole filled with cum. I told him that I just got loaded up by a Latino guy and I was looking for the next guy and as before he told me to let him know when I felt like I had had enough cock for the night and that then he would then come over. He could be a flake, just getting off on hearing about me getting fucked, but there was no harm either as the worse that could happen would be I let him know when I'm fucked out and he's just not there. I could live with that.

Even though my room was on the second floor it still faced and opened up directly to the back parking lot. The room wasn't sound proof and as old as it was you could easily hear what was going on outside. I heard a car pull up and heard a door close but didn't think anything of it.

I checked back on the black dude to see if he had sent me anything after I shot him my room number and he hadn't and in fact he was no longer online. That usually meant one of two things. Either he was a flake, or he was coming over. My anxiety went up a little, not much, but a little as it's a rare breed of guy who doesn't send that 'final' email stating they, 'are n their way' or 'I'll be there in x minutes,' etc. and instead just show up. A little breach of protocol to be sure, but then again I did give him my room number without any preconditions.

A minute hadn't even gone by after noticing that the black guy was no longer online when someone at the door knocked. I didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who it was. He had arrived.

I got up out of the chair, still dressed in nothing more than just baggy gym shorts and opened the door. And in walked this black guy. He was probably about 6", average build, mid 40s (although with some black guys you never can tell as some hide their age pretty damn well), short Afro hair, and scruffy face that hadn't been shaved for at least a day. It'd be a stretch to call him handsome, but not a a stretch at all to say he was 110% all man. This guy gave off a masculinity vibe that I could feel the second he walked in the room.

He didn't look at me, or if he did I couldn't really tell because instead of coming in the door and stopping where I was he instead he quickly walked right past me and went over to the area between the two beds. And this is where I got a chance to really get a good look at him for the first time.

If you fuck around long enough you're bound to see it all, but thankfully there are still those times when something happens where you think, "OK, this is different." This was one of those time.

The man was standing between the two beds and all he was wearing were pajama pants. That's it. He didn't have on a shirt. He wasn't even wearing any shoes. He was barefoot. These were fucking pajama bottoms. To his credit they weren't Spongebob, or Batman pajamas, but normal boring brownish pajama pants. But that's it. This guy had gotten in his car and driven over here in nothing but his pajama bottoms, and from the look on the growing bulge in the front of his pants I could already tell he wasn't wearing any underwear. I'm a slut who takes getting fucked very seriously, but I do have a sense of humor and although I was already getting turned on looking at this practically naked black stud standing in my room, I couldn't help but crack a smile while looking at this guy.

Since he walked by me so quick I knew he wanted to get down to business and I was fine with that, so I walked over to him and and with one hand started to rub his chest. I never know how a guy wants to instigate sex when they just come in and stand there, let alone standing there in his pajamas. So stroking his chest seemed like a good thing to do. To his credit, and as I should have expected, he knew what he wanted and said the first things out of his mouth. "Suck my dick." He then proceeded to pull his cock out of his pajamas and down to my knees I went. He was going to drive the bus on this trip and that's how I liked it.

He was already almost completely hard by the time I grabbed his cock with one hand and leaned forward to put it in my mouth. There would be no need to suckle this one to it's full size. As I grabbed his cock I could feel it was thick, and still growing... and his cock had weight to it. Those of you who are cock suckers know what it's like to grab a cock and feel that it has some weight to it. My hole instinctively started to relax a bit knowing it was once again going to get a stretch. I also had the brief thought run through my mind that my hole was already a little damaged from the Latino fuck who had left less than 30 minutes earlier.

I buried my mouth on his cock and I could smell that nice sweaty,odor coming off his body. It was not a dirty smell, but that familiar musky smell of someone who certainly had taken a shower at some time during the day. There is a science behind these smells and this guy definitely had his pheromones rocking my head big time. It almost dizzying as it increases your own sexual desire even further.

His cock was thick so I had to open quite wide so my teeth wouldn't rub against his tool, but I was still able to get almost all of it in. He wasn't as long as the Latino fuck, a good 7", but it's thickness is what was really starting my ass to literally squirm as I realized that soon this beautiful black piece of meat would be pushing into my hole.

He began talking to me more telling me, "Yeah, that feels good" and "Damn, I'm so horny" and a few other burst of horny talk. Unlike the Latino guy he was just horned up. He wasn't being overtly aggressive but just standing there as I sucked his cock and murmuring that he liked it. He still had his pajamas on, although they were pulled down a bit. I took this as a chance to get him completely naked and as I continued to suck his cock I pulled down his pajamas with my hands so they were now at his ankles. I made sure to stay away from the wet spot on the carpet where I had previously drooled all over myself from getting skull fucked.

I would have loved to continue sucking him but after just about 2 minutes he told me to get up on the bed. I got off my knees, pulled off my shorts and threw them on the other bed, and then got up on the bed that I hadn't been fucked on yet. I didn't ask which position but on my hands and knees was the standard for most guys and if he didn't it he'd tell me.

After I got all settled in and was mentally getting ready to get fucked I realized that I hadn't brought out the lube that was still in my bag. Although I hated to do it I told the guy to wait a second and hopped off the bed and grabbed the lube. A small part of me felt bad as I hate to ruin the flow of a fuck and you certainly don't get on all fours and then say 'stop' but I sensed this guy would dry fuck me like the Latino fucker if I allowed it. I just couldn't put my hole through that again if I planned on getting fucked all night. Thankfully, and as I kind of expected, he didn't care. As I climbed back up on the bed I saw that his cock was still hard and the look on his face just had the expression of, 'let's fuck.'

I reached back and put the lube next to my legs close to the side of the bed. It was clearly obvious that I wanted to use lube but there are a small percentage of guys who just don't like lube. I hoped he would take the lube and sure enough he grabbed the bottle of Gun Oil and squirted some on his cock. I was looking behind me and he was rubbing it on his cock. He didn't put any on my hole though, but he had enough on his cock where I knew it would be enough to coat my hole. He tossed the lube back on the bed and reached down with his hand and wiped the lube on the bed. I was starting to like this guy... pajamas and all.

I was up on my elbows as he started to push his cock against my hole. I couldn't see what he saw but I imagine if he looked close enough he would have seen a hole that had already been worked over. I doubt if he did though. This guy just wanted to fuck and it was just a hole to him. His cock tapered a little at the head but not much so as he pushed in I quickly felt my hole start to open up pretty wide. If he had been the first cock to fuck me for the night I would have felt that familiar initial jolting shock of pain as my ass is intruded. However it was already warmed up from the prior guy so there wasn't that initial shock, but I certainly felt a stinging sensation from the small amount of damage the prior fuck had given me. It hurt, but it was bearable. Even if it had hurt a lot worse it was too late. This guy was burying his cock in my ass and I sure as hell wasn't about to tell him to stop now.

He continued to talk to me, or maybe he was talking to himself. He wasn't talking nasty per se but I still loved hearing him as he clearly was enjoying himself.

"That's right, take that fucking dick."

"Fuck I'm so fucking horny."

"Damn, that's some nice fucking pussy," etc

As he was saying these things I noticed that he like to use the word 'fuck.' I love to drop the 'F' bomb, especially during sex and it was hot hearing this guy describe everything as 'fuck' this and 'fuck' that. I just fucking love the work fuck. What can I fucking say?

As he's fucking me I tried to make sure that he was getting into my hole as easy as possible. He was still standing so I made sure to keep my ass close to the side of the bed. He was picking up his pace and his thrusts were getting a little harder and it was pushing me further up on the bed. A good bottom slut knows to make sure they wiggle their body and ass back toward the side of the bed when getting pounded like this. I'm the hole and it's my job to make sure it doesn't start to wander away.

As he's fucking me and getting into his pace I start to mentally really get off on what is happening. My cock is not hard and I have no interest in cumming. If he had reached down and started stroking my cock it would have freaked me out. The pleasure I get, and I imagine other fuck holes get also, is that you are having a guy use you and your body as nothing more than a fucking hole to a blow load. That is the turn on. That is what sets my mind racing with so much primal lust. When I first started having sex I always assumed there was this give and take. You cum then I cum, or visa versa, but both guys had to cum. Not now though. My shooting a load is not only unnecessary, it's practically impossible. I physically can get hard and fuck like a madman, and when I cum I shoot a huge load, but that is not my role now. When I'm giving out my hole the pleasure is almost exclusively in my head. I'm cumming all right, but it's in my fucking brain, and as he kept pushing his cock in and out of my hole my brain was cumming big time.

I was wondering if he wanted to change positions but that would be up to him. Hands and knees is my favorite position as it forces me to be aware that I'm just giving my hole up. Some guys like to fuck and look in to your eyes and be all romantic and shit, and I play along, but honestly I just like to get pounded and this guy was doing just that. I reached back between my legs and I could feel his cock as it swept in and out of my hole. I could also feel more that lube around his cock, no doubt some of the cum that the Latino fucker had left in me just earlier. I stretched two fingers so that I could feel the thickness of his cock as it plunged in and out of my hole. It's hot to feel the cock with my fingers as it's going in and out. I felt his balls also as they slapped up against me. He was coming through as a good fuck in all regards.

He continued to talk as he fucked. Some guys do that. But it's not really a conversation. He's not asking me anything. It's more like their subconscious just blurting out these random thoughts that are going through their heads explaining what they are thinking and feeling. When they start to do this I certainly like to add my own 'fuck' expressions to the mix.

"Damn, fuck yeah."

"Fuck me. Fuck me harder."

As I had with the Latino fucker I was grinding my ass on his cock, pushing back, and squeezing when I could. He seemed to respond to this as he picked up his pace a bit. He also started to play with my hole a bit with his cock. He began to push in at a different angle, a little to the right, a little to the left, etc. He also would occasionally pull all the way out and push it back in which I love. You know you've been fucked down good when a thick black cock like this guy can just pull all the way out and push the piece of meat back in with ease. I was open, that's for sure.

I was starting to wonder if he was one of those guys who just can fuck and fuck and fuck, and I certainly was prepared to go as long as he wanted but he started sending subtle messages that he was getting close. His breathing started to increase and he started asking me those great questions a bottom whore like myself likes to hear.

"I'm getting close."

"You want my fucking load?"

"Fuck, I'm getting close"

Now he certainly wasn't asking for my permission but I did look back at him and tell him, "Yeah I want your fucking load. Fucking give it to me" and then I put my head all the way down to the bed to support my upper body and then reached back with both of my hands to pull my ass cheeks apart. I wanted him to go deep with that fucking load.

He grabbed my hips even harder and just started slamming into me and yelling out. There weren't any words, but just yelling, and he was yelling loud. The animal was coming out of him big time and my body was just getting pounded relentlessly. And as it has been every time, I started taking cock and cum with the mentality that I'm just a hole to be used and my mind just starts to explode. My head was turned to the side and I was just babbling nonsense noises and my tongue was sticking out. We weren't even human at that point but just animals. Both of us in a world of complete lust.

He started to cum. He didn't need to say anything but he just started to slam me with a yell coming at the end of each thrust. I pulled my ass cheeks apart even further, wanting to get his cock as deep as possible as I knew his cum was shooting deep in my guts with each deep thrust.

He came for maybe 30 seconds and he started to slow down his thrusts as his orgasm started to subside. Even though I wasn't physically cumming, my mind also got back into a more regular way of thinking. I was relaxed and with his cock still in me I just reached back again between my legs and felt it as he started to pull out. He did it slowly which most guys do and as he pulled out my ass stayed open, if just a little. No cum dripped out, but I knew it was in there. If I waited a few minutes I certainly would be able to push it out but I didn't want that. I wanted to keep it inside as it's still a mini mind fuck to have cum up my hole after a guy pulls.

My new buddy said, "Damn, I needed that" and just stood there as I rolled over and sat up on the bed. He was sweating and his body was glistening in black.

"That was hot. You're fucking hot." I told him, which was a true statement. He was hot. He was a real man in all regards and he had just fucked the shit out of me.

"Can I get cleaned up?" he asked. I told him sure and he walked over to the sink and used a wash cloth to wipe off his cock. He also took a hand towel and wiped off his head and chest as he continued to sweat quite a bit.

Normally I don't engage in much conversation unless the other guy does but in his case I just had to ask.

"So nice pajamas."

He laughed a little, not embarrassed or anything, and told me, "I was just fucking horny."

We chatted a little more and he told me he lived close by. He mentioned that he had fucked in this motel before. It made me feel kind of a little horned up knowing he had fucked with other guys here in the same motel, and also solidified the feeling I was getting that in spite of the dumpiness of the motel it was probably going to serve it's purpose well.

I didn't press him for details but I could just picture him cruising online earlier and being so horned up that when he found someone to fuck he just hopped in his car and headed over with just his pajama bottoms on. He clearly didn't care what anyone thought and I liked that quality in a guy. To park your car and walk to a motel room half naked clearly was sending a message to anyone paying attention that there was some fucking that was about to take place.

He pulled his pajamas pants back on and asked me how long I was in town for. He was clearly a cool guy, albeit someone who just was keeping it real and to the point. I told him 3 nights. He then headed to the door and said, "See ya" and he walked out. It would not be the last time I saw this guy...

As soon as he left I couldn't help myself but reach down again and feel my hole. I could feel a little pressure inside my guts as I rubbed my hole. My body definitely would expel any cum if I was to allow it, but I wanted to keep it in there. It would come out in it's own time, in a nastier situation.

I did grab a towel though, the same one he used to wipe the sweat off, and put it on the floor where my spit had been from the previous fuck I received from the Latino guy. I stepped on the towel to absorb the wetness. I didn't want the next guy to step on it and wonder why the floor was wet. I also grabbed a clean corner of the towel and wiped my ass with it to remove the sticky lube that remained, and then tossed the towel under the sink.

Once again I pulled back on my gym shorts and stood there for a few seconds. I look at both beds which were now messed up a bit. I had been fucked on both. I left them as they were though and just picked up the bottle of lube that was lying on the bed to make sure it wasn't leaking. I set it on the nightstand between the beds.

I walked over to the mirror and took a look at myself. I was no worse for wear. I turned around and looked at my ass, pulling one of my cheeks back with my hand. I could see my hole and it was definitely a little beat up which was fine. As I looked into the mirror at myself I told myself out loud, "You are a such a fucking whore." I didn't say it with disgrace, disgust, or embarrassment. I said it because it was true and I liked it.

I walked back to the desk, sat down, and logged back in and once again started looking for the next guy.

As always if you have any feedback feel free to send me a note at I also write about my escapades at

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