
By Randy Wade

Published on Apr 2, 2020


Please do not copy any part of this story without the explicit permission from the writer (me). This story is protected by Copy write laws under the site.

I apologize for being so long i9n adding a new chapter. I will try and be better at it.

I am assuming that you know what you will be reading and know whether it is legal for you to read.


Between Two Worlds

Chapter 5

Galen looked around him as he stepped out of the little church. The church was made of granite and looked like something out of old England. It had a tall steeple in one corner and a porch that attached to another building. The church itself was surrounded by gravestones except for in front of the church itself.

He pulled out the map and looked at it. He found the southwest gate; this was Hampton By the Sea. He sighed and decided to just go find an inn or something to stay for the night. Tomorrow he would look for a good horse and get the proper supplies he would need to make the 800 miles plus journey. His first thought was he should get a packhorse but if he needed a quick getaway it would slow him down.


He wandered through the town. Like the church it looked as if it was transported here from England of centuries past. The streets and sidewalk were cobblestone, The buildings were granite with wood overhangs, many in the Tudor style. The only thing setting it apart from that era was electric lampposts and fixtures, though they did look like old-style gas lamps. He figured though that it was too much to hope if they had a television, maybe computers and the internet. I could check my Facebook, but different realm, so no Facebook. I stopped on the sidewalk staring around at the town, trying to get my bearings.

He was at the edge of it to the east was the were only a few houses where the road turned from paver blocks to dirt. To the west, the streets were paved. The buildings were of various heights. I sighed and thought about what I needed to do first. Place to sleep.

"Excuse me, young man, are you lost?" A man's deep voice asked, making me jump a little at the unexpected interruption of my thoughts.

"Sorry son didn't mean to startle you," he said when he spun around. He was about 40 and wore an old-style army pilot's uniform.

"No problem sir." He debated on saluting him and decided against it.

"Good, now maybe I can aid you in some way?"

"Thank you, I would appreciate that sir. I guess I need to find a place to stay."

"That is easy enough, Bell and Hammer Inn down by the docks is the cheapest but if you're looking for more amenities the Stratford Arms is the way to go. Just three blocks down can't miss it."

"Well I won't be staying long, for a day or two, so I guess the Bell and Hammer Inn it is. Thank you again sir." He said smiling.

"Glad to be of help son. If you need any help or have questions, just ask for me, Lt. Charles C. Taylor, at your service.

He smiled and nodded to him. "Galen, sir."

It wasn't hard to figure out where the docks were, and I strolled down the sidewalk towards them thinking. Lt. Charles Taylor, why was that name familiar? He looked at the different shops. They ranged from clothing, household items to butchers and groceries to Magic and potions all with hanging shingles to mark their name. Many of the names didn't quite match their wares. For instance the Hangman's Roost was the undertaker. He passed the Stratford Arms Hotel and was tempted to get a room there but decided to be less conspicuous besides he didn't have much money on me.

Galen was a few yards from the docks when he saw a sign. It had a bell being hit by a hammer painted on it. Although there were no words Galen figured this had to be the Bell and Hammer Inn. It was stone on the first floor and stucco and timber above. It had three stories, six if you counted the tower on the dockside corner.

Galen adjusted his bag and walked to through the old scared wooden door with a stained-glass window in it. As the door opened a little bell rang, as if anyone would have heard it over the ruckus going on inside. It was packed with various men, women and other beings. The tables were the typical long wood planks you'd expect with matching benches. In some corners there were smaller round ones. On one side was a huge hearth and on the opposite side was a well-worn bar. Coming from somewhere I could hear the playing of a piano. Surprisingly though the place was clean minus the straw on the floor.

The beings were various. But paid little attention to them as he looked around for someone who may be able to rent me a room. He figured the barkeep was the best person to ask and made my way through the crowd. Galen made it to the bar and tried to get the barkeep's attention. She was a small woman, about 20 years old, but with the doubled lifespan of Pangeans she could be nearer to forty. She nodded to let me know she saw me as she served the others waiting.

Galen looked around the room again as he waited. There were a variety of being from Ambrogian Vampires, to humans to Elvin and few other beings, including more than a few dwarves and several trolls. Dwarves, though proportionate, were short and stocky and known for drinking and being good-natured, though they did like a good fight. Trolls were taller by a few inches but still short compared to humans, their legs were short, and their torsos were longer and roundish, their arms were long and thick. Their hands hung down to their knees and their heads and faces were distorted in every way, and they were known for their love of boasting.

"Now what can I get ya honey?" said a sweet angelic voice from behind the bar. He turned and smiled and was surprised to see she had a slight point to her ears, but she wasn't Elvin. She had definite human features. It dawned on me she was Half-Elvin.

"Well honey I don't have all night here." She said after he didn't say anything. Galen felt like an ass staring at her. Though he couldn't help notice she looked at me very intently.

"Oh, sorry ma'am. I was hoping I could get a room for the night, maybe two."

"Sit tight honey, I have a few of these asses to handle, and then I'll be with you." She poured ale into an earthen mug and pushed it to me

"On the house honey." She said as she ran off to the other end of the bar.

Galen took a swallow of the ale. It was stronger than anything I'd had before. Though at sixteen he knew shouldn't be drinking but someho0q he didn't think she severed soda pop. Most of his drinking was done in secret at Fallbrook Academy and even then it was rare and he kept it to a limit. Galen decided to just sip it while he waited for her to finish with the other customers.

After twenty minutes he saw that the beings at the bar were served and the bartender was able to handle the rest. She looked back to him and held up a hand and waved for me to follow.

Galen downed the rest of the ale and stepped back, bumping into someone behind me. I turned to apologize for my clumsiness but was greeted with a huge hand on my throat. He was huge with greyish skin, massive torso, short legs in comparison to the torso but long by human standards. Large arms that would hang down almost to the floor. The head was surprisingly small but still twice the size of a man's, with a pudgy pig-like nose, small beady eyes and thick-lipped mouth. What hair he had was long oily strings. He was clothed in what Galen could only disrobe as made from burlap bags. His first thought was Oh, fuck, I bumped into an Ogre.

"You bump me, pretty man." He said in garbled words. He lifted me by the throat with his massive hand to eye level, about three feet off the floor.

"Thorga! Put him down right now!" Galen heard the innkeeper yell. He could see the small woman plowing through the crowd. Mostly they just parted like the Red Sea. If they didn't move she hit or kicked them.

"I said put him down." She said.

"I want him. He pretty. I have him to make Thorga." He said.

Galen's eyes widen. The idea of this thing making him his lover was terrifying. Even though I was into both sexes, there would be no way. He thought.

"Thorga, you have to put him down now. He is turning blue." She repeated.

Thorga set Galen down on the floor and he gasped for air. He patted him on the head. "You be Thorga man now," he said.

Galen didn't know what to say. He couldn't help thinking who would have thought of a gay ogre. He looked at his savior and she just grinned, and then laughed at Galen's shocked and scared look. "Thorga, he wouldn't last but a minute with you sweetheart."

Thorga looked at me and frowned. "You true with words. Thorga breaks him fast but he still pretty man."

"Come on pretty man before she changes her mind." She said, and Galen quickly followed. She? That was a female? Who knew?

We cleared the crowd and she led me to a flight of steps and climbed them. Galen looked over the balcony that hung out over the bar below as she opened a door. He followed her and shut the door behind him. She went down the long narrow hall lined with doors. They came to the last door, unlocked it, and motioned me inside.

The room was more spacious than he thought it would be. He looked around. The walls had Victorian designs with a modern twist. The thick plush carpeting was wall to wall. The furniture was modern Victorian with a large bed.

They stood in a parlor against one wall was a staircase leading upward. There was a large bank of windows along the wall opposite the entry door with thick red with gold-trimmed drapes. A carved marble fireplace on another wall and in the center of the room hanging from the ornate ceiling was a crystal chandelier. Galen turned and looked at her with my mouth wide open.

"What's the matter darlin'? The room not to your liking?"

"It's not that. It's just, it may be more than I can afford."

"Nonsense, it's free of charge."

"Um, why?" He was thinking that she had ideas about things. I mean I like women and all. It's not that she's half Elvin, either. Just she is probably old enough to be my mother.

"Galen this is his lordship's room."

"Okay but why free."

"Sit down young man." She said and motioned to a pair of overstuffed chairs. He nodded and sat down, and she sat across from me.

"You smell of Earth. I know his lordship is there dealing with some nasty business. I also know you're probably on some business from there. That being said, you must be on an errand for him. Am I not right?"

Galen sat there and gazed at her in shock. Galen knew he couldn't hide the fact he was from Earth. His clothes were not your normal Pangean style. Which was from what he could tell by my limited knowledge of fashion 200 years ago. So his Levi's, button-up shirt and timberland boots stood out. He nodded and agreed to her assessment.

"Good we are being honest. I can tell you got some good sense. You didn't get a room at the Stratford. That would have attracted attention, though your clothing tells all." Galen blushed.

"I take it you're going to be needing a horse, some supplies and clothing."

"Yes ma'am."

"Name is Ellora, use it."

"Mine Is Galen."

"Yes I know who you are. How much did he give you?"

"His Highness gave me a note take to the bank."

"Oh, by the stars of all things. That little bastard Grady runs the bank and is as tight-fisted as they come. I'll go with you to see the little gold hoarder."

"Thank you, Ellora. I appreciate it."

"You eat yet?" she said as she walked to the door.

"Not since breakfast." Galen had to admit he was hungry. By the ornate grandfather clock it was near five in the afternoon.

"Good. You put your things away, clean up and I'll come get you around seven Don't you be carrying that message with you. Hide it somewhere good, I don't trust half them characters that come to the pub. You'll find more appropriate clothes in the closet. You need to be very careful with your business too. Don't tell anyone what you here for. Make a good reason why you're in Pangea and not on Earth."

Galen nodded as she opened the door and was gone. He looked around for a good place to hide the message. Deciding the bedroom was up the flight of stairs he climbed them and looked around a large dining area.

He went up another flight of stairs leading up to what he hoped was the bedroom. The bedroom was styled much like the rest of the suite. With yet another staircase going up. I must be in the tower. He thought. He climbed up and glanced around and saw it was a huge bathroom and there was one more flight. The final level was an office. Unlike the other rooms though it had windows on all sides.

Galen climbed back down to the bedroom and looked around. He put down my duffle bag. The fireplace was his first thought but was a commonplace. After looking around a bit more, He went to the drapes and made a neat slice into the hem at the bottom with my pocket knife then slid the message into it. He stepped back and looked at the area.

Satisfied he could see no sign of its existence he grinned and sat on the bed for a moment. Galen took a deep breath and could smell his pits. "Damn dude you rank," he said to himself. He stood up and stripped off his sweaty and dust-covered clothing on the floor and climbed up to the bathroom and took a much-needed piss. After shaking off the remaining drops he looked around the room and debated whether to take a shower or soak in the large bathtub that looked like it could fit four people.

It had been a while since he soaked in a tub. It would be a nice change from the communal showers at Fallbrook Academy's dormitories. He added some of the bubble bath as he filled the tub and eased himself down into the hot water and sighed.

Galen thought about all that he had seen so far. Even though at Fallbrook they studied what life was like in Pangea, it didn't prepare you for what it was like. Even though he only witnessed Hampton-By-the-Sea so far It wasn't anything like he imagined. From the heat of the day and Dress of the people he felt totally out of place and unprepared. He wasn't used to the sound of horses and wagons on the cobblestone streets. He was used to the sound of cars and trucks. He closed his eyes and thought of what lay ahead. He dozed off briefly but woke as the water turned cool.

He stood up and dried himself off. After drying his hair a best a could he stood naked in front of the wall of mirrors that hid the closets. He stood six feet. Through religious workouts every day, he was muscular with light brown hairs beginning to cover his chest and a thicker trail towards his lower parts. He smiled at the fact that he wasn't lacking in that area either. His light brown hair was already beginning to get its natural blonde highlights. He knew he was good looking. Both girls and guys chased after him. Though as of date he remained a virgin. Though like most teens he got hard with a breeze and masturbating probably too much.

He placed the towel on the side of the tub and opened the closet door. The clothing looked like his size but most seemed a bit standout. After some searching he found a plain white linen shirt, grey slacks and a black vest with a matching coat. He forewent the coat and carried the clothing downstairs.

I dressed in clothing the pants were tight and left little to the imagination. After styling his hair in his usual controlled mess that his Mother hated. H checked his hiding spot he quickly headed out, careful to do the triple locks, and headed down the hall to the common area.

The pub was louder and more crowded if that was possible. I saw Thorga and went the long way to the pub to avoid her. I know she meant no harm but from the stories I have been told about ogres they had a liking for humanoid flesh. Better safe than sorry. That and the fact she wanted to take my virginity. Not only didn't he want to lose it to an ogre he didn't want it to be first and last time either.

Ellora saw me and said something to the barmaid. The barmaid looked at me and smiled. Ok now she was beautiful I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to her. He thought to himself. She walked over to him, still smiling. On closer inspection I could see she wasn't what I expected. Her skin though normal looking in most respects was peeling in spots. Underneath I could see a blueish tinge to it. He searched my memory on Pangean species. Jengu mermaid-like creatures.

"Ellora has a table for you by the hearth. Follow me Galen," she said. "It is Galen right?" as she lead him towards the large hearth.

Once he was seated. She asked if roasted pork would be okay. He nodded.

"Ok I'll bring you something to eat. I'll make you a big plate. You're still a growing boy."

As he waited for her to return, He thought about what he knew about the miengu. They were very similar to merpeople. They just couldn't stand saltwater. They were, for the most part, friendly though, rarely would they spend much time on land, but very protective of their own home. They could only be out of water for a week.

She returned with a mug of some kind of liquid. When he sniffed it, she laughed. "It's raspberry wine."

She left giggling at him. he looked around the room. A few beings were glancing over at him. Some would turn and speak to their drinking partners. he figured they were wondering why he was getting special treatment. It didn't take long before a plate heaped with meat potatoes and vegetables was put before him.

He put the three-pronged fork into the meat and tasted it. It was beyond good; it was heavenly delicious. It didn't take long before the plate was empty. He pushed the plate away and leaned back, closed his eyes and let out a belch.

"Must have been good." Said a soft, masculine voice.

He opened my eyes and sat up straight. "Yes, it was," He said politely. He carefully looked him over.

"May I join you?" He asked politely, bowing his head. Old world manners, human-looking, he wasn't likely Ambrogian, but he was a vampire. Not to be rude, He nodded.

He sat in what could be considered by some as an effeminate way but to an old-world vampire, it was normal.

"I am Aberto Moserat," he said, offering his hand palm downward. I looked at Aberto's hand nodded and smiled. My father always told me not to take a vampire's hand when faced down.

"Galen. Pleasure, I am sure."

"Now Galen, what is your business in our little hamlet." His words were seductive and alluring but I felt no desire from the emotions he was putting out towards me.

He almost told him was none of his business. Instead I told him I was taking a holiday during spring break. He was born here but lived on earth since he could remember.

"Well if you tell me where you plan to go maybe I could be your guide." Said Alberto." He cooed. "I don't think he needs your services, Alberto. Find a meal elsewhere. said Ellora, standing over him with her hands on her hips. Galen almost laughed out loud when he bowed and had the look of a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. He stood, bowed to me and disappeared.

"That one is nothing but trouble. Sweet talk ya, while his hand is in your pants and teeth in your neck." She said as she cleared the table and filled his mug. "Be careful Galen, remember what I told you." He smiled as she left to tend other tables. Yes, I sense Okeanos in his bearing. She thought.

Galen looked around and saw Thorga watching and what he hoped was a smile appeared on her face. It looked more like she was going to attack. He fought the urge to run when he saw her walk towards his table. People who didn't move, she moved them. When she reached his table, she sat on the floor. Her head was level with his.

"Thorga stay with pretty man. She not let bad things happen." She said as she patted his head. To his surprise her touch was gentle, and her manner didn't seem like anything he had been told about ogres. She was genuinely concerned for his wellbeing. Well I guess that was a plus. No one in their right mind would not feel threatened by an ogre. He surmised.

"Thank you Thorga," He smiled at her.

That kindness seemed to make her happy. "You not scared of Thorga?"

"I'll admit I was a first. I've been told stories about ogres eating humanoids."

"Thorga not eat human, like most humans. Thorga eat pig and cow. Maybe bad vampire but they make Thorga hurt here." She said patting her stomach.

"So, ogres don't eat human people?"

"Ogre eat them, Thorga don't. Thorga different."

"I see that. I am glad you're different Thorga. You seem to be very nice."

"Thorga happy you like her. Even if she ugly."

"Thorga, you're the prettiest ogre I have ever met." Since she is the only one he ever met, it wasn't a lie.

He almost laughed when she looked at him like he had three heads, then turned away and sighed. "Thorga only ogre you ever meet. Thorga not dumb in the head." He felt bad. He didn't mean to insult her.

"You're right Thorga, but I am sure you're the prettiest because you're pretty in your heart."

She turned and looked at him, looked to see if he was lying to her. He guessed she was satisfied he meant what he said and patted his head again.

"You nice Pretty Man."

"Thank you Thorga. My name is Galen." She nodded.

They sat and watched the beings in the common area. Thorga leaned back and breathed in deep. He glanced over at her and saw her staring around the room. She leaned forward and smelled him. She sat back, and her nostrils flared a bit.

"Thorga smell Oak on you. Oak Thorga friend."

"I work for Oak he is my lord and king."

"Then Thorga keep Galen safe from bad things."

Around one am Ellora started clearing the place out. Swatting at who or whatever dallied. Within 15 minutes the place was cleared. She waved at the huge men that he assumed were bouncers and barked orders. Soon they went about cleaning. Thorga got up and helped lift the heavy tables o0r rather lifted them herself as the men swept the dirty hay from under them.

Ellora motioned for him to go on up and she would be there shortly. He wasn't in his room 5 minutes before she was knocking. He unlocked the door and she came in. she sat a bottle of Vodka on the table between the two chairs and poured some in a pair of glasses.

"Thorga took a liking to you. That is a good thing too. With her looking over you no one would dare bother you."

"I don't understand why she is here though. Besides not eating everyone."

"Now that is a good story. Many years ago, his lordship was in Yomi trying to settle the Great Dispute. You learned about the Border Wars?"

"A series of wars that ended with defined boundaries of territories of Pangea, making Okeanos King of Pangea. With a council of all intelligent beings represented."

"Good, they teach it in Fallbrook"

"Yes ma'am," he said smiling.

"All the territories agreed except Yomi. They still warred against the other being of Pangea. So, his lordship went to Yomi to discuss a treaty to end the war with them. On his way up the old road there was an avalanche. That avalanche caused by ogres. After a few were hurt fighting his lordship, they ran off. He started to walk up the road but heard bellowing. He found an ogre buried with a huge rock on top. He rolled the rock off. That ogre was Thorga."

He nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Thorga followed him from a distance, thinking he did not know she was there. Okeanos knew of course and hid behind a wall and when she came up to the wall, he caught her. Thorga tried to pull away but she was no match for him. He did that mind thing and he shared with her." he nodded. He had heard of him doing that. At times he could see what animals saw too.

"She couldn't believe at first what she saw, but then she understood. Through that mind power she learned human words and swore to him she wouldn't eat another human being again, only animals. "He and the witches of Yomi made the treaty not to invade.. On the way home, he found her alone and heartbroken. The other ogres turned her away. He brought her with him, and she has been here ever since. Though I know she is lonely."

"Wow that is a sad yet beautiful story," He said. Feeling a little choked up.

"Yes. It is both."

She stood up. "Be ready at 8. I will not wake you up." She said before exiting the room, leaving the bottle of Vodka behind. He couldn't help wondering how she got these earth world items, though he had he assumed since This where His Highness stayed he figured he supplied them. He stripped down to my briefs and crawled into the warmth of the bed. It didn't take long before he was asleep.

Galen woke up at dawn. He looked at the clock on the mantel. six am, he had time to shower, shave and maybe do other things, he thought to himself as squeezed his morning wood. He slipped out bed, grabbed his shaving kit and toothbrush, and then made his way to the bathroom.

After a shave and good teeth brushing, he stripped down and smiled at his bone still sticking straight out, pointing the way. "Don't worry Thriller. I'll take care of you in a few minutes." He got the water nice and hot and stood under the stream. He picked up the soap provided, though it was not the kind he was used to using. It had a slight coconut scent but was square and had a kind of yellow-orange color.

He shrugged to himself and started lathering up, starting with his hair. The soap lathered well. He then washed his chest, legs, arms, pits and butt, making sure he was clean between the cheeks. He saved the best for last. He stepped out from under the water and he lathered up his hands and soaped up his balls and `Thriller'.

He groaned as his hand took care of business. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander over the people he thought were hot, female and male. His mind settled on to a guy from his class. He smiled. The guy was the sexiest he had ever seen. He imagined touching his lightly furred chest, his large pecks, his beautiful six-pack abs, and the large arms. He imagined feeling those plump bubbled butt cheeks in his hands. He fantasized about kissing him. The thought though was overload. Soon he groaned as `Thiller' let loose.

He leaned to the side, as he caught his breath and opened his eyes. He saw the thick ropes of semen covering the tiled wall of the shower in front of him. He was amazed at how much there was. He never shot that much before at one time let alone that thick. He looked down at Thriller and smiled. "Well buddy, looks like we're both satisfied."

He finished his shower and grabbed the thick towel hanging near the shower. After drying himself off, he wrapped the towel around his waist and went out to the room to pull clean clothes from his bag. He was surprised to see a set of clothes, a coat, belt and a hat on the freshly made bed with boots in front on the floor. He blushed at the thought someone was in his room while he and Thriller were having some fun.

He pulled on a fresh pair of underwear. Then he examined the clothing. The pants were made of black leather and a matching long coat. Both were hand-stitched. The shirt was a homespun white cotton pullover open at the top which could be laced up with a leather lace. The boots on the floor in front of the bed were also specially made by hand. Though you could tell they were professionally made.

He pulled on the shirt, then slipped on the pants, tucking in the shirt and put the belt on. They were surprisingly comfortable. He grabbed a pair of socks from his bag and pulled them on. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the boots on. He stood up and walked to the full-length mirror and admired how well the clothing looked on him and how well they fit. Whoever picked them out knew his sizes. He was sure it was Ellora.

He stepped back, turned around and smiled at how it fit over his butt. He retrieved the coat and put the leather hat on his head. It reminded him of Indiana Jones's hat. He checked where he hid the letter to Banker Grandy. It was still there, and he tucked it in his waist under the belt. Then he headed out but not before checking himself out in the mirror, "Damn I look hot." He said to himself and adjusted his crotch a little. "Yeah let them know you're there, Thriller".

He opened the door and stepped out of the room and was started to see Thorga sitting beside his door. He couldn't help smiling at her as she looked up at him. He locked his door as Thorga stood up to her 9 ft or so self. "I guess you're going with us, am I right?"

"Thorga make sure Galen not get hurt."

"Let's go then," He pointed down the hall. He walked down the narrow hall and glanced back at Thorga when he reached the door at the end. She filled the hall, her head just inches from the ceiling. She was surprisingly graceful and avoided knocking the light fixtures on the walls as she strolled down.

They stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the common area. It was crowded but much calmer as the variety of beings ate breakfast. The smell drifting up was making him hungry. Galen heard Thorga's stomach grumble. She hadn't eaten yet either. She turned and made her way down the stairs, her stomach is the thing that needed attention foremost on her mind. He followed at a slower pace. By the time he made it to the bottom, Thorga was no longer in sight.

A few heads turned to look at him, but they went back to their food quickly. He went back to the table he had the night before. Within minutes a young boy who looked to be no more than 8 placed a plate of ham, eggs and potatoes in front of him with some thick slices of bread, butter and rich smelling coffee. Galen devoured the plate in record time. Then he drank the last of his coffee, only to have the boy fill it up again and take his empty plate and put it in a wood box.

The boy stood back and watched as Galen sipped his coffee. Galen studied the boy. He had some interesting features. His ears had a very slight point, but that was barely noticeable. His face was masculine. He was Ellora's son, but it was his eyes that mesmerized him. They reminded him of someone. He just couldn't figure out whom, though. They were almost the same electric-like blue of his lord prince and his own.

Oh, shit I thought. Is this boy the prince's son? I was about to ask when Thorga came out of the kitchen well-fed and washed down. She scooped up the boy and turned him to face her. "Ellora want Stephan in Kitchen cooking room. You go now before Ellora gets angry at Stephan." Before she could put the boy down, he laughed. It was the same hardy laugh he heard from Okeanos.

"Thorga you have to put me down first."

Thorga put him on the floor and he walked off at a fast pace and disappeared into the kitchen. Thorga sat on the floor and looked over at me and belched in my face. I thought about saying something about manners but figured it was better to just let it go. Who knows what ogres consider manners.

"Thorga eat morning food. You eat?"

"Yes, Thorga I ate, thank you for asking."

We sat and watched the room while we waited for Ellora. When she finally came out she was dressed in leather pants a cotton blouse with needlepoint flowers. Otherwise it was similar to mine and a leather vest and hat. "Well get up off your ass boy and let's go. I need to be back to do lunch for these shit heads."

I got up fast and followed behind her with Thorga in tow behind us. She was not going to let me out her sight while I am in town, I thought to myself. We walked up the street to a two-story Granite building. The windows had bars on them, the doors were iron, and an elaborate sign hung over them. Bank of Pangea, Banker Grandy, Manager. Oh, I see now, Banker was his first name.

We stepped inside. It was very non-descript. Plain actually, for a bank. There were tellers behind booths like you'd see in old movies on one side and a staircase that led up to a loft. Most of the main floor was two stories high.

Before Galen could say anything, Ellora barked "Banker come down here."

He looked up and saw a little man about two feet tall looking through the posts of the railing. He had bright red hair and was dressed in a black 3-piece suit. His spectacles were on the tip of his nose as he glared down at us. "One of the tellers can take you, woman." He yelled down.

"Okay, if you want one of them to handle his lordships accounts." She yelled up as she made her way to wait in line to see a teller. Galen chuckled as he watched Banker Grandy climbing down the steps at a speed That he shouldn't be able to do.

"Yeah I thought that would get his tiny legs moving."

"Wait one moment, there. He said gasping as he leaned on to the newel post. "Why didn't you say it was crown business?"

"You didn't give me a chance and it isn't crown business. It's his business."

He waved us to follow up to the loft. Galen was tempted to pick the little man up and carry him under his arm he was taking so long. He guess the little guy was just tuckered out from literally climbing down the steps. He chuckled slightly at the thought of that. Which got me a glare from the little man and wink from Ellora.

Once we reached the top the little guy walked behind the desk and climbed on to a chair. Galen smiled as he looked around the somewhat plain office area. The furniture looked comfortable and functional but was rather plain and hand made.

"What is this business that is supposed to be for his royal highness?"

Galen handed him the letter of introduction his lordship gave me. He looked Galen up and down, but mostly up. "I see." He said with a bit of contempt creeping into his voice.

"I'd be careful if I were you, Banker, with your tone. This gentleman is a royal messenger of his highness." Her tone implying she will make it is known of his rudeness.

He quickly sat up straight and cleared his throat. "Yes of course he is."

The little man pulled out ten silver coins and placed them on the desk. "this should do."

"I know damn well that is not what his Highness intended to give his royal messenger. He will need a good horse and supplies and of course extra coin will be needed."

He looked at her with contempt but nodded and jumped down off his chair and went to an old safe behind his desk. He spun a few dials and turned a wheel and pulled the door open with a loud squeaking noise. He came back a few moments later carrying a small leather pouch with a leather drawstring.

"More," Ellora growled.

He repeated the and came back with three more leather bags and climbed up into his chair and held each bag before setting it down as if he was counting the amount by its weight alone. He then tossed the bag to me. "One-hundred gold coin each bag." He said.

"Good that will be enough to pocket, now we need more to cover his horses and supplies." Said Ellora.

"What? That's more than enough to cover the cost of a decent horse and some good used supplies. No need to waste my money." The little man whined.

"Your money? You, cheap little leprechaun! Either hive him the gold or give a letter to cover the costs or I will make sure it is known that you sent his messenger out with used supplies and a cheap horse. Not to mention that you covet his gold."

"How dare you speak to me in such a tone! You are nothing but a lowly half breed royal whore." He said as his face got as red as his hair.

Galen stepped forward. "Wait one-minute you little Irish fairy. That is a lady. Where I come from to call a woman a whore deserves at least a beating.' He threatened.

"Oh, so you think you can take on a leprechaun, Mr. Human." He snarled.

Before he knew it the little man picked up a gnarled walking stick and pointed it and him and said, "Codladh" (sleep)

When nothing happened the leprechaun got a confused look on his face.

"Oh, it won't be me. I think his highness might want to do that himself once he is informed of how you spoke to a lady that he holds in his favor." I growled.

"Not to mention threating a royal messenger," piped in Ellora.

He sat down and mumbled as he wrote on a piece a paper. He shoved the paper across the desk, and I grabbed it. "Now get your whore out of here."

"Before he could react, Galen reached over and pulled him across the desk, carried him to the railing and dangled him over the edge buy his ankle. "Listen you little fuck. If you do not apologize now, I will let you go. It looks like a good twenty feet down. Not even your thick skull would survive that fall."

"Yes of course. You are right, I was out of line. I should have never spoken so to such a lady as Lady Ellora." He said in one breath.

"I hear you talking to this ladylike that again I won't bother to tell his highness what you said until after I've dealt with you and it won't be a mere twenty feet either. I am sure he would reward me for defending her honor." I said while still dangling him.

"Of course not. I will show only respect to her ladyship." he huffed.

Galen turned and let him fall to the loft floor in a thud. "I don't like you, Mr. Banker Grandy, and I am sure his highness will not be pleased with the message I will be sending him."

I looked over at Ellora. Her face was one of shock. "Are you ready Lady Ellora?" I offered my arm.

She smiled and took it as we walked down the stairs to the ground floor. He couldn't help noticing that she kept glancing at him. They stepped outside and Thorga was sitting beside the door waiting for them. "Where go to after little man." She said after she stood up.

"To buy a horse. Then we need to buy a saddle and other supplies." Galen replied.

"Thorga cannot go to horse place." She said to him and shrugged her shoulders.

"She took, roasted and ate one of his prized horses. Even though the horse was an old dying nag Oak paid for the horse but Baldr doesn't want her near his stables again." She said, purposely using the familiarity of `Oak' with Galen. When he didn't react, she smiled. If she was correct, there was more to the boy than even the boy knew. Magic didn't work on him.

After a bit of haggling she purchased on accounts at the bank a 4-year-old quarter horse. I would pick him up when I was ready to leave for my journey. They met Thorga and purchased a saddle, saddle blanket, girth, cinch, martingale, stirrups, bridle and reins, and saddlebags. Thorga insisted on carrying them.

They then went to a store called Svenson's goods. There they bought blankets, some tin pans, plates, cups and a coffee pot. Not to mention a few other small items. He wanted to buy some foodstuffs, but Ellora gave him a dirty look." Galen giggled to himself. It looks like she will supply that. With his and Thorga's arms loaded they were back at the in before noon.

Thorga and Galen carried the stuff to a storeroom as instructed by Ellora. After that Galen went up to his rooms to wash up and write a report to his highness to let him know he has everything needed and would depart in the early morning. Also, to let him know about Banker Grandy. After finishing the letter he folded it and read the incantation as was instructed to keep its contents hidden from prying eyes. Ge poured wax over the edge of the fold and pressed the stamp impression into the wax to show it was a royal message.

It was close to one, so he tucked the message between his belt and pants and went down to the common room. It was more crowded than this morning and a little louder. He went over to the bar and saw the river maid. She smiled at me and held up a finger to give her a moment. Her skin was healthy-looking and was no longer pealing.

I tried to remember if I was told her name, but after a moment of thinking I reasoned I wasn't. Oddly enough I never forgot a name, or the face associated with it. I could even tell you the circumstances around the person when I met them. I once told my father that and he just smiled and nodded.

It wasn't that he didn't believe me, more like he wasn't surprised. He didn't even act surprised or upset when I told him I liked girls and guys equally. He smiled and nodded again. I told him how I was able to nurse a dog that most thought would die, even the veterinarian. He wasn't surprised.

He made sure I attended both regular school four days a week then the academy one day a week. Which of course raised eyebrows among the students at Edikos Academy. Everyone knew who I was, not because I was better but because they all went 5 days a week starting at age 12. I started when I was 8. They would have to live on campus, but I didn't have to. It was more like I was an outsider than an insider, even though unlike many of them I was Pangean born.

Some of the older jock types would be brave and ask what it like was to go to school with the lower cast humans. To them anyone who wasn't a Pangean was lower cast. I would smile and just repeat the same thing. "More normal than here." I could see it in my mind and repeat it word for word some of the things they said about non Pangean humans, though not all that went there were Pangean humans. It was a mixed crowd of human-looking beings.

"Galen are you hungry?" I heard the river maid say.

"Yeah sure. How about a sandwich and maybe an ale, if it's no trouble?"

"No trouble at all." She smiled and disappeared down the end of the bar to pour the ale out of one of those big wooden casks into a pitcher, before I could ask her name.

She set a mug in front of me. Tilted the mug and filled it. "I'll go tell cookie to make a nice roast beef sandwich." and disappeared.

She came back less than a minute later and told me to go to my table and Stephan would bring my food out in a moment. "If you need your pitcher filled just call me." She called behind her as she went to fill other orders.

"I don't know your name?"


I smiled, Nixie meaning freshwater. I thought as I took the same table as I had the two previous times. I glanced around the room and saw there were a few men in Pangean Hunter Guard uniforms, segregated by ranks. They were talking excitingly among themselves. I smiled at Stephan as he placed a big roast beef sandwich in front of me. He stepped back and watched me pick up the huge sandwich. It was loaded with thick hand-sliced beef on thick homemade bread. He was beginning to make me feel a little self-conscious.

"Hey Stephan, what's with all the Uniforms," I said nodding towards them.

"Same as been all week. They are heading to NE. There might be a war there. I heard someone say the other day.'

We talked back and forth about NE or Natural Earth. He'd ask me questions and I would answer as best I could. The noise got louder as more men and women in uniform came in. I had learned that Thorga was usually kept out of sight of the Uniforms. They normally didn't react well to seeing her.

I had finished my sandwich and sat back to drink the last of the ale. Unlike most people my age alcohol didn't affect me much, so I just drank for the taste. Instead of calling for Nixie or Ellora, I grabbed the pitcher and head to the bar near the large kegs. I squeezed in between two men and waited for my turn.

"Hey why you not in a Uni, you a coward?" Someone slurred.

I didn't know who the guy was talking to but I paid no mind until he grabbed my shoulder. "Hey Fucker, answer to your betters when they are talking to you. This Uni means I am your better, fuckin' peasant scum." He slurred a swayed back a little.

"Who the fuck are you calling a peasant. I am a member of the NE Pangean Royal House Guard not some simple hunter guard. I am a messenger for his Royal highness and if you want to have me, and then him, kick your ass so hard your ancestors will feel the pain, then please continue," I said as held his fingers pulling back to almost breaking point. He fell to his knees.

"I think you proved your point son." I looked toward the voice on my left to see a commander of the PHG. I let go of the man and fell to floor whimpering holding his hand. "Take him to see the medic." The officer said to the men nearby. "Bar closed to any man in uniform ma'am," he called down to Ellora who nodded.

"I was told by the proprietress of the establishment that you may have some communication for me to deliver to his highness.'

"Yes sir." I handed him the message. He took it, then nodded and left.

Though crowds never bother me, this one was a bit overwhelming. Especially after they found out I was in NE. They started asking questions. I was finally able to get away from them. I let Ellora know I was going for a stroll.

I walked around the town. There wasn't much to see. I decided to walk down to the stables. Baldr was watching as a hand exercise a horse. He noticed me and nodded. Nodding back, I walked into the stables to check on the quarter horse. He saw me looking into his stable and stepped forward and nudged me with his nose.

I reached up and put a hand on the side of his head. I caressed the side of his face and with my other hand I rested it on the top of his nose. He snorted. He pressed against my right hand on his cheek, then stepped and nodded his up and down. "He's a good horse. Temperamental and stubborn but good," said Baldr as he stood behind me.

"Yeah he seems to be strong and ready to get out of here."

"He sure is. The horse was made for the open. He took a good liking to you. He doesn't let just anyone touch his cheek let alone his muzzle."

"Well, it is a mutual feeling, I think. Any chance to take him tonight?"

"How about I bring him over to the inn, say in an hour. That way I can have him groomed and the feed ready."

An hour later Baldr brought the big quarter horse over. Together we got him ready for a short ride. Once he was all saddled up, I stood back and admired the stallion. His color was soft darkish coffee color. He watched me as if he was appraising me, too. I directed the big stallion out of the stable doors.

"What's his name?" I asked as I swung up onto the big horses back.

"Well the hands have been calling him Trouble. He isn't the easiest to handle and at times will nip if he doesn't like someone. In truth though the only thing he answers to is food call."

"Well then I guess I `ll have to come up a name for him."

Once settled, the big head turned, and he seemed to be asking what next. I urged him on with my legs and directed him down the cobbled street. The sound of hooves was louder than any horse I have ever ridden. Once we passed the church on the edge of town I said, "Ok boy, let go a bit," and dug my heels into his sides firmly but not hard. The big horse took off. He was fast and seemed to be enjoying the open gallop. We ran one way for twenty minutes passing people walking on the roads, working in their fields or sitting outside their homes. I pulled him to a halt, turned him around and repeated the gallop back the way we came.

We started slowing down as we came into sight of the town. By the time we reached the church he was walking calmly. I saw a figure leaning against the churchyard wall. I smiled as I saw Lt. Taylor, smiling as he waved me over. "Evening Lt. Taylor," I called out.

"Evening to you too young man. That's a fine horse you have there. Fast and strong too."

"Thank you, sir."

"Yes, fine animal. I heard him from a mile away. I thought for sure we were in for a storm sounded like thunder coming this way."

"Thunder huh. It sounds like a good name. What do you think boy? Would you like that for a name?" the horse nodded his head gave a whiny and stomped afoot.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said as leaned forward and patted his neck.

We walked slowly towards town with Lt Taylor.

"I had a bad experience with a storm one time back in 1945."

"Yes, sir, I know. It's very well documented in NE. Your plane's disappearance is well documented. A group of 5 Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, with 14 crew members disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle."

"Yep that's it. There were a few boats, a U-boat from ww2 and Japanese destroyer the list goes on dating back a few hundred years."

I nodded as we stopped at an intersection. "Well I live right down there. See that white picket fence? That's me and my families place. If you're back this way look me up."

Once back at the stables I took off all Thunder's tack and gave him a good brushing. He gave him some oats and closed the door to his very temporary home. I went in and up to my room and showered. I finished and dressed just in time for dinner. The PHG was gone and it was back to the normal noisy crowd.

I ate my supper and sat watching the people with the ever-present Thorga sitting there. I have to admit that Thorga was pleasant company. Though her vocabulary was limited she showed she was very intelligent and had some wit. Somehow the fact that I had an ogre friend amused me. Not even my father could not be surprised.

I yawned and stretched. "Well Thorga I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow and I have to be up early. Good night my friend." I said resting a hand on her shoulder. She nodded and patted my head.

Once I was in my bed, I fell asleep quickly. It was a nice sound sleep too. I woke up refreshed and ready for the next step of this adventure. The capital territory was about 2,000 miles away I estimated it would take about 3 weeks and a few days to get to the capital. I grabbed my bag and took out what I knew I would need and left the rest of it here.

I went downstairs followed by Thorga. Together we gathered the equipment from the storeroom and went out to the stables. We placed the equipment outside, and I went in while Thorga went to get the foodstuffs that Ellora was packing. Thunder started to whiny as soon as I entered the stables. I gathered up his tack I went about getting him ready, talking to him the whole time.

"Well Thunder my boy. Let's go out so we can load up our supplies." I said as I lead him out of the stables to where Thorga was waiting. Thunder stopped as soon as he saw her.

"It's ok boy, Thorga won't hurt you," I said as I pulled on the reins. He reluctantly came, not taking his eyes off her. He looked ready to do battle at a moment noticed.

Thorga kept her distance but helped hand me the saddlebags Ellora had packed. With bedroll tied behind the saddle and the saddlebags in place, I went in to stay goodbye and to thank Ellora. We hugged each other and she finally shooed me out.

I hugged Thorga and climbed on to Thunder and we were on our way. Once we passed the church, I could feel Thunder tense with the desire to let loose. "All right Thunder we have a long way to go but go ahead and run it out for a bit."

That's all it took for Thunder to break out in a full gallop. I dipped my head down and looked under my arm and watched the town of Hampton By the Sea disappear. I don't know what adventure lies ahead. I hope it's not a bad one.

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Next: Chapter 6

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