Panty Sabbatical -- transgender

By Fred Gingerman

Published on Sep 15, 2008



Panty Sabbatical By Gingerfred Man

Chapter One -- Different

Unlike other teenagers, I always wanted to be different.

Most teens join groups and try very hard to stay within the group norms. One or two in each group see themselves as the leaders, and then try to set those norms. But even they stay within the group norms they set.

I was different. I didn't care to follow the norms of any group. I wasn't a loner, but I didn't feel I had to do what everyone else did.

That made for an interesting time in high school. I was known as Charlie DuBois, Boy Oddball. Not in a mean way. Most people liked that I was unpredictable. It was what they probably all wanted to do, but thought the price was too high.

Being from a well-off family helped a lot too. I mean it's easier to be odd when your Dad and Mom can cover for you. Not that I got into trouble. I just wanted to always do things my way and didn't care one bit if others followed.

Six months before graduation, everyone was talking about what college he or she was going to and what he or she would do when they got there. Though my grades were good, I didn't even apply to a college. After 15 years of school, counting kindergarten and two years of preschool, I had no desire to jump into four more years of homework bondage right away.

A few of the seniors thought they were like me, but really weren't. They were going to backpack through Europe for a year. Trite! Or. New Zealand. Hackneyed! Or even Indonesia. Yawn!

I wanted something really different and I figured I had found a way to go where very few had gone before. I was going to be a client of Acme Sabbaticals. Actually, my Dad was to be the client, since he was paying. But he knew my personality and supported my need to be different, He even supported this little adventure I was proposing, but he certainly had reservations.

Acme (same name as the maker of all the fine products the coyote used to go after the roadrunner) offered a fantastic way for me to spend my sandwich year between high school and college. I was going to spend it as a girl.

Chapter Two -- Preparation

That's right. I said I would spend the next year of my life as a girl. Acme offered the only really different sabbatical and I just had to have it.

I didn't even tell the mopes in my high school what I would be doing. They would have just mocked me or called me a faggot or something. They were so stupid. I wasn't going to go out with guys or anything. I knew that was gay. I was going to sort of masquerade as a girl, with a girl's wardrobe and a girl's identity. I would even be living in another city and working in a job Acme arranged for me.

It would be so cool! And imagine the looks on the hometown crowd's faces when I came back in a year and told them about an adventure none of them could ever top. They would never forget that!

It wasn't easy; Acme told me so and spent hours explaining all the pitfalls. Since I was 18, I could sign all the waivers and all that legal stuff so Dad and I couldn't sue Acme. Yadda, yadda, I said. Let me sign it and let's get on with it.

In January of my senior year, I began to spend four hours a week in training. I learned about cosmetics and hair and clothes and feminine mannerisms. I'll admit that it shocked me when I began to wear feminine clothes. They were so different. I creamed the first panties I ever put on. And the second. And the third. And those stockings! And garter belts! My cock was flaming whenever those things got next to my skin.

I loved nighties too. As part of my training, I had to sleep in a babydoll and matching panties every night for five months. I adored the feel of those wispy little things against my most sensitive parts. Girls are so lucky, I thought.

I got titties, too, you know, small ones, but definitely titties. They gave me pills and injections and I got the cutest little boobs.

Since we're sharing here, I'll tell you. I loved those little bubbles. I would tickle them with my left hand and spank my spunker with my right. In a very short time, hot cum would be leaping from my cock. I had the best cums in my life to that point that way.

I looked at my changing body a lot too. Acme told me that nothing was permanent unless I wanted it to be. Why did they say that? My waist had gotten smaller and it seemed my hips had widened. I hadn't gotten a haircut since September; my hair was shoulder-length when it wasn't in a boyish ponytail. I liked looking at my new body, as I was standing naked in front of a mirror. I would make girlish poses, just as Acme had taught me. Just practicing, you know. I looked pretty good. But I would giggle at how funny my cock looked with that girlish body.

Still, I knew I would be giving those titties up in a year. It was only a sabbatical after all.

I had to hide them, of course, which wasn't difficult. I wore loose stuff. But the rubbing of even my tee shirt against my nipples would get me so charged up, that I had to visit a lot of men's rooms for relief.

By the day after graduation, I was very psyched to begin my adventure. I said goodbye to Mom and Dad and, carrying only a few personal items, drove to the Acme office to begin a truly different year.

Chapter Three -- So It Begins

The girl's name I selected was Nicole; sort of French, do you like it?

The Acme people called me Nicole from the first minute I signed all those papers. They really wanted me to do well in my new environment, they told me, and I believed them.

Nicole was moving to a mid-sized town called Fromage in Wisconsin. She, I mean, I had a job as a receptionist for a law firm. Those Acme people have

some clout. I mean, a receptionist is never hired sight unseen, right? I mean, she's gotta be a babe. And good at making people feel welcome, and answering the phone.

Acme gave me a lot of training in being a receptionist too, so I felt confident about that. It was the being pretty part that worried me.

I knew I looked pretty good as a girl. And I had gotten pretty good at make-up and walking and femmy- acting. But I was still nervous.

I drove to Fromage, arriving on the Friday before the Monday my job would begin. Acme had arranged and even furnished a nice apartment for me. It had little girlie touches that I had to admit I kind of liked. It also had two big walk-in closets for my clothes. I liked that a lot, because I had a huge wardrobe already. It seems I had a pretty good fashion sense for girls' clothes to go with my Dad's credit card.

I checked out the neighborhood and discovered for the first time the hot stares that men give a pretty girl walking in four-inch stilettos, a tiny mini, and sheer, black stockings. It was very rude, yet just a tiny bit exciting. Not that I was gay. I just liked the evidence of the fact that I was attractive. I was sure that was why my cock was stiff when men drooled over me. Acme taught me about tucking, but when Mr. Johnson makes up his mind to stand up, no one can stop him.

On Monday morning, I reported for work at eight, 30 minutes before opening time. I had risen at five to be sure that I looked my best. In my humble opinion, few girls on their first day for work ever looked better. I wore a red dress with tiny white polka dots and mid-calf-length skirts, white stockings and sexy white, four-inch stiletto sandals. I had a sexy wiggle when I walked and my face and hair were works of art.

I was told to report to one of the partners, Bill Packer. Mr. Packer had obviously been at the office for quite some time already that morning. Lawyers can be such workaholics, especially when there are billable hours to be done.

Mr. Packer was nice enough, but I wasn't sure I liked the way he was looking at me. I knew Acme hadn't told anyone that I was a guy, so I guess he thought I was a pretty, 18-year-old girl. I saw the pictures of a wife and family on his desk. Why was he giving me those looks?

I was to get plenty more of those looks that day and for several days after. Already, I was learning things. A very direct cord to their balls and cocks connects men's brains. I saw lots of evidence of that at Howard, Fine & Howard.

There weren't any other girls my age at HFH. Two of the lawyers were women and all the twelve secretaries. But I was the youngest by a good ten years. It didn't take long for me to figure out that they all figured I was some little bimbo prick teaser. Little did they know that the only prick, I was teasing was my own.

Still, I had plenty of company that first day. I think each of the 35 males who worked at HFH stopped by to wish me well. And check me out. They were all very nice to me, but I certainly gave them no encouragement of the kind they were looking for, although some did seem nicer than the others. Dare I say, cuter, in a charming way, maybe? And I do recall spilling a little goo in a stall in the ladies room during one of my breaks as I reviewed all the nice compliments I had received.

Clients seemed to pay a lot of attention to me too, especially the men. Actually, only the men. The women sized me up as a lightweight, not worthy of their time. The men all seemed to want to co-habitat my panties. Despite the potential for gayness, it was all very exciting.

The day ended at five. Six different guys had told me during the day about how several of the Howard, Fine & Howard bunch gathered at the Three Blind Mice bar after work. But I was exhausted after the tension of my first day and begged off.

I went home, washed off all my make-up, moisturized, repainted my toenails, ate a Lean Cuisine and got into my frilly nightie and into bed to watch Lifetime. I turned it off at nine and lay there thinking about all those men fawning over me. They just wanted me for sex, though. I was pretty sure they didn't care about my mind. What would they think when they discovered that I was packing pork in my pretty panties?

Still, I was getting some odd thoughts about accepting some of the offers I was getting from men. Not seriously. But just dreaming of David, that hunky 30-year-old single partner I had seen nine or ten times that first day hanging around my desk. What if he trapped me somewhere and pulled my panties down? He was so much bigger than I. I would resist, but I would be helpless, wouldn't I? So anything that happened to me wouldn't count, right? I mean, if he made me suck his cock and swallow his cum. Oh. And if he licked my hole and got it all soppy so he could put his big cock in it. My own cock was twitching and throbbing at the thought that any man could be so beastly. I patted it gently to calm it down. And then, what if David actually forced his big (I assumed), hard throbber into my little pooper! That was all the speculation my sore prickie could take. My stomach pulled hard and my sticky, girlie goo blasted into the world. I whimpered through an excellent, six-spurt orgasm, licked my hand clean and went to sleep.

Chapter Four -- A Fellow Traveler

That first week, I had offers, offers, offers. Come with me here. Let me show you this. Have you ever been to such and such? I was very polite, but turned them down for three big reasons. One, I wasn't gay, although I was feeling more like a real girl with every passing minute. Second, I remember my Dad telling me that you don't shit where you eat, which I believe was his colorful way of saying, don't date co-workers. And probably most importantly, I had a cock and balls, not a pussy. The reaction to that news in an intimate moment could get me hurt, followed by fired, when the news got out.

So my fun was pretty much limited to self- exploration, augmented by intricate fantasies of men forcing me to do things that I had come to understand I maybe, possibly, could have wanted to really do.

What was a girl to do?

I called Acme for advice. Instead, they offered me a different source of counsel. Quite a nice one, as it turned out. I discovered on my first Saturday after working at HFH that I was not the only Acme client in Fromage. A young man who was living as "Janie" had been in the active phase of his/her sabbatical only one week longer than I. Would I like to meet Janie, very much so.

Acme arranged for us to meet at brunch the next morning. I was immediately jealous. Janie was a stunning beauty. Of course she said the same about me. Which was only the truth, after all. We had both dressed to thrill in our highest heels, tightest skirts and shortest minis, and we were getting a LOT of lusty stares from a LOT of men.

I observed how Janie dealt with it. She was pretty much as flattered, but confused as I was. Janie was in her sandwich year between high school and college too. She was from the opposite coast from mine and was working as a receptionist for a Fromage advertising firm called Formaggio Partners. Her training program had been a copy of mine. We laughed as we exchanged tales of our cummy explosions on wearing panties and stockings for the first fifty or so times.

Janie was very cute and sweet and I found myself asking her back to my apartment. Then I found myself removing her blouse and sucking on her pretty little titty nipples. Two proper sissies we were in our lingerie and five-inch heels, kissing deeply, licking each other's glossed lips. Janie smelled wonderful -- Angel, I believe she said it was -- and she was powdered and made-up to a glowing, feminine perfection. I was mildly surprised when I freed her pretty cock from her pink thong bikinis. I almost expected a pussy; she was a girl to me and I to her.

I took Janie's cock deeply into my mouth, purring and whimpering with pleasure as I gave her my lesbian love. Janie enjoyed the adoring attentions of my hot tongue on her cockhead and moaned and squealed with pleasure when I entered her pretty bottom-hole with my manicured nail and middle finger. I took her cock all the way into my mouth, burying my nose in her powdered pubic hairs. I breathed her musk as she writhed beneath me, and then shared her joy as she filled my mouth with her rich, creamy, feminine juices. I kissed and licked her balls for several minutes after. Then moved up to kiss her hungry lips.

Janie rubbed her soaked cock against mine, mingling our juices in a love ritual as old as time. Then she kissed my nipples with great skill and ardor. I had never had my nipples licked or sucked and it drove me almost mad with pleasure. I came hard during the first five minutes of the sweet torture, then again when she continued to show me no mercy. Janie then moved to my private parts and licked me clean, making me all stiff again in the process. We slipped into an exquisite sixty-nine, licking each other's balls, peeholes and pink mushrooms until, screaming with animal pleasure, we destroyed each other's carefully applied make-up with hot, sticky cream.

Exhausted, we cuddled and made each other tons of promises, many of which we actually kept.

I learned a lot that day. And I began to understand who I really was, at least for my year of exploration. So did Janie.

Chapter Five -- Back to Work

I had a somewhat different attitude that second Monday. David, the hunky partner who always had lots to do near my desk, was the first beneficiary.

"So Nicole, how was your weekend?" my admirer asked.

"Quiet. What about yours, Mr. Wilkins?"

"Oh, please, Nicole. Call me David. My weekend was quiet too. I'm just a lonely bachelor waiting for the right girl to come along."

"I know," I said and crossed my luscious legs. David gulped as he ogled my silky tan stockings and four- inch stiletto mule sandals. "There are so many phonies out there and so few real men." I followed this statement with some shy, eyelid batting and David nearly hyperventilated. I was amazed at the intensity of my power over men.

"Say, Nicole," he croaked, "Did anyone tell you about the bar, Three Blind Mice? Some of us from work go there now and then. Would you like to stop by after work?"

I gave my nuclear-explosion smile and his heart almost went into meltdown. "That would be so nice. Will you be there, David? At say, around six?"

Wild horses would not have restrained the lad that night.

All the other men flirted with me all day, as they always did, but David just glowed at me.

I was finished work at 5:30, and then spent a half hour in the ladies room spritzing and fixing my hair and face. I had darkened my eye shadow and looked ready for any and all bedrooms. Not that I was planning on sharing a bed with anyone that night. I was just exploring.

I arrived at the bar at 6:10. David looked as if he had been there for an hour waiting expectantly. His eyes sparkled when he saw me. I smiled, touched him on the arm and kissed his cheek. I could feel him tremble.

David bought me a club soda (a girl has to watch her figure -- and her behavior) and introduced me to everyone he remotely suspected I didn't know. I wasn't fooled. He was showing off that he was "with" me. Although it could hardly be called a date.

I enjoyed all the light banter and companionship and found David to be very charming. At 9, I told David I had better be going home. He offered me a ride and I could see him mumbling silent prayers that I would accept. I answered his prayers.

David drove me home, and then walked me to my apartment door. I wasn't trampy enough to invite him in. But I did give him a nice kiss, with just a hint of tongue. The boy was walking on air when he left and I could see that his jockey shorts were very full.

I closed the door behind me and reviewed my day. I was the wielder of the greatest power the world had ever known. The Power of Pussy! Not that I had one, but David thought I did. And males of almost any age will succumb to its power. I resolved to use it only for good, like Superman or Green Lantern, then worried a bit about how the men I overpowered would react when they removed my panties and saw a hot, throbbing, creaming cock.

That was a worry for another day. That night, I washed up, got into my tiny, sweet, white nightie and lubed up a gel-like, realistic cock that Acme had suggested would add to my experience. My pooper had not been penetrated, except by wiggling fingers, so I

was a little afraid. But I gasped with delight at the ease with which the cockhead slipped past my girlish defenses and into my inner chamber. I lost my erection from the shock of the insertion, but it came back as I stroked it lovingly and thought of David. What if I had invited him in and that was his hot throbber in my little hole? What if he were kissing me right now and telling me things I wanted to hear about my beauty and charm? What if David's chest hairs were rubbing against my sissy nipples? Oh! I could feel my orgasm building as my balls went from simmer to boil. What if David told me he loved me and he wanted to make me pregnant and then he came buckets of goo into my little pooper? Aaaaahhhh! My anus contracted on the David substitute and I felt my orgasm begin. But no cream was jumping out! Then I realized that my anus being full had changed the equation. I strained and watched as my own cum fought its way out of me, incapacitating me with its assault of pure, orgasmic pleasure. Ohhhh. If anal sex were that good with a toy, how great would the real thing be?

I called Janie to tell her about my date and rubbed my goo all over my privates as she told me that she had had a similar experience that night as well with Craig, a partner from her firm. Before we knew it, Janie and I had each other in a high dither and with my prickish toy still in my poopie pit, I came hard again. Janie joined me in bliss, and then asked if I would like to have dinner at her place the next evening, followed by a sleepover. I giggled and eagerly agreed. No use giving the boys everything they wanted right away, we said.

David was waiting for me the next day when I arrived. The eager beaver asked if I would like to go to dinner that evening. I smiled sweetly, but told David I was going out with a girlfriend that night. His heart sank, but rose when I said I was free on Wednesday.

I had put an overnight bag in my car for my trip to Janie's and arrived at six. She was very excited to see me and we French-kissed well enough to be star performers on Jimmy Kimmel's "The Man Show." Janie was delicious. And the only one who really understood what I was going through. Look at that. I already had the woman's need for empathy.

We stifled our passion long enough to eat a nice girlie salad that Janie had prepared for us, with dressing on the side, of course.

I helped Janie clear the table and fill the dishwasher, then, although it was only 8 p.m., she suggested we get ready for bed.

I knew what that little rascal wanted and I was eager to give it to her.

We washed up and got into our little babydolls, omitting the matching panties. The wispy little negligees barely covered our stiffies and pink bags, which was fine by us.

Janie hopped on the bed and patted the place next to her. I joined her, kissed her sweetly, and told her how wonderful it was to have her support and understanding. She was such a doll; I just had to give her clitty a proper sucking.

I got on my knees and kissed her whole pubic area with my hot, red lips. Janie wriggled and purred. I sucked her right testicle softly, then her left. Oh, she liked that. I could tell. Her clittyhead was a

regular goo factory, drooling and dribbling her sticky stuff. I licked the spunk as fast as she could leak it, then put my tongue right into the source -- her peehole. It was tangy and salty -- delicious! Janie told me I was the sweetest girl in the world, and then came a bucket right into my face. The poor girl needed it, so I didn't mind. Especially when she licked all her cum right off my face, just like a little kittycat!

My little pole was all red and sore, so Janie came to the rescue. She was a very talented cocksucker. Lots of love and affection went into it. Not just mechanics. She started off by licking my butthole for a good fifteen minutes. That was incredible! I never knew that such pleasure existed. I made a big, creamy cum of course. Who wouldn't? Then I was almost ready for another when Janie began to suck my cockhead and stroke three fingers in and out of my pooper. I felt as if my insides had become my outsides as I blew a gallon of sperm into her wet, willing mouth. She didn't just learn that recently, I surmised.

As we lay there in recovery, Janie admitted to me that she had dabbled a bit when she was still in training for her sabbatical.

"Don't tell Acme or my parents," she said, "but I was waiting for an opportunity to be a girl all my life. I knew I wanted to wear frillies and make love to other sissies. I know I want to make men happy too, but I've only had that one experience so far."

Of course, I demanded that she tell me everything, with details, immediately. I sucked her cock to keep her in my power as she was telling me.

Janie began. "I kind of knew for some time that I wanted to explore life as a girl. Actually for some time before I got my parents to agree to a `sabbatical.'"

I would have said something, but with my mouth full of girlie meat, "Mmmmph" was the limit of my articulation.

Janie knew that and wiggled a little as her prickie grew and tingled nicely. "I kind of knew since I was maybe seven or so."

There was a revelation! I honestly went into the sabbatical with an idea of an adventure, not fulfillment of some sissy dream. Still, sissy dreams were looking pretty good to me at that moment, and tasting good too. Janie's goo was superb.

She said, "I used to sneak into Mommy's stuff and pretend I was a princess. Mom caught me several times, but it was always our little secret from Dad. When I was about twelve and a half, I made my first wet cum into a pair of Mom's panties. Followed by about 3,556 over the next five years. Into panties. Not Mom's. Mom didn't want her panties ruined, so began to buy me my own, but it was still a secret from Dad, and still is, as far as I know."

I stopped sucking for a moment, but continued stroking her pretty bag of cummy goodies. "What did you think about when you masturbated?"

"Men," she answered. "Not girls or women. Not even boys. Men! Men with their big cocks and huge ball sacks and muscles - men dominating me, ravaging me, driving their hot pricks into my ass and filling me with their boiling seed!"

Yeowie. I wasn't sure about that myself, and here Janie already knew exactly what she wanted. Or did she?

I stopped my cock adoration yet again. "Sweetie," I asked, "You've been on your own, looking as you do, with men everywhere itching to fuck you and as far as I know, I'm the only one you've bedded."

Janie sighed. "I will. I want to very badly. But I'm scared that they'll hurt me when they see what you're sucking so beautifully."

I could relate. Still. If you warned the men...

Janie went on. "I did have one incredible experience. It was right before graduation, only about a little over month ago. I had always dreamed about one of my teachers, Mr. Winston, making love to me. Oh, keep doing that you sweet little clittysucker. Mr. Winston was always my favorite teacher. He challenged us. He taught us. He made us think. Plus, he was a hunk! He's only around 30 -- old, but not ancient -- and he always took an interest in me from the time I was a freshman.

"I remember spending hours in my room, lying on the bed wearing one of my 83 pairs of panties, thinking of Mr. Winston. I would put Vaseline on the tip of my clitty and rub it with my thumb. Thinking of Mr. Winston's manly body on top of me. Fucking me. Rubbing against me. I would imagine that I was his wife and that he would come home at night and kiss me, then carry me to the bedroom -- completely under his power. Then kiss me all over. Licking my tiny hole until it was sopping and ready for his huge tool. He would be naked and hairy and dominant and I would be this helpless little girl begging for his cock in my bottom. Then he would give it to me. I would use my lubed fingers as a Mr. Winston substitute, and my wildly erotic thoughts would always bring me to a hard, crushing cum, just like you're doing to me now. Oh, Nicole! I think I love you, Baby. Squeeeeaaaallllllllll!"

Janie had a force ten cum into my licking sucking mouth and I was so happy to make her happy. We kissed for a long time after that, but then I wanted to hear what happened next.

Janie lubed up three fingers and eased them into my pretty pooper. She began prostate massage/torture, and then resumed her narrative.

"I was very passable and had nice titties by May, so I decided that it was then or maybe never with Mr. Winston. I mean, he wasn't getting any younger. How does that feel, Nicole?"

<Gasp. Pant. Whimper>

"Good. One Saturday, I gathered all my courage and ventured out dressed for the first time. The most difficult thing turned out to be driving with four- inch stiletto pumps, you know?"

I knew. But I loved wearing them. And I loved the prostate massage.

"So I drove over, bold as you please to Mr. Winston's bachelor pad. I took a chance that he wasn't entertaining some little tramp and took several other chances that he wouldn't puke or get violent when I came on to him. The worst would have been if he laughed, you know?"

I knew. It's what we girls fear the most.

"I knocked, bold and beautiful and he answered. He was wearing Bermudas and a t-shirt and looked completely edible. It takes us hours to primp and men look like fuck gods in ten minutes. Anyway, he blinked and didn't recognize me. I sucked in my breath and said, `Mr. Winston, My name is Janie, but you know me as Norman Rausch.'"

Norman? No wonder she wanted to be Janie.

"Mr. Winston blinked. Then he recognized me and invited me in. I asked, `Is this a bad time?' It seemed that it was a very good time for him and he surprised me by saying so.

"Then it all came out. `Mr. Winston, you were always my favorite teacher and I've always had a huge crush on you. I'm not gay, Mr. Winston. I'm really a girl in a boy's body, but as you can see, I have nice breasts now and I'm leaving to become a full-time girl in two weeks and I'm 18 now and I'm not your student anymore and...'

"And then he kissed me."


"He said, `I've always had a crush on you too, Janie, but feared I was gay or a pedophile or something. But I guess I always saw and loved the girl in you.'

"I began to weep. Then he did too! We stood there holding each other for a while and then he kissed me again, this time with tongue and deep feeling. Well, one thing led to another and before you knew it he was naked and I was down to my stockings, garters and heels. I was so happy I began to weep again. Mr. Winston literally kissed each tear away as it came out. My heart ached with love for him. And my clitty throbbed for him. He was hairy and buff, just as I had always imagined. And his cock was magnificent. I stroked it, oohing and aahing at its beauty and size. His ball bag was dark and deep, with an ocean of cum in reserve. I waited for my man to take charge of me and dominate me. He did just that. Mr. Winston lay on his back and told me to kneel, straddle his chest, face away and sit on his face. Oh my. He was going to eat me out!!!!"

I imagined David tonguing my anus ring and that was the ballgame for Nicole. I blew and spurted thick, sticky ropes of cum all along my tummy and up to my pretty boobs. I think I fainted or something because the next thing I knew, Janie was cuddling me and rubbing my cum around my drooping clittyhead. In her story, Mr. Winston had finished excavating her bottom and had put his big meat at the gate of heaven.

"I had used some practice toys," Janie said, "but they didn't really prepare me for the feeling of being under a warm, huge man, with your legs on his shoulders and your private parts totally exposed. I was completely at his mercy and it made me mad with lust.

"When he pushed past my puny defenses, I surrendered all to him. I was his to fuck. And love. He pumped in and out and I whimpered with the fulfillment of my deepest, most secret desire. He made me cum in two minutes. All the crap of being a false boy left my body with that stunning explosion. Five whimpering, panting, grunting minutes later, I came again as he was kissing me and telling me how special and beautiful I was. He was my master! Then his balls pulled up, his hairy nipples erected and I felt the first cum enema of my life flood my assaulted bowels. I was almost senseless with sexual fury. Nothing in my dreams had prepared me for the intense reality I experienced that day. We made love three more times that day. He worshiped my nipples and made me cum twice. He sucked my clitty and I came twice more. One time I think he smiled at me and I came!"

I asked, "Did you see him again?"

"Four more times. I was devastated that I had to leave him and he was sobbing too. But, as you know, we can't tell anyone except parents where we are on sabbatical or Acme would cancel everything. And I need this sabbatical to learn what I'll need as a full-time woman."

I understood. "Will you see him again?"

"I'm staying with him during our two-week Christmas break. I told Mom and she approves. She'll make Daddy happy in bed and convince him. It'll be wonderful. But, I'm such a little tramp. I want Craig from my office to fuck me too. And there are lots of other cute guys out there. And I was wondering if maybe you could take care of a certain stiff little problem I have right now."

Can do, my dear friend.

Chapter Six -- David's Luck Improves

The next evening, I permitted David to take me to dinner. Don't you love the sound of that? He's buying, but I'm in charge. Girls have it made. I'll bet most of the men in the United States would have been happy to get an equal rights amendment passed. Equal rights would be something they've never had.

I took a tiny little black dress that weighed about 12 ounces to work that day and changed in the ladies room before we left for dinner. My make-up was nighttime; bedroom mode and my sheer black stockings and five-inch sandals made me look like any guy's fuck dream.

I certainly seemed to be David's. His mouth hung open when he saw me and I could see a very stiff protuberance in his drawers. I was H-O-T-T!

David fumbled a little, but got me into his BMW and took me to Fromage's finest French restaurant, L'Ile du Diable. Eventually, he loosened up and we had a nice conversation. David was a preppie and an Ivy Leaguer. He played lacrosse in college and likes jazz and baseball. Men love to talk about themselves and love when we girls listen. But I was only a girl for one year. Still, I listened.

At around nine, he took me home. Should I have invited him in? Probably not, but I did anyway. He was such an eager little puppy. I didn't even put coffee on. I just told him my feet hurt from the heels and asked him to rub them.

I sat on one end of the couch and David sat at the other, eagerly, sensuously rubbing my sore feet and lacquered toes through my silky stockings. I purred and told him how nice that was, then I said, "You can kiss my toes if you want."

That was purely ad lib and I didn't know what it would do to David. It nearly knocked him off the sofa.

He actually began to sweat a bit and quivered as he brought my small, black-stockinged right foot to his lips. He began to suck my big toe through the filmy material and I arched my back in reaction to the erotic torment. Acme had taught me how to tuck my weapon, but it was yearning to breathe free. He sucked my second toe and I gave a little squeal. He didn't just take a brush at those tootsies. He gave them a proper seeing-to, each of them. My pricklet was tucked, but not dead. I came hard between my thighs, grateful for the foresight that had me insert pantyliners. I wasn't sure if he knew I had gooied my panties, but when he started on my second foot, I said, "You can take your thing out if you want."

Leaving it up to him. You know.

Unsurprisingly, he gave his excited friend the opportunity to breathe free air. I sneaked a peek at it. Very nice! A good size and hard as a fossil.

Adlibbing a bit more, I enjoyed his superb sucking of my left toes, while my right foot explored his stiff yardage. I teased his balls with my big toe, rubbing first one testicle, then the other. Then I inched my tootsies up his shaft, rubbing in synch with his toe sucking. By that time, David was on a hair trigger for a major ejaculation. With the tip of my big toe, I traced the ridge of his mushroom, ending up on the ultra-sensitive underside. Somehow, neither of us made goo spurties, but when David's tongue pushed the stocking web between my third and fourth toes and his tongue licked between them, I came again, whimpering and squealing in intense, orgasmic pleasure. My convulsions triggered David's, frantic, enormous orgasm, sending cum into the air like a new oil well and dousing my stockings and legs with his manly cream.

When we settled a bit, I said, "That was very nice, David, but now my good stockings are all gooey. How will I ever clean the mess?

I was throwing fast pitches up there and David was hitting them all out of the park. The sexually inventive gentleman proceeded to lick off all cum he had sprayed from both of my pretty feet, my calves, and my knees.

I thought he might dive for my thighs, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I wanted him half in love with me before I showed him my little secret.

No problem, I knew how to calm him down.

"Lie back, Sweetie," I said, "and let me make you feel good."

Well, David clearly wanted to feel good, so he lay back and waited to see what was next.

I did not disappoint. I nestled his soft cock between my feet and, in no time flat, made it a hard cock, then a spurting cock, then a soft, very gooey cock, dripping cum all over my toesies again. David was so neat. He cleaned them for a second time.

I smiled sweetly and said that my toes felt all better now. "That was so nice of you to do that podiatric stuff, David. Maybe I shouldn't walk so much in restaurants and stuff. Would you like to come over on Saturday night and I'll make you dinner? And happy after?"

Wild lawyers would not have had a chance at keeping the lad away.

Chapter Seven -- David Handles the Truth!

I was sure that the only thing David could think of was my sweet pussy surrounding his gooey stick. Would he be disappointed when he saw that my pussy was a little farther back than most girls'? Would he call me a faggot, bolt and tell everyone at work? Would Acme disown me as a client and tell my mother and father why?

Somehow I doubted it. Acme knew what they were doing and, as they told us in training, few men can resist a "special" girl.

I really tarted myself up for Saturday night. I couldn't really cook yet, but thought David would be quite happy with reheated Chinese food, as long as I was dessert. And that was my plan.

When David arrived, with flowers, wine, dessert and a stiffie, I greeted him in pink peignoir, pink mules, with white puffs and killer make-up. Underneath, I was wearing the skimpiest white babydoll with scanty panties and my own woodie.

David was trying to remember what he had ever done to deserve me when I kissed him, with lots of tongue. I could feel his stiff meat against my warm tummy. Perhaps this would be the night I had my pooper punctured.

"I'm sorry I'm so underdressed, David. I just like to be comfortable at home, don't you?"

David would have agreed that the world was flat. He was wondering about the agenda, but ready for most any adventure. I hoped that included adoration of a big, stiff clitty.

Somehow we got through the moo goo something or other, and then loaded the dishwasher. I directed David to the only easy chair in my apartment, then sat in his lap. He gave me a nice kiss, but I broke it off and said, poutingly, "Don't you like my titties? You've never even touched them."

David opened my peignoir, peeling the spaghetti straps of my babydoll, off my shoulders, revealing my really nice, girlish breasts. The sweet man actually gasped in pleasure when he saw the soft, perky pillows. Then he moved his face to them. Kissing the right nipple, then the left. I panted with pleasure, gasping for the little air that seemed to be left in the room. A gorgeous man, 12 years my senior, was pleasuring my nipples and my three-month old breasts and I was allowing him full access to my soft treasures. I was sure that David had had other women, but could he have been as excited with them as he had been with me? Not that I was a woman. It was only a sabbatical, after all.

At that moment, I was acting just like a woman. Only it didn't feel like acting. It felt as if someone who thought I was the sexiest, prettiest person on earth adored me. And it felt really great.

I was very surprised at how excited my poor, tucked clitty was with that entire titty kissing and licking. My pretty little friend was in my panties and tucked between my inner thighs, but every time David licked my bumps, I got an electric jolt in my pubic area. Even my little pink sack was tingling. Was I going to cum just from having my titties licked? Show me a genetic girl who has done that.

Through my sexual trance, I knew that I had to reveal my secret in very short order. It wasn't fair to David and I needed to free myself to fully enjoy the sexy proceedings. Gasping through my highly enjoyable misery, I asked David to stop for a second.

He didn't want to and his face was wet with the saliva he had been applying to my little pillows, but he complied.

"Please pull my panties off, Sweetie," I entreated. Then I sat back in some fear of his reaction.

David enjoyed the first removal of my panties tremendously and he took his time about it. My little teasers were peeled very slowly and when he got to the bottom of my pubic hair, I saw a puzzled look on David's face. He knew something was amiss, so he began to peel more quickly. When he saw what he thought he saw, he looked at me and saw my look of fear and dread. He hadn't said a word and I could read nothing from his face. Then he sort of fished between my thighs with his right hand and untucked the full six inches of my incongruous pole.

David held it in his hand and examined it. Then he checked to make sure I had balls, untucking my bag. He held them in his hand and horrible possibilities flashed through my mind, but none were as unpredictable as what David did next.

David kissed my clittyhead, then taking it in his mouth, sucking lasciviously and enthusiastically! Fear left my body and pleasure took its place. I was so stirred up by David's loving attentions, while so relieved, that my poor, overloaded balls, gave up and said, look out world, here's Nicole's full, hot load.

I put my whole body into the ejaculation, crying with joy that my lover had vigorously accepted me as I was. Perhaps someone in the world has produced more cum in one orgasm, but I doubt it. I blew major gooies into dear David's manly mouth in what I later found out was his first blowjob and first taste of a girl's cum. David slurped it up, not because it was some fetish thing, but because it was part of me. And I think he was falling in love with me.

I was completely overcome by my orgasm, but crawled back to life and got to my knees, then dragged David's pants and underpants down in one desperate pull. It was a breach of protocol that my boyfriend had sucked my cock before I had sucked his, but I would soon correct that.

Little did I know when I began my sabbatical that I would be in my apartment, in sexy lingerie and killer make-up, on my knees, about to swallow a man's cock and loving the prospect. It's just that being a girl is know? And part of being a girl is sucking men's cocks. At least, that's what I think.

I hadn't seen David's cock close-up and I enjoyed handling the manly treasure. It had nice, blue veins that I knew I would enjoy tracing with my tongue. He was cut, with a big pink mushroom head and a thick, mid-length shaft. His balls were big, and in a large bag. Lots of cummies in that sack, I wagered. I gave it a little tickle and he smiled. I loved being in complete control of both our pleasures.

I kissed the head and he shivered. My first oral contact with a cock had me very excited and my little Nicole was stiff again.

David spread his legs to give me freer access. Men are so easy.

I tantalized his balls with the lacquered nails of my left hand, as I ran my right hand up and down his throbbing shaft. I kissed his balls, sucking each one until he groaned audibly, then kissed my way up a long, blue vein in his shaft. When I reached the nut, I looked at David and asked, "Do you want Nicole to lick you where you'll really enjoy it?"

He moaned and nodded his head in assent. Then I stuck out my long, wet tongue and gave him the glans- licking most men only dream of. David knew he had chosen a girlfriend well. When he began to moan and spasm, I milked his balls and covered his cockhead with my oral cum receptacle. My first manly cum cocktail was a super-size drink, a hot protein shake that I almost choked on from the volume of liquid.

I sucked David through four huge spurts and two small ones. It was delicious! Heavenly even.

I thought my sabbatical year was going quite well. Don't you?

David lay beside me on the bed and, using my ample, leaking goo, massaged my clitty and balls as he resumed his tasty titty torture. In ten minutes, I came hard, screaming David's name. David was hard again and he straddled my shoulders, placed his cock between my fine breasts and made a little pussy from them. He rubbed his cock in the crevice and fucked my titties until he came onto my neck and face.

The scamp was so overcome, that he lay back, pulled me to his body, kissed me within an inch of my life and then told me he loved me. Maybe he did, but such a moment seems to dictate such declarations and moments pass.

We had experienced four orgasms between us since David discovered my secret and he still hadn't asked me how that big thingee got into a pretty girl's panties. That was a higher compliment than the cum- induced declaration of love. It meant that in David's mind, what a girl has between her legs isn't as important as the girl herself.

I liked that a lot.

We kissed and cuddled a lot more and then I told him my story. I think that he didn't care all that much because in his mind, I was who I was then. And he believed he loved Nicole.

Then fear gripped David. His eyes widened and he asked, "You're not thinking about going back to being a boy someday, are you, my dearest darling?"

Wow! Good question. I said, "I don't know. What do you think?"

David's answer was to cover me with kisses, then run two wiggly fingers up my bottomhole as he sucked me to yet another world-record orgasm.

I thought, how could I give up being Nicole?

Then I gave David another ball-busting blowjob, swallowed his big load, and sent him home with a big, cummy kiss.

We had such a full agenda, that we never got around to fucking. There was always our next date or the one after that. I liked that guy!

Chapter Eight -- Poked at Last

The next day was Sunday, and after Mass, I called Janie and asked if she'd like to come over for lunch. "We could swap stories and bodily fluids," I said.

Janie eagerly accepted my moist offer and the little teaser showed up at 1 p.m. looking like the prettiest little teenage pootie anyone had ever seen. Her mini was cutting off her circulation and I didn't know they made skirts that short or heels that high. We stripped to our pretty lingerie and heels in very short order and happily sucked each other to spectacular sissy sperm spurts.

"Tell me everything, Nicole. I'm dying to know how you and David, are doing," my cummy-faced friend asked. "Has he poked this tight, hot little hole yet?" My girlfriend wiggled two sleek, red-nailed fingers in my tunnel of love.

"Ohhhhh, you naughty girl! That's divine," I moaned. "We've done everything but. And I just know that on our next date, I`ll be stuffed with David's meat."

"Everything? Details, details," Janie giggled.

So I told her about all our dates. It got me so excited that my anal muscles clamped on Janie's fingers and I blew gooies all over myself.

Janie licked it off me gladly, saying, "I'm so happy for you Nicole. I'm glad you could see that the nice boys don't care if you have a really big clitty. In fact, I think it drives them wild. Would you like to drive me wild?"

I did. I had a taste for Janie's buttonhole, so I licked it as I frigged her love doodle and almost annihilated her with pleasure.

As she panted and gasped with the aftershocks, I asked Janie about her and Craig from her office.

"Well," Janie said, "As you know, I'm an experienced woman, so I kind of let Craig fuck me on the last two of our dates. Often. Last night, he fucked me four times and called the funeral home to pick me up. They were just putting me into the bag, when they noticed I had an erection. It was too early for rigor mortis, and Craig figured out that dead girls don't cum when you suck their titties. May I suck yours, Sweetie"

"What's mine is yours, Janie," I said, and our delightful afternoon extended into the evening.

The next morning at work, David was waiting for me when I arrived. No one was looking so he kissed me and told me again that he loved me. I was only 18 -- too young for anything permanent, but I loved the attention. And David was so sweet. He asked me out for that night, but I couldn't resist making him just a bit randier. I asked him to come to my place at seven the following night.

"Bring your clothes for work on Wednesday," I told him. "And drink plenty of fluids between now and then."

David was floating when he left me.

I couldn't help noticing that, even though it was known around Howard, Fine & Howard that David and I were seeing each other, it didn't slow down my suitors one bit. In fact, their ardor was on the rise. Maybe I had the look of a young woman in sexual flower or something. But to someone who, as a guy, was never noticed, it was a delight to be the belle with the balls.

One unusual suitor was the senior partner, Maurice Howard (Moe to his friends). Mr. Howard stopped by that Monday and invited me to a new employee, get- acquainted lunch the following Friday. I was guessing the new male employees never got such invitations.

How bad could it be? I would attend, but I wouldn't be Mr. Howard's stooge!

I spent Monday night alone. I called my parents and told them that I was having a great time and meeting new friends. "Be careful, dear," my mother said.

Somehow, Mom knew what I was doing. No details, but she knew. I was looking forward to an evolving relationship with Mom when we were reunited.

The next day, David tried to be good, but the little rascal kept looking at his watch. I left at 5:30 and got home to prepare for my anal stretching session.

On each date with David, I seemed to be wearing less and less. When the poor, overly excited man showed up at seven on the dot, I was wearing only a pink baby T with "Boy Toy" across the breasts, and a pink ribbon tied loosely around my clitty.

David grabbed me, and if I hadn't slipped away, giggling, he would have fucked me right at the doorway. On the floor. Oooohhh. But I had other plans.

I ran into the bathroom, which was dark, except for about thirty candles. The tub was filled with soapy, scented bubbles. I pulled my T over my head and stepped into the warm, sensuous pit. David got naked and joined me.

Oh,, the sweet kisses and caresses we shared. The toyings. The fondlings. David soaped my tight hole and kissed me as he massaged my prostate. I came hard, whimpering and begging for a proper fucking.

We dried each other off, then David carried me, naked and panting, to my bed. He laid me on my back, licking my balls and clitty, ending with his tongue teaching my rectum what sexual stimulation really is.

That time I moaned and sobbed to be fucked. I grabbed at his cock, trying to stuff it in my slick pooper. But David was in charge that time. He kissed all my pretty toes and licked between them until I was on the edge of another sperm tornado. Then he put my calves on his shoulders and mounted me.

At that moment, I felt more like a girl than I ever had. I wasn't the office teaser anymore. I was a woman, serving her man's most basic need, the need to deliver his seed to his woman. My man dominated me at that critical moment and that was just how I wanted it.

David rubbed the wet tip of his rammer along the length of my inner bottom cheeks. Then he poised it at my virgin rosebud, said, "I love you, Nicole," And pushed about four inches into me.

I screamed. It was 90% pleasure and 10% searing, white-hot pain. Then 95-5. Then 100% pure, fuck-me- forever pleasure. Oh, David, don't ever stop that. My clitty, which had diminished with the pain, was half hard again. Then unexpectedly, my half-woodie drooled a steady, agonizing stream of thick, sticky cream. It was the most intense orgasm the world has ever known. I had visions of the Apocalypse. Graves opened all over the zip code. Prophecies came true.

And still David plunged on.

I started to get hard again. Three-quarters this time. And my entire midsection ignited in orgasm. Another drooler, not a spurter, but almost as severe as the previous natural disaster. I was a slave to my body. I wanted more cock and I wanted another one of those cums. Five minutes later, David sent his first load into me, drilling my hole with his loving blast. He actually vibrated with its intensity and the pleasure almost made him pass out. I observed all this from a position somewhere outside my body, because my third cum of that first fuck sent me to another dimension. I could only be sent back by saying my name backwards. Elocin!

We lay there, sweaty and completely infatuated. What the hell, I said to myself. "I love you, David," I said. And kissed him for a good half hour. But we didn't forget to fuck three more times that night.

The next morning, I considered checking myself into the hospital -- or the mortuary -- but David and I managed to get to work. After a delicious morning wake-up.

I was going to need an IV and a few days off from this, but only skipped Wednesday night. On Thursday, David was back in my bed, fucking me like he owned me. He didn't, but it was fun to pretend.

Friday was my day to have lunch with Mr. Howard. David was jealous! He was so cute. I told David he had nothing to worry about. It was just lunch.

I dressed my usual "just a little on the trashy side" that day and when Mr. Howard picked me up for lunch, his eyes bugged a bit. I didn't know where we were going, but he was a perfect gentleman. He took me to this nice old building downtown. Everyone knew him; of course they were very deferential.

"This is my club, my dear," he said.

I guessed that when you lunched at a club they always set you up in a room with a table and a bed and everything. It was a nice suite and we had a fine lunch. He was a good conversationalist and made me laugh a lot. He was older than my father, maybe 55, but nice-looking, despite an unusual haircut, and clean.

When he asked if I wanted to take advantage of the rest of the room's facilities, I said, "Including the bed?"'

Mr. Howard smiled and said, "I meant the ladies room [Yeah, right], but that would be a fine idea."

I considered it another opportunity for a sabbatical experience, so I said, "OK, Mr. Howard, but we can't be too long, because Delia's covering reception for me and she'll be angry if I'm late.

Mr. Howard smiled and called his secretary, asking her in a business-like way if she could relieve Delia at reception for a while. I felt better when he did that, and removed my blouse, then my bra.

"Do you like my breasts, Mr. Howard," I asked.

Mr. Howard smiled. "They're superb, my dear. And so are you."

I beamed with the compliment. Then I sat on Mr. Howard's lap as he kissed my titties and caressed my thighs. Mr. Howard was a really good lover and a man of the world. When he discovered how I was different from most other girls, he didn't break stride. He kissed me and stroked me until my panties were sopping with cum. Then he laid me on my back, slathering my girlish cream on his fingers and using it to lubricate my little pleasure cave. He undressed me to my lingerie, less the soaked panties, then removed his trousers, kissed me, and entered me with his very nice, thick prick. It was the best lunch hour this girl ever had. He was good!!! He didn't have David's youth and vigor and I knew one go would be it. But wow! He made it count. I made two staggering sets of goo and screams. Mr. Howard, who thoroughly enjoyed himself, let loose with what he later said was one of the five best cums of his life. And he'd been around a long time!

Mr. Howard thanked me thoroughly for the incredible treat I had given him. He said that if I ever wanted to do it again, I was to leave a voicemail saying a Mr. Shemp had called. I wondered where he got that


Sometimes I wondered why Howard Fine & Howard was such a successful law firm. I mean, the three partners were a bit odd. Mr. Howard's brother Jerome had a shaved head, which wasn't that unusual. But he didn't seem to be all that smart. And he acted very strangely when he heard the music from "Pop Goes The Weasel." Plus, he was always calling me "Toots," which is, of course, demeaning to a young woman of the 21st Century. Mr. Lawrence Fine was more easygoing, but he was in serious need of a good barber to tame his long hair that stood out in tufts from both ears.

I got back from lunch around three and David shot me daggers. He could just get over it. He didn't own me and a girl has to make her way in the world. I predicted and was right that his jealous snit wouldn't last long.

When my next paycheck arrived, I was only mildly surprised to see a 25% raise.

Chapter Nine -- Weeks

My next few months in Fromage were the best of my life. Janie and I had become the best friends any two people could ever be. We slept together on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights and David tried to claim the other four nights for himself. I gave him two -- usually Wednesday and Saturday and he was sweet enough to accept them without complaining too much. He grimaced when I had my monthly "employee luncheons" with Mr. Howard, but I enjoyed the attentions of a mature man, as well as the substantial, coincidental, monthly pay raises.

David was a wonderful lover, but he was too serious -- always talking about our future together and everything. I told him I was on sabbatical, but he didn't believe me. Neither did Janie. Nor Mr. Howard. I didn't know why they thought I would stay a girl forever. Although it was lots of cummy fun. I did love a big cock in my butt. I loved sucking a cock and swallowing a man's or a fellow shemale's goo. I even loved getting my bottomhole licked and taking a big load of hot cream in my face. I really loved those! But when I became a man again, I would adjust. Not by being a gay man. Yuck! Maybe I could take another sabbatical sometime. Or just play dressup with some friends. But I wasn't interested in being a girl for life, was I?

I did enjoy girlishness during my sabbatical, however. Monday and Friday were my free nights. I did my errands and housecleaning and stuff on Saturdays and Sundays during the days, so Monday and Friday were time to myself, even though my horny lover David lobbied hard for more time. He would slide up to me on a Monday and offer to take me in the stock room and suck my toes until I came in my panties. I'll admit, that I did accept that offer a few times. OK, every time. Thank goodness I had lots of spare panties with me at work. But Monday and Friday nights were mine.

I called Mom and Daddy those nights. Did I just call him Daddy? Hmmm. And I gushed girlishly about my life. Even letting a few things slip about my special friend David. Daddy seemed to be all right with me slipping into sissifyingness. Maybe he always wanted a girl. Mom seemed to understand everything perfectly.

Sometimes on Mondays and Fridays I was naughty. At first, I was just naughty with myself. I had some special books that Acme had given me at the beginning of my sabbatical and I began to read them in bed, in my nightie with my panties down to mid-thigh.

They were illustrated novels about "girls" like me who had begun as boys, became girls either willingly (rarely) or unwillingly (commonly), then discovered that they loved men and men's cocks. The stories always ended happily with the heroine eager for her life as a girl and her tummy filled with several loads of sticky cream.

It was almost like reading my own story -- about my life -- by someone who understood what I felt. I always loved the part where the girl reluctantly took a big cock up her bottomhole for the first time. Oh, it was exciting and my prickie was iron-hard. The "before" drawing would always show the girl's fear as she looked at the big sticker about to pierce her pooper. The next drawing would show her mixture of pleasure and pain as her man's big thingee entered her. In the third drawing, the girl's face was ecstatic as her man made her clitty spews gallons of sissy cream in big jets.

That would always do me in. I would spurt three or four big blobs thinking about a man making me cum. After three or four of those self-love sessions, I decided that I needed to make better use of my free time and find some variety in men.

I knew that if I diddled anyone at work, David would find out and I didn't want that. I had a lot of affection for him, but didn't want to marry him or anything. So I asked Janie if she knew anyone at Formaggio Partners who would be worth a Monday or Friday night.

It appeared that Janie had an answer to that one all prepared -- Joe Formaggio himself. The boss of her advertising agency was in his late 30s, very virile and had been hitting on Janie since the first day.

I thanked Janie sweetly, but told her I wanted someone closer to our ages. I was sampling men from different piles -- thirty and on the fast track, fifty and already successful and, I hoped next, young, dumb, and full of cum. Well, maybe not the dumb part, but definitely the other two.

Janie said that would be Ryan Mahoney, who had just graduated from college and was an assistant account executive (newbie) at the firm. She assured me he was

cute, hetero, and untouched by Janie. He sounded perfect.

Janie set us up for "coffee" that Friday in November. I dressed in a little younger style, but I refused to wear jeans. It was skirts and heels for me as long as I was a girl and the men always drooled in appreciation.

By agreement, Ryan and I met at one of those "Central Perk"-type places like you see on "Friends." Of course the "Friends" crowd were all 15-20years older than I was by then and not very funny any more; but rich.

By agreement, I wore a red scarf and sat at the counter. I was on time and so was Ryan. It seemed that Janie had pre-sold me to Ryan, but I was sure he was skeptical about me. When he saw me, his eyes lit up and his pants bulged.

I had a really micro-mini on and my black stockings made my legs very sleek and sexy. The boys always love the really high heels and my shiny black pumps were dominatrix towers. And, of course, my hair had grown below my shoulders by then, inviting males to speculate about how it would look on a pillow.

David, Mr. Howard and Janie thought it looked really good. I wanted to see if this new lad was worthy.

"Are you Nicole?" Ryan asked hopefully.

"I am. Are you Ryan?" I asked, giving him my smile on stun, not kill. I was saving that.

"Thank goodness, I am," he said. "You are incredibly beautiful."

And you're very forward, I thought. Tell me more. But I didn't speak; only smiled.

He smiled back. Not Mel Gibson, but OK looking, he was. Gathering his wits, he said, "Uh, coffee. Would you like coffee??"

"Isn't that why we're here?" I asked, ignoring the fact that 98% of the world's sane people only drink coffee in the morning.

I had a small (called "tall" by the proprietors) latte and Ryan had a manly dark roast. With extra caffeine.

We chatted a little and he seemed surprised that I wasn't in college. It was as if he reassessed me and placed me into the non-college group of people. If that were true, I was leaving early.

But Ryan made a nice save. "I regret going to college right out of high school. I missed so much. You're very wise to wait, or choose not to go at all. It shows real maturity."

Until people are 25 or so, they love hearing that they're mature. I took it as a great compliment and decided that he may yet get into my panties.

We chatted some more. Ryan always wanted to do advertising creative work. He made it sound like a high calling. I liked his passion for his career. Receptionist and getting raises through sexual favors, was not how I wanted to build a career. But it sure was fun at that moment. I told Ryan I wanted to be a writer. A nice, vague career that you can always claim to have and no one can say you're not


He was very pleasant to chat with. At around 9:30, he walked me home. I thanked him sweetly and gave him a nice kiss on the lips. He didn't grab me and wrestle me to the ground, although that would have been fun. He asked if he could see me again and I said, "Call me."

Darned if he didn't call the next morning. I made a date with him for Monday and mostly forgot about him through a hot love session all Saturday night long with David and a hotter one on Sunday night with Janie. Why did I enjoy Janie the most? Maybe being with Janie was like making love to myself. I'll save all this for an analyst some day. Soon.

On Sunday, Janie told me that Ryan had called her on Saturday to thank her for setting him up with me. Ryan really seemed to do the right thing, especially rare in a young guy.

You would have thought by then that I would have realized that men adore my little extra goodies. Still, I was a little apprehensive when I met Ryan after work at a Chinese restaurant we both liked. That nervousness melted away as we discovered our common interests and began to find a comfortable amiability. He drove me home and I invited him in. I wasn't sure if I was going to grant him any favors, but I lost a little of my control of the situation when, as soon as we had removed and hung our coats, he took me into his arms and kissed me.

Wow! All men are different and I liked the way that one kissed. I do believe I was the trampy one who introduced tongues. But I was just taking control back. Wasn't I?

It was so good. I had never kissed a guy near my age. A guy in his sexual prime. His cock, which felt like a steel salami, was rubbing against me as we kissed. Rubbing. Kissing.

The naughty boy began to kiss my neck. He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me a little to get a better kissing angle. Control. Where was it?

The neck kissing was very nice. The top button on my blouse was unbuttoned. He kissed that open part of my throat and I had a steel salami as well. I had tucked. It had escaped.

Ryan hadn't felt my extra equipment yet, but he was staying well above the waist. He unbuttoned a second blouse button, looking at me for permission to continue. I panted, gasped and unbuttoned the rest of the blouse myself, revealing my B-plus-cup beauties encased in lace. Ryan kissed in the crevice between my love pillows. Ohhhhh. He peeled off my blouse and reached back to unhook my bra, discarding it in his and my passion.

I stood in my big heels, naked from the waist up, my cock now outrageously tenting my miniskirt and Ryan finally noticed.

He looked at the bulge and knew immediately what it was. He looked at my pretty titties, sexy legs and beautiful face and hair. He locked eyes with me and smiled. "I think I just hit the Lotto," he said. "I've never felt luckier."

OK! I relaxed and put all my focus on pleasure, his and mine.

Ryan took off his shirt and began to kiss and lick my titties better than anyone, including Janie. To complement that, he reached under my skirt and rubbed the nylon of my stretched panties against my balls and shaft. If he kept that up as he was adoring my nipples I would, ohhhhhhhhhhh...

I soaked yet another pair of panties. And enjoyed it tremendously. Ryan stopped his breast worship and smiled at me as I helplessly ejaculated, wincing in delicious agony.

I undid my skirt and stepped out of it. Ryan peeled off my sopping panties and actually said ooooohhhh when he saw my pretty package. My poor balls were soaked with my sticky juices. My new special friend licked my testicles until they were squeaky clean. That was very nice. And it made me all big again.

I begged him to show me his, but he insisted on getting on his knees and sucking and licking my clitty first. Men seem to be all the same about that. They all want to suck a pretty girl's cock. He licked it the way he would have wanted his licked, proving once again that men are the best cocksuckers. He even remembered that the bottom loves to participate in a nice blowjob. Two of his wiggly fingers made the experience a scrapbook memory. I came so hard and so much, I was afraid it would disgust him and send him home early.

On the contrary, it sharpened his enthusiasm.

I was still standing and Ryan was still kneeling. Regaining a smidgen of control, I pushed him onto his back, kneeling to pull the fine young man's trousers and underpants off with one smooth motion. Depantsing the boys. My new career, perhaps.

Now Ryan was completely naked and it was an excellent sight. He had a nice cock, tall (not in the "latte" sense) and ready. And his balls were bulging with cum. I couldn't resist it. I kissed his cockhead, then licked every inch of his privates. I massaged his balls as I suckled his pink mushroom until I had him arching his back with pleasure. Then I discovered what a difference it was to have a man in his sexual prime in my mouth. Twenty-two-year-old Ryan became a cum fountain for me.

I never had hade sex with a man as young as Ryan and since Janie and I were on hormones, we wouldn't have been symptomatic of excessive cumminess. But the sight of a healthy, young, horny man's cock on full explosion was a wonder of the world.

I had excited the lad to a magnificent eruption and he was hurling huge gobs of hot, sticky cum into the stratosphere. Oh my. I capped the gusher with my mouth, but gagged from the quantity. Cum was everywhere. All over my face and drooling down my chin. Splattered on Ryan's stomach. Slithering down my throat.

I gave Ryan a big cummy smile. He struggled to focus his eyes, then pulled me to him for a big, cummy kiss. It was delicious.

As he was kissing me, the naughty boy was feeling my bottom. Then he tickled my little rosebud as he kissed me. When I whimpered and kissed him harder, his presumptuous finger pushed into me again. I moaned and let go of my own sticky load of sissy cream, much less than his, but a big one for me. Was he going to fuck me? I certainly hoped so. But not on the floor by the front door. I let him diddle me a bit with his finger. It was very nice. Then I insisted that we get on my bed for a proper fucking.

I raced him to the bedroom and, trampily, got on my back and raised my knees. Ryan knew I needed to be lubed, so he got on his knees and tongued my hole until I was sobbing and cumming another sissy bucket.

His prick was skinned and proud when he finally pushed it in me. I cried out in delight and pouted my lips for a kiss. Ryan leaned over and kissed me sweetly as he lovingly fucked my tiny hole and told me what a perfect, girlish treasure I was, a nice aphrodisiac indeed.

I was once again ready to lose all contact with the world and asked Ryan to skin my clitty to help me reach outer space. He did so beautifully and smiled with joy as I soaked his fingers with yet more of my spendings.

I asked him to give me his hot cum NOW!! He did, flooding my poor bowels with the biggest load they had ever endured. If I had died at that moment, I would have felt I had had a complete life. That was how good it all was.

Ryan took charge of me over the rest of that night and all my Mondays and Fridays from then on. He was sweet. We were close in age. And he was a cum machine.

So many lovers, only six months left on my sabbatical when the Christmas break arrived.

Chapter Ten -- You Can Go Home Again

Acme didn't make decisions for its clients. It only gave options and made suggestions.

There was a lot to consider about the issue of going home for two weeks at Christmas during sabbatical year.

On the one hand, who wouldn't want to be with the family during that time? On the other, how would the family, beyond the immediate bunch who knew that little Tommy was now Tammy, accept the situation? Then there was all that messy explaining about how it was only a temporary change, a big adventure, no gayness involved, manly things on the horizon, yadda yadda yadda.

Even worse, and I'm not saying this was me, what if you weren't sure that you wanted to go back to being a boy after the year was up? OK. I'll say it. I was considering that. A lot. I had three men and a tgirl pretty much in love with me, exciting my body to titanic orgasms every day. I was pretty and wearing pretty things that I loved and excited me just to put on. The contrast with my normal life was enormous. Why would I give that up?

But why would I keep it? I wasn't a girl and never would be. I didn't have a uterus and never would have. No children. No periods. No aggravating the living shit out of every man with whom I had a relationship. Just faking it. Very well. Making a lot of people and myself very happy. But wasn't it a false happiness?

What was real happiness? All happiness is fleeting anyway. You get things the way you like them and then the world changes. You get to love listening to Prairie Home Companion on Saturday night and Garrison Kiellor takes a stinking sabbatical. Then comes back and expects you to just start listening again. But you've moved on. And he hasn't. Baseball players go on strike. You get angry, but you find other things to do. They come back in six months and expect you to watch them again. But you've moved on.

Would it make sense for Charlie Dubois to reappear after he and lots of people had moved on from that guy? And had found Nicole Dubois?

Lots of issues.

Then there was the question of the cameo appearance as a girl to the locals outside the family. What would they think of all this? The most likely gossip scenario would be, "Did you hear about that crazy Dubois kid? He's one a them drag queens now. Pure faggot. I knew it all along."

That wouldn't matter much if I were committed to being Nicole forever. It was tell them now or tell them later, with identical, knee-jerk responses.

But I was still unsure about what I wanted to do.

In the final analysis, I dug into my nature and played my contrarian card. Nicole was going home for Christmas.

David, Ryan and Mr. Howard were heartbroken that I was leaving Fromage for 15 days. Janie was going home to get her pootie porked by her ex-teacher, so she was cool with it, but I knew we would miss each other too. I feared the worst. Two weeks with no sex and the scorn of my acquaintances and family.

Was I ever wrong!

Mom and Daddy picked me up at the airport and they couldn't stop staring at me. Mom was very proud of me and Daddy finally had what every father wants -- a daughter. I told them a lot about the last six months beyond the twice-weekly phone calls, even a little about my admirers.

My parents didn't appear to think anything was wrong with that. To them, I was a young woman with needs and I was aggressively fulfilling those needs.

Acceptance is a beautiful thing, isn't it? I'll never understand why it's so rare in our world.

Daddy couldn't miss the lusty looks that men were giving his little girl and he looked as if he would fight for me if I needed him to. For the first time since I was about nine, I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Daddy glowed with happiness.

When we got home, I was very happy to see that they had put some femmy touches into my drab boy's room. They were really with the program.

I unpacked, had a nice dinner with them, watched a little TV, put a black babydoll on and went to bed with a full ball bag for the first time in months.

It was uncomfortable.

I turned on the light, got out of bed and found my high school yearbook. I got back into bed and began to leaf through it.

I turned to the page with Charlie Dubois' picture. My goodness. I was referring to my male self in the third person. I didn't even think of myself as Charlie Dubois. My entire perspective had changed. I could even feel it with my parents. They treated me as their daughter.

Charlie Dubois looked so drab. He wasn't pretty. He didn't even have any make-up or the dangly earrings I loved. It was that moment when I realized that I had become Nicole.

Nicole didn't need to mope around the house for two weeks with a ball bag full of cummies. She could do something about it. That was another unfamiliar, but delightful change since I had last slept in that room.

Flipping through the yearbook, I found that it took on lots of new and different meanings. I looked at the girls not as objects of my desire, but as objects of fashion and beauty tips. And I looked at the boys in an entirely new way.

Hmmmm. There was Josh Harkins, one of the smartest guys in the school. And one of the cutest, I noticed for the first time. Josh was at Princeton, wasn't he? Yes. It said so in the yearbook. I wondered if he was home for vacation. I wondered if Josh was sexually lonely like I was. And wanted someone like me.

I reached under my nightie and began to tickle my little girlfriend. She was stiff and throbbing.

What if Josh and I had gotten together for pizza and he was home, in my room with me? What if Mom and Dad told us to have a good time and then played the TV really loud? What if Josh started to ask me about my sabbatical and I told him that I was a very naughty girl who liked sex with smart, cute, nice men like him?

What if I batted my eyes at Josh and I looked at his crotch and saw a big bulge?

I didn't even have to take the scenario any further. I was so keyed up that I squealed and shot big gobbies all over my yearbook and my tummy. Ohhhhhh. Maybe I would see if Josh was in town. Soon.

As luck would have it, the next day I discovered that Josh had been home for three days. Josh and I had been in a few advanced placement classes together and knew each other, but had never taken the time to get close. I decided to change that.

Mid-morning, I drove to Josh's house and knocked on his door. His mother answered and looked at me quizzically.

"Good morning, Mrs. Harkins," I said. "I'm Nicole Dubois. You may remember me as Charlie Dubois from Josh's graduating class. I'm taking a sabbatical year as a girl."

Mrs. Harkins' hospitality instinct took over and she invited me in. She was very interested in the theory and practice of a sabbatical and she quizzed me pleasantly about it for about 45 minutes. She kept looking at me and finally said, "You're not just putting me on, are you. I mean, you're really Charlie?''

I smiled and said, "I was Charlie and I have some of Charlie's equipment. But for now, at least, I'm Nicole."

Mrs. Harkins seemed satisfied. And sympathetic. But still curious. "So you still have your..."

"Penis? Testicles? Yes ma'am. But my breasts are real too."

"Amazing!" she said. I was wondering if she was going to ask me to show her some of my assets when the door opened and in walked Josh.

Josh. Josh. He was oodles cuter than when I knew him. Of course I didn't want his thing in me before. But I sure did that morning as I flashed him my long, luscious legs and my big heels.

He gave me the same look his mother had given me. Mild recognition abated by disbelief. With quite a bit of lust mixed in.

"This is Charlie Dubois, Josh. Remember Charlie? He's taking a sabbatical year as a girl named Nicole. A very pretty girl."

Josh noticed if his bulging, throbbing thingee was to be believed.

Mrs. Harkins said, "Why don't you take Nicole to lunch somewhere, Josh? You two can catch up."

Catch up. Yes. I wanted to catch his cock up my ass. But talking would be a good start.

Josh still hadn't said a word, but, like every man I had met thus far, his drooling said it all.

We got into his car and he finally spoke. "Nicole?"

"Yes. It goes with Dubois. Do you like it?"

I gave him my nova-intensity smile and hiked my short skirt up to the tops of my black stockings.

<Gulp. Gulp. >

"How do you like Princeton?" I asked. As talking about oneself always does for men, that relaxed Josh a bit.

He told me about all his college stuff. It seemed frightfully dull compared to my experiences. Underage binge drinking and the resultant projectile vomiting didn't match up to the cum-drenched fun I had been having. But I minded my manners and didn't mention that.

Josh very politely asked, "So what's it been like? As a girl, I mean."

I plunged forward. "It's been dreamy. As you can see, I wear the sexiest clothes and lingerie. I meet the nicest men and they fuck me until I squeal and cum all night long. I suck their cocks and make them very happy. Men are crazy over me. Could you be crazy over me, Josh?"

Then a small, "Yes. I think I could be."

"You know, Josh, my Mom and Dad are at work. We could go to my house and I could fix you lunch. Or anything else you would like."

Josh turned the car around and picked up speed, too much speed.

I said, "Since I want to live until I get home, maybe I can make the ride more pleasant and you'll slow down and enjoy it." I unzipped his pants and extracted a fine penile specimen. Already rock hard and oozing gooies.

During the slow, ten-minute drive to my house, I had the opportunity to inspect Josh's cock thoroughly. And finger his ball sack. And excite the poor young man to a feverous state.

The naughty boy didn't even tuck his equipment away as we got out of the car and raced up the driveway to my door. It was a good thing Mom hadn't decided to work from home that day. She would have seen seven inches of very nice, naked 18-year-old manflesh preceding Josh as he entered our front door.

The thought flashed that Josh's instantaneous desire for me was unreasonable. Then I remembered four things. He was a guy. I was a hot babe who offered him sex. He knew me, sort of, and liked me. My she- male charms were a huge turn-on for most men.

"May I kiss you?" the polite, but rather dense lad inquired.

I batted my eyes and grabbed his cock. I led him by his member to my bedroom and said, "Anywhere you want."

When we arrived at the scene of our imminent fun, I said, "Now would be a good time to kiss me, Josh."

His exposed cock was throbbing. He knew he looked a little ridiculous, but instead of zipping up, he pulled his pants down. Nice legs! A real Princeton Tiger!

Then he moved in for the kiss, naughtily rubbing his stiff, oozing cock against mine through my skirt as he kissed me within an inch of my life. Mmmmmmm.

My men kept getting younger. At that rate, I would be after the paperboy next.

Josh liked me. They all did, those men creatures.

I stopped the kiss-a-thon for a second and kicked it up a notch. "Would you like to take my panties off now?"

Josh nodded. He had reached the non-verbal state of arousal. I would be there soon enough.

Josh got on his knees so he could see the grand unveiling as he removed my little teasers. Feeling lucky, I had worn favorite black, lacy pair that was severely challenged by my unladylike Woodrow.

He looked into my pretty eyes, considered the gayness of what he was about to do slowly slipping my panties over my swollen, slippery rod. He eased them down to my mid-thighs. He looked at my drooling clitty. Then looked at my pretty face. Then back at my sissy stick. Wavered. Thought.

I thought faster. I whimpered girlishly, then lifted my blouse over my head and unhooked my bra, letting my almost-C-Cup-and-growing, soft treasures free. That was the tiebreaker. Josh knew I was girl enough for him and he proved it by taking my cock in his hand and kissing it wetly, all along its length. He even slurped my balls with his tongue. I hadn't cum in 15 hours and I was randy as a guy named Randall. When he kissed his way back up to the head, then took it in his mouth, I squealed and spurted a big load of sticky sissy juice into the poor, confused lad's mouth.

His eyes widened. He observed my sexual joy. He swallowed my creamy load. It was the right thing to do and Ivy Leaguers do the right thing. And when doing the right thing tastes delicious and makes your pecker throb, all the better.

I had cum in his mouth and he had swallowed it all. The ice was broken, I would say.

Then we began to chop some other glaciers.

I had Josh sit on the edge of the bed and I knelt between his naked legs. On an impulse, I arose and sat on his thigh, rubbing the inside of my bottom cheeks and tight anus ring against the hairs on his muscular limb. We kissed and I stroked his love pole sweetly. When a man is 18, if he cums too soon, he can correct his error in short order. Josh kissed me hard, squeezing my luscious body to his, then shuddered and spurted his sticky cream all over my tummy, my hand and my garter belt. I kissed him deliciously throughout his climax, then used his goo to stroke him to an even harder stand.

Then I resumed my kneeling position. This time, I licked up all the residue from his recent explosion. He liked that! I spent a lot of time licking his hot cum from his balls. He really liked that! By the time I got around to licking the crown of his jewel, he was trembling with lust. Helplessly, he ejaculated into my pretty face. He was terrified that he had offended me, but my giggling showed him how much fun I was having.

Josh drew me back to his lap and kissed me gratefully, licking every drop of his cum from my eyes, nose and cheeks. He tickled my balls and cock as he did so and I was steaming hot all over again.

It was time for my fucking. I said, "Will you fuck me now, Joshie?"

Josh melted. Men are so easy. But a little dense. "Uh, sure. But how?" my anally inexperienced lover asked.

"In my pooper, Sweetie," I said. And I got on the bed on my tummy, then scooted up on my knees and wiggled my bottom suggestively.

Josh was diamond-hard again and drooling. Ah, eighteen! But he still looked perplexed. "But it's so small. Won't I hurt you?"

So considerate! "Not if you reach in that top drawer, put some of that lube on your fingers, then loosen and wet me with them first."

That sounded awfully good to Josh. He lubed his fingers and fucked me with three from his right hand as he skillfully skinned my prickie with his left. He had me gasping and cumming in minutes. He was an apt student.

When I returned to earth, Josh was on his knees behind me and had placed his sopping prick tip at me anus. "Don't spare me, Sweetie," I said. "I'm ready for your cock."

Josh followed the welcome order, pushing his glans into paradise, then inserting the other six inches.

It was heaven! One of the biggest cocks I had taken in. And he was considerate enough to frig me and tell me how sweet and beautiful I was as he fucked me. He had one hand on my clittyhead and another on my pink ball sack as he enjoyed what had to be the best fuck of his life.

The impetuous boy made me cum twice. A big cock in my butt, rubbing against my prostate, makes me wild. He loved my squeals and screams. I don't think any of those Princeton girls ever showed him half the good time I did. And I know they would never soil their DAR bottoms with cock.

All good things end, and Josh's orgasm nearly knocked him out. I do give good cums to my partners. Acme would be proud.

As we lay kissing and cooing after the spermstorms, Josh begged to see me again. He would quit school and move next door to me wherever I was, working at a fast-food place to earn his rent. Fucking me the other 16 hours of the day.

Silly boy. "We're both so young, Josh. And at the end of this year, I'll be a boy again."

He looked at me. Hard. Then said, "That would be a

horrible waste. I think you know that. You're a girl forever."

Maybe he was right.

We set another date for "watching videos" at my house the following evening. Josh walked home on a cushion of air. Yet another man in love with me. Oh, my! I was the most popular girl! Could I ever go back to being a drab old guy?

That evening, Mom took me to the mall, where we ran into tons of guys I knew from growing up. Every one of them acted as if he wanted into my panties! I felt like Scarlett O'Hara at the Twelve Oaks barbeque.

Tomorrow was another day, so I got into my tiny white nightie, kissed Mom and Daddy goodnight and went to bed. Daddy's eyes got really big when he saw me in my nightie. And the poor man was lumpy in his crotch. I didn't blame him. He was a man, and they all seemed to act like that around me.

I fell asleep very quickly. Fucking makes you sleep well, you know.

I had the greatest dream. All my men were naked and making love to me. Mr. Howard was sucking my clitty. David was sucking my left titty, Ryan my right. Josh was straddling my shoulders and slowly fucking my face. It was heaven. They were all there and they weren't jealous or anything. I was so stimulated that I kept cumming into Mr. Howard's mouth and he kept swallowing my sissy cream.

Then the men all stopped. They stood over me, pointing their cocks at my face and milking them. I knew what they were going to do, and I giggled with joy. All at once, they spurted their hot cream onto my face. Four thick, gooey loads. I opened my mouth and gulped down whatever flew in there. Everyone was smiling and happy. And I felt wanted and loved.

I awoke to daylight and a sperm-soaked nightie. I looked at the clock -- 9:30. I slipped on my robe and went downstairs. Mom said good morning and handed me a list of twelve male names and phone numbers.

"They started calling for you at 7:30," she said.

Then the phone rang. Mom answered. "No, Scott, I'm sorry. Nicole is still asleep. I'll tell her you called.

"Thirteen," Mom said. And smiled.

How could I ever go back to being a man?


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My other stories on nifty:

"Acting Up" transgender -- control "Panty Pleasures" transgender -- young friends "Woodville" transgender -- tv "Mothered" transgender -- control "Panty Town" transgender -- teen "Tradition" transgender -- teen "Punished" transgender -- high school "Panty Paradise" transgender -- teen "Kevin and Molly Go to Camp" -- transgender -- teen "Lovelife" -- transgender -- high school "My Three Sissies" -- transgender -- tv "Acting Out" -- transgender -- high school "Explorers" -- transgender -- high school "Pantied" -- transgender -- young friends "Rebuilding" -- transgender -- teen "The Au Pair" -- transgender -- surgery "Birthday Girl" -- transgender -- teen "Genes" -- transgender -- high school "Brothers in Panties" -- transgender -- teen "Coach" -- transgender -- control "Intervention" -- transgender -- high school "Winners" -- transgender -- teen "Teased" transgender -- high school "Irish Girls" transgender -- teen "Finished" -- transgender -- teen "Role Model" -- transgender -- high school "Freedom" -- transgender -- high school "Panty Fiesta" -- transgender -- control "Experiments" -- transgender college "One Fine Day" -- transgender -- teen "Stiff Resistance" -- transgender -- teen "Poker" -- transgender -- tv

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