Paolo Helen and Mike

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 4, 2020


Paolo's Problem


Larry Marian

Now thirteen year old Mike, with light brown hair and green eyes sat on the basement playroom couch with his blonde, blue eyed girlfriend Becca and his blondboyfriend, Bob, both of them thirteen also. All three of them were taking turns kissing each other Becca and Mike,Mike and Bob, Bob and Becca.With relaxed middle school rule, only sixth graders had to line up to go to different classes.Seventh and eighth graders just moved to the next class.As a result, Mike and Bob held hands going from English to math, while Mike and Becca held hands going from math to PE.Bob and Becca didn't hold hands between social studies and elective, but they did walk together from social studies until they split to separate electives.

Paolo was also in the mix and walked with Mike from social studies to his elective, then later with Becca to science.However, Paolo and Helen walked hand in hand for three classes.All but Helen, she being in eighth grade, ate at the same table for lunch.It was almost written that it was their table, which they would share with three other students.

Passing his thirteenth birthday, Mike hit a growth spurt of epic proportion.Between New Years and the first ofApril he shot up five inches, suddenly making him only two inches shorter than Paolo, making Bob the shortest boy.What was much more impressive was the fact that Mike's cock had suddenly, like over night it seemed, jumped from a 4.5 inch dick to a 5.5 inch dick, with a similar development in its girth.In addition, on St.Valentine's Day Eve at a party down stairs, on a dare, Becca's hand caused Mike's at the time 4.5 inch cock to shoot thick, white sperm at least a foot into the air, to land on his nude chest.

If the teachers didn't know, these five middle school students were self -proclaimed bi-sexuals, whether their parents knew it or not.While the students weren't all in agreement, a majority approved to one degree or another. When a seventh grade bully named Lee tried to cause problems with Mike and Bob, he got pressured hard to stop.In any event, the five had the co-captain of the volleyball team, best new swimmer on the swim team, captain of the swim team,JV cheerleader for the high school, and editor of the newspaper.Most students looked up to them.

The three on the couch were all dressedto some extent. The door to the basement/playroom opened, then closed announcing footsteps as Helen and Paolo appeared, her one step in front of him, holding hands.

"We late?" Helen asked.

"Never, Sis," Mike replied."We hoped you two would come. Any ideas?We know about strip UNO.How about five card draw strip poker ?"

"That would be faster, " Becca remarked.

"Yeah," Bob agreed.

"I have an idea," Helen said. "Let's all write down two sexy things that a couple or a three way can do after everybody is nude, and then we form teams, the first to be naked teamed with the last, the second and fourth, and number three jumps in with any group doing something that could use a third.Then we put the slips in a hat or something and then draw for what they have to do."

"Great idea," Mike said."Look,we all start with the same number of pieces of clothing.From thebottom - shoes and or socks, two, top, bottom, under top, under bottom.That's a total of six items.Now, if you're a guy without a t-shirt or a gal without a bra, just say, "missing," and the top comes off the next round.Okay?"

"Six items, real or imaginary total," Helen said. "Ain't my Bro smart?"

"Let's do it, " Mike said. "Say ten minute to think up and write down two sexy things that can be done by two or three of us.GO!" At that the five connected teens got to work, maybe thinking of evil sex thing to spring on a best friend, as they all were.

As the ten minutes came to an end, Helen went to retrieve an empty small box, then placed her two slips of paper in the box.The others followed, one by one. There were smiles and smirks as the slips entered the box,

Then the five sat on the mattress on the floor with Helen sitting holding hands with Paolo, who sat next to Becca, holding hands with Mike who held hands with Bob who held hands with Helen. Mike looked at his sister who had just kissed Paolo."Okay, Helen.Five card stud, nothing wild. One winner each hand. Take off what article you want to.Whoever wins the hand, deals the next.Here we go!" At that Mike began to deal the cards, one card down and then four up.

With a lot more conversation than a real poker game would have, it soon became obvious that Paolo was not in great shape.In fact, side bets were Paolo to loose and Bob to win. Twenty minutes later Paolo's dick was in full display while Bob still had on "camouflaged"t-shirt and briefs.The others had on one article of clothing

Paolo lost, while Helen and Becca came in third and fourth, Bob first, and Mike second.

"Well, it looks like the teams will be Paolo and Mike, Helen and Becca, and me as the # 3.We'll each draw one of the slips.We'll draw in order, starting with Bob.When it's my turn, I'll pick somebody else depending on what my task is.Or I can be number three guy for some form of three way.Will that work?" The others nodded.

"Okay Bob.Draw and read."

"It says, `If partner is a guy, give him a blow job until he cums. If partner is a gal, go down on her for three minutes'. So, Paolo, I guess I get to blow you.I'm kneeling, so come get it."

"Sure thing. I hope my task is as good.With that he presented his cock to Bob, the gayest of the five, who rapidly took the cock in hand, rubbed it to full hardness and swallowed it to begin the blow job while the other three made comments.

After Bob finished and gave Paolo a hug, Mike drew."Oh, boy.Have sex to orgasm with a person of the opposite sex - your choice.'Only fair way, Helen and Becca do rock paper, scissors' once.Winner gets me." They did and Becca won.

"I'll take him tonight, Becca," Helen said.

"Cowboy," Becca said, pointing to the convenient small mattress. With a smile, Mike lay down on his back.Moments later Becca began to bounce happily on Mike's now five and a half inches.

After Mike had cum, Helen drew her slip."Perform oral sex with your partner. "She smiled. "Well, I guess I'm going to taste Becca's juice," she said. "Lie down Becca.Let's see how fast I can get you to cum this time."So the two girls lay down, Becca on her back, legs parted allowing Helen to get to Becca's honey pot.

About five minutes later, Becca's hands closed overthe back of Helen's head as she thrust her hips. Up with , "Oh, God.Yes.Cum.Yes!" Before lying back down on the mattress.After resting up a bit, Becca picked a slip."If partner is male have sex with him.If partner is female, select a male for sex."

"Well, that's easy.Mike, what position do you like?"

"How about doggy style?"

"Sounds good," Becca said as she got on her hands and knees.Mike dropped down behind her and in moments the two were rocking back and forth together, Mike with one hand playing with her clit as his cock slid back and forth. Both were moaning with pleasure, Mike leaning forward, whispering into her ear.Becca had another cum just before Mike came and the two collapsed, then hugged each other for a short time.

Mike stood up and helped Becca up."Okay, Paolo, your draw."

"Sure," he said with a smile.He pulled a slip out and read it.Those watching saw the smile fade and a grimace appear."Hey, this says one of the guys gets to butt fuck me. That can't happen.I'll pull another slip."

"No, Paolo.Look, you've butt fucked me quite a few times.Not as many as my pussy, but you've butt fucked me. Mike doesn't hurt.Bob sure doesn't.So go ahead, lie down and let Bob do it."

"Fuck no, Helen.Not gonna do it."

"Paolo, I was the first guy you fucked. I never fucked you.When Bob and I fucked for the first time, after I'd fucked him, he fucked me.We still do it that way.This is probably a one time deal. Take it as a good sport, man."

"Shit no,Mike.You're a bottom.I'm a top.That's the way it is."

"Paolo,Mike's a top to me and I'm a top to him."

"Paolo, there was one time we did the Cowgirl butt fuck. I was on top. "

"Not the same Helen."The other four looked at their friend in amazement. The looked at each other, each having Paolo butt fuck them, some, especially Mike and Helen.

"Paolo.We've been friends since what, preschool?Don't do anything stupid.You know I love you.Bob will be as gentle as you can imagine.Do it, Paolo."

"Come on Paolo.We did it once.You were slow and gentle.I liked it.But I prefer Mike to use my front door."

"Becca, I don't give a fuck what door Mike uses when you two fuck."

Becca's smile faded."Paolo, when Mike and I have sexual intercourse, as my seventh grade sex ed teacher used to say, we make love.We've never fucked."

"Well fuck all of you.I'm out of here.Good fucking bye!" Paolo shouted as he gathered up his clothes."I'mgetting dressed in the downstairs bathroom and then I'm gone. Two guys and two gals.Enjoy your pansy ass sexual intercourse."

"Wait!" Helen cried and started towards the stairs after Paolo but got stopped by Mike.

"Let him go, Helen.I know him better than you.He's pissed, but he will calm down.It's going to take a day or two.Sort of like me, right?"He gave a wan smile at his sister/lover.

"Sort of like you, Little Brother."The two hugged, not one of passion, but of comfort.Now taller than Helen, they tried to smile at each other as they heard the front door close loudly.

"He'll be back," Mike said.

Again, with changingmiddle school rules, the two upper classes had two combined lunches, so all four who witnessed Paolo's refusal and retreat had lunch together, but with a vacant seat, taken up by an eighth grade busy body.

"Where was Paolo before they opened the doors, Helen?" Cynthia asked, honey dripping from her forked tongue.

Mike looked her straight in the face."His boy period started this morning ,Cynthia. He had to go to the nurse to get clean clothes.All that sticky white stuff got all over him.You know, it happens to girls, too."

Cynthia turned up her nose, looked at her appealing lunch tray and said, "Mystery meat again," then began to pick at the lunch the others ate and talked over.

Paola and Mike had Algebra II together.As Mike followed Paola into class he heard their teacher say, "No, you may not change seats with you best friend in the galaxy, Paola.I don't know what's going on, but you need to offer the peace pipe.I've already talked to Helen and Becca.You know where to sit."Mike sat quietly while watching Paola sit and squirm next to his blood brother, formed back when they were ten.

Mike would try to say something, but this was not the time or place to interfere with the great grandniece of Dr. Einstein while she taught solving equations with two unknowns.

They left algebra without a word."Paola," Mike said, but Paola walked away in silence.

Supper came as it does, then Helen, Mike, and Tyler all looked up when their mother said, "What happened to Paolo? I told him I was going to use his mother's receipe for Chicken Cacciatore.Didn't you tell him - either of you?"

Helen andMike looked at each other, then tried to look away.Mike said, "He does this sometimes, Mom. Not often, but the rest of us wanted to do something and he just refused and left. He'll calm down.May take a few days."

"Well, Mike didn't speak to Paola or me just before Thanksgiving," Helen said quietly."We all made up."

"Well, there's enough for Paola when he gets his nose straight again," their mom said. The three kids smiled."I like Paola," Tyler announced.

Several hours later Mike lay in his bed, the same bed he and Paola had lain in before making love, during love making, and after it before going to sleep. His door opened, then closed. In the quick flash of the low light hall light he saw Helen coming towards him, covered by a bathrobe he knew too well.She crept up to put a hand on his bare shoulder. "You awake, Little Bro?"

"I am, Big Sis.Want to join me?I've been thinking of you."

"I do.I need a cuddle. Damned if I'm going to pedal a bike to Paolo's this time of night and year.Anyway, I cuddled you first. "

"Shut the door, Helen.Take off the robe. Join me."In the dark Helen dropped the robe on the floor to then slip under the early December covers to hug him. `You're wearing what I'm wearing, Bro."

"You are.You thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked as his warm hand eased its way into the carefully trimmed pubes of a rapidly maturing fourteen year old girl.

"What about Paola first?So fucked up.It's like what happened with us before Thanksgiving . "Helen gave her one year younger brother a kiss, a long, deep, wet kiss to which he responded.

"Donow.What's this `Top' thing?"

"From Bob.He's decided he's still bi, but looks towards gay.The top is the one to do the screwing. The bottom is the guy who gets it.You know, I've never screwed Paola.Bob and I screw each other.He's top one time, bottom the next.Me, the same way.

"Helen, what do you want to do?"

"What we did in the beginning, Mike. Make love.Not sure I knew that term that night.But I learned a lot since then .Those fun nights with three or six others- it was fun but not love. Yes, Paola and I have had some great sex.But I've never said I loved him.And he hasn't me. What do we say, Michael? "


"Make love to me, Michael.Always,"

"Should I go back to my room, Mike?"

"Last time our folks came in, we were six. Wake up with me, Helen."

"That's what I hoped you'd say."The two kissed good night, cuddled, and fell asleep.

Lunch at Mary Mount Middle School was always loud, but it was like a Klingon cloaking device covered one table.Bob sat down in his usual seat, waiting for Mike to sit next to him and expecting Becca after him.But as Bob sat down, Paolo pushed his way in with a brown paper bag lunch to squeeze in between Becca and then Mike followed by Helen.The other four looked at him.

Helen's green eyes clamped on him."I'm your girl friend.You haven't spoken to me in two days.I have a boy friend in the wings. Of course he seems to have a girl friend, too.So, Paolo, am I still your girl friend?I have other friends as well."

Paolo dropped his eyes. "I hope I'm still your boy friend. I hope I'm still thebest friend I've ever had, your brother.Can we meet at your house this afternoon? "He sounded almost scared to the others around him.

Mike laughed."It's not 2 AM but I think we can make it.Comeon down after school. "

Paolo inhaled. "Thanks. Mike.I'll take Bob first.Then you.I pinky swear."

"Paolo, you're my boy friend, butMike's my brother. Please don't fuck up."

"I won't Helen."

The five gathered in the basement play room with Paolo facinghis best friend, his girl friend, and two other friends."Okay, guys.I fucked up. But I'm going to tell you who changed my mind; Eric did.Baby brotherEric. ButPaolo, it feels so good if you relax. I'm ready to relax.The girl I hope to keep as my girl friend told me to relax.

"My best friend told me that since Bob was my partner, he'd do as planned.So, after Bob, maybe the guy who's fucked my butt the most will go next."With that Paolo began to undress as Bob did too.As their colorful briefs slid down their legs, each carried his boner, Paolo at a good six inches and fat while Bob was just a little longer than five and thinner. Paolo lay down on the mattress to allow Bob to lube both boys, one the erect cock and second the virgin asshole.

Bob eased himself between Paolo's spread legs."I'm starting, Paolo.Relax."

"Good bye virginity," Paolo laughed.

Helen and Becca looked at each other."Now he'll know what the first time can feel like for a girl," Helen said, with a grin.Paolo moaned.

"I think a boy cherry just popped," Becca said, as the two girls watched Bob 's bare butt begins to rise and fall as his speed got faster.

Ten minutes later Paolo lay face down on the mattress whileMike slowly inserted his lubed cock into the lubed ass of his best friend. Bob, his boy friend, Becca, his girl friend, and Helen, his sister/lover watched, some with fear, as Mike went deeper and deeper.

"You're in, Mike. Fuck me," Paolo quietly said.

"Not fuck.Make love.Like I said to Helen last night. "

"Make love," Paolo whispered.

Several minutes later, as Mike rolled off Paolo,Paolo said softly, "That was wonderful.I'll never be the only top again,"

Bob lay down next to Paolo."Soon,I hope.Most of the time whenMike and I make love, it's the two of us.Most of the time when a Helen or Becca and I make love, it's the two of us.

"I don't think love is a game.Do you?"

Paolo smiled. "Never was."Paolo put his arm around Bob and kissed him on the lips.When the kiss was finally over Paolo looked to see Mike in the middle between Helen and Becca, as the three alternated kissingas Mike cupped one breast on each girl.

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Next: Chapter 4: A Girlfriend for Bob

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