Paolo Helen and Mike

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 24, 2020


Helen and Dr. Handel - Bisexual High School a Mike - Helen-Paolo story

Helen and Dr. Handel


Larry Marian

New ninth grader Helen, girl friend of eighth graders Paolo and Mike, somehow managed to get choir, not chorus last block, Orange Day when Nancy a middle school friend, now a sophomore, sat down beside her.

"Helen, good summer?" The redhead with a long pony tail and freckles like Helen's nodded.

"Really was, Nancy. Fantastic." The two gave each other a hug.

"Heard some rumors that you and some others did a bunch of stuff. You want to make sure Dr. Handel sees what you are good at? Like scholarships and such?"

"Well, I'm not sure about scholarships right now,but Paolo's brother sure thinks they are important - his brother's girl friend seems to think the same. "

Nancy smiled. "I think my goofus brother got into MIT because of one scholarship. Now, you want to really get on the good side of Dr. Handyman?" Nancy smiled again. "Some stories about you and a few others the last couple of months doing some wild shit." With that Nancy squeezed Helen's arm.

Helen looked at Nancy. "Sure, my folks want me and Mike to get into great colleges, but what does this mean?"

"Every freshman gets a personal interview with Handyman. A boy's interview takes about five minutes. Story is one frosh girl's interview took almost two hours and she came out with bright red cheeks. Nobody said which cheeks."

Three weeks into the first quarter Helen got her note from Dr Handel. "Day after tomorrow, fifteen minutes after last bell. Dress comfortably. Be ready to sing a song you know well as a soloist."

Last block, Black Day, Helen walked up to the desk of Ms. Goebbels and said, "Ma'am, I'm supposed to be ready to be evaluated by Dr. Handel fifteen minutes after last bell. I can change clothes in the team captains' office. May I leave a few minutes early? Is that okay with you?"

"I think so Helen. Your grades so far have been exemplary. Good luck."

"Thanks, Ms. Goebbels," Helen said as she walked back to her seat.

What she didn't hear was Ms. Goebbels mutter under her breath, "Hope you're on birth control, child. He's going to fuck those green eyes of yours out of your freckled head and swallow enough cum to make you gain five pounds."

Ten minuets before the last bell, Helen quietly gathered her materials, slipped them into her book bag, raised her hand, and waited. Ms. Goebbels nodded her head and smiled as Helen quietly got up to head out of the classroom, down the hall out of the high school wing towards the gym.

Once in the gym she went to the common team captain room, unlocked it, entered, and locked it behind her. Working rapidly, she kicked off her sandals, pulled off her top, unfastened and removed her bra, now a very impressive 34B, slid off her jeans and then a plain pair of green panties. From her book bag she pulled out the black thong she'd worn that night when she and Paolo had first fucked without Mike seeing or knowing. Over the scant garment that barely covered her already moist pussy, she pulled on a pair of tight red shorts. Looking at herself in the mirror she plainly saw her camel toe outlined by the fabric after she zipped them closed. Before putting her sandals back on she slid on a strapless very short tube top, her nipples clearly showing through the white material.

She was ready to offer her body to music. She grabbed her book bag with her school clothes in it and headed off to the music room.

Helen knocked on the Music Director door three minutes before her deadline to report. "If you are Helen, please come in and get seated, otherwise, please depart." She smiled at that, entered, closed the door, walked to the chair in front of Dr. Handel and sat down, carefully parting her knees as she noticed the chair sat far enough away that the director had a clear shot of her tight red shorts and the camel toe behind it.

"Well, Ms Helen O'Brien'" the tall very black man boomed, "glad you can be on time. You're an alto, correct?"

"Yes, sir, I am."

"Right now, Helen, I'm Doc Handy. On the risers, it's different. This is for me to evaluate your singing and ability to accept leadership. It's one thing to do well as a soloist or recording star and another to be a part of a group and follow instructions to a 'T'. So what will you sing for me, Helen?"

She smiled, thinking even Doc Handy wouldn't know this sort of folk song from the 20th Century.

"It's sort of come down in the family. This may even date back to my great grandmother who was a teen in the 60s. It comes from Canada and it's called Four Strong Winds.' Shall I sing it now, Doc Handy?"

"I know it. Please stand and sing it, Helen."

So she stood up. As she did she watched Doc Handy's hand keep time to the rhythm of the music as he smiled. When she finished he nodded and gave a thumbs up. Now, she thought, comes the seduction.

"Very nice. "How about `America the Beautiful'? Can you do that?"

"Sure," she said. "I know every verse."

"Good. You sing. I'm going to try to distract you." Helen smiled. This will be fun, she thought. She began to sing, clearly, calmly, and with enthusiasm. As she got to "...from sea to shining sea.." Doc Handy walked behind her to cup both her breasts. He didn't see the slight smile she gave between the first and second verse. As the second verse began, he took both her arms at their wrists to raise them over her head, then gently pulled the tube top up and off, to toss it onto his desk. Helen kept singing even though his hands were now free to play with her breasts in ernest.

As she finished, he said, "Very good. Now, we are going into the back office there with a very comfortable wide couch. Are you comfortable with that, Helen?"

"Very much so." With that he picked up her tube top, handed it to her, then took her by the willing hand to lead her into the inner office, which had subdued lighting and drapes on all the walls.

"Let's sit for a minute, Helen. You have a boy friend, correct, Helen?"

"Actually, I have a boy friend and a lover."

"So is the lover another boy?"

"Yes. They're the same age. But I do have sex with a couple of girls. So should I undress, Doc Handy?"

"No, Helen. I assume that with a boy friend and a lover you know how to undress a male. So, you will undress me and then I will finish undressing you. From that point on, please tell me what you want to do to me or tell me what you to do to me. Understand?"

"Yes. Sounds like fun. Too bad neither my boy friend or my lover can sing."

"Helen, is there anything else you can tell me about this lover? Is this perhaps this is a multiracial thing or what?"

"No, it's complicated, but it works for us." At that, Helen reached up and out to begin to remove Doc Handy's shirt, revealing a modest gold chain and t-shirt, two of which she removed. Then she dropped to her knees where she began to remove his pants. Two minutes later, as his boxers got pulled down, Helen met with the sight of something like seven inches of black meat, a purple mushroom on top, with a piss slit leaking pre-cum. "I'm looking forward to this. Never sucked a black cock before."

"Enjoy." With that, Helen began by running her lips around the mushroom, then licking his leaking slit before sucking on his curly haired ball sac. Soon she began sliding the black sausage into her mouth to begin bobbing on it, moaning in delight as she did. He played with her breasts and nipples as he sighed. "Damn, Helen, very good. Very good. But I think better's to come." With that he lifted her to her feet with his hands under her arms to lie her on her back on the bed/couch. There his hands gently spread her knees as she raised her legs, firmly planting her feet on the the soft surface. He got between her legs. "You ready?" he asked.

"Fuck me, Doc Handy. I mean, really fuck me. Put that cock into me. I want it. "

Doc Handy began to drive into her snatch. "How much can you take?"

"Good. Keep it up. I'm working my clit. Good. Feels good. You're spreading me. Roger does that. Yeah."

"Who's Roger?"

"Volleyball friend's cousin. About seven inches. Feels good, too. You play nicer, I think."

"I'm older. But you are good. I'm getting close to cuming. Okay?"

"Please cum in me."

"You want a black man's cum in your white cunt?"

"I want your cum in my pink cunt." As the two panted as they spoke, they moved faster and faster.

"Ah, shit. Cumming!" Doc Handy called.

"Yeah. Girl cum. So good, Doc. So good."

"Yeah. You got yourself a cum from a nigger cock. Want some more?"

"There's a butt plug in my ass, Doc. Do you know how to take one out?"

"I sure do. Nice and smooth, Helen. My nigger cock goes in the same way. Nice and smooth." The two smiled at each other. She put her hand on his. "

"Take it out and replace it. I'll take that nigger cock of yours."

After they had both cum again, as he played with her tits, she said, "Do I have a part?"

"Chorus and choir,Helen." With that the two hugged and kissed. "Now go get yourself dressed." He smiled at her. "On the other hand, Helen, if you'd like, that black thong you're about to reach for would look very nice in my collection."

With that, Dr. Handel opened a beautiful wooden cabinet to display boxers, briefs, panties, bikinis, and thongs of all different colors and designs. If they have a story, so much the better."

"Uh, I wore them the night I became girl friend/boy friend without my lover knowing about that then."

Without a word, Dr. Handle dropped to his knees in front of her, slid one finger into her rosebud while lapping and tonguing her inner lips for a minute. Then he kissed her again.

"That was wonderful," Helen said as she began to gather her scattered clothes except for the black thong and began to dress. "Thanks."

"I'll let you know when we can meet like this again. I think we can. By the way, was I too much for you?"

"Well, the first time I had my boy friend and my lover, they were both at about four inches. Boy friend suddenly shot up to five and got thicker. Some three months later, lover did the same while boy friend went to almost six. Then there was Robert. My first time with him, he had seven inches and real thick. So you feel real good. You stretch me nicely. You made me cum several times. I know you saw and heard."

The two had a hug and a kiss and a departure.

That night, just at 11:10, Helen quietly opened and closed Mike's door, slipped off her robe to reveal her nude body to her brother/lover, who pulled back the covers for her to join him. "Love you, Helen," he said after the initial kiss and nipple tweak.

"You always, Mike," she responded as they always began their once a week love making, the only one the parents didn't know about. Paolo coming over and making love with Helen, or Bob and Abby coming over to sleep with Mike and Helen was now accepted, but Mike and Helen was still the incestuous secret.

Knowing they had to be brief, Mike's cock rose to the occasion while Helen's pussy lay damp and ready. Their love making was brief, but passionate and intense. If they had a fault, it was the pillow talk afterwards that sometimes skirted safety.

"That was nice, Helen. But it didn't feel the same somehow. Sort of like back at Christmas when we had sex right after you and Roger did."

Helen gave a soft giggle. "I had my interview with Dr. Handel right after school today. His cock had to be close to eight inches long and almost that thick at the base. He buried it in me all the way to his balls. Have to say he's as good a lover as he is a choir director."

"So the rumors are true?"

"Oh, yeah. I sucked him once and then we screwed - both front and back. He made me cum several times. He apologized and said the next time he'd go down on me first. There was a girl waiting to get interviewed as I left. She said to me, Is it true he has ten inches?' I told her About eight maybe. He's good.'"

They kissed again. "Well, to bed. We have Paolo and Becca tomorrow night. That will be good."

"Yeah. Love you, Helen."

"Always, Mike." With that she was gone.

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Next: Chapter 8: Abby Gertie and Dr Handel

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