Paradise Lust

By william michael

Published on Jun 10, 2012



Paradise Lust

The Usual Nifty Caveats apply.

Jeremy Westlake floated face up in the warmish pool water of the Hawaiian resort where he and his family were spending a long week at the expense of his father's company. Having accepted a promotion and uprooting his family to move nearly the width of the continent eighteen months ago Westlake senior had spent upwards of seventy hours a week coming to grips with the issues he was selected to resolve and getting his division back in the black. His reward was a fat bonus, a new office and this holiday. It wasn't much compensation for Jeremy and his mom, who had seen little of the man during this time, but it was a start.

In fact, his parents were spending the day playing golf, something they had done often before the big move. He figured they needed the time more than he did at the moment so he was content to spend the day on his own. In some ways he was doing a sightseeing trip of his own. The number of attractive, scantily clad women of various ages was sufficient to keep the teenager content on his first day. In fact one in particularly had riveted his attention not fifteen minutes ago when she appeared poolside, walked the length and width to stake out a spot in a corner and removed the sheer wrap that had covered her.

She appeared to be slightly shorter than his five feet ten inches with a wonderful set of curves. Her bikini was smallish, but not ridiculously so and all of the skin revealed looked smooth, taut and well tanned. The top was working hard to keep a full pair of tits in place and the bottoms were snug against a well rounded, firm ass. Her stomach was flat and tight but without the mannish six pack. Her legs looked long for her height, slim and firm.

At the distance that separated them, he couldn't see much detail when she removed her largish sunglasses but what he could make out hinted at true beauty. He was glad of the fact that he was mostly underwater and wearing baggy knee length trunks. Any Speedo wearer above the water that wasn't gay was most likely having issues at that point. When she settled on the chaise lounge his view was blocked so he went back to floating aimlessly in the water.

His spot in the pool was currently shaded by a lifeguard tower and a nearby palm tree so his face wasn't baking in the tropical sun. After awhile, a nearby splash sprinkled a bit of water on his face but it felt nice so he didn't object to someone's playing. The second time there was a bit more water involved but again he let it pass. The third time he was almost swamped so he rose up and looked in the direction he thought the water came from. He had trouble focusing at first since he had pool water in his eyes but what he could see was a bright smile surrounded by the most beautiful face he had ever encountered up close.

It was the girl in the bikini from before and she was no more than ten feet away, the water covering her from just below her shoulders. Her long auburn hair was pulled up in the back with some sort of comb and her eyes were only slightly less dazzling than her smile.

"I was beginning to think you were a floater," she said, her voice a series of clear bell tones.

"A what?" Jeremy said, a bit confused.

"A dead body floating in the water. I had to practically drown you to get your attention."

Jeremy wiped his face with a hand and fixed her eyes with his own and said,

"You already had my attention when you first got here. Me and every other guy in and around the pool."

The stunning girl looked at him, her smiling diminishing a bit, her eyes looking a bit more speculative.

"Why would you say something like that?"

"Because it's the truth. I could see you coming from the path from the hotel and I didn't stop watching until you sat down. Plus I could see most of the other people and all of the guys and a few of the women were watching you, too. Makes perfect sense though," he said seriously.

"Why is that?"

"You're absolutely gorgeous, that's why." he replied matter of factly.

The girl laughed a bit, if nervously, her tanned cheeks darkening just a bit, even as she drifted a bit closer.

"I'm sorry," Jeremy said, noticing her reaction, "I didn't mean to upset you. I have a habit of being kind of direct."

"Yes, you do, although what you said was very flattering. The question is, did you really mean it?" she asked, her expression now more probing.

"Of course, I always mean what I say. Even when it gets me into trouble sometimes."

The girl smiled again, fully and openly and she had moved close enough to hold out a hand in greeting.

"My name is Sara."

"Hi, Sara. I'm Jeremy."

What Sara saw was a handsome young man with sandy, if wet, blonde hair, a soft smile and the most piercing blue eyes she had ever seen before. From what she could see he had a slender, if sturdy physique with broad shoulders. Although she didn't say it, for some reason he had caught her eye as she had entered the pool area and she was silently pleased he had.

"Hi, Jeremy. Did you just get here? I don't remember seeing you here yesterday."

"Yes, we got in last night, my parents and I. They're out playing golf. I'm pretty much on my own," he replied, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I am, too, for most of the day at least. My folks are trying para-sailing this morning, then sailboarding this afternoon. My little brother is recording it all," she replied, trying hard to break eye contact but finding she couldn't and realizing she didn't really want to.

Jeremy, however, seemed to notice something and he looked aside and said,

"Sorry, something else I have to work on."

"What, looking a girl in the eye? It's a lot better than having a guy stare at your tits while you're trying to talk to him," she said with a grin.

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh and look back.

"It's funny though. I could have sworn your eyes were hazel when I first saw them. Now that you're closer they look green."

"It's nice that you noticed," she replied, her smile widening. "They seem to change color depending on the light."

"Either way, they are very beautiful," he said.

She blinked a couple of times and said,

"Wow, you've said more nice things about me in such a short time. It makes me wonder if you're trying to put the moves on me."

"Oh, no," he said, backing up a bit. "I was just saying what I thought. I'm sorry."

Sara laughed a bit again and closed the distance between them a bit more and she reached out and touched his arm lightly.

"I was only teasing you, Jeremy. I liked what you said," she replied, her smile going wider.

Sara's hand on his arm was sending all kinds of sensations along his nerves. He had never been so close to someone so amazingly attractive as this girl, or young woman. The fact that she was smiling at him, touching him and seemingly enjoying talking to him was entirely new territory for him.

"Oh, okay, but I do mean it."

"I'm pretty sure you do, Jeremy," she said looking at him with a slight tilt of her head. "Hey, would you like to hang out with me today?"

"Really? You'd want to spend the day with me?" he asked.

"Yes, I really would," she said, feeling those blue eyes pulling on her.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot, a whole lot," he replied, his smile at it's widest since they'd had met.

She smiled back and squeezed his arm and they floated for a while, talking about what they might do with the remainder of the day. As they talked they drew a circle of quiet around themselves, blue eyes fixed on green, completely oblivious to the glances they were getting from both sexes around the pool. After another half an hour of soaking the two moved toward the shallow end of the pool walking until they were up on the dry concrete. Jeremy glanced over and was astounded by the sight of all that wet glistening skin that was so very close to him. But his eyes couldn't help but return to hers, finding the delicate eyebrows arched and her expression wry and questioning.

He shrugged, smiled a bit sheepishly and with characteristic straight forwardness said,

"You're just too beautiful not to look at."

Her eyes popped a bit, then she laughed and took hold of his arm with both hands and pulled him tighter to her side. Without looking directly at him she said,

"I think I like the idea of you looking at me and I know I love hearing the things you say. Now what do you say about getting something to drink, I'm kind of thirsty."

"Sure, and it will be my treat."

"Um, Jeremy, the drinks are complimentary here," she said.

"Oh, I didn't realize that. I guess I should have read the guest information card that was in the room," he said.

She laughed again and as they walked toward the tiki bar under the palms she maintained her hold on his arm and pressed into his side. After they finished the tropical fruitjuice mix that the bartender had recommended the young pair collected up Sara's wrap and glasses and they began to walk slowly along a path that took them into an area of the resort that was landscaped with all manner of tropical flora. Once she was dried off, Sara undid her long hair and it added another element to her beauty. Her close proximity, mixed with the heady fragrance of the various flowers had Jeremy a little lightheaded. As they walked along he heard her sigh and felt her head rest lightly on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Hmm, oh yes. More than okay, actually. It's so beautiful here and it's so wonderful to be walking with you," she said, looking up at him.

As if on a whim, or having made a decision, she stopped and tugged on his arm so that he wound up facing her. She leaned her head towards him and when she saw he wasn't responding how she wanted, she hooked the back of his head with a hand and pulled his face to meet hers. When their lips touched Jeremy thought his had turned to fire, but in a good way. He quickly figured she knew what she wanted and what she was doing so he was going to take his cues from her. She had one hand on his arm and the other on the back of his neck so he placed on of his hands on an upper arm and the other on her hip. Her lips moved a bit and then parted so he let his open and the feeling was electric.

Her lip movement became more urgent and he responded in kind, partly by mimicry and partly by instinct. Either way it seemed to be what she wanted because her tongue began to work on his mouth as her hand slid up over his shoulders so that she was now holding him around the shoulders with both arms, her body pressed against his. He let both of his hands snake around her lower back and he pulled her gently but firmly against him. As their tongues danced slowly but passionately, their bodies began to grind a bit. She was moaning into his mouth and he was pretty sure that if she hadn't been holding him upright he would have gone down as his knees were on the verge of buckling. They continued on like this for some moments until Sara pulled her head back and looked at him with those green eyes of hers.

"Oh my god, what a great kisser you are. You must have the girls at home lined up around the block," she said, all out of breath. "I've never felt a kiss like that."

As they were still holding each other, those deep green eyes were only inches away and he thought if he wasn't careful he'd fall right into them. Because he had liked it so much and afraid of what would happen shortly, he leaned in and kissed her softly for a few moments. When he pulled back he took a deep breath and said,

"Sara, I'm six months away from turning seventeen and I've never held a girl, let alone kissed her."

He saw her eyebrows arch up again and she blinked. As he feared her arms loosened around his neck and her hands slid down to rest on his upper arms. In response he let his hands come from around her back and they hung at his side. As for her she was having trouble believing this gorgeous young man who spoke so openly and honestly about what he saw could be so young. But those eyes spoke to her in a way she couldn't understand precisely and they said that the soul behind them was far older than not yet seventeen. She made a decision and said,

"I turned eighteen just a few weeks ago. In fact, this trip is sort of a birthday present and one last fling as a family before I go off to college. And I can tell what you're thinking and yes, if we had been in school together I would have walked down the halls and never given you a second glance because of the age difference and shame on me. But here and now, in this place, having gotten to know you even just a bit, those months mean nothing. Something drew me to you, I don't know what, but I don't intend to give it up," she said, and then her expression changed as if she had a thought, and not a pleasant one. "Unless it bothers you and you don't...." but she couldn't finish the thought.

"Are you kidding? You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and I don't mean just the physical part. Every time I look at those eyes I think I'm going to fall into them and just keep falling," he said as his arms came back up around her and the gap that had grown disappeared and warm wet lips pressed against each other and their tongues danced once more. Thanks to movies, books and the internet, Jeremy wasn't completely ignorant about what could go on between a man and a woman physically, he just lacked practical experience. For now he was willing to let Sara lead the way but he did make use of his hands, letting them roam a bit on her back, covered as it was with the thin material of the wrap around.

At one point in their wanderings, one hand brushed over the top of her firm, well round ass and she wiggled it a bit in appreciation and pressed her hips more tightly to his. Sensing this as a positive he let both hands come to firmly rest on her ass and he gave a bit of a squeeze. She moaned into his mouth and tightened her arms around his shoulders. They continued like this for several more minutes until he felt her shudder a bit and then she broke off the kiss and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, god, Jeremy, sweetheart, please, I need to stop for a few minutes," she said, almost panting.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" he asked as his hand began to let go of her ass cheeks.

"Of course not and don't you dare move a muscle, just hold on to me," she said and he did as she asked, keeping his grip on her.

Once her breathing slowed she said hoarsely,

"Wow. That was amazing. But swear to me, Jeremy. Are you telling me the truth when you say you've never kissed a girl before? I'm finding that hard to believe."

"Honest, Sara. Except for one time when I was nine and a ten year old girl from the neighborhood grabbed me one night during a game of hide and seek we were all playing. It only lasted like three seconds and she ran away laughing. I think it was on a dare or something."

"Well, she was a silly girl not to have come back for more. A mistake I won't make, but I need to sit down for a bit. Let's walk some more and see if we can find a quiet spot," she said in a low tone that spoke directly to Jeremy's spine.

"Okay," he said and as they set off she was no longer content to hold on to his arm but instead pulled one of his around her shoulders and she put hers around the small of his back.

They walked for perhaps ten minutes when they spotted a open area beneath some shorter palms that had some undergrowth around the bases. It wasn't completely out of sight but since they had seen no one else yet it should be private enough. The ground was neat so the grounds keepers must remove any fallen fronds and there was some soft cover of sorts so Sara removed her wrap and spread it like a translucent blanket. Jeremy couldn't help but stare and she smiled back saying,

"They way you look at me makes me feel like a princess or something."

"You're just so beautiful, Sara. I've seen pictures of models and movie stars and you look so much better," he said.

With the ice well and truly broken, or melted might be more correct, she laughed a bit at his comment and then hugged him to her, the feel of all that warm smooth skin sending jolts right down to his toes. She kissed him lightly and then settled onto the thin wrap, gently tugging him down beside her. When he was down she scooted up next to him and pulled his arm around her shoulders, resting her head on his again.

"I needed to stop us because I wasn't sure I could keep standing up anymore, not because I wanted to stop kissing you. I don't know what's going on here, Jeremy, but I've never felt like this before. I've had several boyfriends and none of them made me feel like you do," she said, "in fact, I don't think I've ever talked to them like I am to you and it's only been a few hours."

"Well, I have nothing to go by, this is all new to me, but I know I wouldn't want to trade it for anything in the world," he replied, as he leaned his head against hers.

After a few moments she turned her head and their lip came together again. Jeremy felt that electric charge again and Sara became the center of his universe. All he was aware of was the taste of her lips, the smell of her hair, the feel of her body as it pressed against his. He wasn't sure how long they sat like that but he became aware of her pushing against him, urging him onto his back on the thin wrap. Sara came to rest on top of him, one leg over his, her firm tits pressed against his chest and side. He brought both arms around her back and the kissing became more intense, their tongues probing and dancing.

As his hands ran up and down her nearly naked back, she was caressing his chest and abdomen, occasionally rubbing a finger tip over his hard nipples. Time stood still or flew by, Jeremy couldn't tell as he lost himself in the sensations that were playing over and through his body. But he became very aware when Sara ran her hand over the front of his baggy suit and came to a rest on the bulge she found there. She felt him jerk and tense a bit and she lifted her face up and said,

"Just relax, baby. Hmmm, that feels so nice. I can't believe I'm doing this after just a few hours but I can't imagine stopping now," she added before she started kissing her way down his chest as her fingers lightly flexed on the hard shaft hidden by the bathing suit.

But what she was feeling with those fingers had definitely gotten her attention and there was no way she was going to pass up the opportunity to uncover this treasure. As she kissed his taut stomach her fingers worked their way under the waist band and quickly made contact with something spongy, wet and above all, large. Without pause or fanfare she got her other hand into the act and quickly slid the suit down to his knees.

"Oh, my god, Jeremy, sweetheart. Your cock is gorgeous. I had no idea," she enthused as her fingers wrapped around the thick smooth shaft.

When she looked at him from her position at his waist, her eyes were bright and large, as was her smile. He smiled back and then she ducked her head down and began to lick the large mushroom head that was leaking precum heavily.

"Oooh, you taste so good. I can't believe how lucky I am," she said in a hoarse voice before her lips wrapped around the big head.

Jeremy was a bit surprised at her comment. He was convinced he had to be the lucky one having this incredibly beautiful young woman treating him to such an enthusiastic blow job. One hand held the shaft upright as the other fondled his largish balls in their smooth sack. As her lips worked up and down the shaft she hummed in pleasure. He had one hand on her back and let it roam freely. After a few minutes she let go of his balls and used the free hand to remove the thin material that covered the front of her tits to the side so that the large firm orbs were now fully exposed. She leaned down and began to rub the wet head against the hard nipples.

"Oh, fuck, Sara, that feels so good," he moaned.

She looked over at his face and said,

"This is so amazing. You must think I'm such a slut but I just can't help myself."

Without waiting for an answer she dived back down and swallowed nearly his entire cock. Now in a perfect world the two young lovers would have carried on for hours, treating each other to endless pleasure, but in fact, Jeremy was a sixteen year old boy and he had spent the last couple of hours in the company of a young woman that had him hard almost the whole time. In addition, it had been several days since his last orgasm, self administered as usual, and he was now wound tighter than a drum head. It didn't take many repetitions of her nearly full length swallows and head licks before he felt his balls tighten and he growled,

"Oh, shit, Sara, I'm going to cum."

The only change the girl made was to slide her lips up to just below the ridge of the mushroom head, clamp them tight, and begin to stroke the wet shaft. In seconds his hips began to buck and he shot his load. Much to Sara's joy, it was thick, sweet and plentiful. As he grunted and bucked, she swallowed and purred. Some did leak past the seal of her lips, but not much. After half a dozen shots the remainder dribbled onto her tongue and when his hips settled down she used her lips and tongue and captured what had escaped. When she was satisfied that she had captured all she could she slid down next to him, once more partially covering his body, her now bare tits pressed against his warm smooth chest. She kissed his neck and throat and then settled her head onto his shoulder.

"Sweetheart, that was so good. You have such a big beautiful cock and your cum tastes so good. I hope I didn't move too fast here, but I just couldn't help myself. I don't know what's going on here but I don't think I could say no to you about anything right now."

He kissed the top of her head and said,

"Then I better be very careful about what I ask for. And I should be the one saying how good that was. I've never felt anything like that before. And no, I don't think you are a slut. You're a warm caring person who knows what she wants. I'm just glad I'm the one you want."

"Oh, yes, baby, I do. In all kinds of ways. You just wait and see what I have in store for you," she replied, lifting her head and kissing him softly.

When their lips parted he said,

"I am going to ask you to do something right now, though."

"What's that?" she asked.

"I want you to get on your back and let me do for you what you just did for me."

"Really?" she asked, somewhat surprised.

"Yes, really. I want to know what it's like to make a girl feel like that."

Sara smiled at him and shifted so that she was laying on her back and she undid the knot on one side of her bikini bottoms. Jeremy pulled off his swim trunks and balled them up and offered them to Sara as a pillow. The now naked boy knelt between her legs and slowly pulled the front of her bottoms aside. With her head propped up, she could watch his every move and she couldn't help but smile as he took his time, running one hand over her bare thighs and lower abdomen as the other slowly revealed her smooth shaved pussy. When it was fully revealed, the lips puffy and gleaming, he looked up at her and she gave him an encouraging nod.

He dipped his head down and lightly ran his tongue along the lips, getting a bit of a taste of her juices. They were musky and tangy and he was hooked immediately. Sara cooed a bit and closed her eyes so she could concentrate on what she was feeling. Jeremy seemed to be in no rush. He appeared unconcerned about the possibility that someone might come along and see him bare assed between the legs of a nearly naked girl. He simply took his time to taste and test and tease and Sara was overwhelmed by the feeling. Only one of her boyfriends had ever put his tongue to her pussy and that had been more out of a sense of obligation and it was rough and quick and not all that much fun. This boy, this supposed virgin was treating her to a delicate exploration that was sending electric like sensations up her spine.

Finally he let his tongue run along the slit between the lips, pushing them aside a bit, and brushing over the hard nub of her clit. This got an instant reaction. Her back arched a bit and her intake of breath was a hiss. He seemed to hesitate and she put a hand on his head and guided him back to that spot, which he took as a positive sign and his tongue began to lick and flick the sensitive nub. Sara began to grind her hips, her ass squirming on the thin wrap.

The boy didn't have much room to work with, not wanting to lay naked on the bare ground so he hooked his arms under her thighs and pulled her up slightly to press her against his mouth. Remembering things he had seen and read about on the internet, he covered her clit and upper pussy with his mouth and began to suck and lick. Sara was grunting and her hands were now clutching at her full tits, squeezing and kneading and working the hard nipples between her thumb and fingers.

When he shifted his tongue down and pushed it in between her now soaking lips to probe her hole, she spasmed in orgasm, pushing her pussy against his face, his tongue pushing deeper inside. She was making incoherent sounds as her body bucked and shuddered as he continued to work on her pussy. The taste of her juices and the feeling that he was getting knowing how much she was enjoying this kept him focused on her pleasure and he wouldn't let up. His tongue began sweeping up and down the puffy lips, alternating between pushing into her pussy tunnel and attacking her now overly sensitive clit.

After the third gut wrenching series of spasms, her body went limp and he felt the dead weight against his arms and he let her down onto the wrap. He stayed kneeling between her lightly quivering legs, watching her rapid breathing, her eyes closed but her mouth open as she gulped air. After a few moments her eyes fluttered open and she blinked a couple of times and then looked at her young lover.

"Holy shit, sweetheart. Where did you learn to do that? That was amazing."

"Um, just from stuff I've read and you know, seen some videos. Plus I paid attention to what it was you seemed to be liking," he said with a little smile.

Sara worked herself up onto her elbows and said,

"Well, you learned really well. I've never had someone make me cum so hard, and three times. You might have to carry me back to the pool."

"Okay, I'll try," he said sincerely.

She laughed and managed to sit all the way up, there faces inches away.

"I was teasing. I'll be fine after I catch my breath," she said as her hand lightly touched his semi-rigid cock. "Do you need me to take care of this for you?"

"Um, I thought maybe we'd wait until later," he replied and then added "there will be a later won't there?"

"Oh, yes. We are going to have lots of laters right up until we leave here," she said as she put her arms around his shoulders and pulled him forward so that she could kiss him and taste his pussy flavored lips.

The grinding kiss went on for some time and then she pulled back and said,

"I think we've pushed our luck enough. Let's get dressed and go find some lunch. You've made me very hungry."

"You've made me very happy. And I'm feeling things I've never felt before," he said, seriously.

She brushed her hand along the side of his face and said with a soft smile,

"I've never met anyone like you before. Where did you come from?"

"Originally? New Jersey."

Sara's answering laugh was clear and joyful and she hugged him again and began to pull her suit back into position. Jeremy tried to reach around behind her to get his swimsuit but got a wet kiss on the side of the neck before she leaned to the side to give him room. He stood up and proceeded to pull the slightly wrinkled suit back on as she stood and picked up the wrap from the ground. She shook it out and then wrapped it around her waist, leaving her bikini top to provide what coverage it could. They stepped out from their little spot back onto the path and satisfied they were still unseen Sara took hold of his arm and pulled it around her shoulders, holding on with one hand as the other arm snaked around his lower back.

Thus entwined they proceeded to walk slowly out of the botanical garden. They didn't say much and now and again she would rest her head on his shoulder. She seemed very happy but he seemed more than a little perplexed. When they emerged from the path and headed for the pool area and the little cafe' where food was available Sara made no move to disengage from Jeremy. She was happy and she didn't care who knew it.

After they ate Sara suggested they sit and soak in the shallow end of the pool. They sat down in the water that just covered them to their waists with Sara sitting behind Jeremy, her legs to either side of his and her arms wrapped around his torso. She had him pulled tightly to her, her chin resting on his shoulder.

"You know, I thought the guy was supposed to be in back, holding his lady in a protective embrace," Jeremy said.

"Oh, so I'm your lady now?" she asked, looking at the side of his face.

"Well, you are a lady. I can hope about the rest, can't I?" he replied.

She laughed again and squeezed him tightly, kissing the side of his face.

"God, you're adorable. Actually," she dropped her voice to a whisper, "I didn't think I'd be able to sit still if you were behind me and had that delicious cock pressed against my ass."

Jeremy's eyes went wide and then he whispered back,

"Oh, but it's okay for me to sit here with those beautiful tits of yours pressed into my back?"

"Of course. Who ever said it had to be fair?" she asked and then pulled his head to the side and kissed him lightly on the lips.

They sat like that for a while and then got out and found two lounge chairs and moved them around so they were side by side but those laying on them would be face to face. Sara found looking at his somewhat serious but mobile face fascinating, particularly with those beautiful eyes. For his part, Jeremy couldn't help but sweep his eyes over her from head to toe. To him there wasn't one part of her that didn't deserve scrutiny. But as he did this a thought occurred, or re-occurred to him and his expression clouded a bit.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Sara asked.

"Well, I don't know, but don't you find this all a bit strange that we should find each other here and get so fixated on each other in just a few hours?"

The girl considered this for a few moments and then with a small smile said,

"No, I find it a lot strange. But a wonderful strange, a fantasy come true strange. Sweetheart, can I tell you something about me?"

"I'd like you to tell me everything about you," he replied.

She smiled and took hold of his hand which had been resting on her bare thigh and said,

"A couple of months ago, I had a bad break up with my boyfriend. We were together about a year. It turned out he was cheating on me for a few months. He was the third guy that I've had a relationship with and each one went bad at the end. I think one of the reasons that my folks wanted us to come here was to shake me out of my melancholy before going off to school."

Jeremy's eyebrows went up after hearing that someone would cheat on Sara. He squeezed the hand that held his.

"I told you before that for some reason I felt I should say hello to you while you were floating in the pool, and I'm so glad I did. And I know all about the fact that we will be leaving here in a week or so and probably will never see each other again, but I don't want to worry about that. I want us to be together as much as we can while we are here. Can we do that?" she asked.

"If there was a way to do it, I'd spend all my time, twenty four hours a day with you," he said. "But it is kind of amazing, isn't it? I mean, is there love at first sight?"

She shrugged.

"I don't know, sweetheart, but whatever this is it's really strong. Maybe it's the tropical setting or maybe the Tiki gods decided I needed to know that there are decent, caring men in the world," she said, her face wistful. "But whatever it is, I'm so glad it happened to me."

As she talked her hand had released his and had begun rubbing up and down his thigh, pushing the leg of his trunks further up each time. Her eyes fixed on his and seemed to glow. His hand was rubbing her leg as well. Then she sat up and gestured that he should do the same. She pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear. He pulled his head back and asked,


She nodded with a wicked little grin and swung her legs off the lounge chair. She took his hand and pulled him up to his feet and arm in arm they set off. Apparently Sara had wandered a bit on her first day there and led Jeremy to a secluded little nook where the resort property ended and some sort of small park began. Before he could say anything she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and began a grinding tongue kiss that threatened to suck the air out of his lungs. He responded manfully pulling her by the waist and her firm ass tightly to his body, their hips pressed tight and grinding.

With a little prodding she got them both onto the ground, laying on the soft grass on their sides. After some more kissing and groping Jeremy pulled his head back and said,

"You know I haven't done this before, right?"

"Of course, but you never kissed a girl before this morning and you know how that turned out, or the way you licked my pussy which was also a first. Just relax and let me guide you and let your own wonderful instincts take over."

She then sat up and undid the wrap and laid it on the ground. She pulled the ties on her top and bottom and soon she was laying naked on her back, looking at her younger lover with hooded eyes. Jeremy slid his bathing suit off, his impressive cock hard and upright. Sara reached out and began to stroke it gently. With her other hand she reached up and pulled Jeremy done to start kissing again. He tentatively reached out and began to caress one of her gorgeous tits and Sara moaned into his mouth. Her stroking on his cock became more urgent.

After playing with her tits for a while he let his hand slide down her taut stomach until a finger brushed over the hard nub of her clit. This got a small squeal and her hips moved. Gently he began to explore her pussy lips,slit and clit with his hand, causing Sara to get very wet very quickly. She released his cock for a moment, taking hold of his hand and placing it so he could work a finger up inside her. She was sucking on his tongue as her hand went back to his cock and balls and they spent long minutes getting each other ready for what was to come. Finally, she couldn't take any more and she broke off the kiss and said hoarsely,

"Oh god, Jeremy, please. I need to feel you inside me. Get on top of me and get that gorgeous cock in me."

She took hold of his shoulders and pulled him over so that he was laying on her, his upper body supported on his elbows and his hard cock pressed against her pussy and lower abdomen. She then took hold of his ass and as he maneuvered his hips to drag his cock head along her wet swollen lips, she purred. When the head was where it needed to be she tugged on his ass to stop him. Then she spread her legs wider and wiggled her ass until she felt all was right and then she urged him forward with a gentle but insistent tug on his ass.

It took a bit of work but they both finally felt the head begin to slide in and Sara let out a groan as her legs came up to wrap around the small of Jeremy's back. He stared in fascination down into the girls face, her eyes closed, her mouth parted but with a bit of smile as he slowly pressed forward. She eased up on her tugging and then pulled again. After a few times of this Jeremy got the idea and began to rhythmically apply pressure that soon had his entire cock embedded in her wet tight clinging pussy.

"Oh, lover, no one has filled me like this before. How did I ever get so lucky? Please, just keep doing that for a while. Make love to me," she said before she pulled his head down and captured his lips with hers.

And that's what he did, nothing fancy, just steady strokes that seemed to touch every nerve ending the girl had. At one point when he was fully in her and their bodies were in full contact, she wiggled her hips a little. He figured that she must be feeling something when she did that so the next time he bottomed out he ground his hips and she moaned heavily into her mouth, so he added this every few strokes. He had no idea how much time was passing but at one point she stopped kissing him and buried her face in his shoulder and let out a muffled scream as her body tensed in a series of spasms.

He figured she must like what he was doing so he kept up the rhythm, along with the occasional hip grind, kissing her neck and throat until their lips met again and in a little while she went through another series of body wracking spasms, this time the strangled screams muffled by his mouth and tongue. He could feel his balls beginning to tighten and he knew that he was going to cum soon and that he shouldn't shoot his load inside her, not knowing what protections she might be using. So he broke their kiss and said,

"Sara, on god, I'm going to cum soon."

"Me too, baby and this one feels like it's going to be a big one. Fuck me a little more and then pull out and I'll do the rest."

So he gave her another half dozen strokes with two more grinds and then he withdrew his big dick from her well fucked pussy. As soon as he was clear she pulled forward, trapping his cock between them, the underside of the thick shaft pressing against her clit. After some more hips grinding and pressing Jeremy passed the point of no return and with some deep guttural grunts began to fire his load. After his second shot Sara's body went rigid, her arms and legs wrapped tight around his body and her face once again pressed into the joint of his shoulder and neck, her screams of pleasure ragged and long. He pumped out four more shots and then slowly they began to relax.

Sara kept her arms wrapped around his back and her legs slid from his lower back to hook over the back of his legs but they were holding firmly. Her face remained buried in his shoulder but the screams were gone to be replaced by heavy breathing, but after a few moments he picked up on a different sound, crying. It wasn't loud or particularly hard but it was distinct. He began to panic and wondered if he had hurt her somehow or perhaps now that they had 'gone all the way' she was somehow regretting it.

"Sara, what's the matter?" he spoke softly. "Did I hurt you or do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did."

She must have heard him because the crying sputtered around a couple of sobbing laughs. She finally pulled her head away and let it rest on the ground, looking up at him with those amazing eyes. In this light they looked more hazel.

"You sweet wonderful boy. No, you didn't hurt me or do anything wrong. That was the most amazing time I've ever experienced. It's just with everything that happened before I got a little emotional," she said as she slid her hands around to take hold of his face. "You've made me feel better than I have in a very long time. It was like everything you did was for me and that makes me feel very special."

"It was for you and you are very special, the most special person I could ever imagine."

She smiled up at him and then pulled his head down for a soft kiss. Then she said,

"There's a lot of things I'd like to say to you, but this probably isn't the time or place. I'm not sure how long our privacy will last. Let's try to get cleaned up and dressed and head back to the pool. Then maybe we can take a walk on the beach."

"Okay. I guess I made a bit of a mess," he said sheepishly as he pushed himself up to kneel between her legs.

"A bit? You made a lovely big mess," she said with a grin as she used her hands to skim the cum off of her belly.

She rubbed her messy hands on the grass and in the process got most of his load cleaned off. Then she did the same for him, adding some light kisses on his chest as she did. Getting up on her knees she hugged him some more, adoring the feel of his warm smooth skin on hers and then began to pull her bikini back on. Jeremy sat on the grass and put his swim suit back on. When Sara was done she looked at her lover and saw the wistful expression and said,

"What are you thinking, sweetheart?"

"Oh, just that it's a shame that you have to cover any part of that amazing body of yours."

Even after all they had experienced that day, Sara still blushed at his straight forward admiration. She smiled as she took hold of his hand and kissed it. Then she stood up and struck a alluring pose.

"So, lover boy, you like what you see?"

"What I see, and feel, and taste, and hear," he said as he stood up and looked at her. "I can't imagine anyone better, or how bad I'm going to feel when we have to leave here."

Her smile faded a bit and then brightened when she said,

"Don't worry about that until it happens. Right now we have a whole week ahead of us and I plan for us to be together every waking moment," she finished as she closed the gap between them, pulled him into a hug and kissed him long and deeply. "The rest will happen as it will, so don't let it affect what we do."

Without any further words they stepped out from the little nook and headed back to the pool. The water refreshed them and soaked away the remnants of Jeremy's load of cum. Sara continued to hold him in some manner the entire time they were in the water, whispering in his ear, kissing his neck and face and generally making every guy around the pool envious of the young man. Then they left the warm water and took the path down to the black sand beach that separated the resort from the surf. As they walked hand in hand Sara noticed that Jeremy stayed away from the water, keeping her between it and himself.

"Is there something about salt water that you don't like, sweetie?"

"Only that it almost killed me," he replied.

"What? How?"

"You remember I said I was originally from New Jersey? We would take trips to the shore during the summer. When I was eight, I got hammered by some big waves, pulled off my feet and dragged out. I almost drowned. I've never had more than my feet back in salt water since," he replied levelly.

"Oh, my god, I'm sorry. Why didn't you say something? We could have skipped the beach," she said anxiously.

"It's okay. Just so long as I keep some distance between me and the waves, I'm fine," he said, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her close, kissing the top of her head. "Plus I know you'll keep an eye on me."

She put both her arms around him and held tightly as they walked, her head resting on his shoulder, oblivious to any scrutiny they might be under. In fact, at least two people were watching them closely. An older couple sitting on some beach chairs further away from the water regarded the young couple until the woman turned to the man.

"Isn't that Jeremy walking with that girl?" she asked.

"Certainly looks like him. It'll will be interesting to hear what kind of day he's had when we meet for dinner," the boy's father replied.

"But look at the way they are holding each other. And look at her, good grief. How is that possible?"

"Dear, didn't you always say you couldn't understand why girls didn't take more interest in our son? Well, one apparently has and from his point of view I'd have to say she was worth the wait," the man replied.

Jeremy's mother scowled at her husband a bit and then went back to watching the two young lovers slowly make their way down the black sand wrapped in a tight little bubble of their own making. As they walked Sara said,

"We'll have to part company for dinner tonight, sweetheart. But they have a band and dancing and stuff afterward so we can be together all night."

"Okay, but don't expect much from me in the way of dancing. I've never really done any," he replied.

"I dunno, you've been showing me some pretty awesome moves all day so far. You might surprise yourself," she said looking at him with a wicked little grin.

Now it was his turn to blush. So they spent the remainder of the afternoon walking, talking and enjoying each others closeness. As it got close to dinner they walked back to the hotel, Jeremy insisting that he walk her back to her room. There they parted with a final lingering kiss and promises to meet by the poolside bandstand after dinner. He made his way back to his room, a small suite in fact, to find it empty. A note on the table told him that his parents had already gotten ready for dinner so he should shower, dress and head straight down to the restaurant. This he did and in less than half an hour he was standing outside one of the several eating places the hotel boasted. He gave his name and was told his parents had just recently been seated and he could go right in.

As he approached the table his mother stood up and gave him a hug and then looked at him closely. Jeremy returned the look with a slightly puzzled glance.

"Well, dear, I haven't seen you all day and I wanted to know you were well."

"I'm fine, Mom. How was golf?" he asked as they sat down.

"Well, son," his father offered, "it's obvious both our games have suffered from the long lapse since we last played regularly. I only had three birdies and one of those was a real one."


"Your father shanked a drive so badly it went into the trees and startled some poor tropical bird. It was rather noisy as it flew off in a panic," his mother replied wryly.

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh.

"And what about you, son? Anything interesting happen today?" his father asked.

"Well, I met a girl."

"Did you? Tell us about her," he prompted.

"Her name is Sara, we met at the pool. We hung out pretty much all day.

"Is she a nice girl?" his mother asked.

"She's amazing. Smart, funny, and beautiful," he replied the last prompting the color to rise in his cheeks.

"Hmm, sounds to me like someone is having his first vacation romance," his father teased.

Jeremy looked thoughtful and then said in a quiet voice,

"Maybe. There's something going on. We both felt like we were being drawn to each other."

His parents looked at each other with raised eyebrows. His father looked back at his son and said,

"Will you be seeing her tonight?"

"Yeah, she wanted to check out the band and dancing they have by the pool," he replied.

"Alright, well have fun. Try not to be out too late."

Jeremy nodded but before anything more could be said the server arrived and interrupted. After the meal Jeremy walked slowly out to the patio and saw the band was already set up and some people were gathering. He didn't see Sara. He made his way down to the area set aside for dancing and listening and stood there watching the musicians make their final adjustments and tunings. Just as they were launching into their first number he felt a pair of arms snake around his chest and a warm firm body press up behind him. From just behind his ear he heard,

"Hello, lover boy. I'm so happy to see you again."

"And I'm glad to be seen and held. Do I get to see you?" he replied.

Her answering laugh was light and silvery and her grip eased just enough to allow Jeremy to turn around within the circle of her arms. Before he could say anything her wet lips were pressed against his and they spent a few moments getting reacquainted. When they finally came up for air she eased her grip entirely and stepped back a bit so he could see her. At first his eyes were fixed on hers and that almost vertigo like feeling took hold and he felt he would fall forever.

He finally broke eye contact and looked her up and down as she waited. She was wearing a strapless summer dress that reached to mid thigh and hugged most of her figure. Her full tits had no trouble supporting the top which showed plenty of cleavage. The material was a yellow and green print on a light airy material that would have shown all sorts of wonders had there been any significant light behind her. She was, in a word, stunning. And Jeremy stood there stunned. Her long hair was draped across both shoulders.

She tossed her head a bit and said,


"My god, you're gorgeous. I mean I knew from before but dressed like that, I mean how could a guy even look at another girl when you're around?"

It was Sara's turn to blush a little but her smile was warm and she reached out to touch his forearm.

"I suppose you're referring to my ex boyfriends. If you keep this up, I'm going to fall seriously in love with you, if I haven't already. Is there some way I could stuff you in my luggage to take you home?"

Jeremy smiled and stepped toward her, sliding his arms around the small of her back.

"I'd like to give it a try but I doubt I'd fit in the overhead and somehow I don't think I'd get through TSA inspection for the main luggage compartment."

She laughed again and kissed him then hugged him tightly, resting her head on his shoulder. He couldn't believe how good she felt like that. The music had changed to a slower tune and she began to sway against him, prompting him to move a little himself. In short order they were doing a slow dance, or at least a sort of mobile hug. The tempo picked up a bit and she stepped back a bit and said,

"Alright, sweetheart, time for your first lesson. Here, just move your feet a bit like this. And try and get your hips to sway a bit. You know how to move your hips, I know that for certain," she said, her smile a bit wicked.

With some more coaching his was doing a credible job and the two young lovers spent a couple of hours having fun. Jeremy had to admit just the sight of Sara's physical assets moving about under the dress was reason alone to be out there. Finally when a song ended she threw her arms around his shoulders and squeezed him hard.

"Oh, that was so much fun, sweetheart. I haven't done that in a long time. You're getting pretty good, too. Come on, let's get something to drink and then we can go for a walk."

He agreed and the bartender provided them with another fruit juice concoction that they carried with them as they proceeded to walk hand in hand along the boardwalk that separated the beach from the hotel grounds proper.

"Oh, this is just so lovely. This would have been a nice vacation anyway, but having you to share it with, I couldn't ask for anything better," she said in a low voice.

"I couldn't imagine anything better. I'm still waiting to hear my alarm and have to wake up from this dream," he said, looking over at her.

"You have the soul of a poet I think. But it's not your soul I want right now. What I want is big and hard and feels so wonderful inside me."

"Um, where would we do that? It's kind of dark to go back to where we were this afternoon," he said.

"I have an idea. It should be very exciting."

She led him to a spot that was at the far end of the walkway. Some large rocks, probably intended to be some sort of 'end of the line' blocked the view of anyone coming along until they were right on top of them. Taking Jeremy by the hand she led him around to the far side and she pushed him until he was leaning against a big boulder at least a foot higher than he was tall. She leaned into him and began to kiss him hard as she rubbed her body on his, her hips grinding over his crotch.

"Oh, darling, I am on fire for you. I've never felt like this before and I hope it never ends."

She then began kissing his neck and throat. She reached under the three button shirt he was wearing and ran her hands over his chest and belly, stopping to tease his nipples. She then squatted down and began working on his belt and the button and zipper of his pants. She quickly yanked his pants down to his ankles exposing his thick cock and smooth balls to the night air.

"Oh, yes, this is what I want," she growled low in her throat as she began to run her hands over the shaft and balls sack. While Jeremy looked on from above she began to slowly treat his cock to a thorough blow job. Her lips and tongue caressed every square inch of surface, at first licking and kissing and then sucking in his cock until it nearly disappeared. Her hand cupped his balls and she played with them lightly. He put his hand on the back of her head and she purred around the mouthful of cock. She looked up at him with eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

Her fingers ran up and down his bare thighs, sending tingles that reached all the way to his spine. Then she licked and sucked on his balls, taking first one and then the other into her mouth, licking them and leaving them dripping with saliva. After a time she stood up, her hand wrapped around the shaft and she brought her lips to his and they shared a kiss that should have had both of them collapsing in a pile of ashes. As their tongues danced she stroked the thick shaft, stimulating the flow of precum.

"Hmm, lover, I want this beautiful cock inside me. Let's switch places."

Jeremy stood up straight, kicking off his shorts. Sara moved to where he had been leaning and put her hands on the rock and pushed her ass back at him.

"Come on, sweetheart. Push up my dress and use that big beautiful cock on my pussy. I need you so badly, darling," she finished, wiggling her butt at him.

He stepped up behind her, taking hold of the hem of the short dress and pushing it up to expose her ass. He could now see that she wasn't wearing any panties. His desire for her ratcheted up another notch but he decided that something needed to happen first. He crouched behind her and brought his tongue to the damp lips of her pussy from behind. She yelped, then cooed and wiggled her hips to prompt him to continue.

He took her hips in hand and applied his tongue with gusto. Her taste was intoxicating and he wanted more and more, so he probed and probed, his tongue plunging deep inside. She was moaning now and pushing her pussy back on his tongue, adding some movement that simulated fucking. His own cock was straining and dripping but he didn't want to touch it for fear of cumming too soon. Finally, he stood up and brought the wet head to her soaking wet pussy and rubbed it up and down the lips. Sara sighed deeply and set her feet a bit more firmly.

Jeremy took hold of her hips and began to push. He felt the head push the slick lips aside and start to enter the soft warm wet confines of her delicious pussy.

"Omigod. Yes, fuck my pussy with that big fat cock. Dammit, lover I can't get enough of you. Please fuck me," she mumbled as Jeremy continued to push his cock deeper and deeper inside.

When his hips finally made contact with her ass, he paused and made some grinding motions with his hips. Sara pushed her mouth against her outstretched arm to muffle her squeal of delight. Then he started to fuck her. A deep steady rhythm that had his hips smacking into her ass just hard enough to set her whole body quivering. After some time had passed she pushed herself away from the big rock and stood upright in front of him, his cock now pushing upward instead of forward and her pussy tight around his cock, her firm ass pressed against his abdomen.

He still held her hips, while she had pulled her tits from the cups of her strapless dress. Her head was back against his shoulder and he was kissing her neck and ear.

"Oh, baby, I love this so much. I love you so much. It's so crazy but I can't help myself. Keep fucking me, baby, don't stop."

She brought her hand up to cup the back of his head as the other went under her dress to cover her pussy and feel the bulk of his cock running back and forth through it. Their breathing was hoarse and ragged and loud. His balls were beginning to tighten and he knew he wasn't going to last much longer and he said so.

"Pull out of me, baby, and just stand there. I'll take care of it all."

With a pull of his hips he slid his cock out and let it rest against her pussy. Sara stepped away, twirled around and dropped to her knees. Half his cock quickly disappeared into her mouth and she began to suck furiously. She also began rubbing her hard clit and she was moaning around his big dick. He had both hands on her head in an effort to steady both of them.

Finally he couldn't take anymore and with a quick, "I'm cumming" as a warning he began to shoot his load into her mouth. This sent her over the edge and a massive orgasm rocked her slender frame. As a result much of the cum he was spewing flowed out of her mouth and onto the ground at Jeremy's feet. When her squealing stopped she was able to clamp her mouth down and capture the last bits that oozed from his spent cock.

She took hold of his thighs to steady herself and used her lips and tongue to clean off his slowly dwindling shaft. When she was done she pulled herself up to her feet and planted her cummy lips on his. He was a little startled and although it in no way compared with the delicate taste of her pussy, it wasn't all that bad. After grinding their lips for a while she stood back and looked into those startling blue eyes.

"Omigod, I'm tingling all over. You make me cum like I never thought anyone could. Oh sweetheart, what did I ever do to deserve you?"

"I was thinking the same thing today. I doubt I'll ever find an answer. Is it possible we were meant to find each other here? Is there a way that we'll be able to be together after this week?" he asked earnestly.

"I don't know, love, but maybe miracles do happen. Oh, wow. I need to sit down. Get your pants back on and lets find somewhere to sit quietly together," she said as she got her tits back in her dress and got everything smoothed down.

Jeremy got his clothes back on with some reluctance. He thought it must be great to be at one of those nudist beaches and be naked all day long. After giving each other a once over the two lovers walked hand in hand out from the rocks and back down the walkway a bit. There were a couple of benches here and there and they took the first vacant one they found. Sitting close together, his arm around her shoulders, both of her hands clutching his free one, they sat and looked out over the moonlit ocean. She turned his head and kissed him gently then said,

"Tell me everything about you."

"What? You want to put yourself to sleep?"

"Don't say that. I want to know what sort of life brought you here to me."

"Okay, remember, you asked for it," he said, and then proceeded to tell the story of his life.

It wasn't very remarkable. In a nutshell, he got good grades, actually better than good, had only marginal athletic and musical skills, was pretty good with his hands, something to which she agreed heartily. He wasn't sure what he was going to do about college or what he would pursue as a career. His dad was very good at running things, maybe he would just study business and see what he could work out.

"That's about it, so now you tell me about you," he countered.

Her tale was somewhat different. Her grades were good but she excelled at drama. She had starred in several school plays and had a good singing voice for musicals. She was going to college to study drama and hoped to get into Hollywood or the theater. She recognized that the odds were against her but she was going to take her shot. When she mentioned the college she was going to attend in the fall, she felt Jeremy tense up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"What school did you say you were going to?"

She repeated the name and he said,

"That school is less than a two hour drive from where I live now."

Now it was her turn to look startled as she turned to look at him.

"Are you serious? Two hours?"

"Yeah, we're across the border between states but it's that close. It was on a list of schools that my dad thought I should consider applying to,"he said, a small smile spreading on his lips.

"Omigod, Jeremy, darling, that would be unbelievable. But even so, we could be together. Take trips on weekends to visit each other," she said then she buried her face in his shoulder and began to cry.

He wasn't sure what was going on so he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and tried to comfort her while she vented her emotions. She crawled up into his lap and held on to him tighter and tighter. His hands ran up and down he back and he rested his head on top of hers. Finally, she eased up and the sound of sobbing faded away. When she finally looked up, her make up was a mess but her eyes were bright and she was smiling.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I just couldn't help myself. I told you how miserable I had been lately and then how much it meant to find you here but knowing it was going to end so soon. Now we have some hope that it can last," she said, then looked at him and put a hand to the side of his face and asked. "You would like it to last wouldn't you?"

"I think I'd like for it to last for the rest of my life," he replied, his blue eyes locked on hers, his expression serious.

She leaned in and kissed him gently but lovingly and when she pulled away her smile was big and bright.

"I meant what I said before. I think I've fallen madly in love with you," she said.

"I've never been in love before," he replied, "but if what I am feeling isn't love, I can't imagine what it is."

They sat there for a while longer and then stood up to walk arm and arm back to the hotel. The flicking light of the numerous tiki torches masked the worst of the damage to her make up, but once inside the brightly lit foyer she had to accept the offer of his handkerchief to wipe the worst of it away using one of the mirrors hanging on the wall. Then they took the elevator to the room she shared with her brother, which was adjacent to their parents room. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and kissed him until his knees threatened to buckle. When she separated she locked his eyes with hers and said,

"Until tomorrow, lover. I know I'm going to have the most wonderful dreams tonight."

"I'll see you in the morning. And for me, no dream could be better than this one."

When he woke up the next morning, he had to think hard to convince himself that the amazing events of the previous day had not been part of some fantastic and highly erotic dream. The fact that a make up smeared handkerchief sat on the night stand next to his bed provided some evidence to support the reality of his great adventure.

With a small smile he shuffled into the bathroom and took a shower, his parents urging him to hurry so they could get down to breakfast. They had a midmorning tee time at another golf course and they wanted to make sure they had time to get there. As they took the elevator down to the restaurant his mother looked at him and asked,

"So, dear, did you have a good time last night?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. The band was pretty good and I even managed to do some dancing without tripping over my own feet," he replied

"Do you have any plans for the day?"

"Nothing specific. Sara and I were just going to spend it together. Probably hang at the pool and the beach," he replied.

His mom just nodded then exchanged glances with her husband. They had discussed it last night and while they were happy that Jeremy wasn't on his own while they played golf, the budding romance with this girl concerned them somewhat, especially with them just being there for the week. They were shown to a table and were perusing the menu when Jeremy's attention was drawn to he entrance. A family of four was standing there waiting to be seated and Sara was among them.

She was looking out over the dining area when she spotted Jeremy. She was dressed in short white shorts, the legs of which consisted mostly of turned up cuffs and a bare midriff t-shirt over what appeared to be a bikini top. Her long hair was loose and flowing down her back and over her shoulders. Her face lit up in a big smile and with some whispered words to her parents she hurried over to Jeremy. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and planted a big kiss on the side of his face.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I hope you slept well. I wanted to tell you my mom sprung a surprise on me this morning. She made appointments for us at the spa this morning, kind of a girls' day. We should be finished before lunch. I hope you don't mind."

Although a little flustered at her exuberant attention in front of his parents he rallied well and replied,

"Of course not. It's your mom. I'll hang around and we can have lunch together when you get finished."

"Thank you, sweetie, you're so understanding," she replied, squeezing him again and then kissing his cheek.

When she straightened up she looked over at his parents and said,

"I'm so sorry for interrupting your breakfast. But I'd like to say that your son is the most wonderful boy I've ever met. Thank you for bringing him here to me," she finished, her smile wide and bright.

"Well, we are quite pleased the two of you met," Jeremy's mom replied.

"Okay, well, I have to go. I'll see you in a little while, sweetheart," Sara said, as she bent down to kiss his cheek one last time and she whispered, "love you."

She hurried off to rejoin her family who were now seated across the room. Jeremy couldn't help but watch as her barely clad ass cheeks flexed under the tight white shorts. When he looked back at his parents they were regarding him with raised eyebrows.

"She's pretty amazing, huh?" he asked.

"She's a beautiful girl, and very personable," his mother said. "She seems quite taken with you. Might that not prove to be a problem at the end of the trip?"

"We were trying not to worry about that but then last night after the dance we were talking about this and that and we discovered that she's going to be at school about two hours from us."

He proceeded to describe the conversation about what they did in high school and what they hoped for the future. That's when they figured out how close they'd be.

"So you think you'll want this to continue?" his father asked.

"Dad, I don't know whats going on here. I mean I know why I was attracted to her when I saw her walk by the pool. But why she decided to approach me and then want to hang around with me all day yesterday," he just shrugged.

"Jeremy, dear, you happen to be a very handsome young man. And I'm sure once she started to talk to you she found out how smart and personable you are. I can understand why a girl would find you interesting, I was just worried about how it was going to end. Do you think you'll be able to maintain a relationship?"

"I don't know, mom, but I want to try. This is all new to me but I don't want to let it go if it's at all possible."

They were interrupted by the server and the conversation didn't go much deeper as they ate. When they were done Jeremy wished his parents good luck with their golf and he wandered out into the foyer and thought about what he might do on his own for the morning. He was still thinking when her heard his name called from behind.

"Hey, Jeremy, hold up a minute."

He turned and saw a boy coming toward him, an easy smile on his face. He recognized him as the boy that was standing by Sara at the hostess' station in the restaurant.

"Hi, I'm David, Sara's little brother."

"Hi," Jeremy said, holding out his hand.

"She thought you might like some company this morning while she and Mom are out doing the spa thing."

"Yeah, sure. You aren't taping it for your video log of the vacation?"

The boy rolled his eyes and said,

"Please, I can get that kind of footage at home, anytime. This is for action shots," he said, patting the compact camera bag at his side.

Jeremy could see that David was somewhat shorter than he was, more slightly built, with short brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in baggy shorts and a muscle T-shirt that didn't show much muscle.

"So, what did you have in mind?" Jeremy asked.

"I thought we could hang around the pool for a while, then see what turns up."


The two boys headed for the pool. Jeremy was already dressed in his baggy swimsuit and once they found a couple of lounge chairs to claim he kicked off his flip flops and pulled off his shirt. David took off his shirt and then slid his shorts off, revealing a tight swim suit, not exactly a speedo, having a higher waist and legs that went a few inches down his thighs. He tucked his camera bag under the clothes and then straightened up.

"I never could get into those baggy things everyone seems to wear these days. Always feels like they are going to slide off my hips. I used to be on a swim team when I was younger, guess I just got used to the tight stuff," he said, that same lazy smile.

Jeremy just nodded and together they jumped into the water, swimming about for a bit and then settling in to float around, just their heads above water. David was regarding Jeremy for a few minutes and then said,

"You know, my sister has really fallen hard for you. My parents are a little freaked out by it."

"They don't like me?"

"No, it's not that. But with all the trouble she's had with guys the last few years they are afraid she's rushing into something, you know, the rebound thing," David said.

"It's a surprise to me, too. But she's the most amazing person I've ever met. I don't know what it all means but I'd never do anything to hurt her the way she's been before."

"I believe you. I think she's still a little uncertain about things though. I think she suggested I hang out with you because she's afraid you'll find someone else by the pool today," David said with a little grin.

"I don't think that could happen," Jeremy said in all honesty.

"I'm glad to hear that. Sara and I are pretty close. We tell each other pretty much everything."


"Yup. Don't worry. I keep her secrets. But it's pretty clear from what she told me last night, you two had a pretty wild day yesterday."

Jeremy blinked and spit out some water.

"She told you what we did?"

"Like I said, we share pretty much everything. We're sharing a room here so we talked pretty late last night. I can't remember ever seeing her so happy before where a guy is involved. She said you made her feel things she only ever dreamed about," David said with a smile.

"Oh, man," Jeremy groaned, totally embarrassed.

"Hey, what are you worried about? Being able to make someone feel that good is a gift. If you had seen her after the breakup like I did, you'd know how much this means to her, to us. If I could figure out a way to thank you for it I would. She means a lot to me and seeing her so happy is important."

Jeremy just sort of smiled. It did make him feel good to know that Sara was so happy but it was still disconcerting to know this boy, who must be close to his age knew the intimate details. They drifted in the water some more, but there weren't that many people in the pool at this hour and after a while they found they were fairly isolated. David looked at him again and said,

"If you don't mind my asking, is this the first time for you, you know, with a girl and all."

"Um, well, yeah. I never could really connect with any of the girls at school."

"Amazing. From what Sara was telling me last night, I got the idea you were some kind of Casanova or something," the boy said with a small smile. "Did you ever do anything with a guy?"

Jeremy's eyes popped open and said,

"No, never," he said, then paused, "have you?"

"Oh yeah," he said, drifting closer, his voice low, "since I was twelve. A friend of mine and I played 'you show me yours' in the basement. It may be early to tell but I'm pretty sure I'm gay."

"Sara knows about that?"

"Oh, sure. Like I said, we share everything. She gets a kick out of hearing about my adventures."

"Geez, and she was telling you everything that we did."

"Hey, it's okay, man. I'm pretty sure that my sister is really in love with you and she's so happy she just wants to share it and that means me."

"Wow, this is crazy."

"Would you mind if I asked you something?"

"I guess not, not at this point," he said.

"Do you think you'd ever let a guy suck your cock?"

Jeremy's eyes popped wide and he was looking for any sign that this was some kind of joke, but David looked perfectly serious. Then a thought occurred to him.

"Hey, this isn't some kind of test is it? Trying to see if I'd cheat on your sister?"

"No, no. It's nothing like that. It's just that when Sara was talking about you guys being together and how great it was and how you made her feel, it made me think how much fun it would have been if it had been me and not her. After she fell asleep I had to go into the bathroom and jerk off I was so horny. To tell you the truth she hinted that I might want to try and sound you out about it."

"She did? She hinted?" he asked.

"Well, actually she said I should try your cock out for myself."

"This is nuts. This morning she tells me she loves me, but last night she's saying it's okay for you to suck my dick?"

"Like I said, we share lots of things. She and I are very very close. So, what do you think? Haven't you ever even thought about it?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. Don't they say that most guys wonder about it at some time or other. I dunno, it might be okay, but you're sure that Sara is alright with this because I will tell her about it this afternoon."

"Absolutely. And she'll want you to tell her about it."

"Okay, so where do you want to do this?" Jeremy asked.

"I was thinking that same spot you and Sara used yesterday afternoon. It sounded nice and secluded."

"Fine, I guess we should get going then," Jeremy said.

"Uh, we should probably hold off for a bit. All this has got me pretty horny and I don't want to walk out of the pool sporting a bulge in this suit."

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh at this point. It took about fifteen minutes before David signaled it was safe to leave the pool. They dried off and the younger boy pulled on his shorts and they strolled nonchalantly down the walk way through the botanical garden and finally to the clearing on the edge of the property.

"Oh, man, I've been thinking about this since last night. I haven't had any sex in over a month," David said as he slowly reached out and gently ran his hand over the front of Jeremy's damp suit.

The boy's touch was very gentle and Jeremy had to admit it felt good. With his free hand, David pushed his shorts down and then knelt on them in front of Jeremy and began to slowly work his bathing suit down over his slender hips. When the semi rigid cock popped into view David whistled his appreciation and said,

"Shit, Sara wasn't kidding, you have a beautiful cock."

He held it lightly in his hand and gently squeezed it, feeling it swell and grow against his fingers. His other hand was weighing the smooth balls. Slowly he leaned in and began to rub the thick head over his face, letting the tip slide over his wet lips. Jeremy didn't know what to do with his hands so he let them run over his flat belly and smooth hairless chest. David just smiled up at him as he opened his mouth and let the head slide past on his tongue. Jeremy groaned.

David began a slow sucking of the thick shaft, his eyes closing as he savored the thick hard shaft and the large spongy head. His tight suit was getting very uncomfortable so he let go of Jeremy's package, and used both hands to force the stretchy fabric down his thighs and then past his knees and finally off. Looking down, Jeremy could see that the boy had a nice looking cock, maybe five or so inches long and a nice girth, not nearly as thick as his but on the smallish frame it looked more than adequate. He had a sudden desire to hold it.

With both boys naked, David resumed his sucking in earnest, showing considerable technique and very gentle hands. They roamed over Jeremy's smooth thighs and tight ass cheeks. He was able to get all but the last inch or so of the thick cock into his mouth and after a while he switched off and began licking and sucking the smooth ball sack as he stroked the wet slippery dick. Through the haze of pleasure Jeremy thought he recognized something familiar but he'd leave that to later.

David's oral ministrations lasted for some time but after all the sex yesterday, Jeremy was in no rush and David seemed to be relishing the protracted session. At one point he popped his mouth of the rigid dick and said,

"Oh fuck, man, this is the hottest cock I've ever had, I could suck you all day. Man, if you and my sister ever get married, I'm crashing the honeymoon."

Jeremy couldn't help but laugh as his dick disappeared into the boys mouth again, but then he wondered what it would be like to have a horny gay brother-in-law. Finally David sat back on his heels and said,

"Oh, fuck, I know I said I wanted to suck you but your cock is just to good to pass up. I gotta have this in my ass. Will you please fuck me?"

"You want me to fuck your ass, right here?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, man. Pound my ass with that big beauty and fill me with a hot creamy load."

Jeremy could almost feel the lust radiating from the boy and he thought, 'what the hell'. He nodded and David smiled widely and spun around on his knees and then dropped down to all fours, with his tight smooth ass pointed high.

"Um, don't we need some lube or something?"

"I don't think so. I got that big dick of yours nice and wet and you've been dripping all kinds of precum. I think it will work. Try it," David said over his shoulder.

Shrugging, Jeremy got down on his knees and shuffled forward until his cockhead was at the tight, twitching ring. He took his dick in hand, marveling at how slick it felt and rubbed the head on the boys tight asshole.

"Ohh, baby, that feels good, do that some more and then start pushing," David instructed.

Jeremy rubbed the head some more and then began pushing in. David grunted and let his head dropped to his forearms, pushing his hips back a bit. Jeremy took hold of the boys slender hips and pushed some more. He watched as the head popped past the tight ring of muscle and heard David yelp. He stopped pushing but the boy said,

"No, no, it's all good. Keep pushing, damn, you feel so good."

Jeremy resumed his pushing and slowly the thick slippery shaft slid into the tight hole. He was fascinated by the sight and feel of it. Another part of the adventure he thought. When his hips finally came in contact with the boys ass, he stopped and then withdrew until the head was all that was inside. He pushed back in and began a slow deep fucking that had David in ecstasy. From somewhere near the ground Jeremy could hear,

"Yes, baby, oh my god, that fat dick is filling me up so good. Keep fucking me, yes, yes, yes."

Jeremy pumped his dick in and out of the boys ass, thoroughly enjoying the feel of the tight grip David's ass had on his dick. He knew it wasn't going to last much longer as his balls were pulling up tight, but apparently it had gone on long enough because David let out a groan and began to buck as he shot his load all over the ground. As the orgasm contracted his ass on Jeremy's cock it was all that was needed to send the older boy over edge and he began to fire off shot after shot of heavy cum up inside the younger boy's body.

As he was cumming he fell forward, partly supported by his hands on the ground, partly by David's back. It seemed to go on forever but slowly their breathing slowed and they became more aware of their surroundings. Jeremy sat back on his heels, his cock sliding out of the now cum glazed hole. David looked back at him over his shoulder and smiled. He shifted himself around and assumed a similar posture, their knees touching.

"Jesus, man, that was fantastic. I've never cum with a cock in my ass like that. What a feeling. And I'm sorry but I have to do this," he said and then he leaned forward quickly and planted a hard grinding kiss on Jeremy's lips.

He had never been kissed by a guy before. Up until yesterday, he had never been kissed romantically at all before. He was surprised that it felt as good as it did. The boys lips were warm and wet and apparently, quite knowing. He found he liked it and responded by pressing back, his lips opening slightly. David moaned a bit but ramped up his efforts and in a moment the two boys were exchanging a hot grinding tongue kiss that was sending tingles to the balls of each boy.

Hands were roaming all over bare skin and slowly they raised up on their knees and soon had their arms around each other, pressing their bodies, and their cocks, together. The kissed like this for a while, ensuring that their two cocks were fully hard when they slipped back and rested on their heels.

"Fuck, that was hot. That kiss was the best, but now my dick is hard again, and it looks like yours is too," David said.

"Maybe I can help," Jeremy said and he reached out and took hold of David's cock and began to stroke it.

"Oh, man, that feels good, yeah stroke my dick baby," David said as he reached out and took hold of the larger fatter dick that begged for his attention.

As they stroked each other they leaned in and began kissing again. There was a lot of tongue sucking and moaning as the precum began to flow freely. It only took about ten minutes but David began to groan louder and then his dick began firing lines of cum that landed on Jeremy's legs. The older boys hips bucked and his cock shot long lines of his own cream, splashing on David's chest and stomach. When their orgasms subsided, they pulled back and looked at each other.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" David asked with a grin.

"No, actually it was pretty great," Jeremy said, but then he thought a bit and said, "but I hope you don't get offended if I say it's on a whole different level with Sara."

David smiled a bit and said,

"That's what you better say."

Both boys laughed and then struggled to their feet and pulled on their clothes. The carefully picked their way back to the path and then made their way to the pool. It was still a little while before the expected return of Sara so they just got back in the water and relaxed, sitting on the bottom in the shallow end and talking softly. Finally, near noon, a voice got their attention.

"Hello, you two."

They looked up to see Sara standing at the edge of the pool, looking down at them. She was still wearing the short shorts and short t-shirt, presumably over a bikini.

"Hello, you," Jeremy said.

"Dave, Mom and Dad are looking for you, it's time for your next adventure. They said to get your stuff and meet them out front."

"Okay, sis," he said then turned to Jeremy and said, "thanks for a fun morning, I'll see you around."

"Yeah, same here."

Dave stood up and walked out of the water to get his stuff. Jeremy kept his attention on Sara and when she looked back at him her expression was amused and she said,

"You can come up here and tell me how your morning went and then we'll get some lunch."

Jeremy stood up and as he walked out of the pool, she moved around to join him, putting a hand on his arm and pulling him close enough to kiss him. Then they walked over to the two lounge chairs the boys had staked out earlier and arranged them so they could lay on them but face each other to talk. As Jeremy sat down, Sara proceed to pull the t-shirt over her head, revealing a brief top that struggled to contain her full tits. Then she shimmied the shorts off her hips and down her firm lean thighs, revealing a bottom every bit as brief as the top.

Jeremy's eyes were riveted and she noticed. She cocked a hip at him and said,

"So, lover boy, what do you think? Enough to keep your interest?"

Jeremy looked up at her and he motioned for her to sit down. He leaned forward and said,

"Sara, you don't need to be almost naked to hold my attention. I love it, but it's not necessary. You in overalls and a parka would still have all my attention, okay." She smiled at him and he thought he saw her lip quiver a bit but they leaned toward each other and shared a brief but heartfelt kiss before settling back. They each rested a hand on the others bare leg and she said,

"Okay, so, tell me about your morning."

"I have a feeling you know what happened but I won't keep any secrets from you. After spending some time in the pool talking with your brother, he suggested it might be fun if he and I went off somewhere so he could suck my cock," he said, quietly. "When I expressed my surprise at this, he said you were okay with it. In fact, he said you suggested it yourself. So, once I was convinced he was telling the truth and not trying to test me, we went off to that spot we found yesterday afternoon, and he did give me a blow job and then I fucked his ass. Then we made out for a while, jerking each other off at the same time. So we both had two very hot orgasms. Then we came back to the pool."

He looked at Sara and he saw her eyes dancing and her lips trying to suppress a smile. He thought she was clenching her thighs together and the hand resting on his thigh was squeezing it rhythmically. Then she said,

"It is true, I did suggest he might like to get to know you. I hope you don't mind. He and I have been so close for so long, I guess I'm just used to sharing with him."

"Did you share any of those other guys you dated?"

"Oh, no. I knew from the beginning none of them would risk something like that," she replied.

"Why did you think I would?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm not sure. I just had a feeling that you would be more open, more accepting and since we were so far from home, you would be more interested in the adventure," she said with a smile.

"And I'd be less inclined to stray if I had something to do?"

Her eyes narrowed a bit and then she shrugged and started to say,

"Jeremy, please don't misunderstand..."

"Shh. Don't say anything, just come here," he said, patting the space in front of him on the lounge chair.

He let his legs move to the side and she shifted around until she was sitting in front of him between his legs. He gave her a little tug until she was sitting with her back against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the bare skin that ran from just under those glorious tits down to her lower abdomen. With her cuddled against him he put his lips to just behind her ear and said softly,

"I don't know where this is all going. I have hopes after last night, but there is one thing that I will promise you. I will never do anything that will cause you the pain you've been through before. I will never lie to you, or run around behind your back, or cheat on you. If you want to share adventures, we can do that, but whatever happens I will always be honest with you. Do you believe that?" he finished.

She pulled his arms tighter and pushed back against him. She rubbed her fragrant hair against he side of his face and then said,

"Yes, sweetheart, I do. And please do me a favor. Just hold me like this for a while. It feels so warm and safe and secure. We can get some lunch in a little while and then I have a little surprise for you."

He hugged her tighter and said,

"Hmm, I love your surprises. So, how did your morning go."

They sat there for perhaps half an hour, secure in each others arms as Sara talked about the morning she spent with her mom, talking as they got massaged and mani-pedis. Apparently her parents had concerns about what was growing between them, did Sara think that a younger boy could make her happy, what was going to happen at the end of the vacation. Sara said she wasn't sure that she convinced her mother that this was truly what she wanted but at least there wasn't any active resistance.

"At least we don't have to do a Romeo and Juliet routine," he said.

"Actually, I could do that. I played Juliet in junior high," she said.

Jeremy tickled her a little bit and as she shifted, he caught her lips with his and they shared a long, warm kiss that he felt was every bit as hot as the ones they shared while fucking each other. When they finally broke off, she said,

"Oh, you are heaven. I could stay like this forever, if I could get food deliveries but I'm starving. Can we go get something now?"

"Of course, love, anything you want."

"One thing I want is to hear you call me 'love' a lot more."

She kissed him again and then got off the lounge chair, offering him a hand up. He accepted and when he got to her feet, she pulled him to her and they shared a tight hug. He looked at her and said,

"You know, if you keep wearing those kinds of bathing suits, I'm going to have to strap myself down. I have such a hard on for you right now," he whispered in her ear.

"That's the idea, lover boy. Just hold onto that thought because it will be well worth the effort," she whispered back.

Hand in hand they walked to the food stand, oblivious to the looks her nearly bare ass was getting. They sat at a nearby table and ate, contentedly discussing this and that, an arm or leg always touching, heads together and occasionally a light kiss on the lips or cheek. When they were done, Sara said,

"Let's gather up our things. I am positively aching for you and I want you naked and on top of me. Come on."

Jeremy just smiled and nodded, figuring they were headed for that same spot again. So he was surprised when they wound up heading for the hotel proper.

"Where are we going? Some broom closet?"

"No, silly. Mom, Dad, and Dave are on the other side of the island until after dinner. I'm sure our room is already done up so we are going to use a real bed and anything else we can find for an afternoon of intense, nonstop sex."

"I like that idea, a lot," he replied.

"Somehow I thought you would."

So hand in hand the two lovers made their way up to the the room she shared with her brother. As soon as the Do Not Disturb sign was in place and the door was double locked from the inside, Sara had her arms around Jeremy's neck and she was kissing him for all she was worth. Her nearly naked body was pressed to his as their lips ground and their tongues wrestled. Jeremy let his hands drop to take hold of her ass cheeks and he pulled her that much more tightly to him. She moaned in his mouth as she felt his bulging cock press against her.

Jeremy found the strings of her suit bottom and pulled them loose. She stepped away and let them fall to the floor, leaving her ass and shaved pussy exposed. Then he reached higher and undid the knots that held the top up and it was soon on the floor. Not to be outdone, she used both hands to grab the elastic waistband of his swim suit and tugged it down over his hips and hard cock. He stepped out and they stood there naked before each other.

In an instant they were kissing and grinding against each other, with Sara gently nudging them both towards the nearest queen sized bed. With a final shove she pushed Jeremy on to his back, his legs hanging over the end. Before joining him she said,

"Move all the way up to the pillows," and then jumped onto the bed, her full tits bouncing as she did.

She lay on top of him, looking down into those stunning blue eyes, startled by a sudden image of the future and she couldn't help but smile brightly. Looking back at those amazing green eyes he asked,


"I just realized I've never been so happy as I am right now. Promise me something. Promise that no matter what happens, we will do everything we can to make this work."

"Of course I promise. I can't imagine anything in my life that would be more important."

She smiled again and then covered his mouth with hers, their tongues dancing this time, never to wrestle again. She had her pussy against his cock and was rubbing it with grinding movements of her hips. Then she released his lips and began to kiss her way down his smooth torso and stomach, stopping for a bit to let her tits capture his cock and rub it in a warm soft cocoon. Then she moved some more and in a flash, his cock was somewhere warm and wet and full of a swishing, probing tongue.

Jeremy groaned and placed his hands gently on her head. Not to direct or force but to simple acknowledge what she was doing and how much he enjoyed it. She sucked his cock and balls for perhaps a quarter hour when he decided he needed to give something back.

"Sara, love, I want to taste your pussy. Bring it up here."

She looked up at him and smiled around his cock and then pivoted her body around a half turn and then threw her leg over his head. Now he was looking up at a smooth, inviting pair of wet lips. He grabbed her ass and began to lick and probe, savoring the taste of her juice and feel of her body. His hands massaged her ass and occasionally a finger tip would brush her asshole and she would quiver and coo. This went on for sometime longer and then she let his cock slide out of her mouth and she said,

"Oh, lover, this is so wonderful. I want this gorgeous cock inside me."

"What ever you want, love," he replied and let go of her ass.

Like a nimble cat she scurried around on the bed until she was straddling his hips, her bare pussy hovering over the soaking wet head. Holding the shaft with one hand, she began to lower herself down. As the head pressed against her pussy and then slid inside, her head dropped back, her long hair cascading down to almost her ass and she let out a groan.

"Omigod, that feels so good. I want this dick in me every day for the rest of our lives."

She continued her downward slide until she was sitting on his thighs, his thick cock fully lodged up inside her. Her eyes were closed but she was smiling slightly as her hips began to rock. He brought his hands to rest on her thighs, but she reached down to take hold of them and brought them up to her full tits. Instinctively he knew what she wanted and he began to squeeze and knead them gently, his thumbs rubbing over the hard nipples.

"Oh, shit," she mumbled.

He added some hip motion of his own and they were quickly fucking in earnest, her hands now resting on his chest as she leaned forward enough so that her clit was now rubbing on the base of his cock. Their breathing was ragged and hoarse as their bodies stored up the charge that was soon to explode across the bed. Her hips began to move faster and she dropped on top of him so that her tits were pressed against his chest, pushing his hands out of the way. He brought them to her ass once more, this time helping hold her in place as she thrashed about on his cock.

Her head was resting on the pillow face down, her mouth lightly touching his neck and she repeated 'yes' over and over. Finally he was able to force out,

"Oh fuck, Sara, I'm going to cum. I'm going to explode."

Without speaking she flipped her hips on an upstroke and let his cock slip out of her pussy, slapping down on his belly. She then brought her pussy down on top of his cock and resumed her hunching motion, now sliding the wet lips and clit on the underside of the thick shaft. The boy couldn't take anymore and he began to buck as his cock began shooting thick stream after stream of cum between them. Sara's clit exploded just as hard and her body began to spasm uncontrollably as she screamed out her passion into the pillow by his ear. The held onto each other as the massive orgasms threatened to knock them off the bed.

After what seemed forever they began to settle down, Sara resting on top of Jeremy, his arms wrapped protectively around her back. Eventually their breathing evened out and Sara was able to bring her head up off the pillow to look down at him, her face a mask of dreamy contentment. She let her lips brush across his a few times and then she said,

"Oh, god, sweetheart. I can't ever get enough of you. I almost feel guilty that I'm going to deny you to the rest of the women in the world."

"Don't," he whispered back. "It's your reward from giving me so much."

She could only shake her head in amazement. Just what sort of boy, or man, had she found? She shifted herself a bit so that she could rest her head on his chest and they stayed like that for a while. Then she slid off to one side but kept her arm, leg and head draped on top of him.

"You're right about one thing, though," Jeremy said, seemingly out of no where.

"What's that, baby?"

"You've ruined me for any other woman. Nothing could compare to this."

She raised up on one elbow and looked down at him. She was smiling.

"You say that with such sincerity. I know that you really mean it. It makes me feel like I'm a queen or something."

"You are. What's that expression? You are the queen of my heart. You rule it completely."

She leaned down and kissed him fervently for a few minutes and then snuggled up closer too him, her hand lightly rubbing his chest and stomach.

"It still amazes me that you were a virgin before yesterday. You've never had sex with anyone before?"

"Nope, unless you mean my two friends, Righty and Lefty," he said, holding up his hands.

Sara giggled and said,

"They are such lucky fellows, to have known your gorgeous cock so intimately."

"What about you?" he asked. "I know you had those three boy friends."

"Well, I hope you won't think less of me, but I made a boy cum for the first time when I was just thirteen. He was a couple of years older. We lived near each other. I gave him a hand job in the woods. He was so nervous it was cute. He didn't last more than five minutes. But it was all it took to get me hooked. I loved the feel of his hard cock in my hand and to see how much pleasure I could give him. And to watch his cum shoot out. And I got my first taste, too, licking it off my hand. As I got older I stroked and sucked and finally fucked. Looking like this, it was easy to find boys. Unfortunately, I wasn't very good at picking good ones. Until you, my love, until you. Everything those other boys didn't have, you have. And you have none of their bad habits. Your only problem is you don't live next door to me, but two hours away won't be bad," she said and then looked at him. "We will try won't we? We will try to make things work out?"

"No, we won't try, we'll do. One way or the other we are going to succeed. I won't let you go. Not now, not ever," he said, his eyebrows pulled in a near frown.

They stopped talking for a while and just lay there on the bed, warm, comfortable and elated. They were in a near doze when they were startled by the sound of someone rattling the door. A muffled voice said,

"Sara? Are you in there, it's Dave."

"Oh, no, my parents must be back. Shit," she said as she scrambled up and moved to the door.

She pulled it open a bit and said,

"What are you doing back so early? Are Mom and Dad with you?"

"No, let me in and I'll explain. Is Jeremy here?"

"Yes, so keep it down," she said as she stood back and let her brother in before closing the door quickly, latching and locking it.

David looked over to see Jeremy sitting up on the bed, naked. He smiled and said,

"Well I see you two have been having more fun then I was."

"What happened? Where are Mom and Dad?"

"Dad hurt his ankle and Mom is with him at the hospital. I caught a ride back on a different tour bus."

"What happened? Did he fall on the trekking trail?"

"No, he fell off the steps leading off the bus," David said with a half smile as he sat down on the end of the bed.

Sara had walked back over to the bed and climbed up to sit next to Jeremy, her arm over his shoulder. He was a bit surprised at how casual she was about being naked in front of her brother, her gay brother, but still.

"How did that happen?" she asked.

"He said he was distracted by a tropical bird flying by. I say he was distracted by the tour guide with the tight shorts and big tits. Mom is not very happy at the moment."

Sara giggled and said,

"Yeah, like Vegas two years ago when he fell into the pool while he was ogling that black girl with the gold lame' number. Poor Dad. So when do you expect them back?"

"Not for a while. Mom said we should get our own dinner when the time comes," David said, "so we still have plenty of time."

"We?" she asked archly.

"Yeah, why not?" he replied, reaching out to rub Jeremy's leg.

"Um,.." was all he got out before Sara laughed and then threw her weight against him and pushed him flat on the bed, her lips pressed tight to his.

David smiled and began pulling off his clothes. When he was naked he got on Jeremy's other side and began working on the big fat cock he had come to love so much that morning. It felt good and Jeremy moaned his pleasure into Sara' mouth. After a bit she lifted her head and said,

"I'm glad you approve," and then she pulled herself up and threw her leg over his head and shuddered as he grabbed her ass once more and pulled her pussy to his mouth for some more of his incredible oral technique. Brother and sister kept their distance but they both lavished all the attention they could on Jeremy. He was sucked, licked, kissed and fondled in every way imaginable. He even got to suck David's cock and play with his balls while Sara rode his fat dick. She had cum twice while riding his face and was building to a massive orgasm while bouncing on his cock. David was finding out that Jeremy had pretty good instincts where cock sucking was concerned and the straight, or slightly bent, boy's finger against his asshole felt really good. Having cum three times already that day, Jeremy was not feeling any real pressure yet so he just enjoyed what was going on. Sara's building orgasm hit like a tsunami and her body began to shudder and shake as she clutched at her tits. Jeremy could feel her juices flowing down over his cock as she bucked and spasmed.

When it finally passed she slumped on to his chest and then slid off to lay somewhat stunned on the bed. Jeremy let David's cock slip from his mouth and he looked over at his lover.

"Are you okay, Sara?"

She blinked a time or two and then said in a far away voice,

"Oh, I'm much more than fine, sweetheart. You two finish up while I lay here, I need a moment or two."

"Okay, love."

But before Jeremy could reclaim David's cock the younger boy was moving toward Jeremy's still hard, very wet cock. He straddled the narrow hips and grabbed the big shaft and got the head positioned at his asshole. He pushed down and quickly had the head and some of the shaft up his ass. He groaned and continued to push down.

"Oh, fuck, that cock is so good, so good."

He kept pushing down and was soon sitting on Jeremy's thighs with that big fat cock firmly wedged in his ass. He began to rise then fall, over and over as he fucked himself on that big cock. It was hitting all the right spots because he was leaking precum like a fire hose and Jeremy reached out to stroke the slippery shaft and head.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, stroke that dick. Make me cum, baby, fuck my ass and fill me up."

Jeremy had had just about all he could stand and with a loud grunt shoved his hips upward and began exploding deep inside Dave's ass. Dave responded by shooting his load all over Jeremy's stomach. Both the boys' bodies bucked and heaved as they emptied their balls. Sara was more awake now and she let her hand run over Jeremy's chest, teasing his nipples, which only added to the sensation and the cum spewing from his cock. Finally, the boys were spent. Dave folded up and pressed himself against Jeremy's body. Jeremy reached up to take hold of Dave's ass and gave it a squeeze. After some time it was Sara who said,

"Okay, my two favorite boys. We better get cleaned up and back downstairs. We'll see if we can arrange to have dinner together."

When the two boys looked over at her she smiled back lovingly.

"I think we have a long way to go together."


The attractive middle aged couple reclined on the double width lounge chair, looking out at the ocean from the lanae of their new home on a Hawaiian hillside. It had taken them ten years to find this house and this was their first extended stay since buying it. The man was trim and tan, just going toward gray, wearing just a knee length sarong. The woman, despite being close to fifty, was trim and taut, with a figure most teenagers would have envied, her full tits showing only a bit of sag in the tiny bikini top that she wore. The bottom was equally brief showing as much tan skin as could be without being actually naked. She looked over at her husband and said,

"Sweetheart, this is just perfect. I wish it hadn't taken so long, but this is worth it."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that, love. Oh, by the way, this is for you," he said, handing her a small gift wrapped package.

"Oh, why are you buying me a present?"

"Just open it," he urged.

She attacked the paper and soon had just the box in her hand. When she opened it she gasped, a hand reaching to her chest above her cleavage.

"Sweetheart, it's exquisite."

What she saw was a charm on a plain gold chain. The charm was formed of double, overlapping hearts, one with a capital 'J', the other an 'S'. It looked to have been hand crafted.

"You like it, I take it?"

"I love it, but whatever is it for?" she asked as she fastened the catch and laid the charm against the tanned skin just below her throat.

"It's an anniversary present," he replied.

"Um, sweetheart, our anniversary isn't for another three months."

"Not our wedding anniversary, this one is more important."

"What could be more important than our wedding anniversary?" she asked.

"Thirty years ago today, you and I met in that pool at the resort. No day is more important than that."

He looked over when he heard a little gasp that he had long ago come to learn meant she was trying to control her emotions. She had both hands over the charm and her lower lip was quivering, her eyes bright.

"You, you remember that?"

"Of course. I remember the time of day, the weather, the swim suit you were wearing and how I felt when I first saw you in it. I remember the way you splashed me and how your eyes looked the first time I saw you."

Before he could react the man was swarmed by the woman who began to kiss him passionately. It went on for some minutes and then she backed off, looking down at him and said,

"Even after all this time, not a day goes by that you don't show me why I love you so much," then her eyes turned mischievous. "What do you say we lose these bits of clothes and I'll show you just how much I love you."

"Right here?"

"Yes, right here."

"Aren't you worried about those paparazzi types?" he asked.

"Sweetheart, I retired from Hollywood five years ago. I've refused every request for interviews or talk show visits. I haven't walked a red carpet or attended any other events in all that time. No one cares about what we do. Besides, they would just be pictures of a husband and wife making love to one another on their own property. Hardly a scandal."

"Alright, if you say so," and with a couple of deft moves he had the knots on her bikini undone.

She had likewise undone the knot on his sarong. Naked and obviously aroused the two moved towards each other when she stopped and said,

"And no calls from work?" she asked.

"Not if they want to keep their jobs. Even CEOs get vacation. They can send a weekly update, but unless something catastrophic happens they best be handling their own departments. If they can't, they're gone, that's what I said before leaving."

"Hmm, you are so sexy when your laying down the law," she said as she slid her leg up over his.

He slid his hands around her back and grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her up onto his body. Her hips wiggled as she ground her bare pussy against his fat hard cock that she had fallen in lust with that first day. It had gained some size as the boy grew to manhood but it was the technique and caring behind it that really mattered. They spent the entire afternoon making love on the lanae. They used the lounge, the small soaking pool and hot tub. She even braced herself against the low wall that ringed the stone floor as he stood behind her and fucked her with deep hard strokes. And each load of cum was deposited in her mouth to be swallowed or her pussy, which a little snip and clip had rendered safe after the second child was born.

When dinner time rolled around they threw some things together and ate outside, not bothering to get dressed, which became the uniform for the entire trip. As they nibble the last of the meal Jeremy looked across at Sara and said,

"By the way, when do you expect Dave to get here?"

"He said he had about a week left of shooting on location and then he'd be coming home. Since we are on the way he was going to stop for a week or so. You should be happy about that," she said with a grin.

"I suppose we can find something to do."

She smiled again, knowing that it wouldn't be long before her two men would head off to the master bedroom for a couple of hours of intense man to man sex. She didn't mind because it also meant that she would head to the spare bedroom and watch using the several vidcams located around the room. Her collection of toys would see to it that she had every bit as much satisfaction as the boys would.

That idea got her wet again and Jeremy must have been thinking along the same lines because his cock was once more at full staff. She pushed the dishes away and sat up on the heavy table, offering her husband his favorite dish. As he worked his magic she began thinking back on how they had gotten here in the hopes of postponing her orgasm. There was the first weekend she spent at his house, in fact, it was even before she arrived at school.

In a surprise move, Jeremy's parents had extended the invitation for her to pay a visit on the drive out to college. It was there that they discovered how much they liked each other and the beginning of what would be a most harmonious in-law relationship that still continued. There was two years of commuting between college and Jeremy's family home, then the two years they lived together while they both attended school. Then she was off to Hollywood to try and get her career started, and succeeding, while he finished school. Then the early years with her on locations and him beginning his climb up the corporate ladder.

There had been challenges certainly, but always the certainty that they were and always would be together. Regardless of the success, the awards, the accolades, nothing meant more to her than the memory of the day she spotted that boy, watching her from the pool, and something telling her something special was about to happen. And when her husband stood up and pushed his amazing cock into her so slowly, so gently, at first, her concentration evaporated and she gave herself up to the pleasure and began another journey in their adventures in paradise.

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