Parking Lot Gloryhole

By ten.labolgcbs@wonrohtuaeal

Published on Dec 30, 2009


Ben A Long Time

By: L. A. Emerich

Please don't read this if you shouldn't. Not worth the hassle.

Hunky helped me up and reached down to the dildo up my ass. He gave me a couple of punches to the gut with it and pulled it out.

"Smells like hot ass." He said, holding it up to his Roman nose. "Can't wait to taste that pussy."

"Let me get dressed and we'll go inside." I said, mesmerized by Hunky sniffing my ass on the fleshy shaft. I pulled my shorts up and latched the belt as he leered in that sexy way that he had. "I didn't hear you come in. You kinda shocked me."

"Whadya mean?" Hunky asked, handing me my buddy, which I sat on the shelf.

"Well..., I just didn't expect you would be into taking a load like that." I answered.

"Shit! I been doin' that shit since I was a kid." Hunky chuckled. "I don't do it much anymore, but I can still get off on it once in awhile. The way I was raised, you do what you have to."

Hunky's admission not only intrigued me, it made me want to know more. We left the garage and walked to the house. I invited him in and offered him a cup of coffee. He said that he would prefer a beer, so I got him one and refilled my mug. Though I couldn't wait to get Hunky up my ass, I still had some heavy furniture to move. We worked for a couple of hours getting stuff arranged. We worked up a nice sweat and decided to take a smoke break. Turning off the coffee maker, I grabbed us two fresh beers and joined Hunky on the porch. I had found a couple of plastic lawn chairs that the former owner had left and we had a seat. I lit up and handed Hunky a beer.

"Thanks man." Hunky said, holding his cig between his lips and taking the cold brew. He tapped the top a couple of times with his thumb and popped the tab. Froth rose from the chilly can and spilled over. Hunky plucked the smoke from his lips and covered the top of the can, taking the froth like the load of the soccer player. Some dripped over his fat, long fingers and dripped to the porch floor. "Alcohol abuse," he mumbled as he smiled and licked the side of the can. I smiled at his joke, one used many times by redneck studs when they spill precious suds.

"So, have you lived here your whole life?" I asked, wanting to peel away the layers of Hunky. It would have been easy to just take the hot stud as merely a sexual being, but his taking the hot load of the soccer player intrigued me. I wanted to know more about where Hunky came from.

"Yeah, I always wanted to get out of this shithole, but never did. I don't know what someone like me would do anywhere else." He replied, hitting his smoke. "I guess I get along alright. I got my own place. Aint much to look at, but its all mine." I imagined what Hunky's place looked like. Visions of full ashtrays and half-full beer cans lying around filled my head.

"Do you like working for the moving company?" I asked, hoping that he would fill in the details.

"It's my thing, I guess. Joe, the guy from yesterday, helps me on big jobs. But usually, I work alone." Hunky replied, shrugging his broad shoulders and sipping his beer. "Do you mean that it's your business?" I asked. "Yeah, never had much time for school so I use my muscles. I got an accountant who takes care of all the business shit. I just hump all day and give him the receipts." Hunky said with a smirk on his face. I was surprised. Hunky looked to be about twenty-five or so. He was certainly younger than my twenty-eight. The fact that he was the owner of his own business made him much more interesting. "How long have you been doing it?" I asked with new interest. "Been doing it since I was a kid. I saved my money and bought a truck and now I work pretty steady. Winter can be slow, so I plow snow from parking lots. That's how I met the dude who used to live here." He answered, giving me a look that was loaded with meaning. "It sounds like you've worked your ass off to get where you are and yet so young." I observed. "Must be an interesting story." "I guess." Hunky shrugged. "Wouldn't you rather fuck?" "I have nothing else to do and I expect we'll find plenty of time to fuck. I'd rather get to know you better." I assured him. It was obvious that Hunky was confused. He had expected to come over and plow my ass. He didn't expect that he might really make a friend. "But, somebody like you ... I mean... I'm just a shitheel. You're some kinda professor or something. Whatta you want to know?" He asked. "It's not a pretty story." "Try me." I replied. So, he did.

At fourteen, Ben was built like all the guys in his family. He was tall and hard in a way that made him the envy of his classmates. He was the first of his buddies to grow body hair, smoke a cig, or get drunk on beer. By the age of fourteen, Ben was six foot and had four more inches to grow into. He fucked his first chick on his fourteenth birthday. He hadn't felt like it was a big deal but the neighborhood slut had bragged to everyone about how big his dick was and how she had cum four times. Ben didn't think his dick was so big in the way that guys who come from families of big dicks didn't realize how they stacked up with the rest of the population. Ben was hot and he had some cognizance of the fact. He didn't lord it over anyone, and that just made him hotter to everyone. It was Seven AM and Ben could hear dishes rattling in the kitchen of the trailer that he shared with his twenty-year-old brother, Jimmy, and his Dad. The sound of rattling dishes at such an early hour was something that didn't occur often. Ben hated that his bedroom was next to the kitchen where he had to listen to the both of them partying late in the night. Ben wondered for the zillionth time if things would have been different if his mother hadn't died. It wasn't something that he spent any amount of time thinking about; it was just a fleeting thought that he used to give some hope to his shitty, fourteen-year-old life. Ben got out of bed and slipped some boxers that were lying next to the bed on over his morning wood. He opened the door to the kitchen and saw his brother standing in front of the sink. Jimmy had a smoke cocked to the side of his mouth as he pissed in the sink. At least he wasn't a total shit; he had moved the crusty dishes so his stream had a clear shot. Ben walked over and pinched the smoke out from between Jimmy's lips and took a hit. "Why ya' pissing in the fuckin' sink?" Ben asked, feeling his own urge ready to bust. "Dad's in the shitter and I couldn't hold it anymore." Jimmy slurred. Ben knew that Jimmy and Dad had a late night and he probably shouldn't make too much of Jimmy's pissing in the sink. "Well hurry the fuck up. I gotta go." Ben urged. Jimmy finished up with a sigh and shook the dew off of his long, fat hose. Ben had seen Jimmy's cock many times and in many sizes over the years. Their household was all male and locker room behavior was the norm. Ben liked that Jimmy had a big dick. He looked up to him like most little brothers did and hoped that one day his own dick would challenge Jimmy's. Jimmy was a superior cocksman and everyone knew of his reputation for getting pussy. Ben looked forward to maybe challenging that too. "All your's." Jimmy said, flopping his horse dong back into his shorts. Ben ran to the sink, passing the cig back to his brother on the way. He let down the front of his boxers and aimed his hard-on into the sink, avoiding the cups and plates. Even though he had to piss badly, Ben grunted to get his stream going. Jimmy chuckled at his little brother's effort to piss. "I hate that shit." Jimmy said, commiserating with Ben. "Gotta piss like a racehorse and the dick's too hard to let it pass." Ben would have liked to have taken the time to tell Jimmy to fuck off', but all of his concentration was centered on overcoming the blood-engorged monster that was his cock to piss. "Aaarggh," Ben sighed when he overcame the obstruction of his own cock meat and started pissing in the sink. The stream was strong and pungent. Ben watched as his water made the counter-clockwise rotation over the drain and went down the pipe, making sure no spatter hit the filthy dishes that had resided in the sink. He wasn't a total pig either. "Whatcha lookin' to get into today?" Jimmy asked as he turned from Ben and inserted the butt of his cig into an empty beer can. It was Saturday and Ben didn't have any plans. He figured that he would be getting into the same thing that he always got into. Maybe a basketball game or hanging with some dudes at the park, nothing special "Don't got any plans, just hang around I guess." Ben answered. "Wanna make a few bucks?" Jimmy asked, taking a Red from the box and lighting one up. He handed it to Ben and then lit one for himself. Ben appreciated Jimmy's thoughtfulness. He couldn't buy smokes for himself and Jimmy never made a big deal about it. A fourteen-year-old smoker took the smoke that came his way. "Sure, what you got going on?" Ben asked. Ben hated the way that most of the conversations that went on between he, Jimmy, and Dad could have been taken with so many connotations. He was on constant guard against a conversation going South. It was a lesson learned from many conversations over time. "Could use someone to hump on the truck today." Jimmy answered, taking a hit from his cig. "Sure. I'll help." Ben answered. Ben liked that Jimmy and his Dad let him help with some of the moving jobs. It kept his muscles in shape and gave him a little spending money that he spent on his friends and the occasional pussy that had become a part of his life of late. It also didn't do any harm that he liked watching the muscles of his family members straining and sweating with the toil of their chosen profession. "We got a job to move some shit from a museum to some storage place. It's probably some Indian shit that isn't important to the newer industrial shit." Jimmy observed. Jimmy was a cynic about modern civilization. He was forever lamenting the loss of Native American land to the whites. If they weren't so stolidly German-American stock, anyone would have thought that Jimmy's complaints were a protest for his people. Truth be known, it was a construct of an outdoor panoramic play about Tecumseh that had captured Jimmy's imagination. Ben knew about Jimmy's fixation on the plight of the Redman. He had attended the same panorama and understood Jimmy's position. He thought it was foolish, but respected his big brother's feelings. "What's going on bitchaz?" The brothers heard, turning to their father who entered the living room, rubbing his head with a towel. "Time to make a buck and cheat Uncle Sam." Ben and Jimmy were used to their Dad's exclamations of anarchy. Nothing that Bennett Radcliff, known as Big Ben, said was conventional. He had never been a hippie, though the offer of a toke on a joint rarely went untaken. Big Ben was a tower of a man, six-foot-five-inches of hard, masculine man with a known quality of fucking everything that walked. Ben didn't idolize Big Ben, he had seen too many faults over the years for that, but he did as he was told out of fear of retribution. Big Ben was a brawler who didn't make a distinction between family or friend when it came to setting someone right. "We gotta big job today, you helpin' Ben?" Big Ben asked, walking to Ben and taking the red from his hand. "You're too young to smoke, besides if you can't buy em you don't need em. Aint nobody here getting a free ride." Big Ben smoked Ben's cig while rubbing the towel over his prominent pecs. Ben didn't object, he knew better. "Yeah, I'm gonna help, Dad." Ben answered, watching his Dad rub the towel over his clean, hairy body. If Ben aspired to have a cock like Jimmy's, he could only dream about having one as big as his Dad's. The fucker hung almost halfway to his Dad's knees, soft. It wasn't cut like his and Jimmy's and the ball sac was like a sack of feed hanging from a tree. Ben's cock had gone down after the piss, but he could feel it start to make a recovery looking at Big Ben. He wasn't sure why his mind worked the way it did. Sexuality in their house was handled like a natural, ever-present beast and there was no stigma attached to getting a good blowjob from a buddy or plugging the occasional ass if it came your way. In fact, Ben knew that Jimmy and their Dad shared a fuck buddy sometimes. It was a friend of Jimmy's that Jimmy had turned his Dad onto. Ben had heard the three of them going at it more than once. "Well, if you're helpin', get a move on. We gotta beat feet." Big Ben said, walking to his bedroom at the end of the trailer. "Asshole." Jimmy said under his breath. "Here." He said, holding out the box of smokes to Ben. Ben took the box and lit up. "Thanks." Ben went to his room to get dressed. His family perplexed him. Sure, Dad and Jimmy wouldn't pass up some head or some dude's ass if it was offered, but pussy was their thing and they didn't mind everyone knowing. Ben wondered why he felt so different. When Jimmy or Big Ben made a pussy joke or observed some hot bitch walking by, it made Ben feel uncomfortable. He wondered why he couldn't just fit in and appreciate the big tits or hot ass of a bitch like they could. It always made him feel like he had to pretend to be as appreciative as they were. When they made their observations, Ben wondered if they felt the same way that he did when he saw a hot dude. Hell, he didn't need to be that hot. He just needed to be a dude for Ben to wonder what swung between his legs. Ben finished dressing and joined his Dad and Jimmy in the truck. They swung by McDonald's for breakfast and ate it in the truck on the way to the museum "I hope that faggot got the time right." Jimmy exclaimed as they pulled up at the rear of the museum. The parking lot was deserted and there didn't seem to be anyone around. "That cocksucker only shows up on time if there's dick to be had." Ben wasn't sure what Jimmy was talking about as he jonesed for a hit off one of the two smokes that his fellow movers imbibed in. "I'll go knock." Big Ben said, getting out of the truck. "Let me hit that." Ben asked, reaching for Jimmy's smoke as Big Ben walked to the back door of the museum. Ben leaned down and hit the cig a couple of times so that Dad couldn't see him. When he sat back up and gave the butt back to Jimmy, Ben saw Jesse pull up in his jeep. Jesse was Jimmy's friend that Dad and he fucked once in awhile. "What's up?" Jesse asked. "Not much, just got here. Are we doing this?" Jimmy asked, flipping his smoke out the window. "Fuck yeah." Jesse replied, getting out of the jeep. Jimmy opened the door of the truck and got out followed by Ben. "Hey Ben, what you doin' here?" Jimmy asked, seeing the teenager. "Here to help." Ben replied, brushing some ash from the front of his jeans. "Really? That could be interesting." Jesse said, leering at Ben. Ben knew that look. He had seen it a couple of times when he had walked out of his bedroom after Jesse had serviced his family. Jesse was a hot redneck dude. He wasn't very big or anything, but he had a wispy mustache and brown eyes that set Ben's cock to twitching. Jesse's awkward smile always seemed to promise something secret that Ben wanted to understand. "What the fuck?" Big Ben asked walking up to them. "The door's locked and no one answered my fucking knocks." "Cool down, man. I guess I shoulda' explained before. Come over here and I'll give ya' the skinny." Jesse said, motioning to Jimmy and Big Ben. Ben started to follow. "Give us a minute, huh Ben." Jesse said, wanting to talk to Ben's elders. Ben walked to the truck and moved his boot through the gravel of the parking lot, looking over his shoulder. He was hurt that Jesse didn't want to explain the situation to him. Wasn't his time just as important? Ben looked at the three of them and saw that their heads were down as Jesse explained. He could see Jimmy and Dad asking questions and then discussing things between themselves. They looked over at Ben, who went back to the gravel. "How much we talkin'?" Ben heard Jimmy ask. He wished that he could hear the entire conversation, but he rooted for Jimmy to get as much cash as possible. He was hoping to make enough to give Jimmy the money to buy him a carton of smokes. "Dude bailed on me, so it'll work out." Ben heard Jesse wail, trying to assure Jimmy and Dad that all was chill. Ben could tell from the looks from the group that they were talking about his presence. "Give us a minute." Ben heard Big Ben say as he and Jimmy left Jesse and approached. "Come here Ben. We gotta' talk." Ben walked to them. "Dude, we gotta good thing going here, if it turns out." Jimmy was the first to speak. He took a smoke from his box of reds and handed one to Ben too. Ben was wary of taking it in front of Dad, but Jimmy held out a light and Ben leaned into it, looking at Big Ben, who said nothing. "Look man, here's the deal. Fuckhead over there set up a movie here and didn't' tell me. He just figured we'd be down for it. It's uh... a fuck flick. You know he likes to suck cock, don't ya?" "Yeah." Ben nodded. "Well the deal is that the cocksuckers who are making the movie need three big dicks to perform. It's a gloryhole scene. Do you know what a gloryhole is?" Big Ben asked, reaching for his own pack of smokes. "I wouldn't ask you to do this but the money's real good." Ben had been taking advantage of the gloryhole in the shitter at the park for a couple of years and had dropped dozens of loads in some spunk monkey throat. He had even taken a load or twenty in his own mouth. He was down with that kind of action, but he didn't know how to agree to it without making them suspect something. "You mean they wanna suck our cocks through a hole and film it?" Ben asked, feeling particularly grown up as he hit his cig in front of Big Ben. "Yeah, that's about it." Jimmy answered, looking over at Jesse who waited expectantly. "They need three big cocks and from the looks of your's this morning you have the family curse." Ben couldn't argue about that. Though he knew that he wasn't as big as Jimmy or Dad, he knew that he was in the same category, or would be. "Do you think you're down for that?" "Sure. I like to get my dick sucked." Ben mumbled. He could see the look of pride in Big Ben's eyes. He hadn't been explicit about his own experiences with his dad, but it only confirmed what Big Ben had suspected. It probably wouldn't have been acceptable in some families, but in the Radcliff family dropping a load was like taking a crap. It was a bodily function that needed attending to, now and again. "Hey Jesse, we go this." Jimmy shouted motioning for Jesse to come over. "Yeah? Awesome." Jesse replied, coming over to them. "You can follow me to the shoot. Let's get this shit going." Jesse jumped into his jeep as the Radcliff's got into the truck. As Jesse pulled out in a cloud of dust, Big Ben turned to Ben. "You sure you're down with this?" "Yeah Dad." Ben replied, wondering how much he should share. "I been getting blown at the park for awhile. It feels real good." "I thought it was something like that." Big Ben said with a smirk. "You know that Jesse likes to swing on our cocks?" He asked, motioning to Jimmy. "I'd have to be deaf and blind not to know that." Ben offered. "I'm not saying this is perfect or anythin', but you're a man now and a man's gotta make do." Big Ben said, cuffing Ben on the neck. "Besides, it makes me proud to know that the Radcliff's got the kinda meat that the world wants to swing on. I want you to know that a prime piece of ass don't necessarily get put on the back of a pair of tits. A trip up a turd box can be good and tighter too." Ben had to chuckle to himself. He had fucked a lot of ass at the shitter in the park and enjoyed it. Though he had swallowed a few loads, he hadn't ever taken it in the ass and didn't plan on it. It just wasn't manly. "It's cool, Dad." They followed Jesse to a warehouse on the outskirts of the Marine base. They pulled up and parked beside the Jeep. "Wait here. I gotta let em know what's going on." Jesse said, giving Ben an expectant look. "Be right back." The three Radcliff men waited next to the truck for Jesse to come back. Ben didn't feel nervous because he had Jimmy and Dad with him. It took a few minutes until he came back. "Follow me." Jesse said, motioning for them to follow. They walked through a door in the warehouse. It was dark after the bright sunshine. Ben reached out for Big Ben's shoulder and followed where it led. They walked through a couple more doors and into a large room with lots of lights and people. "You the hole meat?" A fat man asked, advancing towards them. "This is them, a whole family of dick to get sucked." Jesse said, smiling at the fat man who had the remains of a cigar plucked in his mouth. "That's nice." The man said, the sarcasm evident. "Got some shit for ya' to sign. Follow me." They followed the fat man to a table where a couple of marines were finishing up some paperwork. "Fill these out." The man said, handing them some papers. They sat down as a group to do so. Big Ben started filling in the spaces and told Ben what to put where. Nobody seemed to notice that he was coaching Ben. "You're nineteen for today. So, you better smoke up while you can." Big Ben said, offering Ben a smoke. "Thanks." Ben replied, taking one and lit up. The papers filled out, they joined a group of marines who were smoking and talking. The marines were all naked and pulling on their dicks. Ben looked at Big Ben looking for a clue how to act. Jesse came over and joined them. "Time to strip. Just go with it and have a good time. The director's a good friend of mine." Jesse explained. "I promise it'll be painless." He said, looking straight into Ben's face. Ben was horned up from the sexual expectation and all the marine cock everywhere. Jesse's promise of painless enjoyment made him weak in the knees. Ben looked over at Jimmy who was stripping off his pants. His fat tool popped out as he pulled off his work coveralls. Big Ben laughed at Jimmy's cock. "That fucker always rises to the occasion." Big Ben said, pulling off his own coveralls. Dropping them to the floor of the warehouse, he stood up and ran his hands through his prodigious bush of cockhair. His fuckstick was semi-hard and waved like a stiff wind was blowing. "You should talk." Jimmy laughed, pointing at Big Ben. "That aint shit and you know it." Big Ben shot back. Ben felt himself getting hard as fuck watching his dad and Jimmy bantering about their cocks. He pulled his jeans off self-consciously, watching them pull on their dicks to get them hard. "Nice cock Ben." Ben heard Big Ben say. "It's in the genes." Ben pulled off his shirt and decided what the fuck', he would be as nonchalant as Jimmy and Big Ben. Maybe he could show them how it was done. He started pulling on his dick, though the less the stimulation at this point the better. "Okay fella's, here's the deal." The cigar chompin' fat guy yelled to all the men assembled. "I need suckees to the right of the wall and cocksuckers to the left. Now line up." Ben followed Jimmy and Big Ben to the right of the wall. The wall was made of wood and painted gray, like the wall of a marine barracks. There were three holes cut into it about a foot apart. "Suckees take your mark on the tape." The director instructed. Ben stopped with Big Ben and Jimmy on either side. They toed their mark, pulling on their cocks to ensure that they were ready. Ben looked at Jimmy's dick. It was fat and long. Jimmy smiled at Ben and gave him a wink of reassurance. Ben turned to Big Ben and looked at the big, veiny beer-can thick tube. The head stuck out of its hood looking for action. Big Ben smiled at Ben. "You sure you're okay with this?" He asked. "I like some hot head on my dick Dad." Ben reassured Big Ben. "Get em up, Boys. We need lighting." The director shouted. Ben followed the lead of Jimmy and Big Ben. He started wanking hard to match their efforts. "Stick em through." Ben approached the large hole and inserted his cock along with Jimmy and Big Ben. "Measure Hole One." The director shouted. Ben heard Big Ben grunt as his tube was grasped and held to the tape measure. "We got thirteen." A voice shouted from the other side of the wall. Whispers and sighs of incredulity were heard from all directions. "Measure Hole Three." Jimmy pushed forward. Ben could see the smile on Jimmy's face as he heard the sound of the measuring tape. "We got eleven." The same voice shouted. The sighs weren't as loud, but they were there nonetheless. "Measure Hole Two." The director shouted. Ben felt his cock being manhandled through the hole and the cold tape laid alongside of it. "We got Ten." The former voice replied. Ben was too caught up in the whole exercise to notice if anyone sighed. "Hole meat pull back. Keep em hard." The director shouted. The Radcliffs pulled back from the holes in the wall and joined the marines who were standing about. They took the smokes that were offered and waited for further instruction as they pulled on their throbbing cocks. "Jesse's moving up." Jimmy observed to Big Ben. "Looks like." Big Ben agreed. Ben was confused by the conversation. Apparently, his Dad and brother had a frame of reference with which to ascertain the situation. The thought that they may have appeared in a movie before made his cock throb. "That last time on the boat, wasn't anything like this." Jimmy offered. Ben had to leave the conversation or lose his load prematurely. He turned and put his unlit cig to his lips. "Need a light?" Ben heard. Before him stood a compact version of manhood, the marine was about Ben's height, six foot, and looked as young as Ben did. Ben nodded as the marine held out a lit cigarette. He took it and rolled the cherry across the end of his cig.

"Thanks." Ben said, handing the smoke back to the built marine. He noticed the overgrown muscles that his savior had to offer and they didn't go unappreciated.

"This your first time?" He asked, taking the smoke from Ben. "It's mine and I'm nervous as a whore in church."

Ben nodded and watched the marine suck the end of his cig with perky lips that he could envision the head of his cock between.

"Yeah, I'm nervous too." Ben replied to the sexy marine.

"Not to worry, my buddies say its easy money." The sexy fucker replied. "You got it easy. I gotta suck some dick for my money. Name's Travis." Ben stopped pulling on is dick or he would have lost it. He watched Travis put out his hand.

"Ben." Ben said, using his dick hand to shake. "Do you like sucking cock?"

"Fuck yeah, I do. You got a nice one." Travis said, looking down at Ben's hose. "I keep it on the down low, you know. But, wouldn't mind hanging off your's. Most of us Marines know how to do it right. We just don't talk about it much." Travis offered, taking a hit from his smoke.

"Cocksuckers, on your knees." The director shouted.

"Gotta go. Nice to meet you." Travis said, throwing his cig in a coffee can. Ben watched Travis walk to the other side of the wall. The director shouted instructions to the cocksuckers as Ben rejoined his brethren.

"Now, all you gotta do is stick it through and get into it. Ya' got that?" Jimmy asked Ben.

"I got it." Ben answered.

"Hole meat to the mark." The director instructed. Ben stood between Jimmy and Big Ben as they approached the wall. He could see movement on the other side of the wall as the cocksuckers made their mark.


The Radcliffs approached the wall, breaching the rampart as a whole, almost three feet of cock ready for action. As Ben's cock went through the hole, he heard the moans of Jimmy and Big Ben. It matched by his own gasp of pleasure as his hard pole was engulfed by the hot throat of a hot, marine cocksucker.

Ben was lost for a moment in the thrill of great head, given freely by some hot jarhead. He could feel his dick get harder as his personal cocksucker got busy. By the sounds of Jimmy and Big Ben, they were enjoying similar favors. Ben's sucker bobbed up and down on his ten-inch pole with joy, taking time to run his lips over the spongy head.

"Fuck yeah!' Ben heard Jimmy sigh beside him.

"Take it faggot!" Big Ben gasped.

Ben started to rock to the rhythm of the marine taking his pud. The mouth that he was fucking was hot and wet. It felt like a slick, velvet glove that took him to the root and had an electric tongue to swirl around the glans on the out pull.

"Suck my dick." Ben mumbled, feeling his marine pull on his full ballsac.

"Yeah, get into it, bro." Jimmy encouraged, putting a hand on the back of Ben's head.

The wall trembled at the onslaught of the Radcliff boys. The fucking that they were giving established a precedent for many films to come. They fucked marine throat for a good ten minutes, until Ben started to tremble. Jimmy noticed and looked to one of the production assistants.

"Got any poppers?' Jimmy asked, holding out his hand.

The PA, who was mesmerized by the family's three clenching asses, handed Jimmy a bottle of XXX. Jimmy broke the seal and looked the PA in the face.

"Eat my hole." He said an instant before the flushed assistant sunk to his knees and started lapping at Jimmy's butthole. Jimmy took a hit and held it over Ben for Big Ben to take a hit. Big Ben took the brown bottle and looked around for his own ass lapper.

"You. You with the bandanna. Tongue my hole while I plow this marine throat!' The bandanna-clad assistant dropped the towels he was holding for the clean-up and fell to his knees behind Big Ben. Ben could hear his dad grunt as the grip stuck his tongue into his ass. Big Ben shook the bottle and snorted a hit. He turned to Ben and held out the bottle.

"Want some?" He asked, as the bandanna engulfed his ass. "Do yourself a favor."

Ben took the bottle from Big Ben. He looked down at Jimmy and Big Ben getting their ass eaten. Ben didn't have the balls to ask anyone to eat his ass. He took the bottle and opened it. He stuck it under his nostrils and took a long quaff. As the effect hit him, he felt his ass cheeks being parted and he looked back. He saw Jesse on his knees and felt his tongue invading his nether regions. As the poppers took over Ben's brain, Jesse's tongue played a symphony on Ben's hole.

Travis, Ben's cocksucker, felt Ben's dick grow and throb between his engorged lips. He could feel the thick, velvety shaft grow as he plunged on the teen cock. He assaulted that pulsing dick until his nose repeatedly flicked off the wall of the gloryhole. Travis could feel Ben quivering at his assault. He pulled off and opened his mouth wide as he jacked Ben's pole.

"Aaaarggghhhhhh!!! Ben groaned as he let loose a shot of cum that caught Travis full on the bridge of the nose. Travis pulled the cock down so that it shot eight or nine full shots of chunky cum onto his tongue. When Ben's dick was done shooting, Travis engulfed the head and laved the shaft with the thick, gloppy cum. Ropes of cock snot hung from his nose and chin as he took Ben's quivering dick to the root.

Ben shook from the force of his orgasm. He could feel his cocksucker's appreciation as Jesse redoubled his efforts on his ass. Ben had to push Jesse away or pass out. He heard Jimmy mumble and shake the wall as he lost his load, followed quickly by Big Ben who caused a mini-earthquake with the force of his monstrous cum.

"Cut!' Ben heard as the momentous orgasm subsided. He looked from Big Ben to Jimmy who both had their eyes closed, heads back, and mouths gaping open. It took a minute for the three of them to regain their composure.

"Good work, men!' The director complimented.

"Whoa, that was intense." Jimmy exploded, pushing his ass lapper from his effort.

"That's what I'm talking about." Big Ben agreed, pushing the bandanna from his ass. "Let's get our money and go."

Big Ben and Jimmy left the wall and walked to their coveralls. Ben was still caught up in the afterglow of his great cum. He leaned down and looked through the hole to see Travis wiping cum from his face with a towel.

"Thanks man." He said through the wall.

"Anytime." Travis said with a wink.

The Radcliff Boys made about fifty more films over the next ten years as The Thick Top Trio. None of them got rich, but Ben made enough to buy a moving truck, a small house, and a four-wheel-drive truck with a snowplow. He also bought a Harley that he used to pick up as much pussy as he could want. He never sucked or fucked Jimmy or Big Ben, but he watched it happen enough to fulfill any fantasy that he might have had.

That was until he met the professor in the cocksuckers house.

By the time Hunky finished his story, I was half a pack in and dry as Hell.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"I told you it wasn't much of a story." Hunky said, lighting his millionth cigarette. "I could use a beer."

I rose from the plastic chair that had become a part of my thigh and went into the kitchen for another beer. My dick was as hard as a rock and I could barely breathe.

"You wanna' fuck?" I heard as Hunky walked into the room, cupping his big basket.

"Fuck yeah." I gasped, slamming the door to the fridge.

I sunk to my knees and ripped my shorts from my body.

"Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me now."

Hunky knelt down and slammed a finger deep into my ass. I shuddered as I felt him rummage around for my hotspot. He hit it and I shuddered from the feeling of him massaging my prostate.

"Fuck me, Babyyyyyyy!" I whined.

Ben pulled his big foot-long cock and plunged it into my gut. I moaned at the invasion and rocked back as he assaulted my tight ass.

"Tight fuckin' butt, man!' Ben moaned as he plunged his fat dick to the bottom of my ass. I rotated my hole around his thickness, enjoying being spitted on the end of his prod. Hunky sunk his pole in me and pulled out until only the mushroom head pulled at my ass lips and then he sunk back in. He repeated his assault until I was a mass of quivering flesh on the end of his long fuckpole. It didn't take long until his urgent prodding became an attempt to bury his cock as deep as possible. I could feel his dick pulse and paint the walls of my gut with his fuckcream.

"Fuck." Hunky murmured as he made a few desultory probes into my slushy hole.

"Thanks, Ben." I said.

"My pleasure." He offered as he pulled my head to his lips. "Can't wait to introduce you to some of my marine friends."

"Me either." I managed to say.

Thanks for reading and commenting. This is an attempt to flesh out the characters. I suspect that this may become something more than most that you may find on here. Let me know where you think the story should go. Comments make me want to go on with the story and I appreciate all that are given.

Still looking for mr. Right. Let me know if my sensibility and intrigue appeal to you.

Thanks. laeauthor

Next: Chapter 4

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