Parole Slave

By Slade C

Published on Dec 5, 2017


"Parole Slave" by Chris Slade

Copyright © 2017 by Chris Slade. All rights reserved. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

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Part One.


Ty, my ex-boyfriend, sent me a letter from jail. He had really fucked up and was charged with a third degree felony. It was a gun charge so he's pretty screwed. He wrote that he felt bad about how we broke up and that he missed me. He also lamented that his life had been much better when we were together. He said he was sorry and wanted to say goodbye. He also mentioned that girls are nothing but trouble and things were easier with me. He asked that I write to him once in a while to keep his spirits up.

The reason we broke up was he is bisexual and had some major hang ups with being perceived as homosexual. He left me and ran off with a girl. As far as I was concerned, it was good riddance but I still had feelings for him and sometimes thought about him. I realized that he was now in a vulnerable position. One that I could use to my advantage. I called the jail and found out his court date. I hired an attorney for him and I wrote a carefully worded letter for the lawyer to deliver to him confidentially.

The letter:


I'm not surprised to find out you are in jail (again). You seem to constantly have trouble with the law and you go through the cycle of getting arrested, missing your court date, being on the run with numerous warrants, eventually being arrested again and serving time in jail. It's not long before you start the cycle over again. What does surprise me is that you were stupid enough to get a gun charge.

I think you wrote to me because you want my help. I admit that I still have feelings for you but our relationship didn't work the way it was before. Now that you're in the situation you're in, it seems so obvious what I should have done with you from the time we began hanging out together. I will help you if you agree to the following conditions. This help includes a lawyer who will do a much better job than your public defender. You will still do prison time but with this lawyers help you will do much less time than if you have a public defender. If you accept the terms laid out below, you keep the lawyer. If you do not accept them, as is, the lawyer will turn your case back over to the public defenders office and you will never hear from me again.

This might be difficult for you to hear but it needs to be said. I do not say these things with a mean spirit.

You are not very smart. You are lazy and lack motivation to move your life forward. You have made very bad decisions in your life. You have been your own worst enemy and caused yourself a lot of unnecessary difficulty and emotional pain. You're terrible at managing your own life and taking care of yourself. You have been a disappointment to yourself and everyone that has loved you. You know that everything I just said is true.

On the other hand, you have some very positive attributes that can be put to use and could improve your life in many ways. What I'm about to say may shock or offend you but I don't care. We are nothing to each other anymore and I don't really care what you think. You also know that my proclivities tend to be unusual. The advantages you have are rare and desirable: You are very sexy and people are easily attracted to you. You are blessed with a naturally fit and athletic body that needs little exercise and looks good naked. If you do workout, your physique shows the benefits immediately. You are also very masculine. You have a perfect amount of hair on your legs and chest. Finally, you have an extremely sexual nature. Most of your time is spent seeking and enjoying pleasure from sexual stimulation. I have seen you become very submissive sexually and remember a few times I put you in mild bondage. It was only afterward that you felt ashamed of this behavior. Probably because of your very religious parents and the environment you were raised in. But your lust did take you to those places more than once so there must be some desire to be tied up inside you.

You have realized that girls are nothing but trouble. This shows that you have finally accepted that you are truly bi-sexual. Something I saw for a long time but you weren't ready to accept that part of yourself.

All these things point to one simple fact. You should have been turned into a sex slave a long time ago. I mean this in the most literal sense. You should have been taken into captivity, kept locked in bondage 24/7. Held as a prisoner and trained to submit and serve sexually. You would be very happy as a sex slave because all your needs would be taken care of for you and you would experience constant sexual pleasure. You would even learn to experience and appreciate new kinds of pleasure that I know your curious sexuality would appreciate.

Think about it. You are probably going to go to prison for a year or more. How would prison be better than a situation where you are a different kind of prisoner and you get to experience constant sex and not have to worry about being arrested again or scrounging for cash to survive. The kinds of sex you will have in prison will not be enjoyable or focused on your pleasure and training. You are a pretty boy and there are a lot of big, ugly convicts that will rape you, abuse you and make you a bitch.

When you are released from being incarcerated, what options are there for you? It's hard to get a job and put your life together once you have a prison record. Your life will continue on a downward spiral and you will probably end up back in prison before long. Submit to me and accept your place as a sex slave and you will be taken care of and experience pleasure all the time.

I would require a huge commitment from you. You would pledge to serve me for 2 years before being given the opportunity to be released. You would have almost no contact with anyone else. You will meet with your parole officer but otherwise you will essentially disappear from society. You will be taken on weekend camping trips in remote locations. You will earn money by performing on cam sites on the internet. You will use this money to pay a portion of the monthly bills. What's left will be placed in a trust in your name so you will have money when you are released, if you ever want to be released. I suspect you would enjoy being a sex object.

Our relationship will not be the same as before. You will not make any choices for yourself and you will obey me at all times or else you will be punished. You will be kept in some form of bondage all the time and escape will not be possible.

These are my terms. You have one day to make your decision.

The same day I sent the lawyer to see him in jail, he returned with a letter from Tyler. Ty said that he didn't need a day to think about what I proposed. He knew what I offered would be best for him and he would accept my terms completely. He even had the lawyer write a makeshift contract on a sheet of paper that stated the terms he was agreeing to and he had signed it with the lawyer as a witness. It was legally meaningless but symbolically significant.

I went to his court hearing and we talked briefly. The attorney turned out to be well worth the money I paid him. Tyler walked away from a possible 5 year prison sentence with only 9 months, including time served and a chance for early parole with good behavior.

The lawyer told me that he could probably get him released in 5 months if he didn't get into trouble while incarcerated.

I spent the time he was in prison getting ready to take him on as a sex slave. There were many items to buy and some renovation to do on my house. I went home and ordered some nice leather restraints and jerked off thinking about the fun I would be having with Tyler.

Six months later, on the day Tyler is being released, I pick him up at the prison. As soon as he gets in my truck, his short period of freedom has already ended again as I lock his hands behind the seat with police issue handcuffs. The difference is that now he is my prisoner and this is a much different kind of captivity.

He looks good. He's packed on some serious muscle. He will make an excellent fag slave. I connect a rope from his wrists, under the seat and tie it to his ankles. We drive off. He tells me stories about prison. He is nervous and uncomfortable. He must be anticipating what will happen to him when we get home. He will find out in less than an hour.

After pulling into the garage, I let him out of the truck and tell him to strip. He takes off everything but his underwear and socks.

I look at him and say, "Keep going."

He gets naked and I attach leather wrist cuffs and lock them on with padlocks. I can see him shaking. I secure his arms behind him. Then ankle cuffs are attached with a chain hobble between them that I attach to his wrists so he can only take small steps. This type of restraint was probably used on him in prison. I lead him downstairs to the room that he will be kept in until he builds his own underground cell in a few weeks. My cock swells in anticipation of what I am about to do to him.

Outside the door to his new prison and training area, I stop him and blindfold him. I don't want him to see the contents of the training room yet because he might resist. Inside, I lead him to a chain hanging from the ceiling and use it to tether him in place by attaching it to his wrists. I leave him there and gather more gear. I return carrying a wide leather collar, a gag and a chastity cage. I put the gag on him first and he accepts it without resistance. In fact, I notice his cock is hard. I touch his dick and he moans.

"It looks like you are enjoying yourself boy." I say. He nods an affirmative. "You understand there is no turning back now, right?" I ask. He nods yes again. "Good. Try to enjoy the next week and it will be much easier for you. I have to break you so that you can become an obedient slave. The process will not be easy for you. I promise that at the end of the week , you will be more comfortable in your new position and eventually, you will learn to love your submissive role."

HIs cock has become soft with the news of what he must endure. I kneel down and quickly fit the chastity cage on him and lock it in place. I release him from the chain and take him to the toilet in the corner of the room. I sit him down and turn on the faucet coming out of the wall nearby. I lube my fingers and smear them over his ass hole. I insert the hose and feed it into him. The water begins flowing back out of him. I leave him like that until the fluid is clean and clear. Now we begin.

The First Week.

To start, I tied a pair of Nike basketball shoes on his sock-less feet. His shoes always smelled so sexy when we were together before. I can't wait until these shoes are soaked with his foot odor. If he wears them twenty-four hours a day and doesn't shower, they should be smelling rank in no time.

I took him to a bondage bench that will hold him in a hands and knees position. I had had him lay down on it. The main part supported only his torso and his legs and arms dangled from each side. I maneuvered his arms to the two small platforms at the front and strapped them in place with his elbows bent and his forearms parallel with the floor. Then I raised his feet and placed his legs on platforms at the back with his knees bent like his elbows. With his limbs secured, I fastened the remaining three straps across his back to hold him firmly in place. I pressed my foot on the hydraulic control and lowered him to the floor.

I got in position behind him and shoved my face into his exposed ass crack. He smelled just as good as I remember. As I rimmed his ass he started to moan behind the gag. I got his hole wet and had opened it a bit with my tongue. I slid rubber gloves on and coated my fingers with lube. As I pulled my face from his crack, I could see his tiny dick trying to get hard inside the cock cage.

I began stretching his hole with my fingers. I roughly forced his hole wider and wider until I could force most of my hand inside. He was straining and squirming as much as he could and making a lot of noise around the gag. I kept working his ass and before long I could feel my hand getting ready to sink all the way inside. He was sweating and groaning in both pleasure and pain. Finally, I made a slow, force-full push and he squirmed as my hand disappeared inside him. His hole clamped tightly around my wrist and he tried to buck away but the bondage held him in place. I extended my fingers in the warmth of his colon and felt around. I found his prostate and started pressing on it. He seemed to enjoy that and I noticed his cock started to drip precum. I straightened my fingers out and pushed in deeper. I could feel his guts sliding around my hand. I pulled my fingers into a fist and pulled back a little.

He was breathing hard and shaking. I twisted my big fist inside him and slowly moved in and out. I teased his prostate for a while before pulling my hand free. With his hole stretched wide, I got a big, thick dildo from a shelf along the wall and pushed it deep inside him. He strained to escape as it tore his ass open but was helpless to resist. He took the huge ass toy even though he hated it. When I had most of it shoved inside of him, I used several strips of duct tape to hold it in place. Otherwise, his ass would have shoved the giant dildo out immediately. His ass pale was making small squirming movements that made it look sexy as fuck. I couldn't wait to redden his cheeks later with a paddle and a crop.

I decided to move the torture to his nipples. His tits were small but I knew from playing with him in the past that he liked them played with. I got suction cups and a variety of clamps. He was in an excellent position for tit work because his chest was parallel above the floor. Any weights hung from his nips would pull on them mercilessly. I knelt down and roughly sucked each of his tits until he began pleasure moaning again. I put the suction cups on them and then raised the bench with the hydraulics until he was about 4 1/2 feet off the ground. A good height because I wouldn't have to bend or stoop to access his chest. A line of drool hung from his chin and his face was twisted in sweet agony. I wonder how he will react to the tit torture he's about to receive.

I sniffed his armpits for until their musk got me totally horny. They weren't very ripe yet but they did smell sweaty. After about ten minutes with the suction cups on, I pulled them off and found his nipples plump and swollen. I wiped the spit off of and then pinched one up and positioned a clamp on it. He groaned as I let it close on his nip. He mumbled protests as I got the other one clamped but he couldn't resist. I hung a length of chain from each. His squirming made the chains swing beneath him. I began hanging 1 ounce weights on the chains. He started trying to wiggle them off and succeeded in getting the weighted chains swinging pretty good. I doubt he could shake them free but I offered my bound sex slave a warning.

"You better hold still because if you shake those clamps off, I'll reattach them with needles so they'll stay in place." I said into his ear.

He stopped moving immediately. Little did he know that he would have needles pushed through both his tits (and other places), before the week was over but why scare him so early in his training. I wanted things like that to be a surprise. I continued hanging the weights until I thought he was sufficiently uncomfortable. I lowered him back to the ground and enjoyed the squeals he made as the motion caused the chains to swing from his clamped tits.

I removed the dildo from his ass and watched his hole begin to shrink. Playing with him had made me extremely horny. I stripped out of my cloths and got in position behind him. I shoved my hard cock deep into his ass and started humping him rough. I reach under his torso and release the clams. The weighted chains fell to the concrete floor. I tweaked his sore nipples, rolling and pinching them between my fingers. He screamed behind the gag and strain to get free. Eventually, the pain I was causing his overly sensitive nips subsided and he calmed down. All the struggling had him covered with sweat, which really turned me on. I hugged his body and fucked him. Smearing the sweat across his chest and stomach. I lick the salty moisture from his back and that takes me over the edge. I shoot my spunk inside of him and then rest against his bound, naked body. I let him off the bench and take him to the mattress where I bind him spread eagle.

End of Part One.

Next: Chapter 2

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