Part of the Crowd

By Joe Brown

Published on Oct 2, 2000


Okay, this is my first shoot at writing an erotic story, so I hope you like it. All the usually things apply. This is a work of fiction. All characters, and events are fiction. If you're under 18 you are not allowed to read and have now been warned. If you are offended by sexual conduct between two (or more) people of the same sex, than please, do not go any farther, because this is not your cup of tea! You should know that this story isn't all sex, so if all you're looking for is a quick read to get off on, you may want to look somewhere els. But the story does have a fair amount of sex, and sexual situations. So if you like a good read, with some hot stuff thrown in too, this is the story for you! Oh yeah, one last thing. This is a fictional story so of course none of these people have to worry about STDs. But we do. So in real life, always practice safer sex and use a condom. Okay, now on to the fun stuff!

Part of the Crowd Mike was small for his age of 14. The other kids always picked on him and made him feel worthless. They'd also started calling him fag because he never showered in gym and everyone said it's because he didn't want the other boys to see him get a hard on while looking at them. It was true that Mike would have gotten a hard on, but the main reason he never showered was because he was uncomfortable with his own body. He thought he was the ugliest thing on earth. But in fact he was actually very cute and all the girls would have been after him if it weren't for the fact that he was considered nerdy. He had the look of a child. He was skinny and a little on the short side. His baby face drove all the girls, and some boys, wild deep down, but they'd never admit it. He had deep blue eyes and blond hair. Under his clothes he was almost still completely hairless. Another reason he didn't want anyone to see him naked. And his cock was only about 5" but because of his small body frame, looked much bigger. Even though he was very small he did have some muscles. He had a slight wash board type stomach and his pecks, arms and legs were developed a little as well. His butt was small but round and the perfect shape to fit a hand. Mike was very shy, which was often the reason everyone loved to tease him. They knew he'd never stand up for himself. No matter what kids did to him, he just took it, and never did anything about it. He just didn't want to get beat up. On this day Mike was on his way out of the school from his last class. He was running to catch the bus because it always seemed his bus driver secretly wanted to leave children behind. If the bus diver was told by another student that their friend had went back into get something he'd pretend he didn't hear and take off. Mike was running so fast he couldn't stop in time when a student stepped out from a class room and slammed into him. "Watch where you your going, ya little fag!" The other boy screamed. Mike realized he was in big trouble. The guy he slammed into was James. James was a huge guy who was almost 17 but only one grade higher than Mike. "I'm sick of you little fags around here, acting like you can just do whatever the hell you want! Like the rest of us can't see what little perverts you are!" James said. The words cut through Mike like a knife. The fact that he liked to look at guys was always over him like a shadow. Sometimes he felt like he was some dirty thing that shouldn't be allowed to do things like the rest of the world. After all, there was a word for people who had the kind of attraction that he had for guys, GAY! And he had always gotten the idea that gay people were less than other people and even though he didn't consider himself gay, he felt like he wasn't good enough to just hang out with people and do normal things. That's why James' words really hurt. A punch would have hurt less. "I'm sorry James." Mike weakly chocked out. "Sorry isn't going to cut it little fag boy!" James snapped back. "Come in here." He said as he dragged Mike through the door into the empty class room. The door closed behind them. James' fist came back and punched Mike in the stomach. This sent Mike to the floor. James went over to the teachers desk and grabbed something and then came back to Mike, who was still on floor. "I think we'd better let the rest of the world know what kind of little queer you are!" James said. Mike was scared and didn't know what was about to happen. Then James pulled out the black marker the teacher uses to grade papers. James held Mike down and started writing on his forehead, then on his checks, then his neck. He then pulled up Mike's shirt and mike could see as he wrote in huge letters across his chest. "FAG". "No, please James don't" Mike screamed. James punched him in the stomach again. And told him to shut up. Mike grabbed his stomach and rolled over in pain. This left his back exposed, and he could soon feel the marker writing on it.. Mike was humiliated on so many levels. He hated the fact that his "pathetic" body had been seen. And was horrified to know that the word "fag" was being written all over him. Mike was wearing shorts so his legs were next to get wrote on. "Let's see..." James said. "Should I pull down you pants and write on your ass too?" he pondered. Mike was now in tears and hoped he wouldn't. If James did this, not only would he have completely humiliated him, but he'd also know what a small cock he had and know just how pathetic Mike really was. At least that's what was going through Mike's head. "No, I guess I'd better leave you're shorts on" James finally decided. "I wouldn't want to give you the satisfaction of having me touch your butt. I guess were done here queer! Now go home to your mom and dad let 'em see what their little boy really is!" The thought made Mike's eyes overflow with tears again. He didn't know how he'd explain something like this to his parents. He was sure they already suspected he was gay. Everyone did. But at least he knew that no one could say for sure. Not even he thought of himself as gay. But when everyone saw the words on his body he knew they'd always call him a fag and think he was gay no matter what he did from that point on. "See ya later, little fag!" James taunted one last time as he went through the door. Mike just lay on the floor crying and feeling as if he were about to die. In a way he wished he could. He couldn't think of any reason to live now. He heard his bus pulling out but he didn't care. He just didn't care about anything anymore. A teacher was about to pass by when he heard Mike's sobs and came in. "Oh, my God!" He said as he walked in and saw Mike on the floor with his shirt still pulled up and the words clearly visible all over his body. "What happened to you? Who did this?" Mike could only sob as more tears came from having the first person spot him. He knew this teacher. Mr. Fletcher is the type of guy who is always joking with his male students and calling them wimps and stuff like that. He thought the boys should be MEN. Usually he'd rag all over a boy for crying, but he could see this boy had good reason to. "Never mind, you don't have to tell me anything. Just go down to the gym and take a shower to get that stuff off." The teacher said with a surprising amount of compassion in his voice. Mike nodded. Since all the children had went home he guessed he'd be okay showering at school this once. He stood up and began to walk out. The teacher stopped him and pointed out that his clothes were dirty from the floor. He told him to ask one of the guys to borrow some of their clothss when he was finished. "What?!" Mike asked in surprise. "I kept some of the guys form my gym classes after school. I'm sure one of them has some extra clothes you can borrow." Mike remembered overhearing some of the people who had this guy for a gym teacher saying that since a lot of his classes were early in the morning he gave them the option of sitting out and then making the class up after school when they weren't so tired. He mostly kept the guys after school and sort of looked the other way for girls and let them go home. He was also a coach of just about every sport the school had, so this gave him a chance to try and convince the guys to join his teams. But few ever did because he worked his teams so hard that they had almost no socal life and were always to tired too do anything. Mike had a different gym teacher but had heard people talk about the class a lot. The coach taught just about all the grades, but most the younger kids had the other gym teacher, Mr. Sanders. "How many people are down there?" Mike asked, hoping the coach meant two when he said "guys". "Seven." The coach said, to Mike's horror. "They'll be finished in about five minutes. They should have went a lot longer, but I have to get home early today. I told they could play around and shoot hoops for an hour and I'd consider the time made up. But I know they'll only give me time to get far away and they'll hit the showers and head home. Since you've missed your bus by now you can probably get one of them to run you home. You'll need to call your parents and tell them you'll be home late." Mike's eyes widened at the thought of calling. "I didn't say you had to tell them what happened, just let them know you'll be home late." the coach said, sensing what the boy was thinking. The coach told Mike he really had to go now and sent him on his way. Mike stopped by the office and called home and told his father he'd be home late but he didn't know how late because he didn't know if the guys would take him straight home or if they would want to stop and do something first. In truth, Mike had no intention of asking for ride. He would just have to walk home even thought it was a long way. Almost everyone made fun of him so he didn't want to risk asking someone and then have them make fun of him, or maybe even do something worse than the writing that James had done. His dad was okay with it and thought maybe this would be a chance for his son to make some friends so he told him to be home as soon as could but no to worry if the guys wanted to stop somewhere and hang out or whatever. Mike hung up the phone and hurried to the gym hoping the guys hadn't got into the shower yet. He was outside the gym door and could hear the ball bouncing on the hard floor. A smile crossed his face as he knew they were still playing and thought maybe he could sneak in and out of the shower before they saw him. He could put his dirty clothes back on and hurry home. All that mattered was getting the word "fag" off his body. There was an entrance to to go into the locker room without going through the gym. Mike took this entrance and hurried through the room, jerking his clothes off as he went throwing it all on a bench as he went into the showers, which were through another doorway made of brick with no door covering it. He quickly turned on the shower and then found some soap and scrubbed his face as hard he could. He then went to his chest. His heart sank as he could see he was making almost no progress and it would take a lot longer to get the writing off than he first thought. He went back to work on his face. If he could only get it off his face he could hide the rest till he got home and could soak in a tub for as long as it took to get the rest off. Suddenly he heard voices as the boys from the gym entered the locker room. "So what are we gonna do now?" One of the boys asked "I don't know ." Another answered. "I guess we could've played some more b-ball, but I just feel like getting out of here" "Yeah, me too." another chimed in. "Why don't we go see a movie?" "Sure" they all said at once. "Where's the other guys?" A fourth questioned. "They were going on home so their just going to wait and shower there." This took a little off Mike's mind. As far as knew there were only four out there instead of seven, but that was still bad enough! There was no way around it now, they were going to see him naked! To his relief most of the marker was starting to come off. But he was now having to move quickly from one body part to another scrubbing hard in order to get himself clean in time. He had just got, what looked to be the last of it, off when the first two boys appeared through the door and spotted Mike. They each looked at Mike and then looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and went on to the other side of the showers and whispered to each other. Mike was now horrified.They had seen him nude! They didn't get a good look at his front since he was facing the wall but his butt could been seen and it was mainly just the thought of being seen like this that go to him. But at least he did get to see the guys naked. The thought really hadn't entered his mind till now. He recognized the two. They were, Jason and Nick. Nick was 16 and Jason was 15. He'd seen them around the halls but never really talked to them. They were both very cute and were muscular but not to the extreme like some guys. Jason had deep brown eyes and sandy blond hair. Nick had dark black hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean. Both boys were Hairless expect for a light trail that went form their belly buttons down to the pubic hair above their cocks. Even their cocks were beautiful! They were both cut (as almost all the boys in school were) and a nice length. Jason was about 7" and Nick about 6". The two of them usually hung out with two other boys, Josh, and Bobby. Mike figured these were the two other voices he heard. All of them would fit in nicely as members of boy bands. They all looked like they stepped off the covers of magazines. Mike had his back turned to them but couldn't help but keep looking over his shoulder to get in some long glances. The two boys seemed too busy talking to each other to notice him. Mike's five incher was now hard as a rock. He couldn't help but reach down and give it a little stroke. Suddenly the two other boys appeared in the door. It was Bobby and Josh just as he expected. He quickly turned his head away from the other two boys and looked forward. So he wasn't making eye contact. But Josh and Bobby didn't even look in his direction so he would have been safe even if he had kept looking at the boys. The other two went right on past him without noticing he was there. After they were on the other side. Mike looked over his shoulder. He couldn't believe what he saw! Bobby had a hard on! And he wasn't even trying to hide it! Mike always thought that if you were to get a boner in the shower you were branded a fag. Yet here was one of the most popular guys in school with his dick pointing straight out at the other guys in plain view and they weren't even paying attention to it! This blow Mike's mind! Mike observed the two new guys carefully. Again they were both very cute and muscular. The same hair trail form the belly button to the pubic hair was on Josh, but Bobby had no chest hair at all. Bobby had brown hair and brown eyes and so did Josh. Bobby was the biggest of all of the boys in there. He was also the oldest. He was just turned 17 last week. Josh was much younger at 14, the same as Mike. Bobby and Josh both had nice cocks and were both about the same size at around 7". Josh was the only one who was uncut. Mike's attention was on Bobby's erection though and didn't take too much notice to Josh's cock. All of the guys didn't seem to have much body hair except above their cocks. Mike always loved guys with smooth chests. He loved watching the guys in his gym class play basketball and get really sweaty which made their chest shine. He figured the fact that he had no chest hair wasn't really that bad but he had almost no hair anywhere! Even his pubic hair was light and looked more like the light hair covering his arms than the thick, dark hair most guys have. He was convinced there was something wrong with him even though in truth he was extremely attractive. But right now his mind wasn't on HIS body! "Man Bobby, do you ever take a shower with getting a woody?" Jason shouted, which snapped Mike out of his trance. "Oh, you guys are all just so damn sexy I can't help myself." Bobby said sarcasticly. Mike smiled a little because even thought he knew Boddy was joking. That was the exact problem he was having! They were all so sexy he couldn't help but get hard! "You do walk around with one all the time." Josh said. "I can't help it, I'm horny." Boddy said. "I need a nice blow job." Bobby announced. "Well don't look at me!" Nick joked. "Oh don't worry I don't think you have to worry about me or anyone else looking at you!" Bobby shoot back, causing Nick's jaw to drop open. "Oh, you wanna be that way do ya?" Nick said as he let his hands feel up with water. "Then take THIS!!" He screamed as he threw the water in Bobby's face. "Oh, nice come back!" Bobby taunted. "Throwing water on me while I'm in the shower, that'll learn me!" "Aw just shut up." Nick shoot back. Bobby smiled and turned his head, that's when he noticed Mike on the other side of the room. Mike saw Bobby looking at him and quickly turned his head forward but he knew it was too late and that Bobby saw him staring. "How long has he been in here?" Bobby asked in a whisper. "He's been here since we got in here." Jason answered. "I didn't see him either." Josh said. "What's he doing here?" "I don't know." Jason answered. "He was staring at us." Bobby reported. "Yeah, I noticed him too." Nick said. "He didn't think I could see him, but I could see him out of the corner of my eye and he kept looking over his shoulder at us." "That's Mike Summers." Josh said. "I heard he's a queer." "I'll bet he's got a hard on from watching us." Jason said with a grin. "You really think that's why he was watching us?" Bobby asked. "I've heard the same stuff about him being like that too, but you can't trust gossip." "I don't know." Nick said. "I think I've seen him a stare at guys before. I mean, I don't think he's a bad guy or anything. It just seems like he really could be gay." Mike could hear the whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. He knew it was about him. And expected to get beaten up any second now. "Hey Bobby, maybe you should get him to give you a bj!" Josh said sarcasticly. "Shut up." Bobby said, giving Josh a little push. But something about what Josh said stuck in his mind. He was really horny. He would love to feel a mouth around his cock sucking him off till he came. Would it really be so bad to have a guy do it? What would the other's say? Well they really wouldn't care. They'd probably get a kick out of it and give them something to tease him about. "Do you really think he would?" Bobby asked All of their eyes widened. And they all looked at him like he just grow another head. "Would you really let him suck you off?" Nick asked "I don't know, I'm really horny guys!" Nick said. "Me and Angela broke up almost a year ago! If I don't get someone, other than my hand to take care of me I'm going to explode!" All three of them bust out laughing but kept it down so that Mike couldn't hear them. "Well then go for it!" Jason said. "I kind of want to know what he'll do." "Me too." Nick agreed "You know you're all a bunch of pervs don't you?" Josh said. They all looked at him. But then he cracked a smile. "Hey I didn't say I wasn't a perv too!" Josh Joked. "Do it!" Bobby smiled and evil grin and began to walk over to Mike. Mike was now lost in his thoughts of how he was in big trouble for staring at them. For the second time today he wanted to die! He was scared and trembling a little. He could hear Bobby coming up behind him. "Hey" Bobby said. Mike didn't answer. "Hey, Mike!" He said a little louder. "W-what?" Mike asked. "What are you in here for?" Bobby asked. Mike thought fast. "I uh....spilled some paint on me from art class." He said without turning around. "Oh" Bobby said. Bobby looked around at his friends. They were all making hand movements telling him to get on with it. "Me and my friends couldn't help but notice that you like to stare at us." Bobby said. Mike closed his eyes like he was prepared to be beaten. He could feel tears build up. He began to breath harder. "Is it ture what they say about you? That you like know... like that?" Bobby asked not realizing how this was cutting through Mike. Mike fought back the tears and refused to cry. He couldn't answer because fear had took away his voice. "I'll take that as a yes." Bobby said. "You must have really like staring at me with my bonner over there, huh?" Mike was now ready to get the beating of his life. He had never been so scared and humiliated in his life. "B-b-b-Bobby, I'm sor..." "I was just wondering..." Bobby said ignoring Mike's apology. Mike shivered as Bobby put his mouth right beside his ear and whispered. "How'd you like to suck it for me?" Mike opened his eyes and looked back at Bobby with wide eyes. "What?" Mike asked. "You heard me." Bobby said back. "I want you to suck my cock." This really took him off guard. But he thought that it must be some kind of trick. Maybe if Mike said yes it'd be the proof Bobby needed that Mike was a fag and then the whole gang would beat him up. He started to walk away but Bobby grabbed him and looked him dead in the eye. "Please man!" he begged. "I'm so fucking horny and I really REALLY need some nookie!" Mike could hardly believe the look in Bobby's eyes. It was a look like he really wanted him. He really did want Mike to suck him off. This made Mike's dick stand back up again and twitch. But Mike still couldn't take the chance. And just because the guy was going to let him suck on him, it didn't mean he still wouldn't get his ass kicked after words. Again he tried to walk away but Bobby stepped forward and grabbed Mike. Mike tripped and went on his knees. This put his face less than an inch away from Bobby's boner. "Come on suck it! Please" Bobby begged. The rest of the gang came over to get a closer look. "He does have a boner!" Jason screamed. The others whispered to each other about seeing this. Mike was now humiliated again. They had seen him now! ALL of him! But even though he was humiliated he couldn't take his eyes off Bobby's cock. So many emotions were flowing throgh him that it was almost too much for him to handle. Mike started at the cock in front of him. He was now very turned on. And before he could stop himself his tongue shoot out and licked the bottom of the older boys cock. "Oh, man." Bobby moaned. Mike quickly jerked his tongue back in and looked around at the crowd and was horrified when he realized they all saw. And were now watching with great interest to see what would happen next. Why did I do that? He thought to himself. "Wow, He really does want to suck it!" Jason yelled. "Told ya." Nick said. Mike was horrified and wanted to get up but was frozen in place by fear. He was so mad at himself for letting everyone know he wanted to suck Bobby's cock. But it was too late. They all did know it now and there was no changing that. "Come one man, I know you want to." Bobby pleaded. "We all saw you lick it, you know you want to. Just do it man. Suck me off!" Mike knew he was already in too deep so he decided to just do it. He leaned forward and slowly eased Bobby's 7 incher down his throat. "He's doing it." Mike heard one of them say. "I can't believe Bobby actually got him to do it." Another one said. Mike just kept on going till he started to gag a little. The others laughed a little. "That should make you proud Bobby!" Josh shouted. Bobby was to interested in getting his fist blow job in months to respond. Mike adjusted to Bobby's cook and then started sucking hard and fast. "Oooooh, that feels so good." Bobby groaned. "Man, look him go!" Jason said. "He must have been wanting to do this for a while. My own girlfriend never sucked me like that!" "He- He's better than mine was!" Bobby said through the grunts and moans. Mike continued to pump Bobby's cock. His head was in whirl. He was loving this. He'd never done anything like this in his life! And they were all saying he was good at it too! But then it hit him what he was being good at. The word cocksucker hit his brain. He began to slow down. He had read stories like this where a straight guy makes someone his cocksucker. Mike began to wonder if that's all they saw him as. The worthless little cocksucker. But then he just concentrated on the job at hand and sucked harder than before. Bobby put his hands on Mike's head and began to push and pull his head back and forth on his cock. Mike relaxed and like Bobby take control. Bobby was now fucking Mike's face! Be began to buck his hips and could feel himself getting close to the release he needed so badly. Mike's hard on was throbbing and bouncing up and down with the beat of his heart. Mike couldn't believe it, but he could feel that he was about to cum! "Ooooh, this I so fucking good! "Bobby screamed. "Ooooooooooh, I'm gonna cum!" He began to buck he hips harder and shove his cock as far as he could down Mike's throat. Mike felt Bobby's cock jerk as he came. This sent Mike over the edge and he came without even touching himself! His cum splashed to the floor in huge wads then some more ran over his balls and down his legs. Bobby's cock kept pumping more and more ropes of cum down Mike's throat. Mike pulled back a little so the head of Bobby's cock was in his mouth and Bobby pumped out some more cum on Mike's tongue. Mike loved the taste. Kind of salty and a little sweet. Bobby finally pulled out. Leaving Mike to face the real world again. "Thanks, man!" Bobby said, in between breaths. "That...huh...was great!" Mike Jumped to his feel and looked as if he just realized where he was. The guys were all staring at him. He lowered his head to the floor in humiliation. He felt a little like a sex toy. He had been used to get someone off and now they were done with him. Or at least that's the way he saw it. "Hey man, what's wrong?" Nick asked. Mike didn't answer. He began to think about what they all must think of him. The little cocksucker had just proven that everyone's ideas about him were right. He did like to be with guys, and now a bunch of people knew it! What was worse, he now knew it for sure. He felt so dirty and just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The tears began to flow again and he backed up against the wall for support. He didn't make a sound. He just stood there with tears rolling down his face and dripping off his chin to the floor. "What's wrong with him?" Jason whispered to the others. "I don't know." Josh answered. Bobby began to think maybe he had hurt the boy somehow. Maybe he was too rough. He was kind of pushy. That's when it hit him. He had made the guy face something he had been trying to turn away from. He realized the boy probably thought they all hated him now and thought they might want to humiliate him by telling everyone. Bobby didn't know Mike very well, but he knew he was a good guy and he didn't want him to feel like that. He stepped closer to Mike and stood beside him. "Hey, don't worry about what you just did." He said in a soft, comforting voice. "Me and the guys won't tell anyone." "Yeah, we won't say anything." Jason said, trying to help. "Yeah!" The other's said at the same time. Mike sniffed, and tried to stop his tears to no avail. "Thanks for helping me out. You have no idea how much I needed that!" Bobby was struggling to find the right thing to say. Mike still just looked straight forward and wouldn't make eye contact with any of them. "Look, just because you like guys, it doesn't mean you're a bad person." Bobby said, getting a little reaction from Mike. Mike turned for a second and looked puzzled by what Bobby was telling him. "You seem like a really great guys as a matter of fact. So don't be ashamed of this." He reached over and ran his fingers through Mike's hair, causing him to jerk at the unexpected contact. Bobby smiled at Mike and Mike flashed a half smile back. Mike still couldn't stop crying. This had all just been too much on him. Even though he now knew these guys weren't going to do anything bad to him, there were still so many other issues this had forced to the surface. Just then Bobby did something that even surprised him. He moved forward and pulled Mike into a hug before he even realized what he was doing. Mike's instinct was to resist but he was too overcome with emotion and just fell into Bobby's arms and sobbed uncontrollably. "Go ahead." Bobby whispered. "Whatever it is you're feeling just let it all out." Jason motioned for the others to come with him out of the shower so Mike and Bobby could be alone. Mike continued to cry and sniff. Bobby ran his hands through his hair again and told everything would be okay. "Why are you doing this?" Mike finally asked through the sobbing. "Doing what?" Bobby asked. "Why are you being so good to me? Don't you think I'm just a worthless fag like everyone else?" Mike said, taking Bobby off guard, causing him break the embrace so he could look the younger boy in the eye. "Don't say that." Bobby said. "Why not? It's the truth, I am a fag! A worthless, ugly, cocksucking fag!" Mike said, with traces of shame, anger, and sadness in his voice. "I don't know where you got all this stuff from, but you're wrong!" Bobby said. "I know I don't talk to you that much, I've probably even made fun of you a few times, but I've seen the way you are. You're a good person. The fact that you're gay or bi or whatever, doesn't change that! And as for being ugly... I'd like to know what mirror you've been using!" Bobby said, looking the other boy up and down. Mike's eye grow wide and looked at the other boy as if he were the stupidest boy on the face of the earth. Bobby just smiled at him and giggled a little. "I know you don't mean that, but thanks." Mike said back. "Yes, I do mean it!" Bobby shoot back. "I mean every last word of it! You are a good person, and I know you haven't had a lot of people tell you this, but you're actually a real hottie!" Mike blushed and rolled his eyes in disbelief. "It's true." Bobby said. "I mean just look at you!" He said, again looking up and down the younger boy's body. "You've got a face like an angle, eyes that go on forever, you're body has this boyish kind of look that's incredible, and you've got the perfect shaped butt!" This made Mike smile and blush. He had never had anyone talk to him like this before. And something in Bobby's voice told him that Bobby really did mean what he was saying. Mike began to cheer up. He didn't feel so worthless now. He was actually starting to enjoy himself a little. "You've got a nice smile." Bobby said, making Mike smile even more. Mike kept blushing. He looked up and smiled at Bobby. "Hey, you wanna go see a movie with me and the rest of the guys?" Bobby asked. Mike got an unsure look on his face. Bobby could tell it'd take some doing to get him to come with them. "Don't worry about the other guys. I'm sure they're all cool with everything that happened here. Although they'll probably tease you a little." Bobby explained. "Do you think they'd want me to come." "Sure we do." Josh said from the door, having just stepped back in and over hearing the conversation. "But we'd better hurry up if we're going to make it in time!" "Well?" Bobby asked, and looked to Mike. Just then Mike remembered his clothes were still dirty from being shoved to the floor by James. He couldn't go in those clothes. "I don't have anything to change into." Mike explained. "Oh yeah, the paint." Bobby remembered. "Well, I'll lend you my shirt." Bobby offered. "I have and extra pair of pants." Josh said. "They may be a little loose on you, but they should do." "Come on, we want ya to come with us." Bobby insisted. "I know you're new at the hole "having fun" thing. But I promise it's not that hard!" Bobby teased. Mike could see they really did want him to come. He, still having all his issues, didn't really understand why, but something told him he should just go with it for once. "Okay, just let me clean up a little." He said as he stepped back into the water he left running while trying to get away. "Yep, wash the joy juice off and meet us outside." Josh said. Bobby gave Mike a grin. He hadn't realized Mike had came until just now. Mike blushed when he noticed Bobby looking at the trail of cum that ran down between his legs. This was the first time Bobby looked at Mike's cock. "Nice!" Bobby commented. Mike grinned a little. "See you in the locker room." Bobby said as he went out. Mike smiled to himself. He was now alone with his thoughts as he cleaned himself up. He had been given a lot to consider. He couldn't wait to fish and get out in the locker room. Something told him that after today, things might change for him. For the fist time in his life, he felt glad to be alive! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's it for now. If you like this story and what me to continue, e-mail me at: and I'll see about writing a second part to this! Any comments, good or bad, are welcome.

Next: Chapter 2

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