Passing My Oral Exam

Published on Jun 29, 2024


Passing My Oral Exam, Chapter 3

Passing My Oral Exam by Robby

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Chapter 3

I got under the covers naked, curled into a ball, while he finished showering. My emotions were getting the best of me so I turned towards the wall to hide my face from Corey when he exited the bathroom. It wasn't time for bed yet, but I was going to pretend to be sleepy so I wouldn't have to explain myself.

The door to the bathroom opened ten minutes later and I heard Corey's footsteps as he crossed our small dorm room. Usually he'd stop at his dresser and grab some shorts, but I heard him plop down on his bed instead. I knew he was naked or possibly wrapped in a towel, but didn't want to look because he might notice I was upset.

"You sleepy already?"

"Need to close my eyes for a bit. You can play a game or watch TV I don't mind."

"Is something wrong you sound upset?"

My voice had a way of conveying my emotions no matter how hard I'd try to suppress it. Corey was always quick to pick up on this, so he knew when something was wrong no matter how hard I tried to pretend everything was fine.

"Nothing is wrong just a bit tired. I'll be good as new in a bit."

"You do this every time you're upset, Robby. What's wrong?" He sounded irritated at me which just made everything worse. I knew from talking with other guys how much men hated girls getting emotional. Here I was emotional about my straight roommate just because I wouldn't get to suck his dick again.

"We just shared something amazing, but you said it's over. I don't want it to be over." My voice quivered in response to him.

"You'll be with Brandon in a few days and forget all about this."

"I doubt it."

If you'd asked me to guess his next action, then I'd have lost on my first 100 guesses. Corey walked to my bed, moved the covers to make some room, and slid under the covers with me putting his lower arm under my head and his upper arm around my chest. He was spooning me naked.

"I didn't mean to upset you. It *was* amazing, but what just happened has me confused."

"Really? Confused how?" I was genuinely shocked by his words and behavior. I scooted a tiny bit back and his chest and abs got into closer contact with me. He squeezed me a bit tighter before he responded.

"I've never felt this way about a guy. Heck, I'd never even thought about a guy. Didn't really think I'd enjoy you blowing me, but both times were amazing. It felt so good that I wanted you to feel just as good as I felt, which is why I stroked you. I don't like feeling confused about my sexuality, so I thought it best to stop practicing before you turn me bi." Corey sighed and adjusted his arms around me.

"There isn't anything wrong with being bi, and being sexual with me doesn't make you bi. I still want to be with girls just as much as you do. I just want us to be open to intimacy when it's just us. I like what this is and I don't need labels to enjoy it." My confidence was returning and my voice no longer quivered as I spoke.

"What about Brandon?"

"That was over for me before tonight I just didn't want to tell you. He only cares about himself and I'm tired of feeling like I don't matter to him. I know I matter to you, and you matter to me."

He squeezed me tight and kissed my neck a couple times. I scooted my butt back until I felt his cock against it. I had so many firsts with Corey and this was another one of those moments because this was the first time I seriously thought about going all the way with a guy.

"Confused or not, I like this a lot too," Corey said as he continued giving my neck and shoulder little kisses.

"Me too. It feels right." I'm not a cat, but I wanted to purr in his arms.

I knew Corey liked to give hickeys. He'd talk about marking freshman girls so other guys would know he'd been there first.

"Mark me. You were here first."

Corey growled and left multiple hickeys on my neck. I wasn't sure how I'd explain them tomorrow, but deep down it didn't matter because all I cared about was that he cared about me.

Eventually we ended our snuggle fest to get ready for bed. Corey came up behind me in the bathroom as I looked in the mirror and saw the marks on my neck. We would have to be careful or some people might suspect Corey did this to me.

"Oh fuck what have I done. You're going to get a lot of questions tomorrow." Corey laughed.

I grinned like a Cheshire cat. "I like my marks."

I brushed my teeth while he continued admiring his work. Not letting an opportunity go to waste, I bent over the sink to spit out the toothpaste and rubbed my ass all over his half hard cock. Corey got the message and grabbed my hips to center his cock between my cheeks letting it settle in my crack.

My body kept pushing back and wiggling so that his hardening cock moved closer to my hole. He closed the remaining distance and pressed his glans firmly against my virgin hole. I knew this was dangerous territory. We didn't have lube, he wasn't wearing a condom, and I wasn't sure either of us were emotionally ready.

After slightly wiggling and moaning on the tip of his cock for another 30 seconds, I slowly stood upright and turned around to face him. Wrapping my arms around his neck I gave him our first real kiss. He was smiling as I pulled back from the kiss, so I stood on my tippy toes to whisper in his ear.

"Guess what we're practicing next."


Thanks for reading! Again, feel free to reach out via email me at Sorry for the short chapter with no actual sex. More chapters will be on their way in July!

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