Passion in Fashion


Published on Nov 25, 2000


Hello everyone! Time for another spell binding edition of " Passion In Fashion" I hope you all find it a fun read and continue to do so for a while to come. Please feel free to Email me with ideas and comments. I respond to all mail, and I welcome the opportunity to chat with those who make my writing all worth while: YOU the reader:-) My special thanks goes out to Alfred, Joey and the rest who continue to inspire me to write better and better. Now on with the story..........

"Passion In Fashion " -11


Chris escorted Danny into his room while he waited for Lance to finish up with J.C. As the door closed, Chris walked towards the bathroom and said to Danny,

" Make yourself comfortable, I think Lance might be awhile."

Danny slumped onto the sofa and let out a big sigh. His day was not what he had expected it to be. First meeting N'Sync, then falling for Lance, The time at the beach, and now rescuing the band's career from a money hungry photographer was enough to make his stomach turn somersaults. He called out to Chris, who was preparing for the show,

" Chris? Tell me a bit about Lance?"

Chris stuck his head into the room that Danny was in and looked at him with a slightly quizzical look, " You tell me! You spent some ' Quality Time' with him today. You probably know him better than I do."

Danny turned to face the singer, " Well that's true, but I want to know stuff about him that I wouldn't find out from him. Stuff like: what makes him mad, or what would make him feel good when's he's down."

Chris shouted to him from the bathroom," Danny I can't answer that. Only by you being with him and learning it on your own will you ever understand Lance."

Danny looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. Love was never as easy as it looked on TV, and now he knew why he stunk at it. He pushed off the sofa and went towards the door,

"Chris, I'm gonna go find Lance. What room was he in?"

Chris took a moment to answer, " The third door down from the right."

"Thanks!", Danny replied as he headed on out the door. As the door closed shut, Chris emerged from the bathroom, wiping his hands on a towel. He had a smile on his face, and he said to no one in particular, " You'd better hope Lance is still in there , Danny." What Danny didn't know is that Chris was telling him where to find J.C.


Danny went to the door that Chris had told him to go to find Lance. He knocked lightly on the door. After a moment, the door opened to reveal not Lance, but J.C. Danny was momentarily stunned , not expecting to see Josh answer the door. He asked J.C. cautiously ,

" Josh , is Lance still in here with you?"

J.C. glowered at the young man with a stare to melt steel, " No HON he's not in here. He went back into his room, across the hall."

Danny met the man's eyes, " J.C. Let's let bygones be bygones. You are a cool guy, and I know you will be able to find anyone you want, but Lance has chosen me."

That statement made J.C. fume with more rage. He came nose to nose with Danny, " Danny you're way outta your league. Lance and I have history and we are ment for each other. What he sees in you I have no idea, but he's going to be mine, and you'd better step aside, or you will get hurt."

Danny immediately went on the defensive, " Josh, let Lance decide on who he wants. He wants me right now, and he's got me. Do you really want him from sheer force? He'll hate you if you try to stop him. Be reasonable...."

" Fuck you! " J.C. said with building ire, " You don't know Lance like I do. I am someone who can take care of him like no one can."

Danny was taken aback at the severity of Josh's verbal assault. He really wasn't going to let Lance and he have a smooth relationship. ' Man he really is in love with him' Danny thought. Danny composed himself before he spoke,

"Josh, live in the now. Right now he loves me and I love him. Face up to it. You'll sleep better."

That was all J.C. could stand. His fists were knotted up into flesh cannons and there was no holding back. Danny had really underestimated the intense power that jealously can endow on someone. For the second time that day Josh let loose with a volley of a fist towards Danny's face, and this time there was no one to hold him back. The fist made contact with Danny's chin, and sent the salesman flying back and down towards the floor of the hallway. The unmistakable sound of grinding teeth and bone on bone was heard as the fist and face made contact. J.C. was panting and sweating as he looked down on the now unconscious Danny. What Josh didn't expect was the loud shout of utter hatred and anger that he heard next, but not from Danny.

" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ASSHOLE?!" It was Lance, who had just opened the door as Danny hit the carpeted floor. J.C. looked up at Lance and lost his composure. He trembled like a leaf in the wind as he stepped over Danny to reach out for Lance. Joey and Justin were standing behind Lance as he reached down to aid Danny. J.C. tried to pick him up, but to no avail.

"Lance, he's not for you."

"Neither are you Josh, face up to it psycho I will never be with you!" Lance had become pure fury. Josh was taken aback from Lance's scolding remark. He realized that Lance was right. He was acting like a psycho. He dropped his arms to his sides and began to sob uncontrollably. Lance looked at J.C. with pity. ' He's like a lost puppy.' He thought to himself. Suddenly Lance was thrown back against the wall, as Danny rushed up from where he was laying on the floor, and as if he were sprinting with Mercury's wings, came to his feet and planted a right cross square on Josh's right cheek. The blow was unexpected and swift, and caught the distraught man off guard. The impact was heard by all as Josh's body met the floor with thunderous force. Danny was frozen in place as he realized what he had just done. Lance came quickly to his feet and shouted,

" No Danny! It's all right, don't hurt him!" Lance dove for Danny's arm.

Danny regained control of his temper as he looked at Lance with utter shock,

" Is it really alright, Lance? Cause he's trying to hurt me and worst of all, hurt US!"

Josh was holding on to his jaw, the same side where Lance had hit him earlier. Now the bruise had grown to a blacken shape, taking over most of his high cheek. He looked at Lance and Danny in defeated sorrow,

" Guys, I'm sorry. I've been an ass. I was wrong, and now I know it." He got to his feet. J.C. was a sight. He had a black mark on his face that was smeared by the makeup he had applied earlier; and his tears had stained that. He looked like a clownish version of his former self.

Lance held Danny, and the two of them looked at J.C. with pity on their faces. Josh wiped the tears and his nose with his arm, like a young child would. He looked at them while he went to wards his room and said,

" Well I'd better finish getting ready for the show then." He headed on into his room and closed the door behind him. Lance turned to look at Justin and Joey's reaction, but the door was shut. Evidently the two of them had closed the door some time back, and had left the three men to settle the argument amongst the three of them. Lance, still holding on to Danny looked him in the eye and asked,

" Ever get the feeling someone doesn't want you to be with me?" He smiled as he looked into his young lover's face. Danny smiled back and squeezed on Lance's arm,

"Hon I feel like the whole world's out to get us." He turned to face Lance, still locked in his arms. Lance closed his eyes and sighed,

" Well if we hold tough, we'll make it through." And they kissed passionately. After a few moments, Lance broke the kiss and said,

" C'mon it's time you got to see the real N' Sync." Lance took hold of Danny's arm and led him back into his room.

TO BE CONTIINUED................

All right folks that it for this edition, till next week, same N' Sync Group, Same N' Sync story. Ciao

Next: Chapter 12

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