Passion in Fashion


Published on Mar 15, 2001


Howdy Nifty readers! I have another installment of " Passion in Fashion" for you! I have gotten back on somewhat of a regular track and hope you continue to enjoy reading this as much as I like writing it. To all my devoted fans and to my new readers I say Thank You! Without you I would not have any gumption to write anymore:-)


DISCLAIMER ((((((((*

This FICTIONAL account of the love and sex lives of N'Sync is purely for the purpose of sexual release and erotic fun. No slander or libel is meant towards any real persons mentioned in this story.

"Passion in Fashion" -18


Chuck and Chad came into the dressing room and sat down on the couch. Lance sat at his dressing table and Danny on that, hands on Lance's shoulders, giving him a massage. There was light banter between the four men for a few minutes. Mostly of how Danny and Lance met and of their extraordinary day together. Both newcomers listened intently to the story as Danny and Lance recounted it. After the story was over Chuck asked Danny a question.

" So Riggs, what's your plan now? I know you said that Lance got you some time off from work, but they won't let you of forever?"

Danny teased a stray lock of Lance's hair as he answered, " Well I've thought about that. I decided that I will work with the band as long as they need me." He hopped off the table and began to pace around; " If I have to quit, I will. I'm sure that if I ever needed to go back Mario would recommend rehiring me. It's not like I was fired or anything."

Chuck looked at Chad, then Danny and replied; " Well I'd hate to have anything happen to you. Besides," He got up and placed a hand on Danny's shoulder; " I would hate to break in a new man."

Danny looked at Chuck and smiled; " You're a great guy Chuck." Danny looked down at Chad, " Hold on to him Chad. He really is tops." Danny returned his gaze to Chuck than to Lance.

" Oh I know what gem I've got." Chad retorted slyly; " He's the best Boyfriend anyone could have."

Danny laughed as he looked at Lance; " No I've got the best boyfriend." Lance got up and hugged Danny; " Besides, Mine's cuter than yours." Lance let out a small laugh.

Chad rose to take Chuck into his arms; " Oh well can your boyfriend do this?" Chad grabbed Chuck and pulled him into the most erotic and sensuous kiss Danny had ever seen. Both fought for each other's tongues as the two kissers really got into it. Not to be outdone, Danny grabbed Lance and said; " We gonna let a couple of pretty boys get the better of us?" Danny wagged his eyebrows. Lance fell back into Danny's arms and replied;" Well, let's give them a run for their money."

Danny sank into Lance's lips and began to massage them with his. The two caressed each other's lips, then the tongues were released and the two men began to get more erotic. Light flicking became tongue wrestling then melted into full-blown French-kissing. Chuck and Chad eyed the pair intently as their friend was kissing Lance Bass of N'Sync. That was enough to send this ol' kissin' match into an erotic frenzy. As Chuck and Chad broke their contact, the stood there and watched Lance try to inhale Danny. Both men sensed the fire and love in the kiss. After a moment of staring, both men began to clap. Danny and Lance broke their kiss and looked at the clapping young men. Both Danny and Lance took exaggerated bows and laughed. Chuck spoke first.

" Well I must say you two make a cute couple." He glanced at Chad, " Well second cutest."

Danny gave Chuck a sly look; " Says you." Danny returned to playing with Lance's hair as he continued; " Are you guys free tonight?"

Chad looked at Chuck and both faced the couple; " What do you have in mind?"

Danny looked at his friends then back at Lance; " I thought we could all go out for a drink or late dinner. How does that sound?"

Broad grins broke out on Chuck and Chad's faces, " Yeah." Chad said looking for affirmation from Chuck. Charles nodded in agreement as Chad continued; " Where did you have in mind?"

Now it was Danny and Lance's turn to look at each other. Lance spoke first; " I'd love to go dancing. "

Danny smiled as he retorted; " You just danced your heart out on stage, and you want to dance some more?"

Lance looked back into his beloved's gaze; " I wanted to dance with you. I always have enough energy for you baby."

As the two lovers cooed, Chuck broke in; " Well since you guys want to dance, I recommend we go somewhere where we can." He looked at all four of them; " How does the Boom Boom Room sound?"

Lance laughed; " Boom Boom Room? Is that some sort of sex club?"

Danny smiled as he answered him; " It's a Gay bar and club in Laguna Beach. I think you'd like it."

Lance looked at Danny, suddenly realizing something; " Maybe I shouldn't go. There might be someone who recognizes me there. The press would have a field day."

Danny thought for a moment before he responded; " We can put a wig on and contacts. No one will ever know its you."

"Problem solved." Chad said; " Besides I want to dance with Lance and see if he is as good on stage as he is on a dance floor."

Lance looked at Chad and replied; " You're on buddy. I will dance you into the ground."

Chad and Chuck rose as one and slowly made their way towards the door; " Well we'll meet you guys there." Chuck said, " What time?"

Danny glanced at his watch and then at Lance; " Well its Eight now, How about 10:30?" He looked at Lance for approval.

" 10:30 is cool." Chuck said; " Well guys we'll meet you there." Danny got up and gave both departing men hugs. Lance rose and shook both men's hands.

" See ya then." Chad said as both he and Chuck exited the dressing room and headed on out of the backstage area. As the two men walked away, Lance turned to Danny and said, " Well we'd better get to the limo and get that meeting over with."

Danny's eyes flashed with momentary suprise, " I almost forgot about that." he said as he glanced back into the room again. " I think we'd better get our stuff and head on back to the hotel."

Lance was about to answer, when Jamie came walking up to the pair. " There you are Danny. Somehow I thought you'd be with Lance.," he said slightly sarcastically.

" What can I do for you Jaime?" Danny replied. Slowly he and Lance drifted apart to maintain a platonic elusion to the recently arrived dresser.

" Well now that you are on the payroll, you have to earn your keep." Jaime pushed passed Danny and Lance towards the pile of clothes he had given Danny earlier. "I need you to get these clothes into the van." He motioned to Danny to come to the pile as he began to hang the clothes on the rack in the room.

Danny turned to Lance with a look of 'What do I do?' Lance turned to Danny and whispered, " Well he has a point. I will send a car for you to come to the hotel right after you're done, o k?"

Danny nodded and began to walk towards Jaime as he responded; " Well I guess I'll see you later then." he winked at Lance then turned his attention to Jaime and the wave of clothes that he was placing on the rack.

Lance smiled as he gathered up his things and headed out of the room. As he closed the door he thought to himself, ' God I love him!' And Lance headed on towards the limo.


Chris and J.C. walked out of the backstage area and headed on out a side door. They were in a deserted parking lot directly behind the Pond. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the sapphire blue sky as the sun sank far below the horizon. J.C. took a deep intake of air, smelling the slight door of Diesel and Magnolia. The faint roar of the nearby freeway added the final detail to the environs that he and Chris had entered. As the door closed behind them Chris put his hands in his pockets as Josh walked past him to extend his arms and stretch. Chris took out a slim cigarette and lit it quickly.

J.C. returned his attention to Chris, " I thought you had given up smoking?" He asked slightly perplexed.

Chris took a long drag, as his gaze never wavered from Josh's. He held the nicotine- laced smoke in his lungs for a brief moment as he extinguished his lighter. He released the smoke as he answered, " Well old habits die hard I guess." He took another drag.

Josh walked right up to Chris and looked at him with a growing look of disgust. " I bet. So Cyrano, what do you propose for me to fetch the fair Roxanne?"

Chris' chuckle was strained at best, " Nothing so dramatic, Josh." He held his cigarette as he continued to look at Josh; " We need to find a way to get with those two. I'm sure with generous use of our charms and a little deceit, we can get you what you want."

Josh turned away from Chris as he walked towards the guardrail enclosing the parking area. A slight chill began to inch its way into Josh's bones. He let out a long sigh as he retorted.

" Lies and faking shit! Chris why do we have to resort to bullshit to get Lance? Maybe I should give up and let him be." Josh was facing the freeway now, quickly losing himself in the car lights as they raced by. Chris moved closer towards the back of the virile young man. He placed a gentile hand on Josh's shoulder. J.C. flinched slightly as Chris made contact with his body. Chris sensed it, and quickly withdrew it. His heart ached slightly at this physical rebuking and he took another long drag of his Camel cigarette.

" Josh I need to know something?"

" What?"

" Answer me now, and be honest?"


" When we made out earlier; did you feel anything for me?" Chris's voice broke slightly.

Josh turned to face Chris. Chris looked like a sad puppy dog, suddenly deprived of a bone. Josh stared deeply into those eyes. The same eyes that earlier he had bored into. With all that had happened in the past 16 hours, Josh didn't know what he was feeling. On one hand he loved Lance so very much. On another he had a lustful drive for Chris. And he was now eyeing the gorgeous boyfriend of Danny's friend. He just wanted to get today over with, have a night's rest then wake up and start from square one. He knew that they were going to have a meeting tonight, but he was just not up to it. Josh collected himself as he responded.

" I did feel something Chris. I just don't know what's going on right now." His gaze shifted to the Arena directly behind Chris. " I am so tired and beat that I just want to forget today ever happened."

Chris's expression lightened as he said, " Well we still have that 'meeting' tonight at the hotel?"

Josh sighed and slumped slightly. " I think we'd better tell Greg we don't need to have one. I think I am just going to forget about Lance, and keep out of his and Danny's way."

Chris' face lightened at the admission; he just hoped it would stick, but he would not waste any time.

" Well, let's go find Greg, and tell him the meeting's off. He's our manager, not our nanny."

Josh broke into a strained smile as he and Chris went back towards the stage door. As they neared the door, it opened slightly. Talking and not watching what they were doing; came Chad and Chuck. As the door flew open, Josh was not aware that he was as close as he was, and the force of the door was such that Josh was knocked on his butt upon impact. Both exiting men stopped their chatter as they heard and felt the impact on the door. Josh tumbled as he came to a stop at Chris' feet. Chris, momentarily stunned, soon collected himself, and went to lift Josh up from the pavement. Chad was the first to rush over and help. As Chad's outstretched arm made contact with Josh's hand; Both were hit with an inexplicable jolt. Chad's eyes grew wide as saucers as he momentarily was woozy. Josh had a similar look on his face.

" Are you o k?" Chad asked with a note of fear in his voice.

J.C. just continued to hold out his hand and stare into Chad's face. He felt the image of Lance fade like sand on the beach from his mind as a new vision overwhelmed him. Chad's face opened like a spring flower to him, and he was in awe of its beauty. J.C. thought love and beauty began and ended with Lance, but now he was beginning to think differently. Josh felt a warm glow encircle him as Chad's hand made contact with his, and he was swept off the pavement and up on his feet again. He scarcely felt Chris' hand on his back as he continued to be enveloped by the warm glow of this enchanted being.

"Yeah, thanks. Say aren't you...." Josh's voice trailed off as Chad and Chuck realized whom they had toppled. Both men were dumbfounded and shocked into silence. After a moment of awkward silence, Chuck spoke.

" Oh My Mr. Chasez, We're so sorry, we didn't know you were coming in." Chuck's apology seemed sincere.

Josh never heard him. And for that matter, neither did Chad. To the both of them it seemed that there was nothing in the universe but them. Josh felt a warm tendril of connection begin to form between him and Chad. He was sure Chad felt the same way. In fact Chad was beginning to think he was the one who fell. Chad took a moment to regain his composure as he said.

" I'm Sorry Sir, we didn't know."

"It's o k and please call me J.C. or Josh." He said in a very raspy voice.

"Well I'm sorry..Josh." Chad said slowly. Chuck was looking past Chad as his eyes locked with Chris'. What he saw there was something quite interesting. Chris' dark eyes were like hued onyx and were sparkling in the dim light. All four men continued to gaze at their respective contacts for what seemed like an eternity until someone spoke up from behind Chuck and Chad.

" Gentlemen, what seems to be the problem? Oh Chris, Josh there you are!" The voice belonged to Greg. As suddenly as it had begun, all four contacts were broken as one by one each man was released from their ocular contact. As they regained their composure, Greg pushed passed the two visitors as he stood to address the two singers.

" Well guys are you ready to get back to the hotel?"

" Umm yeah sure," Josh said, " We're ready. " He looked at Greg, then back at Chad, " I'd like to say I'm sorry I bumped into the door."

Chad smiled as he said, " I should be the one apologizing to you! Is there anyway we can apologize to you?"

Josh turned to Chris as Chris looked at him with a stare that said ' I Agree'

" Well there is one thing you can do?" He retorted.

Now it was Chad and Chuck's turn to look at each other. They took a moment before they responded.

" What did you want us to do?" Chuck responded for them both.

Josh's face broke into a sly grin, " Let us take you to dinner to apologize."

Both men froze in place. Greg let out a muffled cough.

"Umm Guys? We need to get going back. We have that thing we have to go do." Greg's tone began to harden.

Chris turned towards their manager and responded, " Well we decided to let everyone do what they want. We don't need to discuss it, at least for tonight. " He said, catching Greg completely off guard. As Greg composed himself, Chad answered Josh.

" Well we are meeting Danny and Lance tonight." He said slightly crestfallen.

Josh looked back into his eyes with an intensity he had never known.

"But we could cancel. I'm sure they want to be alone. " Chad was able to eke out.

Both Chris and Josh smiled as Chuck and Chad did. Greg broke the connection.

" Well I think you should reconsider that Chris?" He said slightly annoyed.

" I have, and our decision stands." Chris held his ground.

Greg slumped noticeably as he replied, " Fine have it your way. Well I'll see you at the hotel." He headed on back towards the door. He stopped and looked back. " And try not to get in any trouble, o k?"

All four men smiled like Cheshire Cats as Chris waved him on and said, " Good Night, Greg."

Greg left without another word. The men returned their attention to the matter of dinner.

" I think you're right. " Chuck continued, " Riggs and Lance need some privacy."

Chris looked at Chuck, " Well why don't you two come on by the Anaheim Hilton and ring us. Have the Concierge give us a call, and we'll come meet you."

Chuck nodded and said, " That'll be fine. How about 9:30?"

Josh and Chris nodded. " Nine it is. See you then." The men exchanged handshakes and went their separate ways. As Chuck and Chad left, Chris and Josh went back in towards the waiting limo. As they walked back , They began to talk.

" I think they are a cute pair." J.C. said.

Chris, eyes forward, said, " Dinner should be interesting."

" Yeah, " Josh retorted, " Very Interesting."

Chris leered at his companion as the strolled towards the car area. " Now what?"

Josh smiled a smile Chris hadn't seen in awhile. " Oh Nothing."

"You seem chipper? You getting over Lance?" Chris said sarcastically.

Josh let out a giggle of glee, " Lance who?"

Now both of them laughed and continued towards the waiting car.


Well I have finished this chapter! I will have the next one out ASAP! Till next we meet, Ciao!

Next: Chapter 20

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