Passion in Fashion


Published on Sep 21, 2000


Hello once again folks to another exciting installment of " Passion in Fashion" I hope you are continuing to enjoy it as much as I am writing it. I want to thank Casey and Jermey for your continued support and hello to the rest of you. KEEP WRITING ME!!! I will respond to all EMails, Flames will be cheerfuly ignored.As a reminder to you all, I accept plot twists, and if I think them viable I will incorporate them into my story. So sit back and enjoy............

"Passion In Fashion" Part-3

************ DISCLAMER ************

This story is a work of Fiction. Any alitirations to the sexuality of N' Sync is merely for story purposes, but if they are gay,more power to them!


"Shopping is fun;Just ask any girl, Joey." Justin said with amusement. Justin was looking through a rack of leather jackets and talking to his fellow band member. " Besides, this is like being a kid in a candy store, getting to try on clothes, and walk away with what we want, and not pay a dime."

" We still have to pay Goldilocks," Joey said while thumbing through the rack Justin had just vacated, " If we don't preform, they will come take the very shirts off our backs."

" Well then we'd better give a kick ass preformance then?" Justin said wrily.

" Yeah Goldy. We'd better." Joey said with a twinkle in his eye.

Meanwhile on the other side of the department, J.C. was trying to show Chris the finer points of Leather pants.

" Oh C'mon Chris, haven't you ever heard the expression " If its leather, it will come together.'?"

Chris exhaled, " J.C. You have more leather in your closet than a shoe factory. You know it won't kill you to try another textile."

"Yeah but Leather man, LEATHER!!" J.C. said enphaticly as he clutched a pair of Boss Black leather pants. " The feel, the smell, the senuality." As he said that last word, he drew his arm up over one of the pant legs stroking it as if it were a pet.

Chris and J.C. still debated the leather issue, while in another part of the department, Lance was going through a rack of silk shirts. As he did so, Danny approached him cautiously.

" I wanted to thank you Mr. Bass for helping me up earlier. That was very thoughtful." Danny was feeling the energy crackling off Lance as he spoke to him.

Lance looked up and met Danny's gaze, " Its ok Daniel, and please call me Lance. I am used to rescuing people in slip ups, especially those I like." The last sentience was said with a hint of flirtation. Danny could almost swear Lance was flirting with him.

"Well thank you again Mr. err I mean Lance. I appreciate the compliment. By the way you can call me Danny.Now is there somthing on this rack I can help you chose out?"

" Well, " Lance continued, " I was looking for one of these in a Medium." He held out a silver iridescent silk shirt for Danny's inspection. Danny went to take the shirt from Lance, and right before he got ahold of it, Lance released and the shirt went rushing to the floor. As it did, Danny bent down to retrive it, just as Lance did the same. Both reached the shirt at the same time and again both their hands met. This time both let their hands linger on the shirt. Both were croutched next to the rack and at that moment, both felt a connection. Lance gazed into Danny's eyes for a moment, and in that moment, Danny felt as if time had come to a sweet and loving stop. Lance's fingers began to caress the other man's hand and Lance moved in closer as if to kiss Danny. Breaking free of the trance Lance had Danny under, Danny rushed up to his feet and brought the shirt up with him.

" Oh that's quite alright Lance, people drop things all the time. Here you are." Danny handed the shirt to Lance,just as the singer regained his stature.Lance took the shirt and continued to look at the awe strucked salesman.

Lance said in a low whisper only Danny could hear, " I'm sorry did I offend you? I just thought when you looked at me,and I looked at you........" Lance trailed off into silence.

"Its quite alright Lance," Danny said in a hushed tone, " I really was touched by the gesture." Danny was looking into Lance's jade colored eyes and again in that moment Danny began to lose track of time.

" Oh Danny," It was Mario calling him, " Will you go in back and see if we have a pair of Boss black leather pants size 30 for Mr. Chazen?"

" Right away sir." Dany snapped back into reality. Quickly his hand reached into the rack and pulled out a medium silver silk shirt for Lance. " Here it is. I will be back shortly to check on you." Danny gave Lance a semi-wink and headed off into the back to locate the leather pants.

The men continued to shop for their wears. Joey was rummaging through rack after rack of Tommy jeans looking for the right color and size. Justin was at the mulit full panel mirror inspecting himself wearing a charcoil black velvet jacket. Chris was dilgently picking out Armani turtlenecks, and J.C. was waiting for Danny to return from the back with his leather pants.

As Danny was looking in back for the pants, his mind raced. 'You lucky son of a bitch!You bastard! You broke the caress of the most sensual and beautiful man you have ever seen. What got into you?!' Danny mentally kicked himself as he found his query. He grabbed the slacks and headed on out to the department.As he emerged from the stock room, he noticed Lance was nowhere to be found. quickly Danny'e eyes darted around the whole department, but no Lance. 'Oh No!', Danny thought in horror, 'Did I run him off? Oh no no no.' Danny raced to J.C. and deposited the pants in his hands. " Here you go Sir. Will there be anything else?"

" Naah this is perfect!', J.C. said excidedly, " I'm gonna try them on as soon as Lance get his butt out of the dressing room."

At the mention of Lance's name, Danny's head snapped in the direction of the dressing rooms. His pulse quickened and he let out a sigh of relief. J.C. caught the Salesman's sigh and asked:

"Are you ok Daniel?

" Huh? Oh oh yes Sir I'm good, I was just wondering if Lance had gotten the right size of shirt to try on. Before I went in back he asked me to locate a size for him." Danny was breathless.

" Well go ask him if he has, or wait, you'll know soon enough." J.C. said with minor distraction as he inspected the price tag of the leather pants Danny had brought him. "$450?! WOW these are pricy. "

" Well around here we call this place ' Needless Markup'" Danny said. The name was one the employees generally used when not in the company of customers. Danny realized what he said right after he said it. He tried to cover up his mistake, " But that is not somthing we share with customers."

J.C. Laughed with true amusement, " Needless Markup! I love it! Its catchy," He said while looking around the department, " Now I need a shirt to go with it."

" Well let me show you some of our finer shirts." Danny said as he led J.C. to the far side of the area where he and Lance had been earlier.

" Well I'm sure I can find what I am looking for,thanks. By the way, weren't you supposed to check on Lance and his shirt ?" J.C. asked while he met Danny's gaze.

Danny blinked as he started, " Oh yeah, well I'd better go check on him then. If you need to try these items on, just head on into that area just off to the left of the Mirrors." Danny then turned on his heels and headed off in that direction as fast as he could, while still looking as if he were walking. As he entered the Dressing Area, he passed Justin, still trying on coats, this time a full length tan leather trench coat. Danny asked him as he passed by the young man, " How are you doing Mr. Timberlake? Are you finding what you were looking for?"

" Yeah thanks man. This place is bitchin'! I love the clothes." Justin said as he snuggled into the collar of the leather coat, " This coat is so soft." he said as his cheek caressed the lapel.

" Well if you need any assistance, just let me know I am here to serve." Danny said and continued on into the dressing area.

As he entered the dressing area, he heard Lance in one of the cubicles trying on clothes. Danny spoke up," Lance do you need help?"

" Well only an opinion," Lance called back, as one of the far doors opened and Lance stepped out into the small hallway, Shirtless. Danny's eyes drank in the young singers hairless white chest. looked glassy eyed at the small dark pink nipples, which began to rise as the air hit them. Danny Shook his head to clear his thoughts.

" Ummmm what can I help you with?"

" Which shirt is more attractive? This one?" He held up the silver silk shirt Danny had given him earlier, " Or this one?" He held up a black velvet shirt.

Danny moved closer to Lance, " Well it all depends on what you want to express. Do you want to be flashy and slick, then I say go with the silver one. But if you want to become mysterious and deep, wear the black one." Danny was now within inches of Lance.Lance scooted back into the dressing room, and Danny entered and stood right behind him. Danny took the shirts and turned Lance to face the full length mirror in the cubicle. As he touched Lance's bare back, Danny felt the heat rise off his smooth sensual shoulder blades.Danny had to use all his self restraint from grabbing the young man in an embrace. He held the silver shirt under Lance's chin.

"You see, Silver:Flashy. Black: Mysterious." He alternated between holding one or the other under Lance's chin. Lance eyed him in the mirror. Danny caught his stare and returned it. This time there was no holding back, no self restraint. Danny tucked the shirt under Lance's chin, but Lance started to turn to face Danny. At that moment Danny's chin inched towards Lance's face. Lance did not try to move away. Their lips met, and the result was a searing away of any pretences or rules. Lance opened his mouth to let Danny's tounge slip in and let his arms slip over the salesman's neck. Danny did the same and the shirts fell silently to the floor.They kissed passionately and softly........then it became more heated as emotions and hormones went into overdrive. their hands slipped on to eachothers backs, With Danny massaging Lance's bare back. Just as they were ready to pull away from the embrace, J.C. chose that time to enter the dressing area and try on somthing as he came to the ! doorway of Lance's cubicle he was filled with a sight he was not prepared to see.

There was no warning or time to pull away from the embrace. J.C. had caught Lance in the arms and lips of another man!

" Whoops!!!!!!" J.C. stammered as he tried to collect himself. " Lance? "

Both Lance and Danny were frozen, like Deer caught in the headlights of an oncomming car.They remained frozen in place, looking in wide eyed horror at J.C.

To be continued.................

Yeah yeah I know, WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!! Just as it were taking off,and things were going to be taken off;-) Well this is what's known as a Cliffhanger, a good way I'm assured you will read and look forward to the next chapter:-) Again please send EMAIL I want to know what you think. Until next time Nifty Users!!!!! Ciao!!

Next: Chapter 4

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