Passion in Fashion


Published on Sep 24, 2000


Hello Fellow Nifty Readers!! Time for another exciting and erotic filled adventure of "Passion In Fashion". I am very pleased to be getting so many positive EMails from many of you telling me how much you like the story, and I hope to keep you glued to your monitors for more. I want ot thank Casey and Jermey and all the others for your continued support of my writing efforts. Now without further ado..................

************ DISCLAMER ************

This is a work of Fiction. This story is not to imply the true sexuality of the memebers of N' Sync. They are talented guys and deserve the best and respect, and alot of love and hot sex.

"Passion In Fashion" -5


Danny And Lance arrived at the Four Seasons Resort just across the way from Nieman Marcus a short time later. After valet parking the car, the two young men entered the Hotel and proceeded to the hotel lounge. As they neared the entrance, the bartender called out tot them from behind the bar, " I'm Sorry gentlemen, the bar dosen't open til 2 P.M.:"

Lance looked at the man and asked, " Won't you make an acception in my case?" He flashed his green eyes at the man across the bar.

The bartender looked at him and asked, " Hey, aren't you one of those singers from one of those boy bands?"

" I sure am!, :" Lance said proudly. he turned to Danny and whispered, " Sometimes it pays to be famous." Lance once again spoke up, " Could you let us in? All we want ot do is have a soda and talk. Please?" Lance's face was full of emotion, as if his life were in the balance for a seat at the closed bar.

" Well," the bartender started, " Since you are a VIP.......sure." he waved his hand over the bar, and the two men entered the lounge. as they passed the bar, Danny spoke to the barkeep.

" We're going to take the farthest table you have. Ok?"

"Sure," the man said agreeably, " What can I make for you gentilemen?"

" I'll have a Crown Royal on the rocks and Lance will have....." He trailed off as he turned to look at Lance to get his order. Lance spoke up.

" I'll take a Heniekin.With a chilled glass." he said politely.

As Danny made it to the table Lance had chose,he said in a hushed tone, " I didn't know you were a beer drinker?"

" Well there are alot of things you don't know about me, but you will." Lance winked at his man.

Lance could not have chosen a finer table in the lounge. The lounge itself was set on a platform overlooking the Lobby .The Lobby itself was paved in fine Italian tan marble and exquisite furnishings. The Lounge had a grand piano and several secluded seats and tables, shrowded with foliage. the far wall of the lounge was actually a giant window with a view of the palms and lucious growth of the hotel grounds beyond. The table he and Lance now occupied looked out onto the greenery and was secluded enough to where they could talk freely without being overheared. The bartender brought them both their drinks and left to let the two men converse. Lance spoke first.

" So, we're finally alone." He reached for Danny's hand and started to caress it.

"Yeah," Danny sighed, " I still can't get over what's happened in the last few hours. Talk about a reversal of fortune."

" Well I hope you're satisfied with the prize?" Lance's gaze was hypnotic.

Danny sank into his chair and into Lance's eyes, " Lance if you only knew what you've done for me. I know we just met and all, but I think my life is finally back on course." He took a sip of his drink.

Lance set his beer on the table, " Well Danny, why don't you tell me what I have done for you?"

"You've brought the sun back in my sky. Before today I was so depressed, because I had no one to complete my life. I now think I have." Danny's voice was soft and touching, but had an underlying note of sadness.

Lance's hand was stroking Danny's even more, as he held on to it, " Danny I fele the same way. I mean we just met,but I feel like I have known you forever. They say the first impression usually is the right one; I think that's true in my case for you." He moved closer to Danny.

They kissed tenderly and for qute a few minutes. As they broke the kiss, Danny cleared his throat and asked, " Can I ask you somthing?"

" Anything and everything, you know that." Lance responded.

" What happened with J.C. today? I sensed he is more than in like with you?"

" J.C.,it would seem, is in love with me."

" ' It would seem?' Don't you know him better than most? Is there somthing there?"

" No," Lance said sharply, " There is nothing between him and I...................But after today it would seem that he has held a torch for me."

Danny was slighty cold inside, " Well I won't stand in your way if you and J.C. want to get together."

"Danny! I don't want him at all. I want you and I want you to know I want you like I have wanted no one else. He is a friend and like a brother, but not a lover." Lance began to get misty eyed.

Danny quickly moved to catch the tear froming in Lance's eye, " I just wanted to know it form you , Scoop."

" How did you know my nickname?" Lance asked slightly shocked.

" I know Justin calls you that. I like that name actually."

" Do you have a nickname?" Lance asked inquisitively.

" Well I have several. Some call me Daniel, other call me Dan-O, and some call me Riggs."

"Rigs? Thats a cute one. How'd you get that?"

"Well when I was in Grade School, Lethal Weapon was in the theaters, and since my last name is Briggs, they though it sounded like Mel Gibson's charater of Riggs, so the rest as they say, is history. By the way how did you get the nicnake Scoop?"

" Its too long to get into right now," Lance mused, " Remind me to tell you when we have a quiet moment."

"Ok but I'll hold you to it."

"Deal, Riggs."

Both continued to sip their beverages and chat some more. After an hour of mindless chat, Danny looked at his watch and said, " Well we still have a few hours. Let's go to my sanctuary."

" Oooohhhhhhh," Lance cooed, " are we going to your pad?"

"More like to the place where I feel safe and secure and free, and I want to share it with you." Danny held out his hand and Lance took hold of it and rose to his feet. Danny left some money for the drinks on the table,and they headed on out of the lounge towards the car, arm in arm.


The remaining members of N' Sync returned to their suite of rooms at the Anaheim Hilton. One by one, each of the band memebers went thier seperate ways. Chris hit the shower for a long hot one before the show, Justin went to change into his sweats, Joey had to visit the throne rooom, and J.C. ................ went directly into his room, and closed the door. After locking and latching the chain, he drew the curtains close and cranked the AC on High. he stripped to his CK boxers and slid into bed and drew the covers over his head; And like a child who did not get the toy he wanted, Josh sobbed uncontrollably.

'Why can't I have him? Why can't I hold him?' J.C. thought in his sorrow clouded mind. ' I love him so much it hurts. and the day I get up the courage to do somothing about it? Some guy beats me to it! It's no fair! He's mine! MINE MINE MINE!!!'

He sobbed more intensely and wretching sobs overtook him. J.C.'s crying fit continued until he finally surrendered to sleep.

In another room down the hall, Joey was in the bathroom taking care of God's work, while reading a back issue of Superman Comics. There was a light knock on the door. ' Of all the times to knock, always when I'm taking a dump.' " Who is it?!" He yelled from the bathroom.

" Joey it's me Justin. Can I come in?"

" Yeah, c'mon in. I'm in the bathroom." Joey yelled back.

All the bandmembers had keys to the others rooms,but always knocked before entering. Justin entered Joey's room, dressed only in baggy grey sweats that were ratty and full of holes. They might be old, but Justin didn't care, they were the most comfortable thing he owned and would wear them till they rotted off. Besides, it felt like he was wearing nothing at all. As he closed the door, he walked in slowly and proceeded to stand in front of the mirror. he paused long enough to look at his image reflected in it. He admired his strong arms. Justin had been working out and his arms were toned and defined, which made him look very good on stage. as he flexed his arms in the mirrior, He failed to notice or hear Joey exit the bathroom. Joey stood there staring at Justin's half naked body. Joey's mouth was salivating as if Justin was a piece of fresh meat and he was a hungry lion.

Joey tried to shake the image from his mind, but as if he were possesed by some disembodied spirit, he moved quietly up behind Justin. As he came up behind the unsuspecting teen, Justin caught Joey's image in the mirror......................and he froze in place. Joey stood right behind Justin and began to massage his bare shoulders. As he did, Justin sank into his chest and closed his eyes to get the full effect of Joey's minstrations. As Joey kneeded Justin's shoulders, he lowered his head and kissed the left shoulder. Justin opened his eyes and spun around to face Fatone.

" What?" Joey asked, " Do you want me to stop?"

Justin bared his teeth and hissed, " You can't stop me now Superman!" And with that Justin grabbed joey by the front of his tee and shoved him on the bed. Justin then pounced on top of Joey and proceeded to rip off his clothes. Joey was caught off guard by Justin's quick moves and tried to repel him, but was pinned by Justin sitting on his chest.

" I was waiting for you to try somthing, " Justin said with breathless ire, " Now we are gonna have some hot sex. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME BOOTY!!!!!" Justin yelled as he decended on to Joey and began to french kiss him.

At first Joey tried to resist, but gave in after a futile attempt to make him stop. Justin's tounge slipped in to Joey's mouth and started to explore every inch of its interior. At that moment, Joey lost all control and with a burst of strength which would have made Superman proud, he flipped Justin on the bed and was now on top of him! Joey snarled at Justin as their kiss was broken.

"Ok Goldy, time for me to go Kryptonian on your ass!!!" and with that Joey proceeded to pull down Justin's sweats.

To Be continued........

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am the God of Hellfire!!! Just kidding folks. I am evil I know, just as things were getting heated, but remeber this is a love story. I want to see Danny and Lance get it on,and they will, but first i want to relieve some pent up sexual frustrations from the story and have some fun:-) Believe me, the next instalment will be full of graphic sex for those of you who need it. So stay tuned for the next installment. Ciao!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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