As summer slowly approached, John's therapy made great strides in improving his medical condition and his attitude about himself. Pat, naturally, was at his side, cheering his brother and best friend on. In addition, Pat had a chat with their parents about giving John some breathing room, so once he did that, John was much happier, and it showed every day.
John found, much to his amazement, that his legs were stronger than previously thought, so he began to entertain the idea of joining the school's swim twim. His family and doctor agreed, but the school was lukewarm to the idea, citing liability and insurance as reasons for doubt. The swim team Coach was totally against John joining the team and, in front of witnesses, said why. " I know the kid's worked to get out of the Hospital. I'm just saying that a pool there isn't the same as a swim team. He can't join."
Pat shouted out, "but what if he beats your best man in a timed match, Coach?" The Coach thought for a minute, then said, "you're on! If he beats my best man, two out of three, John's on the team immediately in 3 weeks." And so, the competition was set for two weeks, and John began to practice.
John pushed himself hard, and other than homework, school, and meals, he was too tired for making love with Pat, for they both knew this was something John had to do. John did, however, have enough strength to passionately kiss Pat before he fell asleep, and that made them happy. More than once prior to the match, John found himself in tears, scared that he wouldn't be able to win the competition. Pat would hold John, and reassure him that his best effort was the most important. That made the pain in John's legs bearable.
Finally, after 2 painful weeks, the day for the match came up. Both boys were friends, and wished each other the best of luck as they took their places on the starter's blocks. "BANG", and off they went. John and his friend were pacing each other almost the entire way, but, despite the fact that his legs were giving him problems, John just wouldn't quit. With a superhuman effort, John forced his body ahead of his friend's, and won the first race, but just barely. His Doctor and the Coach both approached him, with concern on their faces. "I'm fine," John said, "but can I get a leg massage before the next race? I'm STIFF!" The two men walked away, laughing.
Then, John's competition walked up. "Hi, Chad", said John. Chad nodded as he sat down. "John, that was really some lap you swam with me! Are you alright?" John looked at Chad, and nodded. "Anyway, I hope you win, 'cause it would be great having you on the team." As he said that, Chad blushed. John was astonished. "Thank you, Chad, I appreciate that."
John felt gypped. He didn't get his leg massage before the start of the secord lap, but he was ready. "BANG", and he swam as hard as he could. When the pain came, he ignored it and kept swimming. In fact, it seemed as if his muscles fed off the pain, pushing him further and faster, so much so that when he stopped, John found that he had beat Chad by a full body length! The Swim Coach happily ate his words in front of the team, the Principal, Pat, John, and their parents, and made John a member of the Swimming Team.
After they had a "Pizza Pigout", The Stephens drove home, with two very tired teens. The two lovers removed their clothes, and crawled into bed. "Pat," John said, looking deeply into Pat's eyes, "can you forgive me for being such a jackass these last few months?" Pat thought for a minute, then replied, "Lover, I love you more than anyone alive. I'd give my life for you, you know that. In my mind, there is nothing to forgive, so kiss me and let's get some sleep." They kissed softly, passionately, for ten minutes, then before turning off the light, John nuzzled Pat's ear, saying, "I love you, too."