Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Aug 18, 2023


Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 9

The two boys arrived at Pat's place, Pat entered the security code and in they went. Pat took Chad upstairs to the common room where the PS was set up and they settled down to play. Knowing there was nobody else at home Pat stayed clothed. After twenty minutes he removed his shirt at which time Chad did the same. The conversation covered lots of different topics.

During the setting up of another game Chad commented," that was pretty brutal what Max said about you. Did it upset you.?"

"Max is sometimes really protective other times he just tries to humiliate me, depends on his moods. I think sometimes he's jealous or he feels his position in the family is threatened. You learn to live with it."

"Why don't you just smack him one."

"Nah, you probably noticed I don't wear underwear. That came from complaining about having to wear Max's stuff." Chad looked at Pat with a questioning look." My mother couldn't be bothered sorting different underwear so just bought stuff that would fit Max because she said we were the same size, and when I kept complaining it was too small for me they said ok then don't wear any. Problem solved."

"Shit that's not fair."

Pat chuckled " I said that once and my father said neither is your arse but that's the way it is."

"What'd he mean by that?"

"Well duh, you might have noticed I have dark skin, so my bum is dark as well. It was one of his jokes."

"Yeah like I know you're really brown I wish I was. I love the beach and swimming but I get so sunburnt because my skin is so fair. Unlike you there's no difference in colour between my bum and my back not like yours ." After saying this Chad rolled onto his side and pulled down his shorts and briefs to give Pat a good show of his white arse with a few orange hairs on it. Pat with no intent other than as a joke with his new friend rolled onto his side and pulled his shorts down to bare his backside and pushed it back against the bare skin of Chad. The two boys laughed hysterically at the sight.

Pat felt Chad move and a hand placed on his bare arse. "Nice arse Pat really tight." The hand moved over the curved cheeks.

Pat laughed," you're right you certainly are white. Looks cool."

The hand kept wandering around Pat's bare bum," you got no hair anywhere. If I didn't know I'd reckon you were 10 or 12 little boy."

"I'll show you whose a little boy." Without further thought Pat rolled himself on top of Chad and began to wrestle with him.

"You got no chance little man."

At the sounds of that Pat put in extra effort in an effort to pin Chad's shoulders to the floor. The harder Pat tried so too did Chad. The problem for Pat was Chad was so much bigger.

"You're a strong little prick aren't you." Chad chided. "I'll do you fatso." Pat shot back.

Chad with his shorts already pulled down in the rear were down passed his knees with all of the rolling around and the only thing covering him were his low riding hipster briefs. Pat on the other hand had pulled his shorts down and with nothing under them they had got down to only being stopped from falling off by the root of his enlarged cock. The boys were to and fro each having their chance at being on top trying to force the others shoulders and gain submission.

Finally with extreme effort Chad sitting on Pat's chest and abdomen had bent forward and forced Pat's shoulders and leaned his forearm across Pat's chest limiting his breathing ability. Pat tapped out. Chad still sitting on Pat's torso and laughing sat back to look down on the smaller boy. When he did he could feel a substantial hardness pressing into his briefs covered arse. Chad realised the shorts had come off and were lying across the room. He looked down on Pat.

"You're a strong little bloke I'll give you that. You definitely got more than your share of go in you."

Pat was looking up at Chad and when he lowered his sight he noted the erect cock covered by red briefs with a very large dark spot on them. The sight of erect cock kept his attention. Chad now watching Pat closely could see where his focus was. Chad wasn't sure why he was rock hard but he was. He has never been in this situation before with another boy. What to do, sitting on a chest with a hard cock poking him in the arse and his leaking nearly on the other guys chin.

"What you staring at?" Chad asked. He slid slightly further forward bringing his covered erection and balls to sit on Pat's chin."

Pat moved his hand down to the waistband of his shorts and lifted it over the obstructing cock root. He then pushed his shorts down as far as he could which was only to mid thigh. He moved his hand onto the waistband of Chad's briefs and pulled them down until they were stuck under Chad's arse because he was still sitting on Pat. Chad without a word moved forward slightly to take his weight off his arse and onto his knees still being over Pat's chin. Pat pulled on the briefs, they slipped over the white arse but then got caught up on the spread thighs.

The briefs were free from Chad's cock and balls. Pat looked on them as if they were to be his meal. He tilted his head forward and flicked his tongue out, catching the orange haired balls. He moved his hand, took hold of the 6 inch thick pole of his new friend and dragged it to his lips. As he took the straining cock he also rolled the bodies to be so Chad was on the bottom and Pat to the side.

Pat looked into Chad's eyes and asked," you alright with this. I'll stop if you want."

For a moment Chad didn't speak then hoarsely replied," no I'm good all good. Please you do what you want."

Pat took Chad at his word and as he took Chad's cock deep into his mouth he sucked and swirled the tongue for a minute or so until Chad warned him he felt close to cumming. Pat stopped and Chad felt roar disappointment. Pat rolled Chad onto his back climbed between his legs up to chest and began to passionately kiss Chad.

Chad had never kissed before only his mother. Chad had never had sex before with boy or girl. Chad had never touched another persons genitals. He was experiencing his first albeit with another boy. He didn't care, it didn't seem offensive to him he wasn't doing anything. Pat was doing it all and he liked what he was doing. The kissing became heated, tongues being shared, rubbing against each other's teeth their gums into their throats the tongues intruded. Chad now had his hand at the back of Pat's head pulling their lips together so they couldn't part.

Pat moved a hand from Chad's chest and took it between the two bodies, down to hold Chad's plums and then further to a spot Chad knew nothing of. Pat had read of this and began to apply pressure to what should be Chad's perineum. He stoked and poked, he gently applied pressure. Chad moaned fiercely at the feelings running through his body. Pat pulled from the kiss and went back to encasing Chad's member with his mouth. He methodically worked from top to bottom of the pole. He wrapped his tongue around and tickled the scar tissue of the circumcised cock. Back to the glans and bathed the head with his tongue and saliva.

At the same time and a first for Pat he brought his hand to his mouth and wet his fingers. He returned it to the perineum at the same time going from the cock to taking a plum into his mouth and gently bathing it. He eased a finger around the pursed lips of the cavity he was seeking to enter. He sucked on the ball harder and took a free hand and slowly massaged the cock that was towering over his face. The very tip of the index finger found a weakness and entered. It caused Chad to moan and try to speak but he was to overcome with heightened sensations. The finger moved , in and out. Pat liked the touch of the silky feel in the cave. He pushed deeper. He moved his finger about he was now past the second knuckle. In and out twist it all about.

The finger withdrew and then without warning Pat expelled the plum and moved and reclaimed the shaft. Chad threw his head back onto the cushion behind him. Oh god the sensations. The finger was back only this time it felt bigger. Again and again it invaded. Pat was now working his mouth feverishly over the cock in his mouth. The taste of Chad's precum was now all he could taste, the boy was releasing so much. The invading digits found the go button and as they pressed on the button so Chad left forth agonising moans and thrust his cock as deep as he could into Pat's mouth.

Chad had never experienced such pleasure, this was so much more satisfying than knocking himself off. He wasn't sure about something in his arse but the feeling it brought took away his doubts of what was right or wrong. What was important was it felt so wonderful. The best feeling ever. It can't be wrong if it feels so good. Before he knew it, with his prostate being massaged and pressed, the tongue exploring every crevice and crease of his cock, he knew what was coming. Try as he might to warn Pat he was about to ejaculate he was unable to get the words out, he was too stricken with unbridled delight. He felt it burning its way up from his balls, up his shaft through his blue vein then blasting out through his cock eye. He blew with incredible force. Shot after shot, much more than he was used to. He grunted, groaned, moaned. It was wonderful, could he ever relive this moment.

Unable to express anymore juice, he looked down his body to see the black head of hair lying in his crotch. He moved his hands to the black head and gently put his hands either side and lifted the head to look at him. He bent forward as Pat let the softening cock plop from his mouth and moved up towards Chad. Chad felt his anus all of a sudden feel empty. He sighed and Pat moved to him and the two boys again kissed. Pat had climbed up between Chad's legs and was kneeling across his hips. The two boys kissed passionately Chad tasting for the first time his own sperm as Pat swapped what he held in his mouth into Chad's.

Chad took Pat's head, held it so he could fervently kiss the boy who had given him this experience. As Pat was now lying up Chad's torso, waist to waist, his fully inflated cock seriously leaking precum the boys embraced and kissed. Chad could feel Pat's shaft sandwiched between them.

"I'm not sure I can do it for you, I've never done it before." Chad softly explained.

" just grab it and jerk it for me." Pat requested and as he said that he sat up on Chad's hips atop the softening cock.

Chad looked down and could now see the formidable angry cock looking at him. Tentatively he reached forward and took it in his hand. He realised he couldn't get his hand around it being so thick." I never done this before."

"Do it like it's your own, trust me won't take long." Pat cajoled.

Chad tentatively started to move his hand up and down the shaft. The heft of the thing made Chad think Patrick must be deformed, it isn't possible for someone his size to have a cock this big, nor balls. No wonder he's good at sex he thought.

"I wish it was mine, I'd show it off to everyone." Chad answered. He kept slowly jerking. "Do it quicker, get hold of it and give it a go."

And so Chad did, he increased the power of his grip and the speed. The next thing he knew he was witnessing an eruption the like of which he had never seen before. Sperm erupted from Pat's cock shooting everywhere. Unfortunately for Chad he was holding the cock and had it pointed at him and he wore his friend's juice. Chad had never seen so much cum, it was all over him.

The two boys lay looking at each other. Chad at the softening prong and Pat at the cum covered boy under him. Pat lifted a finger and scooped a finger loaded with sperm off the chest of Chad and held it to Chad's lips. Initially Chad didn't respond, not thinking what was happening. At the feel of the weight on his lips he opened slightly and the finger slipped in. He tasted a slightly savoury taste even towards salty. Then another finger full then another. Pat then spread some of what was hanging on Chad's face around like a facial.

"It's good for your skin." Pat chuckled,," you like it, I do."

Pat slowly stood freeing the boy under him. He put out his hand and helped him to his feet. "Come to my room." Chad didn't answer just followed Pat down the hallway both boys naked their clothes strewn around the common room. Pat led Chad to his bed where the two boys lay side by side, naked, facing each other.

After a short silence"that was fucking amazing. That was just so many firsts for me,"Chad said quietly.

"Was for me too. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone as I do with you."

The two boys lay looking at each other heads on pillow neither saying anything for the moment. Pat moved closer to Chad and placed a hand behind his head then moved in, gently kissed him on his lips. At the same time he dropped a leg over Chad's two legs locking the boys together. Chad moved from the kiss and first nibbled on Pat's ear then dropped down to gently nibble on his pert brown nipple. Instantly Pat was hard.

Chad felt the erect cock pressing into his abdomen. He moved a hand to hold it just slowly squeezing, like milking a cow. He pulled off the nipple," this is one hell of a weapon mate. Has got to be the quickest draw in town."

Pat smiled at his friend," yeah it's a hell of a six shooter. Your pop gun's not bad either. I like playing with it." With that Pat brought a hand down to cup the ball filled scrotum, jiggled the balls a bit then took a hold of Chad at the root.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you off blowing you but I never done any of this before and i just couldn't get over the idea of having something that pisses in me mouth." Chad explained." I'd like to try again at some time."

"You did good taking our cum. You must have liked that."

"Not really. I suppose I could get used to it but I've tasted better things than that."

"So what you saying it's up to me to do it all. I know you like the feel of something in your tunnel."

"Yeah I got to admit I was weirded out when I felt it first but later it felt amazing like you found a magic button then bam."

"Yeah well it is sort of a magic button, it's your prostate." Pat explained.

"Never heard of it. I thought nothing goes in there only shit comes out."

"Up to you but I know you liked it. A lot of guys do and girls too I'm told. When you press midway between your balls and your arsehole that's your perineum and sort of the outside way of getting at your prostate but inside way is better." "I heard my sister Marcia telling Kelly my other sis that her boyfriend Owen tried to stick it up her arse and she bashed him and she bashed him again when he tried the front. I just thought it was a no no."

"Does she give him blow jobs or you seen them at it?"

"I don't know. I think she's pretty straight. Kelly is wilder she's always talking about sex and cock and trying to see me naked."

"Tell her she can play with your cock if she blows you. I know you like that as well"

"Mate fair go she's my little sister, I can't do that. Christ its hard enough for me to come to terms with taking your cock never mind getting my little sister to swallow cock". Chad looked at Pat seriously,"you know what the guys would say about us if they knew don't you. Maybe that also worries me about chewing on your dong."

"I wouldn't make you do something you don't want to do but I think you really enjoyed what we did, I know I did. Got to remember lots of guys say shit about lots of things they know absolutely fuck all about."

"Yeah I know just don't want to spread it about right now that you and I are into each other. You reckon this makes us like totally gay? I don't know if I want to be gay."

"I understand, me either. You're the first guy I feel really comfortable with. You know I don't think you get to choose if you're gay just whether you choose to accept it or not and if you lie to hide it."

"You going out with any other guys?"

"I like another guy I met through work, he's really nice and very thoughtful but I think he's really into girls and only has a guy on the side. He's not like serious about wanting a boyfriend just a bj or something."

"So I don't have any competition then. I mean you can do what you want I know but I don't think I'd like to be looking around school at different guys thinking if you had blown them or not that's all."

"Tom's the only one I've been with and I'll introduce you to him if you like. Just so you can see he's not that into me. Hell he might even try and trot you off."

"No chance I'm happy with the little fellow I got. He'll satisfy me I reckon." Chad said sincerely.

The two boys took each other in a hug and pulled themselves chest to chest crotch to crotch. They lay together in a relaxed bliss. Their hands roaming over each other, sensually feeling and stroking.

With no thought of time the boys are shaken from their blissful state by the sound , " Hi bro I'm home see ya in a moment I'll just change." Called out by Max as he headed to his bedroom.

The boys both sat up a fear of discovery overtaking them. Thinking quickly Pat whispered to Chad," follow me down the hall, I'll go into his room and close the door and you go on and get your stuff and then go if you want or come back here. Ok."

"What about your clothes?"

"Don't worry about me I'm supposed to be naked. I'm used to it."

Chad nodded and the boys opened the bedroom door crept down the hall to Max's room, the door was ajar. Pat stepped in and closed the door behind him," sorry mate I missed what you said. Did you call out something to me?" "Yeah I just said I'd be down to see you soon, that's all."

"You want me for anything in particular?"

Pat played for time. Whilst he and Max were speaking Chad had got to the common room, found and donned his clothes. He thought for a moment, grabbed his backpack, and having decided it was better he not be caught at the Siemens place today, sneaked downstairs. Opened the front door, looked back up the stairs then took off at a jog, to the bus stop. His thoughts were centred on his now very close new friend Patrick Siemen.

"Enjoy modelling today?" Max asked."your mate obviously did, he got our attention. He's big isn't he, you know him."

"Yeah he's a mate of mine. Chad Williams, he's big on rugby, really good."

"Paul was going to pants him. It's going to be interesting next time. He looked down the back of his briefs and reckons he's got red hair even on his arse. I'd hate to be a red head."

"There isn't going to be a next time that was a one time deal. They can get some others for the next one. As for red hair I'd hate it too. I don't think he likes it to much either and he says he gets really sunburnt."

"Something you don't have to worry about eh."

"I got to be a bit careful if I lay out in the sun too long I get really dark and then I get more kids making jokes about me."

"I reckon they're only jealous. I know I wish I had your skin, I'd love to go nut brown over summer and not worry about burning."Max admitted," actually you got a lot going for you, even a great build just you're a runt."

"I'm not a runt I'm just shorter than others."Pat admitted

"Yeah well dad doesn't think you're going to grow much. He said your parents were only very little people. Sounds like you just get used to it." Max looked at Pat " I reckon you need to have your colouring and your mates build. Like that would be impressive. You see his legs and his biceps, man he's built."

"What else did he say about my parents.? Pat was most interested.

"Nothing. He only said that once when I asked him if I would be taller than you were. If you want to know more you need to ask him."

"Ok. I might do that some other time. You into guys now?" Pat queried of his brother." I thought you were only into chicks."

"I do like you bro but sometimes you are just plain thick. I like both as long as they get me off. I reckon you suck a great cock and if I had a bird who did then I get her to swing on my dick as well. I'm not particular. As far as bodies go I like athletic guys, like you and your mate, maybe I'm jealous, I dunno. I am into arses, boys and girls I don't care. I'll stick my cock in either."

"So what you're bi are you."

"Pat as I said anyone who can get me off but I got no interest in getting you off. I like to look at good bodies but like with your cock I never want to touch it, and the only reason I get you to hang it out is because you get humiliated doing it and Paul loves to see it. He'll be sucking cocks soon I reckon, he's right into them. A promising gay boy like you."

"There's nothing wrong with my penis and anyway I got no say about it. It is what it is and you're right I don't like it hanging out it's embarrassing. The kids all look at it and comment and point and joke, I hate it."

"Enough of that and seeing as how you're here you can give my knob a polish eh." Max stated. "Before you do go get me a carrot and stick of celery from the fridge please."

Pat looked at Max, "you want what, celery and a carrot. Wha the fuck you want them for?"

"Well while I'm getting a spit and shine I feel like something to eat."

Pat returned with a stick of celery and a carrot and handed them to Max. " Thanks man, now get over here and have a go at this I need to get off after being excited by you models today.

Without questioning Max, Pat moved in front of him, knelt down and took a cock in one hand and the purse of marbles in the other. Gently he rolled the small set of balls around as he began to warm to his task of getting his brother off. As much as Pat might claim he hated doing this he had become fond of the feel of cock in his mouth and sperm from the tap. He was intrigued how each boy he sucked tasted a little different. He often wondered what it must be like to have your cock sucked, he hoped one day to find out. He felt he must be really a gay boy as nobody ever offered to take his cock just expected him to take theirs, and he did.

While taking in his brother, Pat had become stimulated and now had his very erect cock bouncing. Every so often as Pat moved on Max's adolescent dick his cock would come into contact with his brothers legs causing precum to dribble down Max's shins.

"When I blow hold it in your mouth brother." Max stuttered out." Don't swallow and don't spill any."

Pat continued, even putting a hand on Max's rump and pulling him in tighter. He let his fingers enter the arse cleft, deeply imbedded and firmly grasping a white bun. Pat kept a firm grip. His finger was near Max's hole and the temptation for Pat was growing to find the hole and let a finger explore inside. The thoughts were put aside as Max with a grunt of a warning released his watery several shots into Pat's expectant mouth. Pat held the cock in his mouth until Max put a hand on Pat's forehead and gently eased him back. Pat sat back on his heels then opened his mouth to his brother to show the semi transparent fluid pooled on his tongue.

As Max now munched on his stick of celery he asked," was this the biggest carrot down there."

Pat couldn't answer he had cum on his tongue so he grunted and pointed to his tongue.

"Dribble it out onto your palm and hold it there." He was instructed.

"No you just asked me for a carrot, so I got you a carrot, but there weren't many bigger. Shit next time I'll take a ruler with me."

Max picked up the carrot and bit off the pointed end. He then placed it across the hand Pat had the cum in. "Lube that up brother. "

"No, no, please Max don't make......"

"Come on bro let's not go through this shit every time I ask you to do something, ok. Just do as I ask and we can both have fun. Now lube up the carrot."

Without anymore words Pat rubbed the carrot thoroughly with the seminal fluid in his palm. When he was finished he went to hand it to Max." No I don't want that you dummy, that's for you."

"Please mate I don't want to eat the carrot."

"Fair dinkum you're fucking weird, you're not going to eat the carrot alright." Max looked at Pat who had a blank look on his face," you're going to stick it up your arse." Max beamed as he told Pat what was coming. " pretend it's your boy friend's cock."

"Really, you really expect me to put this in my arse. I don't think so."

"Ok. I do think so but here's what's going to happen," Max stopped talking for a moment and picked out a photo and then showed it to Pat," this is the very last time I ever tell you this, you do what I'm telling you or I send two photos to two of your friends. You got thirty seconds to get on your back with your arse in the air and a carrot sticking out of it or I send this . Time starts now."

Pat again realised Max would do what he threatened. He lay on his back , hoisted his legs up and back with his ankles up to his ears and probed his arsehole with the lubed carrot. After some pushing and coaxing the carrot found the door and began to enter. Pat took in a sharp breath. He look at Max who was standing over him with his phone out recording the event.

After several minutes Pat had about five inches of the bright orange vegetable worked into his anal cavity. He experienced some pain and discomfort initially but now was warming to the sensations caused by his manipulations. As his twisting and in and outing proceeded the stimulation caused his cock to rise. Pat was lying on his back, pillow under his lower back, ankles at his ears object stimulating him with each movement controlled by his own hand. The arse muscles grabbed at the invader and with each clench more pre cum was forced out of the very hard erect big brown cock that was lying up Pats abdomen. He had quite a pool of precum running across his abdomen and down into his navel.

Pat had his eyes closed oblivious to his surroundings, his imagination having carried him away. Max stood over him gleefully taking in the scene before him. He had gathered his Go Pro to capture the prolonged sex act being put on by his brother. As Pat was controlling the carrot with three fingers, twisting and turning, thrusting in and out he threw his hips uncontrollably skywards with the near impossible to bear sexual arousal. The carrot was gone, free from any grip of control, it had disappeared into the tortured anal cavity. Pat flopped back down inadvertently ensuring the carrot went deeper into the tunnel.

With now no control over the foreign object in his arse with the deep thrust sending the vegetable deep within it struck and remained on Pat's go button. It was as if hit by a strike of electricity from a stun gun, Pat convulsed and suddenly found himself wildly ejaculating over his torso. Pat writhed with delirium, he grasped his cock tightly trying to take control but it was too late, he had released his greatest load from this stimulation. With blobs of semen across his face, chest and abdomen and now dribbling over his grasping hand Pat dropped his head back and closed his eyes as if exhausted.

Max continued making his epic movie filming Pat now lying legs back flat and breathing beginning to slow as he recovered. After several minutes Pat raised his head and looked at Max. He closed his eyes and lay it back down again. Max continued standing over his brother, amazed and amused. He was amazed at the scene he had witnessed and amused Pat was lying so peacefully whilst the orange vegetable remained hidden within.

"You going to get it out," Max asked of Pat. Pat opened his eyes looked at his brother as if not understanding what was being said." Are you going to pull out the carrot or leave it there. Mum might want to use it for dinner tonight." Again Pat didn't reply just lay as if trying to recover." That's an idea, maybe we should just drop it on your plate tonight as your special carrot."

Pat now more recovered and under control sat up slightly leaning back on his elbows," I'm going to have a shower."

" Before you do just so nothing drops onto the carpet take your hand and massage all your cum you got on you all over yourself including your head and pubes." No reaction from Pat he complied. Again the Go Pro was working. "I'm coming in to watch I want to see you get it out."

When Pat was finished with another humiliation by his brother he stood in order to leave. When he did he felt this very uncomfortable feeling of his arse being full. As he began to walk he felt like he had to walk with his legs apart. It stopped the pain coming from his arse. The only thing he couldn't stop was the feeling of his button being pressed every so often. Each press alerted his spent cock which true to its nature again began to grow. Pat reached the shower using his strange walk and his semi hard cock bouncing and leading the way got into the shower stall. He was pleased there was only a glass screen and no door. Pat turned on the warm water, then lay on the floor with his legs up the tiled wall and began to delve into his hole to get the end of the carrot.

After minutes of unsuccessful dipping into the hole as if seeking a lucky dip,"Pretend like you're having a shit and try to force it down," Max suggested from behind the lens.

After several unsuccessful attempts the vegetable was secured and very slowly extracted.

Whilst this was happening," turn around with your arse to me so I can see," Max commanded.

With due obedience Pat complied. He slipped the vegetable from his rectum. He felt it leave him. The void felt huge. Max stared at the red puffy lips around Pat's ring. The hole stayed slightly open for a time.

"Smile Patrick this is fucking great vision. Mr Thomas could use this in his Body classes don't you reckon."

Whilst Pat did not take Max's comments seriously about Mr Thomas he knew Max had really taken total control of him. He began to cry. It was uncontrollable. He felt he had lost his soul. Pat felt his very inner self had been shown to his brother and now it would be used against him in the future. What was worse for Pat, there was no one he could talk to about his experience or how he now felt. He definitely couldn't tell his parents, they had contributed to this happening. He couldn't tell his friends for he feared they would not understand and no longer be a friend. He wouldn't tell Max he would use it against him even more so. He had two people he thought he could maybe talk to, Mr Thomas, who Pat was unsure of and Mr Maiden , his English and form teacher. Mr Maiden was always very nice with him and seemed understanding. He would see how he felt tomorrow.

Pat was back in his bedroom lying naked on his bed. He had his laptop sitting across his thighs and was reading his emails. He heard his mobile ping, an incoming message. He retrieved the phone from his desk and opened the text. After reading the message he responded asking for an email address. A short time later the address arrived and a request to go to webcam. Pat replied he didn't have skype or zoom setup so he would talk tomorrow when he saw him.

A new email arrived. " Looking forward to it, I can only think of you. Send me your pic here's two of me." Pat opened the photos. Chad was smiling and lying on a bed in a pair of blue hipster briefs and nothing else. The second photo was much the same with a very pronounced outline of an erect penis showing in the briefs. Pat sent two in return, one showing a bare chested boy in white footy shorts smiling at the camera and the second a smiling boy with no covering but lying on his side with his legs placed to cover himself. "You tease. One just for your eyes only." Pat opened the attachment there were two photos. Chad sitting in the same position on the bed but his legs and drawn up and apart. Now showing a very erect penis pointing skywards and a hanging scrotum with two stones enclosed. The second photo was of Chad standing in front of a bathroom mirror turned so as to show his arse and smiling." Pat returned " Missing you, want you" and a photo of his erect cock up close. Another email, a close up of Chad's cock with a bubble of precum emerging, " I love you, I'll do you next time I promise." Pat responded with a photo of his chest and face with a beaming smile," love you too. I only want you to do what you want to do. See you tomorrow." Pat filed the photos he received into a file `Chad'.

After dinner the boys returned to their bedrooms and their father to his office whilst Mrs Siemen got another glass of wine and sat in front of the TV. Mr Siemen locked his office door, sat at his large desk, turned on his monitor screen and selected security centre on his laptop. The monitor displayed split screens of the rooms whose systems had been activated by movement. Siemens turned off the media room, he didn't want to watch his wife get inebriated watching TV. He left the screens operating of the two boys bedrooms. He watched his sons, one naked lying on his bed with his laptop in his lap and the other in his briefs, also with a laptop in his lap as he lay on his bed and with a hand fondling inside those briefs. He watched for a while finally with Pat bringing himself to ejaculation, wiping off with his cum rag he kept under his mattress and then went to the bathroom.

Pat hadn't been back in his room five minutes when Max walked in, naked," time to kiss Maxie good night Pat."

Pat didn't say a word just bent forward, took his brother's cock in his hand then fed it into his mouth. Pat did what he had to do just going through the motions. Max either didn't notice or didn't care. He put his hands behind Pat's head pulling him onto his cock. He could feel Pat's nose in his pubes. Max attacked the mouth with gusto and in short time was blowing his seed into Pat's mouth. Without being told Pat swallowed.

"I think you enjoy this. You like my yoghurt bro."

"I've done what you wanted anything else?" Pat asked. Max smiled, shook his cock at Pat and walked out.

Alan Siemen watched intently as his younger son had his elder son give him his nightly bj. He was sexually excited by the vision. He hadn't yet reviewed any material recorded earlier. He would do that when Pat and Max were asleep.

Pat sent off a message to Chad about missing him already and looking forward to the two of them being together tomorrow and accompanied by another photo of him lying smiling at the camera. The photo showed from the top of his head to the beginning of his pubic brush. As the photo was being taken he tensed his muscles and showed off his well developed pectoral and upper and lower abdominal muscles. It was model quality. Chad upon receipt made it into his screen saver. There was nothing obscene in the photo but it was very stimulating and sensuous.

Meanwhile sitting at his desk at his home Brian Hooker was looking through phone messages sent and received, and emails sent and received, plus Pat's search history on the two mirrored devices he had of Pat. Hooker like Alan Siemen was also excited by the material he was looking at. The new kid Chad that had been exchanging with Pat was also a great find. Hooker, apart from his own self gratification, was pleased with the options and opportunities now beginning to present for his business. Whilst he stroked his chunky piece of erect muscle protruding from his open fly, he thought of the various applications where he could use some of these boys he had now seen and gathered information on. The warehouse, the sports store, his Alternate Life Men's Club and the attached Alternate Life Cafe, all presented opportunities. Whilst thinking on the opportunities he had his attention fixed on the latest photo sent by Pat. He was taken aback at how beautiful this lad was, how perfectly formed his body, he felt like he wanted to keep him all to himself. He thought it was a bit like having your own Ken Doll. Brian Hooker's only regret was the boy was so small, he would be more appealing to their target audience were he a bigger lad. Hell if he were more like his son or even the new kid Chad he could make more out of him.

Whilst Brian Hooker dreamed his desires he reconciled himself that tomorrow afternoon he would have his Ken Doll under his direction. He smiled to himself as he went back through Pat's messages salivating at the stored photos. The kid was definitely able to be manipulated, he must talk with his acquaintance and boy's father Alan Siemen. He must by now have some videos to share.

Meanwhile whilst Pat was falling into a deep slumber Alan Siemen had reviewed briefly the days recordings. With the volume of material stored Siemen had hours of in depth watching. What he had seen briefly had him sitting naked at his desk afraid to touch himself further as he knew he would lose control. The new face he saw excited him. His two sons, one exerting control and the other's subservience excited him. The use of the carrot, he was leaking his juice everywhere. He took out a wipe and place it on the chair seat forward of his balls to soak up the free flowing fluid.

Two hours later Alan Siemen entered his elder son's bedroom. He walked to the side of the bed and slowly pulled off the cotton sheet covering the naked form. The boy as usual was lying on his back, lightly snoring. The brown muscular legs were spread, lying straight out and the boy had one arm at his side and the other above his head. The thick penis was lying peacefully down over the full scrotum between the boy's legs and topped by the coal black pubic hair. Siemen could feel a roiling in his balls from looking down on his son.

Alan Siemen moved a hand to Pat's nipple. He slowly rubbed a circular motion on the pert pointed nipple. He took it between his fingers and gently pinched. He continued softly pinching and rolling then took his fingers and stroked the areola. Back to the nipple. The desired effect, Pat's penis was now standing rock hard pointing up his stomach past his navel.

Siemen moved over the bed, looking down on his son, moved his cock onto the face of the sleeping boy. Siemen was leaking profuse volumes of precum. He dragged the leaking cock around the boys face. With one hand he guided his cock around Pat's face with the other took hold of Pat's organ and slowly stroked it. As the head of Siemens cock sat nestled on the red lips they became covered in the off white liquid now spewing from his father. As the boy snored so to did the cum trying to leek into the partially open mouth bubble with the expired air. Pat moved a little restlessly at the intrusion into his mouth.

Satisfied at his release Alan Siemen looked down on his adopted son and felt a yearning to be ever more intimate with the lad. The appeal of the small but trim taut body, the young near angelic look as the boy slept. The knowledge of what the boy was doing with his younger brother and god knows who else. Why should others have all of the pleasures when I'm the one keeping him.

Dressed leaving for school with backpack loaded Pat and Max called a goodbye to their parents with Pat reminding his mother he had to work this evening for Mr Hooker.

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