
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Oct 12, 2001


The following story is all fictional, this is a standard disclaimer.

Have had l lot of comments from readers. Hope this chapter gets just as many responses.

Send comments to


The next morning Paul and Bill woke to the buzzing of the alarm clock. It had been set to go off at six o'clock as always even though it wasn't a school day. Paul rolled over and said, "Wish I had changed that last night, we could have gotten a couple more hours of sleep. Bill yawned and slid up against Paul's back as he reached for the clock.

"Hey, what do you thank you are doing?" Paul asked.

"Well since we were awake and had a couple of hours before I have to go home, I thought we could enjoy each others company." Bill said.

Bill reached across Paul's stomach and started pulling on his dick. He then stopped and said, "I can remember when you couldn't even see your dick if it wasn't hard." "Remember when it use to hide in that mound of fat that you had down here." "Looks a lot better and a whole lot more to play with." Bill said.

"I noticed too." Paul's father said as he entered the room.

Paul and Bill both jumped when they heard him. They didn't even know that he was home.

"Didn't mean to scare the two of you but wanted to know how the game came out." he said.

Paul giggled as Bill tried to hide behind him. Paul's dad laughed at him also.

"Well dad we won seven to zero." Paul said. "We play again next week, but don't know who yet, Coach said he would find out when the paper comes out."

"Good, good job, and Bill you were right, Paul does look better without all that weight he has lost." "Instead of two or three inches showing, he now has about seven inches, a lot more to play with."

"What plans do the two of you have for today?" He asked.

"Paul is having a victory party at his house this afternoon and a couple of us are going to sleep over with him." Paul said as he moved his ass so that Bill's now hard dick could slid into the crack.

Paul's dad looked at them and said, "I'll let you two get back to your fun, and I'll have breakfast ready in about an hour." He then left the room and closed the door behind him.

Bill looked at Paul and said, "Your dad is really something, I don't know what my father would do if he were to catch me in bed with another boy." "I thank he knows that I have fooled around with boys, but hasn't said anything about it to me." "He knows that I have dated girls and even made sure I keep a rubber in my car, just in case." "I sometimes believe that he understands my feelings before I even have them."

Paul rolled onto his stomach and said, "Shut up and fuck me."

Bill slid up on Paul's back and proceeded to push his dick in Paul's asshole.

Paul moaned and said, "We have thirty minutes and I want to cum at least three times before we have to get up, now get busy.

Fifty minutes later Bill and Paul walked into the kitchen and welcomed the smell of bacon and coffee cooking. They walked over to the table and Paul's dad motioned for them to sit down, which they did. He handed them each a plate with eggs, bacon and a large stack of pancakes. They both looked at their plates but neither complained because they both knew they could eat it all. They grabbed their forks and proceeded to clean ever thing on their plates.

Bill asked for another cup of coffee and then said, "Mr. Jones, how come you aren't mad or something at Paul and I for being together?"

"Well Bill, I could get mad and yell and throw you out of here, but what would that solve." "You see I love Paul and if he is gay or not I would still love him." "I figured out a long time ago that if you love someone you have to love all of them, can't pick and choose certain things that you like about them." "Besides I feel better knowing what Paul is doing and with whom." "In a funny way, I don't have to worry if he is out getting some girl pregnant." "I still hope he meets some nice girl and has some children, but I also understand that he may not." "Your father loves you just as much and might even blow his stack if he were to catch you with Paul, probably couldn't handle it if it was thrust upon him at once." "Deep down inside he probably knows that you have fooled around with some boy." "Remember he let you come over and stay with Paul when those boys ruffed him up." "He probably knew there was more than just you helping out someone else." "Don't sale your father short, there are some things most fathers can't talk to their son's about." "They can give the birds and bees speeches and even tell them how to be careful, but have you ever heard of a father that told his son exactly how to fuck." "Can you see a father telling his son about sex with another boy?" "I'll tell you a little secret, I believe that just about ever man has had fantasies about having sex with another man, just thank about it who would know better than another man what really feels good to a man."

"Now then, are you two joined at the hips or is this just a thing of convenience for the both of you?" He asked.

Bill looked at Paul and Paul said, "I think it is just a thing of convenience dad." "Bill still has his girlfriends and I have been with another boy." "I thank we can both live without each other."

"Good" Paul's father said. "When it starts to become more than that, that is when things can really become complicated." "Bill you really need to have a talk with your father about this, and today would be the best time." "If you need some help I could try." "You don't have to tell him at all, but if you don't it will create a gap of mistrust between the two of you that you can never repair."

Bill looked and Mr. Jones and said, "Yeah, I know I already find ways to leave the room when he is around." "I use to try to find ways to be with him, but now I feel guilty about something." "I still have to thank about it before I can tell him, if I do I'll let you know." "Right now I have to go and help him get ready for some camping trip or other he is leaving on today."

Bill got up from the table and started for the door. He then turned around and thanked Mr. Jones for the breakfast and said he would see Paul at about six. He then left the house and got into his car and headed home.

As Bill drove home he began to think about what Mr. Jones had said. He wanted to talk to his father about what he had been doing with Paul, but was to embarrassed.

When he arrived home everyone except his father was gone. He walked in and heard his father yell, "Bill is that you?"

"Yeah, dad it's me." Bill said as he headed to his father's bedroom.

"Heard about the game, congratulations." "Now who all is coming to the party tonight, and how many are spending the night?" Bill's father questioned.

"There should be about ten guys and around ten girls, mostly team members." "We are going to listen to music, watch a couple of movies and eat, nothing wilder than that." "As far as sleeping over I thank two for sure, a couple wouldn't know until today." "Why is anything wrong ?" Bill asked.

"No, nothing wrong just wondering how many would be here, your mother ordered pizza and drinks for about thirty people." "She will be staying over at your aunts tonight." "I'll be gone with your uncle to check on the deer camp and we want be back until late Sunday." If anything really major happens and you don't think you can tell your mother then call Coach." "Otherwise have a nice time." Bill's father said.

Bill walked over to his father and gave him a hug.

"What's that for?" His father asked him.

"Dad, I need to talk about something, but don't know if I can." Bill said as he turned away.

"Well I have a couple of hours before I leave, we can go to my work shed and try to talk it out, if you want to." His father said.

"Ok." Bill said as they walked to the shed. Once inside Bill sat down on the old sofa after retrieving a soda from the small refrigerator. He took a big gulp then looked up at his father who was sitting on a stool and waiting for Bill to start.

"It's about sex, Dad." "You probably know that I have had sex with girls and it is great, but what you may not know is that I also have had sex with boys." Bill paused for a few seconds to try and read his father's reaction to the last statement.

His father looked at him and said, "Go on."

"I like the sex with the boys probably as much as the girls, no I like it more." "It's not the same, but with boys I know what I want to do and I know what will feel good to them." "Girls on the other hand, don't always respond the same way every time." "I feel as though I'm trying to guess what they want and can't just enjoy the sex." "Also before the game I was with someone and kind of lost control, didn't hurt him but did scare him." "He's alright with it now." Bill stopped talking for a second, raised his head and took another large drink of his soda.

His father cleared his throat, looked right at Bill and said, "So the problem is what, that you have had sex with boys, or that you lost control and scared someone?"

Bill had to think for a second because this was not the reaction he was expecting at all. His father saw the bewildered expression on Bill's face so he decided to help clear the air. He sat down beside Bill and put his arms around him and pulled Bill's head to his chest. He gave Bill a long hard hug and then said, "I have a story to tell you, so listen until I am through."

"When I was a little younger than you, I started having fantasies about being with other boys, I thank it is natural for boys to do that." "There was this older boy that lived in our neighborhood that everyone knew was gay, even though at that time they were called queer. Some of the boys had visited him in the park at night." "They would go and let him suck them and experiment a little with him, remember all this was knew to us and we were teenagers with raging desires along with dicks." "I had never been with anyone not even a girl." "I finally got up enough nerve to talk to the boy at the park one day and he asked me if I wanted to do something with him." "We went into the woods and he gave me my first blow-job." "I thought that I had found what I needed." "I started seeing this boy about three times a week and we started doing a few other things, I think you can figure those out without me having to fill you in." "Well everything we did was better than what we had tried before and I thought I couldn't live without him, lucky for me he knew how I was feeling, but for him it was just sex." "He moved away about this time and I didn't have any avenue for the release of sexual tension that was building up inside me." "I finally decided to go out with this girl, you know the kind, every school has at least one, the kind that will put out, or I should say the kind that really enjoys sex." "To cut a long story short, we had sex that night several times and it was great, and like you said it wasn't the same as with the boy." "I saw her whenever we could sneak around and not be seen." "I thought she was in love with me or something, but later found out she was still having sex with whoever wanted to." "I stopped seeing her and later met a girl that just wanted to be with me but not for sex." "I wanted to have sex with her in the worst way, but I was to scared to try, didn't want to lose her friendship." "I would be so worked up after a date with her that I would jerk off several times before I could fall asleep." "One night I went over to pick her up and she had some family emergency and had to break the date."

"I went to the local hangout in town, where everyone who wasn't on a date would go to stand around and talk, some would drink and get rowdy." "There were some older guys there also, you know in their early twenties." "Just about all of them would always be drinking." "One of them noticed that I was in a low mood, so he offered me a beer, at the time I had never even tasted beer." "I took it and even though I didn't like the taste drank it, and he offered me another." "We stood there talking and I told him about the broken date and he made the comment that he was there for the same reason, but I found out later that was a lie." "He invited me to go with him to get some more beer and I excepted." "We drove across town and pulled up at this run down apartment complex." "When I asked him why we were there he said it was where he lived and he had some beer inside." "We went inside to get the beer and use the restroom." "While we were there he offered me a mixed drink and I tried it."

"We sat down and finished that drink and a couple more." "The next day I woke up in his bed without any clothes on, you could smell cum and that musky smell of sex and sweat." "When I tried to move I thought I was going to die from the pain in my ass." "Seams that I had been the sex toy for most of the apartment complex that night." "Apparently he had put me in his bed when I had passed out and had his way with my ass, and then invited the others in the complex for a few dollars each for the services of my ass." "When I got up and located my pants he was not in the apartment so I dressed and carefully started out the door." "As I got out the door I ran into a boy a few years older than me, and he noticed the pain I was in and grabbed me by the arm and led me into the apartment that he shared with his mother." "Lucky she was at work or I wouldn't have gone with him." "He took me inside and helped me sit down on a soft sofa." "He proceed to tell me that he knew what had happened and that it had happened to him with the same guy and he wanted to do something about it." "He then said we needed to check and see if I was bleeding, because when it happened to him he had to have stitches." "This really scared me because I didn't want anyone to know what had happened to me." "He took me into the bathroom and undressed me and did the best he could at examining my asshole for blood." "He finally said there wasn't any blood and it appeared I was alright, he then had me lie down in the tub and soak in the hottest water I could stand." "He sat there with me and we talked about what we could do about the guy next door, but decided there was nothing unless I went to the police." "I didn't want this because then everyone would know." "We came up with an idea that might at least get the guy to move away." We got some paper and he typed a letter to the guy next door and said that it was from the police and they were looking for him for an apparent sex crime, and he was to contact the police as soon as possible." "We posted this on his door and the other boy said he would watch to see what happened and call me to let me know." "I finally got out of the tub and felt a lot better and was able to move easier." "I thanked the boy for his help and left him my phone number."

"The next day the boy called me and said that when his neighbor got home he read the letter and then started looking around to see if anybody was watching." "He started packing his car with everything he owned and once while he was outside a police car went by with its siren going off and he duck behind his car." "When he got his car packed he drove off." "The boy said he would call back if he returned but he was sure that he was gone for good."

"The next week I had another date and we went to the show and then back to her house and sat out on her porch." "The subject turned to sex and she wanted to know why I hadn't tried anything with her and I had to tell her I was scared that it would change the way she felt about me." "She leaned over and kissed me and then invited me inside." "She then told me that her parents were not home and wouldn't be back that night." "We went to her bedroom and made out for a few minutes and then it got really heated and I wasn't able to perform, if you know what I mean." "I got very upset and started crying and she just tried to comfort me." "I finally told her everything about the boy in the park, the other girl at school, and finally about my rape." "She just held me and rocked me for minutes, she then slid down and took my dick in her mouth and slowly sucked until I was hard, she then pushed me back on the bed and made love to me, notice I said made love to me, not just fucked me." "There is a big difference between having sex and making love." "From that time until now I have never had sex with a boy, not that I haven't wanted to or thought about it, I just don't thank that I could find any better sex than what I have with your mother."

"Now I hope that helps you understand why I didn't react differently than I did when you told me what you have been doing." "I believe that all men have to deal with these gay feelings at some time, and just because you have sex with another man doesn't mean you will always." "I'm purity sure that since you still date girls and have sex with them that you are not gay."

Bill's dad had told him this story while holding Bill's head against his chest and rubbing his head.

Bill raised his head looked right into his father's eyes and said, "What happened to the girl you were dating?"

"Married her," he said as he rose and got a paper towel to wipe the tears from his face.

"Dad are you alright?" Bill asked as he noticed the tears.

"I'm fine now, that talk was better for me than you, I thought I was losing you because you had stopped having these talks and were avoiding me." "Just glad you finally felt you could talk to me about this, you see if I hadn't ran into that other boy that helped me there is no telling what I would have done."

"Now do I know this boy or boys that you have been having sex with?" his father asked.

"You know one of them it's Paul, the other one is Jeff you probably have seen him, he's one of the managers on the team." "They both will be sleeping over tonight if that is ok." Bill said.

"Oh, and by the way Paul's father is the real reason I had this talk with you, he said that I should talk to you that he felt that you might understand, kind of like he knew you would." "Do you know Mr. Jones?"

"Don't think so." his father replied as he walked over and hugged Bill.

"I thank you need to go take a shower and start getting ready for you company, and I want this place as clean when they leave as it is when they get here, ok." his father said as he reached and kissed Bill on the forehead.

"Ok, no problem." Bill said as his face turned a little red.

"Oh, by the way I thank we need to have these talks at least every other week until you have your on son to talk to." His father said as he left the shed. He then turned around and as an afterthought said, "You don't have to act any different around you mother, you probably now can figure out why she is so protective at times when it comes to you."

Bill went back into his house and cleaned up and felt as though a lot of pressure had been released from his shoulders. His dad noticed the difference in his behavior and just smiled at him as he drove off.

Bill looked at the clock and it was still a couple of hours before he was to pickup Paul and Jeff, but he had to talk to someone so he decided to go over to Paul's early.

When he drove up to Paul's house, Paul met him at the door and asked, "Is something wrong, you said you would be by at six?"

"Nothing wrong, just wanted to come over and talk with your dad, is he here?"

"Yeah, he's here but he is sleeping, are you sure your alright?" Paul asked as he noticed the grin on Bill's face and the way he was bouncing around as he talked.

"Really, I'm fine, couldn't be better, now I have to thank you father." he said as he walked right past Paul and into the house. He walked down the hall and into Mr. Jones bedroom. As he entered Mr. Jones woke up and looked at Bill and Paul as they came through the door.

"What's wrong !" he said as he sat up quickly in the bed.

Bill ran over to him and hugged him and just said, "Thanks."

Paul's father looked at Paul standing in the doorway as if to ask him what was going on. Paul just shrugged his shoulders and pointed to Bill.

"Your welcome Bill, now what was this for?" Mr. Jones asked.

"Had that talk with Dad and you were right, he understands and didn't blow his stack or anything, things are even better between us than they were." Bill said.

"I kind of felt they would be." Mr. Jones said as though he knew something that Bill didn't.

"Now the two of you get out of here so I can sleep, and have fun tonight." he said as he laid down and pulled the covers over his head.

Bill and Paul left the room and closed the door behind them. Bill proceeded to tell Paul about the talk he and his father had and actually told Paul about what had happened to his father. He left out the part about his mother, he didn't feel right talking about his mother having sex.

They both ran out of things to talk about so Bill suggested that they go pick up Jeff early and go back to Bill's house.

When they arrived at Jeff's he was outside cleaning up his yard and was surprised to see them so early. He ran over to the car to see why they were there so early.

Bill said, "We just decided to come by early and see if you could come on over."

"I have to finish the yard before I can leave, if I don't my father will get really mad when he gets home, it was one of the conditions for me to do before I went to the party." Jeff said.

"Ok, we'll help," Paul said as he got out of the car, followed by Bill.

It took the three of them about fifteen minutes to do what would have taken Jeff an hour or two. When they were finished Jeff looked at them and said, "Now I need to take a shower and get clean clothes."

Bill looked at him and said, "Go get your clothes and you can shower at my house."

Jeff looked at him and didn't know what to say. Paul noticing the pause said, "It's alright, go get your clothes."

Jeff ran into the house and was back out with a bag and climbed into the car and the three rode off. The three of them started making small talk about the game next week, when they all three realized that they still didn't know who they were going to play.

Jeff looked at the other two and said, "I hope its at least as far away as the last game, I really did like the bus ride."

"I bet you did," Paul said as he started laughing.

The three rode on to Bill's house laughing and talking about nothing in general. When they arrived Bill showed Jeff to the bathroom and where he could leave his bag. Jeff went into the bathroom and started to shower when Bill walked in and said, "Jeff I really am sorry about what happened before the game, and I hope it doesn't bother you ."

Jeff listened and then in a playful tone said, "You still owe me?" and then laughed.

At about five thirty the others started showing up and everyone was talking about the team that they were going to have to play and how good they were supposed to be. The other players told Bill, Paul, and Jeff the name of the other school and were a little surprised that they had not read about it in the paper themselves.

Around seven the pizza man knocked on the door and asked if he was at the right place, and returned to his little truck and started removing boxes of pizza. Paul and Bill went with him and helped carry them in along with the drinks. As the pizza delivery boy started to leave Bill grabbed his arm and handed him a five dollar bill and said thanks. The pizza boy looked at the tip and said, "No, thank you, and have a nice party."

The party was going along smoothly, when one of the players said, "Hey, I have some beer in the car if anybody wants some."

Bill immediately jumped up and said, "No, no beer in the house, if you want to drink you will have to go somewhere else, I don't want to take any chance of something happening here."

They all looked at him and was a little surprised because they had seen him drink before and was not expecting this response. There was an agreement among all of them that they would leave the alcohol off for the night. They all gathered in little groups, one in the den listening to music, another in the living room cuddling up and watching movies, and others just standing around talking about the game. Paul noticed that Jeff wasn't really with any group and was just walking from room to room. When he walked past Paul grabbed him by the arm and led him into the living room and placed him between two girls and said, "I believe the three of you know each other, now watch the movie."

The movie was one of those scary thriller types that had the monster jumping out at all times during the story, and Paul knew the girls would probably jump and grab Jeff when it happened. Paul moved to the back of the room so he could watch what would happen. When Jeff sat down he went as stiff as a board, it was as though he was scared to even brush up against them. He was setting there when one of those moments in the movie came on and the two girls screamed, scaring Jeff as he jumped. One of the girls covered her face as the other one grabbed Jeff's arm and placed her face on his shoulder. Jeff turned his head to look at her as Paul started laughing at them. Jeff heard him and turned his head around to see what he was doing.

Paul looked at him and said, "Relax, they aren't going to bite you , I think."

Paul left the room to go see what Bill was doing and found him in the den curled up on the sofa with his girlfriend. He decided not to disturb him and walked on into another room. Several of the players stopped him and said how much better he was looking now that he had lost all the weight. They wanted to know if he was going to play ball the next year.

Paul said, "Yeah, and I hope I can actually play then."

The party went on like that for several hours until a few of the younger girls said they had to get home that they still had curfew and didn't want to get into trouble. The two girls that were still sitting beside Jeff were two of the ones that had to leave. Paul noticed that as they got up to leave that Jeff stayed where he was. Paul said goodnight to the ones leaving as Bill was still occupied with his girlfriend. Paul walked back to the sofa where Jeff was sitting and flopped down beside him. Paul looked at him and could tell that something wasn't right, he had that look a person gets when they are going to be sick.

Paul said, "What's wrong, the movie didn't make you sick did it?"

Jeff looked around the room and noticed that there wasn't anyone close enough to here him as he said, "Nicole, kissed me and pushed her tongue in my mouth." "I didn't know what to do." "She then started rubbing her hand along my leg, and when a real scary part came on she actually put her hand on my dick and squeezed." "Of course it instantly got hard and I didn't know what to do, it's still hard." "That's why I didn't get up when she left."

Paul started laughing out loud and the people in the room looked at him to see what was so funny , but figured it was something that was said.

"It's not funny." Jeff said in an angry tone.

Paul noticed that he was upsetting Jeff so he said, "I'm not laughing at you , just at the situation you were in, cause if you notice you are no longer hard."

Jeff looked down and was relieved that his little tent in the front of his pants and gone down.

He raised his head in a childish manner and said, "She did tell me to call her."

Paul grinned as he got up and pulled Jeff to his feet and said, "Let's go see what everyone is doing."

When they got to the den several of the people were leaving and saying how much they enjoyed it and was glad they didn't have to sneak back home and try to avoid there parents because they had been drinking. Bill had peeled his girlfriend off of his lap and was walking her back to her car as the last of the guest were leaving. He stood in the driveway and waved as they all left. He returned to the house and walked into the kitchen as Jeff and Paul were cleaning up the empty pizza boxes and getting rid of the empty drink bottles.

"You guys don't have to do that , I'll do it in the morning." Bill said.

Paul looked at Bill and said, "So you finally came up for air, thought we were going to have to send in a rescue team."

Bill looked at him and just grinned.

"How did you two enjoy the party?" Bill asked as he looked at them.

"You'll have to get Jeff to tell you about his romp on the sofa." Paul said as he almost laughed again.

"Oh," said Bill.

"It was nothing." Jeff said as he repeated the story to Bill.

Paul noticed that as Jeff talked the little tent he had lost earlier had returned. Paul said, "If you don't believe him, he still has a little show and tell left."

Bill looked at Jeff's pants and started laughing. He then said, "Yeah and if you had tried to get me to get up earlier I had the same problem."

"I have an idea, let's all go to my parent's bathroom, they have a large tub that can hold all of us at the same time, besides it has those water jets too."

They all three went running down the hall and pulling off clothes as they went. Bill set the temperature of the water and poured in some bubble bath and climbed in. Paul moved down to one end of the tub and Jeff was left to sit between them, he was already sporting a hard-on. When the water had reached the proper level Bill cut the switch on that started the jets. Paul jumped a little and then adjusted himself so that one of the jets were spraying up the crack of his ass. The three of them just sat there and enjoyed the warm water swirling around their bodies and especially around their dicks and balls.

Jeff looked left and then right and said, "Well is this all we are going to do?"

Bill laughed and said, "Well I do owe you don't I, come over here and I will suck your dick for you."

"No," Paul said, "I have a better idea where all three of us can enjoy it." "Jeff you move around and sit on the end of the tub, I'll suck your dick and Bill can fuck me." Jeff stood up and moved to the end of the tub and Paul turned around and got on his knees and placed his face at Jeff's crotch. Bill moved in behind Paul's ass and started running his fingers in Paul's crack.. That was all it took for Paul as he grabbed Jeff's dick with both hands and pulled all the foreskin he could to the head of the dick, he then placed it in his mouth and ran his tongue inside to lick the head. He stopped and giggled a little and said, "Is this what Nicole did with her tongue in your mouth Jeff?" He then shoved the dick back in his mouth not really expecting an answer. Jeff moaned and leaned his head back.

Bill had worked three fingers inside Paul's asshole and Paul was pushing his ass back at Bill. Bill pulled his fingers out and placed his dick head at the entrance and slowly pushed , most of it went in but there was some resistance as all the muscles in Paul's back and ass tightened up. Bill waited for Paul to relaxed then pushed the rest of his dick in. He started to pump but was also trying to find that special spot so Paul would really enjoy it. He pumped a few times then heard Paul moan and knew he had found what he was looking for. Paul had placed his elbows on either side of Jeff's hips and had both hands on Jeff's cock, he was driving his mouth up and down on the shaft then would pull it out of his mouth and lick up and down and suck on his balls, then to return to the dick. He would then pull the foreskin forward until there was about three inches above the head, then place the foreskin in his mouth and close his lips on it, suck with all his might until the head of Jeff's dick would pop into his mouth. Then he would ram the dick down his throat and start all over again. Jeff grabbed Paul's head and was in pain from all the pleasure he was getting. When Jeff grabbed his head, Paul started pumping faster and faster until Jeff was screaming as he was blasting stream after stream down Paul's throat, all Paul did was swallow and moan.

Bill was watching Paul and hadn't noticed that he had quickened his pace and was in the throws of a climax as he unloaded his balls in Paul's ass.

"Let's switch ends." Jeff said as he was still sporting a hard on.

Paul said, "Stay where your at." as he turned around and positioned his ass so Jeff could get at it. He grabbed Bill's semi-hard cock and swallowed it down. As he worked his tongue he could feel it start to grow, and he felt Jeff's cock as he slid inside his ass. This time they were able to take it slower and it lasted a little longer, but again Jeff and Bill supplied Paul with two ample loads of cum. They all three slid down into the water and enjoyed the feelings of warmth.

They were lying there for a few minutes when Bill said, "Paul did you cum?"

"No, but that's alright just to see the two of you happy was enough."

"Bullshit, your going to get off also." Bill said. "Everybody out of the tub and grab a towel and go to my room."

When they got there Jeff and Paul were both wondering what they were going to do, but both were hard while they waited for directions from Bill. Bill told Paul to lie on the edge of the bed and raise his legs up toward his chest. Jeff was to climb upon the bed and hold Paul's ankles so that he wouldn't have to strain to keep them up there. It also placed Jeff's dick close to Paul's face. Bill walked up behind Paul's ass and spread some vaseline on his asshole. He then placed his dick at the opening and pushed his dick all the way in and held it there for a second.

"Now, Jeff we are going to fuck Paul until he comes ten times or passes out, we are not allowed to cum until that happens, he can suck our dicks if he wants to, but you must not cum until we have exhausted Paul." "Now watch and I'll show how to find that spot in his ass."

Bill started pumping and grinding his pelvis against Paul's ass, and Paul's body started muscle contractions when he would rub against his prostate.

"Notice what his body did when I hit the spot?" Bill asked Jeff.

"Yeah, that was what Paul was doing on the bus the other night." Jeff said.

"When you find that spot, you don't have to pull back but an inch or so and you can drive it back in, also if you concentrate on it you can control your on orgasm." "Now hold his ankles up high, and get ready to change places when you see Paul cum."

Bill started pumping rapidly and Paul started gasping for air and rolling his head back and forth. Within seconds he was spraying cum all over his stomach and chest. Bill didn't stop pumping and within seconds Paul was bucking again.

Bill looked at Jeff and said, "Need to switch, I'm too close." as he pulled his dick out and grabbed hold of Paul's legs. Jeff ran around the bed and slammed his dick all the way in and started humping as Bill had, it took him a little longer but he finally found the spot and was really turned on when he saw the expression on Paul's face when his dick hit that spot. Paul reached up and grabbed Bill's dick and slid it all the way down his throat as his dick started shooting again. Jeff reached down and jerked on Paul's dick as the cum was spraying everywhere. He pointed Paul's dick at himself and caught a few blast on his own stomach. Jeff stopped for a second and took a deep breath and then proceeded to fuck Paul's asshole. Bill thought that Jeff had cum, but then realized he had just stopped so he wouldn't. Bill leaned forward until he was actually lying on top of Paul's stomach. He looked around and started licking up the cum he could reach.

"Oh, my.....I'm...ccccu" was all Jeff said as he blasted into Paul's asshole.

Bill raised up and looked at Jeff.

"Couldn't help my self when you started licking up the cum, sorry." Jeff said as he removed his now soft cock.

Paul pushed Bill's cock from his mouth and said, "It's ok, trade places."

They traded places and Bill had Paul moaning on the first thrust. Paul took Jeff's dick in his mouth and pushed his tongue inside the foreskin and started swirling his tongue around the head. He could taste the residue of cum and ass juices, he let out a few moans and purred on Jeff's cock. The vibrations and attention Jeff was receiving caused his dick to grow again. Paul knew that Jeff was probably there for the duration now.

Bill was pumping away and he could see the pre-cum running out of Paul's dick and figured it was happening because Paul was concentration on getting Jeff hard again, and wasn't paying attention to the feelings he was getting. As soon as Jeff's dick got hard Paul was shooting again. Jeff leaned over and cleaned up what cum he could reach and Bill was surprised, because he hadn't seen Jeff even suck a cock much less eat cum.

"Time to switch again." Bill said as he pulled his rock hard cock out of Paul's ass. Jeff looked at it and said, "That has to hurt as hard and red as it is."

Jeff moved in on Paul's asshole and decided he was really going to ride him this time. He started in and Paul was moaning as he reached for Bill's cock. Paul could tell that Bill really was in pain from trying not to cum. The head of his dick was engorged with blood and had turned purple. He decided to give Bill a rest and started sucking on his balls real slowly.

Jeff was working up a sweat as Paul shot again, this time his cum was clear not the usual milky white color. Jeff reached down with his fingers and scooped up some and tasted it. It still tasted like cum.

Bill looked at Jeff and said, "He's about to dry up"

Jeff kept pumping and noticed that Paul had stopped sucking on Bill's balls and was moaning from deep down inside his chest. He also noticed that Paul's cock was still spraying what little cum it could and then was just jerking with nothing coming out. Jeff noticed that each time he thrust his dick in that Paul's would jerk.

"Is he ok?" Jeff asked looking at Bill.

"I think so, lets turn him over and fuck him that way." Bill said.

As they rolled Paul over he just moaned, but you could tell it was a moan of contentment. Bill grinned and said, "Go ahead and cum inside him, he's doing fine."

It didn't take Jeff long before he was screaming and blasting into Paul's ass.

Bill looked at Jeff and said, "Help me move him all the way on the bed."

They turned Paul's body around without any protest from Paul and Bill mounted him slowly pushing his dick in as it made a squishing sound from the cum that was trying to come out.

"Go turn out the lights and then come back to bed." he told Jeff.

When Jeff got back he laid down beside Paul and was listening to the gently breathing. Bill started slowly pumping into Paul as Paul spread his legs so that more of Bill's dick could enter his asshole.

Jeff looked over at Bill and said, "Is he asleep?"

"Not sure but his asshole is still awake, its trying to pull all of me inside, oh...oh.." Bill said as he came inside Bill and just laid there and dozed off.

Next: Chapter 11

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