
By Devianti Gusti

Published on Jun 10, 2020


Paulina - An Introduction

A little about me. My real name is Paul, but everyone called me Paulina, which I preferred. I was a boy but I favored my feminine side and embraced it. As far back as I can remember, I was considered a rather feminine looking boy. I always had long hair, and even as a child I had full, pretty lips and long eyelashes. In fifth grade, I started to dress more like a girl. I tried to look more feminine than masculine as time went by. In 1983, I was 14. Many of the kids at school had already started to develop physically, while many had not started yet. I was just starting to develop. I would often get confusing looks from both boys and girls. Some appeared to be attracted to me but were confused because I was a boy, but with a feminine look. Some kids did not like how I looked but I really didn't care. I even enjoyed watching some of them get upset with how I looked and acted sometimes.

By the time I turned 15, I had smooth, toned arms and legs, and a cute, tight ass. My hair was shoulder length with a feminine layered cut, which I usually wore as a ponytail. A deep coffee brown color, it matched my dark eyes. I had the traditional Sicilian-Italian looks from my father's family. My lips were naturally full and eyelashes long. I had wide-ish hips for a boy, giving me a little curve in my figure. At five feet and 105 pounds, I could have been mistaken for any pretty, young teenage girl, yet I was fit and toned as an active boy that age.

With my combination of feminine and masculine looks, many adults of both sexes found me attractive and sexy. They were usually not subtle about letting me know this. Whether it was from men or women, I loved it and ate up the attention. I made sure to flirt back and let them know that I appreciated it. Often I would do much more than that, as you will read in my stories. Having started my sexual education a few years before, I was well aware of how my physical attributes could be used to my advantage. By 14, I already had some experience with a couple who were friends of my parents, as well as an older man and a girl in my neighborhood. These were all just oral but would have been more if they could have. Needless to say, neither my parents nor my friends knew about the things I had been doing.

One prominent physical feature I had that was not normal was my set of teeth. I had abnormally long and sharp canines. My parents tried to coax me into getting braces, but I held off till my junior year for those. My teeth earned me the nickname "The Hungry Wolf" because I would not hesitate to bite or draw blood if I fought with someone. I got this name when I was little. My cousins would tease me for the size of my teeth and how I would tear through our grandmother's homemade fried chicken so quickly (like a hungry wolf!). The name stuck.

Being a girly boy could invite all manners of bullying and fights, so I asked my parents to enroll me in martial arts classes when I was 12. My instructor took a liking to me, and he understood why I was there. I became one of his best students, although I would never enter tournaments or competetitions. I didn't want anyone to know that I was more thn capable of defending myself and others. It didn't show but I was very confident and could be strong willed and aggressive when necessary. No one expected this from a little girly boy. I also had several boys at school, as well as men at home, who cared for and protected me. Some women too. It was comforting knowing that there were strong people who loved me and were looking over my shoulders in case I ran into situations that I couldn't handle on my own.

By the time I was between 15 and 16, I was comfortable and confident with who I was, and was the person all the characters in my stories were familiar with. I was fully exploring my sexualality. I am bisexual and have been as far as I can remember. I always found boys and men, and girls and women equally attractive and desirable. Growing up in the sexually free enviroment that I did, it seemed normal to me. But I was very aware that most people in society were not so open minded.

I usually acted on my physical desires in a calculated, planned out manner, but sometimes situations would present themselves at the spur of the moment, so I woudn't pass up a good opportunity!

I can't think of anything else to say, except that I was pretty, friendly, funny, and smart. I was also one of the most empathetic, compassionate and caring people you would ever meet. I always spoke my mind and showed my true feelings, whether people liked it or not. I still have all these qualities to this day.

On the opposite side, my dark side, I could be ruthless, vengeful and calculated when dealing with things and people I didn't like or that displeased me. I really didn't like being displeased. When I was, it rarely turnd out well for the cause of it.

I really hope you enjoy reading about the adventures I've had and the people I've met. My life has continued to be so interesting, and I'll be sure to keep my stories coming when I can.

Remember to love and take care of each other, as well as people you know who need it. I love you all.



P.S. The stories took place between 1979 and 1984 or so. Just a reference for you.

Next: Chapter 6: Paulinas First Allies 1

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