Paying For Pizza

By Cyan

Published on Sep 26, 2024



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Paying for Pizza

(For full transparency - this is a chapter that I wrote for a different story. I decided to take that story in a different direction, but I liked this. So I reset it some. But it will likely still bear some resemblance, in characters and setting, to something else I am working on.)


Theo wandered into the dorm at about 10:45. He wandered down the hall of the bunker-like building that he called his dorm. On a college tour, one of the tour guides had joked that every college had its ugly 1970s building. Well, Booth Hall was his university's answer to that challenge. Opened in 1967, the building was ugly. It was an all-men's first-year dorm, the only all-men's dorm on campus. The joke was that Gavin had to be single sex because no girls were willing to live there. But the Booth Block Boys (Triple Bs) took a certain amount of pride in their hideous space.

The concrete walls wound awkwardly, and the boys were crammed into small cell-like rooms. The joke was that the architecture firm had lost a bid for a jail design, so they tweaked the plan a bit and made a dorm. Each pair of doubles had a small living space shared between them. Theo lived with his roommate, Winston "Ton" Hazelton II, and two basketball players, Harrold Wilson and Davidson Phillips. Yes, their names really were Harry and David. Someone in the Res Life office had a sick sense of humor.

When Theo got back to the room, Ton was sitting on their busted-ass couch with two pizza boxes sitting next to him. He and Theo had become friends ski racing against each other in high school. In a twist of fate, they had ended up at the same school, and both being athletes had ended up as roommates.

Ton was sitting, legs splayed, in a lax pinnie and shorts. Although it was still winter and the spring season technically wouldn't start for another week, Ton had already started dressing for lacrosse season. The shorts had ridden up a bit and he was showing off a lot of one of his pale white thighs, strong and hairy. He flashed his armpit and small tuft of hair as he ruffled his own strawberry-blonde hair. The silky mesh shirt clung to his pecs and exposed his toned teenage arms. He was hot. Theo did not realize when they started hanging out at ski races that Ton's visual appeal was part of why he wanted them to be friends. It was the spring of Theo's junior year in high school when some experiences on the baseball team helped him connect to his bisexuality. He hadn't told anyone, including oddly the guys he had had sex with, but since then he had come to understand that he enjoyed the opportunities to see the guys in various states of undress in the dorm and locker room.

The main room was messier than usual, which was a fairly low bar frankly. It would have been a sty if not for Harry's girlfriend Amber's regular visits and admonitions. Harry and David had left earlier today for a basketball tournament and it seemed that they had packed by simply throwing everything out of their closets and seeing what hit the bag. The mess had followed out of their room and into the shared space. Theo rolled his eyes and started tossing stuff back into their shared closet. Ton just kept playing Grand Theft Auto V.

"Thanks for the help," Theo said as he tossed an armload on to Daivd's bed.

Ton laughed and threw a sweatshirt from the couch at Theo's head. "Come play. Those douchebags can clean everything when they get back."

"Like that will happen." Theo moved the pizza boxes to the two milk crates that they used as a coffee table. "Hey, can I get a slice?"

"Five bucks."

"Even for your roommate?"

"Yep. I gotta have standards."

"Bullshit. I have seen the girls you try to hook up with."

"Wow, the price just went up to ten bucks a slice."

"Dude, come on."

"Ok, five bucks."

"I don't have cash."

"No pizza for you."

"I'll do anything; I'm starving."

"Fine. Give me a hand job for a piece."

"What the fuck? No. I'd need at least two slices to even touch that tiny little pinkie between your legs." Theo was feeling a bit conflicted. He did want to touch Ton's cock and the glances he had gotten living together were of something that certainly was not tiny, but he also really didn't want anyone to know that he was bi. So the locker room insult seemed a good strategy to deflect attention. Ton bullshitted like this regularly, so Theo had learned to give it back.

"Two slices would be worth a blow job."

"Bullshit. My mouth is worth at least half a pizza."

"Your ass is barely worth three slices."

"Not that I would even feel your dick if you tried."

"You heard the prices." Ton laughed.

"Whatever," Theo replied laughing as he grabbed a piece.

"I guess I'm getting lucky tonight," Ton replied, still laughing.

Theo rolled his eyes. "In your dreams, bro."

They hung out playing GTA and Tony Hawk for the next 90 minutes. A couple of other guys in the dorm did come through and hang out. Ton did end up selling most of the second pizza for five dollars a slice. He basically covered the price of the pizzas with his sales.

Just before 12:30, Amber came by to grab something she had left in Harry's room. "How can you live in a place like this?"

"That's Harry and Daivd. They managed to completely empty their closets to pack for the weekend."


"We try to get them to do something. Not always easy. But your the one dating one of them. Just withhold pussy until he cleans it up."

Amber snorted in disgust and left.

"Thanks for your help," Ton called down the hall after her. They both broke down laughing.

As they calmed down, Theo looked at the clock. "OK, I am heading to bed. I have class in the morning."

"Yeah. Me too."

Ton got up to grab his bathroom stuff and Theo grabbed a towel for a quick shower. Ton stripped off his pinnie and Theo got to watch the two mounds of his perfect ass encased in mesh sway across the common space. Theo knew he needed to be careful about checking his roommate out, but he firmly believed even the straightest guy would have liked watching Ton from behind.

Theo wrapped his towel around his waist, quickly dropped trou, and headed into the shower. As he walked into the bathroom, Ton was there brushing his teeth. The motion caused his butt to jiggle gently. Theo was glad that Ton was so concerned for his oral hygiene because this view was stunning. Ton finished his evening bathroom routine as Theo waited for the shower to heat up. Just as Theo was about to get into the shower, Ton walked over, pulled off his towel, and slapped him on the ass. "Make sure you get this nice and clean for me. You ate three pieces of pizza..."

"What the fuck! Go screw yourself." Theo quickly jumped in the shower and closed the curtain. Luckily no one else was in the bathroom.

Ton just laughed as he left. Theo wondered what the laugh meant. This was obviously all a joke. Ton must have been laughing at his scramble to cover himself. Wait... shit, Theo realized that Ton had walked out with his towel. That must have been the laugh. "Asshole!" Theo called out but not too loudly as he didn't want anyone to come investigate.

Theo showered even more rapidly than he normally would have. He quickly sudsed himself up, paying a bit of extra attention to his ass, trying to wash Ton off of him he told himself. But, he knew he was actually cleaning his butt in case anything Ton really tried something. Theo didn't know how he would react or should react. He thought his roommate was hot and was turned on by him. But he also knew -- for social reasons -- he should not be interested and needed to treat the whole proposal as the joke he knew it was.

Once he was clean, he shut off the water and tried to use his hands to squeegee as much water off himself as possible. Thankfully he hadn't heard the door open, so he was alone in the bathroom. Theo scuttled to the door. It was strange; he would regularly shower with the baseball team and he was ok being naked with the guys in the locker room. However, here in the dorm, he felt like he needed to hide. He stuck his head around the door to check the hall. It seemed like the coast was clear and luckily his room was next door. He scampered the few yards to the door of his room. He had a terrible thought as he reached for the lever knob. Had Ton locked him out?

Happily, the lever turned down and the door swung open. Ton was standing in the middle of the room with Theo's towel on his finger. "Missing something?"

"Fuck you. Give me that."

"Come get it."

Theo squared his shoulders and strutted proudly across the room. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist. "Asshole." They both laughed. "I'm headed to bed."

"I have one last thing to finish up. I'll be in in a moment."

Theo grabbed a pair of boxer briefs from his dresser in the closet. He didn't know why, but he made a bit of a show of dropping his towel and pulling on his underwear. As he turned to head to the bedroom, he thought he caught Ton looking at him with a bit of a flush. Odd.

He finished drying his hair and tossed his towel over his desk chair. He dropped into bed and lay for a while, mind whirring. What the hell was Ton up to? Ton liked to joke and this was not the first time this year his jokes had had homoerotic overtures. But tonight seemed like Ton was pushing more than normal. Was he reading too far into it? There was no reason for Ton to have guessed that he was bi. He made it very clear that he was interested in Jenny. (Jenny felt safe to chase because he was pretty sure she wasn't interested in him. Theo wanted to be seen chasing girls but wasn't actually sure if he wanted to be dating girls or boys.) But Ton was a total skirt chaser. He had dated Lucy for most of the last two years of high school. They broke up in the fall and Ton had been through a series of young women: Emily, Grace, Madison, Madyson, Madisyn, and more. Theo had been told all about them. Some of it was bullshit. It always was. He knew he had pedaled some bullshit about his hookups himself. But he had seen enough of Ton and these various girls -- even heard some things coming from the next bed over -- to know that it cannot all have been bullshit.

He had no answers, but he was slowly drifting to sleep. The door quietly opened and he vaguely heard Ton moving around. Suddenly, Theo noticed that the sounds had stopped, but he hadn't heard the squeak of Ton's mattress. It jarred him out of the lull of dreamtime. He turned and looked and saw Ton standing beside his bed. The streetlamp outside their room glowed across his pale skin. He was completely naked. Although his legs were covered in thick furry, it seemed to stop right at the top of his thighs. His upper body was complete smooth but for the small patch of blonde pubic hair. His cock was standing straight out from his hips. Theo's eyes opened wide and he jerked partway to seated.

"Ready to pay for your pizza?"

"What the fuck? Dude!"

"Are you saying you don't want it?"

"No... wait, yes. No. Why the fuck are you naked, perv?"

"It's easier for you to suck my cock when you can see it."

Theo couldn't even form words. He was freaking out for multiple reasons. Why was Ton doing this? Theo knew he wanted this, but didn't want Ton to know that he wanted it. What the hell was he supposed to do?

Ton came and sat beside Theo on his bed. He placed a hand gently on Theo's shoulder. "I did tell you the price before you ate any pizza..." Ton smiled. In the yellow light of the streetlamp, his white skin glowed like marble. He took one of Theo's hands and brought it to his cock. Theo's defenses fell. He started to slowly rub his thumb across the head of Ton's dick. It was longer than Theo's six and a half inches by about an inch and a half. It felt like an iron rod wrapped in suede. As Theo rubbed, a small glob of precum oozed out of Ton's slit. Theo slowly spread it over the engorged head of Ton's cock. Ton moaned quietly. Theo slid his hand down to grasp the shaft of the cock in his hand.

"Ok, joke's over. You can stop now." Ton started to try to stand up.

"Don't you want me to pay for the pizza?"

"I... uhhh... I... well. Um."

Theo laughed at Ton's fumbling. He kept stroking. Theo thought he had played this right. He could either be pushing the joke or, if Ton was actually into it, he could get lucky. Either way, he was safe. Theo thought that Ton was more interested in this than as a joke based on his physical reactions, but Theo didn't know how things would actually conclude.

Theo moved his hand off of Ton's lap and sat up. Ton was looking forward, away from Theo. He started to stand up again. Theo put a hand on his shoulder. Ton sank back down on the bed. Theo used his other hand to turn Ton's head to face him. "So? I thought you wanted me to pay for the pizza."

"I was joking around..."

"Little Ton doesn't seem to be joking." Theo brought his hand down to Ton's lap, once again wrapping his fingers around the eight inches sticking straight out. Ton gasped. "So?"

"I... um... I... well."

"So is that a yes?" Theo asked. Ton turned away again. Theo removed his hand. Ton returned his gaze to Theo's face. "Talk to me, buddy."

"I was joking around..." Ton started. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"Ok..." Theo just let his words hang between them. He could see the conflict in Ton's face. Ton wanted this to be more than a joke, but he was scared. Theo had a choice to make. Ton turned away again. Theo leaned in and whispered into Ton's ear, "It's ok." Theo rested his forehead against the side of Ton's head. Ton slumped. Theo brought his arms around him.

"I... uhh..."

"You said that already," Theo chuckled. "Do you want this?"

Ton swallowed. He nodded. Theo reached up and turned Ton to face him. Looking into his eyes, Theo asked one more time, "Do you want a blow job?"

Ton's eyes widened. They both knew this was the moment of truth. This could all be passed off as a joke between them still. But any further, this was no longer a joke. Theo just held eye contact, waiting. Ton took a deep breath. His stomach was in a knot. He knew he wanted this badly. But he also was afraid. He didn't think that Theo would say anything, neither of them wanted this to get out. But that wasn't really what worried him. He was worried he would like it. What did that mean?

"I... I... yes."

Theo smiled and pushed Ton back onto the bed. With a bit of awkward shifting, they rearranged so Ton was on his back with Theo between his thighs. Theo reached out and grabbed the base of Ton's cock. It pulsed in his fingers. It was long and pale with a pink throbbing head. Theo's pinkie rested in a small patch of blonde pubes, the only hair on his smooth white torso. He licked his lips. He reached out and pulled the tip closer to his mouth. He kissed the spongy helmet. Ton sucked air through his teeth. Theo smiled and licked his tongue over the tip, mimicking his earlier thumb actions.

"Oh god," Ton quietly moaned. He had had blow jobs before, but this was already better. It was the combination of the craziness of the situation and Theo's willingness, eagerness even, to put his cock in his mouth. None of the girls who had blown him had ever wanted to; they had just done it because they felt like they should and/or they did not want to lose their v-card and anal was out of the question. But Theo had sort of offered and seemed excited.

Theo was excited to have the chance to taste Ton. As his lips slid around the tip of Ton's penis, he got to taste a drip of Ton's precum. It was like honey. Theo sucked hard to try to get more. Ton gasped and his cock grew harder. Ton had barely touched him and he was already getting close.

Theo took the full head and first few inches of Ton's cock into his warm, wet mouth. He slowly bobbed up and down while matching the rhythm with his hand on the lower part of his shaft. Theo had only given head to a few times, but he had received it from several different hookups, mostly girls, but a few guys, as well. He knew what felt good, and not so good, and made up for his lack of experience with enthusiasm. He tried to deep-throat the beautiful cock in his mouth but quickly started to gag when he got a bit deeper. Theo tried to force himself down. But he quickly had to pull off, his eyes watering.

As Theo raised his head, Ton took his face in both hands and pulled Theo up to him. It was a reflex to kiss his partner, but they both stopped short. Theo rested his forehead against Ton's instead. Ton took a deep breath. How far was he ready to go? Just these few minutes felt so good. He was rapidly coming to understand that his sexuality was more complex than straight and Theo was certainly part of that realization. Theo was six foot even, a few inches taller than Ton. His skin was naturally golden, and his hair was almost black and shaggy. Theo's chest was smooth and square. He had a small trail of hair tracing from his navel to the waistband of his black underwear. Ton knew there was a dark bush of hair at the base of his reddish cock. Now Ton could feel Theo's hard cock pressed into his hip. Unlike Ton, Theo only had some black hair dusting his lower arms and legs.

Ton had stepped back from the precipice of approaching orgasm. As their foreheads pressed together, Ton realized he had another decision to make. He could let Theo finish sucking him off and let this encounter end. They could ignore it and this evening would be a memory. A pleasant memory, but a one-off. Or Ton could take the plunge. See where this went if he wasn't trying to hold out. The first option was safe. The second option was scary but had a much bigger upside.

Ton slid his hands down Theo's sides. His decision was made, provided that Theo would fell the same. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of Theo's underwear. "Spin around so I can get a taste of your cock too." No joking. As his gramp used to say, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Theo's eyes snapped open. He looked into Ton's eyes. In the hazel depths, he saw lust, fear, and something he could only recognize as acceptance. Ton looked back into Theo blue eyes -- seeing similar feelings of lust and excitement. He hadn't felt this connected to a partner since the first time he and Lucy had had sex, the night of high school graduation.

As Theo shifted, Ton's thumbs helped to slide his only article of clothing down his hips and thighs. It was a bit of a tangle as they both tried to finish getting Theo fully naked on the small dorm single bed. They giggled a bit about the absurdity of the tangle of limbs. It broke the tension and pretense of a joke. In that moment, they both knew and chose this as something real.

"Let's flip over," Theo suggested. With perhaps more contact and wandering hands than strictly necessary, Theo ended up on his back with Ton straddling his head. Theo reached up and pulled Ton's hips down, bringing the first few inches of Ton's cock back into his mouth. With a fist wrapped around the base of Ton's cock, Theo used his other hand to encourage Ton to start a rhythm, not quite fucking his face, but taking a more active role in the blow job.

Ton reached out and touched Theo's erection. Its heat was palpable, scalding Ton's soul as he held it. Ton knew that his life was changing. This was his Rubicon. Everything he had pushed down was about to burst forth. He wanted to hold back, but he couldn't. He reached his tongue out and swiped it across the purple-red head of Theo's cock. It was soft, and the slight wrinkles teased his tongue. Theo tasted clean but manly. He wrapped his lips around the tip and slowly worked his way down until his lips were wrapped around the shaft of Theo's cock. He didn't really know what to do, but he did know, from experiences with plenty bad blow jobs, to be very careful of his teeth. His consciousness divided into two spaces, his slowly bucking hips and his oral cavity that surrounded Theo's cock. He didn't know how long they were in this position, but slowly Ton felt things building. He pulled off Theo's cock and moaned, "I'm getting close."

Theo used both hands to help lift Ton's hips to get his mouth free. "I had three slices."

Ton awkwardly flopped onto his side next to Theo. "What?"

"You said the cost of three piece was my ass." Ton's eyes widened at Theo's statement. "I had three slices."

"Are you saying..."

"That you should fuck me? Yes."

"You sure?"

"We both could have cum just now... I stopped things. Yeah, fuck me."

"But I've never..."

"It's not that much different than fucking a girl."


"I know your not a virgin."

"NO!" Ton dropped his voice, "but it's only actually happened only a few times."

"Grab a condom and lube from the nightstand." Ton followed Theo's orders. Theo lifted his legs to expose his rosy pucker. Ton climbed back on the bed. He looked down at Theo's tight little hole. It was weird to think of an asshole as pretty, but that was the only word that he could think of. He had enjoyed fucking women, but some guys would talk about how beautiful it was between a chick's legs. Ton had always thought they were just guys looking to brag about getting some, but in this moment he understood. Theo's asshole was beautiful -- a dusty pink, pleated ring around a dark pinprick.

"You have to get my ass ready." Theo was happy he had taken a shit earlier in the evening. That would make all of this easier and cleaner.

Ton looked confused. As much as Theo wanted Ton to eat his ass, he thought that that might be a bit much for Ton's first time with a guy. "Put some lube on your finger and touch my hole." Ton followed the instructions and watched as Theo's hole puckered and wrinkled in response to the cold ooze. "Now, slowly start to push." Ton watched as Theo's asshole blossomed and sucked his finger in up to the first knuckle. Ton's cock bounced at the sight of his finger sinking into his roommate. He started to push harder. Theo gasped, "Slow. It's been a while." Ton paused and then started to push forward again. It wasn't long before he found that his finger was fully inserted into Theo. He pulled out and then slowly pushed back in. Theo moaned.

"Are you ok?" Ton asked, stopping completely. He was afraid he had done something to hurt Theo.

"Better than ok. You are amazing." Ton started pushing in again. This time he hit a hard nugget inside Theo. Theo gasped and his cock lept, arching off his stomach and oozing a huge glob of precum. Ton stopped again. "Don't stop. More." Theo begged as he wiggled his hips around on Ton's finger. Ton tickled that spot again and a stream of precum oozed out of Theo. Ton leaned forward to lick the puddle of precum that had formed on Theo's stomach. It was sweet and smooth.

"Ok... ne... next..." Theo's breath was ragged as Ton poked at his g spot again. "Stop." Ton stopped for a moment, and Theo regained his composure. "Ok, pull out, add more lube, and add a second finger." Ton followed directions. Soon, he was fucking Theo with two fingers, aiming for his prostate each stroke. "W.. wa... wa... w..." Theo tried to say something. Ton kept going a bit before pausing for his next instruction. "Ok." Theo paused to catch his breath. "Now, more lube and three fingers. Stretch my hole."

Ton complied with Theo's instructions. With a bit more lube and some slow pacing, he watched Theo's ring loosen and stretch. He wasn't quite able to find Theo's prostate as he focused more on opening his roommate up. Soon Theo wasn't clenching as much, and Ton had much smoother action in and out.

"Ok," Theo said. "I'm ready. Put on a condom."

Ton ripped the package and rolled it down his shaft. "Now, put some more lube on your dick and stick it in me. Slowly." Ton squirted one more big glob of lube on the head of his sheathed cock and placed it against Theo's hole. He tentatively pushed his hips forward and watched as Theo's pink ring opened around his cockhead. With a bit more conviction, Ton continued to push forward until the full head of his dick sank into Theo. "Give me a sec." As he paused, Ton swept his eye over the handsome man underneath him. As much as he had tried to deny it, seeing Theo's hard muscles under him was just as hot as the curves of the hottest chick he had ever fucked. Hotter actually. And Theo's hole was much tighter than any pussy he had ever experienced. "Ok. Take it slow, but I'm ready." Ton pushed his hips forward, sinking deeper and deeper into Theo. He felt his dick head rub against the nugget of joy he had found early and he saw Theo jump beneath him and felt his ass contract. He smirked. Ton kept his slow movement until his hips settled against Theo's tight ass. "Wow. Hold up a bit." Ton stopped, fully inserted within his roommate.

Theo took some deep breaths and focused on relaxing. It was amazing to look at Ton's round Lax Bro pecs capped with tiny pink nipple and sweep down his tight torso and abs to see Ton's little bush resting against his balls. His cock bounced back to fully hard at the sight. "Ok. Fuck me, but take it slow to start." Ton slowly started pulling back until just his helmet was held inside Theo. He then pushed forward. When he hit Theo's prostate, he did a little jerk thrust against it. Theo's whole body twitched underneath him each time and he moaned loudly.


"Harry and David are gone."

"But you are moaning loud enough to wake up the whole dorm." Ton noticed Theo's underwear near his head. He grabbed it and gently stuck it in Theo's mouth to give him something to bite down on. "Ready for more?" Theo just nodded.

Ton picked up his pace a bit. He moved faster but was still gentle in his thrusting. Theo pulled the boxers out of his mouth. "I ain't some weak chick. Fuck me for real. Or are you a bitch?"

Ton grabbed the underwear and stuffed it back into Theo's mouth with a hard lunge of his cock deep into Theo. Theo moaned through the cotton and gripped the sheets. Ton was worried for a moment before he noticed Theo's eyes roll back in pleasure. Theo pulled back slowly and jabbed in hard and fast. Ton's action in Theo's ass felt amazing. Theo hadn't been fucked in a while and Ton had found his number the first time.

As he pounded in and out, Ton reached down and grabbed Theo's cock. Ton knew that he wasn't going to last very long and he wanted to make sure that Theo felt good too. While he wanted wanted the girls he fucked to feel good, he never quite knew how to did. But he knew what made a guy fell good. He had never jacked off another guy, but it couldn't be that different from beating his own meat. He soon found a rhythm of hand and hip. He was close, and it seemed like Theo was too. Ton worked Theo's cock and paid extra attention to hitting the spot in Theo's ass that seemed to make him feel good.

Ton's ministrations were amazing. Theo hovered in a state of sexual bliss and pre-orgasmic high for moments, hours, eternity, he couldn't tell. But soon, the pressure built past the eruption point, and, with one more jab to the prostate by Ton's perfect dick, Theo started to cum. The first shot came close to hitting him in the chin. Although the rest of the shots were not quite so powerful, he still managed to paint most of his torso with his own cum.

As Theo orgasmed, his anal muscles contracted even tighter around Ton's cock. The combination of gripping and pulsing with the visual of his roommate shooting a massive load that he had caused was enough to push Ton over the edge as well. Ton saw black and stars as the most powerful earthquaking orgasm he had ever experienced overtook him. He shot load after load into the condom. He pulled out of Theo, fearing that he had shot so much that he was going to completely flood out of the latex sheath. Although that fear may have been overblown, the latex reservoir was engorged with his semen.

Ton stood up on shaky legs and pulled the condom off. He tied it and threw it in a chip bag in the trash so no one would see it. He grabbed Theo's towel and gave his sensitive cock a quick wipe before heading to Theo to help him clean off.

"I guess I'm going to need to shower again in the morning," Theo chuckled as Ton carefully wiped the cum off of his chest. "And do a load of laundry."

"Yep." Ton finished cleaning his roommate and tossed the towel on the ground. Theo shifted in the bed and patted the narrow portion of the mattress next to him. Ton climbed in and they jostled around until they settled into Ton spooning his taller roommate from behind. "Thank you," Ton whispered.

"Thanks for the pizza," Theo laughed.

"Can I tell you something?"


"In the fall, after a frat party, I saw you and some guy heading down a path toward Smith Pond. I followed to make sure everything was ok."

"And..." Theo knew exactly the evening that Ton was talking about. It had ended with that guy plowing him doggy style on the shore of the pond. Unfortunately, he hadn't reconnected with that guy since, because he was a pretty good fuck. Since then all of his hook ups had been with girls.

"Let's just say I learned some things about my roommate that night."

"What?" Theo asked innocently, curious how much Ton had seen.

"Don't even. Before long you were shoving yourself back against that dude's cock and moaning like a bitch in heat."


"I couldn't get the image out of my head. I'd be jacking off, and, suddenly, you would be there, thrashing on my cock and moaning like you enjoyed it, instead of the hot chick I started my fantasy with."


"After tonight, there is nothing to be sorry about."

"Are you sure?"

Ton pulled Theo tight to his chest. "Absolutely sure. There are only two things I am unsure about right now."

"Which are?"

"First, is this a one-off, or will there be a repeat performance."

Theo rolled to face Ton. It wasn't as comfortable, but it felt right in the moment. "I haven't been that hard since... well, ever. I hope there will be a repeat."

Ton let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. "Me too, roomie, me too. I like the idea of having easy access to hot ass whenever I want it." Ton knew that below his bravado about casual sex, he was actually hoping for much more from his roommate.

"Hey," Theo mock complained, gently swatting Ton on the chest.

Ton leaned forward and gave Theo a light peck on the lips. It was a fairly chaste kiss, especially after what had just occurred. But the gentle acknowledgment of their shared moment didn't need to be anything more. It was also, in someways a signal of the new intimacy that had just been agreed to. It was their first kiss. And not to be their last.

Theo sighed. "You said there were two things..."

"You are a moaner. How the hell are we going to hide this from Harry and David?" They both chuckled.

Theo rolled back over and snuggled against Ton's chest. That was a good question, but they weren't going to solve it tonight. Theo relaxed with Ton's breath warming the base of his neck. Just as he was drifting off to sleep he thought he heard Ton whisper, "I guess I will need to order pizza more frequently."


This is a one-off sex scene. As I said at the start, I took this scene out of something else that I am writing. I changed the names and the settings a bit. But I am not planning on revisiting Theo and Ton, even if there might be other stories to tell.

Hopefully, it won't be too long before I get to the other story, but realistically, it will be a while. This was actually the first scene I worked on in that. Once I had outlined the whole structure, this scene didn't really fit in as well. But I still thought it was hot and wanted to share it.

Thanks for reading.


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