Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Nov 21, 2012


Paying with my arse 11

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Well off to Mrs Lewis' for some more jobs. Let's hope ploughing her pussy is one of them. My cock has been hard all the time and apart from when I was asleep my hand has been tugging on it. I've always stopped before I cum though. The down side is I'm now as horny as hell even for a teenager and my balls feel like grapefruits and ache with pent up cum. I'm dressed to impress. I'm wearing a tight white sleeveless muscle top which shows off my tanned toned arms. My nicely sculpted shows through too. Below I'm wearing a tight pair of black football shorts without any underwear so my sexy pert arse shows through as does the bulge of my man sized boy cock.

Mrs Lewis has answered the door wearing a short Chinese style silk dressing gown which does about covers her modesty. You can see the bulge of her big shapely breasts that I can't wait to grope. Nearly all of her long tanned sexy shapely legs are on show which I can't wait to kiss and lick up before muff diving her. Shit in the couple of seconds it has taken me to eye her up I'm well on the way to be hard. "Mmm somebody is pleased to see me." Oh wow she's dragging her fingers down my cock. Well that finished the job. My 9 inch cock is rock hard and jutting down the left leg of my footie short, the head almost peeking out of the leg. "I do have some jobs for you but I think you need taking care of." "Yes please Mrs Lewis, I've been thinking about you all the time." "Have you been a naughty boy wanking your cock?" "Yes Ma'ma but I didn't cum as I wanted to save that for you." "How sweet of you. My husband is away on business and my pussy is itching for cock." "I'm here to help." "Yes you are."

This is strange she is leading us down into the cellar rather than up to the bedroom. "Wait here." "OK." Carma has gone through a door and closed it behind her. She's come out now with a pile of clothes that looks like a school uniform. "Put these on and come in when I call you." "OK." Let's see what we have here. A pair of grey school shorts. There is no underwear and I'm not wearing any so I'll have to pull them on without any. Boy are they tight and skimpy. My firm pert arse is really straining the material at the back. My cock head is sticking out of the leg so I'd better stuff it back in. Wow I have to admit my big boy cock looks good in these shorts. You can see the long thick tube of my 9 inch teen cock and big balls. Now put on the white short sleeved school shirt. The armbands are pretty tight around my biceps which are really buffing up from all this gardening work. My toned sculpted chest is showing through nicely too. There is a blazer. I wonder if this is a real school badge, if so I wonder which school. It may be as the same badge is on the cap. To top it off are a pair of grey socks. That's handy there is a full length mirror. Mmm I have to admit I do look sweet and innocent but also dam sexy. My cute boyish face and blond fringe shows below the cap which adds to the innocent look. My bright blue eyes are twinkling and my lush red lips are dying to be wrapped around Carma's nipples or clit. It's a shame that the blazer hides my swimmer toned upper body but the shorts show off most of my sexy well toned golden haired tanned legs. If I was a girl I'd fancy me.

"Come in." That's my cue.

Wow Carma looks even more stunning that usual. She's got a school mistress look about her. Her jet black hair is done up in a bun and she is wearing a pair of black rimmed glasses that adds to the authoritarian school mistress look. What doesn't is her tight fitting white blouse which her 34C breasts are straining against. I can see her tanned ample cleavage and the top of a frilly black bra as the top few buttons of her blouse are undone. She is also wearing a short skimpy black skirt which shows off most of her very sexy shapely legs. Dam she's making me boner up already. "So boy you've been smoking behind the bike sheds have you?" "Yes Miss, I'm sorry." "You will be. Do you know what the punishment is for smoking on school premises?" "No Miss." "It's a dam good spanking." "Please no Miss I won't do it again." "I'm here to make sure of that. Now drop your shorts and bend over the desk." "I can't Miss." "Let me guess you're not wearing any underwear?" "No Miss." "You teenage boys are all the same, sex on the brain. It doesn't matter as you'd have had to pull your pants down anyway. A spanking only works on bare flesh now do as you're told otherwise they'll be 10 more." "OK Miss." This is kind of kinky. My cock is already swelling as I start to remember the pleasurable pain when I got spanked when I was gang banged by 9 older lads over a dope debt. Drop my school shorts and bend over the desk. "Aww." She has just whacked my arse with a wooden ruler, making my buttocks sting. "Aww." "Aww." "Aww." "Aww." Dam I can't help it but my 15 year old cock has sprung fully to attention from the glowing stinging sensation radiating from my buttocks. "Aww." "Aww." "Aww." "Aww." "Aww."

"Now stand up boy." I hope my shirt covers my boner. Who am I kidding my throbbing 9 incher is dangling between my legs so there is no way this shirt is going to cover it. Yep I was right. "Oh it seems you enjoyed your punishment." Although my arse is on fire and stinging like mad I have to admit I did enjoy her spanking me. "We can't have that. Bend over again." Better do as she says although not sure how much spanking my arse can take. "Aww." God she's just forced something into my arse. My sphincter is stinging like fuck, the same as when I got gang banged by the 9 older lads and when I got accosted by that guy in the public toilets afterwards. Oh there's more. Shit she's wearing a strap on dildo that must be at least 8 inches long and as thick as Wade's cock had been. She's got it rammed in right into the hilt. "What are you doing you Miss?" "Punishing you the only way you straight boys know, making you pay with your arse." I can feel a vibration so it must have a pussy pleasuring plate. My sore arse aches from having the hard dildo up it but it is bringing back memories of when I was gang banged. Sure it hurt to start with but I hate to admit I was really getting into it at the end. This is much better as it is a sexy woman doing it and not some sex mad lads. Now she's starting to fuck me with the strap on dildo. Yes it is making my sphincter stinging like mad and my arse aches but already it is starting to feel kind of pleasurable.

Carma has been fucking me with the strap on dildo for awhile now and all pain has gone and has been replaced with pure pleasure. It is strange and kind of kinky being fucked up the arse by a woman with a strap on. Shame we aren't face to face. "Mmm by the feel of this you are enjoying this punishment as well." Oh yes she's wrapped her hot right hand around my thick throbbing boy cock. "I bet smoking isn't the only thing you've been up to behind the bike shed. It seems you like a cock up your arse. I bet you've been pimping out your pert little arse to the other boys." "No Miss honest." "So this is the first thing you've had up your arse?" "Yes Miss." Yeah I know I lied but I don't want her to know I was gang raped by 9 older lads and then a man. "Do you like it?" "Yes Miss. It hurt to start with but feels nice now." "I can tell because your cock is so hard and you are blessed. You have one of the biggest cocks of all the boys I've punished." "Really Miss?" "Yes your cock is even bigger than some of the male teachers here." "Thank you Miss."

Carma has been fucked me for a bit now and I'm really enjoying it. That's a shame she's just pulled it from my arse. "Lie on your back on the table boy." "Yes Miss." Cool she's taking off her blouse. Now she's taken off her bra. Just look at those big beautiful tanned 34C tits with nice big nipples. "Hold your legs up I want to watch your face as I fuck you." She's advancing toward me, the strap on looks about 8 inches long and a nice thickness. "Ouch." Carma has just rammed the strap on up me and it's made my sphincter sting like mad. Oh wow it's just hit that spot inside me that makes my cock throb and tingle. She's got all 8 inches of it up my arse now. It is weird feeling of a cock up my arse but a woman stood before me. She started to fuck me. She pulls the strap on backward until just the tip is in before she thrusts it back in. Each time she plunges it in it hits my prostate which makes my big cock throb and dribble pre-cum onto my stomach which is already slick with the stuff.

As Carma fucks me hard with her 8 inch strap on dildo her big tanned breasts are bouncing about which looks so sexy. I'd love to reach up and lovingly grope them but I have to grip the edge of the desk to stop her fucking me off it. Carma is really making my arse feel good with the dildo. I can't help but purr with pleasure. "You're enjoying this aren't you boy." "Yes Miss." "Me too but my pussy is itching for you big young cock. Let's go upstairs." She's pulled the dildo from my arse and it is missing it already.

In Carma's bedroom we removed any last remnant of clothing. Now she's laid on the bed offering me her sexy body. I can't help but admire it. She had long jet black hair framing a tanned sexy face of Mediterranean appearance, she's Italian. Her lips are so lush and red and her eyes a greenish colour. Her breasts are nice and big, still very firm and pert with no sign of sagging. She has big brown nipples that are bullet hard and surrounded by big brown halos. Her breasts have the same deep Mediterranean tan as the rest of her. Her stomach is flat and leads down to her pubes and pussy. Carma has a dense, but not unsightly, bush of black pubes. She has a really prominent pink fleshy labia that contrasts with her black pubes. Her pussy is fully opened and soaking and I must taste it.

After admiring her sexy mature body I climb between her long tanned shapely legs. The smell of her aroused pussy is pungent and inviting. Without hesitation I begin lick out her pussy. I love the feel of her wet fleshy labia against my tongue and her pussy juice is just so delicious. I'm so addicted to the taste of female cum and as Carma is a 38 year old woman her sex tastes stronger than the teen girls I'd been with so far. I can tell I'm doing a good job of licking her out as her sexy body is squirming about and she's groaning with pleasure. Now I'm using my tongue as a small cock to wiggle into her hot wet sex. The smell and taste of her pussy is driving me wild and my cock is throbbing in eager anticipation. I can't wait to plunge my big young cock into her hot wet pussy.

Right I've been licking her out for over five minutes which should be enough and on top of that I'm dying to fuck her. Time to mount her. "Did I tell you to stop boy?" She gruffly barked. "No Miss." Was my sheepish reply before I returned to licking her pussy. I alternate between sucking and licking her hard little clit to stabbing my tongue in and out of her pussy or licking up and down between her flesh labia. God this is making my cock positive itch.

Carma has made me lick her out for at least another five minutes before giving me the green light. I've learnt my lesson and kiss and lick up her flat firm stomach rather than trying to mount her straight away. I've made my way to between her big tanned breasts. I move over to left breast where I suck, lick and gently nibble her nipple. Then I switch to the right before making my way up to her gorgeous face. For a 38 year old her face is really sexy. I move in to kiss her lush red lips as I wiggle my thick 9 inch cock into the entrance to her pussy. She's broken the kiss. "Fuck me hard boy." She's lustfully begged. That's my signal. I might only be 15 but I could fuck really hard, so I was going to show her that although I was a boy I could fuck like a man and had the tackle to match. "OH fuck yes!" Carma exclaimed as I powerfully rammed my thick 9 inch cock into her hot wet tight pussy. It was so hot feeling my swollen knob forcing open the wet velvety soft walls of her pussy as he labia stimulates my thick cock shaft. I've buried all of my cock into her, right up to the pubes hilt. The hot wet tightness of her sex is soaking into my cock and it feels so good. Now I've started fucking her hard, really ramming my big cock into her. Each time I pull back I feel her tight wet pussy sucking at my retreating cock. Whenever I thrust in the wet walls of her pussy stimulate my sensitive cock head.

Well I've been fucking Carma for a while now and from the way she's groaning with pleasure I'm not disappointing. Of fuck the bedroom door has opened and there is a burly man stood there. "Hello darling." He said. Oh fuck he must be Carma's husband. Fuck what do I do? It's blatantly obvious I'm fucking his wife. Well I have stopped but my cock is ball deep in her pussy. "So this is the new garden boy?" He said as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him. I wanted to get off Carma but she still has her legs and arms wrapped around me. "Don't worry boy my wife and I are swingers. I enjoy watching other men fuck my wife. Carma is very impressed with you." "She's told you we've been having sex?" "Of course there is no secrets between us. Come on then lets so how good you are." "You want to watch me fuck your wife?" I asked thinking it was weird for him to watch and I would feel uncomfortable with him watching. "Yes." Well what choice do I have?

Turning back to Carma I look into her sexy face to see if it is what she wants. "Fuck me." She lustfully begged. Well that answered that question. Despite my discomfort at her husband watching I began to fuck her again. As I did so her big pert breasts jiggled against my toned chest. Carma then began to kiss me which put me at ease. So much so that after a few minutes I'd practically forgot her husband was watching. Carma provided a big distraction. Her face was just so sexy and she was such a great kisser. The feel of her warm firm shapely body under mine felt so good. Her hot wet tight pussy sucked and stimulated my rapidly thrusting cock. Her long shapely legs were wrapped around me as her fingers caressed my back.

For about 10 minutes I fucked Carma and by that time had forgotten about her husband but I soon got a rude reminder. "What are you doing?" I asked as he mounted me. "It's time you paid for fucking my wife." "I'm straight." I said as I paused fucking his wife. "I don't care I'm going to fuck your arse." "Aww!" He's just rammed his cock up my arse and it's big. My sphincter is burning like mad and the walls of my arse throbbing. Shit his cock must be at least 9.5 inches long and bloody thick especially at the base. "The fact you're still here means that Carma has fucked you with her strap on dildo. Now you're going to feel a real cock." He gruffly said into my ear. Shit he's launched straight into a rough hard fuck, making my poor arse burn. "Please not so hard." I begged. "You would be paying otherwise." He said not relenting. "But you said you liked watching guys fuck your wife." I gasped as I fought the burning searing over stuffed pain radiating out from my arse. "I do and they all pay the same price, with their arse. Now fuck my wife before she goes cold." He commanded. Surrendering to my fate I resumed fucking Carma, not that I needed to do much more as her husband was fucking me like he was trying to get through me to his wife.

For the first few minutes the three way fuck was awkward as my attention was more focused on the pain in my arse. But the more he fucked me the more the pain faded just like when I'd been ganged. Despite the length and thickness of his cock my arse began to feel as good as when Carma fucked it with the strap on dildo. Now that my arse was feel pleasurable I was able to concentrate on the fuck. I picked up on his rhythm so that when he pulled his cock back I thrust mine into his wife. Then I'd pull back from her which thrust my arse up to meet his plunging down big cock making sure we got maximum penetration. When his cock rammed in my arse I felt the increasing thickness of his long cock stretching and stimulating my tight inexperienced sphincter as his swollen thick ridge punched open the walls of my arse making them throb with pleasure. His hard sweaty muscled body would press against mine as I felt his groin slap against my smooth pert arse. I could feel he had a hairy chest and I like the way the hairs tickled my back.

Soon the dual pleasure of having my teen boy arse stimulated by being fucked by such a big thick manly cock as my own well endowed boy cock plunged in and out of a woman's hot, wet pussy who was old enough to be my Mum got to me. My arse was throbbing with the pleasure you only get from being fucked rough and hard by a thick cock. My sphincter glowed with the friction of his thick cock plunging in and out of my arse as the walls throbbed from being punched open by his thick ridged knob. My cock tingled with the pleasure of fucking the hot wet pussy of an older woman. My balls ached with the pent up cum from being fucked by Carma with an 8 inch cock and then her husband's thick 9.5 inch cock. "I'm going to cum." I gasped as I tried to fight it back a bit longer. "Yes cum in my pussy boy" Carma begged. " Yes breed my wife." He commanded. That pushed me over the edge. Continuing to relentlessly pound Carma's pussy my orgasm hit. It was one of my most intense so far as I began powerfully pumping a copious amount of cum into Carma's. With each ejaculation I groaned with intense sexual pleasure and Carma purred as she had a virile 15 year old boy flood her 38 year old pussy with spunk. This pushed her over the edge and she dug her nails into my tensed triceps as her orgasm hit. I felt her tight pussy spasm around my cock which fuelled my orgasm. Her groans of orgasm mingled with mine.

When our joint orgasm ended her husband pulled his cock from my arse, which although a bit sore, missed being impaled on his massive cock. He rolled over onto his back to Carma's left as I pulled out of her pussy and rolled onto my back on her right. Despite still being enthralled in the orgasm afterglow Carma straddled her husband's face. Immediately I heard slurping noises and Carma began to coo with pleasure so I knew her husband was licking out my schoolboy cum from her pussy. As he did so I admired his body. I have to admit his body was buff and sexy. It was a bit pale but with a hint of a tan. He had big well toned biceps and shapely forearms that were dusted with brown hairs. He had a fit well toned chest that had a dense mat brown hairs, some of which had a grey tint. His buff chest begged to be groped but I resisted hoping to keep up the straight boy reluctantly going gay persona. He had a six pack stomach that had a light covering of brown hairs which got dense in the ridge running from his chest and down his abs. Below his navel the hairs on his stomach became denser as they reached his pubes. Despite having ploughed my arse his cock was clean but glistened with lube and my clean arse juice. My arse guessed right and it looked to be 9.5 inches long, about half an inch longer than mine despite him being over twice my age. It was really thick getting more so towards the base. The long thick cock shaft was heavily veined and he was uncut but his foreskin had peeled back to expose all of his knob. His knob was pinky pale with a thick prominent ridge. Below his cock were a big pair of balls in a tight lightly haired sack. Then my legs travelled down his muscular legs which had thick toned thighs and shapely calfs all of which were covered in brown hairs. And although his face was covered by his wife's arse from what I'd seen of it when he was stood in the doorway when he first discovered us fucking I knew it was handsome in a mature rugged way.

For about five minutes he licked my teen cum from his wife's pussy. After years of doing this together he brought Carma off to an earth shattering orgasm not doubt squirting the rest of my cum into his mouth mixed with his wife's pussy juice. When her orgasm ended Carma rolled off him and lay between us. Her gorgeous face was flushed with the after orgasm glow and her eyes were glazed. Then I noticed her husband climb over her and get in the push up position above me. "We have some unfinished business." He said. Surprising myself I offered up my arse without a second thought. This didn't pass him by as a sly knowing grin spread across his face. I have to admit it was a sexy face. Sure it wasn't teen boy cute but it did have a manly rugged appearance. He looked to be slightly older than Carma. I would later find out he was 39 to her 38. He had short brown hair which had a few grey hairs at the sides. He had greyish blue eyes and a slight 5 O'clock shadow. My gaze also took in the sight of his tensed toned biceps and hairy chest. We both gasped as he roughly rammed his thick 9.5 inch cock ball deep into my arse. There was no pain this time just pure pleasure. Was I turning bi? Who cared this felt good. "I'm Dylan by the way." He said with my boy cunt fully impaled on his big thick cock. "I'm Ben." I replied. "Well Ben if you thought Carma fucking you with a strap on felt good wait until you've tried a real cock." He said before launching into a rough hard fucking.

For ages he roughly fucked my young arse setting it on fire with pleasure. The walls throbbed from being punched open by his thick ridged knob and at this angle it hit my prostate making my cock leak pre-cum onto my abs. The tapering thickness of his long veiny cock shaft stretched and stimulated my tight sphincter. As he fucked me I reached up and groped his muscular hairy chest which was dripping sweat onto me. Then he started fucking me even faster and harder which signalled he was getting close to orgasm. His rapidly thrusting cock was making my arse feel so good and despite the fact he was a guy he was sexy. I really think I'm turning bi. "I'm going to cum in you boy." Dylan grunted as his rough hard fucking reached fever pitch. "Breed my like you do your wife." I gasped surprising myself I said it. Without stopping his brutal fucking of my arse his orgasm hit. Dylan began to loudly grunt with sexual pleasure as he started pumping hot cum into me. I felt his big thick thrusting cock throb in my arse as it pumped a big load of cum into me making me purr with pleasure.

When his massive orgasm ended he rammed all 9 inches of his thick manly cock into my cum flooded boy cunt. "Your arse is ours now and you have to offer it up whenever we ask. Got it?" "Yes sir." I replied as I savoured the sore but satisfied feeling in my tight young arse. Sure I was well into straight sex but he was sexy enough to turn bi for. Then he pulled his big cock from my arse which began to miss it straight away. Then he surprised me by rolling over onto his back and pulling his legs up and out to the sides exposing his toned hairy arse. "Fuck me. You have a big cock and I want you to fuck me like you do my wife." He lustfully begged. I couldn't believe this hunky guy who was old enough to be my Dad wanted me to fuck him. He didn't need to ask twice as the fucking he'd given me had made me so horny and I needed to fuck. Carma came over a lubed up my big boy cock. Her slick hand felt good rubbing up and down my throbbing 9 inch boy cock. "He likes being fucked hard." She said when she finished lubing up my cock.

With my cock prepped I got into the push up position above Dylan. A domineering feeling overcame me. The fact I was about to top a hunky guy over twice my age turned me on. I wanted to show him that although I was only a 15 year old schoolboy I could fuck way above my weight. "Now it's time for you to pay with your arse." I gruffly said as I brutally rammed my thick 9 inch cock into his arse. My knob punched open his tight sphincter which slid down my flared knob to clamp around my thick cock shaft. His sphincter continued to stimulate my cock as my swollen knob punched open the hot wet walls of his arse. Then I had all 9 inches of my cock in his arse which felt so hot and tight. I launched straight into a rough hard fuck, pounding his arse as rough and hard as I could. With each deep hard thrust his tight sphincter wanked my long thick cock shaft as the hot wet walls of his arse stimulated my swollen knob. "That's it fuck me boy." Dylan groaned with pleasure, letting me know I was doing a good job. I too was moaning with the pleasure of fucking a man's arse with my big boy cock as his wife watched which was a real turn on. As I fucked Dylan he caressed me lean sports toned upper body. I saw the lustful look in his handsome face. He really seemed to be getting off on being fucked by a well hung schoolboy.

For ages I fucked Dylan good and hard before I felt my orgasm rising. I started fucking him even faster and harder, really plunging my cock into his arse. Then my orgasm hit. Without stopping my rapidly pounding cock started pumping cum into his arse. I felt my warm cum bubble around my plunging cock head which fuelled my orgasm. I couldn't believe I was a 15 year old boy spunking up in a hunky 39 year old man's arse. My orgasm was so intense and I pumped a big load of cum into him.

Once my orgasm ended I pulled my big spent cock from his cum filled arse and rolled over to his side to savour the post orgasm buzz. However I didn't get to enjoy it for long as they dragged me off the bed and bent me over a chest of drawers. Dylan moved in front of me as Carma went behind me. Dylan forced his cock into my mouth and began to face fuck me. He had a tight grip on my head so I couldn't do anything but take it. His cock tasted faintly of lube, cum and my arse but it wasn't unpleasant. He was fucking my mouth quite vigorously but only forcing the top half of his cock in my mouth so I didn't have to worry about gagging. I liked the taste of his cock and the pre-cum it was leaking. The feel of his thick throbbing cock sliding over my lips and tongue felt so good and his strong sweaty aroused aroma filled my nostrils. Carma then began to spank my arse with a leather paddle. In no time my arse was stinging like mad and on fire but I found the pain pleasurable, so much so that I was muffling moans of pleasure around Dylan's cock which reverberated through it. I was totally at their mercy and they weren't giving me any.

For about 5 minutes Dylan raped my mouth as Carma spanked my pert buttocks. Then Dylan started spunking up in my mouth. His cock throbbed and he groaned with pleasure as he flooded my mouth with hot thick strong tasting man spunk. When I'd been gang banged I'd hated the taste of cum at first but by the end liked it. With Dylan I liked the taste straight away. "Swallow my spunk." Dylan commanded when his orgasm ended, his cock still in my mouth. His thick cum was pooled on my tongue and made my taste buds tingle. Then I swallowed his thick jizz feeling it slide down my throat. Then he pulled his spent cock from my mouth. "Right we're finished with you now." Dylan said as he took his wife into his arms and began to kiss her. I picked up my clothes and left them too it. On the way home my well spanked arse burned and my well fucked arse throbbed and leaked cum into my undies. For the rest of the day whenever I sat down I had to it gingerly as it recovered from the spanking it had received.

If you liked this let me know at The next chapter will carry on from here.

Next: Chapter 12

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