Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Aug 18, 2012


Paying with my arse 3

This is a work of bi-sexual fiction the start of which bears no resemblance to the end so stick with it if it's not your cup of tea. If you like it why not make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Failing that I'd love feedback on what you thought of it at

The hands on the clock are racing towards three thirty PM and I should be as excited as hell, like my class mates, but instead I'm so shit scared its almost making me physically sick. It's my last day of school before the summer holidays so why aren't I excited you ask. Well I did something really dumb and I know I'm now going to pay for it. You see I go to a good public school, which means private school to anyone outside the UK, so my parents are loaded. Despite that they give me a meagre allowance as they want to instil a work ethic in me. But sod that I'm 15 and too busy chasing girls with quite some success I might add.

Shit it is three ten already. I can see they're waiting for me outside the school gate. I have fucked up big time and they are going to make me pay. By the time they've finished with me I won't be good enough for dog meat. Shit all I want to do is go home and take care of this stonking boner I've got from thinking of my past conquests of the female variety. I still screw Paula and Emma from time to time but they let me know it is just sex. I'm too young to drive them around or get them into clubs so they date older lads but turn to me if they turn out to be lame fucks.

A few months after I started having sex with my mate's foxy 16 year old sister and her best mate I got to pop my first cherry. My parents and I were on holiday in Cornwall. They are loaded but now and again they come over all hippy and want to get back to nature. Hence the fact that we are one week into a three week holiday on some shitty camp site in the middle of nowhere. At least I have my own tent this time so I can fire one off without my parents hearing. It's only a three man tent but gives me some privacy rather than my room in the family tent. It has worked out well though as we now use that part of the tent as a living room in case the weather is crap. And as there is no pussy for miles I need fire one off the wrist a lot. All the women seem to be in their 40's and not one of them sexy enough to wake my trouser monster. But that changed when another family turned up. It was the parents with a male toddler and a daughter who was 14 like me. She was hardly a stunner but not ugly either, if anything a bit of a plain Jane especially with her geeky glasses. As they set up next to us Mum and Dad dragged my over there to see if we could give a neighbourly hand. We all got introduced and I found out the girl's name was Claire. As our Dad's pitched their tent our Mum's sorted stuff out for Claire and me to pack horse between the car and the pitch.

An hour and a half later and their camp was set up. Like typical teens Claire and I were fuming at our enforced slave labour and desperate to get away. During the time to set up their tent my opinion of Claire was softening. Sure she wasn't doing herself any favours with the geeky glasses and baggy unfashionable clothes but I was beginning to realise her face wasn't as plain as I first thought. Either that or horny goggles were kicking in as I was desperate for a fuck. She was also quite shy and timid. I suggested we go to the pool mainly for my own selfish reason of getting to see her in a swimming costume. She seemed a bit unsure at first but it was either that or be bored around parents. Claire went into their tent to change as I went into ours. It was a glorious sunny day so I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on my blue Speedo swim shorts, put on some flip flops and grabbed a towel and some suntan oil. My heart sank a bit when Claire came out as she was wearing the same baggy tee shirt and jeans as before. We walked to the pool and I tried to make conversation but it was quite hard as she seemed so shy. The fact I was practically naked probably didn't help. I had to admire I was pleased with the way my body was developing. Even though I was only 14, nearly 15, my chest was becoming fairly toned and defined, not just from the sports I played at school but also the intense push up and sit up routine I'd undertaken at home every day.

My stomach was forming a six pack as well as my biceps starting to buff up. My regular sexercise had meant my buttocks were rock hard and shapely. My legs were also toning up and getting a dense covering of soft blond hairs. I'd also taken a leaf out of Sabine's book and had started sunbathing nude. I now had a body as fit and tanned as Tom Daley when he was my age.

At the pool I jumped in and swam about pretending not to watch Claire strip. First she pulled off her baggy tee shirt. Underneath I saw she was wearing a dark blue one piece swim suit which was far from revealing. However her tits did seem a nice size and very pert. When she dropped her jeans I saw her legs were fairly shapely and when she turned around to fold up her clothes I saw she had a great arse despite the unflattering costume she was wearing. And although her face still looked kind of plain it was more attractive without the glasses. Hormones, pent up teen boy sexual frustration and the lack of competition made me make a play at her. As we swam and splashed about I quizzed and complimented her in subtle ways.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No? Well I'm surprised with your looks."


"Yeah I've had a couple of girlfriends but not at the moment."

"You look nice without your glasses have you thought of getting contacts?"

"That swimming costume looks nice, where did you get it?"

"Primark, really? You couldn't tell." Oh yes you could I said to myself.

And so on. I know as corny as hell but I hadn't dipped my wick in nearly a week and a half and I was gagging for it. Sure my left hand was a great substitute but it was nowhere as good as plunging into a girl's hot wet pussy.

It was a bit of hard work but my gift of the gab seemed to be working. Either that or as she'd never had these compliments showered on her before but she seemed to open up. The end of that day we parted on good terms and the wall flower seemed to be opening. By the end of day 2 we had our first kiss. Day three was with tongues. Day four was tongues and a titty grope. Day five was a hand job although I kept her off my big cock in case it scared her off, instead I fingered her truly virgin pussy. The most surprising thing though I was her first fingering ever. I didn't know if this was common with girls but I thought how the hell she could get to be 14, almost 15 years old and not to have masturbated. I doubt any boys ever get to that milestone. She was quite a squealer when her first orgasm hit so I had to clamp my hands over her mouth when we did it in the woods behind the camp site. Day six and I'm hoping for the cherry pop. Until yesterday no-one, not even Claire herself had played with her pussy, let alone any boy. Now I was hoping to pop its cherry. Claire is kind of cute in a way and would be more so if she ditched the glasses and frumpy clothes.

Wow this might be cherry popping day. For the first time Claire is wearing something remotely sexy. Instead of her shoulder length curly black hair tied up in a pigtail it is loose and flowing. Even though she is still wearing those geeky glasses with her hair down her face looks less plain. Her lips are thin and pale but look kissable enough. She has greeny grey eyes which seem to be sparkling today. Claire is wearing a cheap pattered summer dress but it looks good on her and shows off what she normally tries to hide under loose baggy clothing. She had quite shapely breasts, about 32B I'd say. Sabine had initiated me into the puzzling world of women's bra sizes. Her arms were long with just the hint of a tan stopping them being pale which was a pleasant surprise as so far I'd seen her try to keep as much of her body under wraps as possible. Her summer dress ends about half way down her smooth off white thighs. She had chunky legs and by that I don't mean fat but solid. As I would find out later she was on her school hockey team which I thought was cool. Maybe that is because I'd spent so much time drooling, sorry cheering on Paula and Emma at their weekend hockey matches. Sod beach volleyball at the Olympics; give me women's hockey any day.

Claire and I went to the pool and I got a double surprise when she stripped off. Gone was the single one piece swimsuit to be replaced by a two piece bikini. Sure it was way toned down than anything Sabine, Paula or Emma would have worn but seemed a big step for Claire. As I would find out later she had gone into town on her own to buy it. It seemed she was playing me as much as I was playing her. We had a great time splashing about in the pool until we got called to a joint dinner with our families. Our parents seemed to notice our blossoming romance and thought it was sweet. Little did they know that their sweat innocent son had already nailed the au pair and my best mate's older sister and her bi-sexual mate Emma but I also had my eyes on deflowering our camp neighbour's 14 year old daughter. After dinner Emma and I had to do the dishes which was a chore but meant by the time we got back the adults were hitting the wine so we were able to sneak off to the beach. We sat on the sand and chatted but we could both feel the sexual tension rise. I suggest a walk in the dunes with an ulterior motive. Being 14 almost 15 a boy needs to jerk off at the drop of a hat. This dilemma had hit me earlier on in the holiday and had led me to find the perfect place for a wank in the dunes. It was set back from the beach with dense scrub behind it and no overhangs looking on to it. Running through it was a barely visible animal track that led to a nice opening. Here you could wank off without anyone being able to see you so it also made a great fuck spot.

After doing the whole walking in the surf, holding hands, saying how gorgeous she was I led Claire to my wank spot. Despite the fact it had now been nearly two weeks since my last fuck I tried to play the gentleman even though my cock was itching for a fuck. It started off with small talk which led to me complimenting her new look. I loved the way she bashfully blushed when I did so. I had come to realise it wasn't horny goggles that was attracting me to Claire; she really did have underlying beauty but hid it with a boring fashion sense. I led her to the spot which benefited from being totally excluded but at the same time blessed with the last of the day's sunshine. I'd done my stint in the boy scouts so had brought a picnic blanket with me in a backpack along with a couple of condoms and a couple of morning after pills I'd pinched from Paula. I was pretty sure I was in line for popping cherry so I wanted to make sure all bases were covered. After a few minutes of either awkward silence or dry conversation we let instinct take over. It started with day two our first kiss. But within a couple of minutes it progressed to day thee, kissing with tongues. Day four kicked in a few minutes later with us trying to suck each other's face off as we had our hands up each other's top fondling our chests. I had my hands stuck in the sides of her summer dress fondling her bar covered 32B breast as she had he hands stuck up my tee shirt groping my budding chest that was already starting to buff up. Her breasts were nice and firm and her nipples felt so hard. Day five happened a bit later. My hand made its way up her summer dress to rub her pussy through the material of her panties. It only took a few minutes before I had them soaked with her love juice. Then I stuck my hand inside and fingered the warm fleshy folds of her love box.

After fingering Claire's hot wet pussy for a bit I could see I had to take the lead so I did so. I stood up and pulled my tee shirt off over my head. I exposed my fairly firm lean fit upper body that was becoming nicely toned and with a great tan to boot. I was getting a tanned chiselled six pack with sculpted pecs and defined arms. Not body builder physique but more buff swimmer build. Then I dropped my shorts to expose my well toned, golden tanned, blond hairs legs. I wasn't surprised when Claire's eyes clamped onto the front of my blue Speedo briefs and gave the same expression as Sabine's. Paula's and Emma's had before. From kissing and fingering Claire I had a rock hard erection that my Speedo briefs were struggling to confine. Then I lifted Claire up and passionately kissed her for a bit. Then I lifted her summer dress over her head. First I exposed her soaking wet white panties, the fleshy lips of her pussy showing through the wet material. Then I exposed her flat stomach which like the rest of her had the faint hint of a tan to stop her being white. Then her bra covered breasts came into view. Now these were milky white from what I could see of the cleavage. I gave them a gentle, loving grope and found them to be pretty firm. Then I undid them and took them off. Claire instinctive scrunched her shoulders with the embarrassment of being topless in front of a boy for the first time. She needn't have been embarrassed as she had nice shapely firm pert breasts were perky pink pointy nipples. I pushed her shoulders back and complimented her on her breasts, telling her how sexy they were as I fondled them. This made her blush which I found quite cute.

For a while we kissed and fondled each other's naked exposed chest. Then I pushed Claire down to her knees so that her face was level with my covered groin. I hooked my fingers under the waistband of my Speedo swim shorts and pushed them down. It was all I could do not to laugh when I saw the shocked expression on her face. At 14 and a half years old my cock was pushing 8.5 inches. Claire had never seen a cock before, limp or hard, so didn't know what sex they should be but some natural instinct told her this was big.

"Go on touch it." I encouraged. But she hesitated for awhile. So I showed her what to do and wanked my cock in front of her face. Eventually either courage or curiosity made her reach out and take my cock in her right hand. She began to wank it in a soft light grip as if scared to touch it. I wrapped my hand around hers to show her how tight her grip needed to be. Then I let go and watched Claire wank my cock with an expression of fear and anticipation. Claire wanked me for a bit before I instructed her in her first every blow job. At first she seemed a bit disgusted at the thought of taking my cock into her mouth. It took a couple of exploratory licks around the swollen knob for her realised there was no horrible taste to contend with. To start with I had her licking up and down the solid throbbing length like a lollipop. Then I had her sucking my knob and swirling her tongue all over it. Then I coached her in how to bob her sucking mouth up and down it. It was a crap blow job but it was her first time and the blow jobs I'd had before came from three older, more experienced girls.

Realising I wasn't going to get the satisfaction I craved through oral sex I knew I'd have to get it through real sex. I asked Claire to lay on the blanket and she did so. I got into the push up position above her and began to kiss her as I gently ground my big naked hard cock against the wet material of her panties, the heat of her pussy soaking through. For a few minutes I did this before I began to move down her fairly sexy young virgin body. I kissed and licked my way to her sexy shapely breasts which were milky white with nice sized pink nipples. I began to suck and lick away at her left nipples as I gently pinched her right. This had her purring with pleasure and squirming about a bit. Then I swapped breasts so that I was sucking on the right and tweaking the left. Next I kissed my way down her flat stomach to the waistband of her panties, her horny aroused schoolgirl aroma filling my nose. The material of her white cotton panties was soaked so you could see the pink fleshy lips of her pussy and black pubes. Then I pulled her panties down to expose quite a big but sparse mat of curly black pubes split down the middle by fairly red puffy pussy lips that glistened with her love juice. It looked a sexy juicy pussy muff that I was eagerly looking forward to muff dive and then cherry pop. I kissed and licked my way down her left leg as I dragged her wet panties off. Once they were I kissed and licked my way up her right leg, the smell of her virgin pussy getting stronger and stronger.

When I reached her love box I admired the sight of it. Whereas Sabine's, Paula's and Emma's clits had been fairly prominent Claire's was smaller and hidden in the folds of flesh where her pussy lips met at the top. As I would find out its small size didn't make it any less of an electric location than a big one. I started off by flicking my tongue over her fleshy exposed pussy lips which soon had her purring with new found pleasure. Then I started dragging my tongue between her labia from the bottom to the top and over clit, all of which made her squirm with pleasure. Her young virgin pussy smelt and tasted so good but not as strong as the older girls I'd had. It fuelled my pussy hunger and I soon started munching on her muff like a starving man. If I wasn't dragging my tongue between her labia I was sucking on them or gently tugging on them with my lip covered teeth. Otherwise I was sucking and licking her more explosive clit or stabbing my tongue in and out of her like a small cock. All of this had her moaning and squirming with delight as her virgin pussy was stimulated for the very first time. Claire didn't leak as much love juice as Sabine, Paula and Emma had but what she did leak was tasty. Occasionally I broke for licking her out to tell her how sexy she was, how hot her pussy was and how good it tasted. In reply she told me how wonderful it felt having me lick her down there.

After giving her love box a dam good tongue I was ready to pop its cherry. I kissed and licked my way up her flat stomach, stopping to suck on each breast before kissing her. My face and lips were coated in her pussy juice which wasn't to her taste so I stopped. I looked at her plain but kind of cute face as I nuzzled my cock head between her labia.

"What about a condom? I don't want to get pregnant." She worriedly said.

"Don't worry I've got a morning after pill. It is better if your first time is bare so you can feel everything." I said as I started forcing my man sized boy cock into her. My swollen knob passed her lips and was soon surrounded by the hot wet virgin tight confines of her 14 year old pussy. I carried on pushing so the walls of her love box stimulated my young cock head as her tight labia stimulated my thick throbbing cock shaft. A few inches in and my knob hit her virgin's veil. I only knew this because Sabine had told me what to expect if I popped a girl's cherry.

"This may hurt a bit but not for long." I warned her as Sabine had taught me. A very worried look spread across Claire's face but before she could say anything my big cock had burst through her hymen. She cried out and tears came to her eyes as her hymen ripped allowing me access to the depths of her virgin pussy. I felt blood flow around my big cock as I sank it in ball deep. Due to the fact that we were both only 14 years old yet I had a man sized cock her pussy really was a tight squeeze around my cock and my knob had worked its way into her cervix which caused her some more discomfort. I nibbled her ears and kissed and nuzzled her neck as I held my 8.5 inch thick throbbing cock deep in her steamy hot wet pussy so that she could get over the pain of being cherry popped.

When her slight sobs faded and the pain had gone I started to fuck her with long slow gentle thrusts of my big boy cock. Her eyes would bulge whenever my swollen knob boxed her cervix, filling her tight young pussy to the max. It felt so unbelievably tight around my cock which made it feel so good. The hot wet quivering walls of her love box caressed and stimulated my swollen sensitive knob. Her tight fleshy pussy lips wanked my thick thrusting cock shaft. Her pubes tickled me and I enjoyed feeling her young lithe body beneath mine, especially her small pert tits squished against my chest. Now that the initial pain of being cherry popped had gone Claire was starting to enjoy being fucked for the first time. Expressions of pleasure flickered across her face although there was the occasional look of discomfort when my knob forced its way into her cervix. She was starting to moan with pleasure as she savoured the feeling of a hot hard cock thrusting in and out of her pussy for the very first time. She also started to caress my back which made it tingle.

For awhile I fucked her long and slow until Claire got used to being fucked for the first time especially by a cock as big as mine. For her it must have felt like being fucked by a man rather than a boy her age. It was a really struggle to hold back as I wanted to let rip and fuck her as passionately as I had with my previous three girls but Sabine had been a good teacher. She taught me when to be wild and passionate and when to be gentle and loving. As this was Claire's first time I knew it had to be the latter. But as she opened up to this now found pleasure I was able to pick up the pace a bit more and fuck her slightly faster and harder. Whenever I pulled back her hot wet tight pussy sucked on my retreating cock whose thick shaft pulled her fleshy pussy lips outwards. Then when I thrust in the velvet soft wet walls of her love canal caressed and stimulated my swollen knob as her labia wanked my shaft. When my knob penetrated her cervix it was like entering and even smaller tighter pussy.

All hint of discomfort had left Claire now as natural lust and instincts took over. She was groaning with the pleasure of taking a cock inside her for the first time. My thrusting cock was making her pussy throb and tingle in a way it had never felt before. She hadn't even played with herself, being an innocent virgin in the true sense of the word. Now I had introduced her to the pleasures of sex. I felt sorry for the next few boys to fuck her as she would think they had tiny cocks not realising it was me that was abnormal. She was really getting into it now. Slutty and lustful looks of sexual pleasure played across her face, the adult expressions contrasting against her innocent schoolgirl appearance. She was moaning with pleasure and her lithe body was quivering under mine. This allowed to me to fuck her even faster and harder which heightened the pleasure for both of us. This became a vicious circle with one outcome. The faster and harder I fucked Claire the more she enjoyed it, as well as me, so I'd fucker her that bit harder. Soon I was pounding away at her pussy like a jack hammer. My thick 8.5 inch schoolboy cock was ploughing the deepest depths of her schoolgirl pussy whose hot wet tightness quivered around it.

For awhile longer I fucked her, pleasuring her in a way she'd never felt before. Then she started saying "Ohoh" repeatedly and I felt the sexual tension rising in her young body as I fucked her closer and closer to her very first orgasm. I too could feel the cum boiling in my balls ready to be unleashed in her tight teen twat and take the last remnants of its virginity. A few more deep hard thrusts of my thick 8.5inch boy cock was all it took to send her over the edge. She began to loudly squeal as her orgasm hit so I had to cover her mouth with my hand. Her body quivered like mad underneath mine and her really tight pussy spasmed uncontrollably around my thrusting cock which she gushed girl cum over. This pushed me over the edge. I buried my big cock ball deep into her pussy with my swollen knob forcing its way into the opening of her cervix. I felt my body and balls tense up then my cock throbbed as it began powerfully squirting a big load of cum deep into her. I bucked and shuddered against her, my knob repeatedly boxing the opening of her cervix as my virile teen boy balls drained into her. Her squeals of orgasm became mingled with purrs of pleasure as she felt a boy cum in her pussy for the first time. Feeling her muff orgasming around my cock fuelled my orgasm and I pumped a massive load into her before finally running dry. At the same time the spasms in her pussy faded as well. Totally spent I pulled out of her cum filled, cherry popped vagina and lay beside her, both of us savouring the post orgasm after glow.

After we got our breath back she apologised for wetting herself. This naivety made me chuckle and I explained to her that she didn't and that it was her orgasm. I then made her take the morning after pill and explained it would make it safe for me to carry on fucking her without a condom until after her next period and as I was only going to be there for another week it meant I didn't have to use one for the rest of the holiday. We then went back to the campsite for lunch. Then in the afternoon I took her back to our shagging spot and fucked her doggy style as I frigged her pussy lips and clit sending her off into another orgasm. Then in the evening we went back and I got her to ride my cock and play with her pert bouncing breasts as I rubbed her clit. That night I went to bed with drained balls and contented that I had just introduced a virgin girl to the pleasures of sex. The next day she wouldn't let me fuck her as she said her pussy was sore so I gave her further coaching in the art of sucking cock. This time I came in her mouth. I told her beforehand not to stop until I'd finished cumming and if she didn't like the taste she could spit it out afterwards. I didn't think the cum was to her liking but I shot so much of it she had to swallow. Later that day we 69ed with her on top. I licked her pussy to orgasm until she gushed her delicious girl cum into my mouth and over my face as I shot a load of spunk into her mouth which she seemed to have less revulsion at swallowing. Then later on I tongue fucked her to another shuddering orgasm before wanking off onto her black pubed pussy so she could see a boy's cum for the first time. After that I fucked her at least once a day until the end of the holiday and with each the apprehension over my big boy cock faded.

If you liked this let me know at The next couple of chapters are straight sex but gay sex is on the way.

Next: Chapter 4

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