Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Aug 27, 2012


Paying with my arse 6

This is a work of bi-sexual fiction. For those who have persevered with my previous chapter hoping for gay sex the wait is over. If you have being enjoying the straight sex then you may as well skip this one. If you like it why not make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Failing that I'd love feedback on what you thought of it at

Oh no I'm dead they're still here and have seen me. Shit and its Leroy and Wade. Leroy is a 21 year old black guy with closely cropped back hair. He has a face he can light up to bag the ladies or scowl to scare the shit out of anyone else. He is also well built. Definitely spends time down the gym. He's not built like a brick shit house he's more of a boxer's build which is worse as it gives him strength and speed. Jezz look at the way the armbands of his tee shirt are stretched by the size of his biceps. From the way it clings to his body you can see he has a well sculpted chest and ripped abs.

As for Wade he's a closely cropped red head with a ginger stubble goatee. He's 22 I think and although he isn't quite as defined as Leroy he has the same strength. Yeah maybe I am pretty cut for a 15 year old but I wouldn't stand a chance against one of these guys let alone both of them.

"There you are Ben. We were beginning to think you might be trying to avoid us for some reason."

Just look at his smug brown face with it undercurrent of threat.

"Ohh..Hi guys....No just finishing up for summer."

"Well the govnor wants to see you"

This is bad I can a malicious look in Wade's face too.

"Here we'll give you a lift."

Shit Wade has just bundled me into the back of the car and Leroy is getting in the driver's seat. Oh no wade's putting a pillow case on my head. Shit would the really bump me off for a £200 debt. I am so scared.

"Here we are."

You can tell from the lilt in Leroy's voice that they are going to have some fun in teaching me a lesson.

I can see again and breathe easier now the pillow case has been removed. What is this place? Looks like some old garage. Leroy is spinning me about. Shit who are these people?

There is Whitey which must nickname as he is a black guy of about 24. He has a mean don't mess with me face that has a smirk on already. There's Leroy and Wade of course. Oh shit there is Carlos and Mick. They both go to my school and have a mean reputation. I've seen them hanging out with a gang that the rest of the school tires to avoid. Carlos is 18 and in the last year of school. He's a tall slim, lean black kid who always wears a red bandana around his short braided black hair. He has a street mean face to with a pencil moustache.

Mick is 16 and in the year above me although he only looks 15. He has buzz cut dark brown hair and although he's short he's quite compact. Are they going to be joining in the hiding or is everyone here to watch Whitey do it. Either way the whole school is going to know about it next term. I don't know who the other four are. The meanest looking one has more of a buzz cut than Mick, looking one above being a skin head. He's got a mean face too. He looks about 23 and tall and slim but I better he can do me some harm. Then there is a red head of about 22. He looks like he's got some muscle tone to him. Of the remaining two one is a blond guy about 18 with a lean body and black flame tattoo on his right arm. The other is a black haired guy about 19 with elaborate tattoos on each upper arm. I have no fucking chance against this lot. I'm going home in a body bag.

Why you ask is a good grade, well off school kid surrounded by 9 mean looking lads itching to teach me a lesson. Why it is my parent's dumb idea for me to work for my pocket money to instil a work ethic into me instead of bum around like my other rich mates with our folks paying our way. I'd tried some jobs but they were also dumb or boring. Besides I was too busy shagging girls. Then I struck on the idea of getting some dope of Whitey and selling it to my mates at a profit to pay for my summer. Great plan until Dad found the stash and flushed it, hence me being here today. Its pay day and I didn't get to flog an ounce.

"I believe you've got some money for me."

"I'll get it to you honest Whitey, I just need some more time."

"Do I fucking look like a bank?"


Shit from the look he's giving me I know I'm done for. Try and reason with him.

"My Dad found the gear before I could sell any of it. I just need a couple of days to flog some of my stuff."

"What did I say when I gave you the gear?"

"That...if I didn't..paaayy...up on time I' trouble."

"Now is that time. I'll ask again. Do you have my money?"


"I'll have to take my payment another way."

Why are they all laughing? What was the joke? Shit I'm real scared now.

"Grab him guys."

Dam they're coming at me from all directions. Shit someone has kicked the back of my leg. I'm falling to the floor. I can't stop myself. Umph someone has sat on my back.

"Roll him."

That must be one of the guys I haven't seen before as I don't recognise the voice. The guy on top of me is lifting off and although I may be pretty buff for a 15 year old I know I can't budge his weight. Oh it's the red head. Quick punch him in the nuts. Aww fuck too slow. Leroy has pinned down my right arm and Wade has my left. Struggle like mad I might be able to wriggle free. I'm done for now. The skin head and the blond lad have pinned my legs. Why is the red head undoing my school tie? They're not going to strangle me over a £300 dope debt are they? He's shuffled back and has his arse pressed against my groin. Now Leroy and Wade are bringing my hands together. Trying to fight it but can't. Now the red head is tying up my hands with my school tie. Jeez any tighter and he'll cut off circulation.

If I close my eyes and open them may be I'll find it is all a bad dream. Shit this is for real. They are hoisting me up and Leroy has got me in a neck lock. What the hell is the red head doing? He's taking off my belt.

"Do you know what happens to naughty boys who don't do what they're told? They get the belt."

Shit he just whacked the palm of his hand with my leather belt and he didn't even flinch.

Oh no he is undoing my school trousers. He can't spank me bare arsed Carlos and Mick will see not to mention it's going to fucking hurt. Phew he's just pushed my trousers and bent me over a table. At least my boxers will give me some padding.

"OK lads, one whack each but three rounds."

Shit that's 24 lashes, 27 if Whitey joins in but he seems to be content to watch me take my punishment. Oh no there goes my boxers. I hope the front of my shirt covers my cock. It's embarrassing enough that my arse is on show let alone my tackle. Not that I've got anything to be ashamed of as I bet I beat nearly everyone in the room but showing you junk to other guys is gay and that I'm certainly not.

"Oh fuck."

Damn did that sting like fuck.



My buttocks are on fire already and I've only taken three lashing.


Don't cry


Can't help it, too painful, eyes welling up.




God I can't take any more of this and I'm only a third of the way through. My buttocks are stinging so bad I won't be able to sit down for a week.

I'm in so much pain but at least it is over. My poor arse has taken 25 lashes of my leather belt as the fucking red head gave me another for good measure. My cheeks are smeared with my tears and my nose feels all snotty. My arse feels like I have sat on a hot plate, the checks feel red and on fire. My knees are still trembling as the stinging sensation in my buttocks is so bad. Now Whitey is stood in front of me. Keep starring at the floor. Don't let him see the pain he's put me through. Awww he's grabbed my hair and lifted my face up to meet his. Just look at the way he's savouring my suffering.

"Have you learnt your lesson Ben?"

"Yes." I snivel.

"Good. Now it's time to pay your debt."

"But I thought..."

"No that was the lesson. Now you're going to pay with your arse."

"What do you mean?"

Holy fuck look at the size of that thing. He's just pushed his trackie bottoms down and exposed his cock. I can't believe he's done that in front of his mates, especially as he is boned up with a major stiffy.

Jezz I know I'm well hung but he beats me hands down. He's got to have a good couple of inches on mine and it is even thicker. He must really rip up a girl's pussy with that thing. I'm not gay but you got to be impressed by it. Looks a good 11 inches with a nice thick shaft. It's a slightly darker brown than the rest of him and pretty veiny. Guess it needs to be to keep that thing pumped up. He's got a small dense bush of curl black pubes with a trail leading up to his navel. He's got big low hanging balls too. I bet when girls see that they either run a mile or think they've won the lottery.

"I'd like to introduce you to the debt collector."

What the fuck is he talking about? Why is he smearing KY jelly on it? Oh fuck no he couldn't possibly be thinking that. I'm not gay and he hardly looks it either.

Phew it's just mind games, he's pulled his trackies up. He's just trying to scare me shitless. Well he succeeded. He'd tear my arse in half if he tried to fuck me with that thing. Shit that stings. He's grabbed my hair again and lifted my head up. I can see us both reflected in the mirror. Damn I look a mess. My hair is ruffled, my eyes are all red and puffy and my nose is all snotty. Whitey is stood behind me and he has an evil grin on his face.

"Say hello to the debt collector."

"Oh fuck take it out!"

Holy shit he's just rammed the head of his cock into my arse. The sting in my spanked buttocks is nothing compared to the sting in my pucker. It feels like a red hot poker has been jammed up me.


I've never felt anything so painful in my life. He's ramming his massive cock into me. I can felt the head forcing open the walls of my arse which is painful enough let alone the fact that it feels like a hot saw is being grated against my sphincter. It's so bad my eyes are watering worse than when I got spanked.

"Ummph." His knob has just forced its way into my colon. Does it feel this painful to girls when my cock penetrates their cervix?

"Erngh." He's forced all of his massive 11 inch cock into me. I can feel it stretching my cherry arse wide and penetrating it deep. It hurts like fuck as if a red hot poker has been thrust up my arse. His cock feels so hot and hard and I can feel it throbbing inside me.

"Yeah bitch you've got all of my 11 inch cock up your arse, now I'm going to fuck the hell out of you. I love popping cherry with my big black cock."

Whitey lived up to his word and fucked the hell out of me which was the most painful thing I'd ever felt in my life. He pulled his big 11 inch cock all the way out of my arse and a wave of relief flowed through me as the pain dissipated from my arse. However that was short lived as a sharp searing pain radiated out from my sphincter as his swollen knob punched it open. His knob then brutally forced open the walls of my virgin tight arse and buried deep in my colon as his long thick cock shaft sawed against my cherry pucker. I can see the pain in the reflection of my face whereas Whitey had a shit eating grin on his face, really getting off on the pain he's giving me and the pleasure of having my hot wet virgin tight arse gripping the fuck out of his massive black cock.

"I'm glad you couldn't pay. Raping your virgin white arse is much more fun." He grunted as he pulled his cock all the way out of me and then back in making my arse throb with pain. I knew I'd just have to grit my teeth and take it although I wasn't sure which would be more painful, being fucked by his big cock or having the shit kicked out of me.

"Come and take some pictures I want to show the bitch what he's taking." Whitey ordered and Mick, who went to my school, came over and started taking snaps. I heard the camera click when my arse was free of whitey huge cock, then again when his knob was pressed against my sphincter. A groan of pain from me and a snap of the camera as Whitey's large knob forced its way into my arse. Another click when Whitey's thick 11 inch cock was half way in my aching arse and then again when he'd bottomed out. Mick then moved in front of me to show me the pics. I saw the colour contrast of my golden tanned, spanked red buttocks against his big dark brown cock. I saw how obscenely wide my pucker was stretched around his monster cock, no wonder it hurt.

Whitey continued to rape my white boy arse, really mashing up with his big black cock. He must really tear up girls' pussies if he fucks them as brutally as he's doing me. He's keeping my head up so that we can see the reflection of our faces in the mirror. He's really getting off on raping my virgin arse I can see it in his face, a mixture of domination and sexual pleasure on his street mean face. I have to admit it isn't hurting as much now and his big knob keeps bumping something inside me which is starting to feel pleasurable. So much so that my cock is starting to swell.

Fight it. I don't want them to think I'm enjoying it. But I kind of am. There is only the occasional stab of pain and my arse is starting to throb in a pleasurable way. Shit it's still growing. Don't concentrate on that nice feeling when his knob hits that button inside me. Fuck it feels too good. Dam I'm well boned up now, feeling like a rod of steel.

"The fucker is enjoying it, he's well boned up." I heard Wade say.

Dam Whitey's gripped my cock. Wow that feels good.

Shit I shouldn't be thinking that I'm as straight as a die.

"Everybody loves taking my big black cock." Whitey grunted as he rammed his cock into me hard than before as if to emphasise the point.

"I fucking don't, I'm not a fag." Although it is starting to feel kind of good but I don't want him to know that.

"You will be by the time I've finished with you." Whitey said which caused a chuckle to ripple through his gang.

Have they all been fucked by him or do they just like to watch. I doubt Mick and Carlos have as they always seem to have chicks around them.

Whitey is really pounding my arse now. He pulls back until just his knob is inside me and then powerfully thrusts all 11 inches inside me so that his knob penetrates my colon.

It really is feeling good now. Shit I hope he's not turning me gay. Hell no I love munching muff and screwing pussy too much for that. The thick ridge of his swollen knob is really stimulating the walls of my tight arse as he powerfully thrusts his cock in and out. Even his long thick veiny cock sawing against my widely stretched sphincter is making it throb and tingle in a pleasurable way. Then there's that nice feeling when he bumps that spot inside me. No I'm not turning gay it must be a defence mechanism to get over the fact he is raping my arse with his monster black cock. But it does feel so good now. I wonder if this is how pleasurable a girl's pussy feels when I fuck them with my 9 incher. He's picking up the pace, maybe he's getting close to busting a nut. My ordeal maybe nearly over. Jezz he's really slamming me now. My arse is throbbing but in a really good way.

It was false hope he just kicked up a gear. I thought he was about to bust a nut but that was five minutes ago. It is really weird but I'm kind of glad he's still fucking me. I never knew being fucked up the arse can feel so good. It has made my cock achingly hard and drooling loads of pre-cum. Wonderful sensations are radiating out from my well fucked arse. I never knew they could take a cock as big as Whitey's but he's proving them can. It might feel good but I doubt I'll do it again. I want to be drilling a bitch not being the bitch. Fuck he's really drilling me now. My arse is on fire with pleasure. I may have to start using my Mum's dildo on my arse, that way I get the pleasure without being gay.

"Get ready for my cum bitch."

"Aghh." He's roughly rammed all 11 inches of his thick cock into me. I can feel it swelling.

"Fuck yeah!"

He's cumming in my arse. I can feel the wet warmth of his jizz spreading deep inside my quivering arse. His cock is twitching like mad and he's fucking me with short deep thrusts. This must be what girl's feel when I flood their pussies with my spunk. His mean face is glazing over with pleasure as he drains his balls into me. He's locked me with his eyes letting me know I'm his bitch. His orgasm is dying down now but it feels like he pumped a big load up my battered arse. He's holding his dick deep in me, must be savouring that post orgasm glow same as I do whenever I cum in a girl.

Whitey's pulling his massive cock from me. I can feel my arse sucking and closing after it. There's that last sting as his swollen knob pops out of me. Thank God that is over. It may have felt good at the end but now that my arse is free of his cock I can feel how sore it is. I'll be walking funny for ages.

"Right boys he's all yours."


"Shit boy your cherry arse isn't worth a £300 dope debt. We've all got to get our monies worth."

Fuck I'm not going to be able to take 9 fucks in a row. My arse is stinging like mad now. Looks like I'm going to have too as Leroy is pulling down his jeans. Wow his cock is as big as mine, a good 19 inches. It's a dark brown with a nicely veined shaft. He's uncut but his foreskin has peeled back to expose a pinky brown knob. He's got big balls in a tight brown sack and a small dense bush of short curly black pubes. Mmm fit body. He's just taken his tee shirt off. Nice smooth well sculpted dark brown pecs. Six pack abs and strong well toned arms. If I was a girl I'd definitely go for him. No I can't be turning gay, I'm just checking out the competition. Just giving a guy respect where it's due. He must work out regularly. Shit he's moving behind me no doubt to ram that big 9 inch cock up my aching arse.


Jezz he didn't even tease he just rammed it straight up me. It made my ring piece sting like fuck and my arse throb. He's cock feels so hot and hard in me, I can feel it throbbing with his heart beat. He's got that same mean domineering look on his face that Whitey had so my arse is probably in for the same treatment. Yes it is, he's launched straight into a rough hard fuck. Got to say though that the pain is fading already and being replaced with that nice feeling. Maybe it's not going to be so bad after all.

Mick is stood in front of me now with his tee shirt off. For a short guy he's pretty cut. Not muscular but well defined. He may be 16 but he looks a bit younger. His face is a bit of a contrast, it looks kind of cute but with his buzz cut it also looks kind of mean. His skin is milky white and his subtly sculpted chest and rippled abs are totally hairless apart from a thin treasure trail leading into his trackie bottom. His arms are nicely toned too. Why is he pushing his trackie bottoms down? Maybe he's just showing me what my arse will be taking next. From his height it can't be anything as big as Whitey's or Leroy's. It looks about 5.5 inches but pretty thick and as pale as the rest of him. I've never seen a circumcised cock before, makes his bell end look bigger. Nice sized balls on him in a loose sack. He's got a small bush of brown pubes and his hard cock is sticking out of them at an upward angle.

Shit he's moving towards me.

"Whitey may have got your anal cherry but I'm going to get your oral cherry."

He can't possibly be meaning to stick his dick in my mou....

Keep my lips clenched. There is no way I'm taking a cock in my mouth. The bastard grabbed my hair and when I opened my mouth to cry out he pushed his cock in.

"Bite or graze my cock with your teeth and I'll punch you in the head."

Shit by the tone of his voice he means it. It's not that bad anyway really. Not much of a taste to it maybe a little salty with sweat. Jezz he made me gag when his cut knob hit the back of my throat but I managed to keep it down. I gasping for air though, he's just hold all 5.5 inches of his cock in my mouth blocking off my airways. It feels hot, hard and throbbing. My nose is buried in his pubes which smell a bit sweaty and has that smell my groin has whenever I'm horny, pheromones I think if I can remember from biology lessons.

I can't believe this is happening to me, I'm being fucked at both ends. I'm not gay yet I'm being treated like some cock hungry rent boy. Leroy is thrusting his big black cock up my arse as Mick fucks my mouth and there is no way I can escape. Although there's not much to this cock sucking, it's just like having a hot dog sliding in and out of your mouth. In fact I kind of like feeling the bumps of his veins rubbing over my lips and tongue. There is the downside of the salty taste of his pre-cum. When he bottoms out in my mouth his balls bash my chin and I'm getting the hang of controlling my gag reflexes when his cut knob plugs the back of my throat. He's fucking my mouth as vigorously as Leroy is doing my arse. The other downside is the embarrassment that he goes to my school and now knows I've been fucked up the arse and have sucked cock. I doubt he'll tell anyone though as that means he would have to say he was involved too. I hope he's not going to cum in my mouth as I hate the taste. It was bad enough when it was my own and Sabine would squirt it into my mouth from her pussy after I'd fucked her, let alone tasting another guy's jizz.

Dam Leroy is really pounding my arse now. His thick 9 inch cock is ramming into me like a pile driver. I can feel his knob punching open the walls of my arse as his thick veiny cock saws against my sphincter. I'm really getting into the way it makes my arse feel but I hate the fact it is another guy fucking me. My arse is throbbing and tingling with pleasurable sensations as Leroy's cock plunges in and out of it. I'll definitely use a dildo on my arse but once this is over no more cocks as I'm not gay. He must be getting close to busting a nut from the way he is fucking me. Mick must be too as he's picked up the pace as well. Although this is degrading being made to take cocks at both ends against my will it is feeling pretty nice, especially in my arse. Even my mouth is getting used to the taste of Mick's cock and pre-cum.

"Here it comes bitch."

He's just rammed his cock ball deep into my arse and I can feel him firing off. His hot cum is squirting against the walls of my arse and mingling with Whitey's. I can feel his big hot hard cock throb with each ejaculation. He is moaning with pleasure as he stabs my arse with short deep thrusts as he drains his balls into my arse. Boy is he squirting a big load and I like the feel of it. I can feel the warm cum squishing around his thrusting cock head.

"Suck my knob."

I better do as he says. He's stopped fucking my mouth and I've started sucking on his swollen cut knob. That horrible salty taste is there now I'm concentrating on the head as his pre-cum drools straight onto my tongue.

Get ready to pull my mouth off the second he starts cumming. Shit he's grabbed my head I can't move. Stop sucking then he won't cum.

Ergh Mick's spunking up in my mouth. I can feel his cock throbbing as it squirts jet after jet of yucky thick salty cum onto my tongue. Shit how much more cum can his balls produce? Already my mouth feels full of his horrible spunk, it's like thick salty porridge. I can't wait to spit it out. Or maybe I should swallow it at least that will get if off my tongue.

"Swallow my cum bitch."

Dam he's pinched my nose so now I have no option but to swallow it.

Yuck that was like drinking wall paper paste.

"Shit I needed that cock sucker."

Hell I'm no cock sucker you raped my mouth arsehole. I get you back. I might be a year young than you but I'm bigger and buffer. Just need to get him when he is on his own. At least he's pulled his cock from my mouth but the salty bitter taste of his spunk is still lingering on my tongue.

"Whose up next?" Whitey asked

"May as well keep the theme going and fuck him with my black cock."

That must be Carlos as he is the only black dud here yet to fuck me. More embarrassment. Not only have I had my mouth fucked by another boy from school but another one is about to do my arse.

"I'll do his mouth."

That's blond guy.

"Yeah Lawrence let's spit roast the bitch."

So that's his name. They're sure making me pay.

If you liked this let me know at The next chapter will carries on from here.

Next: Chapter 7

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